The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 08, 1917, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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rav: vivn
Measures fr Relief of Settlers In
Tills Ht( Proposed tlrciilurs
on l''iirtn Loans May IK1 Sc-
Washington, I). C. February r,
(Special) Congressman N. J. Slnnotl
of Oregon has been successful In kl
flrat atop towarda passage of each of
til-, twin I. III. for permitting entry on
rodn mitt Ion and power altc withdraw- tlir0
:iN iiil.Joct to the right of the govern-1 4 Contestant tnuat he alxth. aev
roent to retake the land, or audi part.jenln or elhtri grBdo pupi, and any
thereof aa It may later be necessary rnoo AMrlci )n Malheur County,
to dm for the purpoae. for which orlg- liavlnR pupllg eligible under theae
Inally withdrawn. The Committee ,,., nmy ,,. ono g,,,.
on Public Land of the Houae of Rep- 6 Eacn rhoo ,, pny tn ex.
reamitntlvoa authorlxed Mr Slnnott : pmntn of )tB repreaenUtlvc. For the
to report for It favorably on both theae Purpow, of ragug funda to defray the
bllla, and they are now on the llouae expMlww of contata, and to arouse an
Calendar awaiting their turn to beBlirBil ,n declamatory work, It la
oonaldered on the floor of the Houae. rocorn mended that try-out contest, be
In hla report on II It 76.12. pro
viding for a homestead entry on wat
or power altea the oongeraaman called
intention to the dealrabillty of giving
relief to hundred, of aottlera through
out the country who had eulered up
on Innda In good faith when the re
cord of the local land o. .eea did not
at the time of entry ahow the wlth
drawala. He atatea that many of
iheae aettlera have aent their time,
money and labor on audi entrlea,
und done ho before being Informed I
that they had been withdrawn from
ontry. Further, that hla hill would
enable Iho Hecretary of the Interior
In hla discretion to allow audi en
trie to bo perfected, reserving the
right to the United Stale, to retake
l he land whenever necessary for pow-
er site purpoaea.
In commenting on Section Ten of
the Ferris Water Tower hill which
n substantially the same ground
ua the Slnnott bill Secretary Lane
' Seellon 10 of the hill Ih also Im
portant. In tli.ii It will permit In
utany Instuncea a dual use of the
land, or a part thereof, providing
lout the Secretary of the Interior
may in his discretion, alio entries
or elulliiH nil i ' I it ml
Ihwh for a,reuH reserved fur water
liowrr idle, where the water power
. lopnienl III nol be Injured
lljlil are iii.Iin . here
die il.un, ! null, or mnilult will i , 00l) a part of a legal Mihdl
. ,ii. and ti.t win parmll Um ngrl
i use of the balm '
Of case where there bj now
lijiilii. apOB UM surface, which mm
I i 1 iiinli r iiiirnirl.ile
I lellll.V. ! I"
. i.-.i in iiiiii.i-ii tor ton
p. .-.."
report mi M it i .'085. per-
rl lull. I
. ntii. mi land withdrawn lot ft
matin, purposes endorsee audi bill
lor su.illur reasons.
ItiwIUing that the passage of theae
nvJn bllla will bo of greul heneht tn 1,1,51, Hehool muy lie represented only
luauy parts of his diatrict. while in ,,,.,, by any one pupil In all other
no way restricting the ultimate de- dlatrlcts contestants may enter again
velopmenl of any of its resources, .provided they are eligible under Iheae
t'ongreaanian Slnnott will use every, rules and did not win the cup In for
effon to get action on them aa aoon I mer conteata.
ua possible Owing to the congested
condition of the Houae calendar uml a
lh at-ort time remaining before ad- ,
joumuieut It la doubtful, however,
if ll. ey can be reached during the 1
prenent aeaalon of Congreaa Itupert I'arks of Weiaer had a
lad Ofllce Instructions Issueil. HkIh operutlon performed 011 Sat-
Tr.e General Land Office haa Juat'urday and he la doing nicely.
iaaued a 20 page circular (No. 5231 i 0 Oxman of Jemleson was a pat-
glving full Instructions to Registers ' lent at the hospital for a few daya
and Heceivera aa to how to proceed
under the Ferrla 840 acre graiing
tioiaertead law, approved December
, 1818. A copy of this circular may
be obtained b writing Congressman
Unarm lian Circular Now Out.
