The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 25, 1917, Image 1

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    dhttato t$n.
No. H.
Knil Mm All Tuned I p ultli .lokr
Thai Will Hrlng the Smiles, Not lo
Siiy II i tin from Kveryone. The to $ 1 . r 0 U per year
Hate Is Thursday, February I. Tl Hut MMM I that Intro-
ducnd by Representative ('. M Cran-
ilull which haH for Hh purpose Hip re
One week from tonight Ik Hip ilale .Miction of pMMNM rates on Inter
The plain In tlio Dreamland Theatre. jHlato travel from four cent to 3 and
The event, the real event of the season One half cents
la the Oregon club-Ontario Hand Mln-I While no opponition from this sec
strel allow. Hon la liable to greet the later meaa-
There n a paraicraph la Ihe Infor-.ure the Pomona Granite has already
mat Ion Icinllnr to a bit time. The 'passed resolutions condemning such
benefit ahow for the band will prove action aa la contemplated by the for-
Ihe Imifi, produrer of the winter to
the cltiiena of Ontario who enjoy
Kood pet formance.
Inning Ihe paat two weeka the per
formera have been btiHy practicing for
the performance and have astonished
director Hymn Turner and lluslness
Manager Jamea Smith with the un
known ability ponkpnnpiI In two organ
isation The duty of passing necessary leada
for joken haa fallen to the dignity of
Attorney W. V Wood, while tho pre
paration of the Joken will be well ex
ecuted by the end men. Hyron Turn
er, diet lackey, Art Iiunnuck and
Ilerarhel llrown. ,
Of rour.e the band will .lie there
lo f ii i ii i i the Instrumental iiiiimIc,
and there will be a wide variety of
vocal work from nolon to i horun
number A pleualug kll will lie pi.
sente.l ami all in all a nioal enjoya
ble evening in In nlore for all On
tario That the entire lly will be Bfl
i-ni 1 aaaured for nil of ihe prod
Will go to the ben.! I ol the baud
whose wi-ekl MM .uriug the
aumtlier are greath apprei lateil 'I'lie
baud boy have practiced fulthfully
all winter o lhalvlhe Ing eaon
will demonstrate that oflturlo pun
aeaaea a mualcal orgunlr.atlon of
lllcll I lie city may well be proud
Hlt.i.l l IN Till
MMM tUth'M TO HAM MNXLgg p-ce i town It could be aecuied
II. II. Tunny of the Oregon l'ui k
Ing company thia wnek killed what
waa perhapa not only the largest bog
In Malheur county, but In the North
went. The big porker, a Cheater
White weighed Just before its demise
105 pounds, and measured from the
tip of ita .-iiiiui . to Hie la i curl In it -tall
10 feet and 11 iiichea.
"Had It not been for the cold
weather and the neceaalty of keeping
her ntaudlng on the hoard Moors, I
would have fed the bow until spring
and then by March 1 believe ahe would
have weighed I liun pounds
aaid Mr I
Tunny "An idea of the alxe of the
animal may be gained from the fact
that each of the hams weighed 87
pounds when trimmed (or Halting."
4 "I.. Kit, id i. "Is TO
Col John Higby. editor of the Mai-
heur Knterprihe of Vale wan In On-
tarlo Tueadai eniouli' for 1'ortlaiid
on businoaa in coniieclion with the
w i-insiirinaK llisirl.t Col Itlirbv
may soon leave ihe newspaper game
for more lucrative held, accordiug
lI nilliuuiivouiouin in iiiv t .!
and Hortland uauers of Sunday which
to uiu. ounce.. .hi. Is ... the l.awraiidc
wnl Ihe eRtlv emrv of Ueo Cur- i
ry of IaUrande Into thia held.
While lu the city Col Hlghy re
ported that already the aale of the
Wanuaprings bonds ha attracted a
great deal of attention to thia region
and declares that the next
months will witness an emphatic re
vival In the demand for Malheur
count real estate
are at the present In good condition
Kev w 11 Swarts will deliver an j and w1, probabiv 1(M11ain so, as there
IllUblrutiHl lecture 011 'The Taborna-g gU1 a ,ew hundred a(.rei, of bulll.,,
cle" at the Baptist church next Wed- lrM3 tmjl ,, not yet been touched, ,
uesda eveniu This will be free 10 L. courBe (U grB1M( , dry but u ev. ,
all and everyoue is luvlted deutly contains a lot of nourishment,
Judging from the looks of the range
A Silver Tea for the benefit of llieihoraea.
