THK, ONTMIIO AIKJIH. OWTAIttO. OMOOW, !HSI)V. KKIIIU' AllY 1.1. IIM7. IMOK MIX r II I Holt ul Norfolk. Nebraska, arrived Sunday nt the home of hi son. I : Holt Mr. and Mrs Oliver lllngimun of Arcadia, Ore., visited the Frank Eld reilge home Sunday Mr and Mrs John and Mr. and THE WEEK ON THE FRUITLAND BENCH 11 MRS. R. (1. WILSON BjnjnaannnnnnnjBanwsBjafaB' -- OTtMlalHnBBiMMaannonVBsl Philip Hmltli wej home Saturday and Sunday from Natnu MIhh Canny Lane who was called liere l Ihe death f her sister, Mm. Wright, returned to Chicago Sundiiv Mra. Winter la kncplng house for l)r Peter K Johnson is building a liodrooni and hath on tlie rear of his MMMM Jack Johnson liaa the contract Mr. mid Mrs A. H. Ilamcv aatM iiiin.-il in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jaw vu... T..!r,.,l Mr n,l Mrs. ! WrlKht :ind llttl.' .... 3 T Unarku Mr ami Mrs II ov Sparks. MWI rftT) and Ml-h-ll Saturday to vlsll hor parent. .Mr. nt.,1 Win Du- n,rH J " "'"" Ilerhnrt Mayer went to Caldwel', tuudny when he vvin be employed Mrs Olen Darnell of Parmi came J'llllT, ItUSSi'l 'I'll" 11 and I. II Mat I'rnf and Mm ll"ii I-. Itnii'.oii lit tended the MWU at Nyssa Friday evening. Prof, acting as one of the Judge. Prof, and Mm. Allen Klnnlson. Mr. and Mrs. Ira White were guests Sun day of Dr. and Mrs Haker at Pay ette. The I. T L 1ks mf" with Itcv C I. Walker Saturday aflorminn for their ineotlng The girls' hasUel hall team plnyed Vule FllflnJ nlKht The MMPt was 7 to 9 In Vale's favor Th Vale team gave the K'rls their supper and lifter the Kame proved Ihem nlve to be i ,, i 1 1 1 i-t : 1 1 1 t -li, giving a lilKh school parly for than MTftal H freshments. A short musical pro grain WM Bjojrad a? all The I'nlon revival sorv 1. 1 betal hold hv til.' Maptlsl and Methodl ' .TOWltlg ll Siiinl.iv evening th I ' .1 with Barteta who bai bona mi for ''! A nble to pn Tin- iIIbi will bn -nit iiiii'-.i in Ben to Mr .hi. I Mr M 0 HBBl cr .. 1 1 i t.'l boj land l) i ''i 'i n I i 'riii , about ' " , athan i 'i Hi" VVni Ho homo with well RIM baakatl lor a furewol) dinner (Of Mi in. I Mr. II It Croat who are uniting to Spo kune. Waah Tin' dinner n ly a sumptuous OM Mr and Mrs Frost's friends rogr.-t their leaving the PaAJ ''"' V ill" ' Meedamea J J. and Uoy Hparks en lrt.iln...l Sunday Mrs Fred llurd niid daught'T Miss A Ida, IM III Duell and A II It.unev rauillles Chester ColllMWOrth U BO I to , .it. hi Now Plyi in ii yonni poo pie Friday evening Df Cnun.i Drake Van HI ' Nntlon al V C, T I' lecturer ami at HN fill I- working for the Stale W P T 1' . gave a lecture al Suiinv -i.l- hool house 'hursil.iy evening tbOUt l" wi. orb Tali phona Un i .I iiii.nii i. .hi mlli I I (or 1 i l . 1 1 lllnv. II. II lie. Uils. I nun iiml .i Qrli el koa ih) wr i- 'u . ii.iitine part) to It of their friends Saturday nflei n The guests were Helen Sutler linro thy .mil Marlon I.evvC Mlanclie vt ,. Rath ami ' Hi K mi' I nan, PnaltM Bad U a Raid and i . i n . Mad in Mr- "' .ii erred 0Vai n fril'llllll'lll Mile p. ,. pie I valentine OBI . .. nun Ii N j ii. . Mr ami Mra H II Hull paw ' OfttW nip"r to a tin !.' el of their friends and neighbor s.,tur.l.iv elil',1 Brethren I. ull vui met with Mrs c II Sam. ni la t 1 il.iv rUMN vveie pea i nl and sp. nl the iftfJMM ' BO Bid anil t I n.iiili. liable I f Sllivel the action 1 house he pin. '.. i .1 int.. 1. 