rut r i it Tin-: oTitio iu;rs, ontahto. ottrt.nv ' RHDA1 , I rillM UY 11. 1017. PRIZE IfflK. KAKS ARE .KITS OF PYfHiAS HAVE BROTHER OF LOCAL AGElF TAKEN TO THE INTERIOR INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS I SELECTED FOR COLUMBIA CO. ito.... 1). A Urakllian mm of lii" bt ' I f the Interior, At tli- meeting ol Armor Lodge No nn Knights of Pythias Wedneedaj ar- H In Oiilurlu land) enroiil to hi- BBlB K.-lirunrv 7 occurred the instnt-rii.-h II Wnvrly wllh two of tin -1 ktlOfl i-remnnles B hich placed Hi.- r .- bust iniirPH Unit fi.-r cntne Int.. thl' BBBtly Bleated ..111. its In the- various region Accompanying the handsome chairs The men wh ,w ...mliict uilni:it were pedigree yards long Hie affair o ftlio lodge are: W L giving ... uh in.. ,.i ol id.- hli i, dtfTM Hoypr. i ( : II II n...erinan. V. t ; Ui.-y in. ill. Beta iminiiiiH v i.- Bo i Qeorgi Bender, " el W i M Cob IMi -.hires, mi. I oiip of lli. -in un . 'nor. K of II AS; Caul liiinphell, M brought to till; country sovcrnl ypnr': It Cnvnc. M. I : II II Wagner. go for show pnrp. -i" anil hus won M A ; Arllmr Maglll, I (i , .1. It. honor- at Cad a CH, "" "enni '",. 0 : : and M Drane, 14oln nnd Pt ivnil Bhowl for Barer. U id trustee lor tba three pj ;ir trim ecsh.ti ln' won Hi. Cr.-inil Chi plon'iiip nt Cblooco, i.ii.i boa won - rvrm ii n it mtt nrm all mad ahamplonshlps. On. ol QtAD OX FLAT MAN GETS mi liiirHW wcignon wniic inc oiii.T tuppi'.i iii" Baataa al Whiii' iiroy wan in Ontario i niiini'.-i ..i people a .-nt to ti -i I) (' Mowi nl recently nppolnteil County Agricultural Agent for Co lumbia county with hoailquartpr at St Helens In n lirotlipr of W. V How ard. Malheur County Agriculturist. 1). 0 Howard ha had wide ngrl I'tiltural oxperlpure pHpeclally In dal ry linen nnd for the punt two yearn lis I. een III ilnirge of tba OrOfOB v ti.iiiiiirai collate iinir hart nad i II p l.ii.l lined for feed prodnc- liotl WAH l'ltl s HIT Ml -'N WHO BK1.L II MINI !SIM HIS BIG PRICE FOR HOCS uiiivd from Fit cent Bar pouad are atllai a) I I Culberfi ..ii who go t,, ., ,,i. . portlofl of t;- M M f ' $ BOULEVARD. In h.nii.i . Qi Ml P, I . server i I rone rnjoj ii,,.. ll. -i b n ''..hi birth- dai ..r In r . d Al- v era 1 7 el Ibelr lit) la fro mi . pr.- nt to eoj perl WLIlll to.ik II..' fiirill ol ,. ' lllelllll. gHllierillK, IBB p lull, III, ll' I. .Hill. . I which wtiH the hiindhoin. deeorutloni winch',1 uh ii cent' i Bjl run. of hearts Mr and Mr. V.lani Read arrived ttii- i'i'k from Kenilrli k. Idaho, in vlalt with Mr Raaa I, Mr anil Mm Hen Hose Tin- muni; i pi" wire r.'1-i'NiK ninrrle.l In Ken. I I In nil . . ,' . nr load Ol port ; irbed thru, tin- IU1 . nil. 'U.-i- lii.u is n.' .. the . reason for thi OXT.lRMl in H.WI Ml I I' i MM. I' I. due to tba iin i i popjilatl -ii Yet III Kplle of this Iin r -.i .-il ileiu -.. Illllll-ll III tin- I thing Mr. rtiniill, i l) In smiili' W in i ',,-. in ii,.. b .i i feel it tal fttBB imir t" I - k rroin wlilrh I toman UI i" foi in Bred and II iin-i i urn xiire ol t tint ' the tim i.iiiiniii i- killed i" 'Hilling tin- Imir . . leather run I"- tunned BBd been In Ontario I lime heroine con placed In the simp' to be nt miii hnr- in. ed i.i tin poealbllltlea of I "ill pillkllllt eenler The Ini I BBJB "l,s reneliliiK hut ..-i da WBtIa mm II Ih running I .ii.i.,linnlely BBt in. mill" JllHl lis ii war uieuslire. ho In speuk. Mr Tunny hits se.nreil his ilr t ..u .'Uslili piipers nnd will he ;. full rlcW and they Inelu.l. ,1 mi,i... Iledurd rill., mi nf I nele Hiiin's do- Ihe llouleviir.l In their I moon I'r.-d .lone, who lias I... en a ri'Ml ilent of the r.oiilrvuril for some lime leaves -m. ii inr I'lniiui. ipiiii. ebere I" I.. I rrlll. ,1 , pi. .III,. u niiiins before usiiing Kustein Canada Prior to his ilepnrllire, loo M ii.ix.- .. -..i- iii dlepoee ol his i.uir. BtOBk of reRlsiered pigs iiml oil., i . 1 1.- Ii.- - ale i in In- In-I.l Man Ii : lieHH II In in. I liiil'il In see thai w. i.