IM1K HfiHT TIIK OVTMUO AltfilH, OVTAHIO, OtUgOOfa, Till Itsi.Al. JAM Aid 2. 1017. CAMELS OF AFRICA Superb Animate Used by the Arabs When an the Warpath. TEACHING INDIANS IS THIS WOMAN'S HOBBY MODERN WARSHIPS It'll 1,1 HI Tho Moiili vard Happy Ilnnd rluli inol with Mrs. Kerr last week Tin next meeting will ba In-lit Wedi.e.i I. Ill Ills TRAINED FOR GREAT SPEED. Mr. Molineux Declaree Red Man Can B. Lad. but Will Net Ba Orlvan. Thaaa Meharl, aa Thay Arc Callad, Can Covar a Hundred Milaa a Day With ut Undua Fatigue, and Thay Ara Nevar Worked Baaata of Burdan. "There me IttMtl aa many varie ties i.f ..mi. !-. hi horses," suys n hullc tin of tin' National Qtngmihn ntilalj. "The Amh MM for camel I" djemel. Thus., .if Tniilain. Trimitnuln mill Al geria IniM' one hump anil n i really clronii dai i 4 icilalii breed of rainrl run withstand tha gtWl bent of the Sahara and ntliiia Hint of the rero Weather Of Tlb.'Liind t'hlnn. "It la limaIn In sec thr rapidity Wtth u libit a herd of MO natal will pat I" lln' fiiiniiil n larjro pasturage of prickly onr frnni llgfcl to ton fret I XJUkb, while hM Salt I.nko City -To have mothered ono or possibly (WO tiny HTM through tho strenuous daa of early Infancy Is a laxk that limit (Minion consider plen ty, Imt III i:iial.eth Moliuoux, until Hindu n irniiiiT iii the United RtatM Indian otrrlcti luu the iiNtim u..,i of bating iniithi'ieil a whole tribe nf I'lnte Indiana, ami claUaa the satisfaction "f baring nii-i i iiiiiii. iii ami roung, from a eondltloo bordering en the sipiulld stale hero Ihey coiishh I chsanllnesa him to godllsaaa ami, one and ail. are heartily In favor of both. Mil M"inieii leioiiti.t raatg i hat post as leac her on Hie HblVWttt res erviitlon In aniilhciu I'tah ami la In Salt Lake resting preparatory to going to Kit hikan. Alaska, to take charge of the Bplooopal cbnrcb'a mission school then- She la a gattt at the home of Hie Might Hev. 1'aul JOMB. idliop of Hie Bpbjeopal illoocao of Changes Half a Century Has Made In Naval Methods. day .lan'.ary :tl with Mrs Von Rt4 Mr. nnd Mra. Frank Hawkins and en when Hie inembirs will sou M little (laughter wore guests at lien mu carpet rags. Hoao'a Sunday. A NEW TYPE OF SAILORMAN. high l.cavea. stems, prickles and all Olauppear like magic. "In many ptfta of Afil.-a the natives keep all lln Ir d.'ilr stones nnd give tin in in tibaoatad lunula, arnry from their long Sahara, march The camel resist at llrat. and Hie dale atonea. iiiolateiied In a little water, are piiahed fon liy Hie handful down the cam el's throat afler If haa been Hindu to kneel and then aecurely fastened. In two or three daya tho camel learna to eat I hem af lla own accord. The tin Uvea aay that theae data atonea make tbe hump of tha camel strong and itlff "Tlie camel In Ita long march arroaa tb Nullum fieiil.-lillT Inula (civ little to eat and Uvea on the fat of Ita own hump. When tlila . miliums during a king time the hump hecomea flabby and aimoat dlsappenis. "Tha uanal weight of the hurdena rarrleil by a camel varlra from ViO to IOO pottnda for Journeys from town to town or on Hie Isirder of the desert 4iong across the desert Hi burden la leaa When a in I la being laden It keeps up a continual auarllug, and ahoilld It lie overburdened It refuaea lo ran Moat aanahi are rtthna, ami their bite la very dangerous. Ilardiy a week passes lit the large native hoa filtul In Tuula but some unfoi tunate ninii'l dilut dies of IiIihhJ polaonlng caused by a camels Idle. The grind lug motion of a camel's Jaw cruahea to pulp Hluiloier II lilies, so Hull Hie arm or leg haa in be amputated ami bhual ttooajteg ttnlli nta in bafon Mat pulb'iit an n a li the hospital In Ih.' Inli i In! of t he i ii Africa la a superb race of caincla, knot) u aa Hie tiicluirii lalngnlar. in. I. in I. hi I., oanmls. 