KAHTMAN KODAKS l'MKH( Itll'TION KI'KCIAI.ISTS ai tha ktothodl I Bpl - ii 1 ciiiinii i Idgy in iiiiii-- .i hoot or Hi"' Imp li iiii'inli'T ii iii'iiiniiiii.iii' i i iiii'ii- lull, i i ii.i ami hail) i hi the largaal mot glvi n b I grogotioa. Mr i eh.ilruu.i. innl i i ni program which wm git lurloi llli' evening. he in y i, , i, .i I loot 'I'll"' ml'li' nf "'' on, i Irin rllli-n- ki in ill) wim glv- li h I'lol I 0 , I "Mi tin' ntlicr churches II, e welcoui" ITII i'V tended by ll v li I I ii !. while II II llnlili i .nan kjii' Mi" inlilreM of ,.. I, nun' mi lii'liulf of Hi" linn "f Hi'' . Iiurrh To these iiddre.Hcs He'. II., nn. , i . -i . 1 1 m follow Ins III" pro gram refreshment- were erved llilile Ki ll- Tentlei-esl Slu.yyrr. t the home of Mr uml Mrs J II Purify Tuedy evening Mra. Twill II Mil Mil Ml h l.u-llu i illln IM hi. MBMB for a shower gin I In honor of Mis- .1.-- i, I lliill.ril. whoso itmr- rlage l Hex MuriiU Is I I POI Hi.- MM future. A large natal "f li'' I'll'l'- i" '"''" friends ni-n- pros, in uml in ilia hund- ,.,, ,1. , mi I roOlllS follow HK im etijoynble evening ika i,,i,i Ml of man) baautlful The Week With i Lomi i n Mr- w bit worth "i H l low li ll.-ruinii Klblu laadaj with raUtlvai la Obi i itoin.- u N '"im i. ot -i" m in i latai ' Bal a, N'l.rniiiii Qranl Tin ill y ... i olillK .1 I. w .1., II i p rj -in-ill guada) and Mon Dakar, tha gui "f Hr uml Mi II I S.-liii.. II I Willi A ill I h . .Hi from W i i-,-i Til,- ,1 ; 1,. i"inl lh" day in Oatarlo , SiiiiiI ifti t P ; I to II." . .,, ..1 Ml I. H 'I't-iiT .,i ilii -1 1 to mm In li,iii wc.lliK-lv Jolin Mlllon T.-r. hih: Beam, both of Iron.-iili- Hnv Ii I HakiT Koe- lo lluk.-i. Friilu) nioruiiiK lo allcuri (lie niiit wlni.-r -"inlily uml Minl.-i.-r-' lit irem ni 'li- Orajldl Koli.l" !',.iili-i iMUOIl Wlll.ll IIUIVlll". l-'riilu. Salurila uml Sunday Word haa been rei-t-ivil from Hon olulu telliiiK of the sat" arrival th.-r.-of Mr and MrM J If lllarkaby after a Miiiiew but Kloriuy trip ThO) rogorl ilie inland a fairyland of beauty ..ml pleaaure. I., fi OImiii of tlie I I'lumliiiiK A Heating company BM -" ff r.-.m .-red troni nu, rec.-iu operation tli.it lie U at work attain On Sunday lit drove to Kinim-tt to sponil the wek looking after the firm's affairs In ihc Idaho i-iiy. a uuiub'-r of iln- mambora of m- local lodge of KnigliU of t'oluiubua will go to Baker Saturday night to ha preaent at the initial ion ct-r.-moii lea which are to take place that night. B. J. Gallagher, leading knight of tba local lodge will aaad tha Ontario delarailoa TIIK nTl:l SOCIETY NEWS NOTES. mil win togbdli ri'nimi if thai rooM The noon or f 1 1 - inn) lie i. b ph. i:"d In by t lint time KAMI UN HTAM TO IIW'H i I Tlio nniiiiiil fiiinily Bothering of Hinr Lodge, brdar of the Knsi.rn III In- Ik-1,1 Hum, i i til lln program will ovMlai i IlljUI-t Will I' nlna hi li or-- Hi" li" 'I so . Hub i i -1 this wook at Hi" BOM ol III H H Whitney Tha Hrst BftM was won a) i!i .. ' 'I'll" Nut dull In-Ill I iliui"' Insi l-'rl ilny evening nt Hi" OregM 'luh v. I,n h WHS IllUI'il en)"'''l In Hi" lll.HI VOUIIg i uiipb's present. . . Ill" regular meeting of llo- Wo iimn V rluli was hold Thursday iiii I noon m Ho- library llrnill Is iln i.i . i,i - ii l.j.