Th. DepartmeBl of Agriculture U.
jut daued aa Farmera' Bulletin No ,
7 a circular enUtled "How the
iKMeral Farm Loan Act Benefit, he L
Frer." Thia not only give, the dla-
adantagea of the preaent ayatem.)
and adtrantagea cUlmed for the new
Ptvderal land-bank ayatem but Ml.
line who may obtain loans, how to,
orgauixe a local aaaociatlon and oth-l
er ufieful information
31BBOU wtll get a copy of the aame
to any constituent requesung nun
ft annual dwiuinatorv .nuiesi
for tne pupils of Malheur ci imtv
aoaeolu la to be held thia yeat in On- The conteal will take ilice
MatcL 31 and ln each o fthe vradaa
tag pupil, are now training for the
i . i r OOBtMl '" determine Wen
will represent Ontnr'o.
Mum I'uy Clark, county tupc-rlTi
tendon I of schools gives Hi'' folio
lug rules for kill cenlest:
1 All OOBtOOU Mlinll ho held under
t lie auspice, anil direction ol an I'nr
cutlvo cnmmlttoe, consl.llng of the
county superintendent, t lie I ity sup
artntOndentn of tin- t lirrM- largest
school, of the county nnd one tench
it appointed iinnuiilly liy the enmity
2. The county superintendent shall
he officio cluilrniBii of the inninilt
too and Hlinll preside nt tli" HM '
3. One cotiteHl Hlinll be held nnnii-
ally on tln last Hiiturdny of Mnrcli,
,n ,,,!. ln Va. Nymtt Bn(, ()I1
held to aelect a contestant and an
8. The time for delivery of a de
clamation hall not exceed eleven
7. The audience ahall not applaud
or manlfeat Its approval or disapprov
al of any apeaker.
I. Any achool winning to enter a
candidate ahall report to the county
superintendent not leaa than one
week prior to the oonteata, the num-
ber of the district, the name and
grade of the pupil, and the title of
the selection to bo spoken,
9. Contestants ahall appear on MM
program by number, and the order of
speaking ahall be determined by lot.
ITociiutlon must be taken to keep tin
Identity of the speakers from the
10. The Judges shall he selected as
follows The superintendent of tho
achool where the ran teat la to be
held ahull select throe persons from
a list of names selected by the re
maining ii" if the executive
committee, each of whom shall sub
mit two mimes not Inter than Murch
1. The Judges shall not be re Idenl
of Malheur ('mini v
II The following scale shall l"
I ' I In marking:
Interpretation 4i
-Nafuralness II
I ii unci. 1 1 1.. i. IS
Memory 1 5
I :' An ugroomi III ol I wo of the
Judges shall I uMi. t.M t to render a
decision In .use two of them call
not agree. Hie decision shall he rin
ilnreil In tnviir of the one having the
I t ill n I ol the Hire.- Judges
The school wntei t tiln Uif the
' I shall arrange Hie nigra in, pro
viding such niliuhers as will give vn
I cl v In I he .-III. I l.lllllnenl Tin
I ntllled In the pi u ler pay
lug expenaea. The price of admission
Mil mil exceed 16 MMl
I I The trophy, u silver cup. shall
i emu In In custody of the winning
school until the ncl contest.
IS. Districts having a four-year
laat week
Mrs Herl Sloan of l'armu waa op
erated upou laat week.
Mra. H. A. Morrow waa able to
leave the hospital Tueaday for her
home in Ontario.