'I he meliaru owe it great ileal to the cine lakeii In Ihelr brOtdlUi dining the pnat '.(Ml m-his Ancient writeis xii..'ii. nf eantels naed bj the a i mt of Konoa, nan Una MM roan ago, Hull bad the speed of Hie fa-i. .1 hatm Theae were doublleaa inch. mm "When ii luiliv uiehui'l la bom It la a )a Hied In baudagea lo prevent II:. Bton in h finin gelling too lait;e and Is taken Into the family lent, nhero It la Uliraed nud naphial over Kith can and lendcriiesa hen a year old II la aheared and la known from then on aa a I keutaa, which nirana 'tba fa titer of the abearlng.' "When It la two yeara old Hie uieha rl'a tralnlliE begins A haller la placed around Hie head and a cord lied to one of the i. .iii feet It la kept qulat Brat by geaturea and tba voice, later by tba voice alone Ihen tbo coiil la looaen ed. but hoiild It make a atep It la (Jed again Finally It uuderatauda what la required, but Ilia Icsaoua ara only terminated when It will alaud In one piii.c without moving for an an lire day. "U'o in.iLc i lie cinucl a fast i tinner the i Mi i (diii-, It on htth flimka wltb a ihin.K'cios hide whip and criea out in Arabic t" tiettt Ih A rttm Mhhai la vei.v fond of Ha owu akin and on leiiig Mi mi. nirhl ou a gallop. The w hipping keeps up. and the camel trlei lo gel away by running faaler. The long legs afciii like w Inga, aud It file Htat "till I he tpaOd of ail oxtlicll. It will atop iiiMuiiHy at a pull on the rein, mi nun id ((iini anod it bat ban nth I UK. "When Hie I ider Jumps off or ahould he hupiM'ii to till. well I rained me bull Hill st u ml untie still and wait, while should Hie muster luipiHii lo lie nijiiiisl Hie fa it lil ul beast will ui'Ui loan bun. A mi. mi i is'i iisid iia a beaat of biitdcn. All It t?n (allies Is a Mid dle (aoanathlng like a Marina i-addie, in.idc of gaatUa akla dyad red, wmi a high poinnnl und u iioaa In flout I, two aaddlebuga and a rider. The rider la buckled int.. Hie .saddle l..v iwo In ltd. Ilia feet are rin-vil ill front of the aad die und lest ou the neck of Hie uie harl. Ilia allppera are uaually aluug aciosa tho kiiiiiiicI, and the uiebdii la guided by the WrlggUlg of the rider a hnt 'An in u i nig passes through one noa trll of the animal, aud a rein of cam l'a hair la attached. "The mehaia are used finitely by tha Araba when on the warputb, er ratila. A meharl ou the waiimtb OU save three men Two tide it. aud the third takea hold of ita tall aud la pull ed along The latter chungea places wltb the rider at intervals. When a war parly haa lost so muuy camels that here icuiuiits Put one camel for every Hiko men it iihwijs iclieuts. "When going ut full speed a meharl baa a uioi leiuarkablc aiugle foot or acliig step, the (notion of which is not at all disagreeable, and II can coirr quite easily 1U0 milea lu a day without undua fatigua." Indians h:ne I.e.. mm a liolihv with Ihla dltulnutlvp little Si ololiwoiiinii. She siinks their languaires and In her eight .(ears of service wilh the Indian department haa hecn Intimately aaso . Piled llli the trials and 1 1 ll.iiliil ions that Inset pour l.o on Ida native heath, Sirs. Mollneux la nn ardent church Hoiiian and allrlbulea her aucceaa In dealing with Imllnna to the fact that by blending religious tenehlnga with thn "throe It's" she haa dlanilaiH'd dis trust of her from the minds of her charges and has always been regarded h them more In the light of a friend than u teacher. Sim de. lured Hie In dian nillld to be susceptible to tea. bin;' If properly appr'siclusl, but adds that i be can be led but will not be driven GHASIN6 A COYOTE III AUTO EXCITING SPORT Hound, Sighting Game, Leaps Over Mud Shield and Lands Twenty Feet Ahead of Car. turned. Kan. An exciting royoto chase In automobiles took placa