The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 04, 1917, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Jet in Touch With the Man Who Has Wants Through the Argus Classified Columns
tiik ONTARIO AROtm, o.vtario, oreoon. thcrhday. JANtARY . II7.
l,il..n.l UN HUtck Reporter RN
Cum thf Effect of Feswllng
i Hi i if Hhlpmeat.
lllKh priced corn and other feeds
undoubtedly responsible f.r the
ry material Incronse In Cattle sup-
m ;ii various point according to
Live Stock Reporter of Portland
Llcagn alone registered an Increase
i;u ht rent last month, and no far
the ail markets of Chicago. Kan-
City. Omaha, 8t. Louis, Ht. Jos-
k, ;mil Sioux City are concerned the
Lnths Increase I around :ifi per
in. while for the year to date nt
Din- hIx polntK wo have an Increase
in i about 1,000.000 rattle The
in , ill movement noted nliove
I ii most strongly marked the
I i month Naturally the rouipar
Ivcly hiiiiiII number of no id beef
lib- .irinim- are scllliiu at a hlKh
Milium, while the vast number of
I tile in oiilv cheap klllltiK it canner
in in urn li.uo worked down ti I low
i, thus creating the widest mar
In vbIuob we have had for a Ion
rhln liHllHcrlmlnale markelltiK of
I tile ri'icardlomi of flesh can have
11 MM i I ' I later mi I materially
min t iii d lull Niippiy. ii in line nun
L i ii labor ami other necessury feed-
Ig adjuncts are costing lb" teeder
lore Hum ever before, but the t roll -If
Is we are IokIiik slhl of tin I net
Li I t i utile are mi Hie highest
la ii- eVtf known, ami i He' loaf
Mill irrlllre giies nil the more
fllli- II Is tiling to lie f It later We
tut 1 1 -1 teelliiK that a In Intake la
i-iiir. inaile. and we urite our cumIo
rs against pursuing -- imllii
Classified Advertising
A column that gets results for the buyer as well as
those who have goods for sale.
Five cents per line per insertion
Phone 49 J
For Hale or Trade- -llealdeuce
Iproperty In Ontario Will trade for
horses, cows, or hoRa - a bargain If
lUken at once all at l tie ,rgus
FOR HALE l iel ptRH. wl 40
111 A llurRllill II l.lkell .11 llUie I
I lnll.iiil 4 mile v.i I iii (In
liai at in N I ' '""' ""'' I nun -milt, nl I'riiiiluud
I'll,, lie No illtl.iinl IA 'I -
cou sale Ok TRAOI TM Ii property, well established pro
fitable I. ii -In. 'hh in HiIh city Ontario
Ileal Estate i .. 46tf
FOR SALE lleatinc atove, Itound
Oak No. 14 lii i new, muy be
had at bargain. See Hader Uroa.
rtR NAI.K CaaOaiF.
Pure bred yearllnx Jersey bull. E.
B. Conklln.
k6r SALE fresh Jersey Cow,
with heifer calf, half HolMeln. Ad
dress J W MatbuwH, 11 9 1 ."ll
Ontario, OreRon
Office in New WiIm.ii lllock.
Ottlce bourn in J 2 to 4
lilt w (i HOWI
Phenes: Office 117
Wilson Bldg aVW U72
ijjxravutrurin.rusri- " Js----ffc
J. H PARLEY luiierul ilirei lor
and eiubaliiii-r Lady assistant I'lunie
tlW. Ontario, Oregon
PRESS Meets all trains
aacrlflce. Possibly they forget thai
.they have the hoc feed and that It
only taken 10 lb, of hogs to make a
dollar Certainly tho hiRb prices pre
Milling for all desirable grades of
leef cattle, and the further fact that
t'i"re la every Indication of tho mar
ket remalnlnR hlRh, ourIU to he a blR
Innntlve toward checklnR thin ten
t!ency to turn the stuff off regardless
of condition and to produce the beef
that la undoubtedly going to he want
il before many moon. It In true
that our cattle census shows a blR
I ncreaae over a year aRO, but the In
i"a in of production certainly hua not
lieen In any auch ratio as nan marked
the march to the shambles durluR the
p .it few weeks.
