PAOK nm t fW OK 10. lOI 30CZX00C30E X. V" aoc lO 30 " S THE OLD HOOSIER SPECIAL fi Big Improvement O THE NEW HOOSIER SPECIAL O 908 1917 In Nine Years TIIK ONTARIO AHOt'M, ONTARIO. (WON, THI'IIHIIAY. KKHIU'ARY I, lf17 I D Q D Is On Display at Our Store OE IOOOOC1 o cD Fifty Per Cent More Value No Raise in Price Cut Price Sale OF HOOSIER SPECIALS L 'tlcoMier Beauty M H C I -10E3Q O OEZ3C 13 O February 3rd. to MKK Only NEVER BEFORE HAVE THE DEALERS OF AMERICA BEEN ABLE TO OFFER THE P OBI CO AHO - CABINET AT A CUT OF $6.00. VYY have an old 1806 Moosicr Special cabinet OB display tliat fold at that time fm-$: W.l 10. Secthj i in iru with the NKW HOOMIKIt 1.M7MPKCIAI., whieh sells for LKSS MONEY, and has lull y FIFTY PER ( KNT I I.IK. THIS IS YOUR ONE CHANCE IN A LIFE TIME TO BUY A H008IER SPECIAL CABINET AT SO LOW A PRICE AND PAY KKMKMHKK KKIUU'ARY 5 TO 10, OftLY. $1 Down and $1 Per Week. i.i Ml Mill i: I I mil It .1 TO to. ONLY. ONTARIO FURNITURE COMPANY oi oi w" "" tgggat irti logsssaaocaaam ww MMUTI .S'KWH NOTKH. fo reapooded with appropriate re- marka and aakad all prcaant to write their nam In the book aa a ouven- Ir of the ocoaalon In luinor of Mra Vera Defoe who will mm Join her husband In their I Mra It O. I'ayne gave an Inatru . Iuk-ii Oregon. The mental olo. Mr Crocker Johnson . ! .luh nave h l i --1 1 iturn cave au interesting talk about the hoine of Mrs lii-fii.-i llax dreeaea. Mra. Adrian Itutherford Mr. id Mr- J A Draper. huiik A nn to laurle." Mra. Delay I riiluy evening The un-in I., i Mulherford explained that "I'oiuln' .i Mi men l with Hi. in Hiro' MM Hye." meant croaslng the a nifii vara wred h Mmtdamea U li. jrlver Itye on atepplng atonea and all I'urcell. Juke Itnuth nud Maud Dory. Joined In alnglng the aong by Burn. After Hit' following program Auld ... wa aung by all preeent. Mra. Walter Olenn read a paper on dilun Kulherford preaetiled a the life and worka of Bursa to which r4WM of Hurna to Mra. Defoe In lli.-.Mrn O A. I'ogue added ineldenta lu name of the club to which Mra. Do-the Ife of the Scotch bard. The Wednesday bridge met on Monday thla week ao aa not to con flict with the Silver Tea given by the Woman' clot. Mra. It O. Payne waa the hoateaa for the day. The Tueaday Bridge met with Mr J D llllllngaley. mill it N a Iii.rn Monday to Mr and Mra. Ouy 8tingle of Weatfall. a girl, at the home of Mr. 'and Mra J. A. Wllliama In thi city. Born to Mr. and Mra. Klnier Hea vl II. who reside three tnlloe north weat of the city, a daughter, Tueeday f D Ontario Opera House D -ALL NEXT WEEK- IM ill-. ol'KN 7 .'til fFfJp' ft If ' HHOW HTAKTH H .Hi D QUAKER COMEDY CO. High Class Vaudeville AND Moving Pictures ADMISSION FREE MONDAY EVENING The Oldest Lady and Gentleman will be Given a Present Monday Evening. CHILDREN NO! ADMIITED UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR PARENTS NKAT HIM Hilt MIAN II l KKHI I.TOI s , i Literally and DitiirHt U ! vYedlt day waa a red letter day In Hie IiIhIo ry of the Ontario Woman's . Inli Tha ooealon waa the annual obaervatlon of Bed Letter Day which Is B) each year hy the Oregon Mats ivd. ' atlon of Woman' clubs