near Hun-lull The isirty consisted of HIM llunii. John llanii. Mr and Mrs lulu Sea ma ii and Wlllluin Warring. They went In t((o .ars and took three grey hoiiiiils In each ear. Mr Win ring mis Hint mil., polo Is sstM compared with the wav Ihose iwo . at s i ha .ed in loss Hie piiilile. la) lues and I. Infix after coyotaa He said that Ills Hpeisbuiii'iir ri'glalered forty milea one nine a lien be dined to giant e ut it. ami be tsl alrabl to HXth agnlu. Tba) ( lo going along Pel ((ecu loen ty in i thirty miles an hour ill tba lime ' .4ili-l ii. the hi t - oioie. mill ttlmn tin' blmtesl hound In Mr Win rings ear slgliled tha WOtf it leaped "in tba oliul shield ami hood and lauded running twenty ftOl abend of Hie itn The coyote was u big fellow, but the boiimla lliuilh brought hlni do" n, the big bound throwing hint, while the others pinned blui do on While i liu-lng lln- llrat e.oole Hie oilier aulo neully luu o( er ntiollnr one, Klilih leaped up almost from under the wheels of the cur The men shot at It savaral times, wounding It, but because of the kMed of the hounding car could get but poor aim. It finally run lulu a hole and waa dahed out with a wire. Meaara. Ilauu aud Keamau bare kllh-d many coyotaa. WIRELESS PLANT IN BED. Annapslia Middia Recelvea Meaaagea Through Springa. Auiiapolla, Aid. That a aeries of bed springs couuected by wires makes a satisfactory condenser for a wireless nation has been proved by Midship man J. B. Dow of tha fourth class at the N'aval academy Dow bat connected tha springa of bis own aud his two lo .minutes beds aud attached them to a receiver lie baa been able to pick up messages sent from und to tho Arlington station. Ho haa found out that It la not iicoeasury the window a of Ida room lu Ham roft hall or even to remove tha ! ddlllg. It la stated that Pi-w'a use of the bedsprlngs lo receive initio messages may be of couslderuble practical value. Waits Fifty Vsara For Father'a Gift. l'ittsliurgh, I'u II cost titty yeara Of waiting aud a lawsuit aguluat Ilia step iiioilier, but John W llukcr of .New Hlootuueld recently received $U!5, turned over to bia mother by Ida father lu iMiT It waa to lu) his ou Ills fa ther's death, but Mrs Hcbccca T. Maker, stepmother and administratrix, bad withheld payment. GIRL SUES DRUGGIST FOR LOS OF HER HAIR New York. The eltlcucy of gas roxlde aa a hair bleuch was brought into question wbeu Ku ile tiotlduiik, sixteen years old, asked o,0U0 damages from Ju lius Kalisb, incoiiHiiulcd. drug s In tr.ving to traiisfoun her self Into a blond she lost purt of her ban , aud w hut she hud left became brick red. She exhibited u shoe box full of bun Miss Gottdaumh'l graudfulbfi, Carl Woissiiui, a barber, was uot ul lowed lo qualify as an expert. Haw It Waa. "She waated to marry bias for U money." "Did aha fatir "Nu; ha failed, and she married tome one alae." Topeka Journal A fool uiwaya ants to shorten space , aud liuie, a wise uiau wants lo t-nfih- eu bcth.-Iluskiu. The Old Tims Yarn Spinning Tar Haa Bean Supplanted by a Younger, Bat tar Edueatad and Mora Capabta Man Hia Ch.incea In Uncle Sam'a Navy. A mi v ill otllcer Would bine I eon eon aldcrcd ua a Ml HUb.leii for ft ii Iti.ainie asylum who In l.sitn, the year of m til i Inlo Hm service, bad prophesied the ireailoii In lexs Hum hair a eon tnrj id a lulled Slates licet Of grcnl seagoing battleships of more than .".". nun Ions displacement, en Ii wlHi aev ernl turrets, any one of which could throw agaljiat an enemy at one ills a ci ealer weight of nietnl. ot Im onipariibly greater dcsliiKIHe pow er and range. Ihiiu was possible fuun the full brondalde of one of Nelson's xldps of Hie line We DM I lln aome Idea of I ho 1 1 eim mloiia In i. in the power of lighting ships when we rcnllre that In a short time