The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 04, 1917, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I'll,! T"0
Camus Uriel nt Power I'lanl of Snnn.
MihmI) prole, t Ijii Sntnnla.i
Membei-s OptltnMIr mrr Pro
Ai n e.-inrua hMd laat Saturday al
tin- l'o t plant of the dMrlrt.
ranrhera under tho Snow-Morcly pro
ject on Dead Ox Hut nominated rnti
tlldatea for positions on tho BMftl "
direr-ton Tha aMUlfeOM present, nncl
Ihe Mthrrlm: arM lr.rael' Btl nde.l
by repres.-nlntlve MfMfB "i land In
that aertlon. recommended tlMl tho
by-law of the .11 trial I I to D I D
that Inateml of thfO tin- UrOStOMl
be Increased to five MMM
'I'l m oniK ii-. prr '.ii'-'l enoimh
MUM! I-T ron id. raimn "I tin- -l. K
Hon lo be liiiil next Tuenuay i
lor th.. aMMBM ll I1" hoard
Tim rin.i In r- who alii ml
meeting Inst Saturday n-pri" naiiiiiiini
In their us of suooaes : .
during the . on and npl n
for hittci tilings to be m n.inpllslieil
during the ...inlng year
Cleveland W O. i-hi-i 01 th" of Kallroad Irs. imii. mi Is
tied a atalanietil hero, i harglng that
te railroads of tha BBMtrj aj
pilttaa dela to train- an. I
which would not nrdluarlli l. Btmll
lad. In order to nrorv th.. MBraBMI
expense mat would follow oh-
to tin- .Uii.aon law Hie sluicuiciii ,
asked whether If the siiii.iii.
declare that law ellher . onstltiitl.uial
r Invalid Hie brothvi bonds shmild
rnntinne to BWSM th.- atcfcl I r day.
Mr. I.e.- ileiusd a ir,..M .iihll(b.-.
that a sesi.., statein-ii' iniinns tM
Adainaon law lltaatloa up to tM BtM
had bean tent Ml h lb- chiefs of the
four brother hoods
It waa learned from sn an'horttaltve
source that th ueral chsiiinsu of
U faar brotharhoods will hold a
aaaatloa In 'hl.g.i January 11 to con
aider lha altuatloa.
London I lie fins' diafl al Hie re
ps oi i'i aalaati
W III.. i HOI b l l. a I lias
been appl ' ed b) I
HriiH -n forwardad la ii!.
and Ruaala uid, as no changeg hac
lima far frmn llu.
quarters ll la not nr . .- uol,
will at I tO IM vm.-i .
ha.i..i la ililam (J
wiibuui . i .
Ill Ita lo- ll .U If
ah. the M It.iigtb as Ihe ii..i- to
it rati power and ha lb.
tdaWaatartath ami Man)
ed lauguage On al IM ino( nn...i
lam in .i- la a III nttatiM be
tWHn pMM anr. ., tM present bel
lUreul a. I i ll ire an aim.
nietit aa mav h. . ,.i pariuauaui
ac th anrpiis.. In .- i,, abuw nen
Iral upholder of a I ra iirmianem
(- thai Hit I iiaiuM
Wbmi -t'lnb 1 1 I bliiMitaui 11 tt
rad lliuslan. II ii. . tart) fold ti M
HarUy No I read HI Pi Ion
Hay I mi,,. h. Dl par tun. alfalfa
Uttltar -t'reaiuery. ..
Hags Ran.ta i
...l Kasiriu nisau ig,. ; valley
Hep III-, t nip ,1 ,.