-. i of study. Mrs II o I initio WM hostess TMt dy BMOlOg nt tin- regular meeting of .i n ,n. ,n , l.il. l'l,lllll!ill.ll . I'll. I' Ill.-t Mull ii.i "wi'.iiu .1, i;.. bona "i Ufa k Ontario Citizens Paraaavd 1. I'liol r B i boaiMoa "i ; Ding "i laai .. , blldran aad d U nil I ni ii ' for lu old li. ill, m t pi ni i i ir nun i ,1 IKtINIM. s( IHMII (Continued from Klrsi Pmo i your appll. alioll uml lak" lb" phsi eal "lamination while the reerultillg olliiel' li Hi M.lll luilii" tOWl II" I a , , -pl.'d appll. Mill- to an i ouv.-r Hal Tuek-, asli via I'.-ndle-lon and I'orlUnd. for twenty Iii" days pr.-limiiiai y training Korui'-r Mg iioiiai Bordaaaa oho lerrM M Iho ,li hollh-r d.'lllilK I" MltM hi the regular s.i y a . i. no permitted lo choo.-" ill" slulloli i-ollllll'y ami branch of .-.-ry ice to which they wish to go. U of the Word "Somo." The Auierl' an some" is o modern -at least iu adoption on thi aide of the At lau th that even now we have recorded the case of a British ..rtt.ci who did not understand it. But one mid it lu Sir Mountstuart Hrant Uuff' diary a long ago aa 1880. He was dluiug with the Hudson s Bay com pauy at tbe City club, where Sir John Macdouald, th Canadlaur prime mluls ter, made a seech about th recent iu. cluslou lu tbe Uuiuinluu of all Biltlsli North America save Newfeuadland. "When we get that," eald Sir Jo a "w thought ourselve om rump kins " l.oudoti Chreolcl. III is It Hill iilil-XiON I -4 The oario Pharmacy HO TIIK HM SI'DI ll. I, IMS Oj NOAI'M AMI AM. KINOHO OK TOII.KT HTII I.F.H NOW ON IMS I'liAV TIIK HUM. DMT AMI IIKsT LINK IN TIIK "OI NTY AT I'llUKS Willi 'II AltK OT OM,Y ItlOHT in t ukamonaiii.i;. vk can MffU loiut kvkhv want in thin link. The Rexall Store orfoi oflot before tVooav daj Pimm' Nn, 49-J mill ii ir iunm-i: PARTV. ii hoi birthday which ooourred I i Friday - 111" on South ' 'i urn ttl I 'olio Hlg III" mi muatc won- iiiu hlllng awi ni - - pfilna wlili-li will I.- r.-iio nili. r -.l li i'i" ho ! i ai wall ns bar 'iii" " a in at) ndad vara Oladya Krnklln. 1.,. M.ir- ni. .lynni, orfor.l, Kliinr Hoaaa, i lagida Mai null, i-'ioj.i Chrlatanaan, Dooovn inililr of tin- friends of Miss I'm ii I Iln gathered ill her 1 i .1 'fli u r lo kIo Iter a delightful Hiirprls" They a. iii.-i.-.l ili.-lr object fully and a most delightful evening was spent by Ibe voting people Those who were present liulinled: Misses Ollle Mor Inn. Catherine Neeb. Mildred Poor miiii I, u. lie HiiKuns, Mae Toter, Lot tie t'rundall. Mmtara. Itumtel Winkles, John Itiilberford. Nuti-lu-l Moore, ItulmliiK" Slo-riiiiin "Dutch" Aid rlrli. Ilnrol.1 I'alvert. Klod Chrlsten "ii Mrs J I) llllllugsley was hostess this week to tin- Wedliesdu) ilrldge rlnl. A Royal Suptritition. i inn v atbedral, Idiglaud, like lu, lull- Is de orated Willi liiiiinni-iiiiil.- nn lies l.'i slttliies. . ! 1 , , III, lu i i,i, ,i h i'Ii atatoea of klnga and n- only i n led An "Id ,.i n inn mi iiu- nn boa I,.- oi Lnuijiid lll ,,. an . ml QlMOB I- l"Un was bad "llli I I lew 1" li slain.- ul ad in om "I the l.'iir n-uiiili. Iiu bar Iota majeatjr wa- aware ol tha oM tradltloa and r- i me nndar a bathai la lha la nu,. ili.i.- will I.- i in i iiii-ba of l.u.'laiul -iiili.'ui.ili indiiiiii-iit lu au ;.,i -li , :,,,,!. i In- I. a. 111. on and al low Ibl I- dll ill" i ii-upled ,- III III . . It j lh ail oh I foi lll.