Thin nprlnR, many of the poultry
raisers will start work on new coops
'and other building We do not
'raise rblckena or turkeys but we do
'have the rlRht kind of lumber with
which to raise the best hen houses
I When .miii Ret ready to hulld new
chicken yarda let ua flRiire on tho
lumber. The quality of our lumber
'and tho prices at which we nell It.
'will make It worth your while to see
J before buying
Van I'ottn Lumber Company.
Ontario. Ore . and Payette and New
I'lynmuth, lil. lie
M'i:tlM. Tit t IN TO
A apeclal train will be run from
Ontario in Weiitor and return, Jan
8th. 191", to accommodate thoae go
ItiK down to ee the plu. "'Winning
of llarbara Worth", at Wheaton TlM
aire The train will leave Oiil.rln
at 7:00 P M.. returnliiR after the
perforin. mi I ue i.ire fur the round
trii will be 70 centa . Adv 52-1
LOST Dork brown and Rray col
ored fox muff, somewhere between
railroad crossing on Idnho street and
the 8aRe realdence, Saturday evrnlnR.
A liberal reward will be paid l.cave
in ii it at Argus office. adv .12-11
laist A larRe, hand painted
China pili. somewhere between
llrenllllllllll Tin alio .ui. I Smith Mor
tl street Cinder please luave at
rgua iillue nr return to Itena Adam.
Adv. r.211.
HriuK in two old lirei and w will
make oue t hut will run from 2000
to 6000 miles more for you. Kroea
ain llurneas Co.
A Kunch to aell or trade for On
tario iiiuilla lund Addresa K. V. A.
Drewsey. 61-tf
WANTED TO HUY Second hand
ranRe in Reed condition. Call at
Arg us office. 8. at C. H Adv 61-
FOR RENT Modern five room
house close In. cement cellar. Reed
deep well. Enquire at Argus office
WANTED Two second hand pianoa
Immediately at tbe Edison Sbop 4 7
Aiii.niei at Law. Bldg Ontario. Ore
Attorney at Law
Will Practice in All Courts
Notary Public Oilice Over Postoffice
Room . First National Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
Rooms 1 M First Natl Bunk Bldg.
Oulurio, Oregon.
Attorney at Law
Room II, 14, 1 5 Wilson Bldg.
Ontario Oregon
Rooms In Wilson Bldg.
Ontario. Oregon.
Salem BUI prepared for teach
ern' retirement fund Five per cont
of talary la to be set aside for a
term of years, when the state la to
add t?.000.
Oak Orovf. Clackamas county,
votes ten mill tax for paved high
way New state hoards and commissions '
proposed are fire warden, board of
charities) and board for wayward
children There will be others.
Halirni Northwest Fruit Product
Co., has used 1000 tons cull apples
making sparkling heveraRes.
Washing!. ui munly budRot $9000
less than la-t fW.
yppleKate iiry land dredRes be
Inn Installed here to work placer
OH ..: . n . Illll.-l I n. ., lli"ldO to
rebuild hurtn-d parklim plant here
Wa .i'ii munly advertlsinR lor .nale
tMi ' bond recently voted
"Flax mill and a linen factury tor
Western OrnRon" is the campaign
now under way
I'nrtUfid Klrst of a series of ships
lauiii hud li Peninsula Shipbuilding
Sin lerhn DourIss county turkey
raisers Mild about 12,500 birds for
aiprnximutey $:t7.."iU0
Ridill- hroii'oll will ship 30 car
loads thin mm em
Springfield Wntervllle potato
raiser sells five acre crop for 11,004
besides savlnR enough seed for six
acres and fnml In g part of crop to two
families and six hog.