1 ni . .1 ll Idaho D 'rldaj it III lie lllll III I V Sin lelnlelll nl Srluiol rgeret Knowlton vlalted Hie .eek Mra E. K. Hunter rame down from t'aldwell Siiiula to Help cure lor In r "..III III! A rg' niiniher limn Fi nil land al teo.nsl the Sucred i oiiceil given In tilt l.ristian chunh at r.ivetti Sun da) ly the Kruitlaml ami I'aviiie Kn glee clubs under I'rof T Ii Nelir-ou's direction It was tlioi.iimli ly ainrei-lated and ciijuvihI n all Mr and Mrs Win Smith of N'ain pa pvnt the week end al (lie Smith fro home. J I Sparks w.nt to I'ahlw. 11 Mon daj to bur a coupe of cars of bogs fc Mv to Nebraska. Hiram Walters returned ttotu Lit tle Wlkiw wi.k H. K. Boomer was to Caldwell and HithA, laat wk Ho atteuded the barb al at Caldwell and bought ot Mr. Howard' tine thorough PMdJ yerrheroDa Me alao aold anoth j wnitia Du " ' CpMwtU. Miss I. iilu Maver left TVOBW) (Of Denver where she will again lake up her work In the St Lukes BOBpttal Mrs .1 It Mryant and little daugh ter left Tuesday for Moulder, inlo . to v Kit a brother. Mr. and Mrs Willard Mall ami children arrived at the I A Llnck home Snlurday They have I n vl- Itlng Mr. llnll's parents at (Ireen Itlver. I tali Miss Amu Mni oi ei ei peal I w lth In r p in in Mrs Men I'nthenl's children are iil,irantlned al tin Mrs Sarah Itlf Me home lieralls.. of shklli's Mr and Mi 0 M Miinson are vhltliii: the Hairy Tivhn BO I Ml s Avel lli.l a m H- aiimlay Mra. Ieater Randa and little daugh ter Laura, visited the ll N Hutchin son home In Payette Friday. A Crimes is In Payette this week moving a house for Dr. E. I). Holmea. Miss Alice Whealdon spent the week end at home. Mrs Weatfall of Ontario and Mrs Hiie Of long Valley, visited Friday null Mrs c Hardin, Iff and Mrs Will While of Pay ette vhltpil Sunday at the rims White home In Whitley M. .Until Mrs c I. Davis visited the ranch home several days laat week. Mr and Mrs O Cain of I vlaltod Mr. and Mrs. Theo Mover SlltllPlav Edgar Vestal loft Monday evening I for Sokane, where he has emplov ment. Miss He In Heap went to Cald I well Friday. I'ounly Assessor II ll Hussel was n Sunday visitor. Hubert Kutcb returned (rom a vis It v nil ratal iv. hi Wataaf Mr. and Mrs George Alspnch from north f Payette were Sunday guests ,,i P 11 and family. Mi .ml Mr; P I Sllketl vi It. .1 ' horaa al Ktm PU mouth. ,1 the .1 ll Helper In. ire In Siimlay evenin. Womlell Mrown In mi ...l till., w. i .i l I'lsher v al I v ii inn of la . ) ni Murphy, Idaho Bundi i Hie Iloss K. nil.ilv liotne Ml mil Mrs I., wis and tin 1 1 T Uaa hi in in n v arara n. t al th i Frank Wasson home In I'.ivetle Sun Bd attended Ihe Hurred con. en elv..i hv the Krulll.uid ami I'aveit. IllllS II I! Straw ii i iiiiii' lion,. Ox Flat Saturday returning Tt The Hurst haling outfit have I. ah-. I IM 'on of hay since going over and have over a hundred yet to hal. Mi Strawn has charge of II Ml and Mrs H" C Howard of I irv Muck visited the Smith Mros home the llrst of the week. On Tueeday thev and Misses Annie and l.v.lia Smith were gm-i. at the J M. I i home u and t: Cunts faalllai lth an accident Siindav that . .1 eii. .a . Thalr hon lilghleneil at a passing auto- i In Jumping broke 00M from He huggy He was stopped h" running verv Tar No one was hurt although Ihe horse took thnn town