1 &v$n&. ami Utt0 VOI i. i ONTARIO, MALUKUi COI'NTV. OHEdEUON, TIM'KSOAV. MAI.MII s. 1!)17. No. !". MISS MllLIAMS IS WINNER OF CONTEST ORDERS SEWER ONCE MEDICAL INSPECTION CANCEL OPTION ON WEATHER MAN SERVES GALLAGHER NAMED TO WARMSPRINGS BONDS, SCRAMBLED VARIETY LEAD ORGANIZATION REJECTED BE BUILT TO BE II ix. I s MAKK tmUKfttOH OP lo. OAI, CHAMPION TO HKPKK- HKNT ONTARIO IN OOt NTY CONTKHT ON MAIU'H 81. WAS RUNNER-UP LAST YEAR Khll.- Hoy Contestants Dl.l not (..i r'lrwl. The) lllil (tot Second and Third H..MMI- Content t'lose and Interesting. Minn Kthol MoWllllamH will repre sent Ontario In the county dorlntnii tory content which I to he held hero Hat unlay March 1. This wan tlM dc- clslon of the judge In .ho contest for local lioiiiirs held at Dreamland 'I'm day evening. Tito Ml'- McWIIIInmn waa last on the program of Keren speakers she deaerved the honor bestowed upon her by the manner In which nhe held ng the matter the council llnally t .... I the audience n ttenllon during thek vote. Borne of the members did prenentatlon of her reading. TlH I not want to vole hut when the uues- Htory of Pa ray ," Oirt.d with a plean-1 , wa , ,,,. ,.,,n WBI( grunted Ing persoiiallly. it good voice and , iiy five to one vote, t'oiinclli i forceful delivery llio winner made a , Ward CunUchl I. -lug the ncgntlv I I M distinct Improsslon and In- tie. islon er of the ludg. . was a popular one I.,.-.. ,,.,, ., f ,,. MmJoPltv ,, year Miss MrWIIIInins tool OK ,,,,, ,,,. ,, , ... i H.'.H.I n HI MM- . .... I -- l lb. . vor, ail me honon did BO) go to the winner, for the Other contest- ants dotnonstrateil ability nt 1KB .nun l . i i i lose one. two l.nys Willis Halo and .lolitt lim took aoaoad . "i ti. in! honor llrot) ..ni wiiii tin- other oonti m-.llltt..l I well llio Ill.lg es of Hie rout. - wot.- II. ll.ih.il Llv Ing-Inn. Attorney It W I and Principal I. 1. i nil. orison of Hie high school Proceeding and roilowiiiK tOB MM lest Hie lilitli school chorus sang M 'llio only ol lior business coining be lecllotlK and Miss Itutli Met ullocli tote Hie meeting was llio auiiiliil i nang a nolo. Kach of these tittniliors port o It 1 1 - library board According aided in the presentation of a plean-1 to this report Hiere wore '..iiiiii I... Ing program Bealde the speakers borrowed fro tiilhe library hint year, i named the other contestants were: I The library treasury however wit tlrace Mariiuis, Mildred I'oorman, ported to ho III led mil) to Hie extent Itay Marshull iind Marjorle Wells .n v.l crnis E. A. ERASER TAKES MALHEUR MERCANTILE Itea.liiisiineiil of Vffali's ol 1'l.nie.i Lstiibllsliiiionl lakes Place wild I ice liMiet al Helm. Aniioiiuc. iii.-nl was made lant week Of i . of the M.ilhoiii M.-i . .mm. 'ompanv Allot a t. .. IJn t luoiii .i i in- Brm'i i.i hi I i i er purchased the stock and th. -lot.-, which is a landmark ill Ontario, went into ins i- h I-1 ., i plant liiakliiK a number ol BhMfOl '" the business liul has not dotinlielv d.-i.-i milled upon thou char... U I The M.ilhoiii Met cant lie conipanv was on. oi ii.- ploaaor laatltui of Onturio. In the daya pro. eo. linn the building of Hie railroad to the in lerlor It waa the headquarters of pi oneer ntockmen. Much of the histo ry of Malheur county and of Ontario is centered about the institution DORHAN SELLS SHEEP AND NOW WEARS SMILE trnoaj Mm ahaopmea who smile those days are those who hav. Just gold their flocks at the top pn.es. D. Dorniun is one of them. Mr. Dor niati sold Ins band or 1200 ewes this I week to i'. 11 Irvln of New Meadows, Idaho. Although he wore Hie BfMM aaid Bheepuiati's smile Mr. Dormaii would not divulge what he not for his sheep. Iho he did say. ' 1 am tatted." Utd to looked it Havlni boon ao itiocoaful tins son son Mr. Doiuiaii plans on inn.