and with out danger to Itself one modern drotjej naught could destroy the combined Heels Hint fought al Trafalgar In isu;, III Iho wildcat strop h of the liniigl nation ourtirophet could not Inn a accii the addition to the fleet of tor peilo boat destroyers of a thousand tons displacement, a speed of thirty or thirty Ore knots and torpedoes of great accuracy, high apeed and an effecllvr range of 10.000 yards. A "bag of pow der on tho end of a apar" waa our con .option of an otTeuslva torpedo In ib" so days. Good work could be done even wltb thst crude aqulpment as ('tubing proved whan ba torpedoed tba Alheruarla. I think our prophet would surely have bnd a padded cell provided for him had ba attempted to descrlba Mm modoru iiliinu tinea, which ara capa ble of keeping the sea for many daya. a hh h hava a radius of acUon of 4.000 miles or mora and wblcb ara abla un der favorable conditions to creep tin cceti upon th most powerful veaanl and it ona discharge destroy It Ha would have found few Indeed to listen to blm If ha bnd aasaried the posslbll Ity that scouting or bomb throwing air craft would act In conjunction with tbo fleets or foretold the influence of elc trli It v ami Hie wireless upon op erallolis of the Heel both lu pea. e and lu war. All those wonderful ehangca nnd ad enines lu naval design, conxii in Hon ami eiilpiniiit have taken place with in ti i peilod of service, lu sea power lu military (III. I. in v. in .omrorls and ("IKelllenn's. (( bine gteilly gullied. but I think Hi it those of iis who Hturt ed our cureers hen the great naval il(Ullce of the III-1 ;eueiiHon (Vila still me. a bo made Ihelr em ly t In sailing shlpa or ships witli auxiliary team power only, look back with ton iii t litem. it y upon Hie old und leas ine ( hanhal etix lluniucnt. Tho romance of the sea conveyed by Mart jut and others in Ihelr sdrlea has not really gene: the .(.minions only have changed The aeu und ita effect upon ihnsu who follow It never change, ami there la aa great a Held lu the uavj today for the adveuturoua youngster aa ever, (sjrhaps a greater. Cartalnly ba ran have aa many heart tbrllla on board a submarine or destroyer or fly. lug craft aa ba could bare bad aa board a brig or acboouer crulalng for piratea In tbe olden daya. Tba cbauges In tba material of iho navy have produced corresponding ( hiiugc a lu Its organisation aud per annuel lou no longer sea tba gisy bearded boatswalu'a mala, (uartermas ler or quarter gunuer about tbo decks f our ships They were brave aud loy al to tbe core, and their yarn of ex pci If noes ou all seaa and In all weath ers, interspersed occasionally wltb little good advice to tbe young officer. tactfully given, wbiled away uiauy an hour of ssjjtt night wstches in port. Tbe old type of sallorman under--to- d his duties aa thoroughly and per formed them as faithfully aa any one ii I.I deslie. but miiclilueiy baa ban ished bim Ills pin. o baa been taken by Hie juiiuger, better educated man who in a general wuy Is mora cupuble. but who does not as a rule follow tbe sea for a lifetime uulesa ha wius early promoliou. It Is uow a rare thing to see lu (be lower ratings au enlisted man who Is on 'ban thirty njUllal The great majority are much yoiiugcr. The life is too Mii'iiu iiis aud Its conditions too aliiitinnul. as messured by modem con ditions on shore, to hold men to It, And yet 1 believe that UO other occu pation open to American youth offers them so uiafiy chances to succeed and to aciuiro a provision for old age. It is lu the power ut auy youug man of fair elemeuiary education. Industry und good moral character to enlist In the navy, aay, at tbe age of twanty and to retire at tbe age of dfty with a life compensation of from S0 to $100 a mouth. That class does not Include