The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 28, 1916, Image 1

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(Bni&tiQ tm.
vol XX.
'I'.lllllii. M4I.IIM li HIIIKTV, OKM.OY Till It.SDAY. IH.I KMIII I; 2H, I IMA.
NO. .11.
MANY PRIM WINNING Hilllw To'oSTAKJo HAS KM.iit oAllh Tills
Ilk s K.K.N IV ONTARIO NKT ! MONTH hi t stiii, m an v i sm-
TRIRR . I ill U.
Onlng In ltuh of I lirlslmm Seusnn
No I'mntum l.lai I'l-rpMit-il, hul
I'm"- will hr Announced it Hliou.
Interest anionic poultry raleera In
Increasing In the poultry ahow to he
given In Ontario next weak All ready
ran' hers and lilrit Innclera from
around the country have signified
their mi. in inn of 'iiii-f inr their
beat bird no that a tm- collection
will lie aeen.
Owlnit to thr rush of thn t'hrlat
maa aaaaon and thr Int.- mart which
the local rotnniltleo made, no ! il
rata premium Hat la being prepared
Thn nrat ahow la morn ur leea of an
experiment, thr principal object be
ing to determine the extent of thr
local Internal and to makr I he ahow
II mnana of forming a prrmanrut or
ganlxatlon which can proceed with
a hlggar ahow rarh year In the fu
ture. Ilnfom f 1 1 - ahow takra place thn
loin in II t will arrange for Ihn prlx
ea and thean will bo announced and
piiNli'd ul tin' ahow when It alarta
January 4 Thn association will
charge a nominal entry fen of ten
cent for nai h bird und llM udliila
-.Inn to tin- show will ulso bn III
Km ry blankM inn) .ilo IN aecurad
ui Tim Vrgui ollli r at 1 Im Ontario
Produce 1 iiiiimii or Urn omgon
Paeklni pan) vn lanotraMloa
Him -n will iin'.i wii,, II,. uppruwil of
poultry raisers will In- t In- l !
pn.e i..r tin' must pr.u ii' .il appliance.
Min I a water foiinl." . 1 1 . . -r -
galea. I.iii t other devise ui bene
III to tin- inn ic ' -x i-1 1'
Viuntig lli Trunin' exhibits will he
thn pna fowla of A ' laiekharl of
Jallllnaon. and Max Munllnr' w Hi.
rlntlna of phneaanla, und Al llnrren
of Jaiiilnaon will exhibit hla big
bum." turkey, whlrh won Hie prlxn
al the Mlaaourl state fair This
bird waa declared one of Ihn moat
perfect turkeya eer exhibited
Tim llolae valley will be repreaenl
rded by an exhibit owned by Mrs N
Silversmith, secretary of thn llolae
association I'at O'Connor of Crane
will send un inhibit ot I'cklu durkh.
Imported from Irnland, Ihn largnat
of the apeclna to bn fouud In the
west Theae und many other cxlub
itors, too nuuinrouii to mention will
bn shown and If Ontario la to lake
many prlxna It ia up to thnloral n
hibilora to till the coops In quality
and quantity.
K I. Sh.-.-i wai- act -oiupaiiieil M
bla reium WedneKilay ironi I raxll
to Joaeph. by IiIh falher und mother.
Mr and Mra. A. K. Shenla, who are
piniie.-r In Ihia pa" of Oregon The
eldnr Mr Sheei , aim- lure In 1X61
and In the early duya eatalillHli.-l ..
blackamilli nhop al La "..,, 'i' ''
he 1.11ml the oxen which dragged the
freight wagon Ironi I'malllla lund
lng to Baker
The trip from Joaeph to Ontario
evidently waa u severe leal for the
pioneer bluckhinllh lor on Thursday
morning h waa taken ill and Ml
plan of proceeding Irom Ontario to
Hooding, Idaho, for a rUM IU hla
daughter. Mra S 0 liatea haa beeu
iiidrnnilely poHtponed.
Among the pretty I'hrl.ttmaa tree
lu the illy t'liriatuiaa day waa that of
li.e Dominican Siatera at tiie aoaattaJ
tiealde having many beautiful glfU
to present frlenda the Slater gave a
beautiful program which waa de, ul
cdly well received by ihoae preannt
Tha O. 8. I. paint ear arrived here
thla week to perform aome aervice ou
company bulldinga. The flrat Job
done waa that ou ilui leaideine re
cenily prepared for Ihe im upaiicy of
Huadmaater Keenev The atuliun
will also be given a coat of interior
tfacoration while the crew U here.
ii.ikh ark sinm ok
No -iaj ivimuih Now hum I 1..I1
Miami Heater A Mo t.ranil I'l
e rmlntrv., Krnptr Car.