-, his operations for i..i ve.u 11. to liiilld a big silo in will h to pi. pare fed for four limes the inn Of sliep he had 'his winier. Now Council Hevei-aee Order of Its Prrxlereenor After Kffort Ui ftot Compromise lietween Proper- i '1,,,,,-is. A. Jar.quinh who last year petition ed for the erection of sownr In I he alloy hack of IiIh property on Idaho troet only to fall hy one vote got what he wanted at the meeting of the 1 1 v council Monday evening when hhi petition was granted with but one fHiiaAril Inn unlit When the tnntier enme before the council for h hearing A. E. Eraser who owna wvit,i lots, which from their nature can nut tie benefitted hy the Bower Hied objertlona and ax oxplatned Ills situation to Um coun cil Ills .it. f . Iimii found modi u-llh , counrl nm bk ,(m .,,,,, occnnlon Mr. Jacquiah offered to nu-i part of the assessment that would bo levied against Mr Eraser's property. After spending nearly an hour In I nn attempt to reach a basin for settl anils of dollurs for trunk ewers and I iliai the property owners must unmeet when w it liln a reason ,,,,,. ,,, , , . ,, would lie iBOOnalsl fit In deny Mich a petition to a rt itdonl who want! to lank.- a lontioctlon .iti.l I willing to hour Hie greater portion ol tin- hur den i in inoJImen alao .h-. u ad, In , formally. Hie unit .-r ol taking Ml I to make all those wllliln the sewer district iii.ik. no, lions i STOCKHOLDERS ELECT OLD OWYHEE BOARD Ipactal MoMtafl Hidil saiui.lav Hale of Annual Meeting haliu' d Iroin hieptember In h'ehruaru). 01 l.il mOOtlBI "I the (tOt khold to ( lw v hoe liji. h coinpai. held al Hie ollice of In. Ice (I I. Kim; last Saiiirdav BftOrBOOB for II. iii -. Ini .in . - lor .nid u ml lug Hie h. ' to ..mraiiv It took some time alloc Hie Inc.! Ing gathered to determine whether oi n.. i b quorum waa I and when i. ..in. I iiieie wa-- not members ci out and hunted (Or atookboldori until the required number was ho cured. When ' lo .-I.-, tion waa held iho old dire, tors, J. M. liiincan. John Lav , I'. K. Kniison. John A. Ward. T M Iowe, A. tjrainse, and W S. Ke.s .v.-ie all re-elected. I'rior to the meeting rumors of a division of the , stockholders from opposite ends nf the ditch were lieard but the fight did not materialize sutticietti ly to change the hoard The proposition to change the tiiiin ol the annual ineeilim Iroin Sept. -in her lo l-'ebruary i-airie.l by an al BM I iinalliluolis vole The otli. -t lie . oinpaiiy are- J Al human. n. Idem .1' It Kllll-oli. v ice pre--l.li-lil and Q, L. King. elary. l.tlftl PAINT M VN Is HKt IPIKNT III lt II I J 1 ti. K i. ii ol Van I'.tt.-n Lumber company received this m-.-k a band -ome gold watch from T II Taylor, district agent for the Sherwin-W'il Hams paint company for recording the i.-..tesi increase in business of till BTOf 1 1 1 ' ' ' in Ho' district Mr lilckson is might? proud of the watch and ill view ol lie- fact thai On iniio added Inn few new -till. In considers the record unusual. MKKTINCJ OK I'AUKNT-Ti: MKIIS ('HULK MuMHi Al II ItVtlON ADOPTN I'AVOItAlll.K UK- POP.T Ol-WOMMITTKK. ONE INSPECTION THIS YEAR Physicians and Surgeons of t'lt Will Make hxAiiilnntlons I Tec llnh Pays to lie Hpeclltrd for t'onven lence. At least once thin year, and twice each nucceedlng year the pupils of the Ontario schools will untlergo med leal Inspection, according to a phut which will he placed before the achool board by the Parant-Tenr.liern' . Hole After a short discussion of the re port of the committee on Medical In spection, including Mrs A W Trow. Mm. Kdiin (Irlflln and Mm. Twllla Head, a motion wan passed at a spo clal meeting of the circle last l..n day afternoon adopting the report and urging that the Inspection be started till. )i.u ttr Hie twenty-odd iiioniliern present all save two voted In favor of the report and tli ..Hon to make It active. No .nilm.-ni a ua!n list the inauguration of the In spiel Inn were spoken III the meeting .ooor.lliiH 10 Ho- ilan ol ICtlOB oiH II n. .1 at Hie t Unit iinh the chlldri'ti of the Unilinear and I'rlniary grade) , will ho . ainlned this year for the common nllmt bi mi u.. phynlnlBi nn. I .lire. -on . ol tie city will gather M dime noun and the pupil grade with their t.