Jkmm. tttotjpf VOI,. XXI. ONTAItlO, MAI, III! II OOI NTV, OKKOON. I III Itsnw, .FWIAKY IM. 1917. No. me X ' COAL SITUATION IS AGAIN PRECARIOUS HI.VKKK COLD HNAP I'l.AVH HAV OC WITH Kl'KI. HI'FPIjY HKTH I'KOI'I.K TO THINK ING. HOSPITAL SUPPLY RUNS LOW lire, .nit show Tlml Ontario Ha He relcl Moii- "ii Than in Previous Neurs In taMPta '.tr- -Ib'tn iii.I is UnM Ihnn Kver IWnrr. Ontario Ik In the throea of anolhpr I 'i l famlni In spite oi tho fact that e.ir Inatla nnlved this week there U still a paucity of the precloua heat produce.-. However there In relief In Right, a car load for the city In due tomorrow and will mtvc a num ber of famlllea. Mayor Human announce that alnce I the city la getting the coal merely for the benefit of the people and hand line It at no pront payment muat belnBm by m of ,, (o ,5 OBUfo made on delivery. I ne my reieiveu one car laat Friday and divided It among nearly 70 famlHea after car ing for the public hulldingR. In answer In Inquiries concerning the amount of coal the railroad baa. delivered here during the paat month iir compared with previoua year Agt. II O. Urn ne on Wedneadsy ald: "On going over the record I And that Ontario had 17 car during De cember 1I6 a compared with 16 during December t !i 1 :. and that for the entire year the receipt were 113 tarn., ,,iiiiiired Willi 101! for I 'HI,, mi Hint I lie railroad I delivering more rum than usual Tl xlrcinc "Id I in r shows Unit ii N .i gn all num. I. rather ihnn WHlkW Miiilv Hint Ih uiRliig Ihe fhortag.- jiiRt now The iiiohI terloiiH Munition whlih il.vi IO .1 III ill I, I hum wen nun ii NllOrllll'e ,! , . il ,il III) li.iKpitlll I III ill.., .1 II III II .11 were r.il.'l I'll hi li I". ill III colli froill the school LA GRANDE BASKET BALL TEAM TO PLAY HERE SOON Tiie Ontario High hsalMl Ml kxui will have an opportunity to demon Mlrale il claa with one of the heal learns in Kaatern Oregon next Tliea day evening when II meel the l.a I'luinle five on the haul floor Man ager I'aul an Pet ten arranged the game with the l.aUrande box Hit '.erk and Piped ine of tl." faatet saiii.'B of the year l.al'ramle la out alter the Kaatern Oregon e'i:iniloi' hlp and Oiitarlo Inten.ls '.. put a I'rlmp In the aspiration r( the vii tor. II will cohI the local hoy $:to to bring the l.aUrande team here bin believing thai Ontario waul troml taat gamea Manager Vanl'etien think I the cltlxena will aupporl the effort A vihllor tdny, making a round up for good crowd of rooters will help th lo nil. pllI.pl)h,. f gelling eien thing In cal team put Ontario oil the basket M,p.HhMp,. ,r Ho- coming If id W int. t l,u" '"'I' Kxcurslon lo California which I Idaho points January .tilth.' In.' Suit Lake liiiuie mil ,,p. tut. aaveral agi IIK.II .SCIIOOI. -VKWS XOTKS. ,.,, ,,, , , SllU .,lkl. , IU j.lh ' uary Slat, In conneciion wlllt bual- nass rfotu north. th lluh, Idaho. ) The next meellng of tin- l.n.ri.ri omfng nnd Oregon for till event Society will be held on Friday, the ()i .,,.,., f ,,. V1.rv .V1 r,. w lth All.r me n.ce.ssury business ter whlcll ,,, prevuiU.,, throughout has inn coiniui led the i, ill,, wing pro- (lie BtarmoBnUI aacttoa during tho gram will be giicn Song llojs' yuuri.M.' PabjiU Ites.ilie.l that Oregon Kliould Adopt Kaaentlal Keaturea ,,f Klaiidatd Hill for l.ahor I.egtslaHoii I'lano Solo Nettle i'eleraon Heading -Ralph Dr Song Boys' Double Quartette. High School I'aper Ituth lackey (Kdltor-ln-clilef Song -Glrla" Glee Club. The High School ill.