The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 15, 1917, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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i'(ii: s
III I'.l-I I ' I ll s l.Mll TllU's !
r i iiniih i inn nniii Plata
In Hie I I. l. n s.
I'fto Ailiims, biit l.ilnr, QloaP
Bran b
Paul r.ri i in . bachelor, Prod
Mrx ttberl liri mi-, widow, Dor-
i iqutah.
i ; v 1 it Brlicoe, Nan Tor balla,
linliy Wnlilrun
Nnriili O'Nall, splnsl-r. Ethel HM
Klnonor Morton, Itoi Ina PI mt,
(Continued from i
Hi i ol i his sit) ro-
ri-ivi I word
or in i hall ' " . M Part
er n-i II raara pi Oljrmpti W h
Initio,, iitnl nf In r liriiiluT Jadfi C
m Kajrta, aha AM "t iiuim- Wait
day tniiriilnn tl Ik nto- nf 7 1 y.-iirs
Willi their ihmIiik Mm. Talnr In
the lBt of the children of Jmli OH
tiiour Haven, who with IiIh family
cro-ed the plain. In 1862 an.) l.y hi J" f up R
active life contributed to tl... upbuild-, ,,,.. ,,,,,,.
Ina of UM old Or-gnn ,Prrltory lloili j ,,, , Rrelt
tne Home ann niympia, pnivm .--..ImiI
horn Mil week rerounl lli' IiIh
I Continued from First t'nv- I
ili'al of the- material to he lined ao
a I tri't- Hum will lie 1,1'tlpd for till'
tory of the family whin, wan p on,.- )f ft(. r(1(
nent In the political life of Wanning-,
Ion ami leouM
0, M llnyi" w In
mi, ..r (lie prominent pioneer attor
ney and newspaper men of IiIsiIki. I
member of the I iiiiHlllutliuinl BOP
raattaa pad leadlei npirii in Um io
velopni.'iit nf Sllwr Mi Ht win
Mherin nf out baa want) la Mm earlj
dayn and wan dl-lrl.t iittiinu Pad al
the Hi if hi' death wan municipal
Ju.lae of I'
fining to her own lllneio. Mm Tay
lor ttllH lllllllih' (O lllllllll I'll- fllll'
of .-llli. t li-r l.nilli'T or BteteT
funil for the
year Any balance left over after the
I ynar'K expennex are met will tie
lurne.l over to the permanent gym-
iiiimIiiiii fund.
Mr. Helen Ktrutlier, l'.iiinerl Willi
i iiikei-uii iii in- faJaai Chaaaai
i,i i ImiI. uml sun Daaart
inrnl .
n Inn. il Klrst I'ngc I
li ll.l.-n Sliulli. Mi who for BOON
tun,- h.iH I ii In i harae or tin- eiooa
sail department Of tlM W
Ik.-rMin -lor.- which closed thin
u.-.u I, uu ink. -ii rlnirt-e ol the khiih- ill H.i'l.-i llr.i
Mrx Slriuhir- took ,. iaj
i uff hint week anil went In MOM for
are adequately eared fOf P) IhOPI a vn. atloii ami to hruli up on tin il al
Thl- I,-. MM follow- ''-" eld..CMl II. Hi 1.1 .1-1
ji, ii,,, um. aMawar, Lya Bart mmbi la U Malta eaattai ten
What Styles for Spring
A ,.in- button uudk ; two or
thiii- IhiIIiiii; lnlt iill
iiruiiiul or 'iiii-li kirk '. Imj
um .ill lu-iv the be1 t Iph
, ii- ill iun''l ;iH ;nit v
l'"il'l Imm-.
DEGARDLESS of market
" conditions, Hart Schaffner
& Marx arc maintaining their
all-wool and high quality stand
ards in clothes.
Considering what you get for
your money, they are the low
est priced clothes you can buy.
We'd like to show you.