Whaat Hliiasirn, ) ,, lu ,, 4
tarty fold. 1147. rod Rmihsm ..j
fife 11 47. lurhex r-A l ii
llarly i. Ml tM
Baltsr ffMBiil) lie
i- ..
sfHtiAI. TlttlN Til
A secial Ir.iln will l- niim
Ontario to ValaOf anil retain. J.,n
--III. 1HI7. I., .u-coiiiuiodati lliii-,- gg
iiik a.iwn to b.H, tin. play, "Wlaalai
of Burbai.i W ,mi, ,i aatoa The
atre. The I rain will I.., t Ontario
at v oo p.. i rataralBi aftar tha
performance The luie for lbs round
trip will In ;.i I s ,u .
llai'iy i I. ii.i in is ii.. aroud BO!
aaaaor of a new 1917 model M.,
woll which be purchased rMBBtl)
from Mi Ol-on of il ,- f s I'lunib
tug I'u ageui for the Maxwtll luie u.
The Week With
W, A rulkeraon loft Monday for
a short BMtMBI trip. HO k O
pr. ii'.l to return today.
Mrs Jump I'. Iot.v wai taken III
this week with what appear to be
Mrs. Ii. hi Uallaaher of Juntura 1
i nt the home of Mr and Mm
P, .1 (InlluRher. Hil.-t week.
Mr. Harry Wihon of Cornucopia
arrlwd liere on Tuesday evening to
be the nuest of Mm K. M Hrela: for
several day
Utile MIm Jean Aiken I- one of
th.. iikiiiv ilrtlmii of the epidemic of
rlp which Is raging In Ontario this
M. llaln. formerly editor of The
Argus, who Is now In Hie mining
Itame near Homestead. Oregon, left
Monday for an extended stav In Hie
... -j .. i t n .., .ml
ll Hill. ...I- J I'Mi.'-x.' I
v,r .., Mr, R H I... Arm.-ml ol
il- were unesi. .,t the htMM "t '
I, ' - ., LTo.d.1
!..... ... . ....I.... Iliutf. lltl
"' '".CO. - ........ ..
. inii.opln who la the VMSl of Mrs
i ,-,., vir II II wiiltnev
Main.. I al bur home on OrMon
Mrs. J It Corner cnl rl inc. I Hi.
Wednaailnt bridge clt:h al llM liotne
... .... i .-.. i.. . .1 . . .....r -
'" '"" """'"'" "' "' .
n. ...ii .Mrs A I. i. .i.i. iii. s.cureu
llie high Maori lor i
l in- plata ilasa for Hi
In lin
ed IBM we,. I, Ud fonlrio I'.r ll.igln
and his crew MM MM t"ls pill-
ting Hie big lights in BaMI
(mm i, ii, i.i.i m..i i: w
N irilMll .
.,i i ai n: tm. . -.' tin
iiiiici en 1.M.TI..11 .hnrcii warn no
held rbfl lln.w ii has roooverid sii.
in i, mi) lioxravar m Hint lha ragular
,,.n ,, ,,K tt,, ,. h,,M ,, IBM)
Thara rai i k-n-rai aoda a
.iiiorneyi. tor Vale on Tuewda) to
..iieii.i ssb.n of thi district
.n.irl Alining tbn.e who went from
(intarlo were Altoines I W Ml
iiillin-li W I I..-.-. K W Sw.iglci
ii iin.oki . c, MoOonaaill aad
i' J Qallagliei
The llieli,ber of the public cbool
faculty who did not I. -aw- lor '
the holiday season lb.- guests
of Mrs. I.ucy Fox Saturduy eienlng'
for a dllllier which the guests help,
liii-iLir,. folhtw-lti a w-hl.-l. t.f. Imnrnm.
. - ....
pin 'Muni" prugrii i.n ii.ui.-.i to
.. alaaaaal araalas.
S Ii Hoiin.ii, r.celicd word last
iii. I-.. aVMlU oi IM .loath oi hi-
mi. i. lobn ii iiuiiard oi Ballard
IN IM li.rino.-l Jewclcry linn ol
SI l-.uil. Minn Owing H. ibr oiisal-
bilitb-s in dela) i on i irlo east .it
thtl time Mr Horn, an did g..
bach ttaad lha .UBaral aarrli
Judge Hi.iiuii Hug.- warn t, .,i.
