micV, tihthsday. DKMB1R 21 THE ONTAIIIO ARQW8 VAP.F. TH Id- R Condensed Statement of the Ontario National Bank ONTARIO, OftMQON h reported to the Comptroller No. 17 "RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts Bonds and Securities Overdrafts U. S. Bonds - Stock in Reserve Bank Realty and Fixture? Cash - - - - LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation Deposits Detroit Nov. 17, Itlt, ISH.90.H7 DepoHils Nov. 17, 1911 $220.fiU.42 Deposits Nov. 17, 1916, $418,949.27 "We frive service that trva." Christmas, 1916. Your friends can buy anything you can give them except your photograph. The Burrell Studio HOME VISITORS EXCURSIONS To Points East VIA (i mi ri n 9TtI9M) III l.i'lH holll Oct 1 ; Nov. 8. 25. 2; Dec II and 23. Liuwt 'JO day. Asa 0. I. let Agent (or furthtr detail "The Cope Pressary" Phone 105-W Do you wish your coat pressed in a workman like manner 'COPE PRESS ARY". Imagine a ladies' coat mashed between two boards and steamed like a pudding and call it "up-to-date". MORAL Let your cleaning and pressing be done by I mechanic, the "Cope Pressary" the only place, phone 1G5-W, The Argus for Commercial Job Printing 1916 1860,896.27 12,r43.Kf None 60,000 00 2,850.00 49,181.00 179,867.69 14.287.82 $ 60, 000.00 20,000.00 6,438.55 58,900.00 418,949.27 f564.287.82 1'ullowiiig rouodt trip faro apply fmui On 1. 1 1 i.i To I'. mil f 38 SO. Omaha or K. ('. 154.00. St. Louis $65.20. Memphis $74.00. Chicago, $73.76. Minneapolis or Bt. Paul $70.44. I'roportionately low rates to many other points. "Let's go back east to old scenes and old fileuds for a good old fashioned holiday tUU." THE WEEK ON THE FRUITLAND BENCH Jill MRS, If. G. WILSON Mr. anil Mr II .1. PurflhtH Waal to HnnkH, Idaho, IiikI WW! In haft thai Mr. I'ncli.rt would reed lief frnni iimIIiiiiii with which ho baM nffiTiiiK wmii rawlvad from t Mi-Ill i'II.vk In' Ih KMBt btttOff slnee KnlliK there. A. Colwell rnnio home from WeNcr Krldiiy nnd In helping M Ifet Hmmt house. Mr. mid Mra. O. C. Stout came up from I'nyette Sunday to attend the ' nntata Mrn. J. U Oarls la quite poorly with asthma Nels Penrson remains ahout the HHiiii-. A number of IiIh friends were In to Mi him Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrn. John Anderaon nt tonded the meeting at Payette Sun day nnd were gueats of Mr. and Mra Alfred Johnson. MIhh Mnmle Haver mine home Sat urday returning to Apple Valley Sun day. Rev. It. H. Heard of Nnnipn. who haa been conduct Iiik BIMf meetings In the Urclhorn church wax nt k at the Ilutnilt Ilium' the llrsl hi tin' week. It wan feared he would have iitH'iimonln. Mr. anil Mrs Komi of I : i -1 1 - and Mr. Wade of Cambridge vlalteil the J. H. Bowers' home Sunday. Mr and Mra. Clarence Huaaell will come down from Km met t the laat of the week to vlall Mra ItuaaellV par ents, H. ,. Taylor mer Christmas. II. It II ier unloaded a carload of lumber for bla new houao laat week Mr. and Mra. fatal .itller and children of NysNit. Ore, Walled the N Zaller home Sunday. Milton Miller of WeNcr WWied Ituy Duel Wedneada) ol iMl week. Mlaa Alda llurd of I'ayeltO vlalted Mlaa lleulah liuell 1'inlay Wyiitl Clock ri i ii i ii-' I liome Sun day from his trip '" I'uriland and I. a drande Ore nnd s--.it l Ii-. Wash i.i ni.lin.i i'i.j le ui I nil. iiin ! I IMl lug the S I'' i iiinll'lv home Mlaa Marie Tuney went to I'ort land laat week (haa. Kagleaon of Long Valley la apendlng a few daya at the J. W. Illi had .on home. Mr. and Mra. Stettler and daught era and Mlaa Catherine Madaen auto d to liniie Saturday returning Sun day. Mlaa Anna Hupp returned with them. Mr and Mra. O. It. Johnaon of Havre, Mont., are vlaltlng at the Levi Johnaon home. The Meadumea John- aona are alatera. They leave tbla weak for Kurt Dodge, Iowa Oeorge Kldredge maalied and la cerated hi. third finger on hia right hand In a corn cutter laM week. Mlaa I. am.. W.c liter r.iine over Irnni dm. ii lo I'i Id 1) return. ni.