OfMtt Pass (tab-Idaho Sugar
in . inluiitarlly raises contract price
of beets from 14 to $7 The extreme
advance Is due to good sugar price
caused by war conditions
That the state still Is a soverlgn
power over municipalities and that
the public service commission o(
OreRon may regulate rates In miint
i Ip.illti. i by the exercise of the police
power regardless of contractual agree
ment between a municipality and a
public service corporation, la the
hold In a recent opinion of the su
preme cmiri
Monroe potato Industry gets uplift
from aale of twenty carloads of early
white rose for need at 11.15 per 100
Rend sells 135,000 to Denver firm
In raising money for Btrahorn road.
The dairy Industry does not need
more laws and official regulation so
much as more row milkers and an
abundance of competent farm labor
at prices at which the farmers oan
afford to hire tlu-m
Springfield- 40 sacks clover seed
net s I' N'eaa ISI9 0
North lleii'l Aunt her ship yard
promised Iii n
Hanks lulled lt lm- will. M
men mi old Mirvnv up WUaN river
M.irhhtlelil COO B! I. R Co .
Incorporates for $5000 to build and
operate a railroad in Coo County
Federal control of interstate busi
ness of railroads would seem to be
the most practical Idea Instead of
haphazard control by dlliereni
state commlsions. The only argu
ment against It seems to be that thu
railroads want it. I'ndoulitedly tin
railroad managers should have fought
the proposition thus offering the pol
iticians a chance to force It on them
which would have given merit to the
movement, lis a funny world
An African Antslspa That Can Clsar
Msra Than Twsnty Fsst
The pallan, a species of African ante
lope, I probably tbe greateal living
blgh jumper. Travelers have ofteu in
serted tbat tbls beast could Jump tutu
than twenty frt-l bUb. Mr. Collar, su
old African burner, saw a number of
these anteloMs leap over tbe tops of
some smsil trees, siui then be uic.i-.
ured tbe trees. They were dfteeu feet
Tbe animals have tbe curious babit
of Jumping i.-i'i one another's backs.
either wheu f lightened or when simply
playing It is an oidlnary slight wi an
African veldt to sea a herd of these
antelope Jumping oer ooe snotber like
boys playing lesifrog When MgbtM
ed the ii i it nupiil m of a tn-id of psllsli
is to rio.ii loijei .ui , Uieu they begin
leaping one al'lei siiorbei'. going high
into the sir, l.siing small trees, their
unite-, other amelopes or anything else
tbat gats lino the nay. TUey do not
require a run before Ihe "take off.' but
Jump .i - well I nun a stundlng position
as wii!i a miming stall.
i In- lion m lung supposed to make
treme. .iiniis liouiids when ebarging bis
prey, but sportsuien say that a
lion runs 01 10 law itound, liounillnc
Into tbe air only on bli Isst leap, wheu
be M!Kta to strike. Eieu such
bouuds. iliey bay, are of no grest
length Stewart Edward White says
a liou SM ruu a hundred yards iu six
seconds, wukb i ertslnly la faat enough
to catch mott sorts of game. Youth's
Whereas, at the regular election
held on the 7th day of Nov. 191,
there was submitted to the voters of
Fair precinct the question "Shalt
stock be permitted to run at large"
at which election there were oast 52
votea for stock running at large and
H7 votes against stock ronlng at large
and there waa a majority of 35 votes
against stock running at large In said
district, now therefore
Notice Is hereby Riven tbat after
tbe expiration of sixty days from He
comber 21st, 1916, the date of the
first publication of this notice, to
wn : on and after February 21. 1917.
It shall be unlawful for stock to run
t large in that portion of Fair Pro
clnct in Malheur County, Oregon, the
boundaries of which are dvcrlbed as
follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point on iMkg Riv
er wliT.. the East and West enter
line or S-. i;,, Twp Is S 47
E. W M intersects the said rliet;
the in a Northerly direction along
the said River to a point where the
M ilhcur river enters the Snake 1 1 1 v -er;
thence following the Mallieirr
River In a genoral South w icily ill
re, noil in Its Intersection with tli"
Bast and Wotf center line of Sec. 10.
