0nfavt0 7kt$m. VOI,. XXI. ONTAIUO, MAI.HF.IK (II1NTV, OltKOON, llll ItsHM. I Itltl ll M. lfM7. NO. .". fee FIRE ALARM SYSTEM NEEDED SAYS FARMER MIIHI, IHKTN ATTI.V TIO OK f Ol Mil, TOPKKH- KNT I VtllKOI' ATK HKHVIC'K -TO INVKHTIOATK (1WT. SUPPORT FOR BAND CONTINUED I'rtiierty Owner to Receive Another Warning on Requirement for Hev er Connection before Dlplomatlcl Relations are Scvcrnl. Whither It la wlae to apend all of the fire department aupply funda lorl, MlUK , HM.kl,oMw ,., none tlial la neeacu or 10 oiven a portion of the amoun for the Inslul latlon of a fire alarm system, tlml waa the question plared before the council meeting Monday evening by City Marahnl Harry Parmer. U. I'.. -...., In .-. I rt flllMlllnlll Iy Mayor W V lloinun and members pf the council, declared that while I he department was badly In need of additional hose the city needed the alarm system which could be given from the office of the telephone com pany. Huch system, he aald, were In nmm lit Mori, Htm U'oUor llllinu lltlil - v ,. ..... other i Mies and I very effective, ao cording to his views the city could ill- veri a lllirilllll III im inline) ikii.iii- ' . - .1 .1 .V. - - .-ll..l 1 ly Intended for the purchase of hose .. a i..... I...il. ..k.L.a.. ... ti !. uiiri'iiil ." anu in..- ....... ..u,e..n,u... -"' I In connection with the lire m- mlttee Mr Farmer waa Instructed to Investigate the matter to determine the coat of Inslalllog such a system. I r..l. Ik. Jl.A..-.l.i. -. Ka M.tl.e l.ur.na ...e ...s. u., . ... ..... Councilman Ward faulted! aaked whether or not the franchise of thei telephone company did not require the installation of such service, lie said that as be remembered that I measure when passed several yeara ago audi a provision waa mad, tho ha waa not certain. That pbaae of the mailer will he Invetslgiited. LMfe Attn Slile Walks. City Attorney I' J. Uallagher brought up the matter of defective aldewalks and advised that the city council as a matter of precaution, to avoid possibility of litigation, miii that - - cited a suit pending against the City 1 of Vale and all of the counclliiieu there and urged the necessity of avoiding a similar experience for On tario Councilman W W. 1-etaon added to sidewalk discussion the suggestion that an ordinance be ggiaid requir ing the cleaning of aldewalks within a specified time after snow storms This appealed io the funny hones of the councllinen, fo rCouncllman Kay Wilson declared he would have to move out of town If such a measure pased for he had 1SS feet of SO foot walks to combat Mr. I.etson declared that he was the ouly councilman who all side walks be kept In condition, es- A((1(J( ffM hH tIwt lM rM,(, of . pecUlly that t boa. be repalre,, .., ,lh,.. . ., , , which attention had been called, lie.,, ,,, r .,, . ..,.. ,, wlll I ever cleaned a walk anyway and he cttn one make money mllkiug wanted some of the others to tryjeows? Did you say no? Well t,e a hand at It After a lot of Jollying It is because you have not the kind of about the matter the question was;inws found In the grade HoM. in referred In tho city attorney to de herds about Nysaa The herd ol t.ih lei-mine whethr or not an 01 dlnaui c ,, Sll M ,,,, example ol 1 dehiilng a given district in the city herds During January one of this requiring mi,Ii treatment would be nerd made a: 4 pounds of fat ami legal. another cow made S4 II pounds of The question of hitching racks re- (a( These are wonderful insult-. reived some attention but no action waa taken the iiucsiion I.huk referred willing to tollow intelligent methods to the street committee in breedinr and herd ri'T nt II 0, Drane manager of the On Yiv cowa in tills herd made t I tario Rand addreaaed the council and pounds of fat or better during this requested a