The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 22, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
(Uljr Ontario Argus
i Kslalilislicd 1896.)
QBO. K. AIKBir, Kdltor mill I'liMI-liei .
I'uhli . Bd TltiirHdayi at Ontario. OngOBi and I'll
l re.l ill the (iiiliirlu post office for distribution as 2nd
.id- mutter
t)ne Year ... $i ;.o Thru Moathi - $ ,o
il Month - loo Slngta oobIbb - - ii.'.
All copy fin' display advertising should ha Bl HiIm of
lte bv Wednesday BOOB 'I'" Insure position ropy ibOBld
it In Hi in offloa on Tnaada.
Orkllllllll' It till' I nil' I fewer II tl pcrflllllo
in SJM human K Ml '
f riant a it i in tl of trutl sad trland
Bhtp mill from tha bovcln will apring thi bio on ol
i ihii Bad Ibobi ii I Hi"? hi
.-i ; 1 1 1 s bavc gained political freedom and can
maintain it, then indeed historj will record
that the great war with all its loss of life and
property will not have hern fought in vain.
' 'iili"H pomp, ami with almost lin din
iurbanci to the macliineiv of govirnincn1 n
; volution in Hussis paused th- abdication
h' th' t 'jMinr and the Institution of a new
govcrunv 'it. Aside from tin1 Oii'at war
Mrlia)fl, the f i atest nitiurli'
'vi .i renting marked ly cereal ep
ih affairs of nations.
While the eulminat injj i 1 1 uts UmV p!ae'
i jn-t ;i iiw - 'ii.i-t lnuiit. I hew ran no! h
illcil those in whieli the ntoveineiil wan
i ii and matured. The 17 hupppss of the
i vnintii.n deinonstrati h how thoii m
.vr iiiMii the preparal ion, Tin
ii iialil dm' In the )COIUtlttlda ulin-li lui-
ii in proKniw for ipm' ration, whieh lias
ni thoiiHaiidfi in deatii in Silwrian prisons.
These earl,1! at riots, the most radical of
v limn have bwti known a Nihilist, hore
fruit quieki.i when tin opportune moment
was struck, ami the manner In wldeh the
public responded demonstrates how deeply
.iird iii the Itussian licsrts was the desire
7 r a change.
Thai there maj lie counter revolutions Is
. Itogether likely. There ire marly 130 na
tions in the Russian Einpirc, whieh Im-- i
t .tal of 100 million people. That such a
,ast munlter of eoie ran be nded h ;
svprcscutativp form of government, with
cut some friction Is iKiyoud tl" reason, en
i . riall KJnee si 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 v of them are in delist
iiii'iaini i if the primary attributes of self
g rvcrnmciit.
, riii iih of the 1 id ted State do mit
i .i ill!' pt -ri i liM-l it a failin el w i
hi in I the hi Iii 'si warn in
Jisimv hefore mir overniiMMit waK Hindi
iMtabll lied, and now with UK) years t if self
ii. 'in ut In hind n. with ih'' greatest
iblie school Kysteui of the world, we have
'i in . . i ,i 1 1 Isiun ni our M'iilr mi a ital
uestion of national honor and integrity.
Thi' Itussian easau1 may be saved b) his
. vn iinniam r and his trust in leaders. Thai
lie will casil.i follow tltese leaders m
l robalde, or Louu. ere this he would have re
volted against the rule of the Uotnaiuiffs.
The ipiestioii Is, will the leaders apMar, or
I ave tin aiHiiaii d and will tins In ; . I I In
I old tin' I'ailh ut' tin i,.iic until tin infant
i iiimi outgrown it- swaddliuu. clothes audi
' kcx nil tlir -taliin "I man in tin- colllK ii iif n
There was real exhibition of the "go
get em" spirit at the meeting of the Com
im Trial Hull Munda eveidng. Not in a long
tiuii' have so uian imn of the city attended
a meeting of the club and considered the
problems that race the community,
Do something, That was the spirit of the
meeting. Instead t' building air castles the
men present urged the necessity of laving
the of progress here by working
fur the iiiiliinldiiiL; id' some pel niamut iu-
dutr connected with the agricultural In
terests already represented.
