T11K ONTARiu IO. (j lHURSDAY, FKBKMAKY .M7. PAGE 7 CLASSIFIED A DVKKTIS1NG These, little ads. am road bf thOMUtfl of want aeekera both to buy and to roll. Price, per lino, per insertion Br. Phone 49J for renultn. Flvo barred I'lymouth ltock ntt prela out of the laying atraln of tho Oregon Agricultural College will be offered at the Rale of the Ontario Auction Co., flturday Februnry 24th, 1917. Theno rockeroln are from BBMk having nn egg record of more than 200 purr per year II II Cook rum 7-lt. Foil SALE ICO tonR of choice al falfa hay, four mlle aoutli of Nvr na. Fred Wood. l-tf. FOR HAI.K '-' um if third arop alfalfa for sale. C K. flee, Ontario, Oregon -2t LOST Watch, Rompwhere In On tntlo rift National Hank design leather fob ,,M nt. b It (OVAtl I nt Ar ,m I'M, ! mill receive $ Ti . 0 I re ward. 'I '.'I Two vacanclea for pupil nurw VeuiiR ladle wlRhlnR to take" up the couma muRt be 20 year of aRe, havi Reed health and have at IcaRt two yeara of hlRh MkOOL More Informa tion Riven by Mot hi r Hupnrlnr. FOR 8A1.E--Hank of Nyaaa Block very cheap. Inquire Argun II 212 Adv. 7 4t. MOST POWERFUL ORGAN. ! Fim.iui Old Inttrumant In St. Paul's I Catliadral, London. The organ of Si. I'lim's . lit li. drill In l.l.lo IS llll' BMBt KI t'l fill ill fill' wnild. There U a wc.bt of three ton on (lie bellown, ami annie of II Khuit ilics iliRiiiicar tmui view In the ri'i i hhi'h of tlie ciiiii iniMiR iloiiif. Sum.' nl i lie Hiiiiillei' ilii'R are 1 1 1 hy llir altar, nml 0M MM me attbar hidden away lichlml the I i row of . h"li Rlulla or are fccii towering on either rIiIi' Of llir clinlr RalcR. Hut nil arc coiil rolled frinii a Utile iirRim loft hi lii' h Ir RCill'rcly mom for MJTBM lie nIiIc the BfgaWaM Heated at Hie key In ii id. There are live row of key a ami two tlci'i of over UNI Ivory handle nIiiir I.OKT I.arge cameo brunch pink. Romewhero between main Rtreel and my reRldenee. Mr. McCulloch. WANTED HldR for -plowing 225 acrea with tractor. Inquire Eaatern OrpRiin Land i'o. 2-tf UK ..II. NtrTlfl s. .OTICD Of K.II.F Ol DSLM i;T ewviiei: Dm h com- PAW STOCK. I ir hereby Klven that a r meetlnR of the hoard of dl i of tlMi Owyhee IHtcli Com eld in Ontario, Oregon, on the . of October 1914, an nRRPRR- nf f per cent (M ci'tilM pei l win levied on all Owyhee Company atock outHtiindltiK. 1 .t a regular meelliiR of Raid iioard. lield In Ontario, OreRon, on Ihe 2nd day of October 1!HT,, atlOthM HRRPRRinent of fi per cent (fit) rentR Tlic OrgUfeM Rhow-il how. by pfMSttk l"'r "hare) waa levied on Ihe par with IiIm (liiiinb one of a row of hiiltoiiH value of all Owyhee Ditch Company Foil PAINTING, Puper hanging. .mil i aliiinlnlng I'lrvt Class Work. Prlcfa Iteii-nniilile Phone E. A WlMiloin, 20f.K4. 2-tf Business Directory ATTOHNKVS m II IIIIOOKK, Attorney nl Law. Wlh.oii III. Ik Ontario. Ore. 0 M.CONAGII.I, Attorney at I Will I'rnrllro III All IiiUNh Public IIB( Oral I'HVSKIANH DH8. PIIINZINO WEI Ontario, Oregon Olllie In New WIIhoii III... k mill.. I, .nil- 9 to 12 '.' to 4 mm nan an he ini'il, whole i lihiailuiiH of rIoir were pURlicd out or n li . . I In He denn nstnitid. too, how votli the llfbtaat BNBBBfa he could transform Ihe Roiin.l of ihe oryan from the so ft pat and Rwccti.t of tiiucR to a volume w lil. li lolil nml seemed to ilnike the entire luilliliui:. 'II rgini Ir a very ancient one. It wai I. mil between the yeara li.'