-.'iini! nn ii Baati nt Hi" , i. ., .. m raiUa iin' af -i reeri -it.. Hue to the .1 in ii ii ' i i. 'i leather in l in- war tone and Hie com eiien( kin lug of many caitle. l.oih rm- MBl llllil tor mem II Is elldltll tllit ri, m utter tin- fur BMW) rOBTa there la mill going to he a Hhortage of leather unleK mime mil.siliiil" Is I, .un. I N',. ... the pr.-' nl Mltuatlou more tlimi the hiirnenH mak er an. I no one Ih more ulixloll husiiii K.'t ii.n k in n normal be CHEAP SPRAT MATER! ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY OF OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT In response b the growing demand of our Dttroni for ready-to-wear apparel c hare decided t" add ;i ready-to-wear department tti our store. The definite announcemenl of the Ural showing of spring suits, '".'its, dreaaei and other lines to be Included In this section will be made soon. WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE OUR LINES. In making this departure v have litid two Idea uppermost i'i ''iir minds: Pirsl we Intend tn meet the demand of the discriminating buy of tldf Heetioti for quality, style and workmanship In - ii'i'ivil. Secend: Tin re will In no duplication of designs, pvcrj dn . i ii suit wo offer will Im? au cxelnsive and distinetivi rnrii nl for tin 'iii-i'li:i-i r. EXCELLENT LINES SECURED. i- Ii.-im already Reeuredv mi cxeelleiil ntoek seleeteil fiiim Hit licst offering" of individnnl nui slid the ivmp Mill of the lirsi ih siMiu'i' uud tailors. STORE IS BEING REMODELED FOR DISPLAY ROOM. The carpenterN ;ir' busily cnncd al the present time arranging ftir ample display mom and individnai raeks for the m w giMtds, When completed we believe we will have the most complete, ready towear department in this section. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN WILL HAVE CHARGE. To aVsisI buyers in getting oxactlj what tlu want, ami to give the service in keeping with our aim. we have secured an experi enced woman for this department. It is such service that makes possible con t fitting! and satisfied customers. W believe that when von sec our stuck and try OUT service jrou will agree that we have endeavored to furnish the place wherein to purchase your READY TO WEAR APPAREL . 'i . New Thl id RADERBROS. ONTARIO, OREGON. Where nmierlek Cat inns uud u II Hie IjiI- l-sl Ideas ma) In- r cured LO , . .. m II, Rud m to rat i. .. i.. i j- A irtvr '' ' nitlllX' III iMHirn, nun ail' mi; ur lukajjIi ,,.,,.,. ,., We do nut mil mpt to iii.iiiiit'.H'tiiie a Hpia. material cheap in ipialit) but cheap in pi lee onh . One 50 trillion barii'1 ol "Rex" Lime Sulphur Solution will make 450 Iniis nl' -1 !. ioi when i I ulloii to 8 gallons of water, it teost not t "ed ii.."i7 I-1., the 1 nils of Sulphur contained in each 1 i hau 1''.s"i i A I Iti- 1 1 M I iiiil i.. , i' i I.i; KcuiciiiIm i Sulphur i the oiil uctivc poitiou of ;t lame Sulphur spraj I Inn lisi i f ; . ulltrol of San ,d -r Sralr. rniy I., ipreed bbob the mln .1 ii.n Order n.ii.-.i hi Ontario. Orecoa, rebra- an II, i!'i ;. C J tiAI.I. MillKli. I it" I Bl 1. 1. ,ml KnlKht. l.(S) ' I ! .1 ' I I ,,ry. WISH .ii l It M MMMiW OUR PRICE IS 18c PER GALLON. OUR "CLUBBING PLAN" PRICES ARE: 10 bbl. to carload 16c per gallon. Carload and over A 15c per gallon. These prices arc subject to 1U iHr eeut cash diseotud Ifdeliverj Is made be Hue Mail h 1st, I'MT. ;ind S percent cash diseomd If delivery is made after laivh 1st, 1!17. Tin lilahi. Oivgou l-'niit Growers Association will sell you "Rex" Lime Sulphur Solution at 1". per gallon iu l barrel or 100 barrels. As a protection and safe business proposition when you buy Bpray Materi ais to proteet and help grow the best possible quality of fruit you should go to people who specialise in and with i he lnainilact me ul Spray Materials only. PAYETTE VALLEY REX SPRAY COMPANY PUOKK 296-J2. PAYETTE, IDAHO. ml mir .,. ! i. ..liiiii; ii :.i,i. In ih,- .1 vw i i. i'i- ulh in- dut) ami promlae nur mil . i aof, i'. -isiiri ll- i. in i.iriii.ia. .