Jn vin Hr J (Bnfavi0 'ArQm. VOI,. l OM'MHo. MAI, III I ; (Ol'Vn. OUU.'OV, THtlt.SII.4Y, JAM AH V II. II7. NO. 1. mc HERMAN'S TRUST CO. BUYS WARMINGS BONDS iomi'H 1 1 isi H -iiH.M COR MM w i in ernii: 01 i iiin m ID! i in r M. WELL KNOWN CAR LEAVES BOUEEVARD FOR ALL TIME WiMK 10 ai'ii-ME SOON . ataea Raparti i Man ami - , liiiiuittim M-nur Kmilneer Ohtl IM Need for Murve. titer monlliK of uncertainty. II"' bonds for I hi- construction of UM Warmsprlngs' feaervolr nd UM dls trlhnllng system were sold leal Frl liiy at Vale The board of directors accepted the offer of the Lumber man's True! company of Cortland of '', ami that MM IM If ""P looking 10 the alerting of work to re- laim ix.nno additional acre of land In the rounly and to give a complin water right to 11,000 acre which at present have a partial water right According to the terma of the offer for the bonds, the purchaavra have the right of aupervlalng the work to the extent of seeing that the money la properly spent II iIht bidders were a syndicate of San Francisco and hMMN Im.ii.i hankers with whom Kred J. I.i. l of Ogdcn was conuected, this Itroiip whs represented by George Pel Her of Hun Kranelaco; the Henry J Ki i i rompany of I'ortland, repre MM h II J Wilton. iMilh of these I. Ill ML' for the iHsue. The Pugcl Si. iiihI Dredge llrldge company was represented hi Mutiny llio- A Wells, who asked more time In which In in instigate the MMi hut mnl' no of M I In- nit of (lie bonds was greeted w It h pleasure by nil ol I In- men who novo followed ii"- rartoua phases of tin- hi-'ori at IM pro). .1 Thl WOJ especial) true when ll was point,-, I OKI Hull In .1 w .ill goielllllienl nelleli mlKliI endanger II Mire mr rOM for the gnieru in i''iiiies ti.it all large holdings he siihdli hie, I anil the owners IgNI In sell I heir luml at a prli e sci In ih" secretary ol I lie Interior. II II Wood Is back In Ontario af , r sending the holiday season n I Ing In Portland. Not only la Mr Wood hark hot he ll now driving a BOO llulck, his old Stoddnrd Oainm one of the best known nuichlMI of ,1111s region, having paaaod irnm his iwnershlp in the dual for Hie new chug chariot. With the passing of the famous big huggy a Inml mark Is gone for the while car has streaked miles of Malheur county roads In til his lateat acquisition accumulates personality or peculiarities It will he iniio iiib- to tell It from tMMl of other cars In this section The new cur has aide curtains ami. as yel. no cough. UMATILLA FIRN1WILL SELL MALHEURILAND W, 0. UOCM NMI'KKN OPTIONM o M niTTT T MIIINM III' Y Kits AMI I'l.ns K. TKNMIVK OI'K.K TIOM. SHOWS EVIDENT AWAKENING I- lot) -i Igalliig Condition nl lauds I 'niler die W hi impi-nigs MjraMW Dcmmiil l Developing. IN DENSE FOG ENGINE HITS CAR ON CROSSING MUM. O. K. CI.AMk AMI MIMM N- A KAIHIIANKs IRK 1NJI HKD Kit It OTHUt IHCIIMNW KMCAPK IX4IRIKM. PARTY'S ESCAPE MIRACULOUS Auto Turned Kml for Kud. Wheels Smashed liiiesllgalliig oi.iii'll l Ktmieiatcs Knglneer. Thai "'i -nw iiie li i ni or in- -,iie iii tin- vVarmaprtaga booda This w.i- Hie ,nlr lulu Hie I.h.iI field ..I I' i. I. inns ol I'lniitlllu iu. ulie ill Hie lalgi'l real .Male up- tors iii l-aiMleni i n. sun All I. in, is is here III lllllke a . 