The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 01, 1917, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    PAGE 3
MK. ilUAh uirllLd
Tin- i)i :i n ri rr of declaring ii r anil
hi . inn loll
Ml mil In' li'fl iii ihi aagiricg of fnr-
ii i tun lata to lot h tha door
Itld VlLiO s) Ii.
lD roinli
iti.ill Colli. I
' II
TIiIh hi Ion Ii i I mi e i
Tin- Ontario Ai
dntj to publl h
ii n 1 1 i i i on i
.1 i ,- poll)
to Dppoi lihiil In DOWI HI II "I
BgpST, In .Ii -I in' nivHi'lf Bon III 'I'- , '' Tel orj bBBB Ifl OPSTBtlOB
lull, iiriiiul'iiiiK nut tO tOHeh Upon lm Inn 1 1 . . i 1 1 . 1 1 1 I : i BOBtl
'H:i dl lOO . Shlcb dim. rn is i1 batWOgg tha I'lillcil Htuti" jmiiI Ci-i
Mil" tlon, i i : . -riiiii ii nr iru iirituin i, iraa! dooa gay raaaoaabla man
If our ii'rii':'iiliillM" could In- Or
rruli'il UBOtl In arl In iirroril.inre will
llppOHO WIUllll ImVP llllll"lll'll" Whj
ir itata of tinpi "pn r.-ii in- i than,
llio wIhIiok of IIioho who i'!i' i.'il ilii'in. and with no HtIIIhIi bnttlr r I r-.-t hold
1 woiilil not fi'i'l alarmed. lloWOTW
tin' vuIith know boiler Wa lniil Kuril
convincing examples iiKiiin In I be lam
Hip KuIhith niiipi iii ohaoki tha
war wiiulil liaw- boon on while lllll
Bryan wan preparing IiIh Mrs! BBaBjgk
rnwHlon uf Ihi' Oregon EfWMg There Lack of time forhlilH going further
Ih tin iloiihl. thai tin' (Iri'RiinlaiiM WON I Into I In- iimtIIh of this question for
nun Ii In favor of tho lollniuent tax; Mr Tea M1 Igtlgf wiih not r'oici
hill. V't It wiih (li'fcati'il Tin' pi'opli until Weiliiemlay evening, hut I In- pal
liavo I ii ili'lllii'i -ii.'l rohhi'd forllenre with which I'reelilont Wilson
yarn In paying for nilvorth-lng do- handled the various problem ron-
llniiii'nl taxes. If IIiIh Ik not a shin
lug nxniuple of rliiKH laglalaUoB. then
frontlDg hlui, IiIk repented dcrlnrn
(Ions lo oi'intrpMK are self evident
I muni ho blind Ho manv nets. In the manifestations that the 1'nlled
i'oui of limp liavo been paMKPd, fav Itataa baa iraa) righia at Htakp the
orlng IiukIiipk. hlg lm In. . ii.
pi' ' i well ii ii .1 lo llio il i V
ilon'i rail t hut ili'i'iorrin . and If It
wan not for l i iiduin. Ii
tho mid roaaJI, wo would not bai
.my i-lii'i k to null ngRn-KKlon, ii ii I
lorroadar or which would ip un-
worihy of nn.v people worthy of Hip
MOM of turn
Anvwav n not Qoa I qua Hon of
wnr, for no ii" uinii wntitx war
when n ran Iip avoided, hut II Ik a
rlaf rah n u. r Mi.' ,u Hon. v. ho QUI Hon of rli'ht and In lira and ad
boars Ih" I. in. I. n during and aft lirrrin " lo thr rorniiiil.'cil rules of
th" win' Ami who proln In .'' warfare in loin hhu: inuiiil aal
I'll" people ha" nothitiK t'i gain 111 To surri'lnlci rills ullli .ml
modern warn If In Hie prr.riii war, wordK of prnlo.t Ik t ti OBCSlt aid" to
a gnal prlnrlpl" wan at Klnkp, aH' i nnv man u lm by even a eui mi ttld)
lug our ountrv, wp would know how of hlKlnry knowH nt whnl
to iik" Hi" r 'li Trniliini In Kiipporl of wri" MhlOfOd
that prlnrlpl" Hill what Ih HiIk In IiIk further ilalcnicnt . ..u
Huroppiiii nnirdi'r for'' Modern warK riTiilna th" ihuh- oi war Mr Ti
Kprlng from tha desire (Kreedl for give Hip oft rrpiMti'd rry of "class-
piolltK liiiiiiio'i'rial ih airy wjim pk," "gri'd" and avarl. I doubt
hoiitid to four t II Ih war lil't w inn (li'l them' an- I In- rauri of iiiokI I
many and I nrlan.l nil If wp nrr hut not all wars Wiih Hip ROTOll
no' rri'dv for profits there Ih no i I loniiry war foBgl Was
for iik. I. "I UK Htipph Ih" t'lvll war oiip or '. Wiih
our o' n .",,il" ilrnt, tin ii If thiT" I i a Hi" war with Spam DMgM for ag
urplua, I' t thoaa who warn ii lui of history
.hoi K"i ii i tailor do mil anataln inch a b p rlflhti tor tho ti banc, For fartboi aat rot to Mr Poa
thai H" rOBJgJg nni . Intpri'Kl lug lottOT wo would II
and h" oallad upon to i bills rod attention to tha editorial reprint
I To wlioiu?) thai think of sd iioin Hip Sunday OragJOBlBB Hullo-
ill i it.-i i . upon puldl. moral', d' r the rapt Ion, "Dlvldsd'v "
ini don i i tha i" ' iiimir Imsnta of the Oregonlan wrll
ini'ii to miik" th" Amiriiiin nation sr, wa hsllssa mih i
lirtli'f ll.'g.'lo 1 .ill don I en to tin
front I ' h. .in" and fath.'i ll MUM,TV.
