'uv: two THW ONTAMO ARfJfH, ONT.4MO, OREGON. IVUMDAT, .lANfiRV 33. IBIT. THE ONTARIO ARGUS (Established 1896) CEO. k. IKK. Editor and Publiahtr Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon and entered at the Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd class matter One third of Helton of the lealo- liiturn h pant The scion have on arii'il four new lav.- and have nearly 30U morn before llicm for oiiNldera tlou How In the name of common sense. In view of the almost phyalcal impoaalbllltr of reading all theae maaauree, ran real conittructivc le Il lation result from a forty day kmsIou? One year Six Months SUBSCRIPTIONS: 1.90 Three Months 1.00 Single copies $ .60 .5 NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS: All copy for display advertising should he at this office by Wednesday noon. To insure position copy should be in this office on Tuesday. TIIK KKfTION IIOMKNTKAO LAW. Humors of fraiidiilriil tittcnipl i to 'outer lln run'' , nccot dim: 0 Bl 1 M iliapatclic-i. have caused Secret nr Ol M x I DOHal THIXiS AND I N HKI'KAT. Daapita . otiitncnt.- 10 tin- contrary li he ImsliieHs men of Ontario have Hie Interior Franklin K l.ime to IdOWOMlratOd. their ability to unite Withhold deslKMiitlotis under the in for the I..-H. i iii.nt m Hie dim huid Hect Ion homestead law. next. lni.- I Outline the past fall The decision of the Hrrrclitri I- nl with very little effort a riimmllt.H- of Itiil linpiirtnui I to the pciiplc or Mill htiHltitws men secured $7011 fur the I,,. in i. iimm for It Is e tlunited that Improvement or roads leadlux to Ihil there are I.IHMI.IitHi lure, of rnllltciiti I. in, I op. n I )f entry within the county That Incident alone lios that the lioiiinlarli' ilty's Interests are O0M to the heart I lure b( In en mi end i.i i"-i nl ' the bu tin men when the need II. hi as tn what tin ajfotl ol the n i properU presented law would he on ti tatua The trotihlc is that practically all r thi -.11,111. "Will II .ill o,,iii in ot OaUHol kootMM men. ti who Inter, Ol into Hie Itiinils nl iln hlit could and who do curr- the hiirden ,,f cuttle men. or. "will It en. minute MW '"llilitilliltj iwilK, are bus) n.i n Tlio Hinall stock raiser to get int.. the kaVW H.'-ir own lui-ln. ' utt.n.l t business"" TkOM ." Mi, B ItOI aOJW IS. MMatMOT other tiii.l which t ien hii are culnt; '! e iiniiter ters A ilr that which Is .iskinr ti ''" koalm Oil I 111- mill nine In lie's' bUSlt ilepitid:. i he prosper! I Bl PTOrJ lOWII ' ' 'ol,' 1 1" would i lii the thlliKH that In the ossim hit Ion which Is one nl the n ,, ,.f ti,, shnulil In .Lin. II shniild make It rocks upon which I While It Is true that the in.i,.iit. ' 0 melmdj hu loaaa The I . .111.1 . Iii I llandl as a future protei lion, hut nl- nt Ihoie who discuss the niatti bl ' shniild l.un- an active paid olt.'.uii.Vh pay. Inr such service . deposit. Ileve tbOl llni hln -I'll K Hi. II will lilt I clal w hi, . ' ' Would la- lo enr i,r is ill I r III lit Ions W It h Its ow n chei 1, mutely buy up the rlhts of the ontr r Mai louden Bf detail ol I In- work never lit mutiny as hofnro stated Such in. n there are iithers w hn are eiualh needeil With the active support h payments always at rullna market pi. iln. that that will not be the case uanclall) and In personal ways of the values of sunte. to Illustrate, suppi, Tim lattOf I im mi, ,r I, in mi '"I '' ii -.in h an oltlcl.il would he th. , imnery, fruit evoporulor or a whlih lhe boat their nplnlnti Hull I '""d '""' iiiniil Ihe t'oiuiuerrlitl cluh broom Illuklna estahlhhini lit had iimf nrvrv DFPFIUFC I MEDAL FROM EXPOSITION The House members down at Sal em have an earlyln-the session de sire for economy, but wait until the last afternoon and evening of the laat day when the omnlbui