'Olllplele i .. linn. .1 lull ill all Hie Ian. I nn.lei Hie Vt a rm springs n-enulr Willi I he idea ol bundling nil llial can h cured al rea ..n.il.l, ;.l ll He was III. I lollK In KelHllg m Hon iiei sat urlug options on ttM ruin li e Iii tlie lerrltory abava Vaie ha lirought Iwo buyers In see Hie I,. ml on Wednes.luy. that Is they arrived here Wednescluy and went to view ' I he property on Tliursda) Tin- ililr ol Hie I'm. Mill, fllrui gives concrete evidence of whut ad vooales of Hie sale of the bonds ua serlcd, a demand for these lauds wlieu assurance was given thai suf ficient water would he avalluhle hlle mi immediate hoom I- I eeieil In, nl real estate men are tlriu- It of the opinion that real estate will throw off the lethargy evidence, I during Iiie past three v.arsan.l lliere will be an influx of settlers in tills region. Mrs O. K t'lurk uiul Mis- Anna Fairbanks were injured Salin !u) ii teruoon when the audi in whli'. lliJ riding was struck by the MroSU passenger train al the lluiil.ar . I Ing four miles west of the city. The four oilier occupunts of I In- car in tome miraculous manner escape.!' Injuries. The a Mlo wus coming Iron. Ill" south toward Hie cily mid when ai proachlng Hie track Walter Fair ban I-1 who was driving looked wesi tur ap proaching trains, hut owing to tha H'otliinued on I'age Kight.) PORKERS DRAWING DOWN TEN CENTS IN PORTLAND II, li Sulleiis wlm nun lies ahuM Vale was in Ontario Tuesd U Ills way home from i'orllaud w lu-re he went to market a car load of hogs Mr Sullens snipped t the Argus of lice lung enough lo suy that pi Lis for porkers ure ruling strong In the Willamette lumket und lli.u In Mil was quoted for fair sizes with In'.. cents for eitra heavlea. I ONTARIO SHOULD STUDY UP COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE a hat ihnlii'il hum. in miiiirii and having hud iii. nil tugetliiT with a i-ooii iihI of study and n,' i i ..i . . up, rail. I. i he wilier would aug- ItlM Ihl II .ilhin ul .. i up. ihIIw' i.nluii In iliitiiriu wnii I i MTitiiiilly mlglil be the in: I it. ii ileal Ol i I in the near future tu "ui . iii luiiiiiliiu: r.irni c iiiily In the way of start- inc Hum trial nierpii . . by ul hers In Ibf I' i wnicli an hi-soi iiitlou Ol Ibhl sort is especially Hdapl 'd and in uiher directions, which would later appear, among which might he mentioned the home upply of many of our now impuited arlicles and Ihua keeping our money at home, and In Hie operation greatly Increasing our circulation of mon- I I he how, why and wherefore ol this system la, to many, a . urn what new Idea In co-operation, hut is not in Itself new II works best In hard times, ran he started in any community where a small hunch of public and cumniiinlty spirited citizens ndowed with plenty of stability, stlck-lo ll-ivenesa and enough moral courage to weather puhli. ..pinion at Ha beginning ..ml which ii will not take long to oven mm- when rightly carried on as the idea will soon spread when once in operation because seeing la believing with the most ul u. The system ilisrw not Iniei Ini. wltli oilier l.uslnes alrrnilt lo cated sol established In the , iiuiiiinln nml surroundings but on Hie other hand heiw llieni all by It- eten-handednewa. Kvenluully proven wIhii once uiuh r luml n help' the poor to lo Ip Ihemsehes In dealing with the association, it helps the skeptic, Ixsause ll enables him lo see prosperity In a new light. Is i-ood for the superstitious al ll hows there are other gods besides the money god The co-operative community check for Instance, show that there is really a heaven liereoO earth as well, if we go after It. it ilrlies away the blues and inMIMs hope In lis stewd In a place where practiced, It puts new hope, and ambition into the farm er In. am. e reliable and lusting markets ate opened for Ills pro duels and at a better remuneration than usual because by the conversion of his raw material Into the linlshnl article and placed on ii market where needed and wanted, through this -isiein Hie farmer so contributing