tha baal bafora i mitig loea nad i I 00 I'age Seven.) Whiskers The aft'T sninetlnie are worse than long whiskers. U make a specialty o( the care ' of your face Ulve us a trial nml If not satisfied tell us. MOORE RARRER NIIOP . K. .loiiNsoN, roir U'e want so in ii ti to put one o( v;i..ii Kaanoll i frienda will ha .mr al n.iiiv operated AfjaJen s.niv to learn thai she fell and broke an ankle llaai goltu- to In r new home beyond Onlurlo Wvatt Plant went to Caldwell Sat unlay In visit friends Mr Bhrooder and tanniv moved I i I week to the I 'fed llalpel plai I I. reiiiiv ov f 0 I'olllnaworth I i I. r will will k nil II . Hup lam ll. ' Arthur orcull ami lni. peal S.itur.lav ami Sun .lav with her itatar, Mrs I'urv Tuss ing. Mr. Orcull arrived iinm i . a.ii siindav lie platan ll , lent oi snow lii that country al proa-i ont. . a hnuie In Ontario that we will make u big ills., unit on ,. nrst one. knowing that enough will follow in warrant the sac- rifted It plav hv hand ami pedals a letter of Inairy will io an l. ii in. or vim ii.. vv Weeae lu Ontario V. UJM House, . Idaho. it i i. mi i m; hoi m mi Shol I I'll s mi .1.1 v popular hut tliev w mi in eootinued Indi vui. I tl ir conveuleni I them reiin nllv A k i ' METRO PICT.; are clean wholesome pictures filled with healthful incitement v . ,-it - '- Yon mi the Yhst if vou mitf METRO PICTURES BUY YOUR HARNESS NOW DON'T WAIT UNTIL THEY ARE SOLD AS THERE IS A GREAT SCARCITY OF ALL LEATHER GOODS. WE HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF THEM AND SELL THEM AT A SMALL ADVANCE OVER LAST YEARS PRICES. AS WE HAD A GOOD SUPPLY OF LEATHER AND OTHER MATERIAL ON HAND BE FORE THE GREAT ADVANCE OF LEATHER LAST NOVEMBER, OUR PRICES ARE VERY REASON ABLE AND WE CAN GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF OUR GAIN. COLLARS ARE HARD TO GET AND WE MAY RUN OUT OF SIZES THIS SPRING. WE DONT KNOW WHETHER WE CAN GET MORE OR NOT. WHY NOT BUY NOW? KROESSIN HARNESS COMPANY Mtnsiti MACaUMI AM' HKI'.llll KHOI'. V. If. Marsilen, Crop. u do ull kinds of repair work in, III a pair in , ad Oi ma. hi la li. pairing M well u an put your ga m M lb good I.IIVVII M.ilvel I.I I ml. Hi. a s.-, ,lv Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kintl of treat men! Steady a -ininois dtterve & the principal upon which we do for all kindfl Of ears. (ia.-oline, Lubricating Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. PETE DUFORD, Prop. Phone 134 HOME CURED HAM AND BACON KVI Al. TO Till: ItIM l Mil l.tMl 1iu do not liuvi to liui liuiu or liai on Hun rome , from lint 'inn lie Juil Bl lii.' lluinn ami II. nun riin-il right liero in ONTARIO, and von will help your Home 'I'own liy helping devel- I IliMl.ll, TIIV Ollt II 'PIS AMI HAIOV ni: know oi mi. I. hk ei. k:kkii. THE OREGON PACKING COMPANY. II. II II NMYi I'mpriflnr. Ontario Laundry Down Town Otic Ereriuurt't Good Nursery Stock Cheap PULL LINK Of NURSERY ITOCK, Al.l. HK;iT VAKIKTIKS, K1UTT, SI1AIIK THKKS, BKllltlKS AMI V1NKS, AICMMATKII ro Tina country, write cor DITAIU on CALL and kx- AMINK STOCK KVKKBKAIUNU RASCHKKKIKS AMI hTllAW RKRRI IlKAR Ml THK KASOV Inter-Mountain H. 8. WAYNE. Proprietor. HAYBTTK, IDAHO Vale Hot Springs SANITARIUM VALE, OREGON Bout, Room and Batha. MMatre, Die, Rest RHEUMATI8M ODE 8PI0IALTT DR. TH08. W. THURSTON, Suprintmdont aa I