appropria tion bill Is up and witness the passing of that desire. The (jranaera find that It pays to take a day off once In awhile to gath er nround a fine dinner and discuss their problems Why should not bus ine-s men find It equally profitable'' COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AND HOW IT WORKS As before stated In last week's ar ticle, on allell.pl will here ho made to explain In one or two details tln prac tical workings of this system of cn- opcratlon ami tall explanation nul to a limited extent bOOMM lack ol space In the Argus forbids lurther M , I. uiatlon In this Issue Now the or ganlxatlon of an association of this sort here would naturally be oon-dnct-d on usual lines of prod dm. Willi few except Inlli. one of Willi h Is th.it Mil, n einli t signs his i.r her nam to the agreement In the ccrtlfl- ciitn 1. 1 iiieiiibershlp that Is. to BjOTOf ilein 'ml leit.il tender mnuey um puy (or services i.t-rforund Inillding ma terlal furnished, farm pmiltnts d. -llvcred, or conlrlbutlOOl of BOOO) James Lackey of this city who was one of tbe commissioners from Mal heur county at the Panama-l'aclDc exposition at San Francisco In 115 this week received a handsome bronze medal, the official emblem of the nx position. The medal which Mr Lack y has turned over to the County Fair association is on exhibition at the city hall. On one aide In bold re lief la the tovmr of Jewels the center piace of tbs exposition, on the re verse side are the figures of a man and woman The medal is a beaut I ful sample of the designers art. Mr Ijtckey la of the opinion that the in dividual exhibitors from this county who have not received their modal awards will get them aoon TO WOKk UI'TOFONTUIIO. II It Andersou. after years of faithful servpe as baggageman aud brakiMtian nn the Northwestern, has Ins n transferred to Ihe t intari.i .Inn turn run, with a likelihood to lie pro looted t inluctor in the vet i im ir future Hi. r .mil his wife haw left for (iiitarln 10 make their hnitii' ami Huntington will miss two esti mable people, but wish lliein the hi- i m h. extended at their new home u pthe line Huntington News KXCTaWOM HATM ihntimkh (iri-Kott Short l.lue we. Y end and Sunday excursions have heeu a big and will be made permanent Xi.u i. in get the special low r.r ry week all the time ask agenis Clean Vital Motion Pictures Jor All the Family arc lot the mull MAKM nt i I' v ITRAI ll F. the result of a slntllar Inw In Ve """,l ""' braska According to them when the range I.i ml of N'ehraskn was t In-own npen for ett tit under shnllar cndi To pay for such an nlllclal ll..- . .m, tlons the same ,,,.e.th.n- ar and an '"erclal . luh should haw a men r Invi stlgatlon was made nt th. ten wars after the law lieiatiie np.-i alive. The report of that lovt Hon formed a prominent part nt th. .I.h.iie In congress before the present law was passed, and according to it, lluri were a great many more cattle tin II III Nehrasktl III the time I1,.- ill nip ill inn less than JIM) members And thai number could be had If Ihere win snuie Inducement to be come ineinhi-rs In other words to be of service in the community the club iiiu.i In- iii -.Mice iii its mem bers They shnulil he enthusiastic .ihniil It How can this enthusiasm he real illestloi has hi en alls- man) Ontarlaai ttj v. iiKutlnn was made tlnin ten vears J nils W !i.il. i i .1 . the law a III dn tor Mullii in n.iinty mil thing Is hmni.l tn result ii.'iielv. a .se In the prouart) n in Hie I.u.,1 i. entered noon In six i. torn added ' "'" bisn started by this association and ready to IMOtVO Its raw material from the farmers in the cannery depart incut the furmer la delivering his squash, pumpkins, asparagus, peas, beans. tomatoes, berries, apple