The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 15, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Sbr Ontario Argus
(Established 1896.
(.HI. K AIM V ! Iili.i incl I-iiWMi.-i
Pobllahod Thnrada I Ootorlo, Oregon, and m
:it tin- Ontario po offlei for dl trlbutlon n Ind
Tin, '
,ni uin
$ 80
mi dlaptej gdrortlaloa. ibould bo ( nils o(
c h Wodnndoj iiuiiti in in. in,' i 9) ibould
fcn in ti'i -
For the purpiMw of blackguarding all
those who dared to v.. ice an opinion concern
g the merits of the train icheduleB on the
I ranch I i i m-s in oppoaitioti i" the dictatorial
demands of small roterie of Vale nitiaena
tin Cornier editor of 1 1 1 - Malheur Enterprlae
returned to the saddle lust week.
it he did nut do so literally, lie so im
bued hiaapiril upon lua successor thai there
is a striking resemblance In the style of
the vaporing thai permeated the issue with
Hint of times gone bj . The same multiplicity
. f words, the same paucity of ideas; the
sum exalation of the unselfishness of Vale;
the same maligning of other comunltles the
nine meaningless quotations, the same bun
. ombe of sophistry . thai deceives no im- but
the man who wrote it: the same telling of
hah? truths, the same deception of im1 telliuu
I it i i i it Facts, was inauifesl tbruoui the is
, le.
One ..ft he hist named omission was the
uttcmpl to make it sjM'iir thai Vale had nci
rr been able to presold i1 - lo the rail
i .ail's nfficials I'V Mi.i ha iny I mm n hit ited to
the hearing al Ki inpii wlw the rnilmai
tirials went inti. the question of Korviec. No
i.ti.. ii was made "i tin fact thai Vale had
., Iicariug all l, II elf, when i " other nun
rnnnit.i was heard and the had all the tunc
i i v wanted to present their a-. .
. mention was nuide of the fad thai
. i this hearing Vale h minted on having the
.v train service, irrespective of the
tlier coiiunuuitics, No mention was nuide
. the schedule Vale wanted which would
i had the train leai m- Vale id l:!' or H
,,, i, in ilic uiolldllg i UUtl i ' ie trip to
ii anil hack before au pet oii 'ii the
1 in dd have had an use of it. No men
t mi wax made of t he fuel t1 I kf!
, i ituiUMcl eail Iii i lie heariuu
In tin i Vah kV rviec, if it Weil
i. nl, I he in
i i., . hi tail the en lee given the other
. ,iiniiiiiiii ii . i toriu ) lleo.
I . Daviti, rc it iug Vale ii fn d R eatc
gorical answer hut when prcHitcd for ;t repl.i
. iggtHlIji said; "We want the service. "
Of Vale endeavored to make it
appear that 11 wax not 1 ry ina. to tamper with
t u1 Hcrvtce given the other sections, It is
e i- to make ii! ii oil tense, hut the effort
as it I It t Is Ml lli concealed that IIO ulie win.
I is followed tile schedule ei "lit I ' es c.l Is
, iuaiutiil with Vale s.irit is Hwallowiug
i ie hunk peddled In the Malheur Kuterprise
nl till' l'i -W . itlell- of the eulliniunit who
. Iieluuil the liulil "ii -ill the re-t of the
. llllt .
It in obvious thai the attempt to discred
i evervoue savi the Vale itucMKcs is patent
i In- fact thai ever j representative of the
. immunities outside of Vale felt ;ml said
' iat the Vale crowd was trying, t" "put one
, ir." Never was there a hearing in which
.. . man.v ei.mniuiiiiies were interested in,
v here there was Mieh a unannnitv of feeling,
behind the railroad officials, Certainly it is
r.u-htv strange that the Vale crowd alone
hould he objectiug simI ill hei objections
. nl. I find no support
It is also mighty si range to bud that on
lv a small coterie of ValO eltlen.s were be
i nd the objection.
That Ontario's Traders' I a iitagrou
in-;- Institution, one of the kind that uathers
umiIl surel) mill safelj is indie ited bj
at Tail thai an extra sale will lie hi hi I
in. Kver.i hoost helps it. au.l everj On
.hi should be boost iug.
There is a strange inconsistency in the
arguments of thus,, who are opposing uni
versal military traiuhig. In the same breath
the; declare that SUcfa Bl'rvice Would inure
in the bencfll of one class of ritlsens only.
ignoring entirelj the t';i.-t thai the class the;
malign w ould be compelled to give thai ser-
ice us i lie same as their t reducers.
