PAQE2 THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1917. Sljr Tttt't A . . ifor llir "Krct'(l..m of the SraH." Is this a L - wlUaiUi VTmIIB postage of m littlo value that the people K , ,. . ,. i , ..., , who today are enjoying life, liberty and (he IT 1 hstnn islin 1H!h. I .. ,. , ' e s: I pursuit ut happiness, wmilil throw them - -n Ma K. AIKKN. MMW anil I'nbllthii-. r.lhll.ili.t.1 Thurmlays at (Intiirlii. Oregon, itntl M t nil at lln Ontario port oflMt for iHmI rlhution as 2nd las matter. away at the behest of any foreign crown, of because of fear for the consequences of a war to maintain them i Y think not. SUBSCRIPTIONS. MEDICAL INSPECTION FOR SCHOOLS (inn I ,.i Moat ha f i to i oo TliriM- Month Slnptli- oopl 08 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: Ml OOP) fur illKplay ailv iti i .mi- Hlmiil.l I"' it thin Of" Nothing Hint the Ontario Parent Teach era Association has ever contemplated has so much merit as its proposal to establish medical insuectioti in the imlilii- schools. ' I 1 "l I I ! I I I" - Ml I tl I i I I"' I I I I I I 1 f I I , , , . . j I ' 1 1 111 1 I . .Hlnrla noun In Insure position OOP) il.l I HIS IS SI illlcT 111 II", T II.'IT SlHUIIU 11,'lVt' iH't'll lS- If.t in UlMoSMl on Tm.mI.m t ,i I i l-lli( Ill'IV lull", SgO, lii establishing such a measure for the safeiruardina of Hie health of the scl I I'ehr 17. 1011 our'ifL It. I .In I laaiia , ..,,. r.. 1 In .... I I ' ii i i lilt n ill Ml i ii i ill l -iWII III ICirii'iMIIUII .. on declitrlnK r. la N MsdOBOt rail. I, tl.ut I muni ask CllllUrWl tMIUinn is lliaivlll- tin e icrilllcllT you In lo. .milinc Mini r In DM It Ik JmhI UM 111- '"it is llll'l'th' followillU wllilt llMs liccll (Iclll- dilHlrlnl. tint bunker eml Jim t, t liu ilo their iitnioii to ollstiated ill llllllll I'l'lls of cities to lie of ( into I ruiilil... in order In pllf up SOBIS MN ninney "r;t valllc to tile ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 V. i'llnk oT Mi-Klro. Nliarai-na n ml even Kiiropt- of inilnv , .. ' ',. .. . . ;, ,, .... bob all s product u ls impossible tn place a limitation up- rKiK i'knskv "ii the benefits winch arc bound to accrue with yean of such a ivstem. All these are In a iiat f 100,000,1 people, there '"., """''V ,l"' nprovrJ2on "' th." hea,th re of curse mam vicwa ,, public ones- ol ,'" '"hire,, ether. are found as turns, and with a wider freedom than w ac wrU '" ,l1;' ''''l""V' "I their metal de . prded the oople of anj other hovi niment w,,l,mw,t' irtifler the sun the people of the United Many children unknowingly suffer .from stjit, g permit a man t.. hold and to express 'n'ganic imperfections which retard their de thorn views. In the exercise of that riurht of velopment The most numerous of these are tree ,., ,ch ami a free oivss the Aiirua on, it '",""1 '" the eyes and organs of the nose and ' ! the editorial to which Mr. Tenseii takes (edition. w ,i ,, , i , ... ii , , i , i en (I deficient, when in iialit 1 1 h can not e io nt UlmW. siee he has Hot stated ,, ,. ;. , , i .... P..1I. ,. I..., i.. i i ii see or hear a well as their lellnws. and thus IU- I l f I I -v , l,ll III. II I.