-acher will giillier for the cvitniuiiiion. tin- ordtoi the report ol RodloM on speehiilv p...ire.l I I. ml. tor eacd ..iil! Thene blanks will then he s nt to the parent with Hie r. colli iiielldnl loll ol the li s. I.i ii - nil. I It will thou lie B iniillor for the parents to determine whether or not the ailments. If any are found, are to he treated I 1 1 i3Bisv 1 Photo copyright by American Pieaa Asaoclutluo. CHAMP CLARK. To prevent a minority from deadlocking tin proc dings ol Hit ol K.-pr,- aOtOl ltd I no Kutsoi s dozen in Hie i h. -nn- lloUl - Ol the Senate, tin- K.p ii Id i ca ii - and Democrats .,1 i In- HOUBO. BOttht r of .vlioin have a clear Inajoiiiv propoae to lorin a coalition 4 cording to prOBOBl plat. 'ml' ' : O five iudupenderil m.'iiihei ol' the House Join altbor DM a! tlM BI rllea the llepuhlicans end Deinocrat. are tO llllite Hi eh-cHcg t'hmp Clgrk, speaker and .HVl.h- lie I olu In it tee e,il.,l I) betw, n i'ii' predominating parttoa This howerer will not to dona until all h. i ii, .j. p. ndtnls in abandoned fej II,,- part) laadot IHUKtTOItS HhJKt T HKOt HHT Ol U MHKItM AVH Tilt HT COM- PANi KM ADDITIONAL i HIXTV II.WH ON OPTION WILL NOT DELAY THE WORK Other offers Have ll.-.ii Made for In. sue Th.. no Action It..- Ilcen Ink en t i.ii Them as let Will Pro ceed ullli ..ii.l.i.ii.i.li. . i. Suit. I(euenting an extension of 1.0 days on Itn option for the purchnne of the hondn of the Warmsprltigs Irrigation district representatives of the Lum berman's Trust company met the hoard or directors ol the district at Vale Tuenday. The reijuenl of the company wan rejected by the direc tors. i.ordlng to John Itlgby, secretary of the dlstrli I the work of construct ing the renervolr will not he delayed by the action of the Lumberman's Trust. It Is also understood thai nil er offers have boon received fur the hondn, Hid an yet no action upon oilers has been tak n In speaking of the action of Hie hoard while In the cllv lo.lav Mr Itlg hy said: 'Tito Lumberman' I I'm i conipniiv asked for II davs more lime lo exam ine the properly The reO,tMOt -i n.r the reason thai when th. contrnet tor the bonds wai Mtond Into the i.iinpaiiy asked fur II davs hut said Unit II would not lake more I hall t w.l WOOh I" . otilph 'e 1 1. animation The board WM well ...I Vlaod that two weeks was all thai w.ts tiweaaary and could -mi for the granting of an additional mi dn "Tlie board In oonlltleut tluife failure ol Hie 1. umbel man's Tra-el cilllipal.v to lake the lion. I will not delay Hi" construction ol the reset voir or condemnation of tin renervolr Kile " - Spi liigtlme and Winter Play Tnvjt with IsmcIi Other In Ibis Neetlon Sh..n.iKe of Peed In Minie Hec- thins QnM dig Iiwt, Weal her, typical of the kind they have hack east In March, wnn the an-1 Hortment the man who regulates things aent to Ontario and all Eaat- ern Oregon thin week. Aa the re - still of the game of tag which winter and npring played there ban been re corded many severe loaaea to atock-ni.-ii In the hill reglnna. Thone around Oulurlo did not minor thanks to the raol that here they could aecurc plen-1 Attorney P J (Jalhigher wan elect ty of food. ,.,i 111,1.1,1 ,,l the (omerclal . iu. An the renult of the nnnwn prnrll-1 at the special meeting last Thursday cally all the hav In this section ban evening. J M Lewis, manager of been bought up ami hail then been the Telephone company was elected. miiiiv thotiiuinds more tons that too vlce-prealdent, and Q, M. Stearns, could have hn-ii disposed of llils' city recorder, waa el ex-titl secretary week In die t'snvon city region audi treasurer. r rum Jordiin Valley heavy losses to Thin action wan taken by the hoard sheep ami cattle were reported The "f trustees following their selection long winter following on the heavy hy the tneuibern prenent. The newly snows of lant winter depleted the elected board members nro A