Till'. ONTAMO MWVH, ONTARIO. ORBOO THUK8DAY, lKHIMTAItY in. 1WI7. PAC1K KIOHT r TEMPLES OF JAPAN. COMFORTABLE -BtD SFKIINUS ONE THIRD OF YOUR LIFE IS SPENT IN BED. THE BED SPRING IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE COMFORT OF A GOOD BED. YOU CANNOT REST IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE PROPER BED SPRING, AND WITHOUT THE PROPER REST YOU CANNOT PERFORM YOUR EVERY DAY DUTY AS YOU SHOULD. START RIGHT AND DO IT NOW BY BUYING A 7 IOER BED SPRING. 120 Cone Shape Spirals of Nnni- A Dandy Coil Spring of number j,,.,. guage oiled tempered pre- 10 gnage oiled tempered wire, ,,,;,.,- wjn., intiiscrtiiitf miss win tied by the patented "equere- with lweryWder wire, met- iu-k" tie tlmt Mfefuerdi the ( bottom. TWe week tor only spirals from becoming dleplneedi $6.26 and thus insures lite and useful- UPM, BlU it this week .... $7.00 No better for the money 80 helical spring each :!' t luchce long, ex- 60 Days Free Trial will natinfi tra heavy lid wire edge, il' vou uur IJuwiiet ttc1 HpriiiK l 'Ii ''j i,l,'ll ,,'' tubing ele- the only Hpriug to buy. Guaran teed for 25 Venn .ii ing spring four Inehei above bed rail $6-25 AN Al . Bl rfl 1.05, lui - baud edge, IVj iueh steel tubing, side rail that tl,ni tide rail of bed. Thii i tli' beal all steel spring for the price ..ii the market. $4.65 for a short time. . sill not guarantee tit- price of these iiiims onlj tor a short time as the mill inual rlttt in steel will mt .justify HUM ami OUT quantity is limited. Our Kxehangc ) e a it m e n t. ONTARIO FURNITURE COMPANY Borne Deal Bargains In Our Exchange Hundred! of Thoueande of Them Dot the lelaml Empire. Ttio I'liol' est .!.iH.s ir lli. miir vci.iuH iirt rrtfti "f Japan an i" i"' si.ii III 'lie li'ini'lcs founded I'.v llii' alioicuiia of old .1 apini A Imtimiiii travi'ler vlaltliiK Uio hiiuci iii.i i.-s i Slilmtm. rciniirkM, "One 1h u . i lu-lni i hi Mek "i'P h Om ri'ini.'-H of 1 1 n iiiiit.riuw. iiic prodlgalltj "i i1"' daco rutlon. (lie IIii.'Imss of .1. 'lulls mill UM oltmn nMgnlflctni i "i tba nOn ipm IMMI " l.l'ilx, nr Mi nil iDUlffM, M they arc WBH tltDM I tlltd, nri' tmi'li in .'vij.'ini' Mlllloni ni' icvlptnred liml- ilhax of nil lIlM. Ii.'lli wi'i'il iiinl Ht.Hii'. rilllllll til.' IiiiIIiIImkh mill III.' trio I'll' (,'HI'lll'IIB Tli.'i'p nr.' I.kIii.v inure iIiiiii 300,000 fUlili'himli'S. Imlli Sliinln mill I'.ii.MIiIhI. MlltS i iiiul iIo.mi Hie Islmnl no llr. There me HUMl In mid nSM Kyoto, once the microti oiipllnl "I Ml' two. Kor lliniisiin.ln of jr-iint It lina been a Japanese . uatom in Inill.l a alirlne li" Hi"' rmiili-lilr wlirro III.' win fiirvr limy ciil."' ninl rrfri'sli t lie (..ml Here the rnnU nnd llle km In pilf ""d Woo the fnvnr nf the pule. A prlewt .lrensi'd In n loim ml'c nr ri'd IH. ttm iln.-ls the .. ivl'.'. I'lrin hlin; IW sh.ni ncrinmis lor fir . 1 1 le iill.ni "f hiili'l ful ol' wiiinrii. Btrta mi.l 0M nini. Ill the larflC l.'llllilrs ft the rlllcs II .'.nil nny ..f prtMtl In WBtt JilOW nml brown robot tni.c rmi la tSt ,1 vl, i .. I. ":iil:n ly boM "H III.' I"l aihl i;.tli ,,f Ihe liii'iitli. nsuiillv In the nftrr i or cvi'iiliitf 'II POOlng hyinin nro MOBS, in .'iiinnl- I I'.v iMtM jjSfj otbor busnimonti Of SlH yam orao of the llnil.lhlit lender Imve lull" ducetl the ruiui to nl.l UHMS In mnW Ing the lniiil.' iniislr ni.no plcaalog and Inmilrlng.