As a matter of fad the presenl system
ol a .aiil ailllj .inl u volunteer national
guard system is tin most unjust imaginable,
t'ir l its operations t who desire t. es
eaie uia.v do so ami leave the defense of the
nation t., those who are willing to bear their
share ol the burdens of democracj . Under
the compulsory training system there could
he no escape every man would have to serve.
These same objectors to universal train
illg have evidently overlooked the lessons of
history. Thoj fail to realise that a hired
arinx has proven a weak rod upon which to
han. There is parallel in the history of the
Soman republic which is worthy of consider
ation. So long as every Uoiuau was willing
to serve the republic, so lout; was Rome the
mistress of her own late: so long did she
grow and prosper; so hii was the life of I
Roman safe tbruoui the werld: so lon was
Rome able to build great viaducts tor the ir
rigatloil of her lands, and erect the master
pieces of architecture that became the glory
of her people.
It was when Rome took on the fatted
. a-e of conquerors and assumed the "too
piMiid to liuht'" attitude and hired foreign
legioiM from (lermany, Britain and (laid,
that the decline set in and left her easj prey
for Altila the Hull, and the maraudim
(ioths and Visi i..tli.
it was Hot I lial these hired wan I
.. lie It Tliev l'V, loll
the) had no interest in the defense of the US
ii.. ii. and were lined In 'ii-t one designing
general sfti r ; ther to nsur)i power and
take Ii.. ui the 'n-r 1,','inaii tie- fruit'- of thai
for which his fathers had fought, (Iradual
. I roin the man who could pr..udl say, "To
he a h'o ma u is greater than to he a kinu." the
li'oliian l.eeaiiic the ,sv,il for foreign lllleis.
So will it be with the Ann i nan eople.
if the) shirk their obligation The recent
Herman Intrigues have plainh shown that
tin- nation is not 'n-i- from enemies. Tin
mi w.altli a-ei immolated thru the world
: makes this nation the in.. st desired prise
for tln'.se who Would rule the world, while
tin attitude of tboite win. objeel to universal
i I'liiuinjj make ii an eas nv .
The onl) inaiin. r to avert ueli ii eatai
troplie is t.. pu paw for action. The mil)
fair w'av I., make that preparation is to pm
ide that ever) man shall be reu l) when his
sel Ices ale needed. There is. Ilo reason wll)
..lie man should go to defend tin life and hi.
tit of those U lo .11 I "too I . In I Ii I to liulll. "
I udcr tin provisions ,.f the oad bond
iUg bill Oil which the people will Vote oil
Iiiiic S. there is provided a post road across
Malheur eoiintv to Munis, and olie over the
di nl. and down the John I a river to the
I'olumhia highway. These post roads arc
t.. i.e built in part b) the wveuues to be ih
rived under the proposed law, from autoino
l.ile licenses, and in part from tin I uitcd
states goveriunent fund.
Not one cent of the inollC) used in build
iiqi t he r..ais proposed under the law in Mai
heur count will have to come from the tax
payers, UIiIcmij the) happen to have autoino
lules. and old) half of that will he derived in
the slate. The halaiice conies fn.m the I'uit
cd States road funds.
And it is also will to hear in mind that
unless the state makes provision for match
uiii tins govcruineui inonex nor one cciu win
come to this section.
i "
Now is the tinn to start some movement
for In tter roads leading to Ontario. It has
been xuggcMtcd to the Argus that ; g I
roads dav ulollg the hoiihvard would help,
. specially i! tin I n isi i icss men ..f Ontario and
N) ssa would unite with the residents of the
Imulcvard to make a real work da of it. B)
I'ttiug together and with the aid of the
.oiiutv equipment a big ueetbai tf thai '"ad
Id be ui uvelled in a da .
in the person of Private Bharfi nberg of "Ho canol n ad his tombstone when he's
the Minnesota regiment on dut) ;it tbebord dead.
