TTIE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, H)17. SPECIAL TRAIN TO CO m PWS m middle west boohing p ir E3CE a in kwwn htm rami iu wni mid dWrMLn n dmilli a .Lndiun IV OIIUII mil UHllULi PAOE 8 f., tlv 111 HI Hu M a w I da pn W nc he a Ft ftl Ti P Ik It. w. P tli G ill ill al ti w ri hi v n a I. I n tl OroKon (lull n ml Ontario lliinil In Otn .inii si-iit iniks ii it-iii Trent with Doable mil. Tli.' orcirnn Huh of Ontario nnd tin Out. ill.. I. mil I lll rental thi'lr re MM Mlntri'l show at Vulc Bl Tliursduv. March I, iin.l following thl otitort til ii iik'ii t will give a dance, in order Unit the rruwd expected to go to Vale from Ontario may tin able In do no arrangements tiave been mud.' for a special train which will leave Ontario at 6:30 anil will return from Vale following the dance A num ber of specialties for the benefit of the Vale audience are being ar ranged for. WOMEN'S CLUB PUNS ANNUAL BOOK SOCIAL The annual book nodal of the Wo man's club for the benefit of the I'ubilr Library will be lislfl fn a date to be announced soon. Just when this will be the rommlttue In charge doe not know for the books ordered mime time ago have been delayed In transit and have not yet reached On tario. When the books arrive they will ho placed on sale at W. W. Let Kon's store and the date for the social will be announced thru the ship ment Is expected next week. Tin1 com mlltee In charge of the social this year Is Mrs. H. O. Urane, chairman. Meadames K 0. Vanl'etten. J. 0, tHaples. Hay Wilson, (leorgc Oram, L. Heady and (leorge Render. i lol Utorney it. (V s returned this week from i thrM v isll ill III - ..Id horns In Min- na (poll .iii. i. .ii ii.. in lai i ntw dI the niitioii in speaking of conditions I III' r.llllnl I 1 1 1 -1 1 1 I Ii .,1,1 "HimlnesH ho :r.'iit tlnii all the mills nnd factories of Mlnnonuolii nnd St. Paul are months hi'lilud their or ders. Talking with one of the lead ing business men of that section t was told that everyone looks for the present abnormal conditions to last at least a year longer. Prices are comparatively higher there limn here In Ontario. Money Is freer and busi ness Ii at top notch. "At present the city of Minneapolis Is deeply aroused over patriotic ques tions. Pacificists hold mass meetings one day with thousands present and t s Bailey of I I Or BhardS Tracts Is back In Ontario al tW ii month'! sojourn In his old home in si. I'll iii "(in. can hardly be lleve that the cities of the Mlddll wagief Wet haw dOTSjIoPOd I I In'.-. Ii i lie BOOt fi M run," i.uld Mr. Halley, ftl tin' Moan Hotel lftOt Saturday. 'When I left 31. Paul eight years ago there were hut two packing I plants at South St I'anl, the stock BMtOT of that region. Now there are II firms In the packing business there and it has grown mnrvelously, and the end Is not In sight. The Armour Packing company Is building a $7. 000.000 plant and industries of all kinds aro following In the wake of the development of the packing busi ness. "The greatest sight I have ever seen is the St. Paul Carnival. It Is the next dsy the loyalists hold athe most extravagant pageant Imagl- meetlng double the size of the pacifi cist gatherings. The oratory Is fervid and one has to he there In appreciate how the people feel Those of us who live out here In the quiet west have mi Idea of the extent to which feelings have been aroused In th Mill city Many cltltens of Mlnneap olis feel that the city has been materi ally Injured by the factional fight that has been engendered. "After living In the Snake Hlver valley for several years where the winters srn mild it was no Joke to stay in Minneapolis where they ex perienced the coldest and hardest winter in years, and I was mighty glad to get back to Ontario