continuance of the appro- jmme month priatiou during the current yea.rj Cowl monthly average 10 I pounds This was granted by a unanimous during nine months This herd has vote. now been tested for nine months and Hewer Turns I p Again. t1B high monthly average of butler 'ci. iu,ai .au,.r ..eililoiie.l for fat Dsr cow is 40 k nounds The dailv i. full i.v a la, oiih.h which was re- fused by one vote in tin- council was again petitioned for and a date set for a hnarlnir. on the petition This led to a discussion of the question of health but about UO pounds fat per regulation and Mayor Human called 'year. to the attention of the sewer commit- There is no better country in tin tea the ordinance requiring conec- world to dairy than Malheur County tlons la the sewers when within a The dream of the eastern dairyman reasonable distance from the trunks Is realized here. Corn silage am or laterals the best of alfalfa hay. The Mi ippi Valley farmers have always la- 04 110 KAST 4 HITV1NO Tllir mented the fact that we had the hay AMI 111 SKK I.ATK8T STVI.KS Mrs H C, Hover left this week for Chicago. New York and other eastern centers to purchase goods and see the ..iva..e si.ies mi the benefit of the H . . ...--- Biany patrons of Mover llros Woman's Olub Members Would Volunteer Service One of IIir questions to hi ills cussed at tho mooting of tlio Wo man's club at tlio library this aftor Doon will be, "What can tho club do In case tho United States goes to war with Oormany?" In Retting; down to cold facta the women of Ontario are thus Retting a flying atari on the men. The women believe that like their English, Ger man, French and Belgian sister they ran nerve tho nation In many way and are ready to do what they can. RADER BROS. CO. HAS GREAT YEAR'S TRADE Last Haftirilay All Old Officers Are Ite-elected. Itiggrsi Vear In limine-... .The stockholders of Itader Hros. enmnanv held llielr nnniil iiicotliit. 1)l Saturday to receive the reports of the officers on the business of the paat year. The only out-of-town stockholder John Itader of llolse Itader of who Is president of the corporation waa present The visiting president was perhaps! the most surprised member in iianeo , i.i .. .n... - ...- ,n" siiii-siuimrrs in me i mi a no-.-sya-for with the failure of the i.,,f i u .tkll4ii. :...!;. ....... I I... ii I I ..!.... . . .. ... ..vt. iv fruit crop on the bench ho was antlcl- ...tin . daerM.ed .(...win. In vol-! . A. v..-l - -. . - iiiill - in inisiiiosn i,ii-i pi'-iiou-. ii-his . .,. , ,,. - - v.. n,i-wsiini.,i,' nuiuii.li inn if Ihn his s.S- the uro,,.P received. Frank Hader. .,, grnpri m.n,fer of flrm 4. When Im found that the bualnaaa (UM(d pr.vlo0B yMr h lnrd,y bBvl) t. W road offrr no specific reason for the Increase but v, I believe that generally It may be ta ,en aa an Indication of the prosperity whose crops consisted of hay or aheep and cuttle It certainly Is gratifying to note the Increase In business and in v brother ma 'certain ly surprised, but the Increase Is just .iiiuthei annual event in the eleven years wa nave neeu here, ami we note an incrww alnce the ,.,,ll.l- lion which brought the grocery de- liartuient with the Md'oy brut Hers .... - . Oil,, I, II, llllll. , . ... urMUlm . Frank Itader. secretary and general manager; D. C. Itader, treasurer. GIBSON AND SON HAVE A GREAT DAIRY HERD Owe Cow Makes tJ.4 I'ouniN I Ml lot January ; Another H4.0 rounds. ion en he Hiiuine.l hv unv one w In, is average has heeu 1 Iiii uounds of fat and 37.3 pounds of milk This is remarkable when we consider that the average cow In the I' S make, and that thay had the corn. We have brought them together here in Mai- heur County, and ao haje the great- est of dairy countrie, M W W HOWAKO, I'dunty Agricultural UNITED STATES ON VERGE Of