The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 04, 1917, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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in .iii
4, 1017.
riir Mutual lleneflt nter-l-ers gave
party Saturday evening the A.
I I'ollinnworth home, the liiishunds
being guests of honor.
Mrs. S. M. ThomaH entertained 11
few neighbors In honor of her guest,
Mrs. Klla llobsoti, of IIoIhc. nt hor
home Thursday afternoon Moat de
lirious lunch was served.
TIM W. 0. T V held a ahort bus
iness session at the Klnnlson home
Thursday nfternon. A prayer ser
vice for the coming of peace to nil
tin world waa held
H'rlday aftiTiion the I. T I- hoys
nn't In the eighth grade roni nt the
BffJ I house for a meet Inn llev
lliirtih gave a moat Interesting talk
on "Why I never lenrned to smoke
cigarettes " 'I'lie prealdenl, Olade
1'i-dier. presided Harold Lackey
wua ihnaen Secretary The boya will
in.-et iikiiIm Saturday. January i::th
,n M o'l'lo'k when they m MM
Mime hoy arotll work Any hoy un
der 14 yeara la In v It ! to attend
oik- of Mm hiKKi-Ht v IP it f 0 i
Imkh waa held at the Mrs Hpalnhow
W home luat Tueaday evenlliK when
Hliout 40 young people gathered A
lien business meeting iiwh held A
i-ry enjoyable nodal meeting waa
li. hi Mi'Biln i lliirlch and Vestal
ablated Mra Hpnlnhower with tin- N
I lillllMllH
in- tej Mrmlag) Mi C
ttvuiea entertained aonie or the voiing
people III honor of her h:iiib, Oiiis
.ii-l Italph who spent III li vacation
,ii liiinii'
I v i v li..ily la huay tilling their ice
H l I Ol Wl
I iiinllty and iilioul I -1 1 1 llirl.c-.
or better In tkiekMM .1 A Una
i II 1 T I li 1- lip .llillll ''II nr
unloaded n ear of sawdust H-ituril.iv
Mr KroHt took n ohl pluiiKe Into
r.nelte river Saturday Not It
- he thought the day an MMf
iihiihII) flue day or the water In I
ittcli I He Wbh hut lug siege of 1 II ill -
hago hi I of It Hie flrnt of til
i .-i-k ,
The mcetliiKB held In I In- llretliren
church wen- eluaeil Krliliu evening
Lev iiiul Mr- lli-urd went to .Nninpn
In hold meetings Mtm lleiird inn
. wry Inatrurllvi- Itllile reading"
in the forenoon while here.
The Kirelslor class of the llreth-J
rep Sunday School gave their annual!
banquet Thuraday evening at the (
vere phu-ed After the hauitiet and
toakta a aplendld musical program
waa given It waa alao a reunion of
the class aa thorn- who are attending
..I it m it from home or teaching I
MM home for the holldaya
Mi.- Ilapllal congregation In-I.l their
ih! church meeting unci election
hi officera N'-w ttU '- '! The
i lag was also In Hi- I'm in of a
.-li night rervlee Itev llu
,iu i -. lli-ni sermon, i
riiolr rendering i-pi-ciul mush Aiu-i
i I.- hniiiUi-i ih. lollowlng toasts
.- turn ' "A should u i hull h
pcct oi Its pa-tor''. Mrn Spaln
hower. What hhould I pastor i-
l,.-i-t in 1,1- t-liui t-li ' ' It f I'lckn.ii .
What should our church do for MIs--lona?,"
Miss Velma Hpnlnhower .
' Why ahoulil u young woman belong
to He church','' Mlaa Myrtle Steg
ner; "Why ahould u young man he
long to tin church?." Oseur Clad
. ih Meaara' McKeown and lleael
une were elected as HMHIi Mra.
McKeown an deaconess
Ike Ijtrinon, a bachelor of about
eara wlio lives below the J. 0.
(Healer home wan found in a very
critical condition Monday by Than.
Itlch who stopped for gaaoline for
bla auto. Dr. Avey and noighbora
were i-oon called, the doctor finding
Mr. l-arinon Buffering with double
pneumoula Little hopea were had
for liU recovery. Mr. Lunnon passed
awa) uixiui A o riocK I uehoay uiorn
iug. Search la belug made for j-.-la
I'lir Metliodlst congregation ktU
their annul New Year'a dinner In Kp
worth Hall Monday The mualc oil
Hev. Walker'.- viclrola waa thor
oughly enjoyed by all.