-.' Clubs are practicing hard In preparation for the concert to lie held 1 huraday the lata sweater exams were held last Thursday and Krlday and the school x.i.r la half gone The new aubject for the laat ae- ntester arc Commercial Correspon- donoe aud Spelling. Commercial Uw and Civics. The Student llody took up a collec- lion last week to liay for the High S-'hool picture which will appear in tha i uiiiiai Nawa sp.'iiu aari monih WINH THK GOVKKNOKH MP, O. 8. Johnson of Ontario won the handsome allver loving dp ' offered by Governor M. Atexan- der for the beat Roie Comb Ithodn, Island !( I exhibited at Holae. Tho h.inilRomn piece of ' silverware arrived thin wk ami Mr JohnRon paced II on 1 1 il at the Klrat National Hank The bird that won thin cup wan one of a flock hatched from a $10 setting of ejjgH and the bird la worth $100 now while a fine flock rop with It. HIGH SCHOOL FIVE TAKES OPINING GAME OflMi- Kmmeti In a Henre of .11 to UV riai Wct-er Here Nel Krl-d-y. "- - .. . . L, pimjm MM fm Frdy night when the local team won from put a well balanced team on the floor which played consistent banket ball It can hardly be aald that there waa any Individual Mar on either team for l( - cn BM , , ,, Kmmeti la represented by an en- ln,y nfm r-m , yMr Bd ano they fought to the end they were handicapped by their lack of know ledge of the gam. The glrla aao had an lnleretlng game defeating the Krultland girl by a 1 3 to It oorc The girl have been continually prnrtl. Ing ami exp.-.t i,. have a inurli heller l.'inii than lant yaar. They have not fully decided what their llii.-ii will lie Tl . ekpe. ling a game next l-'rliliii Inn are , Hure of one yel. ...u . .,., u., m.v ' I I Milikln. gunrriN; Huge and .... ,,nier (irllli 1'iilnler mill l(l. forivurd ' I i Ida) , l .i.it.i 1 1, i tularin will Mil in--,. one of Hie heat gam. ,,i th aeiisMii W'elser will he here mill .mine I.. Hie tnel T I . t li.illl hMgM are practically Hie us lanl mmh. Hie giiliie will he a iiiiihI .,n I I v.ii I lie I mi tenuis played to n tie .mil iiniurlo uoii only afler Ave uiluiilen of extra playing Al both team have great li in, proved lite game will be snappy and full of ginger all the way thru. The line up of the teams lust Fml.ii wa Kmmeti Position Ontario t'lark Forward Urainen Whttaell (Cap. I Korward ChrlNtlana.ni Kldd Center Madilui I Cap I t'rahlree t'uard Dunrmi llurke. Uuard lluated RAILROAD MAN HERE TO ARRANGE FOR EXCURSION Seth Ithoiles, Traveling I'aasenger A(.el 1f (he ,,regoll short Line wus a last few week, Mr Ithodea slat -a Hmi Hie adi anc. reset i allotiH Tor lite b)g ex,.u,.Hl,m ,,, ht. luml f sunshlne- r'rult and Klowara are very gratifying ulu lll(ic.BliOIll, re t,a, tle excuralon tt,,, nea, u nr-vi()UK ,,.,.,,,,1, Ah (lere ((i H ,rill lhlli, ttoiied for kUj , ,he mifui sumerlun.l In aud t , (W AnKeei4 ullll Smi1 Diego, j ot t(, i)e nfsjrad at that many C)f liur ip.foik, will paaa up" a few buJ ttlllU,r (U)S ,.,.,. fr thls ,,. vtMll(.llt ,., ouling wnicl. is only two nights run