Students' l.oaii Fund of the 8Ute Fed- MM many people seem familiar
eratlou will be held at the home of with this part of the country and for
Mrs B, M Orieg next Wednesday af- '
ternooii. (Continued 011 I'age Four.)
Hill- AffrrthiK I'IiIh He. linn Make A-
Itparaiicp. In legislature During
I'Mxt Week.
Two bills affecting Malheur rnun-
,y p000'" n""1" ",n,r pi"'",in1''' '
Saloni lurliiK the Pt week, on. m
jthese measures Ih Senate hill 91 by;
Senator Jullen A. Hurley. the pur-
pose of whlrli Ih lo rnlso tlio nalnry of
tint county superintendent of hi 1 1"
mer measures at thin tlnip.
(old Spell (.In- Way to Halmy Hun-
Hhlne Two far of Coal Arrive
antl tlthem are line.
Ontario gave a unanlmoua nigh of
rdlcl loiluv when a warm sunshine
broke the grip Jack Front had held
on the city for nearly three weeka.
T... .fWiinon snow on the ntreetn
uc tlrtowUfc, Is iucIIiik fan! and
main inioln nt water are replacing Ihe
Icy ntrlpn
The arrltiil of spring-like weather
If ll mi Hprliie ItMlf also fr -
iilnuc reiiei irom in" coin Mini
. ,,.,,. ..r,. ,w0 ,,,r, r ,,,.,, n.
nlahee relief from Hie coal fantlna
CI Ueil in H n
II, is w-ek and olh-
em lire enroule If the warm wenth
er prevail for WW I short Htne the
rHU0,.( ,,.nian.l for fael will Mk
,,OHH,,. ,h rrt hI el ihe coal now
,.,,ri)Ut,. i oni.iil.. .,n.l this will per
lllinii rellew the sliuutton
The worst of the famine for fuel
M reached lal week when ,l.l,n:
liiiont cried for a little coal at the
All manner of vehicle were called In
to service to take coal to the homea.
iCoiiliiiued oil I'age Four. )
''" Hlril Now for liriiefti of
"" "inarm im.) is w i
MM ...
I'erhapH nowhere In this part of
the country do Hie people mind tin'
extreme cold weather so little aa In
the Twin Hill district, In, ale, I be
I ween the north and south Jacobsen
There is no worry mer ihe ii..,
'"" "' 'er iipe because there are
"o wul.r pipes, and .... worry over
sborlage ol coal be.a.ise no one uaaa
iiial People are blel I with an al
'"uhl 'iiuilless supply m urge aage-
iltpuul. flruu'.i.iil i.ii.l In dnllA ..I lliu
""" -". " ..k"
twuul ueuw "r" l'lll8r thttt '" '
Prevailed there for the past week.
the long eveulngs have been spent iu
COUlentUient around hot stoves whose
""W') "f " " "'" ,l,'""'1
Something has already been said
about the productiveness of this sec
tion and it may be worth while to
mention that a bunch of horses is
and have been living on the range1
there for the past six months and
1 1 i: mihfh FIRST QAM! ok
nuMM hi UAOatAJrra. . . .
M. I. A. TFAM.
'After Helng Huillv Outplayed In Or -
cning Session Ontario onus II. m '.
Strong mil nil bill nf Out Vl
By a Ncore of 21 lo 1!) Ihe l,a
Urantln M. I. A banket bull team won
from the High School five at the Op
era House Tuesday evening. The
game waa a whirlwind and furnished
plenty of thrills for the large rowd
which aaw It.
The flrat half waa the vlsltorVi
from atart to flnlah and looked likp
a walkaway for them Individually
Ihe local were their equal but ap
parently lacked team work, aa the
reault the acore wan Iff to 6 In their
favor when tho whlatle waa blown.
In thla half l.nn-on. the visiting ran
ter waa the atar point maker being
credited with five field banket and
three free ihrowa.
lU.ler hMi Well.
In (he aecond period llernard Itad
er replaced (Iratnne at forward for
Ontario and Ihe team changed 11s
tactic and paed the hall. Aa the
reault It outplayed It rival and
all bill won out. lleslde hold
"" PP"nta to Iwo Held goal
" on" '-"'.i. " "P ""
eight of which were the reault
"f ,,MK''1
shot and live follow -
Ing foul .Maddux was the atar
liolnl milker Ontario being red
lied with all but two of the point-
n,l "' " '' u"'',r- "
in .1, i.i. it ii ii .j won i he honor
Cbrtatlajiee tW Hn- rMlllulw
"""'" "'" '" " """ '"", '
....h.i .....,. ...i ...i.i i.. ,.
