.f .( H1X TIIK ONTARIO AlUiHH, ONTARIO, OREGON, THX'RBDAY, JANfARY aW, 1017. PRESIDENT'S DAY. Mr. Wilson's Crowded Schedule Calls For Early Rising. LIKES GOLF AND BILLIARDS. Out ef Bod at 5 s. m , Bathes and I In Study Not Later Than 5 .10 Always Ratiraa Bafora 11 Raacia Poetry Aloud and Takee Plaaaura In Lataat Datactiva Stoma. Washlngtnn. President Wilson hanii "Well ilellmsi mIii. hili' map'il out for his dnily work win n in Washington. He sticks lo this -chululi i he., iy. It rail fir bil iu.-ui; at tin- Mrtf hour nf 5 hi !i i. 'I l.i u ho li II In1' tMtl Blul la In hU study not IiiIim than I N o'clock. avs (he I.ouIm i 1 lc- Covritt Journal In a n I rut ai MM of the prea- Mi'iii m in 'hue I mi. i ,: ii. i . -. . 1.- ii t ia met in hla ajtndy liy liia stenographer. CI. Hwcin. rimrlli', as he la known about the Wliilc BeMIt takes dictiidoii until 8 o'rlork. which ia thr president s tirrakfast hour, llrrakfast over, Mr .Wilson ia a-" ustoiiml to return to liia aliuly tu BBtlMM Big nun ii i lie dictat ing Admit ! IS o'clis k in (lie morning tlic 'ii -iili nt n I 'in u I in t of ii'Hiinl went wlin h Sim n liirjr Tumulty haa made for In in at thr eJircullve offices. Three riigageturnta nrvrr lirgln ontll I'liulu IX Ainein an I'ira Aaao. fslluu. mi. ii.tniiii m ah a iii. i. ran. 1" iii lot 1. I i of Hum are fur longer than half an limn I In -. iigagriuenta run up n hi .1 a In mi I'.' . . ha k. the ajfaaj Weld iilnnin leaking Hie ..line lilllldillg fur the While llnllM fm lllln hi mi imt lain i lit ii I in l k I anally the president a afteriimiua ha heell given "Ml lo lo. reutloll. Of comae Ilia piealdent played gulf tiul a few lnuri dining ihe lailtoad a'llaia. He thru mil) lnl M BBBIBH Dfi tirayaou thought It aiitKahle fur liuu to get a little outdoor exeirlxv (Mi the uiolm i idea and at the golf ma ! lira ilia Wilaou waa alwa.la hla hiiihiu lull The iu.iIi.i nips air uaiially uvrr hy 4 w'vlo. k. I heir ia aiupie liuie to ur ara for 7 ...l.ak iliuun. Uoal of Ilia lireaidrni a aaajadjajfaj haia lirru devut O to "nil lui Ihe laat frw luoutha their haa lieru a girat luyateiy aUnu Ilia W Idle Houae. It haa to do wiih u,- nf ihe laoaiia whleh t tie pieaidriit riuploya to trial fioui hla pieaiilrnl lal iIuIiim I hi-. oiui of auiuaeuiriil ia nothing mule than Ilia pnpulai gauie of po.. aj aueakiug in more polite Ivruia, piakii til I Hani a XV hi n i In n.lili.nia ale lioi'iuiii at the wiuie HettM ihe praaldaiil baa two lueana of nlaMin.n nilu'i ihau playiug bllllaida. He talUM .'itat delight In leading poiliy aloud Ihe other fm iu lf ailiUM'tuelil la Ihe leadilig of detei -the aim lea lie tela the lateat buoka of thia ami I'lealdent W'lla.ill i.K-a Hot l?lieve it vine to krrp the midnight oil huruiug. 