There is sound philosophy in the move
ment t" improve conditioils bj helping to
make thi a better market for the ranchers
and to look Hrst to the welfare of the rancher.-
who are here now, leti ins tfteir prosperi
ty lie the nutglict Which will draw the addi
tioiial settk y- wlm will make Missible the
growth of a greater Ontario,
To make sissibli the accomplishment of a
ii -w thin-- For the improvement of the city
In the club i mphnsis was made on the lie
ii'ssit) r r more members. This is the first
essential. V -tart was made at the meeting
ami the -it, contributing mcmlsM's was in
I 'i'.Mei in hi, a gain of one third in one
evening, There i- no reason whj the mem-
ln i hip -liniild Hot he 200, and it will be If
the plan- outlined for the work t" be under
taken by the club materialise.
In their determination to increase tin mi
end activities the board is n gnixing as
fundamental the proposition that i rgan-
isatioii ran long hold a membership which
receives no tangible return for the due-,
spent. Mi ill luxallv to the city and an
interest lit Its growth Is isit i magnet fora
-uilii lent number, but loj alt combined w ith
a measure of pleasure will briug to the elub
mans memberi who otherwhu1 would ist
In .ill raited. And nine they join the eluh
their interest in other than social activities,
can more resdil lie secured,
The biggest and
best store in On
tarin to do your
A child can simp here with absolute .safety.
We carry
and at the
Senator Julieii . Hurley as a member ol
In Icirislative mad committee i- in a iiosi-
lion to do -nal Work for Malheur nuinh
a. id I'lasiirii Oii'jfon. Hi- recent sucucss in
-iiiiii- the lliuhwav couuidssiou to iiM'lude
iii it plan fm -tale mad- the extension of
lln load I mm 1 1 nut in-ton to Ontario to coll
ni . t with the post roads proposed from
Item! to the Idaho line i- the lir-t -tip he
lias taken and should serve to unite (lie m. id
enthusiasts of this section he hi ml his efforts.
Come See the New
Suits, Coats, Dresses
You'll Marvel at Their Smartness
at Such Low Prices as We Have
Marked Them Look them over.
i 'n no' iii piiiin a
in II .i- In lln- Niii .ln-
iiinvc ili'-lmi.
Ill lln- urn Mill MriIM
ail In. lie- ulilr In nil
llir IbIM ".IlllllfN.
il Ii 111 ill
1 1
I in M.n,
W.iinii mill
I I, II. '..ii.
i i.u i mw sin
l I OK Till MOV
Tin: MfftfT coci
in nil-: niiMiii
SYQ UJT1 on-iiii ui.n. Tin.s..
Hull llill- llll' nlllll'l ni'lulil ulll
.ii.ifi Ijilr Hie liii I lie urr K"ln
i. mi . lull Hue ni Su lim mill
Miiiiiiici' ni-iulii 1 1 ,iiii mm mi
III .III I .lli-.l.- sll.llll-
iii pink, n'M- Or
Mill' mill ulna SSI
ni -,l. ii. Ilil iiimlli t In
... i i. nii mill ill--ilin
i i i -. ii I ill ni
1.50 ' ift.OO
sn.h i-i rinoAis
Sllll'l) tint Mill Ulllll
IHII- ul llll's,- ill I I III Ihl--Ilk
IM'llll I nil- III
uinti Ii uiiir uru -nil
or llir-- nml -in Ii mi
MIT) ni urn -liuilr- ,i
t it'll Mini ni Itmlci'-
The hiuue.-t and
In -I -tnrc in On
tario to do our
A child can shop here with absolute tafct J .
W'r earrv
and at tin
BrbWl !' v.i iiiI.its, mhIi) thai li wan a pleaaure in not,.
The pnss dispatches failed to earrv the
message of congratulations which Oinisiu
Wilheliii the Kaiser sent Cousin Nick tin when he not canned, lull must lie Woll
deriiiu If he is mt.
Ontario aurees with Nnlc on the intention need.-
ip Hid roads. That i- one thin-. St least, j i;
(fundi, a. . I di. in I'lr l I'ata.l
lln- city ilni'.- mil ili'M'liipe, lii !-i-Uri'il,
it will not Imlil Iih BWI i"
nml ulrl- vkln'ii limy .im (VOW! Iiul
tlii-y will keek oilier tuwim uml cll-n-
v. Ii uli are BVBglWBtVB BB
Klv litem lite OUburtUBltlSM lliev
I'.ltinllS '.
If It i pi i
isiblc that tin Kit I milli
n Kn
oll which the conunuiiitii
unite in iMNiHtiutf.