--I 'II s tl,S ll l' rae are. , dn know, however, that I'll ii I ID in III lf I in I nil, ,1 M ,1. Is ;, I I. ai l llol a Mili1 i cii . throat. Children are found to be "back ward" ill the studies and therefore consul dn nut reecvie the same I mi o lit from the in st rnei Ion of the si liiiiili in. In a Kchoo ith ss hell medical The Cleanest Coal in the World When you shovel Rock Springs Coal into your stove or furnace you know that hose glossy blrrk chunks will soon burn into red-hot coals, which will make your home warm, cheery and comfortable. For Rock Springs produces intense heat. It is free from soot and smoke. Rock Springs makes I fine, white ash which is light to carry and there's not much of it There's not a clinker in a ton. Taking It all In all, Rock Spring It a moat satisfactory all-round mat it uvea In time, temper and money. Duy it of your dealer. Rock SpfiMgt Cool form hriirt i,lm thrrr It o lilllt Rock . ataS mu.J i.i.i ii,, has BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER CO. VAN PETTEN LUMBER CO. ONTARIO COAL CO. Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of treutmentSteady customors deserve Is the prineipul upon which we do business. Accessories carried for all kinds of cars. (msoline. Lubricating Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. PE1BDUFORD, Prop. Mmm 184 pic del, i;,m " . , 11111' I : i It hcl it,, i . 1 1 .i .. nil the ills of the hod,', put , I l ma' i Tin aid . while the untnld h, i i lit win. nuaiiii i ini'ect H.iis disea.-' lient epi- ivpuh -..'...h .'"- ",l"1' dH(i'W to thi i ilth of a I. mil. , . .v mi Il.n " inmiiiiiiA . maiM ii i i runt iiei a KVHteiii be adopted. The ran m Tea'ei7 ,i s,., i,i tn in is to lie ci hi -rat, dated oil tlUtillji si, eh a movement. H-k. Hamilton and tin1 : nth , patri uii the ciiriiersiinics u ith the IiIimmI of t ie i lui ... : 'i a- well as aimtlii' illtioli I ed h man. Tin- In ln t I tile w ,, ; nniel ll HI 1 ' u " In the iNiMHinuof W. Tmw, Ontai-io ..ii ,i i i i.. ':. . ' ........ ' ..u in nlarh . ami all ui .Malheur .-. n ut in " rtam U1. ,.,;, law Hiiffered n rii i Never tl it'll ni i w iinan, .leu i,.lv .I... .. ..!,,., A SERIOUS LOSS TO ONTARIO M'llnlll Mr. us i, a iniii lnlllill si i illi.i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ills an e V lil'esslnii ii l-e - iii i . i '' " '' ; ennmue, hiiicc n in ,.,., . the death of a citiawn. (Vrtaiilh tin ini "I""""' eoncernniK tlll'ir ,jK,,.,. tributi miuld be paid a man than to lmipnaln to the present (piv H. tlina frti-Mned bi Ins 1,11,. u citizen w. en 1 "W'". '" t!"' 'N'-epti.ui s, mial to the w.'ll.nv of tin ,,, inn, unit in If the p.iie which Mr. Tiiisen would which he lived. I .ne us follow now.lif klH'llill mir supplies N( ,,,.1,,,.,,, M1(., ., rtaiidiUM. With . Ik.iii. . had In, ii I. .II.. wed Ir, France In. in lls rdkiWl without earuiim it. And lew in- '"''," l7Wtl i ii would liave been no I nit (,.(., ;ll.,. tn.v wUt t.un( Vl..u.h ,),.,, inlll ln lHtat'Moi An a and Mr. Tiimii, living n. si,..rt space, ,i . iuht year for Mr. Trow Malheui i.iiiiii Or,... i, wonld have been HH.UM a eitUwn of Ontario and Malheur Hiibjeet t,- the Hritiwh crown, and if loyal to canity just eight wan ago. I irnVCrnniCIlt S,Ull,l been the ,' '. . , , W. , , i i- FT 1 ... iii It is nut eiioiih tn nay that A. . I row UVOWCC eneiuv .l the natinii he Winn iinw , , .. , , ,, .. ,. , , .. . , , . . .. was a man who did tluuijs. He nut ,.nl .s rve witli his keep our ships at home pi. i- ,. , ,, . , ,. . ,,. ,, ,, iii did tluiiga but be did thingM well, lie was a builder. He builded not for himself but for If this p,,ln had boeil enforced from the oommuuity, and while he may have lsiij to lHti5, there would have been, not one trained in the doiuir. hbi oeraoual intereMto v,,eat I nitcl states nf America but two ua- tiniis within tile limders tiver which iinw t'nats tin- Stars and Stripes. For does nut Mr. Teiis.ii and thOMC wlm adn, ale Ins . . I Kiniw that in tin he siiliniercd in his desire to serve the peo ple who live here now and who will live here in ears tn eomc. Vo chronicle all that Mr. TroW accomii miiiw ma, ni liu- revoiuiiiiiiarx w ar i.i,..,! .h, ,.;,,.. I. ;. ..n ..... i......r .......;. i ;. I ranee fdumied to VVaahinrtn'M armies the Ontario woidd be to rernuit .