V.XtSK FKJIIT 1111. ONTAI1K) MKil'H, ONTARIO, ORKGON, TIIURHOAY, KKIIKIMIIY t, 1017. v . Tln (lino Club Concert which wan looking thn country over with a view held lant Thursday night wan a to locating here having recently sold ' grand huccphh flnnnrlnlly, and ecrord- his ranch at Owyhee. Ins hi tin' expressions of tlio audi ' Clins Gossett and wife returned nro thi program wbh well curried homo Saturday from Seattle, whore The Mtornry Society held a hm I- out. they have been vlltlng and Bight boo- anss ii Im Cilday at which iitiinlny night tin- hoy ' tenni lng Hlnce their marriage the latter the- tCOttd iilMiers for the next - went to piny the fust Meridian team part of November. master. Those elected were Ktlnl Our boya had the lead of Hie (rami' Tlie Mlsoa Maude and Flossie Kel- Ifexlup. President, Virginia Key- until tlie Inst ten minutes of play h-r and Irma Von Uenden wore dinner noli'R, V'ic rre-ldent, and ('lii.ile when they made two personal fouls guests nt C. U. Stover's Friday even- Chrlstlnnsen, Sei retarjr and Tresaitr which gave Meridian four BON lng. ar. I.i e M.iildu xwus Riao electeil a .lhls The final MON mi 11 '" '" I'rlliv evening about fill friends for MerLllm Next I'rldav we pis) iralhered at the (irnnge Hall for llll. II SCHOOL NOTKS. My Thel l.ampkln rier I : i' Slectlon II ileh.ile WO ill Pi beid m its Dabmta Qua tlon two to on v- 1 1 1 fur the affirmative Those mi ' John Mimrr Dorothi ' lssl ind aad llutli ISCkey. On the mratlvc were joy..' Turner, Alfred llnllnnd nnd Siell'i Mllllkau I In- debitors nre going in M US ITIMS FROM THK IIOI i,i:vni. farewell aprty fur Dick Htnvor Music, giDlSi mill i;inlim were enjoyed un- ill an i,iil" hour. Light refresh- men's were nerved The wedding of Miss Myrtle Crane Stewart wan solemnized Wednesday .liinunry 24th at the home win when Caldwell comes here. Their score wis It to 14 for Caldwell The Freshman team played Fruit - land last Friday snd won by a score s two weeks visit with bis srents. Mr Of It to 14. and Mrs J M. flutter. Barnard Radar Is abaant this weak John Forbes was down from Owy on account of a severe cold. bee Monday visiting J. M Butler and M Lyndon Datla, wit and daughter, of tin- bride's brother ('has. Crane, have their tryollt Wednesday to see MIhh (iladvs of Vale were Sunday near Ontario. Mrs Stewart was a who will be on tin' team Hint will gi i al .1 M Hull former llmileviird girl and numbers debate with the Vale and Nyssa tjTM Wood wan a Payette vi Itor'her friend by her aeiiialntnnres Mr. i, t debaU win be held WadAaatajr Stewart is i.inmger but Judging I 9. Oliver ltlm:aman and family Ult from the , holco he hns made, wo I U lnfJH w"t '" '''' relaihen near Frultlnnd Rundaj d I Mm n young mnn of sterling Caldwell last Friday only to meet de Mr Henry OlfTnrd and sun Wright worth. Heartiest congratulations nre feat. The hoys nnd glrla both Inst were nut Saturday from Ontario vis extendi d by all. tty a large seme in the hoys' game Ming at C IV Stover's. both hnlvei were ahiiut the same, and Kd ration iirrhed Wednesday from when the whistle blew at the end of Utile Willow, Idaho, and will tin the game, the score was 24 to .16 for Isb feeding IiIh father's cattle M the Caldwell The girls didn't lose ns Nelson drover ranch. bad as the hoys hut owing to the fact ('has l.eavitt and wife were vlslt that the Caldwell floor was lined ac- ors at J. A. Walters' Sunday, cording to last year's rules our girls Dick Stover who has been visiting were hsndicapped. Otherwise they home folks the ast two months left played good game and expect tolTueaday evening for Stella, Wash , where he will work the coming season with the Stella Lumber Co. Fred flutter Is home from Boise for ALEXANDER'S W. MKMHKHH II UK OI'KN INHTAIifiATION (Continued from First Page.) escort. A number of visiting neigh bors spent the evonlng with the local eamp. After the public Installation the ladles enjoyed themselves In the dining room while the M W. A. mem bers held a short business meeting and voted on three new members. Af ter doing Justice to a well prepared lunch all returned to their homes feeling they had psant a vary pleasant evening. Early Showing of Spring jGoods Displaying the Latest Effects in Fabrics AT RADER BROS. CO. THE ENERGIES OF OUR FORCE HAVE BEEN DIRECTED THIS WEEK TO RECEIVING AND PREPARING FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE DIS CRIMINATING BUYERS OF ONTARIO AND VICINITY, THE FINEST ARRAY OF SPRING GOODS THAT WILL BE RECEIVED IN THE VAL LEY THIS YEAR. COME IN AND SEE THE NEW LINES GET ADVANCED IDEAS OF SPRING STYLES l SPORT SKIRTS TO RULE The coming season will be MM marked h tin- populari ty of Sport skirts of all vari eties. Never Were the st lis so insistent iii Balling UtH startling uses of big wide stripes, gfaai hirijc cheeks and designs which ears ago Would have startled OUT par cuts. 