Irotn Idaho points 1.1 K.N'.ADAMM. Monday afleriiooti at 4 HO u clock i'hilip J I.ynn and Funny May Adam appeared at the llaptist parsonage w'"' 'riends anil asked that they he Joined together us husband ami wife After the ceremony the h.ipliy gOBjaJa return, d lo their hOI Mata COMMERCIAL CLUB TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING NKXT MONTH TO HKK NKVV OKK1 VV.Wf KI.KtTKD KOK tTVH' MM mimihjim i iujkd to n manoiT. WANTED A STIRRING MEETING it ni . W. Trim Hill rn.iu.hi le line r.r-rlev Hon Willi Mi.ni l'oslhle Development "Here ln i rvAoeil Activity W anted. That the t'ommerdal cluli nut i awaken II net I v it lee and ge'. busy wan the general tenor of rsmarka at the araalon of the organization Momliv evnlng What the club will do gfffl he determined at the annual mrxtlnr In he held next month. The demand for renewed activity whs aounded by II. r. Boyer who de clared that aa at prevent operating I the club waa not meeting the delre i of the nii-inber and nrged large i I tendance at the annual meeting. It I understood that I'realdent A I W. Trow will not accept re-election to the presidency lnoe be Intend to de- i vote hla entire lime to the affair of Hip Oregon- Weatern folonlxatlon company. Many of the member feel that with the development of the VSarnisprinr district and other agricultural devel opment In proapeel for thiaeectloi till eaon that the club should pre ' pare for an active year I'an will be. discussed nl the annual meeting I o.l. use Tr, liter's I hit The iiteliug Moa dnnylght endorse I the 'I'mders' llui a coiutnttl.-e couHlslIng ol II c II. .i r, A Kiuser unil A I. Coekrntn t to en operate terra ciuirler c urrer and II V t I. in. tit In tmihlni; Hie iciiiui.' a success The i lull a I mi discussed the gen. rill siiuuiion oi Hie . uumy fair. UMATILLA MAN BUYS BIG THOMPSON RANCH NEAR VALE W It. Taylor of Athena I niatlllu county arrived here tills week with K C I. in us wlio has recently engaged In handling Malheur county lands After Inapevllng the W It Thompson ranch of .120 acre X miles above Vale Mr Taylor purchased It. The ranch la one of Hie beat in Hie Malheur valley, tho only partially developed Mr Taj lot who in a successful whuat rancher expects lo develope the en tire holding a an ailalla ranch. He also aaya that there are other t'ma lllla men who are Inlereallng llieiu selves In land in till section and will anno here a. on. Judge lllggs arlved home We.Vnes d.ii eiening Irom Vale where be baa been holding court SOCIETY NEWS NOTES. M Krnesline and I'uiiltn.' litiiiiigsij vara Itaaaaaaaa Monday at cuing at a charming party given in honor of Miss Nell Halt, a bride of the near luture The evening waa i-pcnt playing live hundred. Mrs Ion ningsen winning high honors Deco rations were in the form of pink hearts and .'lipids. Little Donald Wood, a raithful replica of the little hlllid god, played the purl of i lipid entering witlt a wheelbarrow Iliad) high willi gifts from the other guesla to Miss I'lalt, after will. Il delicious re N .slim. nln were served Mrs II C Whltwortli of Weiser and Mr. Krcd I'lalt of I'arnia were Hie out of town gueats. Tta Ontario Music I'lub will enter tuin lii.ir Kiiesis ut the houiii ol Mrs I. H liormun on Kriday evening, Jan uary IVth Mrs Eugeat Woors and Miss l-'reucli of Itakcr will luiui.