-ExchniiBC. THE WORD "CASUALTY." rir.t UMd Btlfild Trm In tba Crlmoan nar. When did the word "carnally" Brat aaatitn tho modern aiieclalltitl mean lac with which It la aaa.xlaled In war teporu? I think It moat have been at the time of tbe Crimean war. for In tho lateat volume of "Dlaraell'a Mfe" I baro come acroea tbe .following paa age, deled Sept. 2, IHOft: "laih i-.-n donderrr 1 In deaalr about her eon. wbo le now In the trenchea. Caaualllea, rbe aaya. and. truly, what a horrible word lo dcacrlbe tbe loaa of limb and life!" Tbe underlining mid the comment eem to allow thai IHnraell, one of Ihe J Breatcat masters M worda. fminil ll use iiniiaiml Murray iMctioiniry doea not give iiiiieh asviHtaiico on the point. f"i all lla .imitations, stall aa one from lh.) IMiUe of Wellington dlspill' In m III Mia "Hie .nvilalll.s of tbe sen he.'' .In imt M eossnrlly Imply .nml ling OMOfS lo by unavoidable U' 'Id. Ills. My animeatloti. hnwerr. Is home .it by Ihe faUOWtaf fi"in Sl .ile!ei's Military Km opoi ilta," publ abod i i ! a h Mj a, 'I ii- ii.-i' or I alfylng men l bat Big iirini (gtaoo in-i eniMe.li or bora boon .IN. h.ure.l .a l,, !- I ' In oth or words, total lOOOOg, No in.iill"ii Is lllll.le, It ell. nil. I he gOtOi, 'l Ihe ni'!l caihin of the word to t.ini'oim cansr.l by woinnN II WOJ l-ady l.ou don.lerry'a uae of Ii la ihla aeiiBe er bane which UUru.ll fouud atrunge WrslinliiKl.r liuelte He Wat In a Hurry. Charlea alonaelec In bla "Curloallea IJIterarea" telle of a friend of Ida llv Ing at liurdeaiix who. aianclug throni;b a I'aiia booWseller'a rutalogue, aaw tbe title of a book which he bad ali.lv aought for thirty yeara. Look hit; at the clock, be fouud there Juat time to nil' li the moruluif expreaa for l'ar to. Stopping only lo tako Home Mggj from Ida caab box, he i . hr.i off g 1 1 atallnn and arrlve.1 at the bo.iUh.ip In lime lo aecure the prbto. As be wrapiMsl up Ihe bOOh IB0 ahopBUO re marked, "I Mi''"-i' Mm I iv In lh's treet. mnnsleniV'' "No I bgTO Jn-l come 1 1 "in I'" rd Tho inaii looked ' ' 'I 'he btbllopbllodl Boaa he had rai i Inn goo ii r' un.h r. i to the llTl 'I I""' Inlei'v.ilM t 111 t mi I rdlliai I I would almool cortalulj mlolako it for a gh Irduitry. . "H1I-. In-inn iilii the iiildni i "Well. ko hin. MHDOWbal three nr fori tig I Wa!.. - Combin.it'. i of Bl "What bl bnii" - ! ttor or .i I "1 hardly know how lo anawo lln" queti"ii 'i in letter S from i aoko, mobooIbs far niy band, nnd add to my MWyOT."" I ."iiUvlllo Courier Journal. Rica Dcaaert. Boiled nee torrod wltb hurd sauce inakrs a llmplt and whole toiue deatert. i: In the rice If desired. : Cement ment Is not only better thai rt.be--. it la rhbea. New Hats are Now In Stock Come and see the Latest Styles, the Latest Colors, the Latest Shapes The first thing you want in a hat is style the next thing is your head When your head is within a Stetson, a Gordon or a Mallory purchased here, you know that it is well placed, that it is under the best in style, the best in weather-proof material, the very latest and best hat that can be had anywhere. The hats this year are in many ways superior to any thing that has been shown for some time. COLORS ARE DISTINCTI V E The feature of hatd this year will be Mi gs. Quiet col- i an1 the rule and in the new shades offer to secure it. Includ ( I in th lore arc; IVY, NILE PEARL, GRAY AND SLATE The prices for these Stetson, Gordons and Malory Hats are: $2.50, .00, $3.50, $4.00 If you get your hat here it will ic right in style Right in price "TOGGERY BILL" GOOD CLOTHES FOR MEN Farley Building Ontario Ore. I