l..r li.. ui pone of raining luml for I - stud enta' Lean Fund The money thus ralaed la uaed to aaaUl young women i of the atate to aecure a college edu cation. The Ontario Woman' club cumin ued a ciiKlom established year ago of giving a Silver Tea at the home of Mr K M (Ireig, pre Ident of the dull Despite Hie fact that the aftcrnon waa murk.'il pj chilling weather Hie nninlier who ul I tended exceeded any Mlinllur event in the paal und the amount secured al ao elablilu1 h record In nil lis -60 will be Ontario' contribution to the fund this year. In keeping with the name of l he day everything connected with ihe decorations ami refreshment, o far aa po-slhl.. were In red 'ihe parlor and dining room wen- .1. .h..i. .1 with bough and twlga brightened with red and white hand Mower. red and white carnation were i In center piece, while under the red ahadea candla furnish, d a red glow of light. The committee in charge of Ihe tea asalstiug Mrs (Jrelg were Mrs S. D. Dorman, chairman, Mesdume H. H. Whitney, W F II. .man, W M Walker, K 0. Bailey, L Adam. J (i Staple and Ci K Aiken Mr Whit ney aaalated the iioste in receiving the gueata, Mrs Adam and Mr Hall ey preaided at the coffee urns, while egherBof tlin coniinltlee -eri.-d tin ll gueata A vi. trola concert was the. nyuitical feature of tiie afternoon, while the dainty refreslnneuis furn ! liber by ail the member or the club1 Consisted of cprfo. Hon salad wlches, olives. cdTee and minis In all nearly 100 women were pi. ..i.i during the afternoon i miii died four FOB BKNT My twenty acre tract ' siapi.-s west of fair grounda. V. ht Staples, Ad.. H. Vale, Oregon Adv. 4t . m , &LAaaaHV ap ill ftfl n LV llaar r W I af f L-BBBMaw' ffiifXa Kg r BeSJgaaH ift.ii r i 14 Plant for Profit fty How i ta(t iff fiKil !'i'.lucui in the I 4 I he world promises l?'ij returns for growers 1 PrrMinro tr rjtn vnur rhara the profits " Ql K M (ATl. ...a' Guia. IMI ,.. In, tun ..' I ... I. t.M plntlitf Uuw .nil Imi ,.uit i m. .. I. ry. ...., b bpfft, fruit U fsoy. RLAUY tog VOU A.fc for Cafaeg No OfS I IYaTTffiTigmV? vKttWhFtM W&2HJ Buffl r. "i." inHHaaBBgfTirrTiia ' . - BBir KYKRHAHT IMl' vioitK ri lit li ikUJUl Ml lit HUM I t'ontinued from I'irlil I'age I Iria Hivurj iv Kuiiii WiHUwztaA Aiiii Wi-AtfiA for thiv kttr,u ti.ui ill' liiti i iiiiii yi i y in iriu in in y ii iim miu 111 iutiiuu i tiiivi rim uvin11 ' ' lie Was HI III! Iless ill Al 1 11 111 ota . om ing to Ontario from n.. Q eight year ago, which qtg41fl for the distinction of being the oldest druggial In Ontario in point of reai- dence Announcing a Change in Ownership. Having parang ad 1 iloek ol Dras. uniries, station ery, and Ihe buiu- of the Kwihart Drug g l I wish lo make thi annuuncein. -nt in Hie pnhll. 1 1 ! 1 1 lou in 1 he preparation ni preacrlptlona, with pronie md with onlj the rgtTJ he 1 Ol materials will I" naiiiiained It will be 'In constant aim to ii.ii' on hand averythlng 1 .led in Ihn silk r0 and While In. el III,- tin . I . u 1 1 . In II ' w .1 will endaavoi la hi., i . ,. meaaure oi oourteou aarvlaa b which alona wa hope ho i rl ronaga a and vlcinl 0. 6. Leuhrs, Druggist.