The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 08, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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(Established L896)
OM. K. A1KKN. Kditnr and Publisher
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon nnd entered at
the Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd class matter
One year
Six Months
$1.60 Three Months
l.Oo Single copies
$ .GO
All copy for display advertising should be at this office by
Wednesday noon. To insure position copy should be in
this office on Tuesday.
An nova before In t In- print his
tory of th l.'nltml Hlali-w, the nation
In today farlnc a trial of reaching-
pDHKibllllpH It In Juki ID.', yriii-M
lm e the I'nitod Htntox, then nn In -
HomotliliiR may hp nipntloiiPil hern
a to how (hp m-operatlve check may
ind ItH way Into or MlfkborlM
town. If a cannery unit a broom to
ut IslniH'Mt mart In tftoaMl'il hers
in (tularin. Aa a com pn risen lie
twepn tbp co-opernthe check, nnd t lit
l,nnk .-heck in their i(Mnfiiltioh to
our community, an lllUHtrat'n.i may
be cited.
HuppciKP Mr. A and Mr II leave On
tario for round ubout Vale lo pur
chase a horse and a cow. Mr. A with
money on deposit in the bank and
check book in pocket, Mr. II with oo
no provialon I" made for the Uvea of operative depoait checka In bia poa-
aeaaion for fruit and veft-ntablea de-
poailed at rannory or broom corn ati
crewt or paaneni?era.
II i' rrnwiiiiiK lnillt however la
that which dlrecta that tho I'nlted hroom factory of the aaaoclatlon
State may have one boat p-r week Ihooklnn about, Mr. A finds a suitable
move In early uprinK Ilolden Clem
.1 9 move lo liis ranch ml
till hrnther and A. II. Moore
will imii" out from Ontario lo li in
fan-li vncut -d by llolden Clement.
(Mlver llliifcaman, iiccotnpiinled hy
his son Kmeraon made a huxlnca trip
lo C.ihhvell Saturila).
Mii-a Kldle Cox of Ulverslde, Ore
fron. who ha- bei n ultcnilltiR l.lnka'
1 1 u iii - i'..i'i;' at lloLao, wna a vla
Itur at .1 A Wallers' Friday anil Sat
ttal MIhk Cox wbh on her way home
In alii nil lln muriatic of lier alater,
Suain Cox to Chaa. Drown which was
Holcmnlzotl at their home In Hlver
t.l.l.' Moiidu. Feb Mil. The young
couple will reside at Crane where
the groin la In bualneaa.
Oliver Mlnganuin and family vlait
ed at the A. n. Kldredge home MM
i i ii i ; i.i ml Sunday.
Ii-rry Johnson am' wife ivnl to
.t.uuleson Wednesday to vlsn a few
I'ndor the auspices of the II. .'.
club an organization of ladles of the
Arcadia district the reception was
flven In honor of Mr. and Mrs Chaa.
acb way within a narrow lano of the 'horse, ulla out the check book, hands .Ooaaetl on their return from
war one. If our Kovernineni give as- owner a eheok in iiivmanf .m nn : honeymoon to I'uget Hound cltlea
fant in the family of nations. rmiRhl mranci) ri-RirdltiR Its cargo and have 'with Mr. It In search ofr the cow, '"' Friday. The reception took
,V for the principle of the ir lorn of tln vessel marked acoordlnR to (Jer- llnda a suitable animal and price Plane at the borne of Mr. and Mrs.
- the aeaa. The rlRht gained then at man directions Till was too much ngrcd upon. It lenders the co-opera-
the expense of hundreds of American To comply with order would require 'ure check In payment for the cow.
sailors and soldiers Is onn of the the ahaml.ininent of aovereiRnlty on the owner refuses saying he has no
use for It. Mr. II steps over to the
foundation stones of American liber
ty, a heritage too valuable to surren
der at any price.
That President Wilson look tl ne
and only honorable oourse open to
him la view of the German note pro
crlblng the area of the high seas to
Which American .hipping would ln
free from danger la evident by the
comment from all sources in neutral
countries Kvery day since the l'i.