L. Cock stocks of f I and added to this the ruin. A K l-'riiser, II f lloyer. W. deep snow inde II Impossible for some of the sto. kitten to get forage to their animate. MINSTRELS HAKE HIT WITH VALE AUDIENCE board Sunday atioinoon t ihls lat ter meeting It waa dotormlnt I laiige NiiiiiIici It. .in nv hi. In I iiiiio ii.il BOtlvlUOB be one of till t MjOal I.. luiov Program lor prodUl IW lO I" H I II and to D.niie. r working .'ni. will hale a dim n Mon. lav M irch I I I n flub atid tliil.iii.. .1 conilnlHee i illl.in wont to Vale loi I IBMI, I'-.rn fl Tuiiht, f Itl.l'l, ami helped spt.a.l the mime nil. I i Harry Morow ami II I i.-h.hTWH of Ontario Ihriionl the Bonniv -. .h mimed to care for the dinner and eg- A large audi.- gr..ied the bovs tertall lit To this meeilng ev.t who were assisted bv Hie ale ..I until III dnlarlo I liivit.d in iiitiHiig on iho program If the Vale folks enjove.l Hie visit as much as the iititarluiis who in. no il, nip. judging hy all Hie reports that huvi hi d. the vein ur- B as a real u. ce - BYRDISELLS IUNIURA TIMES TO (1E0RCE GROW v l llvrd who lor ome in... ii Il.h.-r ol Hie .1 mil ill . T I has sold i.ls mli i. .1 in Ho publlcotloa to . known printer and new papei man ol : nn. I or some I In., h . (iiow ha . I u connected wiiit tht t w Meadow - I -'.. Mr. I Siihii.iv returulni to iBBtura from ill III - pui I'rim v ill. N't .. I He -.. .11 i m ... qulaltl iboiit ..I i lie monl h HUNDREDS ATTEND SALE 01 H. H. TUNNY'S STOCK II, III, II.-. I ol l.incn.l II. .Ill all II. M Kasl. rn Mali., ill coiiniv and Iron the l.lauo hench galhel..! al II,.- I'llli ny mm I. south ol l,,n Saiui.lav i,. hill on Ho- large oil. i in. ol Mock ami eiiulpnienl ..tiered that day The sah- w.,.- one ol Iho latg.sl private -ill. ever hold in this section Mlll.-r . Hi. k.ns oi Caldwell sold the good and t l( Kniison wai the clerk ol Hie Mia iiv.-i l,l '.m.i 11, ol cat I a and good M BI o -old l noon . roal hot lunch was nerved and en j. hi. I fe) the crowd. iti.i: HMIKMI N M ii v N till toil piihii.AND MAHKKT Several large -hipineni . ,,i call It an dhogs loll i ii, I. ii 10 din ii . ,. lor t he I'm i land m.,, I'oiir car load woiil oil' on Saiiii.la. and were followed on Moii.l.iv hv Hire., additional ahlpmenti A from the ship cat i le ' In re wei - ..I hay to ,!il i,i polni 111 i ..' '.in in w 1.1 n- Ih.- -sh... s to Hie i al I le 111 II 'nMMKIU IAI, flTIl HOLM A . MAI. KLLCI'ION I N, 1,1 W- IS IH NKLK1TKD Vlt I -PltK.s. Mil M WILL BROADEN ACTIVITIES : lllg Social Hoanlon to lie Held MmuUu Miinh III To Make 1ah Xttra. Ilve lo All Men of Illy New Men ber Wanletl. II Do.. little. J M Lewis, f J. (lull.. gher and W II Hon. follow lli the .leelloll of Olflowr the tlirectors held II shor' ii. nid .1. elded on Inaugural lug a llietlt Inr III. I. aslug of I . and Ho- Infusion of new life Into Hie clubs work This was gh.-tt delltiltM dlft . i em at a i At this meeting there will to i cusslou of the .lull's oil. v for coming year and short tslks will made I... .. Iliulleil iiunilut of speak ers. "Wlint 1 1 oil . Preshloni fJallagfrfl la dlscii-slitg Ing i. n .ting. I to g- ' ll i 'illlllo Itlteresled III the club want lo broaden llio i luh- WW i ..I ..ii we want the OB oparai oi ov at hi in to ii o i rial w tot er the club start ..villi nn i when ii i.nuiii to i . re boll n be done fey gOtl tM DEATH COMES TO END C. PLANT'S SUFFERING I i H ii.-. ih . i 'own . . pi - Hi I I li.il. 1V fJtaboP I' -' a VI B ,.,. Hiir, ,,, , ,,. , ,, vllurvU , w,,,,i ,,., ,.,. ,,,, made In (,,iiai lo oe motor; ,. ,.,,,,, A , ,, ,IU L , ,,, , Bh) ,,, ,,,. , ,,, Orogon ill III ii or l-t n foreman ol the wrecking ore ol 1 1 i . H) w i I'uoatelbi Hi i.le i - ft children . lira uom i hrl Ontario; Mi 1 1, ur I 'Li it I o; Wei brothers. Ed Plant uf Wtl Item I'lain Plant oi t aiiionia I II (.11 I l lilt .V(iV. ntrriag I . ap over ol. I , rn-.mi i . -i ud .i- j.... . being fl p I, Hell oil I., .el i . ni to folio, ' Valla) Exp