If with pleasure you are viewing any won
a man is doing,
If ,.ii liki him or you love him, tell him
er American llistol) WfU furnished a Bene
did Arnold. The letter he w rote, ostensibly
to his mother in Germany, but actual I v ih--
lined to reach the official of the TeutollK
power, shows how cheaply do the traimd Don't withlwld yotur approbation till the.
soldiers of the Kaiser hold the prowess ol
American arms, it also show Imw close to
the brink of serious trouble this nation has
hi en drifting.
parson makes oration
As he In with snowy lilies o'er his hr-.w;
For, no matter how you shout It, he won't
realh care alxiut it :
The one thing about the letter thai i- Je won't know how many teardrops you
encouraging is the utter misconception the have shed:
writ r had of feeling i isi inujoi it) of ,,. ym i!m)ii sn(, .,,,,,. is ,lll(. lilU( now'l
the Americans of German extraction toward . . . , ,
their adopted eonntrv. His letter was ., the tunc to slip It to blm.
base slander oil the lovaltv of these worths I For he can not read his tombstone when
citisens, but being a traitor hunself, he felt he's dead.
that all Americans of !ei man birth are lik
him. In that he was mistaken, tho there
would no doubt he some such, the vast ma
jority, yea, ninety-nine per cent would be
Jo) al to the stars and stripes. Tlnv would he
I found fighting in the front ranks if war he
declared against the Kaiser's government.
No one could have injured his fellow citi-
I sens, aa baa Sharfenberg, but hi actions
should serve to awaken the few. peace-at-'
any-priee men who still prattle on the dang
ers of preparedness.
More thamfanie and more than inoiicv is the
comment kind and sunny
And the hearty, warm approval of
For it gives to life I savor, and it makes you
Stronger, braver.
And it gives you heart and spirit to the
If be earns your praise bestow it; if you
like him. let him know it;
Let the words of true encouragement hi
Nam,,, women arc bojcottiug he , over and lie's under-
I haught spud until be comes t Ms h gb d
llorse and is willing to he passed over the ,
counter at t wo-au.had.alf cents per pound. Por be .an not read Ins tombstone when
s per
Given time the women will ham how to eon
trol food oriees themselves.
he's dead!
Kuan "Dipped from the Stream
The Universal Car
in. n Ford pi . i bronchi "'" i'1''1 ' 9f9ti (
notorial wiuan om rosod ol ...m.-.i UmmmmU, vhtti Um n"v
i,:, ui, i ,i,,' rodlotor tnd raoli I f.m. hood ni. otroamllno
crown fondon both frool i.mi our MUro blook BbIbb Dlekol Oil. nun. n.' I',, o I hi . .. .n .ii.ri' rlRhl in
ii,.- trORI ' ...ii i..,.KiiiK Mil Ii l ii i.iIkIiI) Ii.hi.i llli .1 . i liii" 1 1 Iii in- rit- . w ' ii It'll ki'.'. tiiuri- ilii.n I . II I
I,, i, I MlVO doll), I in i .,,'
T 'I. 'ui,'....iii.'.i For. i oollUoi tor vorl or oloi
l.r bU hi- I'.ir.l nl niiii' 'I'.iurliiK C.ii M0 I!iim.,Ii..iii f:i4i
lUii), ii . ... - S ,I,im $1,4.'. I i. I. II' I:, ill iiu
ford parage
Ontario, Oregon.
TiV Sanitary
Barbel Shop
U UM plmi-lo Kl your lon
korlal ueilh hupplied, ua VOll
ii the iiUit u. HWiiif U.e
boot toilet ortMoi ud ifco'
IliK iii.ii.-i lals Look tor IM
Itevolvlux Sign. Anil e" llie
tine M I, ..III It.i.illl"
The Sdnitary
Bdrber Shop
rnwi'UM'ii Hro . I'rej,-
Horses Wanted
War horses H.;; to 15 hands ftiffa, rid
ers, cobs and artilhrv animals, full
afad, five U) nine years .sound. Also
mules. Prevailing prices. See
V. W MMiMleii, l'roi.
W on all kJaSl ot relr work
n,,ii, ,i i.iir o( ncinorb to the
llie bOOVtOBl kind ul in.i. lici'i
Blojrrlo Roooliiaf M well as
Aiiu'ii.uinh work M OM als
i.m your l in good
i, a, III inn
I Mimi'i t.riiuliiiK u SK-rialt
Good Nursery Stock Cheap
ravrr, bhaoi tubs, mnaants and vmas, acolimatki
ro mis ooinrrav. warn roa dbtaiui or call and bz-
a.mink STOCK.
K I UHKMtlM. KM'li l:l;ll s Wli s I It III :KH s BKAll
AI.l. Hit. sKASO.V
Inter-Mountain Nursery
U s WAYNE, Proprioto
I l'l E, IDAHO