-ill the nrojrwan itilhi'.v, the munition uml mpolieti which that has been inarkeil here for veaiu On his . ded III trceinu the n,lltee,l ,,,.lles ,,,n I,,,,.,,! sltllldeS lie , ailed t he ' lesp, ,,sl u 1 1 i.e ,.,,. ,,t li.r.l North tyranny, tiea of manv enteruriaea. A Mavor of the Professional Men What would the wot Id d, ..d mi ii. ii.-. doi torn, law in id utliefs in prof. Take the doctor ha i s a in ile. Vi.ii don't think ill, Ii about li, uii til vou happen t.. need him. Th, it ; mi in . .1 hint and need him badly. It"-- much the same ua with the others. K. u the banker niiirhl be Iii eluded ill the profcfwioUtll list, but Whether ti uiisidi-r i 'iir Jul i a profcMriional one, or jiiHt thai of a plain da laborer, our raluc to the tttuumut it rests upuii tin; ser ice we render, ho the name is unimportant The professional men arc aiuonu. mir most reapeeted eiiMtomera and we are glad tn In- uf service to them in v er.i wa Naaible, as well as tn all others. Oltll.os lSHI lt i:i:m II SM iiniiiiil No. ITI MK'.l l.i'BVOM Ontario 1 0 nil :i in Ii ilh i" r. pi ,-imiiliiy; Arrlvi- Vnli' I" 10 ii in nullum 3:00 i in : RlranMt :: p. m. in On. I ii in Dully Kxi pi Siuiilay, Inn, nru . . r- III . II ., I I p . ' .i iln- UOM a; m ll it a, i I 9:15 .. in fall) I i- i Me. .i , .,.. Hob .i.'ia in . . .i in Kxi pi luAqr, ArrlM- NjrtM 1 1:01 i in. IMi.i Mi... I it!.. 1. 1. '.ni,, 13:30 i in First National Bank Ontario, Oregon "A GOOD HANK IN A GOOD COUNRRY" A Flying btart. An tin- i. linen ml mi u Ii- i t-U In liliu l.v I. ..Ill hi father uml iln j.'ii.iK uniiniu uf UU tin. I.e. a ccrlalii fOUIIl """ li'' iili'il " I ill ll inn u luu kuf aliuiv kuiuu tiiturcat iu bUal IU'sS. ,,.ii. aimi. kmiii uu io iiiu Kiri ouo t, liuuvi,.l kiud ol inu, hi i. r ...... .. it u. i hiii realty y-'ini; lino mibi nein iu OMMOti -Muilu a lii'tiiimlng al really loJay." "OikkI! ' exi'lalimil M.illy n.l Kiiut Hun ilie UOM of your Htart V ' "1 ui.l.-ie.l ujv tailor to make uia a uuiiiesi tuli. -Nfii Yolk. Tluiea. M itsm: m i him: ami itKCiit snoc . . M,iiilen, Cntp. W I .In .ill kiln! ..I 1. ,.UI Mill k friilii .i p.ilr uf cl .r in tin- iiie.Mie Kopturiai U wtll aa Autoiiinliile Murk vm- can aUo pin inii BBI;iii Iu good ' . iiiiililiui. I mil Miutei l.iliuliiiK Sh- ImII) Ontario Laundry Down Town OHice Kverhart's i , i i H...J .i . i . "" ,!'; "'' Kl"" ' l;" '"'' "U-iiKirie ie ,.it, for ix eeaiH lit- Htm-ted its relmiltiiii '.:"." ' ' .N""h !" "' the laetun-s ,,f r ,j t to a thriviiiu rural eitv. i iiuiaiitl. rraiiie ami i.erman iniiisie. Gantla tarcaam. A nmiijii liud fi.r'(.Ueu to order men I for illi.nei Slit) ruslnil (.. I he leh'plioiie. .ailed the lueul uiarkel 1 1 ' "ii liHliH.rv uml ill. I mil in. llli,- iiln. was talkiiiR u hen . .me one auawered null I ho HIUl llelUi! " "lliee uii uu). hruiii?" tlio woman demanded. ".Una, iio," ihe voko at tliu oilier end of tlie lluu replied. "1 am only u poor i leaclier. liidiunapolia Newa. Whiskers- Tilt, ufter elfoet Mllili'llliii'H ' are worsn tliau loin wlilakera. 