The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 08, 1917, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    ta.k six
Tin-: oT,itio aucis. vi i!i.
M. I). Mclladc of HurnH who enter
ed upon Hip duties of principal of Hi'
Itrognn ncliooln the first of the m.ii
ta cloliiK well in IiIh work Already, h
new interest hi being shown In nil
school in I i Itlen.
H' hool nislrlrt No 7!l ban . . t -. i
bonds for the MMtM of n new si hool
linmic. MlM I'roiniin Ik tChiPI th(
flrnt ki liool in HiIh new illstrlcf .
Mis Allii' McDonnell linn resigned
Iut position In District No 119 and i
now in tlio Jordim Valley nrhnols IIt
formor position in lillrd hy MIhh Kdllh
Jones wjio taught the Slilnncr pri
vate school two yearn ngo.
The Lincoln Sell lenient and White
Settlement I'lirinl Teacher Asso. la
lion will meet at the Lincoln School
house Friday afternoon. February 1 1
The Arc.iillii AflKM hillon and a few
people from oilier parts of the coun
ty will be guenta of the local associ
ation. t'arl titinilerson of District No. 4,
went of Vale, has the distinction
bavin niad" the highest grade In
the recent eighth grade examinations
Minn Clar Morlltt la teaching In M
trlct No 4
A local Institute will he lied In
Ontario nome time during the latter
part of March or I he first of April
Ontario, Oregon, February 18th, 1!M7.
An open Letter
Th Whom It M;i 'oneertii
The February auction of the Ontario Sales Com
pan will be held at the Moore, Ham in Ontario on Feb
ruary 141 h, the last Saturday id' the month. The sale
will commence promptly at 1 o'clock.
Our .January sale was u success, nearly iJ2,(XK)'
wnrth of property being sold at that sale. We hope tu
have vim attend our sales rcmilurlv every month and
trust that you will bring in something to sell. We
sold everything from a carpal sweeper thai brought
."(tc to a mare that Wrought 129 at OUT January sale.
You have douldless many things ahoiit your place
that ymi no longer have use for. Bring them in and
sell them mid buy something at the sale that j on need.
We hope to make t hi- sale a monthly clearing house
tor the people of this section so that you can dispose
of what you do not want to keep and procure the cash
or something that J mi desire.
Diekens I Miller, the Caldwell auctioneers, will
cry all our sales antl you can rest assured that their
treatment will lie satisfactory t' the buyer and seller.
Mr. A. M-Williams, who bought (and paid for) ten
head of horses at the January sale, and Mr. II. II.Tiiii
ne, who bought OVer 6500 Worth of live stock at the
Janiiaiv sale, will both ie present at the February
salt .
Trusting to have oii with Us on Sat unlay, Feh-
ruai 84th, are are,
'ci triilv yours,
Mv Carter Clement, Mauairers.
Burning or
Bring your suit and see how it is done or phone and
I'll get it.
PHONI 147 J W. C m Mi.l UI. Prop.
Good Nursery Stock Cheap
kill uwi of Muaaaat stock, six ust vaauvfias,
raurr. shadu Taaaa. aaaaiBs and vinbs, acolimatkd
ro ram i oumtbv. wsits roa Dnrana nt call and kx-
MvauBKAJUNti KAsraaaauw tap .sthiwhmuuks aaaa
l I illl alCAKON,
A fine new urn Is now n part of
II j ii i i r 1 1 nt In the llonlta school
It was purchased with funds mined
by nn entertainment Riven before
the holiday.
The dWP snow- In Cow Valley mad.
It necessary for the hoard in the Ho
nlta District to declare a vacation of
six weeks School will be resumed.
'with Minn (Irnce Wiltshire In chaw,
wliiti the weather Improves.
Industrial Club are being organ
Ioil tliroiiiTlioni the I'oiinty It may
be that none of the Kxtenslnn work
'era will he sent' to us until after tha
enrollment dales are past so thOM
who are Interested should organize
i lulls and enroll wllhout wailing for
the ciiHtoniary visit and talk made hy
ii ! I it I worker A postal sent l" Um
office of the county siiperlnt 4 I Is
nil iliai i' neeessnry to secure the rlr
culars and a few of Hip bulletins Kn-
rollment cards are also in the conn
ty Aloe.
