The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 25, 1917, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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-., JAM Kl IM, 11117.
New. Item for this section will be gladly received If they roach The Argun office before Wednesday
noon, or they muy be telephoneil In by that time. Phone No. 4-J.
The home of Mr W W Leteon I Mrs Eugene Moore and Mlaa Flor- At the rectory of the Kplaoopal
on South Oregon atreet Saturday ov- ence French of Baker were the artists church In Payette last Thursday avon-
nlng wan the acene of the moat elab- Introduced to the music lovera of ing occurred the marriage of MIm
raltv nnnrtlnt rwl rl nnnr if llm win. riniaeln i... i.. ti . .... n .. ... wr .
William Imxoii Heekn Mure llooni
For llaherttMlirry Una Keen-
In Ontario For the Paat
Mix Yean.
William I .axon, or an he la famtll-
The Week With Ontario Citizens
( IhI PemonaJ )
Mrs John Palmer of Watson li In Mlaa Mary t'upp of Welder waa the
Ontario thla week for a vlalt with gueiit of Mlaa Lavlna Smith over Hua
frienda. day.
Sam Mothrrrahcad, receiver of the' Mra. Hunan Snyder, of Meridian, la
U S. hand Ofure at Ourna waa In On- vlalt Ing her daughter, Mra Leslie J.
tarlo enroute to Portland Wednesday 'Aker. and her grandson Mra Harry
Judge and Mra Halloa Hlgga went Tolleth and daughtera alao of Merld-
to Bnlae Tueaday returning on Wed- Ian. have been vlaltlng Mra, Aker and
rateiy appoints dinner of Ihe win- Ontario by the Music club at thn Nelllo nruoe Piatt- dnuahtnr of atty know. "Toggery Hill", will be- neaday. the baby
lor aeaaon. The dinner, party waa. home of Mr. and Mra 8 I) Dorman Chnrlae W' Piatt nnd Jamea It Black ,' to move,hle atock of goods next Mra J. D Fare and Hon of nenr Bo-) Mra Wayne Hyde of Weatfall
complimentary to the twelve Paat on Waahlngton atreet Friday even- ahy, proaldont of the Ontario Na-wek to the aouth atore room of thenlu """ lo OnUrlo on Sunday and came to Ontario Sunday returning
Matrona who have preaided over the Ing. lonal bank of thla city. The Im- Farley building and expecta to,urn,,, " tnlr ,,omp n Monday that evening accompanied by Mra,
deetlniea of Star Chapter No. Or- The recital given by the Baker ar- prcaalvo aervlce of the Kplaoopal hla new quartern arranged by the '' " (),Hon w Prated upon at Woodward who had apent the week
der of Ihe Knatern Star and waa glv- tiata waa one that will long be re- church waa read by Rev. Thomaa Ural of the month. l"1" hoapltal Monday for chronic up- with her daughter, Mra. Hyde and
n by Mra. Ietaon who waa recently momberod by the club memhera and Aahworth of Payette In the preaence Tho change In location la being Pnrticltla and la reported to be doing baby.
Inatalled aa Worthy Matron of the their gueeta aa one of the moat plena- of a few membera of the Immediate made to aecure larger quartern for '"" Dlatrlcl Attorney, I W Swagler
i Impter. Covers were laid for 4 2 Ing ever given In Ontario. Tho via- famlllea of the bride and groom and the hualneaa which Mr. I.axon has I Vink ""cker of Weatfall waa oper- left Friday evening for Minneapolis,
gueata. "Ing mualclana added acorea of ad- a few Immediate friend hullt In Ontario durlna the naat six ,,Pn UD"n at the "oly Nonary hospl- Minnesota where he waa called on nr-
yeara It will be luat alx veara Feb- "' ' "" pnyaicigna report that lila cou'it of the aerloua lllneaa of hla
inoae lor wnom tin- .nnner waa mirera lo tlie many they already poa- Following the ceremony Ihe wed
given were: Mra O. A. Pogue. Mra aeaa In Kaatern Orngon and they will ding party went to the hotel Ban
ill ,i Lackey, Mra Addle i.nci y. alwaya be welcomed I fi Ontario. croft whore a wedding aupper
:ira unve met uiincn. mra. r.iiaaiMtn mm Moore, who poaaeaaea n con
Dunhnr, Mra. ('. W. Miillett. Mra. J. tralto voice of rare charm car
ruary 1 alnce Mr I -axon opened , condition ,H aatlafactory.
mother He will be ahaent from the
Huru'd. following
which Mr
waa Toggery in Ihe building he haa occu
nnd pled all theae yeara.