The line up wan:
I.MCirandc Scholleld i.n.l If,. , ,,
baiim. lorwards. Larson, center; Hoi
lister, Itosenliiium and lleaii, guurils
For tlutiirlo. Hramse. Itader. Hol
land, forwardn; Maddux, iciiiei ,
' '" ' """-" " "unled. guards
Summary Field banket: Maddux
:.. Itader I; Fouls, Maddux 7 In Hi
chance' Field baaketa. Lurson 5,
Itoaenbaum 2, Kchofleld I; Fouls.
Scholielil -' In four ihames. I .a r Hon
.1 In H chain es Kefelee. Dibble. I'a
ette; acorer Kleiuo. Ontario.
I-till MSHI H. K. I. HIM I '!:
The I' nlted State (is II Service
( iiininlsslon has uniioiin, ,-d ,,u ,.un
Illation for the Coutlly of Malheur
m -anii, to be held al Vale and On
tarlo, on February 10. 1917. to till
,. position of rural carrier at Njnam,
and vacancies thai may later o.iur
on rural route from other paloili.
in the above mentioned , ouiily
The examination will tie open only to
male citizens who are actually doni-
Icled in the terriiorv ol a poi otllre
in the county and who meet tin oth
er re.iilri inents set forth in l'ini
N" '" This lorn, and upplica-
lion nUnks may bo obtuiue.l Irom
the ottnes mentioned ,,l,e or Irom
the IT.ited States Cull s, , v I. e Cm
mission at 'anliigntoii. I) C, .pll
rations hOUld be forwarded lo the
Con, mission at WaHhiiigton at
.iu rlii.ul ,.r. .! .u 1. tu .lulu
- r..
and Mrs Henry Srhuppel m
llalo-r urn here for u few
How many residents of Ontario saved $MH during the past j,-.,i
as the results of their labor?
II. II Wiedemann who lives on a M acre, ranch above Nyss.t
was able to do that last year Mr Wiedemann was in Ontario last
week on business and to a friend Judge (1. I. King, related the
success he has been able to achieve 011 his Utile plot of ground
"lleslde side paying the living expenses of inys'lf, my wife and
child," said Mr Wiedeiuan. "we put $81)0 in Hie bank during the
last yoar and It all came from the ram h Tin. we have JO acres
only 18 are In cultivation. The ranch is a general one; we raise
alfalfa, keep pig and chickens 4.1,1 a cow."
Ol It IV II I Its TAKF.H l'l,A K
HA 1,1, HAT! RDAY.
taranger MMM Hoy' mill Olrl
lull Work but Condemn F.ITort to
K.ii i Count Siimi Inlcn.lcnt's Hai
ti ry li legislature.
Supreme Manter of Hip National
(Irnnge, (lllver Wllnon of I'eorla, II
llnoln. was the guest of honor at an
all day Hcnnlon of the Malheur Po
mona Orangn at the Boulevard
Crauge hall lant Snlurilay.
Ilurlng the morning sesnlot. buni
neHB of Ihe grange wan trannactcd
and many matter received Ihe at
tention of the crowd which taxed the
capacity of the hall. In the after
noon the meeting waa thrown open lo
the public und an Interesting pro
gram waa presented.
The feature of the day, aalde from
the addreaa of Mr. Wilson waa the
banquet nerved by the women of the
Boulevard grange. It waa necmnary
to have three table to accommodate
all t hone present und the banquet wan
an Hucceanful that Innumerable con illations were ahowered on Ihe
women who provided It.
At the afternoon session the King
man Kolotiy orchestra added to Its
great popularity with the people of
tlil section by playing many beauti
ful numbers Vocal solo by Mr
lliltlllh iisd number-, kf tlM Houle
witd tirunge iiiarlet were also n
lllllHlllHtblllly I Hi, I
III 1.1 ail,lres III .1 on r.'
lewed the history ol the QraUf
mm meul Irom Its incept und re
ouiite.i n,e real amoral ol i-o...i that
it had been able thru III. 01 i
Hon ol in 'inher lo uchleve Tor the
I. .liners of America Mr. Wilson
proved lo be a sp.iakcr of rare ability
possessing a pleanlng and impressive
inaiini r I he members ol Ihe Hrange
deem the privilege ol having bin.
present at the meeting a rare ireal
Mnoni! Ihe maltern brought beiote
the meeting was Hint ol II. e lontlllll
am I of Ihe boy s' and girls club wm I.
there being an effort made In the leg
Islature to ntop It. The work was
unanimously endorsed and risolu
lions urging ita continuance were
OpHse Saliii.t Increune.