Tuaada) la opt liar Junuarj
I. Ml., ol Hie dl.-m.l court
Mr- ThOI
N llll .111 H
. '. , dinner
1 .1 Mrs 11 11 M I Ituav
Mr V f ll,, III. Hi enleri.illie,! ,,
I '..i I,:. Moll 1 llll, .,1 liei ,,ii, - ,,n 1, ,,
lui street W.-iIiii-siIh ei.-iiliiL.
It. W .lone- 01 ll,- (Jl IBI XI . HO '
went 10 Kmmett, Idaho, Wed
on bun
v. 'coiiipiiniiiig the cold : n.,, aim
MIOW l.ill ol the Baal I'll il.n. w ii
husky epidemic of grip arbaM claimcl
rlatlau la BMrl) vrmrt famil) n-
town, especially aiming the clu.lreii
Mi-s Itill.y I'.iiwi.k ol .Ionian Vul
by who spent Christum-, hoh.hiy.
bero as the guest ol Mi-- I. in inn
Smith started on her return tup Sim
Ss. J- bbI I 1 1 I
' Dastin Farnurn
Pall A3 PocTuRes''
vu... inn ua ser u ii,, Ul ntU ,lauuiu.y - ,., ..Hni m .
thk OMMMO AMM, otrio. oitrXWN.
Ontario Citizens
The Oregon tilth w :i tlM BB ' "
a pleasing dancing party nt the dub
rooms Monday night Many of the
un,..t , wr from I'.iyett'i
David Wlltiou nl Spokane arrived
In Ontario Tuesday to auperlntend
the final work of renovation being
perfornid on his buslne building
on Oregon atreet
Ixic.i Alumni of tho OBltOTBlty
Oregon wore hroad nrallei Tu.-nlav
aftr learning the results of the foot
hall game at Haiad.-na. California,
hot ween tho varsity and Pennsylvan
ia which resulted In a I 4 to 0 rtatOff
for Oregon
Among the members of the victor
IBM Dr. gon Hnlvemlty font hall team
who made the trip to Pasnlenn for
the New Year's game with the lTnl-
ver-dty of Pennsylvania tcm
, ."Men .-noriiu oi urogan won
v.'ir was ;. sub on the varsltv helne
w --
under.stt.ily for "Shy" Huntington.
the half back
Tlir.,.tlnn f Ml.. V..II
rrom '-..- p.ll.ll,- school faculty MM
,, In the teaching forcel
...!...... I..,. .rl..
Iwhen IM sessions Ihumii follow tM
Christinas vacation, Tuesday Miss
Bmnii MoOlMfl who has been In
ennrm- ... ine.ui.i iook mi
Mi Iglitb grade wblleaMIss llena
-H.cee.l..,l Miss Mcfllvertl In
tti Mfth vrude
,...: ,, L .., ,.... .
.-. .-c .,.-., - ... ....- ..- ...
Ontario uat Batarday m accompany
..i , ii , , I.. I,,.., vt-
I.H'I'-I till 1 lllt'lll'l HI-1HW, 111
MX M- V r Sb toth. - .r,'
home li W still suffering
Tot. i lb- .ut...-k ..i illn-ss w Inch ...-r
""4 h"'' laftl att.r bis arrival here
bM "e'.-k r..i . rtatl irttk in. son. K
I. Sh.-ts ot to- Argus, who also
i. .Mi-I ... Hi- r.-tiirn trip.' as
tT ai " I la)
HK.H -I Hi "H Mil I M
li '111 Ki. i. UPK1N
da) in
lai u'-r., ihort i ..ii.ii vacation
WadMOdB) inoiiung I Pipe n. Hie
holItT roOM Bt IM MhOOl hoMB I
ld -c'.i, ml was -topped In Hie fore
'"'" '
I I...-I II I Til I II 11 11 W 111! ll.l- ll.-ell all
HH1 I" turned till- w c.-k
,""-"" " l;"1"- "" Miirgirct
Hrliliu in- in Mil I again
"tljal Krma Williams of W.I .it HTM
r :" "'' '"'" School Thiir-ls-
.1. Inn on
I-.,... V..II nun -.,l i
and Port Arthur ol Btoohlbet, Idaho.