- Mefl .In In her liinllier. Win. V. alker'a. Inline l.le Hi tin i. will arrive hollo' Thurxdas Ir I...w ton n. r'ual. Mrs T M Pi H' 1 nrr .. il Inline from Hi. Is.. She l.lteil tin- hoiiM ni' h.-r ilaii: IS', i.iiiiciis H.n ii Si ... r. i ..I I'.ic. Ul wa a rlattar at the mat Powan aooM t hia week A liiiln.-s iiutiieil tu lit ail Ox Kbit Monday Mr Mullen and (haa. May .irc'iillii.:llleit him Itev and Mra Osborne of lleulah, Wash . an. I Mis 'I'ussiiiK and ohll dren were Sunday guest ut the (irlnies home Mr. and Mrs Willard Hall and children apent tin- lirst of the week with Mra Hall's parents, Mr. and Mrs I. luck. They leave Vedne da) for (ireen KinT, I'tah, where they will vlall Mr Hall's paients tbla win tar. Mra. Sarah Driscull ia Hick with the grip and Mrs Lester Hands waa on the alck list t in- tirst ol the week. I K Johnson returned from Hutte und Anaiond.i. Mout . Tiles day. Miss May .M.ul.ir i.iuineil from Hood Ittvi-r Sunday. She visited in l.u (irande and Cortland Arnold Cook of Kinmelt visited Mrs (Hive Walker's home Sunday Mr. and Mi- lolin lleudy received a real Kuglisli Christinas fruiteake M.. n. lay from Mr lliiuly's mother in liiKl.tnd. The James Kit'er family are mov ing this week to the llalliday ranch six miles this side ol .do. Mr. and Mrs. O. 1 Holluubeck vis ited the Cli.ts llich home Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs I'rauk Thompson vis ited the Will Uills homo in I'uyeiie Sunday. Clover Hros. shipped three cars of BAgl from New I'lyniouth Friday U K. Fouls went in llcii.-e Monday Mra. (i k. linns ha ooaiaoatd song, "We're nif in Mexico" and haa had it printed in shut music- form. Mra. Fouls composed l.oth the music and words Aatsi Tuesday night the Farmers H dfeau met at the school house and completed their organization by elect ing L. D. Carpenter mm president, A. 1 I Ml i ' , . i , 1 1 . -I I I tot iir.'id.'iil. (iiant (Irani Fisher, secrelaiy and Ita Dal zell na treasurer i , Sparka nnd Fred llurd of Caette went to Long Valley Sntur da Mr. Sparka la looking oer the country with n view of locating here Horn to Mr. and Mra. Taylor Deeda Tueaclay. December 12 It nine and one-half pound girl. The Herean Sunday school clnaa of the Hrethern Sunday acbool brought their dlnnera with them nnd held a clnaa meeting In the church baaement Sunday. Mr. and Mra. W, A. Cloud, edltora of the Frultland Banner have moved back to Frultland and will occupy the Houae bouae near the achool houae. Hazel Smith rnme home Mondny from Indian Valley na her achool was el -cl because of menalea. Mra Lon I'obat la home from Hak er City Mrs. Spalnhower and c hlhlren were much surprised to have a l-ewellyn bird cloy they had aold about aeven inoiitha ago to a Wolaer party come a short lime ago. It la I hot It waa In an auto to Ontario and knew Ita way from there. It waa shipped to Arthur Oonk at Salt Lake, Utah. Monday. Bal The Haptlat ladlea aid chicken pie aupper and parcel poat aale were well i attended and the parcela "went like hot cakea." The ladlea cleared a neat aum for their troaaurer. The Cheloln Sunday achool claaa of tbo Metbodlat church gave a ban quet to the I'bllathea clnaa Friday evening. The center plecea were pretty little Chrlatmaa treea nnd the place carda were very clever being nilnature Santa Clauaea. Tlic-ae were painted by Mlaa Margaret Mar lar, a member of the rlaa. A very pratt) Chrlatmaa tree atood In one coiner of the room and after the dinner "Santa" appeared and dla trlhuted toya to all which provoked a great deal of mirth and laughter. Mlaa Virginia Ady cave a pretty dinner party Sunday In honor of her LIth birthday. The guests were her claaa mates ilaxel Lanfear. Dor othy llaney. Miriam Iiryant. Marga ret Olesler. tura ilete Itlne, tlladya Smith and Km Wilson The gangs met Thursday evening at Mrs. F 0. Spalnhowera home. They decided to transfer their mem berahio to the I'ayette Orange. A committee waa appointed to decide to what use the money In the treas ury should be put Mra. Spalnhower served refreahtuenta. Wednesday evening a pleasant lit tle party waa given at the Burnett home lor the Misses Alice H11r11.il and Rati Iiryant, in honor or Mlas llryants birthday InlerestliiK nanus wit.