IMOK KOt'R THK ONTARIO Altm'H, ONTARIO, ORROON. THI'RHOAV, .MNI'AKV IB. I1T. The Week With Ontario Citizens ( Lrtx-nl I'rrsoiinl ) Mrs. J. I'rinzlng apent Monday In K. M. Orleg was a passenger on tlie noise. '.Vale train Monday noon. Rod Mac-Arthur, one e: the well j Mm. ('. H. Sanford left Inpt en-nlng known 8heepmen of the Interior wan for Knterprlae to visit her htmhand Carter Attorne) V K. I.ees wax :i Vain. Mr and Mi" I-'red I'latt of Parma viHllur Monday. 'were in town Saturday and again on ItuHwII .linnienuan of West fall Monday. wan reglstenil at thf MoOft Monday. Mrs. ('. V. Ashford and son John Mrs. W. U llanan I y, was of Vale spent Monday In Ontario an Ontario rtettOf M vloinl iv They MM registered at the iMN M M Ivli.l ol v r r auh regis Mrs A M. Ward and daughter of tip I'd at thn Moon . tt.- thill were n 11 in In-red among I In- K. K. Fletcher of Vale transacted duetts at the Moore. HMjMJ hilKlne-H In Ont.nln TM da) Val BMMf one of Wesit.ill'i well Hill l.iiMin "i tMk known cattlemen wan an Out.irio Kitiday ofl and vixlte-i in N.mipa and business visitor on Monday Caldi M l I. Kdniunson of Juntiira DM I i'. KKglestnn Ol BOM . td among the residents of the Interior to Hirst the rity ri-turnuk, fm ii k trip spend a few days in Ontario this 10 outside points week. M. C Whit worth of Wclxer wm v T l-anipklri came over from In Ontario Vednenda lookliiK utter I'ayette Sunday to spend the day with loral Interest. a ihls son. lie wax rcglatered at Hu ll. A. and M. . Shadinger of Drew- Moon aey HUM HI (intarlo for a short busl- i Mr. Miller of Dickens & Miller. registered this week at the House. On account of the Rev. Herbert Livingston being called away sudden ly there will he no preaching services at Hie Congregational church Sunday. Oi Lochart of Jamleson, apent niril days Pi Ontario last ml mil left or Monday for his old home in Sky h iff he will Hpi ml and frlenda. Sell expects to M MM about ten daya. , II. II Cockrum, caahicr of tin- I "I rut Nntlonal bank returned this week from an extended trip to Rend. The lumber town the of Deadline is MM Ing up Its rapid growth declarea Mr. Cock rum. Manager Krhy Hayes of the Kurd the .Oarage reports the sale of a niiinlier of cars during the past week. Among W iii-hk trip on Tuesday auctioneers for Ontario's Traders' Cuh Weigel arrived here today to Day Males was In the city today ar lake up work with the Knsteni Ore- ranging fir the big sale m-xt Satur gun Land ConpM) l i r W Martin who for several vearajthe new drivers of cars are A waa imiiiected with the OnU'loiTrow, Ontario; Henry Field ol N'yssa Laundry Is now in business for him- nd W. E. Mlars of Nyaaa. self at HI I'bso, Texas, according to Win Urown. rormer editor of the iidvlies received this week by friend-, (late City Journal, who la enjoying Mr. and Mr Kelso 1 Newman re-1 real seashore life In sunny Callfor turned tlil-i noon from Portland where i nla, writes the following message, they spent their honeymoon and after ;whlh was received In this city thla a short vlalt here will proceed to week: "ll'i a long way to Nyssa hut Jerome, Idaho, where they will reside. I will be back among the Jack rabbits Mr ; in I Mrs. I W. Van Valken ' " burg left Um.dav for Portland on uc- Mr aml MrH VV w- Howard re count of the III health of Mr. Van , turnwl Tuesday from Corvallls. Valkenburg. for whom a change of w,re Mr "'.ward attended the con- aliitude It is Imped will prove bene- j fit lal ONTARIO'S MONTHLY SALESJMY Backed by Ontario's Best Business Men. Commencing promptly at 12:30 P. M. SATURDAY JAN. 27 AT MOORE BARN We are sure to have listed: 40 Head of Horses, all kinds 31 Head of Dairy and Range Cattle 20 to 25 Head of Stock Hogs and Brood Sows Wagon and Farm Implements Harness House hold Goods, etc. You can bring your live stock in the day before. We have good yards and stalls for stock. They will be cared for at a reasonable