The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 01, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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(Established 1896)
OM. K. AIKEN, Editor and Pabliahor
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon and entered at
the Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd class matter
One year - 1.60 Three Months
Six Months - 1.00 Single copies
All copy for display advertising should be at this office by
Wednesday noon. To insure position copy should be in
this office on Tuesday.
JmlrltiK from Mir. rpinrl wlilrli
every imiRiizine ml. tin il "I
tin" PMirganlzatloii of lnlutrlfl In
. l i ' I mill I'm in II a ill
inn iinif dlfferoaoa la the C nmi I on n nmoretel aad ladoot
lal wiirrnri- whirl; Will fulliiw tha pi lift i il' I mi. I .-in.
MM war ini. victor r. i iii i'i" ii la nol imr.i iii .Mir tii.ii ituih iiimii
Tim ri.'i t Icttml Ir.nt Iiii of I ml u-.t i .
In KiiKlan.l ninl PIMM I" 1 1 - (mint nf
illli'ii.iry l.lrl. wns ciiiniil in flimi
any i iinui to have ;. iramondoui
uOKHili" COBtOal
mIII 1 1 : i v lint Might
with tha natlooallUM oi iMttat ''"" " "'" bttta "" ""
rim m Ragland aad Praaea '""" '"" """ aonM '" ,lr,l,B"-
aaint n,..r hetlieereai in. i. ""' waBj orgaaaaUtoM
aaarly ..II af l.lrl. aN ,mi..'r,l,.l '"" U' '"
, ,.,,,,, Tkl i i dallj Iraa la rtoa .r
hi iiiiHitn ii H ii m in.-.' ii .hi. I...' " poll laid dowa foi tha ooadaal
win. i m aawaaUUoa tof world tredt "' ' ' "" la M ta aatl
titan ti.m irhtoh astatod prior to Aaa ,r"',, '- ","1 """'r atoaaafaa rr
ut I. 1914.
Kriim 1ST", fnllou is. v tin- i-lime nl
tbo Fr:,iirli-I,niai.aii .ir In I ! I 4 .
oati .1 i mi i." friction i.i in. !
bom whii ii arora tlH raaall el aara
ii.iiiii-.i Porbapa tha
bj rod rron mIIoci mpea tbo I altod
biwi . i.iii..iii nmi n ii'w in
tin- iiiiin ii-. Imlu ninl .irr.,lntiuih
i.i tba I Rate will bo abla to
III ...ii in ho world murk-
i in. i tbo pro ii i anther ol Rrau
M'lioao RBgregal liu Inaan la i
I... in- nf iii.mii.iii Imluatrlal proapor
M '1111111 priaoJpalUla lata .. groat
KUllMI'T. lal -lll 1 1 " - I In- ll.illllll Iii
ahaaa a aaltod orgaelaatloa ol ladaa
trial unii h. iriiiitn ipoolallata Thru'
agportoi co-oporatl d co-ordla
.uiui. of ti. rerlou lu.nk
.liu lliilliill liuiliill.i. I ill II; i
.ml ..III..K. W.lrh luurk ,. Mima.rul " "'" '"' "'"" "" U )""""
ooiamorclal iniiitutiitn, Oarauut ho
CUUli' till' W'l'llllll mil lull III III" Mil
ggaeof Inl.-riiiilliiiril truile In ninny
of fair iiiinrl mill lm aBpOBBlOB nmi
To prevent N.ii'h a eataatropbjf
Malaria and tha Eflaet Produced by
Planting a glut Gum.
Daring tba lattor derailaa a the nine
teenth contury It Waa a comdrou prac
tice to plant blue gum or encalyptna
treoa In tllatrirla lafected by malarial
frvar. It waa held tbat the essential
oil produced ly the leave combatad
the harmful vapora rtalng fnuw the
awampa laden with the nolaon of tbe
dlaeaae. Tbe dlaoovery tbat tba ma
larial aerra la Introduced Into thablnnri
by a moaqulto baa nettled once and for
all tha origin of the dlaeaae.