.'l and IT. "i i. ..in' ll.'iniiil n IhiiIiIi. a cele brated i.riiiuiii miiii iinil.i'i, in i .".i 'hit i 'J.i "n i s. innl.lt whs tiiiiiijr re qioiiHililc for tin' Inside work, the cane bring iii'plli'i liy a Joiner for Just over C880, While the curving oil the .use i. .si nriiily I I HI The organ Iihr rIiico ltock undergone entile NPOntTVCtloa, hut ' all S hmldt'R pipe have been i. mined mid are now lining a good rcivIco as when they were mad. London Mull. Kin. k outstanding; ami at a regular meeting of Raid hoard, held in On tario, Oregon, on the ilh day of Oc tober 191(1, another MMBMMSl of 5 per rent (f0 cent per Rhare) wiir levied on the par value of all Owyhi Ditch Company "'ink outstanding, al of which aRsc'HHmentR MN for purpoReR of maintenance and thai each of the above ment lonod iiRweRR mnntH fell delinquent thirty dayH af ter their respect Ive levlPR. Thorn la now delinquent on the above assessments the following UHLI1 J ami: UAWTBH InM Niiiii' in ig. Obi .n it w Vfi .OH AH I!, ... , 1 Dl w 0, now I DDK lilllll.'H Otll. I I .1 mi Dl 1172 I MH II IKI .11' On) RICHMOND AND WRITERS. ! Tho Literary Ronown With Which tho City I AiiojiIiiI. Ill' In id mat l.i' ilkiu il to IfootOII I ur il lili'iary ic.ii.'i In nn alii. V pttt a... n. Book NtWI Ail... i Tjrter rtf w to CoJoutH w U m 'in I1.' nt. ,i ii.. founded i:i luuonU In . ii Hi.' U I'.liilli'sl an. I i i , f Juollet M irattall I i . r J i. .l.i. iGll i in . in Wl IB HldR. Obi 'M i Meets all trulns. JOHN LANDINOH m THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty yaars ago the telephone waa luxury. Today, ihrough personal Initiative and private uuterprUe, it hu bdcuiue a iiecoanity within the reach tody. Wlu-i.. on... .i i DW hud bin oue telephone with a limited talking range, to i busluomi has aervice with a ranee threo-quartura of a C4inil iii i.t I lo.id. uud every branch of every bualueoa U linked to ev ery other by au iulercoininu n r.itlng telephoue ayitem. The telephone ha named .is reapouolble plucu and there are now H.00O.0U0 Hell teluphoue in tills country, over which go 26.000.UOO talk daily. Ever) li. II Telephone is u l.oiin DiKtume Station. Malheur Home Telephone Co. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESS ED THE UP TO DATE WAY NO- Scorching Burning or Glossing YE8- Lasting Creases Uniform Finish and Perfect Shaping Bring your suit and see how it is done or phone and I'll get it. ONTARIO PRESSARY PHONE 117 J W. C BEAMGUARD, Prop. WOOD PIPE FOR IRRIGATION I am assemblying cars of wood pipe for Ontario and Nyssa. I can save you money on small lots or car loads. Orders should reach me by February 15 as prices are likely to advance. AUis-Chamers Pumps and Motors. E. M. GREIG Ontario Oregon. r.oo 3.50 .50 2.50 10.00 .50 li '. I. It nl mi- i i liotnp ' wlm i in amp ' mi I m I ' . 'Il' lis l"lll' i for t iii v .'.n. Amelia nl in iin Ail iinarle . ..nn lining oilu'i- oltiis "f ihe .u' i u time v. li' .' I. iici'ii'.l Willi Hi.' illy til I i.i bj I li l li oi long fi-, " in i .. -ii a. Mni i..iiiikt"ii. i:n. n i . i hi iin i mil. K.itc : i i ... Drai b CabeD, i . i.i. . dm tit; i n D hM i), i,. ni'i W i. Id : i - .lllllan Sll. . i On 101 I Assessment. T. K Arnold, 10 sliares . . . f J. II Cook, Cl'rusle.) r, sliares (loo (Irocn, 1 share U I. (illisoll. Ci'i shares .... On IDM li-iMi'i'i i r nioid, to ikaiw J II Cook I Trust l, 5 Nliarea Dovereau. Mort'g Oa 20 RhnrcR W I, QtbSMi II shares .... lo'.i (III I'll, I -ll.ll ' i'. I II"!' .... w. r. i W S. ..it . ..I I llll . A'li.il.l. B .1 II i . ok I Tin ' arcs n rvarwu Dorl ' Co.i 20 fharea II lie Arm I 17 nhares I. Clhson, 7 . I. HM a. I share I. II (ioriloll. blial.'i . . . . I llulery, II slimes 'jerry llnrl.i T J Johnson i l I i- al ii II ;.n . .Ml III. Didn't Uoliovo It Had i:;Ii. .1.111. . DU l DBI I "I nn w.. ii ii are now raMi bM ... I be cited ; til., tatagrai h - i iT.'ll .il " ;iell III C l: It. llll. -s' "On the Truck ol llir .Mail "in li In the late r.nti.i he i." ell .-.I I m i lh of Ijilm.it in. in il liicssiitfu and promptly Mia it Iliu Hi.' iiiiin lln I l.i d. i lined lo bell. 1 1' Hi. a ll Inn! IBM IWMBai In- .oiild BM 'I (Ihe ti.i in In' liml lillid up. still hanging tlieic. uu.l the op I'lumr Inn I in push the fi.nn Into tin' lu'lriiiiii'iil and ring (lie l.cli to purify him A woman in a Norfolk town In alsitsl upon iBCtaataf (he taagBMI he p, Taylor, I.'