v''-n' MU Tm
riwr-tt TtOwMU of the .,
l'i""""" vi,n...i Partaud .luring
in...... i ., i.ii.e. iook n trip
Klgln hi- I.n in.. r hoii.t il ii r I tt : the
bvivw n nnr.i oi maai
'' '' "
I i.L-n-l, ,l....n ii
plannln neart tha aad
Prtda) nlghl Tha Han
lra hi mbbbbi ovar lha
" ' I '"" l"'r"
"' " '"'' ".I wire good
" '
. Hilar ale Draciiciiig en -rv
eiennia ami hope lo hale .1 i liiinploll
- ,'ip i.-.i ,1 Ihla liny .ire going
'" I'ay I i ...iy night to lune a
pr oh,, nana
TM I i -I l,.i. Illicit game will be
Kriday the U'th with Kinmeit
Irl .Ii, of l-arma csinie u,
urn. hi., la tarda) la get tin- mi:
Ii. di. in in., in icy, -e which be purchas
ed through the I S I'liimbing com
pain o, (In, illy
thiwihv, mm bv , nm
Apparatus Mail In Thorn Cut-forth
t Matt l.' Is Pninouuceil
a Ileal 4 ontrlbullon..
I -Diversity of Oregon. Hugene.
Hllndnmrt Is a rearful affliction.
but that It need not cut off entirely
the usefulness or the victim has he N
demonstrated by Thomas Cutaforth.
of Kiddle, Ore, who ha completed
an apparatus for testing the com
parative ability of the blind to l.'.irn
Mr. Cutaforth Is one of the two blind
students at the state university
By ulng Mr Cotsforth- BOVlaB
an Instructor may determine lii
method of pr.- .Miting study m
la best suited to the individual blind
student The apparatus is a box 4
Inches wide, eliht Inchee long and
four incline deep. I n.l.-r the moid
. i .. .,.... j .... I
M- '"P. a ..... ...-. -
two rollers, otie at each end ll
niriltng I n.lll.ll- on n .on-...- ...
"", ,h ' " V ' " '"' ",;",, "
' I .he roller,, and on
. i.. ... n ' .iii... . - i.i
of p.ipr on which lire words In Hie
dots of Hie iliih.ibet for blind In
the top nt' Hie I. ox ! an op 'iilng one
sianiing . ...a.-, ...... -..-
...! I.. 'IM. ......... !.. ....
i ing a aaotloo of n pt i p..i
lur" "" "
..-.. . . II... I II.. ;iii-...ll till. I I IX
I Rt?ir 111 I lit" lUUI'IH P rs I Ml II . i - '
- ' ' '' "- ""
... ns I "...I1.
Viir.l-. . ,m Ihua ! pr. , , i .,.
varying i"- ' ' ara gi n '"
determine bow .imcKlv th. ubjci-t
can ic.iuire a lesson from Ihe sense
oi touch only ; then a t.-t to aaa If
Ihe speed ll In. r . .-. wb.ii Hie In
strurlor .p. . tin- words while Ho
tBdMI : IBB Impr'Hsloii M
1 1... . i p i . . iinibliiiilloii
per. laatrtMtor proaapthali and r.-p
Hti. ,ii by tM Madaal after lha Instrtn
"Tha hoi ni.ii.e- mbb Ihla Mwii
metit.s lo -'i.iw the Idlosyncri
uJJ bliinl l.-arnor," said Or It II
I Wh-eler. lustructor In psychology-
"Tills Is 'lot Hie only emit rlbutiou Bl
Mr Chlaforth He has discovered II-
I lii-iiin- of the blind and has done re
I anarch work in droouis of the blind
Ills I . Indeod, some of the best work
Hint has been done in this phase of
f IL, nl.. 1 - f. IU... j...t
i"-sii ma.i-s, 1. 1 .- ii . ji ,
Ih? b"",, M,""n, hM "uum"-
ted a tliesls on I be prnhlem of the
beat way to pre-ent study material
to Hie blind. The work of Hie two
iii.-ii In Ibis i..pirluient la ultimately
l t. . published.
