1'AOK TEN THURSDAY, DBCBMBDR 14, 1011 Christmas Again High Art Clothes T O i D) OS Si w VI Wl UK OB At Wilson's Once again it is Christmas tunc, the time when everybody, both old and young is happy. We expeel to give something, and expeel to gel omething, and along with it we expeel to have good thing. eat. Winn we mention good things to cat, thai in when we uct in. for thai is our business, "Selling Good Things to Eat." CANDY We have i big utoek of first elfl Christmas Cnndv, Mi' kindr thai make even bodt happy, and we have priced our candy w thai .'ill can buy. We will an usual make '" prices to C'hristmas Trhe eating samples fre . mittec, comi to us, we ill furnish all tee Committees, tf you arc ni ;i Com NUT3 We hav all the kinds of nuts thai are grown. Walnuts, Braail . Pecans, Pilherl i, Almonds, Peanuts and Co Wc will have ;i Dandy Mixed Nut priced so thai all can buy. ORANGES We have oranges coming in n full car load, straight from Los An. tries t.i Ontario, perhaps the first -tnii-lit carload thai was ever sliiiril to Ontario. We will be in position i" make the right price on oranges. Oranges are exceptionally fine this year, and everybody will warn" tome for Christmas. a ' ' 4H CHRISTMAS TREES We have all siis in Christmas trees, small ours fur tin- homes, larger ones for the larger homes, also some 13 to 18 feet high for churches and halls, priced from 76c to 12.00. These trees were shipped from Tacoma, Washington, and have very fine foliage whieh will last long after 'hristmas. FOR THE CHRISTMAS DINNER We will have plenty of g I things tor the Christinas dinner, we inighi mention, oelerv. lettuce, cranben'ics, sweet tatoes, raisins, nuts, candies, pineapples, apples, oranges, bananas and many other good things. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS We haw i oiee Christinas preseni tor all our customers, thai is ow t card family, we will be triad to give jrou iic when you are In our store, nunc to the little fellows, as these presents arc for tin oilier members of the family. We wish everybody a merry and happy Christmas Wilson Bros. The Grocers Our Store nil! be closed all day (.'hristmas da LIVE NEWS MIES fill 1HE COUfM SCHOOLS The ..!' Ii ul the l. ii i a . i iii. hi. I Siuiii EIVE NEWS FROM I1IIUN0 I'uplla In i iii- . hi,., l li.n liu' i .11 lend. ill. ! I'lir III. Im , iiiiiiiIIi .(- ' ' '"" ri.iiiiiiiiiin i . "port n ji..ri,. ul I lie ...', i work iiui'.l Moiul lir II inhi IMi.'Isi.'i , liiriuerly f i. mill .: i nil niiiiiv ui .',. Ihe Hertford il . la ta ehlai In nnlniilii.il riiniii -. in Hi., luwn schools ""' lroh-ul MhOOl Mi I'li.-i Iter urn plaiiuitit: their i lirimiiius .in. r hi '" BBlthaaleaUa' teacher i.im nl . i i Thursday tlnuieni, llii: ll. .1. Ii.irl iiinl others llii- eighth grade in Vale will cm TSe brethren lucelliis in ihe . bun ll haw i.n,ii.,l u i mi i'ii p.irl .1 Hi-1 ,i sal.- ..I I .i n work a ml useiul lui limy tlt-.l lateral i uniiurlers of Oif children .,..1 i in iiniil.s ..r needle work lull Wellies- TIW M'l lin.iislH lll.'l with .Mr. II J In, scleral ,,, t.,. win.,, Is, .uii St ll tin. I'osl dill..' building Teh I'uchert A so, lul tin,,.. ccli,,i.i,ii,s tcU .1 dm. rein I.' i I i.i,. hO i" lMi I -liar.- In making hi. in. 'hristiu.is l. leas of gifts ami dishes tor lug. sewing an.: wining, in.- being '" ""' I'"'' ''" "' ll'""' ""rk ""' " '" "'' ' hrletBjaj '""Her, "an hu.l An turn, il mi Tw , hers liui.. ..rin alnn.st iin.i.ssil,l.. in decide m Iiii-Ii of apron sale was also held TfM Itainisi Hi.