-l p ii i -i lu Baeor. I I I "I III" pi" iii i.lrtU are l.ie.l in 1 i. in-,, but t" a -.in.iil i-M.'in us the) an- diiiii-uii in real boi .."-.- in a I i. una lli.v waiid'i oil. and If In I will, in narrow limits they be it. III. lull hi. ..II. Right Thing to Contamplat. I. if,- i- so full of mis, iii-s. minor and muioi. the) PtOM so close BOM U t im i. p of the way. that It I hardly wort li while lo .all one another at tenth. n to their presence. People who .1.. ibis are iiiei.'l.y dwelling on the ob yious. and Hi.- ..by lolls Is the one thing a. t worth i uinldatailM What we waul lo i out. inplale is the beauty and lln- Miiii.ihii -s . I that troll order! plan which it i.-. so ditllcult for u to discuss Agnes Iteppllei. New Coin Designs. It I pu.. ni. .1 In .-.".lion 8617, chap iei mi, rerloeil ttotutaa f the United Slates Hun ibe director of the mint shall lino- powei with the approval of the seeremry of the Ircasitry, to cause changes lo P.- made in the design of coins nut ofleu than once iu twenty lite .. ea i .. Pretty Cool. Ilellei-Sa.y when are you going to pay m fbat ten you borrowed? You know I'm man led now! Otaller Oh. re you? That' too had! I wanted to touch you for Uve asur. Kichang. A Bern Laadsr "That ma we bom to lead." "What amahee yoo thlak ?" "Kree bl ewe daughter obey W -Detroit Kree Pree TUtTRKOAY, I'lllIM WtV IB, HI7. How tht Ancionti Bathed. A ii- li nt RoBM Is said In Iin .- , .-ii panted bo i.-ss ibau Blo.ofJO.Oon gallon of ii.-r n day, and dm of tha most noticeable feat area of tba modern town l the nrofllgal atfarraorauco "f ii w itor, ; ii blng front FountalM of at .-! i i on, .ii thi, mid iii - ii 'nn- Trey I Is lln- ni"-t magnificent In the iiiy, its wa!. i i, i, ii.ii ,u.i Varglna, virciti water, becauna ..f Ita purity) tl ,- iiii.'si 'ri " i,i,i Roman batha ra ii ii, , a i,,i oi w iter i Thermae bull) bj IM degetterata Ban - imodatloni ' i BOO bather Realrlea tii" i'i" t ; w liiilu Hi an a ol i ol I mile BQMra ".MiinH-iiim. athletic Sold, II I .i-n iv and i",iii n ra- e tract I's rulus lot the I'liiln i,.dn lie inoiiniiiin btaili d by nalilr.' Xitloiuii i ;.'.,'. i iphli Uagai Ino Why li It? IVbeu ii'U ni" In a Inn i'i why Is It lli.H There are no i ean of I motion in si III Y.ui iiii'.'iii anj Bet ry on I.i i li 1 1 - li I., y , u Voil lein, 'inl."i you Inn.- left III. fl oil I ll All lis Ml, "I III" III". I,..l? lln- last train bus u-i i-. KM "I" Ill-Id U I'i some hole? You aee Hi" iim-l liiiitiful girl In tin- world? Y.nir wat, h is wrong? Tie t lift- POfOM Is lute uml you rm kept waiting an hmir? Life. Friend and Foe. Hear In me is the friend, yet ran I make bvm my raej fOO do me a fi 'lend s pan My frleml show in what I inn 'I" mi I"" teiiihe inu what I aaoiild go, S hitler The ht'e whb b We nil bear with the moat tiatl.Mii" 1- Hi" ii.ite of i huso who enry u. Cm ion Bethlehem's Bid on Shells for the United States Navy 7" Ita taaOvaM Feoahi 'I be "vs rrliiry of tin- .i ba ' irdd a. nil,,, i. MtounUng In t IUiii.li hiddei h.r 1 1 and 14 m b projl I lies for III,- '. ,. . I iu.. "I I ,1 V em, li fawer prioea offered b the Knglhh hul.ler. Wr kiHiw nothing of the Baabl upon which III. Ucitlth hid Mere Hindi, hill the pull In is entitled lo kooo lha lactt up m hi. h we iniiselvrs bid for Iliu MM Two year inn wr look onlrart to Booh l.'