Tbo theory that the eucaljrptua tre.
neutrallied the polaon vapor la mm
aenae, yet the fact remain lhat where
blue Ruma were freely planted there
waa alwaya a notable decline In the
amount of malaria.
What I the explanation nf thla rur
rtiniatiinreT It ha been demonatrated
that, of nearly all treea, tha eucalyptua
Hlimirlm tin. aagatggf amount of water.
Two acr.llliiK n lilnn iriim and a plum
were placed with their roota In wa
ter, nmi tbe height f the water waa
carefully mnrkiil. The plnnta were
kept In n un... Bta08ph0fa ami 0B
iiinliiiil nt IBO end nf twenlyfi.tir
Tin' lull.- rural) ttm hud ill
pgggi "f f ' ftajeM tha witter that the
ilium had i i. "iii.' m take up.
oahaj linn Mao bjmbi in. rooaa in
hi'lirhl with gfBJH ni.iillly, ..firn nr,,
bjg iniiiiy lm baa n iluy In a hut mmI
I ion. Ilie inn. mill nf tiii.htnri. tuki'ii ui
In. rcaaea on a irrcntly prourcaalrc
Ami (hi h) In I lint l.t'liik,'
al t llm il'.v. iifull nf IBO niilnilul
Kaaqalto To oaaapaNa Ha life cycle it
In aacoaaarf iimi thai baaaal ahoodd
paai iih aural ataaja in ihk.ih af water.
lib II .mini: nt tba cm nh pll UaPM
pOOta nmi Inilii-.l nil iiiiiisIi a i. M ilia
appaar, the bread bn apota af tha aaai
iiilti.." lire i BBd In Him' tha In
hi- ii raatah aliogoiboi
iiaitimt f'Hi'iwii mrttm,
l. K. Raker, I'u. tof.
liaaa aim had .'niimK Baplaatt I tbo ,n"" bllghtlht oar tadaotrtad m
iBduatrU-H nl (iri-ul llillnin ninl ' " ' BBBM H nn'iiMir.". I..I III.'
Krmaca. Hhc had a pructhul mnimp- iimendiin nt nf tha tjli.-rimiii mill irimt
ly on Ihoi h iiilcal iruiln ..I Urn nrlil aWl wlilcl, uouhl p.-rmll llm fnrniu-
TLe toy iMeia .i-. Int. ..Inn. In llm ll"" "' cninlilinn Iiii-h Inr I In. uihuilce-
aoBufoi'tiiri. ni Htwi k i him araa n"'"' al .riii trada n..t Ihal bbmm
faat dlHlan.lim KiikIi.i.iI. RrhlM In ' "l ' ITihUnIiii inn
many other lm.- ho waa aaoodlly 01 '""l" "" arwraatlaj rulimua m"
.limn in thO In. me market hii thul the
I.. I n.nt; enniiKli to
ii li' ' niiipetliliin abroad There
wnil hi atlll ha 'ni. in for plenty of
govatai '.I reyni.iii.n aa n.ut n...
rhaullna bar competiiiirM
Oarmauy wan tliUM able In I In-
vpitrw of 40 yenra not only In htilhl
up a gigantic IndUHtrtnl nrttanlxutloii
tiul a wnnilerful nuv anil i-niiiin.-ri-
.. Nor log Ma to ho fad a "",'11' """M '"- """'"'l ''-r- l
Linrt in the wnilil All HiIh win
.1.(11' In llm.-. nt ie:n e I Ii I ll( ll III.' il .'i.i. i "i :.... Ion .1 '
oorhlag with tho ooaimoretal laatitu
Unii- ni Hi. laml All thai will in
In mil. i in protoot V 'i. .in In
.in ni nil ii iii in. i ' BMlyafa Ih
Vii "i ii- ii Ufa nil. I i.ii-ii .Hi il ii
ml I he I III..' In i
on nit: ii;. . ti i .
