The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 21, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Baring enjoyed a ptoeperoufl year, we wish to
thank tlu people of Ontario and vicinity tor the
patronage which made tbJi ponibfa We real
ize that oidy II we serve the needs of the people
can wo proeper and therefore during the eoning
year it will be our aim to Improve Upon the ser
vice of the yen now eloiiiig. For ill ourfriendi
and for Olltirio We wish a happy and prosperous
New Year.
Millinery & Art Store
t Continued (torn peg one)
7 0jvfcBSBfe
has only a week mon
to stock up for
Christmas and OUT
place is
lo, Hooks,
Games, Soldiers,
Trains, Kails,
Blocks, Guns, V elocepedes. Boats, Children's
Chairs, Wagons, Wheelbarrows, Carts, etc.
hulls in variety. Including I good line
of kid body Dolls, Doll Buggiee, Cra
dles, Beds,. Metal and China Dish.
for the girls, and innumerable other
tilings Mlitable to the occasion.
It' in doubt what to elect for the older relative!
and friends, weiUggeita nice piece of China Off
(iiass war. nmethinj alwayi pleating and
never amiss. We
have a very large
stock and variety
in these lines.
Come in is what
Wi want you to
do, You will
surely find some
thing to please
you. 0en every
Horses Wanted
War iioreei 1441 10 U hands high, rid
ers, uobl and artillery animals, lull
Igedt five to nine years .sound. Also
nudes. L'revuiliug prioea. Sec--
Ih true of th woman- work too.
There have been too many farm
home where the women hare had to
do the work with one tee kettle."
Mr Dean'a eelm-humora deecrlp
tlnm of farm life with hU pointed
rialllra made a dlntlnct hit with the
audience, eepeclally the women and
Tlie I'nflt i Ureal llunlea . .
Aided by an elaborate eerie of
charm Or .Imiih Prlnrlnr of Ontario
- nn Imprr-wlve tulle on the bur
den which the "Unfit" place upon eo
Cletjr. With table or etatlrtlc he
demonetratd that the coat of main
tnlnliiK tnte wnrds Id rapidly increas
ing In auch proportion that In some
atateM half the money raUed by taxa
tion I thnn apent. It Oregon It la
Increasing He urged that the mat
ter ' brought In tlio attention of Hi
legislature and tep be taken to get
at Hi" root of the trouble and by
retHnlln propagation, thru ere
gatlnn M i'Umt mean The Htnrtl
Iiik (MM wliirli the doctor brought
before the gntlierinr made a pro
fouml lniprelon
tinruKlng the "High Cost of hir
ing, and What Are the Farmer (lo
Inr to Uo About It." Arthur Kim
ball declared Hint Hie moHt uncalled
for and unfortunate remark that
I'reHidnni Wilson ever made waa
t lint before Mi" National Orange
u 1 n lie ilerlareil. "Wfl : n nut again
to ! lactvl with n lood shortage, that
we shoulil alwayn ralee suffli lent
food .mil mora In tlil country for
imMmii's need "
Mr Klinlnill li . thla waa
.umil-T .itlemiit to lilnuie the farm
er for the high MM of living, when
In fact It waa natural cause which
li hI l n to blame Wan there not
the largest acreage of whem M
phititi.t, .... . ,.-i His war" usU,-( Mr
ill, ! the crop whs millions
Of MM ' I 'he tanner waa
not to hi. n tor that As a mutter
of fact when the farmer N successful
In rawing a hi rise I rep It generally
l I ii nes tor him A short
i rop nlli-n. thru higher prtcM gliee
t'le farnor a IfMMf return, with less
hihor "
"To uci-ompliHli groat results for
the public good the onlv meana I
that oi getting the public Interested."
Mis hired U K. Aiken of the Argun In
speaking of "The Huslnees of a News
paper " And to get the public la-
I In- ilerlareil that the neea-
paper must be usd In thene daya of
lucreiiwnl population- over great
areas While a neaapaper In a buttl
oattH Inalltutlon operated for profit.
"in b profit run only accrue when it
raallxea Its duty hk a public servant
and works for the uphulhllnit of It!
i oust -I iiein- , Mid I Thi
achieve, i iii breaking up tha milk
ti ii i in ou Vol k iitnl t'lih-
rail) pi nndltloni
mi j ii tic to tha milk predaeara
oiiliiii.ii foroM Ihe irual to
prabHHni of -i
'' It i.-ii.ii.-.. MM those
of (hi- rounlrv :it!il I llM ' ni II.-. u
Tint VbUa tin- i.iiinlty prodiiied the
Itooill, ll Mils, tin- in. ince ot i
iiirnish the marketH and that
.IHi ihoutd .ui'l Kener.illy
woul.l he found reinl ami willing at
all ItWM to assist In Kolving the
prohh ii.s ,,f hoth h getting all the
lacis lii-inn- ti.e people mi that a fair
and Just settlement could he secured
K II tonklin. lecturer of the
Koulevui.l tirnnge presided at the aj
teruoon session and lo his activity
as due the gathering of speakers
from without the organization
Tin- musical portion of the pro
gram wag prmi.ied bj Mr Kred .lonea
Mr Mci'omh and Miss Mi Comb, their
iMiuleiinKs ,,t various kaiiilish iiuiipn
sitlntls heing highlv appt.ilated h
the large audience The first por
tion was entirely occupied by a bail
jo ei iial hy t-'r.d .lonea.
