The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 15, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    rv;i: two
(Established 1896)
GEO. K. Mhl.N. I '.In-1 and fubll I.. .
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon and entered at
the Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd class matter
One year
Six Months
1.50 Three Months
!.() Single copies
$ .60
All copy for display Advertising should he at this office, by
Wednesday noon. To insure position copy should be ft
this office on Tuesday.
There is i lot of sound philosophy In the adage,
"it i!' ! ii. renci whose hull is gored." This is
being impressed on the minds of Am. ricans these
daj ii-- the German unlimited submarine warfare
created a virtual blockade of American port
s.i long as the United Rtatei was able to continue
business with the i utciitc allies in constantly men
ing volume little attention wai paid to the blowing
up of ships. What did we can If ;i few thousand in
nocent women and children were sen! to watery
gravel so long as we could sell our wheal and Hour
and ammunitions, ami thus famish high prices for
the tanner and prosperity for the workers, of sea
board manufacturers i
Under such conditions our consciences were satis
Bed with verbal platitudes variously expressed In
continued stories sent from the state department
Their is a diffenmet1 now. The American people
an in iiiuiii" to note thai trans-oceanic business
means something. Freedom of the seas is being trans
lat .1 t'i ii a im i piuase t i in active principle. The
realisation of thai eonditioi u cans eoutinued pro ipei
itv. while a continuation i I the blockade which ha.
existed mince February 1 -pells ruin i" our present
illllati il irOHM' !: .
'I'll, i i i . f of the middle west and the horse raie
er oi i , ' , In i urn In nalie that it means
m. ' 111 to I uble to peneii t lie w i 'i hi mat
al change in opinion.
!'.s (IlipUieutH
in. more room Ixmig uvuilahle for tb' torngi' ol tin
manufactured kinkIh one o! two things must oeeur.
lilt her tile -i- i Mill I. Ill nf the I' lilted Stale, lull -I pi'.
eeed in pint. it niir shipping or our factories lllllt
close down ami the farmers of the middle weal and
the .attle raisers of this region must he ti. do
business outside of Europe.
If this latter condition is that which will Anally
prevail an economic panie. greater than any in the his
tory of the country will result. But peal as the loss
would he in dollars and cents it would he insignificant
compared with the loss of national honor, self-respect
and prestige in world affairs.
Expensive ami dangerous as is the condition
Which has brought the American people face to face
with the problem of whether or not they will permit
the ruler of another nation to dictate conditions un
der which tin ma live and do husiucs it will he
worth while it it thoroughly Impresses upon the minds
of the American people living in the middle west and
i in -tales the direct and essential bciic-
ici unic liu-incss ti. their material welfare.
; l i lie ugital ion for ti re I
lion of upholding the honor and prestige oi the
American people there must exist in the minds of
i in li.i ihai representative government
Sellf idiotic el -
fed propagandas of
than 1 heir
William Ji
1 .in.
In eoiniectiou with Mr. By ran 's efforts to
niote peace it i Interesting to reineinher that as a raw
Soilage youth William JeuningS won fame as a col
lege orator with an oration entitled. Christ or
i Caesar," which concluded with the usual sophonioric
. peroration OH the "Brotherhood of Man." But that
( was before be became fanoua as. "the Boy Orator of
the Platte," or had emitted his famous, "Cross of
Gold and Crown of Thorns" commandment.
Two years after that famous Chicago convention
episode, while the marital spirit of the United States
was at. its height in the Spanish American war, the
same William Jennings delivered an appeal to arms,
Voicing the sentiment that the time was not yet ripe
to turn the swords into plough shares, for until the
human hearts of all the peoples of the earth could he
Idled with the spirit of the brotherhood of man and he
cleansed of hate, avarice and other taints, it would
still he necessary to appeal to the force of arms.
At thai time, just before he becsinc a Colonel in
the volunteers he matched Hie spirit of the pie,
he was following their lead and voicing the popular
Sentiments, He was then the avowed leader of De-
mocracy, and realized the political possibilities ' ;
"war hero."
What has transpired in the past i! Mars to cause
so radical a change in Mr. Divan's opinion in the
righteousness of appeals to arms 1 Have the hearts of
mankind been reformed lias the milcnium arrived I
Or has the redoubtable William Snail) come to realize
that he can not longer make political capital of a cry
to arms !
While at the present time, with . Icriuaiiy hen lined
in h the British fleet, and our munition factories on
a war footing supph Ing a demand for arms, the I'nit
ed States could without jeopard) refer the matter of
war or peace to a popular referendum, what would
have happened had such i problem been put before
the nation by (lermuny in May 1914 f What would
have happened Lei Belgium testify.