Hip iiiM gi'iii'iallon After Hi" w.ii -
Hip world will i. i. on, and Hi" Il Ik high Hlii" oiiosui"
iio-rhan psopta win ba Hnnigiit of prasobsd tha (Ml thai lojraltj n not
an all "X.iiiipl" ol i o uuld full) STTSd b) Saving Hi" Anon, an
,. ii.'ialr nation llug and kIioiiHiik OOJI - kmIim
In pa hp of IiiviikIoii. Hi" p. r.'iiduni light under MBIol
would bg iinpiartiral llui roiull Loyalty, in on" part, OOastOta of BflS
Hiiiik al pri'Hiiil an- Piitlr' ly dllliri'tit IIiIpih " In oil" m niiiirnt , faith In
g hav" ainpl" limp to r.'.'Kon and Hip honor Of OM'B felliiw .mi 1 1 v in, n .
Ihlllk" W" II I to art ka .'l"l h.lli I III Hi" llt.v "I Hon
to "nil your atli'iition to Hi. larl thai MtSblahod lllhl II ill Ioiih In Hi" 0
l.iii'lKii n-l.ii' lurli'd b) I'n't It CO
tha pri'ldi'lll .Hid bNJ rulllll"! oltlii'ls I III"", lo do anil ill" II II" -il I"
If foreign uffalrK ar- ill taki ii r.i I, bshoJI "' OBW rounn. a IgStltM
Ky In an gggJfaaalVi way. ..iio.ii - tiOBI no I lt DOOpIS, and to dil.'ti.l at
n.i num.' .lav in i, in.', I in a poa n ''II l.aai.lK it honor ggggtal all
i ion ..I war I- il." mi .Mill-
ly way out Dobi m good attach Hia Nation Ik afllstod todaf with
iBOn I.ino'iital .lltl.'t.nrr two tp. .IliK lov.ili '
liptwi'.'ii uk In tho war .i. -. ran H" glvsi lip STVlOl ' G SHI
I,.- ira. .-il to tl " ju 'I. . or in iu-.iii -.' ol no in. Its p.oplr and it-. In-iilul ioiih
Hip in.ilit v i. in lm" war ha- bS and pro. ! In t In- I
lo I," ,, l,u lm and good SSMS "I III" rolllillv pSO
i . i inn iiii.iii Hi" prom --i"iii pia N"1 i in- iii'. ihrtatu from wa
ami you aboliah tha eansa foi sar rllloo Ths othsr boastfnlly aasarl i
Tha balagsa of powor bai fatlsd to wlllli bni Qo
pr.' wai .. win an Intsrnatlonal arnmsnl intrigue ami tn
I'..,,, I bflfjO I Sipl '-ii liu.i- n uiiioiik Ih" pi-oplp and i li.n ." 001
ilf in a mil that IsSVSI no doillit Bl mptlOB "I lli"ir iBBtltUtl
lo niv nun lath
.. kiui; inn for Hi" -pa. ".
r ti:si:
Hill fi'w wor.l- air ii.'cl.'il lo .in-- al" I Ii" i'il"i"iiduiuili- III prsfl
w"i- iii" (eragjolag ifataasnl Iron lo tho tradnosr Tha coward forced
Mr Ti'UM'ii, (or II i-ino-T "v i.iiiii tiiat to flghl for an aokBowlsdgsd truili.