- or other Foreign al mid wiii'i'is, the iiiln-r member ol this riiniii'll. i-iiunis nl' the I niied .1 . iii Jolnlm wiiii nur Brother Knlgbta ..i torelga birth 'n pledilna nur tojralt) te mir name laud ; ri..'iei..i.'. be ii reaolved by the n nl. .is ol this i-ouiiril in meeliiiK assduihk'd. the inenil" River iniiui'ii Nn IfM. Rnlcbta ol Columhu llir Iiud i.r our UHhi and realuiiiK only nur duly to this nation;1 llnreli Btedce I" the l'resident nt the I'tiiieil Stales, nur unsiieriiiiK Iniiillv uud leally in any erisis that iiiikIii urine, BOW. or In the future, lile.lpiiiK to them our utnu.-i in. I uud aaalatajiee ha everr bmmw aeaalBta evee to our Meaa and fortune, re araleea of vhal uMbs UU' d,) our en in v . iii the end thai the honor, sale!) and welfare of these United State may not be impaired by any aotton of a foreign enemy; and Be It further revolved that copies ot these revolutions, be signed by the llrand Mils hi and Financial i. 'e , in. vii ml Mill Ue ii' Sunt Bag in .... I.. Sunn ill dai Sunila; u morning at i .. ..I I,., i atom . morning i ha of- will in. . I. .nl. i ..-r in i : lorn I people in tea tin- exhibit while the In re. hill will iiohahl hat e I he cars rinsed Sitlid.iy The niijeri . I u t ,-i ,s i in Hi r in clad v.-iai iheegs repreeesUag the .liiiernl wniil lge, and Hie it.-. res ii.iiii auefa lypea both la the woured ami aaaeoared aoadltloa. The peg ceiitage of shrink caus-.l h scouriui! ami tba i.asons for name are ileurl di.iuoii.sii ale. I The ehaiaitnr ami gragjea of wool from iin geSaraai lleeces and the uses in which HUl'h wniils are .ui are shown. The effect nl proSuelag arOOl under dill.-u-ni contlitions and the rnasons these .-on dltlona ail., i the Krowil. ol the ani mal unit the wool produced are ex lilained Why some wools are used for making nothing hut tell and Other woola are made into the tiuesi doth is Kraphicully demonstrated. gl i- also the manufacture of cloih from the raw wool to the liiiislnd rodiicl Of especial interest to the man U the model of a 10-oian Aus tralian shearing shed Tin- superior ity of the Auatralian method of shear ing, tying, grading and sorting wool. over the American inctuud -. are clearly shown and explained "If you are interested iu abeep, wool, aaytnlng pertainiag to the bep industry, you raaaot afford to miss this nii rhi. Mi. i ft ..I. . extern Ion dlrei ioi "Thet i (snl a siiicn- ..I .Jeel In ll iii III il I . .i-iit Iii iii .. , i log It, that I .Ii siiiii'iesiliiK or iiuliislrurll' . . l-Veo Kllins, Timi. Ill a. I. ill I. in in llir exhibit Hi Hie i ai there are Iwn reels of .-.I in at mini ! films known as "l.amhs I'mm linnr. to Market" and "I'roin WimiI to Cloth" I hut will In shown as extras at the theatre at the Monde) afternoon proKTi iu. "Men in oharge of the eat will he in .'.i in, evi ii i. stare and rer all qui u and 'i.i !l . Ii. wiml. uud you miild h wceh'l nidy el.s'iwliuro. "Then lilni ..i Inti re.-.t and ..1 I'lliu, ilii nial l.ilii" I,, i, e- i" i.iii Thru there i an ahundaiii i.i biteraaUai Laforaaatloa of niuai value to the Broii tonal bum, tin- housowife, the student and the pupils of the pulilie si 1 1 OltKI.US CXsllllts t ttisl llllUllll No. 371 Mixed Leaves Ontario 10:00 a m Dally except Sunday, Arrive Vale 10 ; m, Juniura 8:00 p m ; Riverside 3:L'0 p m Crane p sj No. 37L' Mixed Leave Crane. Ore. 7:30 a in Daily Ku.-pt Sunday, ttiierside :30 a. in Juntura 10:3.-. u in , Vale 1 l sj , Ar rlte Ontario 2:00 p. in imiMiAN IIKAM'H No. 373 Mixed Lesve Ontario 1:30 p. m. Dally Kxcept Bunday Leave Vale 2:30 p. m, Arrive ltrogan 3:30 p m No 374 Mixed Leave ilronan 3:60 p in , Vale 5:0a p. m , Arrive On. tario 5:50 p in IIOMKDAI.K HKAM M Kxtra Mixed lave Ontario V15 a. m. Dally Except Sunday. No 33 Mixed -Leave Nyaaa :25 a m Daily Kxcept Sunday. Ar rive Hi. medal.. 10:35 a. ai No 3: 64 Mixed Leave -tlomedale 10:55 a. m Daily Kxcept Sunday, Arrive Nyaaa 11:06 p. m Extra Mned -Arrive. Ontario 12:30 p. X.