pisiple ol Onlarl I
v .nut. iraatlnga tor lha bob year
mi rn Mtro botM with us the
.-. .II..I we buve n)i, led
illr BlM). .,,,, V(M1 Tu mh,
n ., pr.,...eroii- one in i, 1,1,1
ways M'a caruiol) aapraclata your
ration tor bat
,, r Ontario and rlghtousn. -- in MU
..pponun i
Hi.-. there are BMatOf Ibn.K
.....MMliah for k-ood through our ur
Not morel) what we desire to aaa,
but what we are Inspired In do, will
make the lit into Hie etern
al li.ilanciiiK Hie books of the past we see many debts marked up
agalust ua Ho we see any credits"
(in the clean page of Hie new year
we haie opportunity to reduce the
.l.-i.i s and Increase the credits
ll is an individual proposition.
Kiery account i- a per-olial on. Ion
bus its iiiiiience on the entire com
munity Topics for discussion next .Sunday.
-laiiiiury 7. II7; 1 1 00 a in "The
lames Boys of Ontario ' This ad
draaa will be worthy of the consider
ation of every citizen of Ontario
II. aU this address 7 M P "Ood'.s
Sympathy for the oppressed " This is
the fifth In a aerie ot addresses on
tin- tepic: "The Oospel of Deliver
ance." A hearty Invitation is extended to
every one to come and worship witli
us this the first Susday in Hie new
D at BAKKlt I'nstor.
(Continued from page one)
Itust, HMM1 -I M Barton. Mrs M
A Coleman. Henry Wiseman and
a.le Bal'lou, S fi.ser, Idaho; A A
Allen Mrs lieu llrowu and Mrs S
V Boston. Vale; Mrs M II Sniuri,
Idaho; Mrs. A H. McCauu.
Honlta, Mr- S Wright. Hunting
ton. H. Ward, and .Mrs Victoria
Blackburn. Hrewsey; aud Mis Claire
By au of Juntura. All of these have
recovered and left the hospital save
Mr. McClain whose leg waa ampu
tated on Mew Year' day.
The lortg-burnina; quality of Rock Springs Coal enables
you to leave home for a long time with a feeling that wheo
yyu return your home will be warm and comfortable.
I tv-'s a fine, white ash which Is light to carry. It is sootless
in I practically smokeless. It burns with an intense heat,
and U easily regulated.
Keep your home clean by using Hock Springs CoaL
Rock Spring Coal burn better when there I a
little Rock Sprintf alack mixed with the lump.
Your dmalmr can supply you.
aaaaaaia - a,
! The Fashions I
Bill n i root ' fashions,
rrttMfl lot IN lodtaa ll lha utawi re-
it the taahlotis in huib.ial-
Tham at realty not much cbana" Huahmd may be fat.
skinny, bald. 'ill. short, lean, and even have whisker.
Just o t iei ar decorated Willi lar;e haul, accounts, deeds
to laud.. iro-it.ibie huiltis. and ability tO buttle These
lasluons III husbaud.s haien't cbanaed Inucli since your
arandmother was a alrl Show thi i I ki nl to your
husband or your prospective husband ami tell him to
come to our bank where we will -t Hie (ash-
I i3i the ladles dealre
First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 years time at
6 per cent interest. We
have 500,000 acres for you
to select from. Write or
call on A: W. Trow, Agent
Oregon Western
Colonization Company
Scorching: Burning or
Bring your suit and see
Lasting Creases
Uniform Finish and
Perfect Shaping
how it is done or phone and
get it.