C It KiiiIhoii recently negotiated , it y for wral weeka
the ! of 300 ateera lie baa hoen
feeding thla winter The transfer la
Mr and Mra. Arthur VanBlcklin,
Mra Blncknhv look Ihe evenl-i Irnln The new atore building has been " ' "lnK ,M,M 'nier I lie transfer la hrldo und groom of recent dale
II BllllngMley, Mra I) II Purcell. rled the burden of the program which for Portland From tktrc they went remodeled his ronvenlengg and '" ",k" ,'"(P ",',, """"ll ,have gone to -housekeeping In the
ap Ida Mra Clara Clem- waa almost exclusively a aong recital t Han Franclaco from which norl a hnii.twune new rack for dlaiihiying ! I'I"V(I l,BK''r Cambridge Malm. ,rrK residence on aouth Oregon
Inlng and Mra With pleaalng poise . omhlned with they an I led Monday of thla v.el for aulta and overcoata haa been gftdl "'"" '" '""rlo on hualneas Moiulay atrg4M Mra VnnSllklln waa former
The onl ol town aympnthetlc splrll retlectlna that of' i..i.. ka Ikaa ,. in 1...1, md 11, ...... 1, mI,i.. .,t II nd to vlalt with relatives for a abort Iv Mlaa Jeaale Hlcka of thla cltv.
xuoMa preaent wore Mra II C Whit- the cotnpoaltlona being presented she , honevniiMiii. Thc-v exneet to return Thla rack la HO feet in lemfh iml ' Attornm C C Wllaon of Nyaaa
ntnrlo lute In March and will be will be open ao that Inapectlon of 1 MrH J,'H"" l,,lrrp1 H ""' "r l"' ws In Ontario fcMwngg, trains Hntur
at home her- after April 1. Hie apparel hanging In the various "rlp vlr""IH haa been compelled day evening while returning from a
nl Mra. I,eah
I'olhel Adam
worth nnd Mra. C. K Kenyon of threw herself into the aelectlona in
Weler a charming manner I'nrhapa the ae
When Ihe guents gathered at llvo lection which waa heat liked waa the
o'clock they found the home tastily l.ullaby from Jocvlyn, In thla the
i!eorated for the oci aslon IV hhI lower register of Hie alnger'a voice
In double alreamera to tin- chatnle was given the beat jupportnnlly to
llera wre the fl.e colora of the order, dlaplay lla rich imnllty and por
the colora merlng Into llnlTv bulla The ae. oml porlloti of her program
whl. h dangled from ihe celllnr . 1.0 preaei 1 opportunities calling for a
that under the aoft glow of Um llghta lively vivacity which waa pleaalng In
piel iroaqua effecta were produced deed.