Last year Malheur County I
cond placp In the Kustern Oregon III
vlalnn at the Stale Fair and our club
exhibit should be enlarged and im
proved tbla year. Practically the
MM iireiiiiiim lists will be used
again. The few minor chiingi". will
be given out before the close of the
"'Ischool term
Miss Kenii lliggs and Miss Sylvia
llnrcl are new teachers added to the
Ontario faculty sinco the llrst of the
Junturu reporta 89.3 per cent nt-
for the pant month No
'further comment Is necessary an the
I.asting Creases
Uniform Finish and
Perfect Shaping
The Week With Ontario Citizens
( liOtal Personal )
M. K Newton wan a Portland buni
nenn vlnltor (lining tlie week
iniiily TreHHiirer C, C Mueller
til nn Ontario vlnltor on Wedncnday.
Mrn (lias MMN will bo hostess
to the Wednesday llrldge club on
Friday afternoon
Ih" Woman's clnli hi'ld Itn regu
lar mooting at the Library Thurnday
Mrn A J tllover lnm none to llol
ne to nend a uiontli with Iht mother
nnd fnthcr
The N. N. club of the high school
wiih entertained Inst Saturday by Minn
Donrtliy flcvclnnd nt her home on
lili linrdnon ntroet in Hlvernlde.
II A. Fonnllmnn ban recovered
frotn a severe nttHck of grip nnd la
liiick nt bin old Post Office newa
A rc I'plliin for the new pnntor will
be Riven nt the Metbodinl church Krl-
ta i'M'iiIiir. All membern and i The wnnn'ii of (he Tuenday IlrldRe
frlendn are cordially Invited. lull and their bunbandn were Ruentn
Mrn .l.i nn- llolllnnke of Welser. of Mr. and Mrn Lew Ailamn W-d-rame
to Ontario Tuenday evening lo urmdny evening.
nee Mrn Oliver Cboafoe who in at the Mrn. Irwin Troxell enlirtalnod the
Holy Itimary Honpltal. where nhe un- Ladlen' Aid of the ConRrcRational
ili-rwent operationn a few daya ago church Wodneaday afternoon. the
and In doing very nicely. Mrn. llol- time b ing panned In newinR.
Ilnrake wan the Riiest of Mra. P. L. A. W Yennll moved lant week
Hbeetn over night She returned from the Payette bench to I h Dor-
home Wedncsduy evening.
report nliowa that teachern, parentn
anil riniiiren are an inierenieu unit i
Hint a high grade of work In being
The ni'conil Si -hool Hoard Conven
tion will be Mi-Id in Vale In March
ill' tilll Much llltTI'Ht UUH HllOWtl
i.. .i.i. "-...,.. . i,.-.
) ,,,.,. - .w....-. .........p. ......
year and even a more prolltalili con
ten Hon can be held thin year,
Several rural kcIiooIm have signified
Ihi'lr llllngnenn to enter the Coun
I) Di'cliiiniitor) Contest thin year.
lii nti'Ht wil be held In Ontario.
Saturdiiy, March III.
Mr. Wm ('. Bturgill of Uaker
County ban accepted the ponltlon in
Hie Mormon llaaln achool made va
cant by the renlgnatlon of Krma
Hope Mormon Ilalnin In a Joint dln
trlct with Maker County aud often
ii'ui hers from across the, linn aro em
lilovcil Mlsn Hope lian gone to Mon
mouth where nhe will take up nome
Normal work during the second he
me lei
Dhurict No 4 ban extended their
(.rni one month, making the school
one of six month" thin year. People
are reullting that the work pluun il
for nine montlin can scarcely be done
well In six months
Mr A II HiRhHinitli of Wemfall.
wrllen that school work there In pro
gressing nicely. He alao ankn for
hluuk contracta which probubly
means he an ilMsr HiginiinlUi
are to be retained in the Went full
scliooln another year. Hetter ( ! I
for the plaee could not be fouii.l
FOB ItKNT My twenty acre tract
west of fair grounds. V II. Staples,
Vale, Oregon. Adv. 41
LOST l-irj-e cameo brooch pink.
somewhere between main atreet and
my reaidence Mrs Mct'ulloch.
Bethlehem's Bid oo Shells
for the United States Navy
To tin 4 titer u w i I'tupU:
The Secretary of lb Navy ba awarded
auilrai ti niiiimiiling to over 13.000.000
U llntisli imldrr for 14 aud in nub
pnijn tiles fur the Nie y he nine of rry
nun Ii lower prua offered by the l.iinlnu
Wr kiiuw nothing of the batit upon which
the Id iiili bids weir iimdr. but the pub
lic la riililleil tu know tile facta upon
tin Ii we oiiiM-l.i". luil for tint work.