Home of Hart Schaffner &
Marx clothes.
rot aal all kind ol ledlni
Mith, Bach - ii. old . lothoa,
ohl cans uml Ihlniri thai pfodaoa
braadlai bmom for IMa tad oraata
nut mil .hi DffOfl to I ht i'i I , il ; Inn
ii ineii.'ii'i- In I In- hOOll h
"If the water from (he iIHcIick did
BOH im-rlliiw nr .",- p Inln III" ahnllow
w.-IIh the ilanger wuulil he uniall lull
wliei, that happena we will linvn BM
1 .lit Ions nuch an wo hail last fall Then
we have the out-of-door toilet aa an
other menace Certainly Mich a con
dition should not exlat where sewer
age la furnished aa It la In Ontario
"I beliere that It in poaalble to bet
ter these ciindltlons by appeal Ina to
the s-nse of Juntlce and eleonlineaH of
the people It la not always poaslble
in remedy rnnditloliR by l.-rl- l.itiim
We have been too prone to look con
stantly for nome IiIk Industrial boom
from the outside I hellcre we
! should ourselvea endeavor to hi-tle;
the i niiilltlona under which we live
and II will pay In dollars and enls
I am sure that the Improvements and
,li i nverlea In the aclence of aanlla
lion have save.) more lles than all
llie nn-dical dlsroverles of the past
.'i wars, and llial rOCJ BH) should
i-i,ilaMir tn rati k ii hlifh slnndard for
tin- lataraat of its oaoala
Um Somrtlilim H Biisr.
"Than are ikroa minas that hi
) mln, I -1111111 uppermost fur lln- I" I
i.-inuiit mi inndltloiis In (tularin."
said Mr Wee-e. "thai1 are sanltallnn.
waler and (riswt If Ihla clly Is BB hi
known aa a aood plan- In -lmli to
IIm- II must have all three II an not
have III.' flrl or I I hnlll I In-
-i-rund U i- ' .in nut lime BJOOd
tut lull lllliiul ili-nl nf water We
can imt arnw Ireis without II
"Tin- i ll .liuiilil etiili-.iinr to snhi-
Miler prnhli-1,1 .-lihi-r from doap
walla of soft water thai is il,-- I-- '
plan. I bolMtro; or hy pinnpliiK tlM
aator trow tha rlrar aad Rltarlni M
I ntrei- will, In Whllli.-y Ofl his
, .1 lln.ili- Ol " hi In -M- Ml -anil iIImi, .
Il was hy .he uppllciil Inn ol IhO
iruihs of thai M-ieine tint i in la s.iin
was ulile In hiilld lln- I ' it 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 it i. uml
Thai w.i i triumph of modlctaa mora
a il was a triumph al .-iikIih ring .
and lahnr l-'rnin mi.- of tlM most
an Iniilt liful spins iimli'i lln- ini ii
was mud.' us health) as am Vtinrliiin
ill II) rh-anliness and Ilia Oflfl
in.-tii of health i-.-rulalli"
Kilt h. as li Mtata under old lln
raiis. under old clothea In any uothliia
of the out nf-dimr lull. -Is an. I manure
plies Is lln- lir.-idlllK plili ." I",
tin- inii-i liidusirluu-- dls.-asi- spn-ailer
nf which we have knowledge Taa
niaiiill,- pili--, -In, i, 1. 1 I" a llli
Inn. or sotnelhliiK Hull will kill pi tin
llf,- I'll I .11 i-l I Ill-Ill up w I' il ,li I
, lln good
Then there is the aeothetli
Ol III" qll.-sl lull a hi I lllisi,t-l ill. lor
just to have pood arater pad pood
rape u imi oaaaaTh, we mu-i
more tree. I holloee we -lioul.l -i.iri
a , .,iii,.iil n t.-i ,, pi. nil III i! BiOBP
tin- ttreeta and lln- people -huuld be
ancouraped to plaol PMfi treea about
their linn.