peaches, apricots and othara la al ways paid in the exchunge check ot the association, never in BOOOJ ua tin association does not do business with egall tender money but pays for Its raw umterlul with checks, pays It. help un'i clu-i ks and exchanges Its canned good llrsl to our own home . in h.ini .. in-i tn our neighboring low II nn nl .ml I always at w I. to Ihe roll I. At lll Willi Ilium nl ! i i ti.it uiiiihl la Iln today ro all With tin- Increaaad valoatloa and ii,. i per cent Inrraaaa Until u ,i b) t.iviitii.n still . . relti'i . rataa in aUlilUllls til he I ,1 III I... I.' II III, III III.' pres. Ill M.ilh.'in i i loohlM. II ti Iv I COM Ihe world. Iln. I I i In ed nn llns old earth, owa a il.al In Ihe opium I tiali hour spent with one who can see Ihe hroilit side ol tlnngH i .in limine douhl . sod distresses ggyartl B hnuis titlh a pessimist It lakes a good II. ii and a ileal coiiM-ieme lo mark a leal optimist, ami lert.iliilv sui h a aorOOl i- QOOTfO Ailc. w-hos. ' Looking Hack From l-'tiiy in I'ehruary's Aineruiin will Mind h soclahle Instead ot bOlB open lor a . oll I In. in ' ,, h ill, mill :,,rilis MM ,i"1' -1'""1'1 no "I"" w. day and ewi . i.iiiii II sliouhl in ttu Im Ho. ill lelh.wslnp ill -.1. in , li-lweiii . Ill ells Ui.llhl dl mlnai gorh foi ant In rouimunit) would ha lost. I. ,1 I !,. IV I I.. I n! oo,l II llowslllp 111 Ontario l.et tin- Iniiiin. icial i luh Capitalist 1 1 1 . I spirit .mil h ii In till- latent .'lll-rgl nl lite .'Illells anil all ailiw iiieni Ini si. ip nl Jen anil iheie is tin civic problem wiiim. raa on. dial can mil be -nlwil How long is ii sin. e tlfty or more Ontario boalaoaa nui Btofaaoloool men sat ilnwu In dinner tOfJOthOrf We iln not know hut will haurd the lll.lt It hu- heeu BOOM tlllie Why not inuugiirute a weekly Iii aaOtU) ol llinlllhl) luuclleon where fOUowlafl a satisfactory meal Ihe II) i-iohleuis .an he dis. ussed and Kie.lter lellowslilp developed This plan has been followed for snuie 1 1 mi- by iii.nii orKuiiialiiiiis 111 Mis nn larger Ihaif Ontario with Why not try It I The Argus is dwelliiiK on I lie.se pi ni.i'ins ol the I i, uiiin-r. tat cluh anil I II I .pie hu . lite the w nrst case ol lihn . One cannot help wl rOftdtal lha ,,,.,, .,, ,, , atiniis ,,f Mi v.i. . w ii..-.- Kab les ill Slant; npi lleil Ills wav In lame being Hiaukiiil Ihal in- is nn earth ., IM1,Hlllllll .. ., ,-,......se within a few jual at this time when aa HI) IBlRfl u,.,k. ..........I meeting ,,. that '"' aOOOta amiss i m ., bffl4j mU h. U,M ttQm lh(. llm0 while to he teniiii.le.l that ""' w ,.,,.. of I he city should be which we iegai.1 as , niiiiiioiipi.ifes ,luki1K o w ,, mm ,, llo,e , B, further show as to few Hie needi d results today were unheard of only yearn ago. n s ,( teal esl.ll.' bOOatOf Ml Vie Hep I II I 1 1 I e 'el lloll A Fillies reaches the third IMOjfW ll - in- Ol Henit lui- introduced lull lo regit luresiitie iii.iiuii'i when he il. s( i ih, s J,(e t lie ni.iliulact ure and sale of sliutt Ihe old pools and flow i r i o , i ed Kniiu-s mines from St I'tniv Falls, planus , in- home .nituti that are Ulai'OBalB w here Ilk ilu siuin-' is new lepl.ncl t) SM BOf .on- latins the casual gteetiiig ot clticiis. sn Itul Ml de leaches ins hi ml lest t-'oi lies kunws its daubers I'erhaps pinacle a- an nplnnisl desi rilnug hnw the i took . oil lit i .pn sental n e Itilug in minions have hi-.-n Improved iinnk- ihe "Hone Hit Hill needs ., .liiiuiK the pjuM BOll century One i- . oinpauinu I ollsll allied to hellile at!-l li.l.llllt tin- ret ii. il oi . iuniM. s thai "Uookbti Uafora kicking aboal what Ootarln hack no in Ifty, ii s. ia iinii avar) or tha t'ommarotal cluh has not dona .ai ha- hei n kicked lull ol dust In mi i lie ili diiriui: Ihe past war stop our efforts In inipinw p ..ystial , nn indihmk WHAT lH 1 1 A ' K UONB1 diltoiis Nn less inspiring If his hi, .ii ohsei i ation i'liiie is in. no broth Tha rtadara Doj sui.