Lorain and Socials
ljiat Wedneaday evening Mr and
Mra. Ady entertained a few neighbora
K. a ' Hook party," the gueatB beiun
the Steiler. Mail-, u and Moreland
fumllieB and Mr and Mrs Itarne
and Mi.- Anna Hupp
l'he liollmgHi- young people entei
lalned the Kruitland Htgli School
claaaeH '14 and '11 at their home Fri
day evening. 3lX member- of ea.ii
.laaa were preaent A iuohi enjoy
able evening was spent. Lovely re
lii-hineiitis were .-. i veil
Tuesday Mr and Mrs Albert Carl-
.ii, entertained Mr and Mrs Alfred
Johnson of I'nyetie. Mr. and Mra.
Carl Johnson ol New Plymouth and
the John Anderson family
Mr and MrB John Anderson gave
a iliiiu. i Saturday evening, the gueata
being Mr. and Mra. Hill and their
gueat, Chan. Smith who la here visit
ing from Montana, Mr nnd Mra.
Kingsbury and their daughter, Mra.
Carpenter from CamnB I'ralrle and
Mr and Mra. Llnck and MIhb Kern.
Friday, Mlaa Kmma Nliwander en
tertained the MIbkcb Mabel ItnbliiHon,
Lola Kldredge, Wlnnlfn- HosHen,
Ituth and Itin hel llaney. nnd Pearl
Kliey, in honor of Mlaa flnldle Weiia.
Mr. nnd Mra. Arthur Col well and
baby aon were dinner gueata at the
Chan Itlch home Friday evening
Mr. and Mra L M aCpron apent
Sunday nt their dattghter'a Mra. Har
ry McCarty'a home, on Ontario html
Mlaa Katlierlne Mnilsen spent pnrl
of her vacation with Mrs K (
Venla In Payette.
Mrs A II Khlredge Is at the t)
MliiKiman home at ArcHitln earing for
her little Rrnnildnughler, Marjnrle.
alio has hronchiiil pneuinonia
Hrvllle Muni iiiini Kiimii.ii nnd tin -cle.
Klmer Hunt, who is here from
(lunula, spent the week end nt the
(Irani Fisher home
Prof T. It Nnllaon and several
ineinlierB of the Men's (llee Club
helped Sunday In the ileillcalory aer
f the I hrl-illan i hiin-li at I'ay
Prof Cotton and Miss Irene went
to lliil-e Wednesday to nllenil the
Teachers' State meeting and Miss K(l
nn HarrlH weni to IIoIhi- 'I'liursday to
altetld Mime
Miss Irene COttOfl vlMlled Miss I'lnr-
. in . Mrl'iii inark over Sunday
Miss Lulu llnver who l In nure
Iriilnlng at Denver I -1 1 mi a lliperv
paveiiieni rrniliirnin her left arm
al.nv e I in- w list
Jai Flfer stopped at the Smith
HroB ' home several (lays Inst week,
his father nnd brother Kdwnrd re
turning from nenr Vale Friday when
li. i .Iiiim- their inltle to their new
The T L Frimk family of Camas
Prairie moved last week Into the O.
K Wilcox bungalow.
Miss Florence .lonea of Portland,
iiieiiKuii. spent New Year's day with
her friend. Miss V.illie t'olwell.
C. S Dean went to Caldwell Satur
day aa a bilalness viator
The MIbhch l.ela Flalier. Itene Kid
redge, Vave Mowers, l.yle and Wen
dell Drown and Karl Flock autoed to
llolse Saturday.
Daphne McKeown came home from
Lewtaton last Monday to spend the
William Sitillh went in Council.
Washington, mi a business trip Fri
ll, it ...-mug
Mr and Mrs William Smith of
Nainpa -pent Weiliiesdn to Friday
at I he Slllllll Jlros ' Inline
Philip Smith went In Nainpa Wed
ii.-ilay returning 'I'hursday
Mlssi", Clurii and Kinnia MaMi-lil
-pent their Micatlnn with their ninth
. i Mi Maxllehl at the lilshnp hniiie
Mr ami Mrs (II. nil Darnell of Par-
tun speni the wnalliin with the .1 It
Wells and lien Darnell fanillie-
MiH Kdltli aCpron spent lust week
wiih her sister Mrs Harry Mcat'rty
mi Onlailn houevard.