-h the program. '.i I) II '!' t .'.as hod. I tol Hi T'tes li ; llriilg Slab tllia w I mitli wus : STIFE SENTENCES ARE GIVEN TO BOOTLGGERS M IK. I DI,T MOON It A INKS ANTK OK Jl MTU OK I'KACK IIY KIVK AMI NEVMI KOI.I) Mil NKNTKM KM TOO. ' BURGLAR DRAWS LONC TERM lli.cn II) re I omul l.ii.l.i ol 4ilihliii (rannar) lleliu an Old Offender He Draws Klie r..i, at .State I'l'iiiiii.-iiinii i Kltner Ilorey iias rttt. .1 t IM in ah and 15 day In jail while M Town send was given it $8'u and 10 day In Jail by Judge Dalton lllgg of the cir cuit court at Vale Wedneaday. Dor ey's sentence came after he xva found guilty by the Jury while Town end entered a plea of guilty lnce Hie fact In the case agalnat him were the same an that In the Dorey pronerution. These men appealed from the de cision of Justice of the Peaoa O. U King who when they were tried In Ontario lal month fined I hem hut $60 each. Thai a Jul I aentanc accompanied the fine wa not anticipated hy lite defendant and It la believed will furnlah a nalutory efferl discouraging (o bootlegger in this section Heaweaiil lterlsee.1 Not Hullt). After a hard foughi irial for ev erl day lut week the Jury which lieard lite rae of Hon Heaweard barged with cattle larcny from the tones I. nn. I .V l.l..s..ik compini n Ittrned a lenllrt of uot guilt. Ml t 'alloc i a Wood of ilils rlty appeared lot Mi rd. w I. lie I' I (In I In gin t pr 'Hi,. i iti itctio'i S' li" I Ol ll.ui ey litre who li.uu.l guilt) ol hnlavK i. ho k-nilii Irotn DtBse Hi Klat gratiiir.i and since he h;"l I prei Ion- prison lei old li. ,i in, i nteni ui Itslatn REES FAMILY HRD HAPPY REUNION CHRISTMAS DAY Among the huppy li.mili t union enjoyed recently wi.a thai which I hi.iughi logelher Hie Keen family al the home of Mr and Mrs Win It- 'at Valley View on Christinas Huy More than 20 year have pasaed sin,,- 'the family were all logelher The day wa a rar one for tlriiiidmn ROM 'lin enjoyed the presence of her children ,o Hie tiimosi. ,l, , taring ii Hie liiippicst day of her life Thoae pnmeul n I It her thai day were: Mr 'nd Mrs II K Keos, Kerndale. Call forula, H I. Wees, l.tuincl, liliiho. I). A tag . JnleshurK Colorn.lo, Mr SOU .il I n . r. ...cr, . wit.. ,.i i n Win Keis, Mr and Mrs W II Sherwood, Mr and Mr. I) II llrowit and famlli . Mr. and Mrs Win lirowii ...... It.. , L' I...... II. ....I l . 'and daughter i, ml Mlaa Hudie Claud tatartaj kftaraoag al Ita home ..r tha grip vletlnii of Ontario a-i Mrs j Prtnalai an Oregon atraat, a ansa waa so ovara u to raqalra ims rarj i"cii parti gitraa la honor aHVital aara ita raspoadod la in ihe inn hri.ies 10 lie. tta MiaaM Nail 11'111 wall thai ! arlll bt into i" IMatt and Kmmi. Clark I lie hOaM n'lurii to her home wa profaaal) aeaoratad with red ,,...ii and ruphls Two baskets ih. DHMIt III Mil vara m paaaad la tta aoorwaj and IMMN i rt:iMM at tile appropriate in Mil tilibou. wire luulllpulaled which caused u itcl II K linker was inllcd Ul shower of iiaiidkerchieis lo fall from Njssu Sunday alternoou lo couilin i thetii on Ihe heads of Ihe honored u funeral serine lot Mrs Amanda guests Kile hundred was the game ,e Hunch who with her husband ol Ihe allei noon, Mi- I onuiiiKsen und six small ' hlhlreu alined n,,m winning lionors and Mrs Van Ivii.ti Arkansas a few dajs ago Slie was second prize. Mrs Kiel I'lult of I'ar slsi.