"Ilil, Bhoe all ill il, n.- we -ii, mid al
leinpl to realUa and ui.'iilnplisli llie
thlape al'inil which we an taljitiK
. ran 'aik pboal then forever, aad
MTe inn-, -i"
ihlap ead I an plad to iee - bod) ol
nun pothered together to mnelder
lln- a stai u , Let'a us star, bobm
M iv nr Human. iiinu il'nau I -
A. V. rtaaei u ii Doallttle, 'nl
bertaon, h i Eoornaa and othere
talked brtofl) on varloui phi ol
tin- labjool ami in in. us at ten lion to
tin work a committee ooualatinp of
llr eese. l)r Whilney, A. l-'raa-er
ami W II llnoliltle was nanuM In
.ippuin, three ooBoUtloee of four
each to consider these matters and to
lepurt at the next meetlua The i-o, li
mine. s named were Sanitation, Dr.
Wi.-s.-, Frank Kader. II I. I'ei.-rsun.
(! K ,k-. Waler: T W Clagaelt,
J 0 M.CrelKht, Dr JaiMli I'muma.
W II lin.ilitile, Treea and I'ark; P.'
J. Oallaalier J W McCulloch. J W
Tr.i.-ll and Waller (ilenn
il was also de. idt-il to lorn, I per
luaneiii organlxatiou to u t nun, li
ly for a dinner and tn I hat Bad a
innnnittee nil arruiim-nn-nls for 'he
aexl meet lag was appointed conelet-l
lag ui Mayor Hoasan, a R ',
an. i w ii Doollttla A committee op
Bonatltntloa pad h lawa wea appolat
ed oonajotlap of J C MeCretgbt, I-.
I. rulheilsun and U K ik. n
Every's Qualifications In
Connecticut to Be Listed.
Card Catalogue of Entire Male Popula
tion SiKteen Yeare and Over Will Be
Reedy by April 15 8imilerly Every
Factory, Large end Small, Will Be
Lietod Separately.
Hertford Connecttcnl hi ganging Ita
war Btrangth as no otkai BteM in the
I nl"ii en,- I, is The BBMrnaaCf "war
ecnsiis" It nndertOOk alter the aevcr-
paea of ilpleoaatk retptfoaa wttkQor
niiinv will lie llnlsheil, it la lii-lli-vcil,
Is-fnre the middle of April
livi-ry mini will la Haled, ami oppo
site his name will lie his aec, trade, experience and family rcapon
nlhllity. Every faCtata will lie lUtexl,
jt earn . a
I'l -.. I ! II', II
ta i a ii. inn i '
ami i 1. p ill ha ,'"i nly the
I ," i .. ui'-iii. i uf gooua n in ins
Hi, Mini ii- uml iiiii'iiul uf war
- ii . uld in, ii out under pre- J
i udi r I be pi live dlrei ilea of Oai
ernev Uolcomb, HjOOO volnaMof wara
ere ore en aged tp the nroparotioa of p
.nil , a ' a of I he all,.' null.- pup
minimi (tsieau reara m age ami over.
Than pre paere ' " MXMKK) Thai win
beer complete aetnUet ahawhag thaagia
uaiionuliiy pad pill l al ' iiulliiiiii
Il will sli.m whether the man itotoi
has a,, one dependent mi him and thus
whether it would be fair to ptJoa hha
i" eiiiisi in the iii,n at the msi Bell
II will slum whether he has hod any
iiii.'liinii' al. i il or military i-i
f. i u-iii i- mid thai whether M would be
r lln- c", ii in ,,.-,, I lu u,l.n til ii.
i" hoar u nih- whop uoraapa he uiigiit
render far more raluabla aervtee n
or uunltlou worker at rbbbj.
