BHH THE OXTAKTO ARGUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, TMUWNOAY, MARCH 16, 1017. PAGE STATE WIDE ACTION FAVOR ROAD BONDS I- K! itlva Oommttteo Hocks I MM iiihI All Omit l- Uottteaj In l.lno for Mntcmeni., OrOfOB, March 12 lir W. I). Wnoil. senior mi'inher uf th Ltgtolktlv committee r Kight, np-1 poind'ii to ri-prr-m m Mm ' it" hagMa turn In preparing tin- iilllcliil uricti nx-nl for the mail bnnil lilll, Iiiih - n I 1 11 mooting f Hull icilll Til I ( t ' to III' lli'lll at Hi'' Imperial Hotel, Portland, unlay, Marrh 17 At that i i .iw (lip committee will Klvo furmal consideration lo propos alR tliat have come In from all parts of the iitale, asking the commit! an the official body reprc . -Mini: Hip legislature In Hip bonding art, to call a conference for Hip organization of a state committee or nHHoolatlon which can establish nil Information Iip:mI qunrtcr for tin bonding campaign Such u conimlltpp would in. I nI representatives of loml good roiulM or ganizations of all tin- counties of the tate. Bnnatnr Wood views v. Ith fawir UM roovPH InltiatPil at AHlorla. Eugene, Medford. I'endlc'nii and Uislnmiiil to nrgiinlrp shite highway MM lions or district good roasfi MMtal 1 1. .ii "TIip main thing, ' In aid tod t "la to hap some ln'udiUrt) rs to Is nun Impartial and authentic, Inlorma Hon such an la being rp'UP"t d h) the different county organization Kliii er Hip different iniucnu lit I lor associations M Jolm-d In II -.. teres! of pconoiniral maiiugpiiipnt of oiip henduuiirtcrs, or liny cm ml. upparatoly If Hip people promoting Hip different orgaiiUutioiiH mi pi. Thorn W plptity of work for .ill lo M " "It l Importiint. however, in hate oin on or committee Men l loolii'd lo M representing all the ii ii .p ' . it liorli In fur lllHhlng htutlslicjil inaltpr and lufor million to I In' pi III ( mum and con lliliipp and ri'Kppit. Sin Ii M " ill Ion should p '" Irolli'd hy delegate from nil thai pounii. Mini boa Id not man i loo ol till in vim Mm Ml i OMFAX1 niM itK. MORTQ ( ii oiiHnipd tri.'ii I ,: T. i mortgage, each covering a pnriion of the proper! n. liioluded in the new mortgage, have been relaaaed or Ml OOllOd mid all bondx IsMiieil Hipreun (llT llll.e III 0)1 'I i i iieaMT Rhror Powar omponj I IHMI OH. Ill.lllO I'HHI'I l.lgln I'ompani Mm '" Idaho I l.lglil K I'owi'i' oinpany. I 000 00. II" Rll t i Cinnpali' I . ' "" "" tl ' Stale l.u:lit .'. V .. ii I : COAL CAN BE SUPPL1EP Mffl !BpuWNF I Til lr Irmll Iml ' ' BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. VAN PETTEN LUMBER CO. ONTARIO COAL CO. Twin iiiis Wetar Pow- 10,000.00 . Southern tdal o u i .:mi).- !' iho i Power i r, Ltghl . on puny, 1 10,000 00) Pi 0 itl llo Townr ti Irrigation CoOipt I 00 Total, 1 "it iihv not tgoga in in affect, a hat ' onii' to In- I lOD n M nil opao BJOrl .',- in I Imt II DfOI Idl t"i contlngonataa and pomIMIUIm that liuiinii lm foroaecn. While an ulti- iniito limit of linn, oon. noo Ik tixed, It In not anticlpatPil Hint am Ii limit will pvpr Iip rparliPil, and while am pin provlKlnna are made lor future bond lasues to iiippI Hip dpmanda for iiiipiinomiiitM unit extensions, yet many strict and detailed provisions are apt out In the mortgage ho an to prevent any Issuance of bond othpr Hiiin on an entirely conservative linn In which will not lesson the value of I Iip bond theretofore Issued1 under Hip mortgage Among other provi sions I Hip limitation Hint new bonds Ih'uipiI again! ImrovementH and r tensions. Khali not he lued for more than SO per rent of Hip intnal cost of niii h MMNMI The lying together into MM system of alt the Independ- pnl power plant