'I'lirrefoir the limn uf 11 u i In k usual ly duda Unii In bed Mine often It la liefoie 11 u'cluek that he rethrew, 'ihla Ii ni"i'"i) hreause of his auily ila- " m 9 i LIFE RACE WITH WOLVES. Three Trappaia Tall el Their Expori ancea With Pack. SI. nidi, h Mull liner tiapieis, Charles lrmiaid, lirmgr Weston and Bieit 1'aakri i raiiird here the other slay fioui u hum nig tup in the l-Mkn Muuerlui' region and toul uf a race for their lives Vital a WgU BMk while le tuiuiug fioui tlieu lu" lln- uieu wrie nil akuli-s I luce lililr. mui the lieaieal iiil'in when the wolves niada thrlr apiM'ai un e One of Ihe trapiaKf Brtal Ins rifle when Ihe pa. k nppioii, Insl I hem, and Ihe wolves .pinklv loie one of their wouinlevl iiniul.ii s In .u ir-. giving the iiuuiiis i un.. I. u a stall to get ahead uf the bt'Utrs. .Sev.ual 1 1 iii lun Ihe wolves weie BBBftj "" 1 1 ii- in this was r, imuui d. the wen said, vtni i I tiny lltglljr iesih.it iWJfC ' r'a?g I BaV I rrX By M BVsBB V " erJ fSii Baas' LaaaaarH I i '.. i B -H . . 1 FIND HEART ON RIGHT SIDE, LIVER ON LEFT Body of William King Described ai Laft Handad Both Inaida and Out. Ht. Louis. The body of William King, wild Ii has hi'i'ii preserved fur IWBBt) umiiIIim ia ill-1 rll"'il hv an anatomist aa "left handed. Iioth Inside and out." CCOfdlnj to a atntrturnt made public it tbedtr hoipltal. In May, IIM.'i. king, who waa thirty live years old. applied at thr hospital for treatment lln aald he naa a hi iiorrr iiud hud lived BMM I f hla life In WIki niiflii Mr wan suffering from ty plinld fever. H hen nskrd who hoiild he notified in caae f hi" death King snid ' I nn t aTMf ii limit I lint Just i lit n up nnd e"ii.iiie n. v ! ."i thing rang e. ith ii. ! i.' hi " ' lie died n lew iaVyi Inter. Winn stir im ml. mi Miiuinntloh if the body tin y fi'iinil eiie of tlir BMBI IB miriiiiii ' aaM In the bletOf of surgery I M In t side, the hit mi the lelt. the uppi uilix w ua on the left aide uiul the spleen on the right. The sb BUM h 0711 li.ri.ul uronnd completely tin the left tang were three lobe; the right lung hud hut two Hal h ft kidney wan linger and lower than the right one. OANCE TO WIRELESS MUSIC MILES AWAY Phonograph at High Bridge. N. Y. Heard All Over House at Mornstown, N. J. New York. What waa declared lo be the world s first wirrleas dance waa held al 'M Morrla avenue, llorrialown, N. .1 . the home of Theodore F. tiaty, me president of the Fidelity and aa ua.lT Inaurancsj cniain) of thla illy Ills two sons John I'. and Theialme i: .mi, Jr., the latter borne from I'm nell for the Cbrlstmaa holhlaya got up a dame and throughout the run lug Ihe arteu or right i inipies w ho had lieeii Inrlted daticeil to music that was plii ted on a phoiiogiaph III High llildge. at the northern end of Manhattan, about forty lullra away from Mums lovv n hy air Hue Mr (inly and bis amis are eiithilalas il. niiialeiiiM in ihe s. Irme of radio le Irpliou) and lei, giapb.i. A f I ieiul I' 1' (iiae if Mi. lit. Iiilr, who la ii rinlhien k'll , inn de UN i if tin- Ii. iii I ..i. -I nil. In in ihtei tor mid the m.iii.I nuipli her iiuiiileil hy lr. IMwiu II Al'ltl Hliuiig of ( i.luiiihua. Ihe IHVMIIOM whlill lliadi' tl aln-i mil llnlilill ii iliull) poaalblv, ga will ga a ay Iff lean tle phi. lie liiisHtlge in Honolulu Mr nl lev iv In. Ii only ivv.l.l . IM old. adapted, the two Avrleta in gawtMi I il 1 1 li. In I tin in lo .1 ph. h. igl . a 1 al a III. I Ii III Ihe I, il V h.'llic. Ihe ilimiiiglliill Hint fill l.i-ln. I the llllll. e BIBgll VVax plll.Ved III till High lln.lL'e plant of the Mr I ..n-l lUdio