While Ontario Im had few si area
during the paat few month a over the
coal altuatton thn rendition or many
famlllna beramn serious thla week
The altuatlon waa relieved aomewbat
today by the arrival of one carload
' for thn Van I'rtten Lumber rompany
I which waa parceled out In half ton
I lota to thoae out of coal.
One of the eauaea of the coal ahort-
1 age la tha embargo which Urn Den-
1 ver i. Itlo lirand railroad Imn placed
on empty cara from thr Oregon Short
I I. Inn Thla embargo want Into ef
fect December tl and la effective un
til December SO.
The minea In the Hot kaprlnga dla-
Itrlct alone ara aupplylng the coal
for Idaho and Kaatnrn Oregon and
the Oregon Short Line haa placed an
embargo on ahlpmenta of all klnda,
aava coal and live atock, for the pma-
' ent. When thean two cominoilltlea
have linen mined In - ullicli-nt volume
to lake can- il tin- Immnilluti need
other ahlpmenta will go forward All
Ida of Ihn anrlouaneaa ol the Una
Hon may he gulm-d ironi ihe fait
that the opnrulloii ol flic 1
thraatnned din in ihi- link ol roul Inr
innllve power SlepK are In lux Ink
en In n-lh-va Ihlf lllleulelieil danger
h nun Britain faa toyi the slum
il, 11 iniiihi i.i- Improved
Month'a Salary lilien Men I Inert -
lug 1 . - than i .11 hm- Mouth
Mild all uiitlrr al.iMMi M 1
I ear ! I'loim lion.
tine of Ihe liundaomn rhrlatmaa
glfta of thn iSMM sua thai lllll'l' lit
the Union I'aciflc ayalnui lo lla 1111
ploynna. w herein Ihoae whoa- inonih
ly pay flunk la lea than x I .' pnr
inonih receive a month'a exlra pay
and all receiving Inaa than $411011 urn
placed under Ihe provialona of a "ii
Moil and lliaurame aalelll
While Ihn men apprni late Ihe ex
lra month'a pay, Ihe idea thai llu-11
families urn protnetnd In raaea of ac
iidenl. nines- or di-ail, g tilng Ihe
gMaVlawl J" IHi-l lllll l lalllllli-a 111
iinlario MKM wilhln Ihn arovUlOl
of Ihn gift.
At li.e ri'uular meeting lust Thin
day ewnlnK A.'aila lodge No 1 1 s
K i V l ele. -l.-d and inslalli-d
the following altlatH for i In- enau
ing eai i llail-. W M : "
K New 1011. I W ; I'liiilon Trow, J
W ; Jin- Slnih- , S II , r'laiik tti-a
, 1 I 1 1.; Itailih Dunbar, S S . Kin
ory lllll. J S ; II S Itullniiord,
I lei ; Han 1'uriell. Marshal, K
Kraanr. TfaaMMf and H I'. !
horn. Se. reiaii
adoc t'iiapttr No. :! I It A M.
electa' Hie following officers Dan
I'lin-ell. High I'rleal; K. A. Kraai r
King. John II Henlaon. Srribe; W
V l.etson. Treasiiri r; II 1' Doar
h.un. Serniar.i, .1 1 1 1 ! W.-.m-r, Cap-,
lain of the lloal , ton itvan, I'rlnci
pal Sojourner; J W Mtt'ulloili,
Master of the Kiisi '.-il. I II Hull
ey, Muster of the Second Veil; Dr
II II Whitney. Masier of llu; Third
Veil; W K Human. Knal Vit-h ( . ,
lain: 11 S. It tit It rford, BantlaVI I
AHer having sened for lliree
ynags as a jaikle on I'm In SamV
: war, K(i Seiiuine la home
again with hi- parents'.
What is Ontario's Great
est Need, in Your Opinion?
Packing Plant in Business .Van's Opinion
An Ontario business man, who has ideas
but wanted the Editor to write them has this
to say concerning Ontario's Greatest Need:
"Ontario should have a meat packing plant.
This would not c ly serve to give the city a pay
roll but it would prevent a useless economic
waste for this entire section.
"Now we raise meat here, cattle, sheep
and hogs. We ship them to Middle Western
packing plants and then turn around and buy
back, hams, bacon, dried and corned beef. Why
should we have to pay freight two ways on the
bacon and hams we eat? Why should not these
things be made here?
"There is plenty of beef and pork as well
as sheep raised in this section to keep a pack
ing plant busy nd beside furnishing a market
for the stockmen it would furnish employment
for labor here. It would make a payroll and it
would develope a real big industry.
"It would add a whistle to Ontario and a
few whistles with the pay rolls that go with
them would make Ontario the city she will nev
er be without them.
"What Ontario needs is a pay roll, and a
meat packing plant would create one."