I..- gaj avsrlooksd aotlrst tha poal lantort dspsadabla than oM who vol
lion pii'Vioii-ly .i-uiind liv tin; Ar- untrn to batik' for that wliirh I,"
gna in iii" iii"Kiion at hsMM Ha ha- bsltsvaa la ba I
rii.'d an lnstani" w hrrp, in Ins opln- No MM Ut SBtltlsd lo the nuioe loy-
lon, i hp doatraa of Um BtajtrttT of iba aJUi iiBlaaa ba aaospis Um wkola prta
p. ..pie of the Htute were not adhered elpla Of loyalty A pronilHKory n..i.-
to by Hi" last lrgiHlatui" to shoulder arms, wliirh one inav mv
To diseuHH that here would be er be called upon to pay. is not the
grama than foollah, tho tha nsasura Nathts'i erring naod ' thla bogr
referred to has as amendeil sultn lent Kutber, It la a universal expression
iii.iii to warrant the union ol the of faith thai the derisions of tho m
leglslutfTro, lor the protOOtlOB of In- w liose hand- Hu w.liaie Ol lit. ,a
iiorent properly Horn the gVlp ol the tlon luivn been voluntarilv placed h
'iiu "ii pet r.'iit p. -nallv no li who ill the people will retted their ttdg
Viol" every i oiniiiunit HoweviT to meiii, Ihrir -pirn and IhatT honor
pit k out one I .Hid HJ thai is Only ir gtVM thai niurh , an viuerna
pi di m i ..' ilng for ' ha lagU f b :
latura paaaad mora than too meai
In the fun -
:ii"h, a thai
the pi illative
in qui ' i -' '
alt Ion
Hoi'. know
True An pal iiuirt
with nslthar. If compelled to cht
batwsen thegi, h would tooepl U
pai i.i, ti ol fatted " . a ho ggeaj
at thought of sarniirt n woultl
fai ri
inav be, "with main I nolo
a ith rhariiv for all
m i
When a ii
,i injur . .
Of Manufacturer's Specimens and Init
ial Showing of New Spring
Coats, Suits, Dresses
We have arranged for the benefit of the women of Ontario, Vale, Nysaa, Fruitland, New Plymouth and all
the surrounding territory, to show the most approved garments shown by some of the best garment manu
facturers in the East and Middle West.
In our initial showing of Women's Ready to wear goods we have secured an assortment of captivatingly hand
some beauties which will reflect artistic touches of the designer's skill combined with honest materials and
perfect workmanship.
The smartness of the garments will astonish you so will the prices, for considering the values they are
well come and see for yourself.
Nifty is the word that describes these sport coats
for Spring. They are most desirable and make a
.hit everywhere. THE
POCKETS. Women and
Misses will be delighted
with every one. They
are priced
from. .
$9 to $25
Come see the new
is reflected the
Different in style that tells the story of the
spring dresses we are offering, the straight
from the shoulder effects are charmingly
brought out in plaitted designs. We know
the women will all like these for the col
and designs are right to express the ideas of
springtime. Priced all
the way from
$8.50 Jo $20.00
suits. The coming uf Spring
colors of tho suit offerings,
Gold, Mustard, Apple
Green, Blues, Ro ;e etc.,
are the popular shades
and offer variety for the
jaunty individuality
every woman seeks. We
have these in many de
signs and values, includ
i n K G ardbardines,
Serge, Jersey, Chuddy
Cloth, variously priced
from $15 to $35.00
'.l all i.ooil .iluc.
igtV "
Vd v
New Spring Footwear
Featuring the Utz & Dunn
In these days of short skirts I woman is . n
ly ;is well drestnl t i,or shoes substantia!
ly stylish shoes are eential to the well
dressed woman. We have them to tit every
.flasksBs ' gs
We have them in the high top all black,
black and white, white, grays, soapstone
Included in 0U1 stock are handso.iii:. Belby
Shoes distinctive in style and quality.
WE WISH TO EMPHASIZE THIS. The only way in which you can become acquainted with the merits of our
ready to wear goods, and the fairness with which they are priced is to SEE THEM. In 0UTn y .Xo the
ready to wear trade we aim to maintain the same relative standing as we have established in our otflti depart
ments, by offering only the products of the best manufacturers, honestly priced within the reach of I ' iryone,
when the season opens.
RSUISOlbSr ibe ll.lle ..
I 111 ."billion
to par stot hi Mo . h -
Mil' I
. I.. , ii ,,.