Telephone and Teh graph I pauv . and ih usual anion! kTBfN uiie n.eiv ..I l.v ihe amaleiir n. . n. i aaaaj HI ' ..i h hiiiiae When thr faint anumN. whsli, emu lug from I hr DM-elver, mild a, -an eli hi .leleeled hy Ihe nil, BMBsVl thiougli t he iihiiIiIiiimI ...1111.1 ampliflria and thru thimigh Ihe megaphone they i oil hi he beard all over Ihe house. FROM MISSOURI TO PANAMA. Bottle Found After Being Six Months Afloat. Ilailvlllr n A list of nauiea si hi. h a paily uf Nprliignrhl nuilual a LimiI aludriits araled In a soda pop boiiie whleh naa ibu.iv u Into the Jauiea rlrer ai Tumor, Uo.. last June haa beeu re tinned la a letter lecelred by Mla dial I'opo of Ibis place, olio of the yuuug wuuieu whuae uauiea weie oil the Hat. 'ihe letter waa written by a uirmber of the crew of tba fulled Htates ahlp Ittlrlgli. whleh reached Hau Kramiaco re enilvr after being atailoued off the vuaat of I'auauia. Tba wilier aald be found I be boil la oa Iba beach while In I'auauia WILL AID WEARY HORSES. chaal Children Plan Farm For Worn out Oobbmsss. IfoUOgatosYU ' Melllhels nf the h nun I linn. inn s..i niv heie bin e . mi ii'lnii.-il ihe inn I. -ii ..! a fund which ihev Mill re. -e In i.-nl uf buy a lesl I . in I . i M in ii i. .11 I. Il l I'm i .I to have the faun fm i : Mam - In... I i 111! I . :'VV ! .'. 'i'" i'jl'i""1. '." IU tuUi vTs 1 1 i . -T pl'l'e T '.linl -el, In llUUIBlU' ii.iil.ir. i m- i iheii liillr associates w III am. e. , ill l.lell plans :- BANK INSURES ASSETS FOR TWENTY FOUR HOURS N..v link V !Si,iksl.iKX) pro trclivr insurance policy for twenly foui iioiii a was puichused bf ihe i 'lis Ilia in and I'boculx Na tional hank lo u.vri the liana hi uf Its assets from 1!'-' Broad way to ihe lirw oOices of tbe hank Iu Hie Mi. gel building, a dlslaiue of about a bio. k slid a half. About mi'iIksuhio iu cash was carried Iu the new quarters in an u i in. ned cur, with armed guards ul the front and tear, and thatf svere gusnla slatlonrd ev ery nfty fret betvfreu tbe iwo I. iiildiiigs. FAMILY REUNITED. Children Long Separated by the Civil War Meet SEARCH BEGUN BY BROTHER. Buahvvhaekara Raided Home, Killed Parents and Drove Children Inte j Woodo Adopted In Different Homos, Survivore Drifted Apart Meeting Between Bisters and Brother Pathetic i hirimla. In -A tragedy nf th civil war which resulted In Ihe separation of three children of a Missouri fnmlly was 1 1 a led ii til Iy by the reunion nf the lluee I hililien who bud been arpa ruted during the ..iig period, too young to ii ..iiialn a correspond- in . and It was only after much effort and . i.ueMiiideiii r Hint the member" of the fnmiiy vvi re enabled to meet mid hold a reunion after ao long a arpa ra tion. Living i,i ai I .i .iln. Mn, wnsn 'inn. ilv iiiiiimd I leer. Ilnslivv Inn kers raided their home, killed the parents nnd drove the children Into the woods. wlnie they pascd a night In terror. The i hiiliiii were Mary Deer, right years old. Addle llerr, all yeaia old, and a brother two ycara old. DBBB thr girl of right years devolved thr task of keeping tbe otbrra (villi her nnd to vainly try to onaole them. Speaking of tbe terrifying liuldruta of the night, Mary, now Mra. Mary Rabn of this Pity, told how the baby boy cried to be taken to hla mother. In tbe morning the children made thrlr way lo Ijiclnlr, where Ibry were found nrarly drad from exposure and frlgbt and crying bitterly. A man wbo chanced to run acroaa tbe lithium was so iiiiimI w nh pity that be took them lo charge, fed I hero and eared for Hum for arvrral days until ha had succeed ed In hasting all liner In homrs, Into w hi. li they were dually adopted. 