In the Hnako lllter Vnlb'.v Ih a grpat nihanliigp to Hip I M of power. I'liiplally to irriga tion . nnpanle. a It gmirantpe con HtiiiouN service In making It possible. In esse an nccldcnt should happen to oiip plant, for Hip powtf Hi .taniaii' OMtj lo lin luriilshcd from nnoilipr plant DUMAS HAD HIS REVENGE. Me round a Fine Priie for the Friend Who In.ulUd Him. Alexandre Iniliia the nliler, the great noiellst. bad, in. I well known, HMO b'"' k blood In In i pin mid WM of an inifoigltliig If mil almost inel nntmp. In Ids pinller dnj lnimaa rei elvril a dire llisllll fii.m one belli Iip 'ailed liU rr.end To tin- lUrpt I f l ho knew lit ii. Aleiin. he look no appiuvnl Mtkg of the ivnnig but Instead up plied himself lo looktag earefully after tin- welfare of his suppose,! filpml Hi I. ultb him Inti i. Intro dm id bun Iheie. presented blm tlierp . oniiii". , r..i ii 'ear, at Hie end of w lib h lliiie be -t od n iieit ii. an ' ill h, (in i. 'I . linn ' The iroddtef fM I I ttal ' Itnlisl die DMM "ii' leaving I be i. Iwii mi in iiialiilain'e Jollied Ii 1 in nnd iih tl.ii wall. ei along naUI: "I have often alfcbed to my how I lime wondered at oiir iMeal kkMMM (u M. X.. wboiii we have Jtml aeao inuiind on bae I lie most forgli lug ml in Hull I luni'i'ii'l lili'l Willi lie IiisiiIIpiI loo gio--i MM Jem ago. ml p'ever ince you hare devoted youmelf tu hi MMjlMM and at laat a I loin logrt IIIIH 'That'a Ii pMetaet,' PM II I M mas slow h. wHU a Minister i bin kle. "I tliilter mi -elf lluil I b ii . gtri n linn tin lm. i lurioiiH anil l.i ii niii luolherlii law in tram i'.'- London Telegiupb. rtojrorol and jug rile ol , i. Mrs l( Q Frulllnii.l. Idaho PI 'H in M IN THE WOgLD BY YOUft DEALER s i tit 1(1 i jfc i c if :; BOULEVARD. m :: WHOOPING COUGH IS ONLY SPRING SIGN RtaMMta of lliulparil Appreciate Ulllli utiles of Mull Currier Kheop IImihI llpglif Moving. Ii Anv PattOfl nrrivi'il from Mob iiiw univprslty Saturday evening and vlFltiil bin grandparent, Mr and ' Mrx K. Merry until Sunday wIipii be went mi' lo (' I' Stover h and vlHlted a few dayn hpfore going lo hia home at I it'le Willow, Idaho. TboHo who braved the severe storm Krlday evening to attend the party, given at the Orange hall In honor of Mr and Mr Adam Hose of Kemlrlrk Idaho, felt well repaid, about 40 were tit Wp all apprpplale Hip faithfulnp of our mall arrler who linn iiihiIp his trlpa regularly In nplte of the Htornm and almost Impassible roada. Mr. Rarah Calloway Ipft Hunday for n few day vlnlt with hpr alatiT. li ion Wright nfler whleh be will go lo her borne In Portland. .1 1) llllllllgse move, a band of noun woollies SiiiiiIiiv from near Ar eadla to their feeding ground which of Cairo. W lumping iinigh whleh I real fashionable now. is Hie only nlgu of Hprlng we have aeeu thua far. The MIsspm Maud, KIomsIp and I vernp Keller were euieriaiinl at (' f Slovera laat Friday evening. Mi Harry MrCurty ret hi in. I M Tlmr-day from n weeks I'ultland with her parent. John MiUregor and wife moved Friday to "' old lib k lluvls rain h near tin Malheur river. Mr ! Wednesday lor a Islt w Ith lelatuis and frh along Hie lloiili'Miril Mrs Ivan Arnold ol (iiiinrlo was u Moniluy night guest at J A Wall ers 1. II I'.itton sold IS Ions ol ha last weak for I If.. 00 ppr Ion. Harry Jones lost one or his driving1 horses laat week. RAILROADS IN WAR Nation's Tra.iic ;teu to Work With the Army. TERMINALS THE GREAT NEED. Oarmany't Vast V.d, Built For Stra tegy Uu Only. CtcU a What Muat Bs Provided Damsl Willard Chair man of Comniitts on Transportation and Communication. .i at. iut lo put mil Itarj nan .. nation i ml . ommunlca- ,o I Ihe t'itlted States on i ii w :'.li lb. d ol ail) i . ui a i r. In He i.iiiv . a here thej inn allied iho highest developmeui 1 1 ..i Ihe pin ram for hip ii,"i.ii.znii..ii .r lb - of the nation in llase of arar, The Initial sie.s were taken ipiieih and alin.'