WAR TO COMBAT PRUSSIANISH FOLLOWING PRESIDENT WILSON'S ADDRESS TO SENATE LAST WEEK GERMANY SHOWS NO DESIRE TO RELAX ANNOUNCED INTEN TION TO SINK ALL SHIPS IN PRO SCRIBED ZONE WITHOUT WARNING. SINKING OF CALIFORNIA MAY BE OVERT ACT War and Rumors of War All Important Subject of Con sideration in Ontario-Loyalty Manifested Former German Sympathizers United in Their Determination to be Americans First. I 'llll War willi (Iciiiiaiiy w.H the one thing iii rumst ill iiiiimIs of Ontariani dftring tin- paal week. With ev- rVy ,,ther .section -.1 1 1 1 - lllltril Stjites the citizens ii.l- ,,,W,(I ,l"' UlU'si l,VSS dtapijtcllWJ Willi illtel'et . N"t that atten-Ontarlans want war with ( . . a .. '"" inif"- in tin- im. - i. - iiiiiiiiii ' lllNt U. WHS tllis tllr tllillU .. ... M VTCiJiia.ii oyiiipttbiiixciB j.h jutvyai. While regretting that, with Germany all of the Onturians wlui liavc hitherto, mid do till uphold thi' Prussian lies, were united in their declaration that as hetween the United states ami Germany last and .ill the time. Waiting Overt Act. Tho the tension between tin United States and (ler inanv has heeu tense during the past week actual hostili ties have not It'inni. Telephone messages to Hoi.se late this ( 'I'hll I'siljl .-, I. 11 . l.. 4 .. .. ... I .. I . aiterioo 1 in cute tit no new developments , , , lli,V'' ,;,k,',, P1" is waitinu eoilete repol Is :. :.. I.....I I 1 1 v i- 111 i.ni.iu.i . -n. . 1 111 1 1. . el', ulllorilia. oil which wclc rnKr,s g rUahlllg thill . . . tloS lor War supplies, lulls measures Heeded ill the crisis. taken by CongreuH was the endorsement of 1'ioident W'il sun's action in hreakiim relations with (.criiium . Only live Senators, three ropublicant and two demuevata ruted pgailist the Sciialc resolution. SOLDIER OF FORTUNE FIGHTER UNDER MANY FLAGS VISITS ONTARIO THIS WEEK Dr. Tillson L. Harrison, Former U. S. Private- Soldier in Belgium Member of Foreign Legion in France Lt. Colonel with Carranza Surgeon with Villa and Lastly Surgeon with Yuan Shai Kai in China Spends Week in Ontario. With trunks tilled with urlos gathered in many lunds. with a sin ry of exciting adventures that (lis counts a yellow back thriller or I moung piciure serial, Dr. Tillson I.. Harris., u lermerly of Drewsey um' Hums was in Ontario this week the gueai of Mr and Mrs i' J Uulluglier Dr. llarriaou lias JubI returned from the latest of his adieutuie: ihr... months service as a surgeon in the revolutionary army of the tale Yuan Shai Kui, in I'iiiua anil tie story he has to tell la a hair-raiser to the ii- from nale. the celling ' haptel The doctor, accordinn to big inter joined the 1 arratisistus under fieiier eatiug tale, whicli lie interestingly al t'allus, with whom In- was for 1 1 lold started on his last series ol gagg monthi. adea by leaving Hums in 1914, go Kollowlng the defo:it of lalh 1 11. ne tg BotgllUP where he the battlo of Agua I'rietu, whicli Offered bis skill as a surgeon to lag Belgians, hut helore their medical sen i,e could he organued defeats came and he eiili.ted in the aimy as a private where his service in the engineering corps of Uncle Sain In the Fhllllplnes came handy. 11.r the defeat of the Belgian ar- m he Joined the provUlonal 1 n lagtuii in Prance and latw wan i"' . - . - s iiiiiii linn ii iiii- iiinni in wllilll focllSCtl tllfil' lit t I'll- .11 i , t thcii - is a possiiniitv "t win cause against the entente nl they were Amerieana, hrst. icciiiativ or anv iitlliT power, At the present time President Wilson from Vllleric'Ul relireselltu-,HUl''' 1... .;,,! i til... n,..i.l, II., .1. giiiauig i .... 1 .. .. .c. ..,, several American citizens. hills lliakillfl V asl app.opria- ' ', detllllll'; espioliajie ami olllt 1 I he most important step the t 'aiiilai.ui .oiilingeul until iIo Hc second battalion was wiped out then went io Knglaud to join the ltd (runs Inn after delays in getting Hignuient came hack to the slat. .. 