TIIITHflpAV. DKCKMHRIl 14, 191ff. 3 canum 11 SANTA CLAUS OPENED HIS PACK Come see what he left for you. You will find just the gift for everyone on your Christmas list. These are but a few suggestions for your consideratien: TUB ONTARIO AHUIIS i For Men Cigars Pipes Pullman Slippers Smoking Sets Humidors Playing Card Sets Fountain Pens Tourist Sets Military Brushes Razors Shaving Sets For Women Vaces Toilet Sets Luncheon Trays Luncheon Sets Desk Sets Manicure Sets Manicure Pieces Novelty Frames Jerdinneres Stationery Perfume ForChildren Dolls Candies Foot Balls Basket Balls Combination Toilet Sets Music Rolls Photo Albums Post Card Albums Fancy Moccasins Books FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY GET A KODAK AND GET A PICTURE OE THE CHRISTMAS FAMILY CATHERINE IT WILL GIVE PLEASURE, YEARS TO COME JL The Corner Drug Store The Ontario Pharmacy The Corner Drug Store The Week With Ontario Citizens Mr Loom r IM Owjrl an Ontario vhiltor Haturiliiv and Sunday Tilt- KiIk. npHl (iull I u III in' Thurmlay at the Innu" M Mfl K. A. Krmirr. Mth I. in l'n iii' 1 1. in'- il tin' T"uIiiik' ('In Monday nli'hl tit Mf hull" Till llrlil" dull iini al Ibv lint f Mm l"o KtUogf HiIb waak. C.il OOOffn WaliTi. Iln' Wi'Imit miriiiu r, wan an Ontario vlaltor WViIni- -uliiy AU' M I li'-rmin la In town from IiIh rain Ii i'i ol UM illy anil Ik "in ilo'l .ii li.i.li'i - ilurliic tin' holiday riiHli Mr .ii. i Mi . n in Mm mi i.r rnit in On I ii" Monda) to attend iiir i mi' ral "i Mm Morfltl ilatai Mr t'arllla nil Mi - II II I ati'l (a in fly left IuhI TksndSJ '"' I'lirilaml U III I 4' III". Will HH'II'I III" lll'l. HI, ' limine I III) iiIimiiii' "I A .1 Wlill" Mii 1 1 1 mi i iiii- h i mi" Hard war m- paar'i rtofi Do ciait baa baaa i" fiiriulnt: IiIh work I i . . B nil "ii In i n from Vul l" li"r ho in TuWiiKriiil, Mont , lo khiuI Suinlai v, nil MihH Kininii cterk T W fliiKRxli. of Hie KuHtirn dra gon UiiiiI I'liiupanv m .iIim-iii limn IiIh ilt-Kk wwrul iIu)k llilx wti'k HUf- llTllIC lllllll II M'll'lr .ill, Ilk "I !rll Mr. and Mn iiiiiiniiiH of Vula i u" down from lli.-ii.uiii -m-jI Mon day 10 vIkII with tlii-lr iin, h'runk. alio dan hwn III for -."Vt-ral duy at il"- Moure llult-l. Mra Whltaalda baa i ill tor aeveral daya IIiIh u.-i-k. makliiK it , lniioHllili for lur huh. A J, Whlti'-. aid" lo In- al hi work at I In- Ontario llurdwur" riini.iny IIoiiiit Itiilii it "l Hi" M.illi.ui Kn l"rirls", of 'al", aaaMad IM Atkuh; tin-, ii'ik li iin ratlin,' tin- llnotv" Wi'diii Kday and I'liiu-ilai .1 nil iik III alWin't' of Dart Wliei'lmi w ii iiiivt" Hi Nyaaa vaa aa on , I, mn isitiu- liinila nut iiau.-M-il ImiK miotlKh to M I Ii ii t NjTMt Ik liriiK'i. Iiik im-"l with ii iil.in- ini .i Flour I null and ullii-r niin ." "iiu-nts Tl iildi'inii- "l ftip wlmli niaiiiii-Kii d o I'f i"i in Ontario sliiii-k Hi" I, iniih "i Mliirmi I' I Oallaaliir riinlninn! --i-Mi-al "f III iliildii'ii to llii-lr liuiii"- tin ""h I, c i ai iin liai "i'i hla intii aal in tin. oniariu Dairy la Ollvar Man mail with l I"' mix a.-.m -lilli'd 'I'll" d.-al i.i.ik il. hi i'..-nih"r I and Mr llllin.nii.ih la ii"" in ' 1 1 1 1 I t . h.HK" of III" luiMiiaaa. Mrx Victoria Blai khu n a ho nan - i.""ii mi iiiiiiiiiiin.il" durlai ii"- aaal M-iir, havlai un.ii mini.- aavaral oa' uiiiiiih aal Miiniui-r .iii.l mill" ri'ivhlly HUlffri'd liiiiii all all, uk .if lyp "ll u .is (akin In 111" lui-l'li.il I hi ""k lur aniillu'i uiii-rat iini Mrs William II. ml. i III Hal (" iiiuniy arrived In Ontario from IM inii-rior mi Monda) on Uni a out to si"ud tin- I'hrlaluiaa holiday Whan xh" wa.- iii (tularin Mi- II.iiiU ."! not i-nrtuiu wht'tlu-r sh" would BI ml t'hrlatmaa In Portland or In lha Kaai Hot iiiisiiau.i uaaaad thru Ontario inxi rt"ik h. nihil for Waahluftoa, i P . whi'l-o h" will walili BOagrOai at work ami in. Idaatall) load all aoaatbla aid in "iiiun -iini" aiaaaaraa thru r.n- Hi.