Mrs O. 0 Chelifoe of Weiaer waa
nnsratsft nnon last week and exnects
J - j
Un J JohaMa of QnUrlu -ft
lm -
h oa aaay
mM Blmuche 8ldford of Payette
fcM returned l(J ho-p,u, 8Ufter.
from u atUck of pa,yBUl
u w g ThonipMn of WeUer
ho was operalH) upon la((( Wl,.k
elpecU ,c return lloine KOOn
mm NUy )f KruUUnu
rapidly Improvlug
C P. Becker left for his home In
Weatfall Tueaday after recovering
from hi. illness
Mra. L J. Aker and Infant aon
left the hospital for their home In
the dty on Saturday
I. U. 1Hs.n1 after recovering from
the effect, of hi. operation for ap
pendicitis waa able to return to hla
home in tho city laat Thursday.
Miss Marion St. -tier of Fruitluud
, ... Daiienl at the hospital
Mr.. B. Cop Ladle.' Tailor and
Dreaamaker, Phone ll-M.
"(iiitiiH Lund In Story, Song, and
Picture." Is the title of a splendid
cotnhlnallon attraction featuring thei
Second lilahii Iteglmeiital Quartet,
IfM feel nr moving plclurea showing i
our own Soldler-Hoya In actual ser-1
vice on iho Mexican llofder; and
.rein- made from photographa pic-
luring the conditions nnd horrors
found by Karl Wayland Ilowman, war
correspondent with the Iteglment,
when he made hla recklaaa daah two
hundred mllea beyond the Border
Into the heart of Sonor.i
Tho reorrt of III. Second Idaho
Wflllf III 11'fltTHI rtfTVIlTW m 1U81IWI
I. f .hl,h ...r. .h..M
1.11.. l - - - .a Vf l
........... nun wiwi . ....v .av -.
lift nrmiH
The moving picture, show the boy. """T "" only onp w,, l,H'1 l,r
...... .... .., . ..... .'experience of the Doctor could re-
Wlllie Ill.-V WITI' IIIMSIIIg I lRV rtJtrU
the Ft. Huachuca hike, out-poat
guard duty on the Mexican line,
camp life at Nogales, trenching, on
the rifle range, the Captain Wilson , '
Incident, the camera showing theJMOTH'K
scene where he waa ahot and later
the hospital, etc., ate, and many
other thrilling event, of the aeven
mouths the Idaho lads were on the
The. Regimental Quartet of the
Second Idaho waa conceded to be the
beat quatret at Nogales and the boys
aung their way Into the heart, of tbe3rd day of October 1814. an aaess
8000 guardsmen aUtloned there ;nent of 5 per cent (50 centa per
and were In constant demand at th
theatre, of the Border town. Their
"Mexican Waddle" is a scream The
camp and Border melodlea are full of
life and fun.
The Quartet alone is a whole ahow.
Huti't mlaa II. Twenty-five and fif
ty centa.
Al Dreamland Saturday February
Huh. one night only and only
show Doom open at 7:30.
promptly at 8:00 p. ni
A modern shearing plant la to de,h ' " bov" mention.-" assess
Installed at Venator, on the Oregon ' f"" M.Un.i 11-tn thirty days af
i Kastrn railroad. 18 mile:, eaat of thiT respective It
$)Sn Kdgar llollingerof North Powd- Tl,',re '" ow
er linker was here r and "bov aa.ea.ment following
made arrangements for erecting the
sheds, pens and th placement of mil
chlnnrv. th. 1 nt 11 plant In be read)
for nperulioll some time I M. unit
Mr lloillnger states that Hie plant
will b eune 1 the llnest nit the Onlar-lo-('rane
railroad line, and that the
llun system of shearing will he
adopt I': I Mlll.- nt I,
will help III honking she'll Inr the
11. eiii.-i -pri -i . and ill 'I
during Hie oOOral IBJ hi. h
starts In Aptll 1 r.iue A
n ..ntiniied from First Page. 1
revolution aubaldud and opportuuitv
for adventure lu (he Flow cry repub
lic faded.