-l M Iwtlf in Koi M I liiini.'l V ill.'ii I. I" ah "I ol Hie Haiti iimii' ami Ohio railroad and ' liairuiiiii II I Wl! Mill. of Hie advUur) couiiui i"ii 'ivuiiil t aid too Council of Nutluiiul l .ill,eni j M In ii. in v i made in "f I In- i ti trans , "Mali hi ami i nmuiUlili at lou, it was w. i; lie ler, president of the i llallrond of Sow Jpiej nnd a c of i be e.. rotlve i ommlttea of b Ameri nn Railway ii i latli n, i i ro i i .ii ill i be undertaking i I ' Bald Iip: it is Hi I machinery whlok w i ibis eoontr) for oo ordinal Ing anil bandling Iho various phases of Ibis problem, Ilia only piece of machinery which can make Itaelf felt thronghout -i country, Hi" only oraanlaatlon who a vniee will b" iieard ami obeyed rhrough it Hip Munition In Hip far west, I In' far Houtii iiihI Hip north enn ha ' iinliolled as easily ami as readily us enn (but of Hip past. Througli It we -an be aaaorad that tboro win lie no ' "iillli I of i e or of efforts. "It Is the obvious solution of the problem," continued Mr. Boater "Thpre will lip a tiemeinlnus lot of detail work to hp .lo ne, and I don't know how else wp pu Id do It. 1 have never had any, faith in associations of t ili zpn. however patrinlie ninl eiiprgetii. when tliey iiiulertiil p w.rk of Which they haw no know b "Igp. This work is work that needs Hip greatest planning hy MHr Irallle men Kvery niovp nmt Is- lln .light out In iletiiil, ami tiieie N lump to do It o well oi the association, "for Instance, I have friend who have told of tipping ill Ucrniiiiiy liuue fan -h iss stretches of track Just wilb ni Hie Herimiu border. No tiallia were on thetn. o factories were near I'bev lay in wasfp atrplches of country or country thai tnul Ims.ii leveled lo let Ihesp masses of track lie In a plain. They were Hip lerinliil by aid of which (IcrniaiD has Iippii ciiablpd to move gl'piil masses of IriHip, si'ii.lily and wllbout i intrusion. "Tiles,, hllelebes of I n . I, wele laid at place which the Herman board of strategy has conceiveil lo be turning pOMta in Iho evenl of the war Hint iiiue Now our military cs-rt will ...l.i Just such Hlrateglp Hilnt for the "inelili iillon of tnsis wllbout loiilil and will ilcinaml the Installation there of these fan shaiHsl termini. Therp I no tioiible moving frplght or Ins. is We .an move all we shall ever lip gske.l lo move. The trouble Will llV lit I be lelllllllllls " PUUMNa MKRVU i M ICKS ISI l I HUN (Continued from First Page i pastorale of thla church. TIip church is changed In lis iiilien-lilp and In itiiil. Inward senile Kellglon I i liallglllg. A tin obu-li al liook pub- i , ant i.iiate.l A church en-cil a few fgMM oM I- out of ilale " The "old II religion", he -aid "was not good enough for lilm" because religious thought and life la coin inually progressing. The King .lam.", ler don of I Iip IHIiIp Is not good enough because language cluing es." TIip speaker lold of a copy Hint he pine i.ei of I be III si I .III loll ol the King James tralisatlou and de clared that highly a she valued it, be would ii' cut II as a reward lo any one who could read It So great has been the change in the Kltif llsb that Its language I worse than OrM to lb- Knll-h read er of I. "lilll tin- II.