Twp IS I Rng 46 I W M . thence
East to the center of Its I, Twp 1M
S. Rng 4 7 E. W M . thence Boir.h
to the center of Sec. 17. Twp 1 8.
Rng 4 7 E W M ; thenc- Esst to
the place of beginning:
I'nder penalty of ten dollars
for the first offense, and twen
ty dollars for each and ev
ery subsequent offense, to he recov
ered Iroin the owner of such stock In
a civil action in the name of tho
8tate of Oregon, as provided by Sec
tion 5575 of Irds Oregon Laws as
.imeiideil by chapter I5R of the gen
eral laws of Oregon for 1911
Witness my hand and .-eal of the
County Court of Malheur County,
Oregon, this 19th day of Dec. 1916
County Clerk
First publication Pee. tl. 1916.
Last publication January II. 1917
In the County court of the State
of Oregon for Mslheur County.
To the Honorable, the County
Court of Malheur County, Oregen:
We, your petitioners, wbose names
are hereunto subscribed, respectful
ly represent: That each of us la
the holder of title to lands situated
wlrnn the boundaries hereinafter
described (and intended to be Includ
ed, la said proposed Irrigation dis
trict) snd that together we constitute
a majority of the holders of title and
of evidence of title to lands situated
within the hereinafter den. ni..M
boundaries (and Intended to i.- in
cluded la ssid proposed Irrigation
district), and that the lands within
aid boundaries are altuated In Msl
ii.iir (ouui, Oregon, and are sus
ceptible of irrigation from a OOtUfcM
source or combl:ied sources and by
the same system of works; that we
desire to provide for the irrigation
of the same ami therefore respect
fully propose the orgunUutlon of un
Irrigation district under the provi
aions of Chapter VII, of Title XI. 1 r
Lord's Oregon Laws, being sections
6167 to 6217, both Inclusive, of said
lawa and the acts amendatory there
of, and we hereby petition your Hon
orable Court to take such action In
the premises as may be necessary to
effect the organization of an irrlga
tton district, under the lawa and acta
above referred to, out of the terrl
tory altuated within the boundaries
hereinafter described, with such
changes therein on may be Just and
proper We further request that
there may be three directors in said
district, and tbat aucb directors may
be elected by the district at large
And this our petitioners will ever
The proposed boundaries of said
district are as follews:
Beginning at the intersection of
the north bank of Snake river with
the stale line between Idaho and
Oregon, on the east line of fraction
al section 6, township 22, south of
range 47, east of Willamette meri
dian; Thence north along the state line
ii Hie iuterseclion of the canal known
as the Riverside canal and the east
line of lot 8, section 31, township
21 South, Range 47, East Willam
ette Meridian:
Thence West along and adjoining
the South bide of the Riverside Can
al, through Section 31, Township 21
South, Range 47, Eaat of Willamette
Thence West through Section 3 6,
Towuship :' 1 South, Range 4ti East,
..lid Sections 1 and 2, Township 22
South, Range 46 East of Willamette
Theace East and Nor herly along
the Westerly boundary line of the
l l Hi. NOTIl IJ.
right of way of said Riverside Canal,
through Section If, 26, 26 and 24.
Township 21 8outh. Range 46, East
of Willamette Meridian, as scld can
al 1m constructed through said Sec
tions, and also through the 8W4 of
Section 19, Townr.hlp 21 South,
Range 47 East of Willamette Meri
dian to where said Riverside Canal
crosses the State line between Idahn
and OroRon In said Section 19;
Thence North alonR the said boun
dary line between Idnho and Oregon
to the south hank of Snake river;
thence South and West along the
bank of Snake river through sections
7 and In. Township 21 South,
Range 47, East of Willamette Meri
dian; Sections 13. 14. 23. 22, 27 and 34,
of township 21 South, Rsnge 40.
Esst of Willamette Merldlsn; and
Sections 3. 10, LI, I and 1 In Town-
ship 22 South, Range 46, East of I
Willamette Meridian, and Section 6
of Township 22 South. Range 47, east
of Willamette Meridian, to the plae
of beginning.