111(1 Writ
prublbltlon atali ol wool
ii. i. dtatlaotl) -ii". ki-.i i.y the n.-
nplte ol Mm tact sh. "'" '" ' ' ' lO llirni nerl
lex- of the natural reHoureea i-nterliiK l""" "' ""' '"'' '""I"1" htthgrto bald
III iniiluetiireil K.iml- IBM 'l'i,r '" ' " IOHaaa BOOpla . .nl he
many ir hor rivaia ii waa lb praparad o faoo aotaol ooodrtloaa tha
t,ru- uiiiiei.-iiieni nt iiniinnniie.i aoagthflMlaa ni ohlah aaa imriiii ha
iaduatry, in aoaaawUttoo with the iii- "'l' aoa
.nviduailst cninpei itiini nt Bngland
rrance uo.l the I mtiil D
tiMriuany will llml iinnlher kiinl ol when in.e i, i. elur.-.l
ajhjg win iimi ii.i lad a iriaa al Praaoa
..iJ Knal.niil ax null.. I ninl
u.yi a hot owa aad olth ih- roaall ""'" "' Ma"r "ir"'" 0,M '" s-
af the training aha haa (oroad upoa '""' "'"' " '' '" Wl
lhgga.aaoaaoloal i.lko thaaa aha will '""""i"'1" Tha gMpai aad hit
le forced to aouk i-.n mnleriul in tha
Is of the win In .unl nl
thaaa murk. -is win i.. i raaaoa ol
preforential dim. '.I in Inr
Viewing llie cninlunii atbloh "ill
follow the war, Hinii BB enn
. mic , ludUHtrlul un. I inii.nn ninl in w
.'mot tierinuii itajtd Pa loag avaaj
'liO on lier reiu the
' i ictiiry un Hie ha' lie Inn
ttOIW PWIVIIMCH loll ii;i I
attboal w.iu.iik lm i .mi i
blagtoa in seiii" llm quoatloa ol
urepareiln. a PM I tha paopla el
v'retoii are cniicerneil the Iniiinuk
..I Snlcm BBVa l.nkli.l llie prob-
aaaoolatoa aro ehargad with raooh
htg brill.- iii pmiei i .he BOtorloua
i in- Bllllngalayi w ho have
i rrortaod Poaitla for too paat yoar
Tboaa who aaoa Hinua 0111 ara
aoavlaoad ol h. laaooao aad aot a
Hi le n ' -i". that .i federal grutul
jury wn.ilil rei.irn it it Imlu I ni.m on
' .in.. in ,.i men nf (lie stamp nt
Logaa Bllllagaloi aad hfa aaaootatao
ii is .,, hottata ii.ui with
ni." lm. ni Majrof i.ii weald p i
I in w re. k in : llie . ii. p. Mi .
tha BllUagatara .1- 1 1 i t.t hi many ...
I..-, .-.iimmer while with the
other hi was aiiepllng liril..-.- Imiu
tin 111
Whuiii.i III QUI may liuw hgOg
While BO was lil.lii.l nl Sealll" .!,"
Ilrst lime, lie Is mi livn.icrlle Hi
tine 0 the me.isiliei, proBOOOd lOOl ,;. ,, ., ,,, , ,, ,.,, ;(ll,, ,
OJl by Senalnr Wilhur BOgg lln I..II r , ,, , ,r. m, ,rm, ,.
m-.t of aotapaioory nUltari torvloa ,,.,. ,,,,, ,lin ll(. Mllll .,, b,
..cording ... ... ...m- BVon '"'''' tun re .-I. emus , ,. .. of ,ui'-
IpgOg Uiouge ,,f is o years may r i(m ,, VkouM , M ,. ...
. . . 1. 1... I 1. 1 al... uuatt'l.... ..' 1 1 ...