It. is the essence of foolishness to propose that
PH million people scattered over a territory so vast
as the United States endeavor to conduct their affairs
after the manner of the Athenian democracy. Such a
proposition could only come from a brain drunk with
its own 1 1 nan is.
Enough is now known concerning the last pffort
of Cermany to discuss "means of avi idillg war." to
be morallj certain thai it resulted iv a tip given the
German government by a convspondeni who believed
that combl I with the peace pmaganda it would help
Pinbarra i Pn id ul Wd - divei t the minds of
l he America 1 1 people from the ovi rt actsol the Klihuia
i ine warfare.
Win ii l their act f. fact in
pie t i 1 1 1 become subscrvieul to the wisln
reign power the are potential enemies of their
own country. Indeed they are a greater menace man
mi avowed i in in.i for their work undermines the imi
t of feeling and action SO Ueceaaarj to the peace and
well being of airj nation.
How about the "Inelde of the Cup.'
'The part that mattera.
Why be ao
.-ruuky about the little forma and
stipulation when .wry day we dla
regurtl IhS ureal thlnga of Christ
.;,,!,.!. Jn ii.-.-, mercy mid faith?
Why "hi mill at tin- fuut and awullow
the camel? Why go Into rapture ov
.r I Im msl-diuiuond ami neglect to
notice the HunHet? W'hut Ik the profit
In hi'iiiK a whlled aepulchre r-ort of a
chrUtlanT The mlnlater al the Con-
Kri'Kaii.' liurcli In going It talk
.t.T.-.l All ilcpurlinriitH an- n.oiiug
TI,., pastor will be at Maker next
Sunday In the nild-wlnter AkhouiIiI)
and Mlnlatera' Keir.-nt Hev. W. II
Swuru, will occupy the pulpit al
both hour. We heapoak for him a
good hearing
1). E. HAKKK.
lie Kurl llanua and f:iiml. the
new paalor of the cMtlinilthl church
are now well heltl.-.l iin.l ar.
for all lin.'H of . aciiviilea aa
they may present IhOuaelVM Th
follow in k ar- 1 1- r ul. u
which nil al.- conllall Invited Sun
ah. mi thoaa qumUom Santa) noti .'a Befcool II . M
1 1 o'eloel I p in tot. i ' "" v I
.'in-.- fur In.-. I .lay will i
. . . . . i
.I incident ul
i in hi
i-i in
atlei for inta mi won.
V,,n . to Ittlll ami Ul in Nl
I it.. onr irl.-ii.l-- Ul BO MUM ar
uiaue welcome ai me DDirvaauuiiai
on Thursday evening ol laal weak
Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 years time at
6 per cent interest. We
have 500,000 acres for you
t select from. Write or
call on A. W. Trow, Agent
Oregon Western
Colonization Company
A. W. TROW. Agent
ONTARIO ori;;on
flor business during the coming ysar is viy
good if we can be Of any help to you, call on us;
we realize that the 'live' banker must indeed he
alive to the needs of his community and patron--,
and to assist in every way consistent with good
judgement and safety.
OOttM anil see us; If We do not help JT0U WS will
not hurt oil.
M ke our hank STOUR hank.
o ui r n r Ice that serves."
PHONE 105 W.
Always the lust, lone, experience makes it 10,
French Dry Cleaning, Party Dresses and the
finer fabrics MV Specialty.
Horses Wanted
War i 5 hands high, rid
and artillery animals, full
ud. Also
iiipoui :'.". of our peopi.' mi hoard ol
-.ii- an. I automobile tool
Mr. and Mi I. S. I
It wa m .a ioo4 i im ii'"' "J-
tOf .ui.iih.-r in Hit' MM I'uiu
The Inolemonl W ntli'-r of lal Sum. PUnty of Practica.
"Have you anv apeciai .iii.iiiii.-atiou
day dill not binder uvie orowda at-
u-iuiliiK both aim 1. 1
Soliool which maetn every duu.ln at
10 u in. is growing in iutoreat The
Hible claaa with Hro. Hall aa leaoli-
: it ia growing in siw and interoal I'lu-
1 iii-u laeaoni are creating much iu- cealury.
for (his Jul. you are aaklug for in our
-ri .. a.....i ..-
........... ,. .i1ivi1iii..i,r . a u.-ilL..i
"tih. yea, air: Mi tvtna have Juat
beau (t-ulbiug " liulliinoiv Ann.-il. an
I'auama la rising tbre feet la aa. b
.. ioKS