honored gueats sat at the large In all or the song- 1 Ittn Mrs
i.ihi- in the dining room which Moore waa accompanied delightfully
-parkled with cut glass and slh.i k) M, 1'i.n, !, ,,1 1 ),,. pHno Mlaa
(.ervlre and waa centered with a beau French alao added lo tl lenlng'a
llful hoiiiinl of Mi anil while roai-H pleasure with "The Norwegian llrhl
t datable the lioctcHs presided for nl I'roi eaalon" by (irleg and "The
ve cotirae dinner Fairy March" h l.n,.l ohn hoth of
1l tho large living rootna were will, h were iihoed with marked .ip-
tlve -ulilea. emblciuiitlciil of in.- live preclntlon and artistic epn m Ion lo
The bride ban for aome lime been anetiona may eaally be had On the "' rp"'"l llhln doors during the hualneaa trip to Vale Mr Wllaon
north wull the ahelves. for hahcr- 1"",, w,,''t,
n ni 111 In-r of Ihe puhllc cahnol facul
tv and Is well known In Ontario hav- daahery and show caaea for
ing realded here with her fninllv for gooila will be located In Ihe new l'''l "h a hm Ineaa trip the latter purl arrived and
reports that Ihe dredging mnchinea
other Mr ; N'"'hletleld went to IN.rl fr the Nyaaa drainage dlalrlct have
Ihe worK will aiMin
aeveral yeara By her 1 harm of man- location the floor apace will he al
gracious conald'THtlon ahe moat three llmea that of the prea
for herself a liost of cloae ent atore
tiei and
haa won
The groom Is one of the moat
prominent hankeri and hulneaa men
of thla sim 1 Urn having for yeara been
Connoted with Institutions In Oregon
ml Idaho and has alwaya plm.l
prominent part In enry BtrtBMl
for Ihe advancement of Hi miner
He will be gone ahum, he under way on that prohcl
liolsl I I HPI I I.IMT
of laat week
t wo we .(a
Mr M F. Ho In 1 une dow 11 from
liomeateid Monday, work al bin
; its having been discontinued
011 acioiiut of the freezing weather Df M H Fleming of llol e will be
Mra I'arrle II Aker, of lloiae, la In Onlnrlo ut Ihe Ontario Pharmacy
sojourning al the home of her son, 'Friday and Saturday, January I'M and
Attorney I. J Aker. for a few dnva 27 All thoan who ure having trouble
"'"' ''" ' '"""-1'1 '" '" "' I" g not i.. ! 111. Int.-.l with her drat grand with Holr tfM should see him An
win initiation may aave trouble In Ihe
Hprague Adam who left for the future All ork and all glasse. pro-
The tagaoieut Canm Didn't Ivan
Have to Rad It.
pointa of the alar, and each. In keep
Ing wilh the niiefully planned and
lulti. fully executed color si heme
wan decorated with Mowers, and fav
or typical of the vurloua star points
At each table there preaided I lie olh
1 r who at preauit occupies a point in
theae she responded with encorgg
Following Hie program a recep
Hon wua held In honor of the vlaltlng
urllsts and refreabmenla were aerved
The following waa Ihe program pre
All My Hon," from the Prophci
Twenty thlid atreet a Ia of old man
uairli ta. Im-iiiIi and Turn a liulhloir
clal Inlereata of this region lleslde ,,j a-. .,,.,,., Bll(M ,,.. , , ,
being proahlent of the Ontario Na- ou Idly wbl 0 I 11a Idly hsikisl over the ',,"', recently advises hla parenls. Mr. acrlhed are guaranteed
Ihe 8Ur, or one who haa occupied a Meyerbeer
point In the paat . At the blue table
cynorara waa Ihe flowet uaod und Mra
Anme Newton preaided Mlaa Marg
.ire: Dunbar preaided nl Ihe yellow
table where pepper plant wua the dec
oration Whit carnatlona were the
centerpiece for Ihe table which waa
urtalded over by Mra. Margaret (Jrleg
Sct.olea. Green ferna were useil all Fal
Hie table where Mra Kdllh 8euln
, r, liled vv hih- r.'d '.iinalioii I were
at the red tuble where Mrs Flo
ury Hill presided.
Five dainty Utile uinlds. daughters
, 1 1 n, her- nrvnd 11 they
tlwendolyn Newton who inted 1 adman
win. i.ihle; Alma Human who "From llu- Land ol Ho
t it.- v.ih.w labia i.'i Wood Watora", Ca4gM
i.uahlly." from Jocelyn- (iodard
l-ovea Whlaper," Wlllehy
Hong of a Hi'.irt." Tutilaon
I'ntH" Hand r-ou
With V011." Nulling.
Mr Kllgrne Moore
'Norw glao llrldiil Procession",
) March " Mendlesohn-
i.e. abottek)
Mlaa Floreni'e Frerch
"On t; Itrl lr ut Av ignoi".