Ident'a address to congress was made
udorseuieiil Iroin neutral pom i
have been rcelved Kven so eminent
ub authority as Count Von llrrn
storff, the tiermau Ambassador dc
clared that 1'resldenl Wilson could
huve done no less
In view of the rynlcnl lii-ull which
wag so thinly wiled In the tlermiin
note lomiliR as It did so soon niter
I'mditent Wilson's plea (or UM Tor
nation of World League in enforce
I'eaee, a rupture could not be moid
ed. Hut when the rupture did It
It iMth , united apprilMll
b the American pie While the
supreme ti'Nl, n decimal loll ol ii.n
IuIIomimI hi nituul IniNtlllties, has
not .s I .i ii i . ci i. .in
it.! H Will !" met hy .1 null. .1
men) "i ill
the I.' ri , n . I . ii.
ii d- proni . it Ih.ii en mi deil ol
hai Im'ii dropped In I
ii.. i
. ulni-h I
all in
. - .
i inking No one. it i tin.
want v.. a. .i than ne leu iiide., i
Wl.O W.llil .' .1 i I .llllc to I' .lll'l
If war It must lie. then n u,-u n,.,i
tli American people .Hi i-.i, Iii
make the asiril..-. uniiedly
the part of this nation.
The O. II
"phono", calls up Vale merchant and
aaya, "Oo you handle Ontario co-operative
checka at your atore In ex
change for merchandise?" The mer
chant having previously in i n Inform-
another defeat last Friday night T " ,,,ru "" " our ....a. papers n.m
when the IMie.,.. hunch ,... by u '""lerwlse as to stock of canned goods
,.. ,,r II in II. a inr.. erow.t wii. Bnd ,,r"m" on ""!. anawrra at the
S llasket Hall team met
phone. "Yea. I take them at my
store as far aa I can uae them, bring
.I...... .... N If- tl I . . I I I, l.l. L
to Ontario rooters over to "'"" "" ",r '" "l7 "
A .lurt home with their purchases;
Her of the com goo. In Vale
i DM and In m'" IWtoflto, shoes and
., t.xm l.l t Ill u 1(1. II... - -
to ihe I.. I i .ir " " ' "" ""
itiiIIw cliecks, or else pays a delln-
iiniii bill with same, starts for
Inline, liappv In I lie 111. i, IBM I' it a
ne ed the game, lllling Hie gyuiuasi
urn Aspeelul train look about sev
the game and a large number went
In cars.
The game was
teraatlai one up
when our lioys fell In -hind .in. I i,..i
there till Ihe end
!'! 1 1 lams had good team work
on the K ft I)
Koy Williams
During the evening Mrs. Clarence
li" ii on behalf of the club, of
which Mrs. Oosaet l a member, pre
sented the newly wedded couple with
a fine oak rocking chair. Numerous
other glfta were presented them by
friends present. The guests present
before deparling following the de
lightful refreshments served united
In expressing their good wishes for
long and happy married life for the
honored guests.
A surprise party lo commemorate
the 49th anhersary of the wedding
of Mr and Mrs It. II. Thompson, one
of the best known couples of the
Xn.idla district look place at their
home Wednesday evening.
Among those present were six of
their nine living children and Iwen-
but our lull- coiidnT iboOl I
us well M Ihe I'llielle hols. II
i em-Mi li- though Ihe I '.. v .1 I .
. .nil. I : i torn .mi angle
w lllle OUT I" ' had Inn .1 . I. .in.
could lint make a ha kel
.Northrop ii new man on Ihe Iciin
...y has I ., lound to drhe .l,el :r","1 A most enjoya-
,ble aoclul evening, punctuated with
wnli In. in the do. .1
i the bank Ihi ol
.n hind demanil-
n In po -e.lon with money
.1 t hers nnd recitations, was
spent by ihe guests and after a late
ii" r the gathering broke up with
in lor parts unknown nnd i
Dione) Is gone out of the ( nniniunlti
ii.-nt n i, in,,.,,.,, "" ' I ",,r M"tai trail k
i . .... ale inerchanl i l.-r to the as-I '
I'.irwai .1 . I.owerv
i orwgrda
i N
. l.i.i.dwiu
(III .
Il is the boiindeii i m n rrj nu
tlOO (o prolecl all ol II . illen in
the pursuauci' ol Hit ' I'OCaUOM when
legally followed i ,iun h.
wall for those win. ... lonn to iln
MUM 1L I hip-.," as II... ho 111
cultivating the mill
What, would a uaiiun do wiihoul
SAktvre? Mow long nolllil II hold il
position In the world ii none el n
. Kiena engaged in ni.uiliu.. pUi
WouJ it not i.e in i i unuou-
bM lg puruill an outside pow-i, by
it, arbitrary regulalion- to il.-luie a
i.elw ill and Bhafer in I. I..: .
lor I'a.Mtl.