to thaw-out." nable. The big thing about It Is the fart that everyone In tho city, old and young gets Into tho spirit of the carnival and tho result Is a week of the real sport." MARKET DAV SALE WILL BE BIGGER ON RECORD Judging by the advance null..", the RAILROAD MEN INSPECT BRANCH LINE TO CRANE The Oregon Eastern ranch from Ontario to Crane underwent an In sect Inn from officials of the O. 8. I. Ry. last aSturday and Sunday. The party went up In private cars at- regular monthly ule scheduled for (ached to No. 371 Saturday and re Saturday of this week will be by far turned on a special Sunday arriving the largest ever held In Ontario More In Ontario itout noon They did mil Htock of all kinds nn.l more farm tin- atop In Ontario hut proceeded to I'ay plements have been listed than ever jettO to make a trip over the Payette before and on lop of this more farm- A) Northern. In the party were V. era have Indicated their Intention in II Knickerbocker, general superin- he In tho city for the sale Aa a growing Institution the Monthly Sale Ih commanding the attention of the people mil ml ii ho nt Ontario tendon! ; A II Stevenson, superinten dent of the Idaho division; 0. A. Par ma, division engineer; and 0 K Hrooks, assistant superintendent UNCLE DICK CELELRATES WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY This Is the birthday of Oeorge Washington, tho Father of Our t 'nun try. It la also the birthday of Uncle Dick Uiitheriord and It Is certain that the memory of the Nation's first chief is ont more reverentially re membered by any citizen than It la by Uncle Dick. It Is his seventy-seventh anniversary of his arrival, at least he says It is, but If so he Is the youngest near-octogenarlan that aver lived for he lias been looking forward to celebrating his birthday with all the enthusiasm or a seven year old, and his many friends hope that bis enthusiasm will not dim for years to come. In honor of the occasion Uncle Dick will gather together a number of friends to assist him in properly cel-bratlng. SHEEPMEN SEE mill; 111 HI NESS ON SCREEN ii ontlnued from First Page! oo SPECIALS For Saturday, February 24th TO HELP OUT THE SALES DAY WE OFFER FOR SATURDAY ONLY AND FOR CASH WITH ORDER AS FOLLOWS: SOAP Swift ' white Laundry, 7 burs for 26c Swift's white Laundry, KM) bars for $3.60 RICE Japan Style, t poundi for 28c Japan style, u poundi for 50c Japan style, 2 poundi for $1.00 Japan style, tiki poundi for $4.75 ORANGES Niivels, 17 size, per dozen Navels, 176 size, 2 dozen SODA Schillings Soda, 1 pound packagM Schillings Soda, 1 pound packages, l for . FLOUR Yeribcst High patent per sack $1.80 Velvet Ili"d patent per sack $1.75 I, unit mi Plotir to not more than 111 sacks to one customer. THE PRICES NAMED ABOVE WILL BE GOOD FOR ONE DAY ONLY, FEB. 24th. NONE CHARGED AT THE PRICES NAMED ABOVE, CASH ONLY. OO oo oo 20c 35c 05c 25c OO WILSON THE BROTHER (.ROGERS vised by telephone of the opportunity of seeing the car In Ontario Through his last energetic effort Ontario made a handsome showing at r VMgMgsw Jt J Wash Goods Are Now On Display Color Varieties Greater Than Ever OUR MAMMOTH STOCK OF WASH GOODS AR RIVED IN TIME FOR EARLY SPRING SEWING. THEY ARE ON THE SHELVES AND TABLES NOW IN GREAT VARIETIES OF Colors, Stripes and Varied Patterns THE PRUDENT SHOPPER WILL DO WELL TO SEE THESE OFFERINGS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND THUS GET ADVANCED IDEAS ON THE SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS. Spring Hats and Caps for Men and Boys WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED OUR LINE OF MEN'S HATS AND CAPS AND BOYS HATS AND CAPS FOR SPRING WEAR. THE LINES ARE COMPLETE AND OFFER SELECTIONS SUITABLE FOR EVERY NEED. LOOK THEM OVER NOW