Killlor'a Nete: Miin i..,,.is mem mm d llh III-
ii-reat thn ui, as axpragjed trj othara in thai solama. Vim may
mil agree with llu 111, or iui p liau- 11 heller 111; or
heller allll you ma) Hie 1. lea whleh will result In trans
lating llleat- aUKKesllolla Into I.,, lllll- ll oil lllllla, toll lull.
a I He II lihiilll II
Does It Pay to Farm on
Malheur County Lands?
Il 11,11 ilo mil think mi i-ail vtlutl lllflnisrnl 1,1111 hers hi
Ihia 1 1. lull t lime done dining the mi season. If ou hate
a ie "il of Him I, 1 "ii are pitiuil let Ihe Argua tell Ihn alnry
i.i. o- ihn facia and we will prepare the story.
Haiti Hi. .mo ttlio for the pa-i four agajra has
hall u.i i isiiuin inn. un, ami aln trtnnll) purt haantl a
I. il in of Ilia OHM Mlltl i.itll .I.IHI III I Mali nil Ilia IUIvliaf.
I-'iiiii- iiai- un Mi-. Itlo it ii ttnm oiilu III iciiieil liirm,
tin lii. 01 m mill ul . aiiiiiil. lllll'illg Ihia ahull Hon' he hits 10 -Mini
Mller im lug a.'l,."iiMi on Ihn purt-haae ol n hum hull a
neal aiini li I ms uorklng capital. lle-nle- inukhig a giMMl
living In- natliiiulna Ihut he i Inuietl up ait.iHMi in laah. 'I hi
I -iihaiuiiHul ctiileiue ol ttluil un h i Iguleil Malheur rouiil)
I. iiiii lllll dn.
Mli. 1 1 linen oiir ret oi-il shuw '.'
a T
Jft i ill
, III "Oil! .if Hie
Ian aril.
iil UM'AIIIH llldillli; I Ah.-
IVi )H-ll K.
Sltimtiiin to he I'm--, m. .1 to Inni-
meitlal llnli nl Ha Vet Meeting
for Aitloii.
With hut ii few ni-iiihira praaaat
the nnniial mnetlng of the slink
holders of thn Malheur County Agrl-,
cultural aasoriMiiou whm iieui hi iiii
'iiv hull Inst Saturday afternoon
Kiillowlng tin- reading of the .
lary'a report and a general dlai-un
alon of thn alluutlon Hie following I
1 director were nlerled: II. I' Hoyer, I
, U W. Let win, Thoniaa llroanan
These dlrnctora did not qualify at
uiire hikI may not qualify unlea aa-1
aurnd the iinllnd aupntirl of thn bual-
, nnaa men of Ontario for the fair
To get an expression of opinion
from Ihn business men the mallei
id further suppori lor the fair will
In- presented to the oinilierclal rluli
I al Ita Jnnuury meeting.
mini miti-m.
At the home of Mr. and Mra. Km
ory lllll on Thursiluy u luihy girl
,,,rn lo Mr und Mrs S Ul.. i
Hon ayhoM In in - I in ii.imm ,,,uiiii.
I llles aiilllh of lllinin While
en route to iiiHiirlu three weeka airo
Mi ami Ml H, i , I li Ihe Vli
Ihn of an iiijI,, an i. l.-nt ,,
ml ah-. Ill a blOh, I, ,M"
neither was hull
Lain hot n I I In Mi
Mra Dan Mil hllU F HI -il.n
limn H lanniiiii, n Itunilier Nnur
Welaer Kiiffnrs Irtiin I'e. uh.n
lii lib ul la lUiiinil Kurgl-
al tl'l
SiilieriiiK Ironi the results of all
Injury received h being Im with a
but'kel dloied iliuu him while be
was digging a well, Henry Wiseman
u raiicei living near Wetcr ..
I, i,,iii-i in Ontario I.i-1 h'riiliiv for an
Xray exaininallon b Drs I'rliKlng
and M'eesi- which -howeil that the
I,, in Ih dm -al M-iti hi. ii ul his back
wu pusheil lii one side and twisted
oil lis aula mi ihut It destroyed Ihe
Use of Ihe spinal cold Inr leellllg ol
nun i im in heliin i , . nun
The injured man Wl aSen to Hie
, i, alial latarda) aad renovad to
In home .Siindai Hi An-i
of Weisel, who.- pain lit In- wa
alld Dr Stewart ul lint after eon
snllulilon with the Im al Mileun di-
tir in ini'ii Huh aurglaal gM aoald aat
saw Inn.