Also Ixt 1 of Section 6, Township
21 South Range 47. East of Wltlsm
ette Meridian;
I-ots 6, 7, 8, 9. and 10 of Section
31, Township 20 South, Range 47.
East of Willamette Meridian.
Tim Innds included In the forego
ing description, and which are intend
ed to he orgunlzod Into an Irrigation
district, are us follews:
Said Lot i 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Sec
tion 31, Township 20 South, Rmge
47. East of Willamette Merldlm-
Lot 1 of Section 6, lots 4 and 5
of Section 7, and all of fractional
section IS; the NW' of Section 19,
and that portion of BW'4 of Section
19 lying North a fJM right of way of
the Riverside Canal, and that por
tion of the 8 to f BWi of I
31 lying South of the right of way
of the Riverside Canal, all In Town
East of
shin 21 South, Range 4
Willamette Meridian, and l-ots 1. 2, Flat Irrigation dlstrlci. In Malheur
3 and 4 of Section 6. Township 22 County, State of Oregon, will h hard
South. Range 47. East of Willamette at the Ranch of W J Crane on HK-to
MrrldtBn: I Sec. 17 T 17 It 47 I W Rf .. M
The Bto "f Bto and Ixits 5. 6. 7, the 9th day of January. A. D.. I17
R and the NE of 8E'i of Section for the purpose of electing no 41
13; Lots 4 and 6 of Section 14; all rectors, and one treasurer for the atv "
of Section 23 lying Eaat of Snake suing two years
River; the 8W , the Nto axnd all The polls will be oneaed at ekght (
that portion of the 8EVt of Section o'clock a m. and close at five oYHoeft I
24 lying North of the right of way of P m.
the Riverside Canal; all that portion First publication Dec. 21. UltV
of the Nto of Section 25 lying North Last publication Jan. 4. 1917V1 '
of the right of way of the Riverside H. W. CLKMNKT,
Csnsl; all of Sections 26 and 35 ly-, 8ecesWfJ '
Ing North snd West of the Riverside
Canal, and all of Sections 27 and Ml
lying East of Snake river, all In mmmaKmmimmmmmmmKim'
township 21 South. Range 46. East " " "" ""
of Willamette Meridian.
1,1 II lllll... l.r .- IM.WM .
lo.s i. 2. a. 6. 7 and ti; the Bv,
of NE'4 and E to of 8EV4 of Section
3; Lots I and 2 of Section 10. lat
I of Section 1 I : the NW'i. tin M
,,f SV 14, the NE'i of 8WV4. 1 ni
6 and 7 and Ihe NE', of HE1, nr M
tion , and alt that tortagej ol Um
NE'i nf Section lying South ol
the right of way of the Riverside
canal: Lots. I . I, I, 5. I, 7 and I '"
Section 1, and all thai part or Ut 4
i.r i lying south or the right
of wuy of the llivoniile i anal, all in j
. i.i- .... C-...I. ,, 11 !.'..'
lownsnip as ciiiuin. iitniK- fl, .in.
of Willumette Meridian;
Also that portion of the 8 to of
Sto of Section 36, In Township 21
South. Range 46, Eaal of Willamette
Meridian, lying South of the right of
vay of the Rive.sulf Canal.
Wherefore, the undersigned pell
tloners pray inai ine aucne propnn.-n
boundaries and the lands included
therein be organixed Into an Irriga
tion District under and by virtue of
the provisions of the Isws of the
State of Oregon
W f Howard. Nannie !toard, 8 . j
0 TmiiiiK. Mrs U Tuning, liar j
vey It Hatch. Mrs Harvey Hatch, E
ft Parker. Mrs E ft Parker, Mrs 11.)
A. Morley, Burt Q Morliy, Mrs. Lee
Baldrldge. Lee It.ildridge. Mrs E II
Brumbach. E II llrumbach. V 0
Plllsbury, Mrs. I) I. Miller. D I.