Ills material la credited In ll -mi. I. il inn with his prorata shun ol prollt resulting In their conversion or manufacture from the raw In Hie Mulshed sill,-, hut sluys ami tortus a part of Hie inline wot king i.iplinl In the business the same as the working capital fund ill alii iiialiulacl urlng enterprise. Then- Is oflen a considerable mar gin III tin- nianufactiirlni iir(uuini m ..m eonnia4Hlaa con -uimd In ever) d.i uaa which mnaih goes into n.e pocket "I the factory owner Iii Hie shape of prolils and dli blends. I.ui hi this . wllh the farnii-i and ulh.i uikers In ll n. ul. ii deparl nieiil , hi u making depa 1 1 uu nl . I ., put ..i..i il, p;itmenl. 1 it I lil I ll at ileparlimiii ur KB) ,.i:,.i. i,,- a- ... lathiti might see III lo UlldcrtalM I'he will I,, I. Ihe i ulill ililltor nl i. iii, .1.1 lal, ur inuiiey III I he enterprise In-hig a I a i - 'i. IMh. I iii Ills or her share In proportion to the MOM) talue ut si u the mark, i I 1 1, as, u, lal inn miiy Ifso Iii. lined ii , ,,i Old farm imu hiiu-i I, . km tu or ion ne. ,!.. i in iii. i. urn. i ..I ii . apprauatd valoa bj Ihe .Ur.'. lurs. ihe town blarksiiillb or sin hamlv man wllh lu,.l wllh pi. mi ul time or out of a Job might then but the same with iiiiiiii'I or check which is must hamli. repair same in wurk ing order, sell ii to Ho- laruier or hack to Hie association at an appi ii-i .1 alm- accepiing checks In payment he. a Use the h n. .a. lal syntem of Hie association heing checks, it always pays in he, ks und checks only which is ihe rock upon whhh the ii hule h stem reals checks Iwcked with useful and in a In 1 1 linn perlsliable cuiniiiuilltlesu f a Useful nature, the check In Ing sim liar in our bank check In hook form, also others somewhat like Hie iiieicUaiii s More chock being used tJhr bandy change mi checks go mil until value Is deposited therelor III either work. i or ciitiimndll) , any unmet thai may be contributed in Ihe promotion nl same Is always deposited In some local bunk lor safe keeping by Ihe association and used only when ucces slty arises, as in paying railroad freight hills In the oulshlpnieut of products and otherwise where the co-operative check can not be used as on Hie replenishments of material and machtn ,i. demands their Use ll Is always advisable to start on a small scale al Mrst and learn as business proceeds There are pin. ills In this as In any other miliaria king hut they lino be eas ily audited h paying strict attention to the check principle lore slated, and by the regulation of Ihe In-laws A- to the working details of this co-operative principle mure will he m -oih-.eiiient arlicles ill ihe Argus, In as com Ise and cl.-.u an pl, illation as ihe wtll-i knows how nn paper A I TII.KN POULTRY EXHIBIT PEER OE ANY HELD HERE IN YEARS MORE MALHEUR HORSES GO TO HAUL ALLIES BIG GUNS I'HOMOI l Rfl ll I IMtD Willi -si . i KM Ol I vnitl HOI'K IO I'I'.IU'KTI ATK -.HOW. I A. McWillinms. lo, al npn ntatlvi of the Caldwell Horse A .Mule 0OBV pany disposed of Hiiother iiuload Of Malheur county horses to buyt the alllea. The sale was made -ueadiiy to Jink I. II- of Chicago Who after inspecting the animals ord.