'Ih us torn spurl, tfie children did not again hear from raeb othrr. Mary spent hrr nil Ira girlhood ga a nurae girl In a family where there were bct eral children, and from them she man aged to Irani to lead and write. Hhe waa taken to lllluols, where she mar lied. Addle I leer wns taken with the brother to Crete, Nrb , where the girl man led and where Hie boy grew lo tiianlu'ial nnd where he still resides. Addir married and loaf hrr husband She was mn i in-.l a a ml tune to a Mr. Hiiwuiiig, owner of a Inrge ranch lieni l .lenu imhI Springs, Coin Some nine ago ihe In iii In r began a seai.h for his sNiers. li was an up paieiiilv Imis'leasliisk, but by BsfBNga inn'', mn. li em ii siiiiuleiiin and long rnnge Inquiry b miiiinged In llml tin in. nnd all held a reunion at ihe hoiuu of Mi - I inn mug In I oloiudo.. Mis Itahli a.aili nfinr In'r iiinriliige lliuved fl oiii llliln .Is In Ibis COUIll) She Is now ii vvnluvv, all ymirs ..I ...ling between Hie sislCIS ami brother was pathetic despite the fm I that a sepnialh I DBM II f I raain hail ubrloOas tended In hi. 'ill. dmvn the reeling nf family n lal -ti . i WAR AFFECTS WATER TOO. No Soda Ash lo Soften City's Drinking Supply. roliiinlms. ii Haul water will be ih,. lot ihe lill i hi Ion plsui sii fin nlili consumers Ihe lest of Ihe winter unless , i in.-1 1. 1 it i- I. limit. 1.1 III. I .'a lb HI all .biesupplj of soda aah one or tl.nhlrf I ehruilcul. use.1 It. ibesofl.ulng pt. Supei luleiiitrul (I Hliaughuessy of I tic i ('uliiiuhiia wain plant said that sodn aab muni not Ih had at any prbe gJ lug to luabllily of rallroada to furnish sdniusie iinnspoiiailou facilities; also Ihe Barbel Ion plants, where the ity's supply of soda ash la oblalurd, havr iniii liimdh apped diulug the last few weeks becaMag of a shortage of furl No soda li has lieeii Hard at ihe hi II.UIOH plain for several daya. Sim , Ihe war began soda aah haa stlisn.eU III a ion W siei nu lie suflrnrd to a erlaiu drgire by lime, but soda asb iinisi be added Iu get ibe desired soft ness. WAR ON CATS SAVES GAME. Good Hunting In Now Jaresy Sinoe Fe line Slaughter Started. Trenton. V J V rrport of the Nrw .lei-,-, lisb ami game CftWHlleiePB re ceutl.v Issued stales that the wliolraalr e i let in ma i ..f .aia- iii Burlington count during the km;, ephieun. of feat and mouth disease has le-ulied In sporlsiueii Iii ding Hui liiigiun uniong ttir Lea Tniiiilug grouuils in Ihe slate (Jatue auiuials aud birds uie invie pirnlirul in the loiiuty than fm iiai aud suilrs uf huulrrs have leptalrtlly bagged their legal limit of ten labbils, also ipialls. phesssiilK slid aiiilnrla. It ia held Hist the chief failoi iu ihe In i lease In game annua s and birds as