A W I'orler who Im ii'urs was a
'It-li I ol Ontario and while hen
was proprietor ol lua Da I aria I'h.u
iii.u-l died ul his hull,.- III 1,1 111 Well
mi day lollowiiiK a long
illlie- Mr I'iuIi i ,i a II known
in Oiilarlo, espei-iully liy t lie older
leMilenls. lie left hen- 1 .'. veals
ago to engage in the drug bustm
III I'alilwell. lie ia slllxi.'il l,v hi,
wile and two chililien
slih I I'll Kit Ill-It KINS AMIlk
Joim lloifii a siiei a i" i del from
olnnc Vale ran an, ink last auk and
w ., . a iprehendt-il b i-uiinly aiithor
ilia and held at ihe i-oiint) Jail until
1,.,. ,, An-,, ii.ii.'Iiiik Kiiard fiom
Hie I', in lleii, n Insane lloapital arriv
ed laat Haluiduy to take Inni in llu
asylum, lietween iralna Mr. Mi Ale
iieid bin mau lu Hie local Jail,
II AS t lllll I IIHIM MAH rXl.-
No. Ill of I'oiU) la Anuulleil .)
Stub I'ruln Oisrute In Its Hao.
Trains Stnlleil In Mt.,iiiing.
Ontario did not receive Ita share
of naalern mail today and may not
gut any tomorrow. All trains from
the eaat are anow bound near
Wyoming, and when they will
he thru la not known now.
Along with the region between the
t'aacadea and the Mlsalppl river the
Hnnke river valley suffered thn cold
est weather of the year during the
paat weak. On Wedneaday morning
the thermometer approached the ze
ro mark, and thla eomblnod with the
coal shortage gavu the resldi-nls of
the city Bomething to think about,
espei-lally thoae who who auffered
from froien water pipes.
To care for local travel thn rail
road ran a aliih No It from Ureea
Hlver, Wyoming, and thla waa run
ning away behind Hie regular sched
ule so that thn Heat bound tralne
am uncertain Kroni the wnai Hm
tralna were ilelavil aomuuhat due
to snovtH In the lllne Mountains
r.uil Itu- ul I'.irni.i w.i'i
In town on 'l"ii-- la)
Al tut ney .1 W Ml i allot Ii
ill Im in. I n lint liidav
It. 1 1 Siaph ia h in i" ml
I mas a nil hi parent i.
I ' I ,i, -la III lile i lllll met Hill
week Willi Mrs Krulik II
h ami Ml lu II. n -on
i III I .1 III. I, with 1 1 I .- II 1 1 - lu .iiiii.i
Mra Jaioh ITIiiIiik wu hostess
tills week lot the V id u esilliy Bridge
flu I.
Mrs K ' Van I'etlen has i.uit
mil lor u hrlili-. ii.nii l'i ali.i
A K llrown ol enaiur aMM in
Ontario to spend Ihrlstinaa with
Miss Oladt- Kmlaon visiied hei
mule Judge ((lie al uldwell for a
lew days last week
Mr and Mrs linker Hull went Iri
.1 mil urn lo -peiul I hrlst mis with Mi
and Mrs V in .1
Mrs llrown -pent rii-imas with
her son und duiinhler, Mr anil Mis
Harrt llrown in aiii.a
Mrs I ' II Mat im ol t iiiii, ill. In.
Im spent Tliiir-ila and Friday
iliug Mi-' Kiiinn t'lnrk
Mr and Mr- U M I ai'gart and
-mi la. v, .ui in Vali lo vlalt Mr
Taggait - paiiui- on i I.i b una, day
Ml llellin i rooks who la '
bag in Hie Hit It' -nd illstitct arrivid
In onlallo Sal ll Im the liiilnlai
A i l.oih.iii, tin I. ui, li sun In.
keeper u,e In Ontario nil lillsli,
ami pleasure n-unil d.iti thla week
Mr and Mr- (ieiie McCoy anil
halit Weill In Klllelirl;e lo spend
tin itin..s with Mi Mi'i'n
anil Ml K VI (ireie Wlf
ln,i und ho.ii - In. day lor il
niiinililv aieellag ui "Tin Regal
Mi .mil Mn I'lank Davis ol Jin
dan allei an- ilsltillg al Hie lion
nl Mr- Dai I iantii- .Ml. and Mr
lien lllaiiliui
Miss Kulii t-'cnniik. one ol llu-
populai youai ladlaa of .Ionian .
let 'lime down lu spend the holm
.it the limne nl MHM I avlna Stnlll:
Mr. and Mis O K lllatkaht ami
I, aln nl lliimeila le came In Ontarm
lo -pend the holidays ul Hie hun i
nl Mi lll.u-kahys lullier. J It Itlaik-
Ml ami Mr- M H. Kline nf I Im i
pi'i i-aiiie to Ontario Tit' -day and
rolurued on Wedneadut to their
hnme Mr Kiuii dexlaiid that On
i.uii. had morn snow than llari'ii
had .! n thla i
The Oregon rlnh was host lo a
. n inn In i nf lilends al a tin I
mas ilaiuc Mmnlay Blghl The i
.,, taatlaVlly dei-or. ted with Vule
tlde "iiibli-in.t and Ihn usual t
lime wa 'lijujed by all.