ii . orpB
Himllarl) ever) ractorx, laraja ami
, belnp hated leperately. Con i
lull-Hi ,;, i ami . ios.-i guarded Uiforaaa
ii"n yiiu hy the ownera to Um gn
111 nil. ml linn an BUI I BMP Ol
try. lie
win know, i."i. boa mn workere,
ii. in. i ami untrained, are Beaded M
, , 1 1 1 1 j , each faeiorj andhowoaetl) aew can be trnlned to mJm the
in bigbl) akllled n ho
.1,1 I'ls.-M I
i ha i"i ' i i make the lut rotor)
ureruor llolcomb
lln- hmdlnp attoraeya of
Hurt ford .a, 'in- nlpfai folloa in-
n ,i-..,i auuouui iiii.-ni "i the
luvak . us v. ui, Li. riuany,
i in- povmiur was quick to aefaM the
iiiiii. He a,, ai i-i,i lu aihlreae u Joint
-i--iiin ui i ho is .-ini,i the following I
il;. lii ju-l POO winds he oiilliiii-il
a imi he a anted
tiling the coetl) espei leei "'
Britain, he said thai "a prereaaiatM of
a niubilical um ul' nun ami In.lusl , i.s I-
Hi,, i-uiie. ii-',. and claaeUcetlon nf in
fniaielhlll a to the allable resuurcca ,
u( tin- .u, mil y If wo are l eerve
braveJj aad adacMatly e must begin
early and ml luomplly."
Within mi I,",,, after tha governor j
hud lliiikhed speaking the hill providing
fu, the . i-iisiis. BPBfOtad h hoili bouses, ,
waa preaentad for hi iguatur.
Trape to Net $500.
Hood Diver, (ire- 1) K Stanton a
eivfl war reteren, ha a son, Oearga
stantun who, aooordlng i a laMae
received bj the father, will .lear BJPJP
than Wuii from in- tuna M Laaa .'un
1 this winl. -r The mil. - man writes ,
that his chief reveana wOJ he derived
fioui ooyotea foanp Mr hteotoa lias
already trapped eight) ttve ooyotea teJa
w.ili, lie sins he has killed
ats bobcaba,
Have your old anrpota pad ruga
made lata pee flnee rage aVrlte N
plume Bgeati hire B ; wilaoa,
Kreilland. Idaho PbOBC I . '-4 V.l
In If
I II VN . ul PUM KW-s. W II Ii
I IIIK llil.l -s ui I Ii I
Young Mother of Tripleti.
Baltimore IVobebl) ens of 'he
-i motnora ol irlaMta ever in
this i il is Mis l ,,.., si... i.iua
la only eighteen years ohl Time lain
.1 at lii T h ii-e
Their falber, Lawrence Btockaaan, is
I ,i uluele. ii j eara old x'i UefJ
II. ir. m.'il ' u, ha-
re i-uti.v achieved a record ol her own
, unit tbirtj I Id.
Get Your Mileage
No Matter What
The Republic Tires arc (iiiariuitccd for 0000
miles. And JT01I gel that nilfJeagl HO matter
wluit ti;icns. If the rasiii"; is tlctVctivc tut
adjustment is made. If you cut the tiro,
thru your own carelessness fir by accident,
it is repaired absolutely free of cost.
Compare the Republic
With any other tire that is miarantced for
B000 miles and see what JTOU 1W L,rettiii":, and
tlnn add the free repairs when ymi are to
blame, and realize the liai'iiin.
Royal Purple
We are making a specialty of this Coffee and
know it is good.
We want you to try it.
Successor to M. M. Co.
The Children
First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
I he , ul,!,. ,, ,,i Unlay will be jt nun and
men uf tomorrow, doing the world'a work a
lliey ran.
len't It Important thul they be given aa mu. ii
training us pouaible lo perform the lauka aure to
be anaigneil tlieni? of course You prove thta by
veuding the ouiiKtfri lu iichool. You want them
to have a good OdaOaUoa Are you niaking that
0d WallOP complt-te and practical? U the child be
ing i.i,i(?l,t mud, uliiuii BaOaOf IPttOfP or the sav
ing imiiit? Man pareala have ladajead tkatf aklld
reti to upen lllllo BPTtaiP mcouats at our bunk and
they are quick to learn, und proudly hand ill llit-ir
pass honk hi.d poaal far aapoeli vu ahoni.i
mu to it that your boy or girl learns ihe-e import
le.sMins also Wi- ill gladly assist tlu-in