- can auiee ami
I pater 1
, i . ,ii it i il.i- i'i'K li' li'.i.'ti nf
i'li ill -il.n in Ml
It ulli Hraccwell al tl"' Iioibb ul Mr
.in I Mr II Mn nniiill at I'linl
i. ni. i iini a ii' "i tlw
n. Ih iilul ii lain...- ul On' ."iii I
. . i row oiu.iri.i aad PrultlBBd
1 1 n aacpi i:i I' I. w alkar "i
1 1' la td ni i lie ' 1 1 nnii
dial part) motored lo Untai
tin) a'eddlai dlBBar aru ' v''!
tin- : .mi ni tbi irooiu' parenta, Ml
ntiil li- I IjiI.'J TbB t'O'l'' in Itoutteaaep
ina .il n I'.uirli nine mil' ii ni iii.- -.'.. . aad in i iib 1 1' .'i
tun. .il. .-.- -. i in . ' i lllal i"i'
of their nuiii' ii lend
Down Town Office
in Ontario tl r 81 llll. datd Bl
Hi.- I.illilh liniiie Silli,l.i nlli'i nuiin
i uueral lot im -ii.i mora
mi. iiml.'r tin- .in. I'linii nl li II. Ml.
.it I. n int ion Mi-- iiii-uii -niii
li.'i i-ii'u.. lili- in Oni.iii.i lln .1. ..I ill in.iiiii .-I... araa BBBblB to
con I In ui work bayou d
Jn.l m-.ii lllgll Si .""I I'm. r.ii
ajto -in- ni'iit iu IHirtlaad In I ha
'.lltll .Hill ,
turned ahowiui uarkad luipi
mini, inn iii.- m-i. mi attention
ii. il.d l. li.'i' : .1 1 r, ho i- ill l"i
i , I in. mi ha in mi.' i.i- dost h. ii
ii... in iii i. n ii.'i- uroaglli i-'oi
'in i . hai iii.nii' .i I'l.n dflii
i In-niK fur ,i
ii,. mi. in Ilia i'. mi'. it:.' win. li baa I'.'i n
h.-r in.i-i iii.irUi.l quallt) Ui i 'ii. I
u.i quia) nml ...'liii -iiiKim; ,i-il
Int.. -l.-.p li'.iiii whii'li -Im did BaSj n,,,,', ,,,,-,.,., ,i, ,(,.,k in be
awaacB. . ;,i ( ii,,. i.ii.nn rrlda) aveolui
Im- iii. ... . .1 It Mirwwil ! liei Muri, ;;oth at 8 o iloi'k.
younger brotliM and -i-ter. Jay uml
Viola misled. -Mideiils iu Ontarhi j , line of Iron-Id.' w.i- In
She I... ' ier r.-hn It
mam fl'len.l- alio him- hein null h
B IM BBll ii i I mi. i . id "li
h'l'llll in ii
i KH oi ill tSKS,
U. m-h 1. 1 ih. ink tha BIBB) irieml-
w ho by u. t- nl kin. In .in.l .- in
BBthj Kan- n,- aid ill mil lioiu- nf
stirrnw during, tha lllnaaa uml daalh
of our iiunt .Mi small Randall
E. N Win "I and family.
Tha funeral tervloat for .Mr- Sar
ah K, in. I, ill ho ill. -.I al tl.i- Iniini-
..i Mr ami ii i w nod took
plaoa i lurada) Btornlng aad the body
.i- i.ik. n tu tha old inline iii Prlni
.in Iowa, for Interment
Dob'I forfli t thai the h
now ;inn on at'-
II r llo.M'i- lili Monday Biornlng
lor I'm (land, mid Bill xi-lt It. Mid mid
iilllef illtelliil I'itle- hi'lore nllirillllK
I.. Oniai n.