1 We make a apeclalty of the care ' of your ttm Olte ua a trial ' and if uu aatiafied Ull ua. MOOItK ItAltHKIt SHOe A. K. JOHNHON, l'i,,r l,iies Iii the I'llloll '. Dues lie nut all. I i ius( who like liiinaiuue for such a policv w that ('i iinany, prior to tins war, has I'cei, the nation which profited usad iu the lie . l i lea tli i lea lim; instl'IIUH nt n. uatioUS at war .' tiiii.i The To linn the coninninitx owes the Ail vaiieetnent 1 1 i i. n iuiniaii. the Onlariu ssa Irriat mil diatrict, The Count) fair. and in no small degree the Holj liosar hoa tiital and lastly the WaruuipriuijM rriaa tion ilistiiet was organised largel) thru his t lit less elieruv . With all ( Ins 1 1 1 I m n 1 1 I, , I enei'a) '" worked for the upbuilding of the eonimuni t' he ailuiitttl alter t'oinum fiuin his uhl iii lit ic liat And while w ith Mr. Ti us, n. wt war, the Icmsoiim of button art plait iv instruments of death ill war have prom I I I I' 1 IS ' I l 11 ll'l ll S . I . . . . .1 . . Tl... I ' x . 1 - . U....I. i iii . is iii i i, iii if iu . nine si i a u here ui' i:ir s : .it luii ,, lienl inaviiitiiile which was nut l,..,.i, I.., ..-,, .,. ., ,.;,.,, ...... ;,. ti...' ;...,i. i luini in the travails ,,i war. And this ,s , development of the STortb star rftatc. His t ..ill) true ol the I mted states ,.c Ajneri work was n,,t ftuished but fot what he did ti Oncut tlm.n thuitfs the aoUliern and accomplish Outario will hold his name in bailors oi the thirteen original cokmiea grateful remeubrauoe, and friends h the rougbt for at) soon alter gaining freedom icores will unite with the lorrowing wife from 'taxation withot i-epi-eaentation," was an.l aom in grieving for his departure, Deafaning. "B'air uiedilale.l the iiuin:.;ier. "Su HI . lull. i In h.ite Vorj U i Uii. uiit.ii of u ln,t dlM Ml " 'Well," rt'tiiriiotl Jeffersou Hamlet, 'pt'ili.ipa ..ulit M menu. hi Ihe fuel that 1 iiiu Slightly .leaf, Ihe lemilt ot ao inu. h ipplauaa, ...u know " New York 'i What Counts. "'Iui.uimii es tltOf CMOS, "That a due. hut remeinliei-, my boy, thai you nt til., t wilt about Ihe eir I'Uluataueea II you have ihe luw ou tiui, -nle t .i-iini-tiiu Sur. A Cuittle Thruat. Mlai Oltlirirl I rpmenibaf when the gtrhl man ... l ... ... h youaaaf ihuu they tlo ii..t ,;in erl .-. ., g.aiiduia tolls Hie - Hull Mnei . Fair Supposition. Tba I.ady-And i your father work Mf. lay illtle uiau? The l.ittla ilau I a'pose ao. mum The judge said 'ard labor. Luuduu Tttegrspa. caaCJlWaBBaPjkai fcw paaj QH bV ' SaSaKflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa K 'VTLsVT" Titan 10-20 The Tractor That Will Best Fit Your Farm VOUR farm if you are tilling a hundred acres or more. Titan 10-20 will honestly fill your power needa. reliably ad economically. The year round it will be working for you. It has power and atrength to handle your everyday held work, pulling plow, disks, harrow, drills, hay machine, gram machine, doing your hauling. That's all drawbar work. It reduce the number of work hores you need. .l ,1ft,tl,"r;no doub.t you wi" havc be't work enough to keep the U 1 1. 1 . engine buy when out of the field. It is the right ize to run light machine with economy. Cutting silage, hredding, awing. grinding, threahing. pumping these, and other job that your horses cant handle, Titan 10-20 "runs away with, a they say. TR0XELL IMPLEMENT CO. Ontario, Oregon.