In speaking of conditions In the
various armies Dr. allrrison in part
"The revolution in Mexico will con
tinue indefinitely, or al leaat until
the European war la over and the
foreign government, take a hand and
compel the United Statea to aettle
matter. Both Carranza and Villa
get supplies from the United State.
with fuuda extorted from Brill. h andj
American lirra.. The .oldlera on both
.Idea deaert and go over to the other
without regard to the merit, of the
"Villa I. a hero In Mexico now be
cause he ha. aucceeded in escaping
from the 'gringo.' Why a. the reault
of Villa', escape from Pershing the
Mexican, think they can whip tha
Pulled (Sates They have no fear for
I'nde Sam at all. Villa' men, gen
erally .peaking, are bigger and hard
er than the average Mexican. In
both the Mexican armies there are
.oldlera of every nation, uearly. Es
pecially numerous are Americana,
many of whom have .erved Uncle
Chinese Klglit with Teapot.
"The funniest army in the world.
I believe, la the hineee. After wit
neeaiug the battles in Belgium and
France the chlneae revolution looked
like a comic opera. I have aeen bat
tle ln China in which hundred of
thousands were engaged for sever
al days aud In which there would be
almoat no men killed or wounded.
Why the great big Chinaman goea in
to battle with a rifle In one hand and
a tea pot and fan in the other."
Aa the reault of hi. travel. In for
elgn Innda Dr. Ilnrrlaon has MHO
ulated veritable muanitn of relic
Including hundreds of grin .
lilhitH from dozens of battle fieldi
lltlllets taken from hollies 01 soldi' is
including one fr.nn the nominal ol l"",''K"nr' " PM Hnll nsaeaaments Imlhin (Jiihiti aMlt) llieienti; nnd
Villa', saddle, give ocular evidete l,ni1 """s'' "f advertising and sale, tor the further stun of $115(10 at
of his exiierleiiees One of the will bo aold at Iho office of tho Owy-! lorney'a fee; and for tho further
atrangeat of these relics Is that of 11
(allaman worn l ., Mexi, .,., soldier
on which was painted a bright red
j heart under which were the words,
."Tho Sacred Heart of Jesus." The
bullet which killed I he wearer of
!thls relic passed thra his body and
the point of the bullet plened 1 - -
atnulet and rested on the upex of Url
I painted heart.
HesUle the relic of hnttle fields he
lexhlhlted to friends many cut
cured In China Including wonderfi I
tapestries, bronze ftures
of religi
on, significance there ;is well us ctirl
ously carved Ivory and Jade In rnn-
",Jr CrV,Vl ,VOr Bn1 lBde ,n '""-
nectlon with every curio tltere was a
I I I. l Mlllll-
Notice la hereby given that a a
regular meeting of the hoard of di
rector, of the Owyhee Ditch Com
pany, held In Ontario, Oregon, on the
share) waa levied on all Owyhee
Ditch Company stock eutatandlng:
and at a regular meeting of aald
board, held In Ontario. Oregon, on
th 2nd day of October 1816. another
aaae.ament of 5 per cent (50 centa
per share) waa levied on the par
value of all Owyhee Ditch Company
stock outstanding; and at a regular
meotlng of said board, held In tin
t.irlo, Oregon, on the 7th day or in-
tober 1918, another assessment of
5 per cent (50 cents per share I whs
levied on the par value of all Owyhee
Ditch Company stock outstanding,
all of which assessments were for
purposes of maintenance and (hat
On llll I Assessment.
T V Arnold, 10 .hare. . . . .$
.1 II I link III n
tireeii, I share
U I. tilbson, shares
on loi-i aaoaaaaOBi.
T t Arnold, shar s
I t! Andci-..n. .'. -haris
.1 II C.111I, 1 I 1 1. .ires
Mnrl'g I'n ,
V I. (HbaOOi II shares
(iiii 1 11. I share
W I llulery. 10 shares
f Kuhler. 20 shares
I mi
. Mil
10 00
A 1 1 Moray, 57 shurea II II
Klla I. Moray, IH shares . .