" "" '"" -" 1:iK . a.Nistume nl uch
''.ate ulnl 11. ill. .11 While the Unas
-,re Uoe not reiUire milltaii limn
it fur any ileilniiM pern. il it .lues
.t-Djanil that all Biahw l. Haled with
III. I: .1
J. in rem c i i.leiiian in his
wiiiii in jaii ahorgod with murdei
mi" of tha uriUagala) ogoul) do
lor. I thai he. will, his ,,th. r ,n,,i
brother aora la ilia bualoe a ol .: -
loatlag prnhihiiiuii :.,,! , .m 1 m lug
i.iini- hr.-.iili 1. was tba bual
nl liu- nllii-ials in prim- 11
Thai audi a man It'Ntimom
slioulil lie .akeii b) a man. I jiii i-
The bill is nne nl gfOOl I'-iiuIii ninl cause Inr win.l.r II . ncli men m,
la u. ull iutents ami parpoaai Bill to ha h llovod aeaaaa'i Ufa or iirni.
laO' code lm IBO ml. The iiicun erii i. .,.. iiinu BttOOh ulnl" .1
meri ii I- Ii .1 atalutor) i" 1 iraadjur) is in aaaaloo Howovai
oa Btaklng ni". II ludiotutenta raa aol yordlota ol guilt,
., i.s el the 1 .111 liliilliin WhtOh make ami while awaiting Hie hearing ul
iry man nl lln ay.-s gltrOg alnne ih. , .1. . Ine Aruus helieies lhat Hi
.. iii. un. il j.'.'-iiii .-I : 1 .- atele Hill will i vludlcatod
the city ami inunti ninl atatc .1.1
tboritiet. I'i'ov issinn is mail. 1..1 n
.riling all iii.iln.s anil I here 1
tloa winch makes 1. pooulbla lu l.nli
all thone lutbla for tonic .1 an
Can Any One Rtally Tall Jmt Whara t
It Lor.attd?
The I'UnI icIhIiin a OMBOWhal M
I '.114 nil i.mle I. .11 nl Hie iiii.hli.'
I unl in Us ii icmllii".. iniimciii .
s."uki nf Hi.' plalaaaaaa n "Mini rate
raw iniilei ml" 111 if tha tit 1. I'I I.- in I
exiated ami hml siiiui'hiiii a I.mhI I111I1I
talnm ami .1 inline
The llll'hlh went itself n I y lm in.-.i 1.
. 1 sine nl,,, ul thul. Die prin
rll'N begin ul III! 1 11 1 1.1, N. , llllffaln
illaiii res.'til Icing leinieil mi.hlle Weat
enieis. iiinalia I NlmiiUI gagagahg at
iin.iieNllniially inlih lie wctterii, yet
tn.'ie are iiil.hlle w.'lerneiN wlm pajja
dlale Mahraaka ami only tepidly ac
cept KatiaaN, while Nt. I.iiii.n aud Kan
aa t'lty la-long to the middle weat ac
is. 1. ling in Kiniie aulboritlea, to tha
O0.1II1 accordlitg to othera aa vociferoua.
I'.i general couaent Miniimnia belouga
to tbe norlhwett llowerer. If you go
halfway from I'nrlland, Mr, to I'urP
luinl. (ire., all of Mlunenota Ilea behind
you. In 'tilcago they aay: "Why, man,
Jin.-, iheie'a nothing weatern about un!
Till la I be Interior." A dear aoul In
.Montana tctuaiketl to me: "How Jolly
In hear llml v. .n came from the raat :
I ni an eiiiii'iuer in.i.iif I In.-.i lu
Iowa '
Wheic. ill. -n, In the mlildl weal? In
tile BtOnhl af thO .....uotlal Alteuiua. 1
aiiawer, "owh inn- aaywberea
e.s.- II. .llm l..imle llurll lu ('cnliiiy
Tha Height of Treat.
