The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 08, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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road mm ACT
lli-li-riiil e IM IVi.ple lei Im Volril
I'MH III H,-.,.nl CI. It. .11 Moulin)
J I, 11)17.
riii Mini directed to li -u i is of Si-c-ih.ii I, Nil State Highway Com
So siiri, nr Oregon for ihe parpo - mission simii provide iacti nothnd
of rarrjli.g mil the provi lOB "I 111 aa It may deem MOOMgf) tor I
i t in to amount noi i i Itai II rortl latent of aoch Imm ol
' ' ". "i which Hiini, f.i li , i bondi before thi en re Mid. i d
1600,000 shall also require tuch depoall wl li
Hon ol mi ouch in Phi iiMh a iniij bo required, ami
nil ill any n.i l i i ally shall OOadOOl tfiO till- Bad '
iix df thli Aii siinii be p nun i.i kid boadi BDdor mob ralei
nno-twentieth ooob roar, comtn m Bnd roculatlom nol locon latent with
Inn With Hi" slvili (-nr utter IIm- i u HiIm Act as shall DO iidnpt.-d Df Held
i thoroof iiK'-liulf of ihi' bond oninilixsi.
pajfBtftta imm li yinr hIiiiII Ii' pnyiilili-mi ftoOtlOB I Tin- moiii'v arising renin
i day of April and tbl OthOI Hm- OBJo of each lOBBfl Of bond! Khali
half on Hit- 1 Ht ilay of Oclolior. Boot Im- deoaltcd lii i ho State Tn-aHiiry to
hon .IIhIiiiII hmr upon Itl fMt lata llM crodlt of n pTlnl funil, ivhlih
tlon of roads anil highways In ,llt. ; iim-iiI showing the dun- Of it! iniiliirl- Khiill ho Mod In i-nrrylnK Into Offocl
OUte of 4)roROll , to provide ror the In- ' Hald honda hIihII hear Interest at UM provlBlons or HiIh Act The S'
MM rr bonds ty the Stite of On- "" IBM of lour por rrnt per minimi, rotary of Stuff- Is hon-hy MtMltJMd
Hon to ral" money to curry out the ! PB.vill aetui-aniiually on April 1st and dln-ctoel to aii'lll all claims In
(House Hill MO, Hi-frP'Pil
eoopl". )
to III"
You Are Invited
An Ai-I to pro ii- fur t no construe
ptirpiiicH of thin Act ; to authorize tin
BUto Highway CiiumUHoi to take
audi action anil perform nucli dutle
aa may be nereaaary to ine t the re-
and (irtoher 1st Pincipal ami In
curred In currying out tho provisions
of tllla Act In the same niiinne no olh
toretrt on nan I Imnds Hhall he tuiva
ble at Ihe nnVo of tin- Hlate Trramir- r clalm" "rtlnH ""' S,a"" "r" B"ul,
or at Salem. Oregon, and If tmlrt " "nd ay "", hHW" ""'"" "" "'""
Inula ileternilm-il to In- hlghwaya of
flrHt Important- to tin- iimmtiiI i n I .
lie of t in- stain of Orofoo it la
In-rchy dotomlnod thai tho follow
nn,l Ina highway aliouM bo pi riniim-iillv
constructed ami lini-ln.l with a luir
qulri-menli. of MM Act; to lenlanato Htale Tllghwiiy f ,,nlslon shall no ey" 9W t.v law Mr WO payni.-nt
and authorize the conatructlon of car-1 direct, nald hotnls may altto provide Ihoriiif upon (he Huhmisslon or duly
tain harij-aurfac-il highway and cer- for pnyiupitt at MOM othor Blot! v,,rt,l0(l vouchors linn -fm approved