1 gf practiced in Idaho for a few mouths before the war fever again sent him to Mexico, and it was th.ro that his most exciting exeprieiices were had First, for throe inoni.l. Io ws with Villas urmy as surgeon, but having witnessed the execution Ol several of his medical orderlies at sunrise, ami not 1. sling that it was a haven of security lie left the ser- n 11 and Just a few weeks latii annihilated I 'alios urmy for the time heing and seni many of his lore s 10 tho Auierlian bordor, b went in I'hlna where he leinaine.l until the ( Continued oil l'age Km- 1 on. Thomas Patrick, ., t ti i.s morning Io I'ity Aiioiio Mi I' 1 liailagln-r. Local Surgeon Is Ready To Go In Case of War Indicating the steps which ha . been taken during the pant few months to mobilize the forcea needed in cuae of war Dr. J. l'rln.lng of On - larlo Is among the number of in geona who have volunteered for ser vice If needed "Several months ago I rendu d blanks from Washington aaklng whether or not I would Join the forces If war MM l , hi i '.' Dr Priming, on Tuesday. "I an swered the various questions asked In theb lank and volunteered my ser vice. I am ready to go any time Crowded they call me." This la the attitude or Ontarlans generally even those who like I ir I'rizlnng have sympathized with Ger many In her war against the allies. PLAN BETTERMENTS ON SHOE STRING SYSTEM (stockholders ol Ontario-Nysau Irilga- gntlon oiiipniit I lo, i IHreet4m and They Clan Increasing KUtclriic) . .ii hi iiii- tin ii ii.,i,, , i i. it.. vi. ..... ., ,, ,, , , . sa irrigation company held ihcr nil K , n,,Ml '"""- ''' " l-" 9 I..... I..-I .....II. 'CI... .II....I... -I-.. ...,n im,., iiioiiiii. ,,.- ill, im iiii r. i-n-ii ed Include S li lioiinau. A. W. Trow. E. M. (Jr. Ik. C A. Marshall, Thomas W. Claggett, I'leti 1 Ten son and II II Mitchell Kollowlng the adjournment of the stockholders meting the newly elect ed Imard met and organined by the iB,K.,,OI1 ,)f A w Trow pie. Idelll . a m. onig. HMiaiHNMim I'he hoard also considered, hut took no definite a. Hon upon, a ntiui- tier of proposed Improvements for the coming Irrigation season. The ill- re. tors, to avoid a repetition of the cietlv hn 'ill,, low 11 dm 10 Hi- hurtling r a, motor. 1. 111 011 hiving 11 man at the pumping plant all the lime To do , . ,. .... . , is I he necessiirv to nil 1 11 small bungulow for Um bMte ol "" ''P'oye A ne pump lll also be installed When these Improvements are made the dins tors feel ih.n th,, m "V" n ''"' '"'' "' none In the northwest Unhout ,1, lliiprnvfiiienta Kngllimir Frank "'" "I H who recently inspected the plant .1. clarod It equal to any pumping sylseni hetwvii ri.it and lluiitlngton llr.iw us ARGUMENTS WILL FLY AT NYSSA TOMORROW Mini. -., ,,.,, 11. I,, ,i,i- o lloi.nio ,,,,,l Nyaag will Its-lenniiie IHuhi. Io I'loi ceil in I oiilel Ai Nyaaa Uimufoa Dlgbl 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 I'lew-hind and John gtOOTI I -p .' Illg llie I 'III. II 'Io llll--h Scl UOl will i h.iiii;, ,1 on 1 lie 1 noli ot toiupul.oii S . Insiiraine will, tin- repri gralai li 'i Nj I'lie winner ol t he del, ate l ! ilo honor 01 Bleating the m Inner ol 'i I'enill-l ... . , . gBde dchat' for the privilege ol n 1 1 1, iiii.- I isteni (Ill-Hill ill Ilo c oiiupioiishlp ill ilo Itgla blgll 1 l.n-,1 den.-iting league. Since Nyaaa lig tlafagtad Vgb g the hrsl eoulesl li I i -o'mii ;, i i u Illg .11 the net ' ' llM I III, choice ol sdi 1 ,- lot - wii uphold Um aofl ' I " lit ' - sa will argue ih all.i '.iati ve 0OPIeg lion. A number of the high clinol students and members ot the 1.1 uliv Inland lu aocoiupauj tin debatet i" loinoiiow 1 lining TONNK.MIVjt Mll4l M I.IHM. A wedding whicli united two ol Ontario.