Miller. V. Illckox, A C. Holly. T
Brown. F L Porter. J. E Holly, K
risk, Agnes J Holly, Thos. Welsh.
f II Anderson. I. II Ekln, D
I Holly. Win T Ashcr.ifl, Amuudii
Ashcraft, Mrs P H Andcrsou, Frank
A Miller. W, I Robiuson. Win f
lulU, laira E PilUbury Mrs .
E Plllsbury, Mrs Frank A MULi.
Albert B Miller Mrs I. II Kkiu,
Mrs. V. V Illckox, Mary lloiierts.
Burl (! Roberts, ft L. Tste. O. L.
Judd. Mrs V. L Judd, June Johu
nton, A M Johnston. Dale Robert
son, Mrs Dale Robertson. Mrs. Jes
sie M. Porter, F I I'aw, J C John
ston. Amalla John-Ion. E W Mat
thews. C It Purd. O. R Russell,
Mrs. ('has l'uril, Margaret II Rus
sell, Frank Uobwell, Muy F Mellon
ell, D. ft Walker, Mis Jas Owen,
Mrs. C (i Allen. C Q. Allen.
And notice la hereby given by the
said petitioners, that the foregoing
petition for the organization of an
Irrigation District will be preset''
to the County Court of MalltsW'"'
County, Oregon, at the court ftttoas-
of said Court In the Court' FTfAuSeVsTt" M
Vale. Oregon, at 10 o'elocR . dt r
Saturday, the 6th day of Jimmta.''
1917, for action thereon y sTaVs
Court; at which time and pltctsUft "
Interested In said petition and IfldtM'-h"
organiiaMon of said district, Hk' "
opposition to the organlxatlow Ibt4
of, or In any matter mutlsM'tawta tt
organization of said nistrret', r ttv
the fixing of the boundaries tawrk-"1
or, may be heard.
W. F. Howard, Nannie nowsifdv.
C. Tuning, Mr. 8. O. Tuning, rtftrit"' '
R. Match, Mrs. Hsrvey R llatdh, .
E. Psrker, Mrs. S. E. Parlte,'-BfV-B.
A. Morley. Btlrt O. MorleT, .'"'
Lee Bsldrldge, I BaldrhUe, -afas. '
I II Brumbsch, E. H. Brumbae-b
1" 8. Plllsbury. Mrs. D. Ls Miller, t
L Miller, V V. Illckox, A. C- IfeJIf.
K L. Porter, May F McOoneM.'VfJ E.
Molly. Agnes J Holly. P B. Ader
,,n. I) T Molly. WflD T. Afchottlt.
Amanda Ashcraft. Mrs. P. J.
Anderson, Frank A. Mills
Uira E Plllsbury. Mrs. ' L
ft Plllsbury, Albert 11 Miller,
L. II. Ekln, U II. Ekln, Mrs V V
Illckox, Burt O. Roberts, Mary Rob-
erts. ft U Tate. 0. L Judd, Mrs (I
L Judd. Mrs Jas. Owen. Male Rob
ertson, Mrs Dale Robertson. Mrs.
Jessie M. Porter. B. D. B. Paw, J. c
Johnston. Amalla Johnston. I R
Purdy. Mrs. Chss Purdy, Frank? Bow
well, I) E. Walker, Mrs 0. O. Alw.
c (; Allen, W J Robinson, Win c
Sdnilt Tho Brown. B. W Mat-
thews. C
Russell, F
R. Russell, Margaret It.
ft Flsk. Thus Welsh
First publication Dec 7, 19161 '
publication Jan 4. 1917 '
Notice Is hereby given, that a gen
ersl election In snd for the Dead Ox
Expert Service v
Reasonable i
Charges and
The kind of treat meiitSteady t
cUst,OIIiOlS llt'St'l'v 0 Is the
i '
principal upon whien we do
Accessories carried "fori all
kinds of curs.
(;asojne. Lubricating Oil
and Supplies.
Ontario Auto o
Phone i:u
Make fem Lay civ
Our formula never fevilfc.
Reliable Breeding Stock
Phone 158 J
Down Town (Mice