Uln pout road and certain forent Hiild h.mds BMJI l- In I form enilmd- by th" OiMMMMll BMtl that
pout roaila, "and to provide for oth-'ynK aa MM promlHe of tho Stat.- n,,n',', "o'1 MMJOM hnll Im- paid an In
er poM rooW and fon-nt roiidH; to f (rern t ,1H n,,. ,,.iiiii IMTC Pov,,,",, ln 1,p,'lll,n :l aWBOt
provide for tin- Irttinn of-ctntracta ,,r in Itilfl eoti, of the Culled Stan Sort Ion . HM Mgkwapa MMrltoi
for the ruction, pavlnx and r" Ann-rii-.. .,r ii... v:.i.. .,..,1 ,.i,.i,i " BOOtlOM and 7 of HiIh Act Br-
,maln(ennmi if roM ami IiIkiiwHs; m4 MMMO of th tot Of MM Moid,
to milk., tin- xurpliiH llM from tin- , , ,o In mi I, lc nominal im,
foen OOltoMMf BMJOI lOMI HI I No ,,, ,,,, f., , ,,,ml -.-.Ion mIiiiII
r.oii of to Bftorai loctolathro - ,.. ,. rin-v ihall btoM hv tho
aion n runo mi'ler tin- lurlmllrii m of dm.-rnor. Sorn larv or Stale
lb" Stale- lllitliwav t'uniinlhxliiii with c,,.,,, Tri-nmin.r IUM Imn.lx ..Lull
w.ili-h to , i, i.-r.-M .ml prir. Ipal Ml ,.,,,,, oVMoaelM Hi" Inl.r-Hl H,""f",'-
on homlcil MoMMMM r Hm- St.,1". tl, MMM elm- lb or OOP for each In ' ' ' ''" "ta "lvi'r 11lxhwa
. aunt no -t.-d liy III.- S'nte for roinl.joir (allOWl .o BtOfl ' BDM fr'"" "'" '"""omiili ''minl line in
pom-, unci othor law fill rhilnn. In lv,,, ,ul . prlgtOd Hi" fnchlniil atorla, Heanlile, and ..nth in Clat-
oornil hy MlMMMM ami to f n,,. nri,,, i oMOOl Said " ""iitily to IM Tllnmook i'oiint
povldo lor modlfyliiK tin- tc-riim or niminli" Ion o.Hon. .an-"'"' Inaininli Bl I imtlea of
Hum. Hill No UflJMMftM Ho tf h )mrt r r ol MM MMM Ml 0bi- "', ''-"'"I' MflU nli.a.h
liHrtiv ithc- Aw."!!!!!' of l',.- Slat" of id.. hi Ihe pnrrlm.,..r lln-reof and MBUdod lOTM MIIM Of MM
Ori-aon. and t provide ror Hiihmltt- renUter tM nuiin t.r mu-h pur. ha-ir '"ructliiK Hi" aid i olnnihlii llluliwai
ina ihiN Ait to in p.. .pi" d far Ma in tin- ..ini m m. Btato I throaili bM Boaattoi ami in totof
.i-allliia r a icpwial .'li-rttiiii th.-n-foj M4 qmtIM M approprlato MdOfM '"IV" I""'"", ally MMtMMfl tln-lr MMWMl ni .-in. MMMJ ' ni-m upon Ml of t.i. I I... ml- i., tl 10 hllt) lO nil-..- BMM) k M MNMMB
H.-Ji KtiHi-led ll.y Hi PMjBM of It.- ,,.., M(;1, , ,,.. ,,,, .11 he paid m,U ,,f """" bOBM, IM Stair HlRhway
Attnt- of lln-Kon .- owner app-arlna on Hm . ",M I- li.-rt-l.y ant horled
ecVU,.i I. Tie- St, t.- ll.'.v.n i.-r I hereof, and prowlinc .. n, il.o.l ,r""1 ' '"' r,l,l,lM arlMlim uiicl.-r I hi- . I
ommln.loii Im Imt. In ..iitl.oil. d. .-m . r MMltoMMj Mi BMM M I M '" "l'1"1"1' '" Ml Mto i.ixhway,
aownreo IMMJ, ditrlni: the UUO ni.n h.- MBBBd. and It DM BlOO '" " " "'"" "'' '"" ' " '"
MM In -arH. to .ell Ml u of .ri lint a pari Of til Of Bald for the preparation of
tho Slat" .f Dr.-f.n ai herein -il'i.-r h..i .h- BMII l- paiahl. to l-ai.r and '"'a'lwny throiiKh Mil MMlMl, I., mi amount Hnllli-iem to not ..iiijc.i i(, r. KlKtruMi.n N'ol Imm ""' M'M Ihoroor.