-r ..I Wilej und I lee Snow of ma was an out-of-town gueat. e a i Mr and Mrs C 11 Kmison wen hosts Monday evening al a dlnnei given in honoi oi the approaching inairtuge ol Mtss Nell I'lalt and J It lilackahi llesides I lie hulioleil puaata ttaaa preaaal aara Mr and Mrs Lew Adams and Mr and Mrs Karl lllackaby III Tin- Carnation Oluh wal Tuesday evening i Ihe home ul Mr und Mr PAl honors to DBW1 Tota) wliriimr tho HtarH Bml Stripes float tin; colorH m half iiui.-t In honor of Hip Adniir al George Dewey, who dli'd Vi il npnday at hi honip In Waahlng lon TIip whole nation mom lis for tin- li'ro of Manilla liny. It la therefore lit ting, lnce th" American people have never for gotten the servlie lie ri'iiderrd the nation, that lit line tl paid hln ineiiiory. POLICY UNDESIDED AS YET SAY DIRECTORS li. ol Ox I tut Hoard IN lures Hint it Has not (nine on llnnl.l In I ui- or of Vl.i.iuli.nlnn Irrigation. The nenlv .h.te.l dlnclois ol the Dead Ox Klat Irrigation district, J. II MiKliinon, K. ('. Ilelknup, Krnesi K Sullivan, C. A. Itlce. and I'esrl Crane assert that the atate iiients win. ii huie i n made regard ing the policy they will pursue while In office are premature In a signed statement lurnlshed the Argus this week they declare that they have not pledged themselves to any definite policy. In furl hr cxpalnlug their position the i grantors declare they Intend to InveHtlgate the proponed Irrigating systent lot Hie district mill if II I found th.it II can h.- Ilnanred they will report Hie t. 'suit of their InvpNtlga lloiis lo the mid i. v, tiers Hint Ihei in.iv lake Whatever nil Ion I hey deem lie, .-.it i I .incil lltllK Hie illsMlllll loll of III.' Biatrial the directors nsserl thill Hil ls a inatl. r lor all ..I tha IiiihIomii. t -in il. lerinlii. . and ind the dlreciors iioH.ier, tin- i ii saejaras n in- i. nd to proti i tl..' Intaraal ol tha laud ov at b iidon nut - Ihlug ol lulu.' IH. I V ItO-tlU lltlsl-l I l u .. r Metier of rrultland was rushed I,, i . h,,- pi. 1 1 . i .in vaataf araafg ska gadarwanl an ODI i .illiin lor iippindicll Is Mrs J li Harris reiuin-d to her home In lite ilty 'edne . d.ij ..ii.r .1 two weeks' slay during which ab regained her lieulih Miss Kia Meade of Nyssu so lur re cm nd from her recent Illness I hat sin- wns shl. to return to her home on Salurday Mrs Turner if I'ajeiie is coins laaaiag from ihs .nets of mi opera Hon peiioiiued two weeks ago and will he uhle lo rejoin her I. .mil soon T M llrown of Krultland Is re yaiuing hi atrenglh and .,.-ils to gO h.ick , i. loss the tli.r willilu a few days Mr M.i'l.ini who wa forced to huie ,,u. i,t Ik- I, i" .iiupiilaled htal week lins lie,, i. led from tiie shock ol th. opet.itlon .in.! lite wound has ni. nl, such progress low '! recover) iii.it ga win he gbla i.. reaaJva lil disi iiurge from the hospital in a fan Mrs Coile ol Ontario wa one ol Njssu She had nieasles and plieu inoiiia The I uncial was held from I he M 1 i liurch und interment in the Njraaa aanatar) Ml Uolldj lei' I Moll. I, IV !,,! I'clidletoll where ita VII called hv i in- death of her husband Tta