When iimi 1. in fur a walk It la a
faff ii'iniui.h thing to wUh to know
Hie heigbl of a parliiiiiur tree will, h
Impi'.iiN In cut' b the eye When Ih"
sun is ahlahag u i poaalbM gat urately
m iii.-ii-.ui.' the height "f the tire from
llie hll'l'.iv It 1 ilsn nil the Uinillld 111
ardor t. da ' Mteh ataat ! set up
right in 1 ie proved aa Ihol n ahedew
falls bealla llie ahOOara ni tha Hie
Then, ni the length of the ttlck'a abad
ow in Hie atlik'a height, ao la the
hiiL.h nf llm treea ahadow to Ihn
llOO'a h.-l-lll I-"I example, .llppiise a
Iwn ami a half foot atick allow a a
aliHilnw three feel Inug and tbe tleo'a
BhOdOW hi eighteen feet loug. T'liete
fine Hie tiee la aix timet at high at
the klli-k. win. b shows that the height
of ihe lice will bO fifteen feet.
Ha Waa Short
Karly nne 1 euiiig a frail little girl
eiiteieil u 111 inly mid asked foi'
a 1 nke nf . u.M'nlHie After aha bad
the '.null she pill four penuli'K uu tho
counter ami siniteil out.
Th" Maroaoooor, theegh averae to
frlghtOUlUg the lillle thing, called aft
er In 1 111 a gentle veice:
Vnii te a penny shm t "
"No; inu'ie a penny short," ahe eall
i 1 back aa she ilisiippeared.
Wail Named.
"A w .'iiilci fnl mail it my uncle," aaid
little llmks. so M-iy oilgiiial aud
Wll .
He says be called hit dog "Sauaage"
he guag it waa half bread, hit goat
"Neail-. " he. 1000 It was "all butt" aud
bla prie inikcicl ' 1! "hliisuu" because
It ' . riiso,- - jCtTBipga
A Sur Winner.
' Ii.' l.ciii sin. k al ilitleicht tiuiea ou
coiioii, ioi.,1..... oraugua aud core.1
"Now 1 think I'll inist in a coal
mine Thai 1 1 "i is utter n failure, ami
there'i r. doaiatul for tha oui-
put " k Usui v Journal,
'Who is i'....lish i.i.h. Unit la in
hue a it Ii .inn':"
-lion do you Km. u 1.. la 1 NillahP
"lie is ill love With 100 Houston
It large iu:iy venture more, but
Utile 1"' lit hlmulil keep near shore.
Tha hard winter aoom 10 be over
and the coal famine la broken and
the service at the chu.ili Ih grow
ing In Internet and attend nice The
Sunday acltool whtoh meota nt 10:00
every Sunday morning with W. D.
Stewart Supt , la getting to where
It la a purzle to know Junt how to
take rare of It. The largoat attend
ance laat Sunday aince the hard
winter aet In. The prayer mooting
with lllhle atudy which mneti overy
Wednryadny evening in larger In at
tendance than for aome time.
The Sunday morning thenien are
along the line of thought of reward
for ChrlMtlan aanrlce. Topic for next
Sunday at 11 a. m. The Victor'a
I, Ife Kood The evening topic along
the thought nf Uod'a dealinga with
I'hiiraob and the Children of IgfMl
lu Kg) nt la gaining In attontion
mid attenilmice Topic for Kiinilny
evening nt 7 :t0. Tho Nile Turneil
Into Itloo.l The public la eapei hilly
Invited to ulleiiil llieae Mervlcea A
hearty welcoine will meet you nt tho
ilonr. with klnilti.HiN nmi BBJOd will.
sh.ill hg Pgajf porllon with 11 i-iuiil
Did gospel mesange while vim remain
mid good wishes- with a cntitlnuoUH
leiiiin will he ynura us you go away
II I' ItM P in
The r'ai .