-, well known young peoph took place Tuesdaj At thai time ,he worUlj wer,, , M ),t , UJ,i, l 1 . Anna TooalBgaOU the wife ol Ha) Uaiuho ol tins, city Both Ilia bride and groom are well and favorably known to Onlailan- They will ni.il.e then lion,, in t!:i city Mi ' .11 and Mr and M I Hell lllllol il l.l 111 lie, I IIIIIII I'm Hand Monday. MINSTRELSHOWMAKES ABUNDANCE OF MIRTH j 1 BLACK-PACED COMIIUA.VS i.lR 11:1 h.irn I I, KvrKRT.WX- MKNTV-NI'Kf lAl.TICS (ItH t I.KVKH. NEAT SUM RAISED EOR BAND House i.htk Kntertiiim s Many Turncil Away and Se - nil I'erfurtiiance Is llelng ,.n- slilered n.i. set .. . Ontario, at least 400 cltisens, lit erally held Its sides to avoid serious results from the galea of laughter produced by the Oregon Club, On tario band minstrels given at Dream land laat Thursday evening. The house was crowded. Mom thaa 4 00 people were present to enjoy tha evening's fun. and nearly 200 were, turned away. To let these enjoy th port a second performance Is being considered and may ho announced Inter. The performance opened with a chorus number by the clrtia In which Mioruey w W Wood presented tha one fair countenance. Numerous specialties Including songs by Jam's ii Smith, who made a hit wltb "Mother Macree." while II M. Iirouiie committed contortions wits "Another Hag." and set the house roaring. II. Vonlteaden, Uyr a Turner and Chet Lackoy also perpe trated mirth producers to the )oy of the audience. lint ween acts Mayor W. K. Horn, 1 made a brief talk urging the unltnl support of the hand aa a deserving public Institution The second part was devoted to the Introduction nf specialties and proved an adequate meana of displaying the versatility of the penormers t'lui l.sck Marry Lauder specialty waa a scream III two dialects mill a Scottish brogue, ,,,. . .. ... , . . . ., u,., while J II (oittat unit A r . Kindle were a laugh producing pair In im .r skit Turner and liuiimick burl,. quers of Weber and Melds were a real e. 110 ol the tanioll" I olliedlaua. W li II' amgiiard s 1 hireii' t solo another of the pleasing features. To .1, -clsie that us an amateur pro- ,,iiou the atraalgg'i enierlan W11K fi,r u,mi. ,. ordinary Is a mild statement of the fads and Judging by the uproarious laughter which greeted various numbers It waa a pat nl fact Dial the crowd got Its 1111 oy's worth slid then nine 1 me of the features whicli contributed 10 t sin cess of the evening was the cellenl work ot th, orchestra. I'he pi rl n- was managed v the following- lliron Turner, dlri lor. J l! Smith iniin.iger; C f toW, .1 ' 1, ,11! manager The I im lu.lcl w W w 1, Interlo. tor. Kiid men. II M llrowne, ('. T. 1. .11 :.!.). ah 1 an ti ii nt k . Byroa Tun ell. la, Sleplon 1 ov II Vim It,- i,. i I Kiddle. 1. 11 fockrum, J Q Smith Sidnet Kohiusou. Alt laud. I' Ml ' anifihell. J l. loll" The orchcsira 110 ludad W. ' . I. duel tor; I. mil., It Tallin aim. Qoorga llardman, oonMl M W.ilkel. I'llle. I v Rrduiig, . larlnet, and i.y n Uuekaor, at LOCAL MEMBERS OF IDAHO GUARD EXPECTING CAll w nun r Doyer .mil Kvcnit s 1 1 i who .mi hi 1 nl ly inUKterei! OUl ol . e a Mil 1 In Second Idaho . rag dim ' paaari itoaal) ihaat for 1 1 1 1 are expecting to l.t ei 1 u (.(),s i;t any tlnn Tin " vision ol their enlistment BfOVldM that Ihey 111 11 y bi called upon ..t : y I inn- during I In BI M two I ear ...III .1 I'etlv of U , I , iiiue iIiiii I oiuiiaiiy nl Idaho National guard 1 spending .1 few days lit the ciiy with his sister Ms. I'. I. Sln-el - Mr I'elly is lookiri hue and says he njoyed himself on ihu trip to the horde and aajn trip like thai I worth the um, 1 t , fauna, ataa Ami also iimt at his 1111 1 f'.il 111 and lea.lv 1,1 gi the word is re. eivi d fol aBJ I dlllv &