..I I.I..
i in ii.ii n Ipnuldlna
i orwnrdi .- gn 01
i'i ' Boa in. in
llerilll .11
il Oral . p I, lie, I il,.. la lull hi
1 I'lnnei
Hie aie High School gu, lean.
will ...nn- in Ontario, a week Iroin
nn accounl ol Hie big show at Ihe
rlOMM Mils WiH-k. Ihele will be
no game here Friday night.
The nel Literary Society program
will be given on Friday Ihe IHIb. The
r.illnwiiig program will be rendered:
1 Vo. .1 Solo liladys Kinisou.
.letic lloosier- ll.nry Cussl-
di and lone l.culir.
Song Hoy.-.' (Jlee club.
I Itcuding Helen Dunliai
5. Piano Solo Vuda Morlltt.
I. High School I'aper - tilenn
In. .wii. Fdilor-iu-chief.
e.lni-Ml.iy alli-ruoou Ihe try
out for Ihe debate team was held. The
Judges, l)r Woese. Ilev Haiui.i and
v.U Aitbiii our own land o which
tl k-rmers could i.u.- no cpv a rtnfgMDI Culberlson dmided upon
to that same nation u, .l.h. ,)c,roll,v , ,,., ,.,,, ,, j,,,,,, Mooro
M-anii-n Th,. wlll u to Ny,,, Friday night
s .el In which American
cuii not earn a livelihood ut iheir , llt)lm, UtB NyilbH Wtm
oelatlon lioadqunrtara, look-- dtw
i d gno.l- and hroouis
Oil lialnl place, an older for MUM M
Iln. nmoiiul ol 00
loii In looking oei ti"
Ihe (Wo men, II will
lUlnl) sell that Ihe CO opel i
li .1 I ii iIdm . of far
' -il in- to t ..u.inulilli .
I.. I look llo llinlii') out ol Ini'li.
ihe bunk (heck willi Its llui-
It : i in nothing In return
li. .illHi the illlh. ully ol l:n .
support nn loiisnuieni oi a
i.ii.ner iii .i inn w in i nn- ol this
or) until fully understood or lis im
portance fully re. ih. .-, I (hi. writer
would suggest thai a broom mduslri
In i. ii ted hi i in ..I ii . .I.ihlish
an nl requiring Utile or no liiiuucial
aid The encoorugciueni ol a t.
luiiuiTs in raising a lew l.m- ol
broom com and inanufucturlug Hie
same into brooms by un ulroady lo
cated broom maker with neoeasary
iu.ii-itiii.-ri mi hand, with null ex
pense of handles, wire and twin. An
Industry of large roportlous could
-non be underway with growing In
torest and further knowledge gained
aa to the workings of this system of
. o operatjon. when further atepa
could be taken into other lines of lu
duatry, because seeing Is believing in
all new ventures which eventually Is
the boat prlnclpla in ediicaliou. More
will he. said further on (his, if space
In allowed
the n'lianlmiiusly expressed desire to
lie present a our hence when Hie gol
den anniversary of the much hived
will he celebrated
tiriinue to Install lnicer.
The Arcadia grunge will hold its
regular meeting Saturday eienlne
when Ihe newly elected officers will
be Installed and live new members to
the steadllv growing roll will he mi
Haled The olhcers In be Installed
are i: Kiuiliall master; Charles
llullard. overseer; Mrs A. K. Kllll-
bull, led liter. .Mi .1 I' Long. liap
lin. Charles Thoiupsoii toward; Iru
Dall. usslstani lie ward; Mrs Charles
T'L.iiii .-..ii asslHtanl stewurd;
( Tide Long, gate 1- eper; Cleve
iTe.niiig, secretary: and J. Schrall
Cody llutler of Arcadia vi.ile.l
Saturday ev-ning and Sunday with
io..t. i. , uas ,e .,.,. Kreslinien held a class party
right to Ihe name II must In Ihe , h,,. .Ml)or,. Kri, iaHt 8tt.urday ev.
word of Ihe hMl giv.ii (.. (l.r ,.lUl A , . Inlm,,r w,.re Drwi.
many following the sinking of ihe elll tiUll ,.11JO)l.. iuru,u 8Bme until I hu rouslu Fred llutler.
LMlUnia. Timlt no word or d I i.. , llt. Illlllr Mr. W lilted is driving a nei Ford
upheld the rights of its citizens and k a),)r j Hb.sent this week on "r purchased Saturday their llvt ami prop, ty aicniiiii ..( an a((uck ..i inilaiumatorj i Ueu Hose, wife and daughter Iteta
a Uw ever lliey m.n lie rbaniall w,re entertained ul C I' Stover's
mi. un. 1 1 it itorNH.