. shuri -s bud wiilteti In uu envelope, au that no iuiiitj ayaa aalDM risdl u it Ml ulonf the l'e .... l.i mi o Mofordaa (Tra :t shuns i;r. T, II Moore, 8 ,j shures .... i W, Sc.nt Ne.il. Jo BBBN I ... 1000 l( I; Owrstreet. 7 iBBft 8. E. Fhllllpa, 10 ahareu 5.00 Mini.' I'liillip I shares .... 1.50 ii.'.. P Kunsom. 211 sliure . . In ml (' Shettleld, .:'. sliuren .. 19.50 Mrs Otto Hi liw.i. r. '.n s'liir. I . ml N. V. Suundersou (T II Moore) K0 bhurea 40 00 7.60 K J VuiiCouK. 20 shares . . 10.00 And in uccordanw with luw and uu order of the Iioard of directors of the Qnjaaa Dataa OaaiBautji bw4bm Um (ilh u: y of Jlniuary 1917. so many shares Bl BB8a purcel of said sto. k as ueceisurv to puy said assessments Dioguioing Cpoom Salt. Becking for various way of dlniihv lur the tame of Kiisoui aalt bus beivme seiueililui: of a fud. Here is Ihe very latest myjieution. aud a rat) good one. uud expense of advi-rtisiiiK and sale, i li icuspoonful of suit udd oue- will be sold ul tho oHlce of the Owy- fouith taaaaaoafBl of araaai ol taitaf hee DMah Cobibbbj m OaJIforala and u llllle miijiir. llissohe m a little street, In the (llv of Ontario, Conn ty of Malheur Stud- of OreKon, on the third day of March 1917, at the hour i.t nieUe I noon i ol .U.I day. to the highest bidder for casli And (he hoard desires n understood I hut (here will ba uo postponement of tills sale, (i I. KINO, hot water and add cold wiitei A smull- ei dose of unit Is rc.iuirc.l when the araaai "f tartar i aaad nana u busieu the uciku of the Epaon sail. Had No Narvo. liiMepuiuhiu l.ookuo; Part) Obbvbm a ui.'Uel, muni. Dklarlj Wouiuu i boulil 1 hi ii I. a big, strong man like you would ba unamed to usii for bmnmi ii. i.. r. i am, lady, but i alal gm He li. lake II Wllholll iiskill'. New Vork Ttioaa. Cirsl publication lun 1' ublloatlon Pab II Sei i I I '.i I PohtonoM. I attta nothing,' obaarved (be BBffa "Thul's right agreed tlie fool "I'o ihe ui I of BOl leltiug people know bat you tblnk of them.' No Foreign Elomont. "Mh.i don I M.ii liaie jour son ex .inn," .1 hi an ah. I.i-l V" "Id luihii- liaie u guisl Auieil.aii doctor tbaa any of taaai foralgaara.' Itulliiuoi.' An. lie mi WA.MK1I Von In know we are eiiuippeil to handle four Job print ing, aud ready ut all times to give ou the uiosi reaaojiBBla priai p"- sihle Mrs K l ope l.a.ll.s' Tailor and Draaimalnr. I'lume 9i H Hit: liM'lKln VIU.I -., oSIMilii. A Hopolooa Tatk. ilu I left poor iiiilie rudgeUBg bis Um i Iracloiia! WUat'a aa do lug that for? They haveu't ilone any thing. Town Topi'U. WANTED Hags at The I 'Iran ( 'ottoi Argui ot'tiri'. A happy life Is not made up of ueg atlrts. Kxeuit.tl.in from .me thing U uut puiuu tl auuiuiii. -l.audur. TIIK ONTAKIO IUil S, o o uvnitio, Range and Alfalfa Land at reasonable prices and on 10 years time at 6 per cent interest. We have 500,000 acres for you t select from. Write or call on A. W. Trow, Agent Oregon Western Colonization Company A. W. TROW, Agent ONTARIO OREGON THE OUTLOOK For butineM during the coining year in tttj good; If we can I f any help t.. j ou, ill on ns; m reftlixe that the 'live' banker must indeed be to tli'- needs of bis community and patrons, ami to asi-M in i'vevy va; I h I judgeuicul ain! 'utii and k e us; If wi Ip you wc will liuii on. i Ice that ONTARIO NATIONAL HANK NEW SUMMER GOODS ARE IN THE COPE PRESSARY PHONE 105 W. Alwayn the best, 1"" experience maksa l French Dry Cleaning, Partj Drciwea and the finer fabrics our Bpecialtj . FINE TAILORING SUITS MADE TO MEASURE FROM $20.00 UP. Horses Wanted War borsss 143 to 16 bands high, iid ers, sobs and artillcr.v animals, full aged, five to nine yearn ,wuud. Also mules. Prevailing pricen. Hee A. McWILLlAMS ONTARIO - OREGON SHiARPLES SEPARATORS i AT ONTARIO HARDWARE CO.