Ihe iiiesiii.u of raising the salary
of the school Hiiperlnteii.lcul of Mai
hour county wan rained and a resolu
tion ootidemiiliig nuch action by the
legislature was adopted
TIiIh is the aecond all day session
held by Ihe runner- dining Ihe past
few months and so I have
been Hum lie, III. ks II. al allolliel
IS be.l.K pl.H.ued fol tiie ... .11 future
THRKM i.i.i' 1. HI
lint FRANK
J I. Ii Morrison of (1 .,
Ontario with his sou on Monday and
ret limed to his home on Til ..l.. I !,,
trip was mad, In order that all Xra
pi, lure of a fracture of the hoy's arm
might be takeu
Mr Morri-,111 reports that Hie new
Iowa Ol 1. in-- . I .inking forward to
a great deal of activity this summer
I'lans ..I.,. idy been pi pared 101
the erection of three brick buildings
and other imp. 01 i.u nls ale couieiu
Flan I 'rep,, red to A. . , ,,. . ,)., i ,
Large Gathering Interest is
Increasing In Monthly MntkPt.
Carter A i lenntil. UM new mining
em of Ontario's BOB t hi) I
ilnv salen nro expecting n large galli
erlng in the ity Saturday. To care for
lln crowd which Is expected the Cm
menial club committee is going to
supply lunch and plenty of toilet- and
sandwiches will hn on hninl
Mesnrs. Carter K Clement lime
made aevernl trlpn Into Ihe country
around about In tho Interest of the
aale and report that many of the
rancher arc coming plther to buy or
Hell stock ami farm Implements With
tho coming of spring Ihe managem
believe that the naif are bound to
grow- since they are furnishing the
mean of exi hange which the ranch
er have long desired.
Consider (Jurotmn of IshmIIoii ol
Warehouse anil lllscoss lrob-
lein of (trading Honey anil
Other M.ii.i-
The directors of Ihe Iduho Orenon
Ilce-Keepera' association were in sen
slon here Wednesday and Thurnday
of tills Week A I. Iloydell, .,,,
manager of the A. I Knot company ol
Medina, Ohio, was present and cm.
sblereil many problems with Un
heard. .
The two in,, si Important iii
up lor consideration were the In, a
Hon oi .. .1 . . hoiis, tor (he dlslril.11
Hon 01 (applies to the members and
lor Hn' (urifinhliig m .. central
for Hie gatherlllK lll.d I'l.nllllll ol He
output of till region lor shlpunui
The hoard .it .1 nicotine leu
tatlwly accepted an oini t,,i w.u.
house al Caldwell, and while this was
not dellnltely settled, since no l.etlei
position bus been offered It will prol.
ably be selected
I he hoard also collsldeicd the ,,,.
Hon of grudlllg honey ami steps mi
be takeu lo undertake thai work this
nnanoli. The session 011 Thursday wui.
glieu over to Ihe settleinent ol 1111m problems ol Ihe association.
lice lio.- Hepoi i I lions. in, I -
ol Hiisy siiiiiinei' U,,ik,'i- lit ing
This Week
(' B, ol I'nyclle. I'lesnlent
of the Idaho-Oregon lleeke -per .1
in I liila, .,, .,.. busllll
Monday and rep., its that the evlt. m,
eobl weather of the p.. I, w weeks
has played hawn- with 1 ,,.- be, s ol
this section
"There hus been loss m thous
ands of bees III tin . . I Ion ..I.I
Mr lllbbie, "especially au.oiie Ih colonies Since it Im- tiewi
been the custom III I his section to
stole the i.eps it. cellars during ih
winter the beekeepers have lefl them
III the IllVes III I Inn I,, .1 , I , e
er colonies ilurillK Ihe .ast week li..
shown a high mortality having had
insulin lent strength lo reenter Inn. I
i the extended cold spell "As a Ken
I.. I Mile he.-.. I all stilllll III I"' IHUi'll
for a short spell but it Hie cold N
lends OVOf loo lollK a period they I, ill
to revue Thi bus proen especially
true of Weak colonies here tills, will
. NKW I'As'liiH IUUUC I on
Kev Karle ll Han..., of llii.toii,
lowu. arrrlv.d in Oni.n.o la i week
aud took i barge ol the -erwee at tho
Fir' .Methodist church last Sunday
' l(,-v 11,1. III., I his wile and
two childr n who are cxpi c'.. tl lo u
rue tl;.s we. k The , the
' church will be held Sunday al Ihe
Tl Ol lllltl I HAVi; Mil-
Mill I HlllAY.