1'l.n.ll Folk S0111;
"Owl ". l.ehtuauu
"I Hear The Tiiruall III Kve",
Skv llluei
lloiial bank he Is Hie aenlor partner
In the lllnckahy t'ommerclal rum
pniiv at Jordan Valley and the II. une
dale Forwarding company at Home-)
llm.' who wllneasiHl the ceremony
al Payette laat Thuraday evening
wern: Charlea W Piatt, Mlaa Maa
Piatt, Don Plait. Mlaa I.avlna Smith,
Mlaa Margaret lllnckahy, In and Mra
playa. Hud j.miIv THB Hew ut a heap
vf man u. 1. and aele.l a prlnlisl
book. Wa tried to get it from hliu.
He daslie.l .1I..111 the room, under aud
.hit im- he.
The laudl.oly opened the door. Out
aetit Trap, ueiiily uaetilng my land
lady. My l..'iher .sum aud 1 malted
after the i.g. Trap headed down
Twenty till..' atreet direct lo thu Ly
ceum theater, play In mouth In ami
and Mra I, Adam that he haa ac- the place, thy Ontario l'liarnnu y und
..pled a pnaltion with Ihe Dodge Mot. the datea, Friday and Hiiturdav. Junu
or car coinpun al Delroll.
I it ry 20 and 27.
Adv :: 1
Jacob Prltuing.
a a a
OOOII Wll.l. I 1,1 K TO
IIAVK KI'KNH lit. M .it M
out among ab aud cura, pedestrian
1 and Jebua, that wonderful dog weul
I directly to Ihe box oill. . of the Ihculer.
Frank Buiue, (be bualueaa manager,
, beheld hlui "What baa he got there?"
.. m ik ... . . aalU ha. "A play," aaid 1. "Dova he
The flaod Will club will meet Frl-1 .,, ,() J.j1,,, . -( (lltce ..f
day evening at the home of Mra. J , J0U pi,,.,,;. 1 npu,.,!. Take It up-
A Draper where a literary program 1 alalia to Mr. Frobman." aald the bual-
ronalallng largely of aelectlona from 1 neaa manager.
Sroi land's fuvnritn poet, Bobbie ' Twaa duue. Frohman read It. He
Burna, whoae blrlhday Is today, will ac ept.l ami pi. .died It The play
be Ihe feature The antherlna will "' lHL" "'ie.. iwcuiy ,e.u. oeioie
also be In honor of Mra Vera Defoe
At the last lueilng of the club which
was held Januury 0 ut llu- home of
Mra Adrian Uutherfo.d oilier- .r
for my father by Mudl-mi MorlM aud llec. , They culled It "Trade."
1 1 liinun liiUli'iicd It The Hlgliaat
III. 1. 1.1 " The rial whs u grout auc-
ecus and sla lie. I hoth iiiin lioliiimu
elected tor the coming year und the' and myself on the watcra of Uopci-
SValti f
March", d.l lliego
luii'iuiiiii", Itiohardaon
Ml Mini.'
Sharp 1 l.opln
Mlaa l-'reiich
v. ho . BJH .1 tOf t he I. In.' tali.' . 1
i.lrl i.lloeh who aerved tin' gYOM I..I.
.1 In. l. 1 Toot vv ho . and lor
1 . 1 1. -i nl the red tuble
, we. 11 ; ''I' h.imiui I
Infraatlng lonata were proposed by
i ,, r 11. .sis follow iiiit the uililre-- SUA I K 'II
of v.. linn,.' hy the boateaa when ahe
. .. .a... u. rt 11.. 11.... ..I...
'"" ' Ihe it it 11 uu I Hllver lea given uu
look .barge of program us toaaUSUJ ,h. ;lllN1,u,.s f ,,. W(Ui
treaa. After a abort address h Mrs (.luh (f ,,., , ,. ,,,,, ;l, ,,,
Bailry on the work of the tuatern i((mi. u( Mrh K M ( m uv
iUT, Mra I A. Fraaer reapouded to ((ty Juiiuury M- TWg
the addreaa of welcome and the fol- B im. mm (f ,,,. SU(( 1m,
olwlng responded lo toasts Mrs (1 l f o( Schoar,llp , ,,, ,
A. Pogua. "Early Daya In the chap- alwill) ,,,,, (in ,,. ,aM ,.iUlvHliuy
tar." Mra. Addia Laekle. "ItemlnU- )f Jumlalv ,,. ,uy e, ul)ur, or ,t(j
. ,. ,.t Star Chapter;" Mn Kolbel ,t , ,,. Slu. ,-,.,,,.,,,,,
Adam, "Our Abaant Membara; ' Mra. (r wor(li ((f (1. pu1()UaK,. , , ,
Olive Mcculloch, "Our Obligation;" jn ()nurl( . ,h (j
Mra. 0. W Mullelt, voiced the appro- moMy fr u fuml (()
elation of the honored gueata for the f9n womai of -ul(. (-
.ompllmenl paid then, h their l,os-1 ,er n ,.llu(.ttim
teta in ao handaonio a manner Many To rom ,he Ywir .1(jok ( (i(.