-n .1 iiin" i arloiul shlpi,ii TtM) will l i,. tintai in today. A second cnrloiul will prnlmbly leave Ontario baron the end of n,, week and these will lie the property of a Kansas Cily Mrm, before they are turned over to the goiornmcni nil flats for transportation to the war MM All of the horses ore big rangy animal- and Just the kind selected lo haul the big guns along Ihe firing line LOCAL tANCiERS Ctl RIBBONS HIGH SCHOOL FIVE PLAYS!!EMME TT HERE I , iliuii il I Inn llllil.s SIiiiimi und (, neill i baraoMI Of Kxhlbitlon Such us ilu t It) (rr Credit. Ontarlo'a poultry show waa a real sticoeM. fever) day there were hund red ul pimple ,ii il.e hnildlng to look over the Mne usortiiunt of feathered arlstocrata, while on Saturday, the closing day the place mis thronged. Tin- character of the birds shown was exceptionally high, and as waa ei Ident by the ribbons carted by many of the pens, they would have done credit to any poultry exhibition While the association did not secure stif licletit funds to give pritea, the bus iness men of Hie city, after aeelng the interest taken by the ranchers near by in Ihe show indicated that all obliga tions would he met by them. While there were many Ontarlana 'at the show every day the crowd was nl'KMMi NAMKM OK TIIK SK.ASOV largely made up of ranchers from the -i Ml in I.KII Kill ol'K.ltA HOI SK rltlMW I.VKMMJ ini l- COMIMKAT BIG ATLENDANCE IS EXPECTED i. i Win liaiiiiloolili ol -.ii.. I..- Illt- Or illlci I iilllrir I lloM" ill Ian ill ll.isl.el SliiMilel-s. I'l Iday night, at the Opera HaUM ill , , the I !i I 7 ba-kel ball season ,i,, hi-.l ll,.- i mil. I .he, lilh', I I, n laa) , i.ning I- I" i ii. li Onlarlu High Hcluiol uiul the iiilntei n KlIllllHI Vl.lliarel I 'll II I Villi I'elleli uhll IS looking after Ihe leiini s allalrs ex pects ihe Iniys to win, liul also looks ""' ,htr'1 torwiiril to a gruelling contest The Ivan..' sale ol tickets shows that Inele is no III I Ii- llltcreM in Hi i' it, especially among the stinh ui and ll Is hoped Hint a record break Ing crowd will be mil lo help tin- hi nils take the llrsl step lunanl Hie championship Coach I. I. Clllberlsoll has select ed the men who will represent Hie High III the llrst game at lea-l The elimination of candidates was not an '..hi task lor from the various class I ea ins represented in Ihe recent tour nament a uiiuiln ol promising pla- i- lb leliiped For the opening gam. Ibis will be the line up For arils. Ilramse and ('III Islluiiseii ; Cenler. Maddux; Huards, llusl.il and Hun i an 'Ihe Ii.ihI tile holds Klllllletl III high regard fill' UM Idaho hills lone a retard Ol scraping fat everi point inml ihe n ii ii i ii iii-iii- an thi la me n huh starts al I u i I.., i. -huiihl he bench, Payette, Nysaa and the terrl lurv Immediately adjacent to the cily. The following Is Hie list of awards: liuie.i Plymouth IttM-ks CiM'k: Wilbur Clayton, I'ai.n, llrsl; K Mitioldrlck. Imbler. seeonil. Ceckerel: Wilbur Clayton, Mist and md. Hens Kugene Mi Coy. Ontario, llrst, Wilbur Clnttoii, second. I Mr (nihlrlck, third I'ullei Wilbur lavtuii, llrst and "I While I'l) lib Hoik. Ceck: tieorg,' 1 1 1 in iini ii: llrst, ll.ii n I' rsuii. On DBd (ui kelel I l l.ai kel , l"t lilt llllnl. lieu Him,', second and third Hens Qeo iiniie. Drat, nd nod third Pullets. C M l.ackei. hl-t. second While Wiiuuliilte i...k J. W. Matthews. Ontario, (Continued m Pom Poor.) L HUNTER IS VICTIM OF ACCIDENT I I m H IIH.IOUM KII.I.MI WHIN llll'I.K IN II VMH r HIM I III M, KAItl. lilt KK IM IIISI II imiKle, YOUNG HICKEY PROSTRATED ShiM'k ill Sinn'-, s, ,ideo I lei, Hi u Ul ercoiiies Mulliei Hial Oul.i Simple I uncial Mel lhe nele llebl. CITY GOES INTO COAL IRRIGATION DISTRICTS BUSINESS-BUYS CAR HOLD ANNUAL ELECTION (ill Cumuli Im-i hies Hull till Hall llii'fi tins I liusen no Head Ot I lal ami ill I. tin ail Musi IVe Kept IIUlilil Maid to Cal.o l.anilunlng Will III, Nu III del- I mile (ill- I'llull lo Initiate lallllls Olll- liiitil. er He. nils well WOrlh seeing JORDAN IS RECOGNIZED BY SHORT LINE, SA YS EXPRESS Under the ruption, "Jordan Kecug nlzed by .Short