Luclle Hill went to llolse huraday
to spend a week at the Guy (Jrahaiu
Florence Andurson went back to
her school at al-Tk . Store Monday.
Hrandma Wilaon Is visiting her son
J K Wilson and family.
Mi and Mra. Arthur t'olwell. baby
and Frank Kinnlaou were entertained
hiir.-dai evening at tile W. A. Col
well hniiie
J. W. Heeliler's baby boy la kick
with bronchial pneumonia.
Grandma Itlchardsou is again on
the sick list.
Mra. J. I. Cregor and children cume
down Saturday to the P A. Cregor
home from Dig Willow where she has
been visiting her mother
Mrs Altizer and daughter Miaa
Sadie visited the L. W. Flo. k home
severul days ast week.
Paul Foik went to Caldwell Satur
day returning home Monday
Little Lyle Frank who has beeu
quite III with tonsllitla la much better.
Miss Mabel Khlredge visited last
week ii Hi.- YeuKci home nour Puy-
Nurse Lucy Kullauder of Hoi.-e
came down to her sister s, Mra n.
W drover's home last Tuesday. She
returned to lioise with little loin to
I In- Hospital for a slight operation on
lola's peck. They returned home
Harry Heckus who spent a week
with his pan-Hi- returned to Sugar
city Saturday.
Jess.- Kill.- i. -tin in-. I in LuCraiule
after a visit with the home folks.
l Union Menei nt Payette spent
the first of last week with Lloyd
Johnson. Llovd visiting Cliiil.iu In
Payette the latter part of the week.
M .1 floss of Lntlriinde spent a
day the first of last week with Fruit
land friends.
Mr. and Mrs Albert Mohler ifnd
family of Kedinnud, Oregon, and Mr.
unit Mrs. A. L liorham of Payette,
visited the D J Wampler home on
Lou Itani'-i returned to Cascade,
Idaho, Monday where he Is employed
In a drug attire
Mr. and Mrs w A. Ayera visited
their daughters, Mesdames Peter E.
John-ion and Arthur Johnson, over
New Years.
Mr and Mrs II Thebo of Hllss
nnd Mr and Mrs. T. Johnson of
LelhH, vl-lte.l Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mrs. Uiith Van Der Kar waa a
Caldwell business visitor 8aturday.
Mrs A It Albee and two younger
children returned from llolse the first
of the week, where site visited her
sister. Mrs K K. I.nv.-ii
Mrs II 7. Taylor and little grand
IniiKhter. Luclle li n - I went to Kin
melt Satiirilay lo visit her daughter.
Mrs Chirence Unsaid while Mr. Tay
lor Is visit Ing in Nebraska.
Unail ConimlsBloner H. J. Puchert
wax an Kminett business vlsllor Snt-
li Ida Kdson of Whitley llotloin
inmeil in the Davis liouse In town
Mr- W Miller of linker, Ore . i
vlsliiuii the M J Phillips home
in ii Khlredge was a limine vIh
llor in llolse Frldny and Hatiirday
State senator elect, D L Ingard.
went in Spokane Monday to iitlend
tin- lilaho-Oregon Fruitgrowers' As
iiclatlim Trnstees' meeting
Mr anil Mrs Hoy Sparks returned
Saturday from visiting Mr and Mrs
J llan-ineyer. In linker
Prof anil Mrs I A Hull who hnve
been vl-.ltliiK Prof and Mrs. T. It
Nellson. returned to Albion Saturday
Miss Leimra Huff of Maker spem
tin- holiday i in-lit lou with her parents
Mt and Mrs Ranks Klnnlson left We want so much to put one or
for thnlr new home at Atascadero, j our electrically operated Apollo
Cat., Thursday via Salt Lake nnd Player-Pianos In a home In OnUrlo
San Francisco. ) that we will make a big discount on
Horn to Mr. and Mrs. C H Bar-(the first one, knowing that enough
gent Sunday Dec 34th. a baby girl . j orders will follow lo warrant the aac
Prof, and Mra. Allen Klnnlson havc.1 rlflce. It plays by hand and pedals
rooms at the M. It. Powell bungalow.
tlyron lirown was unfortunate In
losing two cows which over-atp on
ground wheat last week.
The Misses Esther and Florence
Klnsey of Boise spent New Years' day
at the A. H. McConnell home.
Wm. Hollenbeck's have Installed
an electric range.