Uunai Arriuujred foe tktfn Al
rvatdy aad Two for Ulrlo
Mo Par.
We want so much to put oue of
our electrically operated Apollo
Hlayer-l'ianos in a home In Ontario
that we will make a big discount oa
mat one. knowiax that enough
orders will lolluw to warrant tha ac
r it ii i- It plays by hand aud pedals
also. A letter of iqulry will do no
harm Or you iiiav ask Mrs Weeaa
in Ontario Wis tMuuo House,
Boise. Idaho 47 tf
1'iaoos aad
Christ iu.i-
goods for
u ttimw tUUJa
Notice Is hereby given that 1 ha.Ve
funds on baud to pay all general fund
warrants endorsed uot paid for waul
of funds
November :ith.
Dated at Vale,
17th. 11.
The athletic department of the
high m-hool has arranged for ten
basket ball gamee to be played dur
ing the oorulng three months by the
boya' team Two gamee bare alao
been scheduled for the girls' team
and othere are being eought
The local will open the eeaaon
here with the Kmmett fire as the
opponent on January 15 The other
oppoalng team In the order of the
gatnAN will be Welder, Caldwell, t'ny
ette and Nampa. Two gafflea will be
played with each team; one game
here and one In the rarlona oltlea.
Tho only gamee ao far arranged
for the young women la that with
Caldwell, tho It la probable that the
girl will have nerernl othera before
the aehednle making cloaea.
The following la the aehedule com cem
plete: Kmmett at Ontario January ll.
Wetaer at Ontario. January IS.
Ontario at Caldwell. January M.
Ontario at Payette. February 3.
Nampa at Ontario. February .
Ontario at Bmmett. February 14
Ontario at Weleer.. February tl
Caldwell at Ontario. March I.
Tayette at Ontario, March 0
Ontario at Nampa, March !
It take raualc to mak a Merry
chriatmH Oet It at tho Kdlaon
Hhop tulv '
Oregon. November
Treat. Malheur County, Or ego a
Merry Christmas
i ... i . . . -
This is our wish fur all the men. old and youuu
in Ontario and its unrounding country.
We alsn believe that the eoming year IW7
will be the most prosperous this region has ever
known. At h;is this is our wish. It this he
true We realize thitt ill the prosperity of the men
of this seetion is OUT hope for the continuance of
the good hiisiness we have enjoyed durinn IOT6,
for which we want to thank the men who have
honored us with their patronage.
In every way that it will he poilible tor us to
tin so we Intend to better the service given in
the past.
Yours for ii Rappj and Proeperoue New Tear
WM. LAXON, Proprietor.
Pure Bred
Some SinnUchetl Boars,
5 months old.
Som open Gilts.
Also 2 bred Gilts.
At the right price.
At the Ortgon Parking Co
Expert Service
Charges and
customors deserve la the
principal upon which we do
Advisories carried for all
kinds of cars.
Gasoline, Lubricating Oils
and Supplies.
Ontario Auto Co.
Phone i:il
gfMgMgMfr-tayg aw. . . - --'v -
Ontario's Santa Claus
Old Santa picked our sto re for his Ontario h.adtiiarteis. And. afti r
lookiim -over the sttu-k we have on display we believe thai yon will igree
that he made I wise selection. It is goml, suhstaiit ial. as well as appeal-
Ingh pleaiing artielei we beliere you want to give as Onriatniai gUta
The Oreai Variety of handsome lvry cts in the city. Just the ideal gift
for mother, sister or sweetheart.
Save Money on Chrismas Toys
This is the last year we will carry Christmas
Dolls and Toys so we have cut the price in two
50 per cent off on all our toys and dolls. Also
big reductions in other Christmas lines.
Come here and save money on your Xmas purchases
There U a peraoual touili In the presenta
tion of a handaome box of Stationery, and be
aidev it U kotnethlns that 1 always ueeded.
and therefore alwaya welcome We hare for
your uelectiou a beautiful assortment all pack
ed In handsome yuletlde boxes, which make
the gift the handsomer. There are all sixes
ot botes i" all the corre.l styles tor note
and letter correspondence.
Get Your Christmas Uecoraliuus Here
We have the finest Hue of trepe papers, tree
decorations aud Christmas novelties From
our stock, and at a small expense, you can
multiply the Christmas cheer aud make It a
gala pluixt.
There la notiiloR that will please a child
more than a character doll, all dressed In real
. lot tie.- with j ust enough distinction so that
it never grows old Indestructible dulls that
last for a long time --we have a fine stock of
these aud the variety to choose from is large.
See them In the window.
loll. I- I Kill I. KM
A nice set of toilet articles is the gift
which will make a hit with au woman Ours
axe all m substantial ware aud of the most
artistic desigus Yeu cau do uo better than
to select from our many aud beautiful Ivory
Let us suggest a nice bottle ot perfume
Such a gift Is always acceptable.
The Everhart Drug Co.