V S. oil Noel, 20 shores . .
S K Phillips 1 1: ' i' '
1 till
III llll
11 ...
1 1 llll
10 share.
W Sheffield. 9 ihurea . .
Mrs. Oltu Schweier. sh: res
On ll AsM-ssni. 1.1
Jake Adams. 2 '-. 1 hares
1 25
2.1 00
;t. r
I t!
Arnold, 10
Anderson. 5
shar s
Ollva Aln. worth, 4 shares
C. K. Beldtng, it shares . . .
Bruce and Fold LiOM AT Co ,
20 kIiiti s
A. T. Burch, 15 shares
Goo. Coleman, 31 .harea ....
J. II Cook (Truscei
8 .hare.
Divereaux Mort'g. Co,
20 i-uarea
- II DeArmond (D. Magill)
17 .hare.
10 00
: .-.0
2 50
in in
I ,'.u
ti 00
11 00
;; r.u
II uo
Albert Olenu, 12 .hare. ....
M. B Owlnn, 90 shares ....
W. L. Gibson, 75 aharea ....
000 Green. .harea
L D. Gordon, 45 ahares ....
W. E. llulery, 10 .hare. . . .
Jerry Hurley, 82 ahare. ....
T. I Jobnuon (Kat.vt 1
30 aharea II
W. G. Jenklna. 304 V .hares (II II
Aruthur K. Kimball. 81 share. 30.50
A. M. Lackey, 1 .hare . .
10 00
I 7;.
9 00
4 2.'.
10 no
.". uu
2 SO
11 mi
40 00
7 r.o
10 00
W. F. Kochler, 20 ahare.
O. AMogorden t Trustee 1
S V ahare.
A. D. Moray, 57 ahare. .
Ella L. Moray, 18
T H Moore, 8 -. .hares
W Scott Neul, 20 share.
R R Ovoratreet, 7 .hares
8. R. Phillip. 10 share. .
Annie Phillips, & share.
Geo. P. Ransom, 20 ahares
Lula Rich. 2Vi shuns .
F. W. 8hefneld. :i share.
Mra Olio Schwelz r, 30 s!
N. U. Haunderson (T. H Moore 1
80 .harea
I. P Taylor, 15 sh.ii.
V. J VauCeurt, 20 shares
Whitworth Doolittle
10 ahare: 5 00
And In accordance with law and an
order of the board of director, of the
l.VM.W, NOflt'EH.
Owyhee. Ditch Compuyi made on the
tith d: y of January I'.llT. so ni.iny
' lllir,, of each parcel nt 1I1I stink ns
'"''' Wlel Company on California
s,r',p'' ,n "", l,y of OnlaH", Covin
,y of Malheur. State of Oregon, on the
third day of March 1917, at the hour
of twelve (noon) of said day, to the,day of February, 1917, at the hour
highest bidder for cash. And the of 1 1 30 o'clock in the forenoon of
bonrd decree It understood that there snld day, at the main entrance door
will be no postponement of this sale, of the Malheur County Court House,
O. U KINt:. nt Vale, Oregon, aell at public auc
Secrelnry. tion to the hlghe.t bidder or bid
First publication Jan. 25, 1817. dera for cash, the following deaerlb
I.ast publication Feb. 22, 1817. ,od real property, to-wlt;
. The Southweat quarter of tha
notick or HHrurra hai.k
IOIIH insl Id
By vlrtueof an Kxecutlon lnFore
closure duly Iaaued by tho Clerk of the
Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon,
for Malheur County, dated the 18th
day of January, 1917, In a certain ac
tion In the Circuit Court of aald
State and County, wherein the State
James Wlthycombe, (Governor, Ben
W. Oloott, Secretary of State, and
Thomaa B. Kay, State Treasurer, as
plaintiff, recovered Judgment against
Byron W. Stone. Libble M. Stone, Ed-,
ward Neeae, libble M. Neeae, Ontario1
Snake River Irrigation Company, a
corporation, T. B. Floor and Kate Kl
er, a defendanta and also In a certain
action wherein the Ontario Snake
River Irrigation Company recovered j
Judgment agalnat Edward Neeae of;
above named defendants; the first
above named Judgment being for (he
sura of $800 00 wllh Interest there