well as song hiida In that COUStJ was ihe vvarfaie on nils by both iniinris i ud I'aiiuria Spoilsmen round hun dreds of prowling homeless cuts in Ihe woods and held a preying upon nsiivr birds aud auiuials aud killed them. Newspaper on Fig Loaves. Santa ( nu. lal He. suae of Ihe high cost of I'lti-cr aud tbe failure of subs, libera lo gg) up, l.uiber M.nurs ton, piihlislier of Ihe .Moiiiilaiu la ho si ll.iilldei clock, pi luted all edlllou of his weekly on tig Iravcs The rdiliou misisis of live diied leaves pinned lie get hrr with a twig and printed oil both slues and conlaiiis news items, cleaat tir.l aud legal ii.lvi 1 1 isiug and an editO i lui III win. li M. i.i. . I -I..II MIS l.. 111 his le.lsolls fm I, Hulling o llll pi 111. I pi. s for pi int. , m per " QUEEREST OF SEA MAMMALS. 1 The Qreteeq.ua Walrue Haa a Strong Maternal inatinet. The w all uses, or "era horses of thr old navigation, are the atrnugrat and moat grotraipir of nil ara innnimols Their large, ruggiMl bends, annul with two long Ivory tuaka. and thrlr huge awotlen liodlra. covensl with hairless wrinkled and wartr skin, give tliem a formidable npprnrnme unlike Unit of any othrr uiniiiiiiiil They am mm h larger thnn moat seals, the old tniilen weighing from 2,000 to BiOOO pounda I and the frmalrs nbnut two thirds ns much. Walruses hnvr n "strongly developed niutrrunl Instinct nnd show great de votlnn nnd ilisiiTai.l of their own aafc ty In defending the young The Kakl moa at ( ape Vaurouvor, tlrrlng aea, hunt them In frnil skin lovenil kyaks. Using Ivory or bone pointed Mciirniind seiilskln lloata. Several hunters told me of ricHInc and iliingi.uiM eiiroiiuteiH lliey Hud el IM-rlrncrd with inoiher wiilrusea. If the young nre nitin ked or even np proin lied tlir innther dues not hrsilnte lo ehnrge fuiloiiBly The hunters mi RM that on sin h in i nslmiM there Is un option but lo puddle for one's life. k easlounlly an old walrus la un usually v hull. Ihe and, lifter fort lug li hunter to take refuge on the lee. will renin In patudliiig Ihe v h hilly for n long III mil lug and untuning Ihe nlile. I nf her angyr National Ideo graphic Miignlue. SEEING MOTION PICTURES. Same Advice on How to Avoid Suffer ing From Eye Strain. Many persons cannot attend motion pi. tin rs Ih-i ausr of (ho annoying after effnls on Ihe ryes. Some Buffer from ye attain and otbera are aubject to snrrr headaches The relief. In misst rases, couslala In perfeitly Oiled glaaa ee. according to the Popular Hcteiire kloullilv The 'h Hire may not be qolte so sharp, but I his ia more than com ' penaaled for by Ihe In. reased i onifoil lor prisons with very sensitive ryes a colored glaaa, rithri amber, yellow- . lah green or amethyst, uiny afford lui lliedlalr relief. Several v allelic of colored glaaa have been put on Ihe market, and there are so many shade available that anuie auitable color can be an ured A atibdued light lit the tbeaier has a mu.ii leaa Irrlletlug rf I feet than a dark theater where tbe i only light la rrtlnlril fioui Ihe screen It la also Mil v Isnblr fm those w ho are , liable to suffer an. iivvlng Hie ple nties 10 avoid aiding In a plilce where j It la