- played during (In- 1 veulitg and H I. nil.. I) I ed delicious I. II. --h mints Taaadaj vaalai Urt wm nini- sail gave a party in honor of her In.iiliii'. Kwrett Hill's lilrtlulay. 11. e were the Miasea Lucile and Hemlce Hill, Lillian Mi-Uee, Adra estui. Claude Olliver, Hurry Link. and Clarke Lewis. The evening was spent playing games, making candy Mrs. (i. 1 Hollenlieck entertained the Huay Hee club Wetlneaday after noon The Misses llaris and Crouch en tertained the 0 Y H. I. club at the M It I'owell home last Wednesday evening. Light refreshments were, served. SSunday evening Itev. Hurtch will j preach a Chrlatmaa sermon "The ( First Christmas and What It Means to Os Now." There will be special music. At the Methodist church Sunday morning there will be Communion services. The Brethern church will give their Christmas Cantata "Bringing White Oifts to the King." Sunday evening. I'lc- Methodist and Baptist chut cites will give there Christmas pro- , grams and have their trees Friday , evening at eight o'clock at their re pi live churches Tin Baptists will give the cantata (laudina's Christmas Eve." The W. 0. T. U. will meet Thurs day afternoon December, 28, with Mrs Kiunison. subject "Peace." examinations and reports are In order at school tbla week. The do mestic science classes will practice tlie art of candy waking tbla week) and will have some very nice candy no doubt for sale to help pay ex- The men's glee club met Menday: night at the school house. M and Alls Ira White and Mrsa Hail White, l'rof. Allen Kiunison., Mr. and Mrs. C F. Barnes and the 1 Dr Baker family of I'ayette were Sunday guests at the Prof. Ledman home at Washoe. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES PRESS ED THE UP TO DATE WAY NO- Scorching Burning or Glossing Bring your suit and see I II ONTARIO PHONE 147 J r- GREETINGS: YyE wish you the most joyful Christ mas and New Year you have ever had. We hope that during the year 1917 you may be richly rewarded in health, happiness and prosperity. We thank our friends for their patron age during the year 1916, which has DMA the most successful one in our history. First National Bank Ontario, Oregon A GOOD BANK IN A (iOOD COUNTRY Range and Alfalfa, Land at reasonable prices and on 10 years time at 6 per cent interest. We have 500,000 acres for you to select from. Write or call on A. W. Trow, Agent Oregon Western Colonization Company A. W. TROW, Ag-ent ONTARIO OREGON Try The Argus Business PHYSICIANS DBS PRINZINQ ft WEESI2 Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. "Office hours ... i 2 to 4 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Dr. Harriet Sean Dr. Pauline Sean radualea American School of Osteo pathy, Kirluville, Ho. WHaon Block. Telephone 154 Blk. DKNTIHTH DR. W. O HOWK - , DENTIST Phenea: Office 117 Wilson Bldg. Rea. 1172 UK. D. C. BR KIT DKNTIST Office iuc. door Eaat of Ontario Phar macy on Nevada Aeuue, Near R. R. Depot. rriAWNs'A!l'iiVai(FsiiisVV'Va UNDERTAKING. J. H. FARLEY Funeral director and embalmer. Lady assistant. Phone j U2-W. Ontario, Oregon. vi:s Lasting Creases Uniform Finish and Perfect Shaping how it is done or plume and get it. PRESSARY 1 W. C. BKAMGUARD, Prop. for Want Adsi c Directory ATTORNEYS. W. H. Brooke, Attorney at Lav. Wilson Bldg. Ontario Or. C. McGONAGILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All Courts Notary Public. Office Oyer PoatoaSeJ LESLIE J. AKER LAWYER Room 9, Firat National Bank Bid Ontario, Oregon. Mcculloch a wood LAWYERS Rooms 1-2-3 Firat Nafl Bank Bid Ontario, Oregon. K. W. Swagler Attorney at Uoouis 13-14-11 Wllaoa m.i Ontario rir. P. Jf. GALLAGHER LAWYER Rooms in Wllron Bldg. Il.llurii. fmArmm. WWWMIIM...... .,., , nj-uxnj , i'KAHI.'KR TKANHFEK TRANSFER, BAGGAGE AND PRESS Meets all trains. I JOHN LANDINf.