on from November I, 1113. al 8 per
rent per annum, and the num of
$178.50 for laxea paid, with Interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from July II, 1918, and the
further sum of $75 00 attorney fees
1,11,1 J ""' of M8 35 co.ta and dls-
iHirseilionts; the second above named
judgment being for the sum of $187.-
0 with Interest thereon .1 the rate nf
K ier cent per annum from March 22,
llll, (he .um of HII.M malllle-
num e charges, with accrue.) Interest
lo said date of $20 10 and Hie further
Mini of $2itoo attorney'! faoa, and
the further sum ol t sit costs and
ill- Inn - Ill
1 111 iiki'oiik MOTtCI is mciii:
( l KN that I will on the I ,ih
da) "i February, hut. al the imur ui
. clock lu t he forenoon ol
ii..; , -it II I in. ill, elill.iln' 1 h
heur County (oiiii iiinise in Vale,
all al public auattoa to Um
bidder, or aMdera, inr , '
ll pinp. rt 1
10 alt;
The 1 , t iiuir of ihe loath weal
I- t qnnrti
-limit. 1 1 1: '- s ',
su ', IW ', 1. the Wool H in ol Um
ll. II let Ol UM Slllllhwesl
quarter of lite tout h weal quarter (W
. S i, Stt 14), .mil the south
Hull ol Ihe Smith Hall m the North
half of tie Southwest Ounrier of Ihe
Smilhwet quarter (SH SH N :.
KV ', S , 1 of Seittun iv.n ft),
Ti ...nslilp eighteen (18) South, 'tange
forlj-.eveii (47 1 K. W M 11 Mai
I -iir Couti'v. Oregon, d.edier wl(u
all wa(er tight used upon, lor or in
...irectlup therewltli tov't i-tr with
t' teneiiienls, iieredltaineni. and ao-
...M.-nances Hi. reutito ni .in:'. -r
ii any v. in- appertaining:
Taken .mil levied upon is the prop-
art) ni the said Byron W. Stoue, Lln-
I.I.. M HI....U k',1 u u r,l S.'m....m I II.I.Im
M Neese. Ontario Snake It.v.,- Ir,t.
gHtmn Company, a lorporation. T. B and Rule Piaer, a. defendants,
111 so much thereof as may he nece.-nR, and ready at all times to give
sury lo sall.fy said Judgments in fav-,yu the tuosi rea prices pos
or of the State lutud Board, cun.l.t- '.ble
ing of James Withvrmnbe, Governor,
It. 11 W (llco(t. Se-retary of State and
Thomas B. Kay, State Treasurer, and
agalnat the said defendant, and al-
o the ludament of the Ontario Snake
River Irrigation Company, a Corpora
tlou aguinat Edward Neese, of above
named defendants, with Interest
thereon, together with .11 costs and
disbursements thai have nr may ac
crue Dated at Vale, Oregon, this Hith
day of January, 1817.
UKV I MOWN, Sheriff.
lly JNO It WliKKI.KIt,
First Publication Junuury 1Mb, 1817
Last Publication Februury 15th, 1817
KOTO'S ' WUOtWTB half in
i Oltki MINI UfA
j vn tue of an Extscutiun in Fore-
Insure luly Issued liv th- Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, lor Mulln-ur County, dated
January 8, 1917. in a cerium action
In the said (in nil (dun for said Sui.
mill count), whereto Um luha Rivet
District lmpruvemeiit oiupuny. u
oorpniullon. as I'lulntlrt. recovered
JiKigmeui against Myrtle M Stout
and Samuel W Stout, us dclendunts,
for the sum of Nine(yDollara( $80 00 I
I.HtJAI. NOiii I H.
with iatarMI thereon from t he lat
day of tcloher, till, at the rate of
t. tfl per cent kt niiiiiitii, uml Mu(
sum of $28 80 coats and dlaburao-
BY OIVEN, that I will on the 17th.
lN- miutheiiat quarter or Heciinn .11.