,,.r gueata were called upon lor Feaeralo .)urlllK ,,. . ,,.,,
,ir..uiptu remarka. iblnce tl,H fum, WBH ,nll.Uutedi one
Following the dinner u musical huudred nd eleven young women
-rogram waa glveu Iticludlug beaide jmve received louna to Hi. annum! of
chorusea by the entire gathering the $ I ::u6."
following nurabera: vocal aolo, Mra. I The Ontario Woinuii a tlub haa al
M.( ulloch; piuno aolo, Mrs lloinuu; WttyB been prominent among the
I lano aolo Mlaa In.. K11 loot vo. ul ,.lu,,s for lh,. al, ,,,, f ,H donation
bola. Mra II 1- Peteraon and piano ttlll MnpealH now to the women of On
ipolo, Mlaa Gwendolyn Newton ,tarlo, who have been so geueroua In
After a most enjoyable evening the paat, to help them make Ihia
the gathering departed declaring that year u record breaker In point ot ut
even tho there were no men preaent tendance und donations
the dinner puny waa one of the inoat 1
kuccefeaful Hi. y hud ever attended A very complete and delightful
birthday surprise party greeted
B.n In lor girls gave a party Lynn Buchuer on his return liniu.-
Wcdneaduy evening at the Moore trom baud and Oiegon miuatrel
tirotto, the Mi- s BtbOl McXulty und practice Monday evoniug. Those
ltulh Taet being the hoateaaea of the partaking of the festlvitieh wire
.vsviiiug. The euteriuinnient ua live Meoara. Henry t'aaiday, Charley
l.umlred fiiUlowed hv d.m tjruniea, Alfred llollaud. Schuyler,
liarni-v and Fail Bull. David Krdlck
Mra. H ' Whitworth und Mra. C. The Mianea Myrl liiuglium. Bessie
K Kenyon formerly of Ontario were Morton. Gladys Krdlck, Kuth Grlf
hoktfcasea Thursday afternoon ut a fiu, Tla Faubion. Nellie Lawson,
purty in Wciaer which a number of Hazel Bull. Jeaale Jenny, and l.eluh
Ontario holies ult-iulid und Irma Huchner Mra. A. J Bluke-
ly was chaperone for the party He
Mr. Lew Adams was hostess thla freahmeuts were served. When the
. at the regular meeting of the gathering broke up all declared Hie
T .if day Bridge club
eveniug a most enjoyable one
usual good lime enjoyed hv t !. club
membera al their meeiiiig.. wua had
Mra Frank Ituder wus hoataaa at
.111 ill. inn.. n bridge party Monday,
her guests hcing the members of the
Tuesday Bridge club
The cdno.-du.v Bridge club met
this week with Mra M K Newton
K i.iiuiii 1 11 HoUm mi
aii.holy lale of Me ' "
The Mat-
It One Oracad tba China Imperial
Pilict at Peking.
One of 1 lie most bcautiiul and elab
oiale pie. e 01 embroidery ever etblu
II. -.1 In New Voik waa Ihe cetlluf of
the 1 nun. II 1 banting of the Imperial
pala.e al Peklug. This cellliig waa
formed of yellow allk of heavy quality
that mil. h resembled faille In the
weave. The back aa of a greeulab
blue, wnveu lu a small diamond pat
tern. The total measurements Of It
all were twenty one feet alx Incbaa
long and nineteen feet sit Imbea wide.