'I'u iiii't-t Ihi demands of our cus tomer for Hie best tn he hud in Mi llet el pattern, sj well BJ In materi al u. li.ar nil hand a truly hue Mm ul lie- wry I. tie I eft eel- These uiv In fc.ihaiilines. Ulall uuiiiuk cloth ami all llii' nihil timet let. ASK TO SEE THEM. i:ni it ' s IMMHsl IN I HKI'rS ,... it. ii. crrM Will he extensive- ly worn during the coming seas on. When used in favored straight line models, trimmed with paisley Iriiiimlligs I ho effects ure of charuiiiiK Mliiiplic lly. tsK n si i I III M II Ii I. It s TAFETTAS THAT WILL PLEASE. Owing to the increases in the eust of woolen fabrics silks an- bounding i" favor. Silks are t be used do! only alone hut in heaiitit'ul haniiouies with aergea and other uombl oationa. All the style hooks sliow the wonderful poaaihil- ities of such combination! and from OUT stock your most exacting demands can be met. ASK TO SEE THEM. "I $1.15 SHIRT SALE $1.15 The best purchase the biggest shirt value of the season. All Eclipse Golf Coat style, either starch or soft turnback cuff. Dozens of pretty new patterns $1.15 for Shirts worth $1.50 ALEXANDER'S ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS ONTARIO ORE. BURNS PEOPLE BACK RAILROAD WITH CASH Inmii.iihI- f I'niiiiiilris in.--i mi fur us I.imsI oiitrlliuilimi. BjBfj mi. ii'i-ni-l Hu)H Hill ii- Tllllfk llrrulil. I . Kngiiii-i-r Faulkner ban completed lis work on the survey of the rall- tn.i'i Una betwaon Huoih anil the gap nd his report In full has been turn Id over to James Weston and for warded to Hiiinn for iuapection by toterested capitalists says the Hums times-Herald. It U the intention of Viking another survey In the im mediate future to come wets from VARIETY MARKED WASH GOODS FEATURE. In a degree never surpassed, waalt Hoods this year may he had in great variety. While Rtriking designs are the rule, plain atripet and solid eolors may he had, hut the popular demand will be for the (lowered design, eheeks and plaids, and therefore we have prepared to meet the demand with a compelling assortment. We this elaai Of gOOdl and all at prices which will appeal to you. ASK TO SEE THEM. HANDSOME EMBROIDERIES IN MANY VARIETIES. We have just received a large and va ried stock of Swiss embroideries and Bouncings, 'These max lie had from edgiuge of one inch in width to out' yard wide. No more dainty anil ex quisite line of lingerie pieces can he bail au where. There is an especial ly pretty line of these in the six inch wide assortment. In all of these the the designs are many and furnish am ple variety for the selection of just what you want, either for jrour self m- the children. ASK TO SEE THEM. iii,- iiiii-i in IflM M "elf I ilt. RADER BROS. ONTARIO, OREGON Ik-liiieatoi- I'm lerus for sale Here. Crime to lawen and then north to I the resent survey Thin la done for 111. urpose of ascertaining the ills jtance nnd what gain would he miuli If any In coming that way II will not delay matters In un manner a I IIiIh will bo done while other mat ters are being conslderi Preparation for Heourlng right-of-way Is being made but no uctual Meld work lias been done as yet. This will depend Icrgely upon tin route finally decided upon and the attitude of the peope sorved as to the disposition toward the project. The committee In charge of se curing the necessary financial aid in Hums are al work and have ac i jmpllhlieil much as almost Ilia en tire amouut lias been pledged Peo ple living along the route and proper ty owners In this vicinity are coming forward with their contributions to ward the enterprise and it is pro gressing ss rapidly a could b. .a- i I HUl WKKK M o l wtm OI'r.Ht HOI SI The Quaker ('unu'iiy t'umpany ha laaaad the Dntarlo Open house for one week couiiuenriiig iifxt Monday This company brings to our rlty au aggregation conslsUcn of high rla-. vaudeville Htars and entertainers In Haley, manager of the Quaker Com pan yls noted for his sterling method of advertising and entertaining and comes to Ontario highly recommend ed by press and public There will be a free show Monday evening. Presents will he given in tlie oldest i.,ii and gentleman in the opera ho nasi Monday eit-ning The opera house is being renovated and reseat ed for this big attraction Comf early. Doors open 7:30. Show start 8.00 sharp ii T ii ANNOUNCEMENT THE TOGGERY, the home of good clothes and the latest and best in haberdashery, is now lo cated the South Store Room of the Farley Building Where in enlarged quarters we will be better able to serve the growing needs of the men of this section. We will be glad to see all our old friends in our new quarters. Come in and see the new store. THE TOGGERY Wm. LAXON, Proprietor. D IL D .J