body was brought back lo this city and luii- elul selll.es were held flolil Ihe I'tiited I'reshjierinn church We.h day afternoon l! ' Ducdale the nttrali ,i. Ontai io i ues. i COMMERCIALCLUBGETS BEHIND MONTHLY SALE iItoints iemmitiit: to as- ssT IN THK KKM'KTS TO OIVK Oil A HI l I K.8S- r$JL INST1TI TION. CLUD TO EURNISH LUNCHEON Sen M.in.iurainil Una lllg hist of I. .. ...Is uf .ill Kii.N, u- III.' I a Dig tn. ii of S(,k lor Sole Next 8at urilni, January 117. Ontario'! Comraarajaj club got ..Hilly hehln.l I he Trader Dsy Sales it the meeting laat Monday. Aa the result the next sale, which will be held Saturday. Jan IT. to b" f. attired hy a lunch given liy tho club. It I the purpose f Carter at Clement, the manager of the Ontario Auction rom- , pauy, the new title of the concern to I make the sales here equal to anything iln thin section. Dlcken A Miller will continue t l cry the sale. Since the new firm hss the big Moore barn In which to hold the sale It ha plenty of room to care for stock drought here before aale day and announce that the stock will be , cared for at lowest possible ratea. For the sale next Saturday a long Hat of atook an well a a large assort ment of farm Implement and other goods ha been listed o that the aale will lie I lie largest held here. SCHOOL GLEE CLUBS TO GIVE FIRST CONCERT II.. is no. I (.Ills luhs I nltS loi lulll. i I'erloi iiiiiiii. lleuillogs ami lu- siiuni.iit.il Number tlso. Neii ii, iiimI. . i nini al Dream land Ontario win huie itc iirst op portunltj to iooI lulls 'ihe i wo inn e tl organ Ions bine developed lo mm k. i degree I heir ahlllli iluriiig lag p I I three months under the dli.clion ..I Mi Mayiue llenge. iii i-i. supervisor and ii,. ii pel mi i, e w ill sural their many friends llesldes ihe glee . lull numbers (here Will he . horns numbers sung by 20 voices from Hie two clubs In nl Ho cluNa there me Iti lolls He sides these there will lie solos hi Miss Kthel lleslup mill ln-1 1 urn. Ills I numbers by a trio composed ol Miss llenge, Mls lieslup mid Alfred Hol land. The literary readings will hi gtvea by Misses Kditii Raver and Iti ' la Milllkiu The enure program win ha eraJI liaianced, lllleil wltli dash und aplrlt us well SJ hulniollj so Ihul llienrta ol the school will enjoj nil el.lllng ol well rouiiilel plea me i 1 1 m imi hi i in tutor lie, I Kle. who lias been I -in Ml' 'I n nit a i Johnaoa In tha mauage- iiicnt oi i lie MOOI hotel barber aliop lor son,.' tin., sold III Intaraal tbi weak t.. Mi Johnaon Ml Rial mums In I ha .hop lor the present having, no i, ieu .,i leavini Ontarln ' I one UK WKKHN l THK 11(1. 1 k til I l I ix Thll week Hie i e, I htc mall sucks Riled with goi eriiin.iii ee.ls from Conii' man N I Sinnotl ol iWi disti let Tl,,.. . e for ii"' rem of Ita Argus und iv e waul inn lo huie III. -Ill III old. 1 tOl lo In' disappoint ed we llfcgest that voll call cur i II i mi can not I ome person ally send jour liov or rlil with u note raauesilai Ita paakafi$ or packages . I sired There are ihr.-i different aaaortnieata a follews: lir-i peas, be. I let tin e luuskni.'loii. r.i.li.-h : od corrol. leltuce, musk in Ion, radii n, baralp third IUu gsaorl Bl made Up of enndv nut, oureopala, morning glory, n. i t nit i ii in and poppv ,