To visit our store on the dates given below ud
learn how Economically you can beautify your
Floors, Woodwork, Furniture, etc. with
A variety of beautiful colors and decorative
effects will be demonstrated by a representative
direct from The Ohio Varnish Company during
thai Ion ilavx l-I.H. th- panicllt or
Hie , rim I pal cir inter, st lallx .1 u
2. The I'a - III.- Illahway rrom tin
Miillnmnili County line throiiKh
ral-o enollKli money i-, n,..t the
llUlreiienlu, ol HiIh .-1
Pro. Id. -d. that not i.-mii-i limn !.- am if the hniul-. .provided for in (his Wimlilnalon County and Yamhill
000, mill In holi.U shall In- n I here Ac i Ho- Stale llulcwat I .iinni 1-moii County hy way o( ilillnhoro, l-'orent
under OmltlK U 1 1 7 and III, it xhnll rtlfy to ! MM ' . M.Mminllle to Italia- Mmi
not nior- Ileal. I2.000.OVO la ud'li the am mnl n.-e oaniry to meet Hie inmilli and Imlep.-mleiiie lit I'olk
Hon to any imrplux unlxMied or un payment thereof I'pon r.-.-elit oflCoooty; to Corrolllfl ami oMaroo m
aipemled ut or it e $1 .iitiii.iinti aiith audi cevilll. ut Htac licant ll.-nton County, and HtniUKli tor the year 1017, ahull tie Is er ha aliall prep in- anil verily a Rene lo the north line of HoiiKla
.') durlna the year IHIS claim fir- Ihe' tMM io nil I Count-
MttlM I 'In. Stale Illahway therein. attiu-hliiK fMHM h I OH 3 The I'ailfli- IllRhwny Irmn the
'iclxxlon w- ln-rehy a ill l.orlc-.l lltliate, am pre-ent I !.- --1.110 lo the Milltnomah County Hue IhrmiKl. 0
Tuesday and Wednesday
MARCH 13th AND 14th
. CilKT!
If you will Invent only one littlo dime
for a nice new hruxh to apply It
We villi Kle Von ii full -le 2IK- Can
of Clil-Vamel I HKK:
In appreciation of your dealre to Rive
It a fair trial.
SIrii ami HiliiR the Coupon lo our Store.
Chi Namel
'containing pnougfa vwnih t vet " iq. ft. of surface.
i-o.imiI fiti'tiiic L'l"' t'.iii cl' lii -N.'iinrl ';iiiiisli upon the
purrhaae of one new 10c brush (merelj tt insinc a Uuv
trial) during the (III NAMEL DEMONSTRATION.
( Hiitcs ".iven below. I
f larger can is desired, Coupon will spply as 30o
sgainsi purehasr price,
Ontario, Oregon
Tuesday and Wednesday March 13 and 14.
pu.i..l .mil oiriilro to inter Into Swrelury it Stale, nv ,irl an. In
UCh .ontrai'tA. appMnr xu. h olhclalx, cli claim 1,1 like nm lilccr ue other
and it., any othcO arcl u HiIiir nerea- rlalina aRciiiixt 4I1. Stay are audited,
ary lo fully iwet tin requirements anO iay the xatne nut . I? any n.on.-ix
vf thin Ait .presided lo ,;iw Inr II m. cut
Se. tioa Si Th Atlio-iiey (ieiu-ral thereof The ,-fftaln Tre. Vaarer la uu
atiall, lllllWi- IM dilution ..I 1 In- Stat.- ;l Icorle.l am! illri-i-l.-il tn BMM MJ
Hlnhn ComnilNaUia, prepare a form Mich paymOaU -t pnmip tl 01 .
.Itooet mli
In ptni Id.- ruiidx ror the rurrliiR out State lllnlmai 1 muiulxHion i'
or (he purpoaea of thla Act Said vide. All hondx wid Intel -i
I da xiiall lie niiiiilierced aralally. pmix upo upuym.-ut hall he tVnin-n
Mvnlnlng At Nucviln-r I. and ahaJI he ed hv the State 'I'reaaurer ' Ho
vuyalile In the order or tin ir MM Secretary at Statu to lie altar fi
Said tttMle HlKhuay Comii.ih the orii-inal chiim ol He. Slat. '.ri-
.101. la hereby outaim 1cd. BMM urer for the jnymeni rhereol
of liilorext In arliiK Rnld hoiid of Ihe.eal on xal.l IioimIh at kui-Ii
State at Oriajron, to be aoltl In order er than at Hali-ti. DreRon . M
The Universal Car
800 the new feaiui. Ill :mod, burgO radiator and eu-
cloaeil fan; crowu fendera both front aud rear; all black tlutali
nickel trliiiniiiiRs; a motor car of up-to-dutt'iiexh, aud every
ii li a true Kord And you are aaked to buy tho Ford car
uliiip'y on the rtnorda of aervlee ami economy Riven by more
than fifteen hundred thousand Kord cur.x In uae along every
line of demand The huci-chs of the car la your uHMirauce of
autiafaction. Kvery owner of u oKrd car lt certain of prompt
courteoua service tho country over, tor travel where you will
there's a Ford agent near at hand Touring Car f.'.du Runa
bout 4I Coupelel .ri05 Town Car MM Mil 6J"i -f. o h.