price. A Free Hot Lunch will be Served by the Ontario Commercial Club at 12 Noon. You don't have to have your property listed until sale day if more convenient. Everybody has some thing they don't need. There is someone that does need it. We'll find them. If you have horses, cattle, hogs, any kind of farm machinery, household goods, or anything that has a value, bring it to this sale. We can sell it. Give us a trial. Ontario Auction Co. Dickens Miller. Auctioneer. Carter & Cltment, Mgrs. ; fere nee of County Agrlrultural agents. He reported n most profita ble evrhange of oxperlem Q i: I'snnplietl of llhickfoot, I in ho. was In Ontario this week noklng fur possible liu-dnes. opi'lil-i;: lie will remain here for several die a hit haa not determined whether or not he will make thla elty his home. While walking on Hie streets of Vale Tuesday Attorney C McOona gill of thla city slipped and fell break- Ing hla right arm at the wrist, lie aides breaking one of the bones the other waa dislocated making a pain ful Injury. Harry Andargon. formerly one of the biggest sheep raisers of thla ter ritory but who now makes hla home In Klensburg, Wash , stopped off In Ontario Monday to vlalt with old frlenda while on bis way home from Halt Lake City where he haa been at tending the national -onvrntlon of sheep raisers. THE OUTLOOK For bnsiiM'SH during the coining year is very good; if we can be of an help to von, call on us; are realize that the 'live' banker must indeed be ,-iiivc to the Deedi of Ui wHiimwnKy end patrons, ami to assist in every way consistent with good judgement and safety. Come and see ns; if we do not help you we will not hurt you. Make our hank VOl'l,' hank. "We fhre eervlee that eerree." ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK WAN'I'KO Mimeone ot farm pota to land on share. Address Itox II, Ontario Adv Ml Mrs i-. cope Dressmaker, 1'ln -iii ' Tailor and II M l T) 1 A Bin Full of Economy That mean R-nk 8prMja.CotayoMf housework down to u minimum. Rock Sprlng.Coal your hum. waul! and com' 11 ablr, briide. I it . Ii. in .ml lit r'l '"it cual gas. Ftodiicr. ini.nM kaakaMisM cannot force it in kliukti. iT iZtf v..T Rock Sarin ces: it r lr will fppl$ t I I ; . THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty yeara ago tha trlrphona waa a luxury. Today, through peraonal IsltUtlve and private enterprise, It haa become a neceaalty within tha raaah ot everybody. Wbare once a bual neaa had but one telephone with a limited talking range, today that buainaaa haa aarvloa with a range three-quartera of a conti nent broad, and every branch of evary buainaaa ii linked to av er other by an intercoramo nlratlng talaphone aystam. Tha talaphone baa earned Ita reaponalbta place and there ar now R, 900,000 Hell telephones In thla country, over which go 2B.U00.000 talka dally. Kvcry Hell Telephone ia a I .our Distance SUtion. Malheur Home Telephone Co. aMTaVcpV lloUe I'aielli- l.iiinliei' Co. Van I'etten l.utiilier Co. OtilnHn 1'iutl Ol. THE COPE 50 SPECIAL PRESS 50z Suits pressed hv the only mechanic in town. 50c Promply and Properly PHONE 105-W ONTARIO. ford The Universal Car The new Ford e;ns ;wv up In tin- iiiiinitc in up. pearauce, with leri(e tiuliatur and eiudotied lan, liood with full utreamliiie effect, crown feiulerM iioiii Mini rear, black Hulah with nickel tiinini- injjs a lUapU) lookiug ar and with all tin- de peudable, euauriug and ecuiuiiuica qualltiev that have made the Ford "The I'niversal 'ar." (hie tail is worth more than a ton of gueaWea. Ford ears are telling from Hve to ten over an and all other ears, .simply becauae tiny give more saii laetory seiviee, last longer ami are easier to oji eiate and eost less to maintain- and there's DO guctisiug about the reliability d' Pord Herviee. Runabout 1343 Touring Car $360 Couuclet 505 Town Car 'tU't Sedan $ 4" f. o, h. Detroit. On sale at ford Parage Ontario, Oregon.