The farmer In lag feeda ua all. If the farmer
should quit work the , 1 Id would have to go out of Iium-
Inesa. He la the moat Important factor In tho world today
lwaya haa been alwa 1 1 .
Thla hnak hna man. patrona. Karmora nro oon-
durtlng their bualnnan gloej modern linea tho.No doyn, the aome
aa other bualneaa men They are the aolld, reliable, men of
the comunlty and every BBgl haa reaaon to feel proud of Ita
farmer frlenda. The aocomodatlona of our bank are alwaya
al the ill', pii.oi I of tho fatnieiH You aro invited to make out
bank your hendquartoni when In town. Our Intereale ar
mutual, ad we will be glad to aervo you.
First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
W . wnnt so much to put one of
our el"i trie illy npi Apollo
I'l.itiT I'lnnoa In a home In Ontario
that we will mnk" n big discount on
he flrtt one, knowing that enougli
order will follow to warrant the aac-ii.i.i-
It playa by band and pedala
alao. A letter of Iqulry will do no
harm Or you may ask Mra. Weese
in (liilarln Wiau IMano House,
DoUe. Idaho. 47 tf
Down Town Office
Thirty yeara ago tho telephone waa a luxury. Today,
through paraonal Initiative and private enterprlae, It baa become
a nacoaalty within the roach of everybody. Where once a busi
Baaa had but one telephone with a limited talking range, today
that bualneaa haa service with a range threa-quartera of a conti
nent broad, and every branch of overy bualneaa la linked to ev
ery other by an Intercommunicating telephone system.
The telephone haa earned Ita responsible place aud there are
now 8,000,000 Bell telephonea In thla country, over which go
26.000.000 talks dally.
Every Bell Telephone ia a Long Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
The Rex Spray ( '..inpaiiics, ainl (lui-c arc niiio of thi-ni. have specialized for
TWENTY ONE YEARS In tbe manufacture of spray materials, and are the
originatorl of the concentrated euimiicrcial Lime Sulphur Solution, also " UKX "
Arsenate of Lead, which have always carrietl the iimnr ol'"WE."
During thil twenty OHO years d' existence we have had incessant competi
tion with imitattii-s and the "just as good" people who have attempted to man
ufacture a like product or a ".suhstitute."
Nena mpetitors claim that MO to 100 miuuis of their "suhstitute" will
e.pud 1-50 gallon barrel of "REX" Ume-SuJphur Solution. WITH SULPHUR
"BEX" sprays have stood the "test" and have never heen found Wanting
by any State Experimental Station or ly the Federal (lovernineut.
Rfaliiing that the PBUIT GROWERS are interested m taking a profit on
the supplies they purchase as well as on the fruit they produce, we take pleasure
in offering "UKX" Lime-Sulphur Solution at as low a price, and if purchased
l our clubbing plan, at a much lower price than any of the "substitutes."
OUT prices and terms are as follews:
1 barrel to ! barrels, lMc per gallon, plus 1.50 for each container.
10 harries to carload (00 barrels), l(ic per gallon, plus LfiO for each cou
I, nner.
Carload tad over, l.V per gallon, plus 11.80 for each container.
TERMS: Net cash :t0 days from date of invoice, after :0 days all accounts
to be secured by bankable notes.
DISCOUNTS! We allow a 10 per cent cash discount, on "UK" lana
Sulphur Solution, for cash in full, and all at one delivery, before March 1st.,
1M17, and .' per cent cash discount after March 1st, 1917.
REFUND We refund IIJJ0 for each "UKX" Lime-Sulphur barrel re
turned to our factory, in good condition for re-tilling, within 90 days from date
of delivery, and $1.00 when so returned within ttO days. All deliveries made be
fore March 20th, 1!M7, have return privilege of :!0 days after that date.
Talk with your neighbor and make up a club of 10 barrels or over anil save
this profit,
Let us help you to 'specialize" in your spraying operations thi war.
Factory at Washoe Siding.
Phone 296-J2.
Payette, Idaho