nrceasaiy . ....k upward, aa Ihe additional strain 1 1MB very lire some and lie.iieiilly leaves u aev ere headie lie li Ihe lllllloilly nr .m -. hnvveui II . l.i--cs me . oins Ilv Intel to a pel -on he or Banl stands a , elm I en loving molloii pb lures i wiih. mi any attendant H resuiia. Inertia of Bodies. lag) ti v tailing .aid n Ihe lip Of He l.il Imnlln; i I and mi II pl.u e il M l.ny A .ll. k llu k oT the . mil vv lib the right second linger will lelui.ve Hie aid wllboiit di-lui hliig the oln Auollirr til. k whli li llluairHIrs the In. 1 1 In aj b.alies la to kiio. k awnv the boifoui of a pile of .he.-l.cls IV lib. nil upsetting ihe pile. Thla la rffrctrd unite easily i with the help of a Hat niler. Tbe le oslolng i deckers aie removed sue ' sfas ! i lui iiiimi.ri uf smart blows. A more spectacular suit apparently risky ii ii k consists of drawing a news paper away fioni uuder a glass tilled I wiih water. I'rorlded. however, that . the table ia eiunoib and the paper be '""J .' -"'-"Iy and hurl.uulally Sktl "" ',rr "" ---.-- VJIKiKBSkmKBKKttw9lSBtXMSSV THE OUTLOOK Fur lmsiiicss dmiog the ooming jrtw is very 00d it we fill) I"' Of any liclji to ynil, call on us; we rcalizt! thai tlic 'livr' hanker must inaVc.l lit' iilivc to the needs of bil community and patrons, and to assist in vvt-vy way consistent with food judgement ;ind safety. t'oine and see us; if we do not atoll you we will not hurt von. Make our hunk YOl'K bank. "We nive seiviee that serves.'' ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty yeara ago the telephone waa a luxury. Today, through personal Initiative and private enterprise, It haa become neceealty wltbtn the reach of everybody. Where once a husl neet bad but one telephone with a limited talking range, today that business haa service with a range three-quarters of n conti nent broad, and every branch of every business la linked to ev ery other by an Intercommunicating telephone eystem The telephone haa earned Its responsible place nnd there are now 8.000.000 Hell telephones In Ihla country, over which go 20.000.000 talks dally. Km rv Hell I I'li'phiiiii- is u I.niiK Dintunre Station. Malheur Home Telephone Co. , THE 50 SPECIAL PRESS 50 Suits pressed hy the 50c Promply PHONE 105-W $crd The Universal Car Tllivc HtlMtlag ICilsullS llge nil to llli the Knl'd fur: First, hccaiisc of its, niuiil of sjit islactiirv scr iii- tn liiuii' than tiltiiii hiiiidicd thutisinid owners; Beau id, hccaiisc of tbe reliability of the Company which makes it; Third, beeaiuu) of its largu liidi.itur and cinlnscd tan, st iciiinlinc boud, crowu feuden trout Mid rear, black tinish, nick el tiiiiuniiiys, it is must attractive in appearance. To these must lie added its wonderful et-oiiomi in operatioil and maintenance about two cents a mile; likewise the tact that h reaatUI uf il mi plieitv in cnnstriictinii anyone can tilM'ratt- and fare for it. Nine thouaaud Pord ttciitM make Ford service as nniveisiil ,i the car. Tourillg tar );lr(l liiinaliuiit gVMfi 'uiipelet ffiftH Town Car t&86 Sed;in$ti4" f. o. Ii. Detroit. On ale at $ord parage Ontario, Oregon. COPE only mechanic in town. and Properly :- ONTARIO.