Oregon Short Line week-end and
Sunday rales have beeu so popular
hat I hey will he continued Indetiulte-
y. Ou sale every week, all the time.
They are for your coincidence; use
them requenlly. Ask O. S. L. agents.
The after effects, sometimes
are worse than long whiskers.
vv e make a specialty of the care
of your face Olve us a trial
and if not satisfied tell us.
A. K. JOHNSON, l -...,..
M Is well lo reineiubi i that (In-re
Is a vast dlffernee belwit'ii the I. lock maintained by (he eiKenle
k'- and dial which the Herman
government pronoeoi tie. t In
tl. exercise ol their Id. ..kadi th .,1
Ill's neier been accused ol luk
Miss a.Mrie Hun of Caldwell eu- ll"""' Sunday
i. died last week aa a Senior MU,i iilUl Caron and Mr John
Ihe weailier has moderated a bit Magnuson from near Fruitland were
and Hu- .ie.k -eieral of ihe baseball fuests Sunday at Harry Mccarty's.
ne ..ul ihrowing the ball WtN was received announcing the
ground rlDUm are good for base- srrlval of a baby daughter, Jan L'tith
bull veur aa il i. backed un hv I at the home of Mr. ami Mrs (has
l&g ships without Search ' Thev have , ,. n,1lt.l.( lllv aI1(1 .,sn sew-ial of PttJA near Juiitura
Spring inoviug hu htgiiu Hyron
Wood will inoieea-l ol II nil land and
,1.11. O...I.1..1 t ,a. ..... ...Ill ...... .
one of IVTo- iii ii up. oi 1... .alio win iiioiu to
Apollo ''"' fB0h i.uaied by Mr Wood Air
I'laver -Pianos la a home In Ontario Uamey 1 n.nv ing lo the Tom Lowe
Hint we will make a big discount on - rauch at Owyhee Frank Hawkins
in -i one. knowing that enough ""' Lmiil.v are domiciled in the
orders will follow to warrant the sac- 'l'"ob', Wood properly O V Hollo
MH which diiecls that all ships will rlftM It plavs by hand and pedals ways are at hoiue ou Hie Mahun
be nuuk wiihoul wiirnini! wlilunii A,x, letter of iiiiu.i will do no ! ranch. Chas Leavitts are preparing
MgjMfe and siur he He'v Hie prop- lanu Or vou uiay ask Mrs Weese '" rt,nl "ielr rauch and Harry Clem
erty ol neutral or belliger -ut ; and in m o((aro. Wise Piano House, i''"' '" having him bur hauled to his
fcdtf to the hijeiiuiii. .- of the old r ijndae, Idaho 47tf 'ranch east of Arcadia where lie will
i,k. luntl-t. aled carg.'i'r. m ships un
tecs more than hall t the c.n.
,wr contraband, and only alter Hie
Vroc- of la n hale heen DOUplM
Uai no sir. ich .i inkgglnaiion can
one mill.' a parallel betvvecu this
a and llial propusod b) Uer
id plkJhMl are nut again
We want ao much to put
our electrically operated
Expert Service
Charges and
The kind of treatmentSteady
customors deserve Is the
principal upon which we do
Accessories carried for all
kinds of cars,
(lasoline, Lubricating Oils
and Supplies.
Ontario Auto Co.
Phone 134
Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 years time at
6 per cent interest. We
have 500,000 acres for you
t select from. Write or
call on A. W. Trow, Agent
Oregon Western
Colonization Company
A. W. TROW, Agent
For business during the coming year is very
good; if we trail be of any help to you, call on us;
we realizr that the 'live' banker must indeed be
alive to the needs of his community and patrons,
;uid to assist in every way cniisistfiit with good
judgement and safety.
'.iine and sec us; if we do not htlp you we will
not liurt vou.
M.ikmuil.alik rOUB hank.
"W give serviiv that serves,"
I am assemblying cars of wood pipe for
Ontario and Nyssa.
I can save you money on small lots or car loads.
Orders should reach me by February 15 as
prices are likely to advance.
Allis-Chamers Pumps and Motors.
Ontario Oregon.
PHONE 106 W.
Always tht- best,- long experifucc makes it so.
French Dry Cleaning, Party Dresses and the
finer fabrics our Specialty.
Horses Wanted
j War hnises 14M to 15 hands high, rid
ers, enhs and artillery animals, full
aged, five to nine years , sound. Also
mules. Prevailing priees. See