- rooatvod tin- ci hood of man .' t.i i .' I baa aval bt aodjonooaool of Iko CooiBtorohill cub fon Ihal is u.y loiuluston. lookini; Now II i.s up 10 the nli.eus to net he back fioiu lift), wat or uu w.n ' hind it too i im . i'.i limit miii ket pi ice thus keep ing tin i i . DOO) ii In ) it k or in looal rirriiiiii, s.ielllhi' iln I neigltl, bi u t kW noma l iii, I as our. lie . d I - w ill naturall) tad Ihoff way Into geii.-i.il ctn ulniioti in ami nround our Iniiu .1 ...t u ml, Inn hood thus swilling our bona tirculatloa ninl thin nn r- inniiey will atay in Hie h.nik and for iiiipm i.itiou of other lldl alsn lor other Uses for nicli i ioaa checks are not titled Naiut.illy thus many ot such i. ill gradually find their way into tlie hands ol our grocery iin-ich nuts winch by them will he returned to the association In exchunge for canned goods at prevailing wholesale rate-, the checks hating then per im ined its useful inlslon, is . aui.-ll,-,! by Ho- association aud returned to Its original owner, which would be the farmer or Ihe workers iu the cannery Ml persons in all walks of life en- guged in useful ni'iiipation of good character are theieinre amenable to ineinhershlp. More will be said on this and many other lines as to exportation of com modifies after all home demand Is supplied winch should be the origlual ohi.-it of this association. If space Is furnished in the Argus and which will lie widespread We want m mil-n to put 0M of our electrically operated Apollo I'lnyer-i'lauos In a home In Ontario i lin we will make a big discount on ha flrat one knowing that enough onbtrs will follow to warrant the sac rifice It plays by band and pedals also A letter of Iqulry will do no harm Or you mar ask Mrs. Weese in Ontario Wise Piano House, Boise. Idaho 47tf oJbW dotVt Oktgu , vdwr- Roclc Springs Coal I It'a the cheapest-in-the-end coal, without question. If you have never used it, that's all the more reason why you should. Oive it a M your next buy. Rock Springs 4i9vMM,T,Tm!mi:wm It produces intense heat. Makes little ash. Keeps your home free from soot and coal gas. You can't force it to clinker. That's because it'a all coal and nothing else. "Rock Spring Cost burnt h-ur when Ih.r la a Tint Ro.w Spnn atsea U.1..J in wiiti ilia lump." Keatr dtmUr will supply you llolse 1'ayelte I.uiiiIht Iii. Van tvtteu Lumber to. Oil I a rio Coal Co. heiii.ni to our coiiimiiiuty such an or aalaatlOO would eventually become A CH1ZKN Airs I-. Tope Ladies' Tailor and DtesMiiakei. I'honv ill M Ontario Laundry Down Town Office Everhart's Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of treatmentSteady customors deaerve Is the principal upon which we do business. Accessories carried for kinds of cars. all ( ia'soline, Lubricating Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. PE1E DUFORD, Prop. Phone 134 PICTURES Shown at the leading theatres Carburetor Troules solved WITH AN ELECTRIC ENGINE AND CAR BURETOR HEATER Keeps the water from freezing and makes start ing Easy on Winter Mornings. FOR SALE BY IDAHO POWER CO. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESS ED THE UP TO DATE WAY NO- Scorching Burning or Glossing YES- Lasting Creases Uniform Finish and Perfect Shaping Bring your suit and see how it is done or phone and III get it. ONTARIO PRESSARY PHONE 147 J W. ( . BKAMGL'ARD. Prop. Horses Wanted War horses 14.:! to 15 hands uigli, rid- rs. cobs and artillery animals, full gid, fire to nine yfatn aound. Also mules. Prevailing prices. See A. McWILLIAMS ONTARIO OREGON WATCH THK AIlM . I..-M., IN TUK AtUil IT HIU. PAT V ou