-IH ll-.o.li shell, at a .rl. r ol 11,11 "..'SHI. I i to now not a iiiile -In II lias bceOj BOa o.l..l bf 'In- ' ""' ' iiiiii-iiI. .il tholiull wr BO pellded. in na mail . tale, eli , eel H" ie orders ".J.'.inll. and we lime o,.l ,,, , i,..l ., - I M.I I HOI I V It on these . ...ill aria. hi at,l'.' ,. ' Iiu. ii hi ol It,, III UH Ugbl "' "or .i,ei ll m .' and I. I inu no oilier basis, m bid Cm In 11 h ih, II. Bpproiiniately lln atime i,.i.- pel pound ..i ibe Navy I) pjeni ... lu.di. awarded a II iu, b lull ouulia. I on. )ar ago H tlileliem Mccl I niiiiiy i tivs M -. Iivs ri i ta'ran till Nt .. I.IIVI I l.-.J.u your niisaur at the iiioati fnvontble time. Our cxpericiMtt' WeUTeVDti the ntntenieul that ire ran 1'iiiUi' viiiiv printiug bring you pntflteibJe lns,i-uetff. MAV WK.S1IOW If THE ONTARIO A colonial ten will Ii" kIm-ii at tin lin iu- of W I' llonian W". In. day at I. , moon. I'.'l't u.iry '.' I fot thO bMI Hi ni Hi" Congregational Ladle ltd so, let) ih I WAN l'i;i Von to know W BN equipped in handle poor Jui print ing, and rOBelj at all tlBSl yon iii.. mo i re onab'le price slid" f1 9 The Merchant Barbers 9 An Innovation for Ontario u I ni inn UKMnv i. To oin HK Qt WB II.W i RNLAR01D 'in . Bl I ll 01 01 n Bl ii w i: sii.mkiiiim: i iNTARIl See Our Stork of Tonics Supplies WK CAN SUPPLY VOl'lt KVKItV NKKH IN HAIU TONUS I'MK I.OIIONS KAi'K OMaAM MANIll UK BUI'I'I.IKB TOII.KT LOTION'S OK ALL KINIIH I'ol! MKN y.N'l) WoMKN All .it prices lower, itlllly ronsldered, iliiiu ou have ever pur. lias,-. I these before know ll,e goods we sell W" handle tln-in i-yer) day and are III a position lo heroine, ami we bale become experts III Judging this clan of Koo.l- SKK ul'll LINK HKT OUI I'lii The Sanitary Barber Shop I'HKISTKNSK.N I'.KnS I'i , n. Ilnr i",i l:.ilii TiiIik lai ' Dio THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty year ago the I ulephoim wus u IggMII 1 through personal Initiative ami private .ni. i prise, It BM BOOOOM a uei'iisHlty within the reach of everybody, w lie s I, ."I bill oil" l.'l.'plu.ll.. wllh .1 llll.i' that gejpJMM ba lervlce win. Bgagjg ii,n. qurton Bl I mil ii on t broad, and BMTJ bran i li of .-v.ry l,u '. ery other by an lotoroommuuloatlni ' The i.'l.'plmii.i has earned II now- S. ooii, nun Bail teleplinii" g thUI loiintry, ovel v.lili'li go "'.iiiiu lull,- inll N Bvgfj la.ll 'IVIi'ithtiin.- is ,i l.otm DagUaco vi itloo, Malheur Home Telephone Co. The Hands of Opportunity... Air blUM t''i-r liiHir. ami lai-li Ihiii W)lt'HiMltH an iiiini t imitv for Dlorv blletillBaUl, A h t iat c iiinli'tl iiiatti r Im a rmlt'tUIUUI oil t In ji'li i'i tv hour awaki- to Mieim op(iortiiiiitie8, prM'iitiiig VOl HOW.' AROUS. ef","r,aEJi VUiV. KIVK I ll.MS AMI SI IT LOT A III M I. HKMKDV (IKK THAT COM! NOW III, TIIK KXK HOI Nil. flregon Short Mne iml Sunday rales have I ii ho pu pillar ' ui they will ba continued imi"iinite f OB f WOOk, H th" time. " r.ir ,"ir I'oin.'iii.'tici'; uae hem roquentl) Aak 0 I I agoato. Tailor ond III ' ni" : I M "H BTHOI'S ItAZOltS I II INKS SUA I'S aliil UiitilllH i-s a Iti.t! II' O orJl . februcirg in Mm luf IW Thu fn 1 2 4 5 67910 II IZ li l I'S 10 17 IS 19 20 21 12 2JI24J IdUa i,affl