- la ui'lil "I ( Il PKOU Mrn M V Hurt of Junliira and Mri l-'rank Ii tfoBOi "f Wralfall WMri" in Ontario thin wi-t-k for apvpral daya vlMltlna frli'tnl-. Il.'rl Whi'i'lon of Hi" ArKUa fatOI wint tn lluniK on bualneaa Monda) plannliiK rnlurn Wedneaday hut waa tMayi'd InadMirtndly until Thiiraday llurlliK hla ulim'nc- llinn-i-r rtaltln of I'ayi'tt" (ii-i lipli'd Hi" "hack ahnp." Mum Hat unlay, Dae th, to Mr land Mth Sam llacr. a hahy xnn Mr and Mr A K lirnwn nl Vm aiiir arrived in oniarlo HiIh w-eh on their way out for the winter They will Kn lo I '' I I lllllil lliilll Inn- and thence lo California and later go lo Texan Th"i BnWl I lo ri'lurn alioul Kahruary. Mr. Ilrown derlarea the lim-rlnr .-nil happy and BrwaaraW and Kiiyn thai IM ralii-lnTK lln-r" ar" not Worried over the pendlnK Herllon honieatead hill, whlrli he hellevea will ulliuiately he u Reed HiIiik lor the development of the country. BAFTMT i ill m ii MOTH Still the KlorloiiH kooiI work on - tlnti"K one wiim convartad laxt Sun day and three addition lo Hie ilmn-h I. a rue eroarda attended Hie aervlcea, and the Spirit iuil atBMOBMra atlll pre valla. Simla are helna welahed In 'the QoOBOl halaneea and are found cfJ wantlna Toplea for nevl Sunday II A. M. "Human IteKponNlvenea." 7:. 10 l M the Kencrnl loph- "Th. fjaaaai ol Del Iveranre " Hear llilx lender pathetic addraaa. II V I' I' mcctiiiK al il :i0 llro- lli.-r IrvltiK llarrla will Rive ecoea ol Hi" IIovh' iiihfi-ri'hi " at Oils nn'etliiK Tlier" will lie Inipllmual aervlol III" "M'llllIK al III" lloKI' Of III" I'l-H lur aervlcaa. A hearty Invitation la extended to Hie pulilli to nlti'iid all Hie Kervlei'K The Hume kind of wehouie to all i Iiikm'k of people D I IIAKKH. I'BHlor Si'l'iivler Kovaton p-turni'd Irmu Poriland Stock BMW Saiurday II" reportK II rainy In I'm Hand, lull a fine Kin". Thim W I'hiKKi'tt iiiIkhi'iI a nuiulii'i (if IiIk fin" rim k of lurk'. I hi -"inher 7 and mpiiili'il tbt iuiiIIit to Marahal Harry Karnier Mr Karmer worked on the ihh" lor Heeral dayx and found , thai Braoot Rlehardaon ami oriei (IrlineM, a ("il 1 7 and 20 had aohl In-ill lo a local poultry dealer TM ' Imi)-k were taken hefore Judae O I. KlnR Where Hiey I nh fi-xeil find receli ai hnalde a uteri! leelnre a fine of $:'.". leach The Judae nnleri'd the liov. , lo make Hie payiuenlH mnnthly and to I report In 1 1 lilt Tlii'lr parenta alao IproinlK"'! in walili Hiiin inor" ehmely In Hi.- future ts233rs . iSnOlS mlSl IPPEB5 cSor OWXS "YF'Wlw. ' ' y ' ' 'ii Mj Mjt-r ' ajr' ' Jl ( 'I Tr) H 7 Vl uJ '?vw -rv u-& j r- . LMii.: ..tf-v,; --. . M.lMm I at ' J- by , L , ! 1M''JK yJJ J V-ta,rfi Useful and Appreciated Gifts Our stock will furnish you with pleasing gifts priced from 25c to $2 What is nicer to give than an article one can get comfort and a certain amount of service from? New Arrivals This Smart Boot for Christmas Ana many others that will please the lal aesiring foot wear of quality ana exclusive style. M.iuY of line surpass knl. leather lovis heels, 9 in. top, medium length vamp. A beautiful shoe ana iirmil moaerately at - $ 5() Si.es 2 to H. AA to 1) We will (ill out of town wdtN aiul mail airett to those you wish to remember, upon receipt of nriloi . Others are usinK this service and are pleased with it. Try us once ana be convinced. COMfY SLIPPERS These slippers are made of the finest wool felt with a nice warm cushion sole, suitable to wear without the stocking if one wishes the slipper for the bath. We have these slippers for men, women and chil dren in all colors. Women's priced from $1 to $2 Men's priced from $1.50 to $i.75 Children's priced from 65c to $1.25 Other autoreationti include leather liouae Hlippers, Men 'a tine Neck lies, llandkerchieia, (lartera and Snapendern. Xmas Hosiery for everyone in pure silks or silk lisle in either Kaysers or Holeproof. STOW Will M OPtNCVCNINGS NEX1 Wtf K 10 AffORDYOU AN OPPORTUNITY I0MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS Make 'em Lay Our formula never fails Reliable breeding Stock ONTARIO PRODUCE CO. I'hone l.")H J Pure Bred Improved Chester White... HOGS Some Sinnittchell Hoars, 5 month old. Som open Gilta. AIho f Areo Gilta. At the right price. W. H. TUNNEY, OWNER At the Oregon Packing Co Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of treatnientSteady OUttomon deserve Is the principal upon which we do business. Accessories earned for all kinds of cars. (iasoline. Lubricating Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. HKl K 1)1 FORI), Prop. Phone III