CAR VERY BADLY DAMAGED IryiiiK lo Oet Car out of Itut
When Hem- F.nd Sklildeil ami s-ni
Cur Into Ditch Henltle the Komi.
Doaplto the fact that they were
caught under the hig Krnnklln 81
owned by Arthur V.inHlrklln of this
city when It turned turtle on the
lioulevard four miles south of the
city last Friday afternoon, none of
Ihe occupants were Injured.
The car was literally wracked On
wheel waa smashed completely, thr
windshield, al least one section of It
was broken Into a thousand pleoee.
white the other was left Intact Tin
top of the car was reduced to traal.
while the rear end gave ample evi
dence of the smash up when It waa
lowed Into the Ontario Auto com
puny garage The engine however
waa uninjured and was a material ale
In bringing In the car.
The accident occurred as Mr. Van
Shklln waa ret urnlng from Ihe ranct
where he is feeding a big bunch Ol
nheep H.Ik winter The car waa com
ing toward the city at a fair rate of
npeed with the wheel traveling In
Hie ruts of the frozen roadway. Mr.
ViuiSii'klin made an effort to get th
wheels out of the rut. He succeed
ed In gelling the I rout wheel out
but the h.nk one refused to follow
skid. fed 111 Hie I .it, road and sent
Ihe car upside down Into Hie .III. I
All that saved tin- occupants from
II. In: 1 1 . the fact Hint th
lop ' :.. up ...Id In I.I Ihe Weigh) of lh
.111 1 ' tin) could cawl In, 111 111
der. Not ot 11, , p.irn hid 1
.,11 1, to show lor : I,, . (St 1 1. in s., him, 1. tJKWM MO I N
lly Thel l.ampkln
Last Friday the Literary sm tety
held lis t lint: in the 111(1
School au.lilorluiii
The High School (lire Club hav
been pracl Icing very hard this week
piipaMug for their eotiwrt which
to he held Thursday night
A new club which has recently
nal ,1 known a, the KoiUk clur
held Us lirst ine.-t. ni: Tin ,i.,
The debate le.itn- an- working M
the Stale .ii. lion und are i.l.i.inil.,
,1.1. ,ii with other schools of ihe v
. inlty
I he liaaket Hall teams are going lo
Caldwell uexi I-rnlay night and hop
lo win another Oclory So far the Hie team has not lost a leaglx
MUM and is trying; hard to get tl,
Mis Hill Ii llrvaiii ol Friillland I..'
entered i iinh hV hoot
Onlal.o Wins nollici XU'toit.
l'i Ids iiiulit I h W'eiser l
Si ho., I basket hall tei.tii met del, .
when the local I...... wi.n from tht in
scon- of L'H to I .' The gae
i .. t pl
.t vtllnesseil oil Ihe I....I
Moor Owini; to thi lact that
i; and line W i
. i iii, ... ... t . i. , rival i in- I'm,
w as lull oi "pep" eli i: through
vVelaei had Una up i i
i a good hai d gama
The lirst hall a inn- ,ed tin- la-l,
plgvlBI Winn tin wlnslle blew t
was tied twelve lo twelve I . .
ill the l.,l lew ... ill nil's, of plat I
tarlo look the I..., I and kepi ll I i
the name was mleil The stars t, , .
Kai for Wi Iser ,in, Maddux
Ontario The line up was as lolh.w-
W i iser Jei.nls anil Alders.. n. i,
ward.,, McMiirn. c .iter, I'mrson hi I
Kaiser, guards Ontario iioiii.i i
and (iranise, loiwanls; Maddux, c
t.-t . I.i i tian M and Husied, gutl
Dibble, referee.
The same night (he Senior
detente, I the Kle-lllIlPII girl BJ
score of 1 M to T This game w.o .,
good one although on, sided l I t
Inn up was. Seniors Tunic
liriiten forwards; Clem vol and i,o
ey , i enters. Mllllkrn ami W
guards Fieshmeii: 1'.. inter and K
nnlds, lorwarils; Sage and lie..
Ciller , Alessee .Hid Slotcus, j; UiC