Mi and Mrs. J. W. Hayes of
lileiuiB Ferry spent the first of the
week at their ranch home
also. A letter of Iqulry will do no
harm Or you may ask Mrs. Weese
In OnUrlo Wise Piano House,
Boise, Idaho. 47tf
One of the new style 1917 model
Indian motorcycles was purchased
during the past week by H D. Parks
from Mr. Olson of the V. 8 Plumb
Ing company who handles the In
dians here.
Weet Hound
No ,171 Mixed leaves Ontario
10:00 a. m. Daily except Sunday;
Arrive Vale 10: nO a. m , Juntura
2 00 p. m ; Riverside a 20 p m.
crane ." :20 p. m.
No H72 Mixed -Ieavc Crane. Ore.
7 HO a. m. Dally Kxrept Sunday,'
Itlverslde A:30 a m Juntura
I" .15 a. m., Vale 1:11 p in , Ar
rive Ontario 2:00 p in
Nn Iff Mixed Leave Ontario 1 .10
p m. Dally Kxcept Sunday Leave
Wile 2:30 p. m.. Arrive Hrngau
II p m.
No. 374 Mixed Leave Mrogan :i :f0
p in., Vale B:0r. p. in , Arrive (in
l.irlo j .10 p. m
Km i.i Mis. Ontario X
m Dally Kxcept Sunday.
No :!.'! Mixed Ieave Nyasa
i. in Dally Except Sunday
rive llomedale 10:3a a. m
No I B4 Mixed leave llotniilale
: n a iii Dally Kxcept Sun. lay.
Arrive Nynsa 12:0a p m
Kxlrn Mixed Arrive Ontario 12.10
p in
Argus, for Job Printing the
The after erfecls, sometimes
an- worse than long whlskera.
We make a specialty of the care
of your face Give ua a trial
and If not satisfied tell u.
.l.ilin-rin IHce, Prop.
Mr. Olson, agent for the Maxwell
car made Holden Clement happy re
cently by a delivery of one of the
1917 Maxwell models.
Mrs y. ope Ladles' Tailor and
Dressmaker, Phone 91-M
II n
Thirty years ago the telephone was a luxury. Today,
through personat Initiative and private enterprise. It has become
a necessity within the reach of everybody. Where one a busi
ness had but one telephone with a limited talklnc range, today
that business has service with a range three-quarters of a conti
nent broad, and every branch of every business ii linked to ev
ery other by an Intercommunicating telephone system.
The telephone has earned Its responsible place and there arc
now 8,000,000 Bell telephones In this country, over which go
26.000.000 talks dally.
Kvrry Bell Telephone ia a lionjr DiaUnce Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
At the old Prices Big Savings
EVEN though practically all merchandise has been increased in price the past year, Oossard
Corsets have remained the same to you. It is only the determination of the H W. Oossard
Co., to maintain the quality of Oossard Corsets which forces them and us to make some
slight increases in their price beginning February 1st.
Because of our rather large purchases the past year we have been allowed to stock heav
ily on regular stock models all new just in from the factory.
We are going to let our customers share with us in the savings. Purchase your corsets
NOW before February 1st. And remember our allotment, while large, will be sold quickly.
Below we quote the "new prices" and the "now prices." Oossard style Oossard style
Gossard quality -Oossard workmanship Oossard comfort and front lacing are in each model
and the savings are large enough to warrant your buying more than one corset at this time.
Price NOW
(lossm'il iiititifls will soon !' -"Id ill Klj yy
UoKHurds that vou luivt- worn which will Q AA Q QA
i tail at O.UU Lov
(iossanls in maiiv model jroun probab- i 0C Q CA
lv. soon ... H.LU O.dV
tit.ssaitls that have Ixt-n Vttl sellers, C AA i AA
(iossnrds in standard model that will he n U S hH
(iiissaids in f'aiiev mateiials, sim.ii O.jU U.UV
(oissardsttf j-reat values will he 111 1111 X SI)
Above $10.00 there will be no material change in quality or style, the scale of prices pre
vailing as before, $12.60, $16.60, $18.00 and $26.00.
Naturally our store will be a very busy place with many other sales in progress but you
will be given the same careful fitting service during this saving sale as you have always received
Early buyers naturally have the best selection the most complete stocks to select from
so we urge you to come in today or tomorrow at the latest.
I llTS!?
- ( -
m V n
SI 1
Boyer Bros. & Co.