Township fifteen aouth, Itange forty
seven eaat Willamette Meridian, la
Malheur Conntv. Omnn. tornther
- iwlth ,, ,,, heredltamenU.
and appurtenance, thereunto belong
ing; Taken and levied upon aa (he prop
env of the aald above named de
fendant., Myrtle M. Stout and Raai
uel W. Stout, or a. much thereof aa
I may ba neceaaary to aatlafy aald
judgment in favor of the Snake River
Diatrict Improvement Company, a
Corporation, and agalnat the aald a
bove named defendanta, with IntOP
eat thereon, together with all ooeta
and disbursement, (hat have or may
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 1 1th
day of January, 1817.
MKN J. BROWN, Sheriff.
Flrat publication January 18, 1117.
Last publication February II, HIT
Notice Is hereby given that all ap-
ll(ruonH rr permits In gra.e cattle.
,lorB,.M, Mnd hwp wUnln , MA,,.
,,, f ,97 - ,, nlm) ,n
iih nihee nt John Day, Oregon, on
or before February 28. 1817. Full
la formation In regard $ the grating
fees tn he charged and blank forma
to he used In making applications
will he furnished upon r.-iiiet.
cv J BINGHAM, siii'.uviSOR
in t publication January 25, 1817.
1 1 1 pulillcutlnu February 15, 1917.
I roar old, rod aoUor,
hi. mil W on light rump Id ward for In
formation Prod Wnuii. ns.u, ore
I'm: PAINTINO, Paper hanging.
Mini 1. il.t 1 1 in.' Karat Class Work,
Prices Ileus. iiinhle I'hoiie K. A
u ledum. I05K4. I U
old 1 hicks S C White Leghorns
$12 50 per hundred A II Cain
I'h. .11. juiiKI Ontario, Ore 2-tf ad
FOR SAI.F. 20 tuns of hay. A.
Cain. 2 miles weal of ouiarm
2 if adv
FOR 8ALB 100 (on. of choice ui
f.lfa hay. four miles south of Nvs
is. Fred Wood
: tr
WANTKD Hid fur plowing 225
acres with tractor Inquire Maatern
'0rK"" '""" '"
WANTKD Von to know we are
r,iuppe.l to bundle your Job prinl-
! .
Weal It-. uml
No .171 Mixed Leave. Ontario
10:00 1 m Ihtiiy except Sunday;
Arrive Vule 10:50 a. m , Juntura
I 00 p 111 I Riverside 3.20 p. 111
Craue 8:20 p in
No. 372 Mixed la-uve Crane, Ore.
7:30 a 111 Dully Except Sunday,
ftivcrside l;ll u. in Junturu
10 35 a. in . Vale I if. p m , Ar
rive Ontario 2:00 p in
No 371 Mixed -Lnuve Ontario 1:30
p m Dally Except Sunday, leave
Vale : P Arrive llroguu
3.30 p. in
So. 374 Mixed l.uve Hiogun 3:58
P ui . Vale SO", p m . Arrive Ou-
tuiio I II l m
IXtrg Mte. l.i. v- (Uil.ui.i I ll a
111 Doll) tjlOTBl mdi).
No ill Mixed i.euve Nroao I
a 111 Dully Evepi Sunday. Ar
rive Hntncilale ll I i u m
,., .! .it UllOd Leave liomedul
10:55 a m Dully Except Sunday.
Arrive Nyssa 12:05 p 111.
Extra Mixed Arrive Ontario 13:31
p m.