lilKh Senuiil ami by her Hunt ami till
vie. Mr and Mri. Atbur Velliiii.iu
of tin plan, ultli m'ioiii -he lia
llved for year ihikI Her
niother, l-Mliell.i Jaae Ousted and In
fant brother died In Ontario In IMS
Aad bar father in the Hgriai of 114
Ontario on iiit.-ine thin week
t'oiisult imr Want Ads
You may tiiul just what you
are looking for. $
lllai kab) iniked mi tha aaad
..I Inlt.i rBBda mid luld .-IreitK oil the
n.-nelii- Whieh will net rue to tlnlarin
in the bnlldlag ol tha lyataai of bigb
arajn BfOBOBBd b) the boadlai ii 1 1
il.- inaed Hint the .lull got behind
I ie liliiMllielll to net out a hij; lavul
vice ci -iii.-iit .1 m la ii i- araa
called upon la outllas the BBtlvlUoa
mi.i Bahama "i operating tha t'aid-
u. II i'o in men ml eluh ol w In.-1 1 he wiis
pi Ideni ' rhla bs did brief
I) teiiini; nf (lieu- iiimi organlaatloa
i the rluli iln. ara n ad Of
Hie nrdilinr BK ' R I BBd tha public
It) work done tl. ru . i ipeClal fund rol
I. iled among the baalBBSa iiiteie-l-lur
btat purpo-e He BBf
miliar BrOBtlBMBS i- placed mi the
i. rial tea - nl the eluh 10 thai -v
ni man who pays .1 dollar pel mouth
a dollar's worth of plea-ure or
pi 1. ill from the . lull ll- Idea ol
a program for the Ontario eluh
ndeil hy ninny of the speakers
a ho follow d
llev. Herbert UTUBgSlOB touched
tha I'll 11 in linn. - uf tin- crow .1 with hl.
talk on "1 ' ciuiis 1 Have
Known " lie said that the BTB I BH
nffarina too much of tha old faah
loned hoi .ur roiuuierctel oluba arhoaa
principal husine-s had heen 1..
out hooklel- relntiiiir condition- so
ideal that hud lhe hi en ttu. tn.iv
would he no need for minister- in
1i1.1t tecum In-lead of .mil mimic
that practice, however, he said that
he wan glad to note that like the On
tarin club nu.-i of these orgauUu
tlon were now engaged in doin real
coii-trui ttie work
Mayor W. 11 llnmun tald that Hw
...rdirf directors wbb44 toB(f a4l ffaf
I bad ..ut lim-.l but thni thaj ...nlil cm
. .inipllsheil wllliuiil 10-oemtioii
I Tha ..aic lu f away frotj
1 ' iih' f 'letting (lourgti do i.'
aid the MajnBf They iiiukI slop II. e
saying, 'what are you fellows going
to do mid pi iu tha of saying,
vm' are going to do this or Unit
Judge Halt. .11 lligg started a re
joining of the club movement and BB
pre ed la- pleasure al the revival of
inter. -t In Hie H.lfare o lilie organl
lation District Attorney It V Swagler
urged a cte.iiii nclablllty tut the
..I K.llliiK Ihe vollliget men of
the city interested and told of I lie
ie the I. ii , I nl Cald
well lake in th. ,n,,n ,.
thai the eluh was throwing off II,,.
lethargy with which it had been en-
-hrouded for some time past
The neamguaril orchestra delight
ed the crowd with several BBBStlgaM
while James Conway and the VVelner
wurl Trio. Maaarn llyron Turner.
HerMcbel llrown and A K 1(1,1,11.. di
vided the vocal musical honor all of
which were Joyoualy received Harry
Morrow, Harry Farmer and William
l.axon provided the coffee and aand-wiche.-
at the proper hour and before
the meeting adjourned twenty sew
members were added in the rolls and
on motion of A I, 1 m kruiii the
President wa- authorized to have 11
iiilnllllltee o live mimeil lo plan a
iiiiinhet --lap . nmpaign.
New Hats Here
For Easter
o iiimn m -imiU'U i WIU. NAVK ltKi 1111
I lltsr Ol A M Mill It Ol I SI'H IIMMMIII IH IS
111 m WILL UK
Just the thing for Easter
They are Distinctive
Olii- fori,- I- BOB) eiei-y ,h. , liiuiininc nen hai- 1,, icpl.i.e 111
-link Ihe BBBBB numb. 1 Hi at me belna ileliveied, of 1 .,111 -,- 1 lie-e
me mil ilupli, ,.ie.l -1. mil, u,.u aluygej il new 0 imiiiiuu- .
Iii-I a. vaiie.1 no it a- il ivn- w ben (he BBBBM oiened.
i lioii e i-
I IWIII OI III si I tin l.tllsl Ol I I lilM.s.
know Tiixr iui'1,1, hi i-ii si:o.
Millinery and Art
Moore Hotel lllnrk
truick Sales
Sinmi Profile
Ht'l.l tl.HHK) I Proprietor