Detroit. On sale at
ford parage
Ontario, Oregon.
ttngo. OroRoti City and Canby In Held. F.eho ami I'lndletnn. ami nn-in 1
ClarkumitH Comity, theme throiiRh by audi roote aa shall lie determined
Marlon ami I. Inn Counties, to a June-by Uie Slute Highway Coiiitnl I
tlon Willi (he blRhwuy at Jim. Hon l.a (irande Haker. ami Ifl IM Idaho
City. lino, aa the county courts ol Ihe va-
4. Such oprtlotiB id the Coluinhlu rlous BOMltofl oSMMl shall aure--
Hlver Highway betwien tin- Mullm. ... prepure tin- mad rccol lor palni
unly In iislerly throMRli the 1'rovUled. that Inasmuch a sine Couu
city ot Hood Itlver and Hood Klv.-r y ,.r SlMf bM ItJoM bj I bond
County and throiiRh The Dalles and Issue and expended upon -aid 1 o
. Ooaatjr. HHaM Sherman liiiiihia lll-t Hlf buy pr.i. iicill 11
Coiliilc. IhroURh Cllllain Couiili. hi full Constitutional limit, -aid Com
way o film town of Arlington and up mission BM tptOl "ii said c.iluni-
M Columbia Hlver lo Ihe on Mucin . ,m KUer Highway In Hood RlTOf
m Ihe I'malllhi Klv.-r with tin- Co County, such portion of the nioin
lu 11 Ida RIVOT, thence up Ihe I Ilia III alixlliR under this Act Bl II BIB)
li. Itiwr throimh ll.-1inist.1n, proper in pi . ..-. 1 Mj s'"1 ' 'oliimliia
TT-T , RIVOT HlghWO) for pnvlliR Thi
MmiB iiHHHMIMB "UH '"uni . .mri It.
-B. ,,,.!, -Ill k'lNI HirollRII WIIICII B.ll.1
Columhli. Itlv.-r HlRhwa is pi.
shall igroo altb IM lloto Hlcbwai
Coniini .siou upon what pnrtMcns ,,1
mU blgbway "' '" '"' i1-111''1 "'" 1
hard sin face pavinR and MI l"'i
Hon-. ,.i. '. bi -.a. iraci It - post
aud 0 boaavt i
coiinin- 1 'ii baM pt'i'- rod I por
Hm, ol aid bigbwo) raadj tor i.
ing. Hieii tin- Stato iiii;ii' oni
in haii proeood prompt I) lo
paw the' under tllO .rmi
uf tllla Act, end the r.-iaani'l t IhorOOl
MU he iuiiroicd as 11 M ' '
der the provisions of this Act, and
such portion so improved as po-.i
roud shall not be eligible Id pavim,
at the expense of (be Slate under the
prov iions of tills Act
The I'acldc Highway IhroURh
.n County. VMM IM same luis
not already hen paved. almiK tin
route hertotore adopted hy Hn- Stale
lllabwav Cominlsslon luasiiiuch as
I lie county ol .lucksoll has iilleccd ev
pen. led large sums ot money in con I
structiiiK sulci I'.oillc- lllKha. and j
in paiiiiK a largO pmlimi lie rent, audi
in so Mtal bM pracinully .xliau
Its ability to raise money hy an Issu-1
aiice of Maat) holids, tin .ml IIIrIi-I
way Coiuiiiisslon is hc-rc-h author 1
ic-cl, lie in tin- funds arising from this!
Act. in addition In coiupl.-i ing tM
paving of suld highway in Jackson I
1 'i.unty, to m-c' tic ni fund- ni
tlcient in provide, foi cmnpl. 1 ing Ihi
preparation ol MM highuay through
aid ic.iuilv . tol IM pav ing 1 lie eol
I 'oiniiic ice ing mi Hn- Columbia
Uiv.-r lilghwav Bl or near Arlington
in (illliam 1 i.uiclv , II.. in . i. Willow (
k in Morrow oCunly, through
rltloa c.r lone Islington e-mi Hepp
tier in o.Mrrow 0UBt ami through PI
PHONE 105 W.
Alwaya the l"t. lon experience tnakei II
French Dry Cleaning, Party Dresses aud the
iiiit'i- fabrics our Specialty.
Lyceum Course
The FairchikTs
at the
High School Auditorium
Saturday Evening
March 10th
Remember The date and Place
Single Admission 50 Cents