-. m ril F.ilh.i and Ills Kiln.. loin, " Hie pn rl.l'U ( '-( It (.s I l l r tiii: aim. i s ui i ii t WATCH THE PROFESSOR tu our cuBtomew intelligont, un etUe iintl saiir.n-ini execution of ilicir orden. We'll lt- proud to ibow J ni li" ' 1 1 i will benefit Mill. THE "dhi not chnngi goal of all human progroas, the high itandard o( Ufa In hrls .lesus does not churn'" " "He Is Hip siiiii" " t"r.lay, today and in all pol in ills loro, ills irrlMi nis powor to sine He is the sain" today lis II" n. day as lie in ...i h. nn l;l. .'Ii ' ( .mil I : e new III" to men I., opla i"i 'lead i 'hrlst, in I cliaraiter in history, but ihe real Christ is ancbangod, Up I bs near to us loilav. I BOtMl to serve as II" was In the Mrs! century. Tim ROT, i has '. Mason was In troduced us the patriarch of the ion ferencp. having been for nlnpteen ypiirs pastor at Moiinlaln Hoiiip, Ida ho Mo said that some year ago It wan proposed in a meeting of the lloiiio Mis-don Committee to aban don the work at ntarlo hut that the now life and Interest in the church today, the perfect harmony and spir it of good will In the congregation, Hip Imprest lining shown by the peo ple o ft In- town iii this broad-minded religious work was proof positive that the congregational church wan need ed in this city. In hi charge to the congregation llev. Mnson urged the necessity of following Hip ipndpr "TIip pastor must pull," he said. Announcement I wish to announce that I have purchased the retail meat mar ket of Ihe (Iregon Packing company. Also I wish lo tell the many fornipr customers that the same measure of serrlce, the same high grade meats, sausage and other meat products nil at the market In the past will bo given them. GEORGE SMAIL PROP. THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty years ago the t through personal Initiative a necessity within the reach of ness had bul one telephone that business has service wl nent broad, and every bran ery other by an Interromuiu The telephone baa earne x. 000, 000 Hell telephone s L'li. 000, 000 talks dally. Kvi-ry Hell Telephoiu' i Malheur Home Willi. yOH Ii tl In i In 11111 ami mi will ui'-' I'Vf th It "I iii,iii iinliviiliiais in till in bar niiiii iiikIit ciiiiilili' (liicitidii. 'I'liis. iriiiciili H'ac1irall, applied in our printing iiau( ever d iaitniriil and proOi'U BOlrf VulU'll li i'aialllc lliail.-l-rlHilil 'March - CJ t i i' a n l i . . .S Ii, ii "5 ZV i ,1 ONTARIO ARGIJR 'bul t ' " pOOpli i push. "Hi ' "I ih" necessity of prompt and a'l".ii it" Miani'lal sup port. Il" Arthur .1. Sulh I uperlntpn - dent of Congregational work in (ire gun nn. i Southern Idaho dolrrarod .I Ho called POO ROI I .i i .1 i . .ii to live up to and work up to bin rlghtriil place 0 iiilliience In the coiniininll "The tuistor of g church." he dotlgfOii "li"ld a pirdtion that Mtltted bun l.i tip of greater HalpOttMM I I ' I II I of tills I'll than t lm Mayor or i luncll men or the superintendent Ol elt , schools. All Hip Isitors expressed gn . isfacilon with the condition of the church and held high hope of ll fill ure progress. We want oo much to put one of our electrically operated Apollo riayer-Pianos la a home In dntarli that we will make a big discount oa " first one. knowing that enough orders will follow to warrant the sac rifice. It plays hy hand nnd podali also A letter of Iqulry will do na harm. Or you may ask Mrs. Wom In Ontario. Wise Piano House. It.. I-p. Idaho. 7tf elephone waa a luxury. Today, and private enterprise, it has become everybody. Where once a bust- with a limited talking ranee, today Ih a range three-quarters ot a coun cil of every business Is linked to ev nlcatlng telephone system. d Its rnsDonsible Dlare and there are a this country, over which go ;t Lonir !i liimc Sliilion. Telephone Co. SMiii