The design "lib which It nil em
bellished was an Imperial dragon In
the center and four others, one lu each
corner. Kni licllug these a groundwork
waa formed vf 1 Imid pattern, and dla
persed were small bats and other sv 111
bola. The cloud effect was worked out
In blue and purple and the bata in
pink The diaguns were largely gold
work, and a threefold line of gold sin
rounded each part or the design
The sim., ..1' tbta celling and how It
came to New York Include a amall
pait of Chinese history and custoav
It waa In the luip'-rial council chambar
at Peking that Ihe envoys ot tba ra
il. ma nation in. I In 100'J lo acttle tgta
Boxer diitlcuiiie- ai th clone, of Lha
session a repi .-enlati ve of the emper
or 'niiiicnuslv infoimeil tbciu that tba
cunteins of the iliumhcr were cunslil
eicd iinfai...l by the pieseuce of for-elgnei-.
iiinl 1 hut the) were Iherefora
at liinity a divide utuoiig themaelvea
the 1 liainl.. i's furnishings. In this
manner the ceiling Bell to the share of
Ihe Kineiiuu env 0 .-tit. Louis Poai
Dlspalch. Too Long.
Kdith HaM'ii't you aud Jack been
engaged long enough to get married
Ethel Too loot! He hasn't got a
A 'Janful Storm.
Ihole-sor Clev.l.tii.l Abba, IheAimr-
nan Meteorologist, waa gcticiully ....I
iic.i wilh Is'iug Hie lather of scicnliu.
Hi.iihci fbrevaatlug Tka poaalbllUj"
of piedicilug Hie I .aiher was lirst I
. onsl.lfied ..I uu llilci niillmial cnufei-
ein e at Bruaaakj in I vsl, but the nee-c-.iiv
1 in 1 .... 11 - 1.1 the lunveiniint waa
given in IS.'. I, dm lug the Crimean war.
hi a violent storm lu the Black sea.
which caused huv.s- uumtig the allied
lliitlatiaud 1 iciicu vessels. One French
nsrablp was wrecked, aud lu coiisc
liirncn of thla dlaaster the astronomer
l.r Vertler (the co-dlscoverer of Ngf
I une, appropriately euougb) waa com
missioned by the Frrucb government
to lureaiilgsle the meteorological con
dltlons ul ihe time of tin storms.
Wrstmiuster Gazelle.
Than He OnfUd.
Mum Cppaon-Mlldred." aald tba
poor but nil. ei wise limit,-! and amid
tluus young mau. "I bate puddled iuv
own cauoe for yeara aiul feci sure I
can siiiMit von. will you be my
' Nothing doing lu the caiwe Hue,"
ni. led the hauglity inuld. "If you
bad sailed your own vucht for years I
uilgbt have cousUlercd raw gftpanni,"
- ( bkago k'ewa.
Aawiaua te Save Him.
"What are you doing there?"
"Figuring on the upkis'p of an auto
uoblW "
"Vou can't afford to buy an automo
bile "
"I kuow it. I'm Just getting up aome
data wttb which to couvluce a friend
of mine that ba can't afford to buy one
cither."- Birmingham Age Herald.
Wathr or Na.
"Now tell us." sternly demanded the
young legal luminary, brow
overhung like Hie hack of a snapping
turtle, adiln --dug the cowering wit
ness. 'what was the weather, if any
upon ihe afternoon in .jiifstlnu'; "
London naturdaj Journal
Doubt Hrdity.
"Do you believe lu heredity?"
"Look at the cheap skates that had
cent left. -St. l.oul Post Dispatch. 1 great am ntmi "-Detroit Freo Press
Wilson puis
Traders' Day
Jap Style Rice.
4 pounds $ .26
9 pounds 50
20 pounds 1.00
100 pounds 4.75
Yellow Cling Peaches
1 can $ .20
7 cans 1.00
12 cans 1.65
24 cans 3.25
I am assemblyintf can ol wood pipe for
Ontario and Nyssu.
1 can save you money on small lots or car loads.
Address should reach me by February l-" as
prices are likely to advance.
Allis Chamus Pumps and Motors.
Ontario Oregon.