AND BE SUR PRISED AT THE STYLES AND PRICES AT WHICH HIGH PRICES. RADER BROS. oNTAiuo. onnooi. the exhibit and greatly pleased the governmcn( oltlrlals In charge Counting tin- high school pupils them were nearly .100 persons at the the atre to see the reels "From (Ml to Cloth," while the car was crowded during ita entire stay on the track near the station. Ontario Sheep to ! Stair. When the cur arrived In Ontario n was minus the six varieties of shee necessary to show the various grades t wool produced In this section. Ill each statu the exhibit Is provided by the Agricultural college of the state lint ion. ,llls heliiK so far (rum (in tarlo It was necessary lo aecuri the exhibits here. That wus easily done', however, for a istt to the hand of sheep being wintered l.y John Wood 1 was made by the government expert unit Mr Wood iro tiled the necessary .lllillials Olio ot this,' (he Kaluhillll let showing the lines) staple wool declared Um expert i h,- ttjjtaj la uuythliiK he had si .n m c.irs Included In the exhibit wheth al : trailed the attention ot many sheep men wintering here was a miniature Australian shearing shed, showing ' I the grading departments and other Improved contrivances over the ineth I ods used In this section. Various . kinds of wool under microscopes al- so received the study of wool men Hales of Australian aud New Zealand wool, pictures showing all the stages from wool to cloth, a sheepman's li brary and other features made a vis it to the car interesting alike to sheepmen and others as well That ". the sheepmen were Interested was manifested by the iiuesllons asked of the experts In charge. The car left on the afternoon train for Vale and on ita return In the ev ening proceeded to linker. l.aUramlf, I'i'iiilletoii mid other sheep raining sections of Kastern Oregon III 1(1. EV likTK HOI Ot KT FROM PORTLAND I'APKIt (Continued (nun Klrsl l'age 1 t rlii wanted and he was wise enough to get It. lie knew what the people of the state wanted and Joined the other senators In working out bene ficial legislation llurely Is a hold nalor and will hfl hack next I mi loss he gets married and in- wile lakes him out of politics" The Ladles' Aid met ,n the church last Tliurs : ral lew mem hers Joined after which the ladles en Joyed a social hour TROW WAS LEADER OE MEN SAYS MAYOR In the passiug of A W Trow, On tario and the community sutfera a distinct lues, 'he was ever in the fore front or progress; gifted with tre mendous physical and mental energy, he was a leader of men and move ments such aa la rarely lound In a small town; be was the prime mover In a number of matters ot value and Interest to our city and people; yet with all his activates, his home claimed the very best there was In him, and that alone, If there were not numerous other tribute.-, that might he p. ml him. Is sufficient to limp litin .i a paoi iiilicn neighbor and friend C HUM , Mavor Good Nursery Stock Cheap FULL LINE OP NURSERY STOCK, ALL HK8T VAR1KTIK8, IKlll', SHADE TREKS, BERRIES AND VINES, ACCLIMATED TO THIS COCNTKY. WRITE KOR DETAILS OR CALL AND EX AMINE STOCK. K lltUKARIM. RASI'UKRJUES AXD STRAWBERRIES BEAR ALL THE SEASON. Inter-Mountain Nursery H. 8. WAYNE, Proprietor. l'AYETTE. IDAHO. I M i(V ') The Hands of Opportunity... Arc busy every hour, and tach hour represents an opportunity tof more business. Appropnatt printed matter is a salesman on the job evei hour, awake to these opportunities, presenting your message at the most favorable time. Our experience warrants the statement that we can make your printing bring you profitable busi iii iff, MAY VK SHOW YOU 110 W THE ONTARIO ARGUS. FebruarjgSSgHgH f -gf Ml EC r-rrsrrzin -wiF sm. K flat. ' w r 6 7 8 J 10 II iz j -t . 6 17 10 19 20 Zl n uu Mu'n .