Mne, Daily train ser vice to llimi.d.ile Kslablished First of Year of Great Value to Tills sect inn of tiie Ciiuntry," Hie Jordan Valley Fxpress aaya: The Short Line railroad is Improv ing its service more and more and is recognizing Hie small, outlying di trlcta, and Ihe citiiens of Hits pari of the country an- gratilicd lo know I hat they are 0 hem lit b the latest iiime In give Mill! better scribe ou then branch lines The dully train sen ii e to lluinedale makes much easier the handling of Hie several million pounds of freight that comes through lluinedale for points in this interior country. II Id serine of three trains epr week caused much delay to the freighters n ho would arrive in Ilium dale with their large nil t lit s ou lieierniined that the city building, the illy hall and the lihrary . shull be kept iiat'in even it the city hus to go 11,1., the cu.ll business, a spe, lal liieel-' ing of the I'n inn il lasl Suluntai night ordered car ol npoJ ilrool Irooi ihe IHlll.'s While a 4U Inn cat is more than the ,in OOOda seier.il ol the rnUlu ilinen ; suhl they would care for Ihe surplus and tinea this will mi I saitng to' Hi. -m il is not until -iputi d tha' the city will have any truiiile dlapo ul ii BO) is loCl all.-r the 'ill build ings are I . Hid lul The inunill has no desire to go into the coal business, " -aid Mayuf Tuaada) aoi baa) da) m the rari oils irrigation dislricts In all ol the districts new direiturs were chosen and ill al least gaj illslance, that nl the Head Ox Flat dislrli I a warm iiiuiesi developad As the result ol the election then- a new In I was chosen, wiiii h ii is -i.ii.mI, is in favor or abandoning all ellol'ls to irrigate the lauds ill, del Ihe district and sur rendering the water rlghis now held ii is aisu rumored thai should lb la be .in.'inpii'd a oonteai will be waged. 1'heie is eieii i.iik ui onieetloj ll1" reaail "t i be elaotlon there Tut da) The dlraatara alaatod loi il"' '' trici are. Krnest T. Sullivan I'earl m;w pivioii c.MiNt. Nl l1"4'1' "'" I "" "f Ml c.M.HM. HON l. (Ill It. II ""' M" 0 V Hull V. who In.- near the Si Paul ' Hacta west Meinbeis ..I the Congregational ,lt na ,n Menially killed Church hale been advised that llel ilM suinl.i'. Ill Willie huillll.g Hand I. li tngsion will 00 OH hON hi on the flal Bear the inn' III- d.aiu take aharflt ol Ihe ekurk Hoi i-H- ,, ,i anldontal dlachargi ingston Is expected here in titne lo ,,, ,, rifle III Ihe hands ut Hull Hlikei. lake charge uf the services nn Sun his, hum with whom lie was hunting, day The .u. nl. ul su pro-1 rated .inung Hicki i Ihal he sivuniied when In i tturne C C W llsun of Nissa Ol in Ontario on bualneee roooooy, , i uiiHiiued on I'.ge lour I PR A ISE GRO WS IN VOL U ME AND DEGREE FOR THE NE W SER VICE ,.iii iii ii . l nn Cage Four, i 1 1 'iiiiiiuued I rnur.j From all parts ui im great lulerl-j ui eaojoa words ol eoi iidalloi for Ihe new lialn lOtWlca wiucli waa in .iiiguniieil clui-tiii..- day fur the h.u, til ul the entire ounty of M.il boor as well M BUTM and Hurney count) puints This "is what Ihe Crane Aunrlian ul last week nas tu say in MM "I Its leading arlicles. under the Heading .-- i i he Appro iiile.l, li li In..- I'., m in tu All " Ciiuliaii tu the must .ml ill hull and unreasonable criticism put up In the etitoaoa ol Vale om the change of Hie time card of tile Oleguli A; Kasleru railroad, Cram- und Harney cunnlv an HUM Ibun satlslicil w Ith the new ,-n ice. At in ing Inn n eri ali.iuuun mi linn ll lill pee . i luiiuil for Burnt or other ln 'leriui i.uints an given ..nipb time I" ' Ciitnlnueil mi i'uge Kight i ii'otnlnucil on Page Kight )