I wo irara ago wr look rontraela
lo uiakr 4,2011 1 1 .... I. ahclla at a
prirr ..( II. 515,000. Dp to ......
uut a tingle alirll baa been -replrl
by the i.iuri.i. al
ii, ough we have riuentied. In
wage, material, cle , un ttieM
urdrra .'i2J.IMIl, and w have not
linaalgfj MX. IK IMI I vH on
thcte onlia. la
la a Hiatal .aitiMaiatiaa al
UM aaoliaal atihl taaaa at UaU fat
paaaluaa aaaaaaUag la a:a 91a
la lb light of our experience, and hav
ing no other baaia, we bid for 16-Inch
belli approximately th tame rate fiet
pound at that
bub the Navy ilrpait
mrnl a. lunll. awanle.1 a
14 .a. b hr'A
oualrail oo year ago.
Bethlehem Steel t ompauy
. JM. i; h
Attorney II. M. Duncan of Vnle,
waa In Ontario Monday aflernnii
Mra. E II Hill of Ogden. Utah, In
visiting her mother nnH father. Mr
and Mra. L. Weeno.
Mm. Dodge entertained the Kpls
copal liinlil at the Moore Hotel on
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs J K. Oliver nnd Mrn OkM
Morflt of Malheur City are visiting it t
the home of Mlsn Lavlne Smith.
Mrn W It Lawrence of I'arma,
Idaho, formerly of Ontario, wan the
gueat of Mra
Jim Lackey Monday
and Tuenday.
I Thla in a nad noanon for Jack rnb-
hlta. County Agricultural agent W
W. Howard with a number of rancb-
ern are waging a wiir on them
Oapt. Oowan ono of Harney ciun
ty'n pioneer attorneyn wan In Ontario
Friday afternoon rernlllnR old Mini's
In thin nectloii wllb many frlendn
.man ranch weal of Ontario where he
la now employed.
The nllver tea Riven by the Ladlen'
Aid, niihe M. K. church at the home
Of Mrs. Webb waa rnjoyed hy all who
attended. Over forty Ruentn were
The ( ongri'gationiil church will
'aTiVf nn old-fHHhloinMl box
14 for
Welnesday evening February
the benefit of te I'lhano fund. Kv
eryone Invited, the ladlen to bring
well filled boxen.
The Young People'n Society of the
I'nlted I'resbyterlan church will give
an entertainment at the Prenhyterlan
church next Tueaday evening. Febru
ary 13 Heading and nonga by Mra.
H. J. m. Seel god little daughter. Ja
net. ,
Have you a handkerchief to apare?
All memhera of the W. C. T 0, are
requetned to donate a handkerchief
for the Mate buxaar to be held noon
Leave your donation at the Onborn
milliner) by the 12th of tbla month.
At the home of Judge Dalton
Blggn Tuenday afternoon ocrured the
wedding of Mlaa Emma Weil and
Peter Countryman, both of whom
are renidenta of the lloulevard dla
trirt The bride lias for some time
l.e.n secretary ol the lloiilearil
(i range
hi r tin HlfOl.
. V. Maraden, I'n.p.
We do all kinds of repair work
from a pair of aclaora to the
the heavieat kind of machinery.
Bloycle Hepalrlng ca well aa
Automobile work we can alao
put your gaa engine In good
I. awn Mower l.riinlliig a spe. lain
filled with
You miss CM test if you npiff
The Farmer
The farmer Is the mun who feed ua all. If the farascr
ahould quit work the whole world would have to go out of bu
InesK He la the moat Important factor In the world today
ilwayn baa been .ilwayn will be.
Thin bnak bun muuy farmer patron. Farmera are ood
ductlng their huslnca along modern linen tbene day, the .ame
a other bualnenn men They are the solid, reliable, nn n of
the comunlty ami every bnnk baa reason to feel proud of Itn
farmer friend The acc.inioilallonn of our bunk are always
at Hie disposal of the farmer. You ure Invited to in.. n
bunk unr liemliiinrters w 'ien In town Our lui.i- alt
mutual, ad we will be glad lo aerve you.
First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
The Universal Car
There can mily he one reason whv Find ears have
snlil ami are tmlav selling I'lnin live to ten tu one
over any ami all motor qjj made, ami that rea
oii is- It is a hetter oar I'i'oin any ami every ma
. qiialiticat mil tin- reeords of more than
litUyn hundred thousand Kurd ean prove it.
With the n.'W large radiator and enclosed fan.
training hood, erown fenders front and rear.
entire black tinish, nickel trimuiiugS, it is a most
attractive car in appearance. Reliable Service
assured through nine thousand Ford agents
throughout the country. Runabouts 4") Tour
UigCartdSOCoupelet ifiOSTown 'ai $''' Sedan
$645, all f . o. b. Detroit. Cons in and let us show
ou how easy IneV are to operate. On sale at
a I
ford parage
Ontario, Oregon.
Down Town Office
II S WAYNE Proprli tor