the considerable number of tboao who obtain warrants or commissions, whkb bring much greater emoluments. Ad miral Cbarlea J. Badger In Youth's Companiou. MIhh K'minii Wells who has MUM her home on the lloulevard for the past several months haa gone to l'a nttfl for a few weeks visit with the homo folks 1 ii 1 1 ut ton h amt received bv (ltl er Illngnmnn nnd family for the wed ding of his sister, Miss Viola lllngn mnn to William Wlllird at tinlnter. Kansas. January lMtli Miss lllnga i ui:i; i,i;rn hi s R0V, W II Swart' ot Sioux City, town, will begin a series ol lectures ll"Xt Wedtiesdav limit! al the Map list church, ou tht Mosaic Kintal II luslraled liyihiul ol I In- labern ub Attorney I.. J. Aker, la wroathpd With inileii, these Inst few days, the ii. i ion being the advent of nn ad dlllonul member of tho family, n bo who wna horn on Monday, tho 22d, lo Mr. and Mra. Aker at the hospital IMIKHION RATKH ttlNTIM I I) Oregon Short Line "ek end and mnn waa a former lioiilovard girl and Sunday excursions have been a big has a host of friends bore who ex- kuccpsh nnd will be made permanent tend henrtlest i otigrntiil itlons You 0M get Hie special low rales e Mrs. Kiln sMMN b It l'rida ov- cry week nil the time. Aak agent enlng to Join her hit hand who la in Bora It Mr and MrB fUtfnUII Hoes who live six mil ' southeast 0( the ( liy on Tuoadny, n baby boy. Horn to Mr. and Mra. loyd I'.lch nrdson on Hiinday, a baby boy. 8TMAW Kor sale dellvornd or at lunch I ';. miles enul of t In I tin iWrlle M II Slierman, I'ayelle : tho Twin Falls country. I.op Whlled dime down from Jamie son tho Inst of Iho week for a visit nt the Sherry Johnson home E. D. Mutler Sr . cud fniulh sTtn Sunday gueata nt J M. Putlor'a. Hick Stover nnd llnwnrtl Keller drove lo Vale Monday evening to at tend the masiinerado ball 0. W. Dean has rented the alfalfa ranch owned by Mrs Kitty Meek, for a term of seven years Mr Dean will build a house and move his family In time for early spring work. Hidden Clement motored to Owy hee Wednesday of last week to lake hla slater Mra. Geo. flweltxor home after a visit of several daya here with relatives. Ilex Marquis called on the ranch ers In this vicinity the. last or the week trying to complain the purchase of two carloads of fat cows. Last Friday afternoon Mr. Van Hlcklln accompanied by two other gentleman were riding in tho Van Hlcklln car, when ntar the Sherry Johnson ranch tha car skidded, turned over, pinning the occupants beneath Fortunately no one waa hurt although the cap waa badly wrecked. A new baby boy eigne Sunday lo make his home at the l.loyd Mlch ardson home. The ninny friends of Mra. J, B. McClelland will be sorry to hear that she waa brought lo the Holy Mosary hospital, from bat home ut Kiimi. Idaho, M fining Iniin piioiiuioii In and app'-uilli Itla For a time her con dition tfta 'tubal but at present she Is sollieu It. it Improved Special Train-Special Rates TO SEE The Birth of A Nation AT the Wheaton Theater, Weiser MONDAY, JANUARY 29 TRAIN WILL LEAVE ONTARIO AT 7 P. M., RETURNING IMMEDIATELY AFTER PERFORMANCE. Fare for the Round Trip Will Be 70 Cents. Admission to performance will be, $1 main floor, Balcony 75 cents, Oeneral Admission 50 Cents. TICKETS WILL BE ON SALE IN ONTARIO FRIDAY -0. 8. L. Ry. D. S. Spencer, 0. P. A. H. 0. Drane, Agent. Ontario. Oregon. "Always laugh when you can; it is a cheap medicine. Mer riment is a philosophy not well understood. It is the sun ny side of existence." -Byron (the poet, not the director.) Oregon Club-Ontario Band MINSTREL SHOW BENEFIT PERFORMANCE FOR THE ONTARIO BAND. Dreamland Theatre THURSDAY. FEBRUARY I ADMISSION 50c ALL SEATS RESERVED. Tickets on Sale at Ontario Pharmacy, Monday 10 a. m. Show Begins at 8:00. Doors Open at 7:30 No Pictures- I