- i. Mills of Hi.- ...nicsis i il.. UM "rk ""' ,l"1"- l'1"' l,r' l'"'1"" KttW- " ,,lv,,r ,t'11 '" ""' "'' Counl ..III... ... i.i. juiiai'.l Hi.' I I Will S luy siinmllilnn naed- Uur,,'n '"""" "' l"""'- "f Mother awanls Mill In- ,u hlif li,., i,,.vt .-. 4 '" UUl room, pi-rliupH a Vlrtrola '"urlrli, lio is iihiiiiik her son ami II, ..m Intl.- , h,il,.i dona Tin- ilriiilt Hoom has I u itWMM '"'" I'lans .t.. ..-i t.'.i, ,1 fur tin- n, i il,,. I,.,,, in .: rurftoN mi a ,.r "l" u tin. plat'H III wliii'li lilt. Tt-ai ll- chlcki-n i.' supper iin.i parrel post lain .lay or (or .i.ivl.,. rk. are "rs Kxamhiations will lie lielil Work "a'B '" '"' l"1,1 "" '"'. UUl ItMftJ ol ari'at Iniullt Tlie awruije tliilil aWSll ; in as sunn as possible after "Veninic at the oliurrli. will .Inn. ., I,.n.r map it lie Is in nine o. lot'k e.lii. s.lay iiioriHiiK Mr ami Mm A II Itainey ttave a .oiliest Willi amitliei tlnl.l as mil an MW Jai oli.s roporls forty ilollars .llnnei Suinlay The mi. sis were oltler person ilo h. Her work BTBM "K "'' PiSSSSSl "f ;l" entertainnu'iit Dim Kre I llunl an, I l)r Hay llurtl fani ht knows that his proilmt ull li.o.- "nil basket soelal held In the llarto III118, of 1'ayetle. the (has llii.ll i.m, lo coiupei.' u ul, ir. 11 o , until. -I srhoolhoiise reiently There are oth- lU.Mr ami Mrs Uoy Sparks, Mr ,n.,l The two ilisiriii, in IliK lleml Tt interestiiiK llenia iroiii this ills- Mrs J J Sparks of Ka!rbur , N.'bi have iinprote.l ilnir si I100I pronrl ,rl('' t hut will appear In nKt tte.-k's K Tlioinpmin, Win lluell, l-'rank l'a run iil.iiibl. this ,,n In H,- ,, not. lor. II Fuller, (has Haulm ami chll- M'linnl of one room n.u . ,1 ni.l Miss Klaine Maiiihliu Is toarhiiiK her ilren. anil Uramlma llanlin anil the interior ami tin. . i.ii,.i MMMtd lerin In the lenn ilisiii, t Thursday ewnint; about L'U neiKh- painle.l In the Wa.le ilistn ll, 11 .Ionian Valley borsol.Mr ami Mrs C Itovinan with si'hool In. 11 . 1, I, as been Inn ieu.il It'ins rroni MrDeriuitt illslrl.l o ni,,. lunch, nalli.re.l at their lioine by paint ami , urlains ,l 1 .mi .1 Uiiorle.l h the leaelni ' while they wen JoylllK u Hix o'chuk 1.11 v Inlbl.. h.i,, In , 11 ,i,ii I I'll is Wa iiiiiM'.I into our new si-hool illner at the Call I'outs home They latt.i it. in unuiil i.. . mi 1,1.1 . ,1 .1 1.1-n Mon.iai . November 1 The obi tt,.-, uui. h siiriris,..l 011 lieint! ialle, son as a ill, in, I le.l. tinam iallt able builillnif was about tllM, while now home lo fin, I their friinils Kalheie.1 to rare for 11 we hate Mill m uare feet of Hour spine Mr ,,n, Mrs llowiiiun lefl the hrst of The Stale Teniiiers' Assn. 1. 1 ion VVa leel thai we nn have room In the week tor Seattle meets ill I'ui'ilaml 1 1, .n: I.. 1 ' Whieh to Krow I i,,. ' p p f the l)ailisl anil -' line ami .,m ilui.l tares I In- I'liauksKiv iiik' program ami has ihurili hihl their monthly soiial ami hate been Kianti.l it it t i I January ,1 ket so. ml was well allenile,l Twee husine.is uieetiun I'll 11 1 ...lay etenini; ll...iit for tlikels sliouhl he de ty baskets were snhl. nettiliK UK 111 !' at the .MeKeown linui liiuint.il II the riturn reilinliiui is tli'ty ilollars I'he basket brillKllP-' Mr ami Mrs II Ii Frost entertain.-, 1 1 ! i' 'w i:.i..iirii Oracoi u..,i. the hlgbaal arlaa vai that ofiMlaa Mr ami Mr Joha Saada la Alaaar alteiul a Siale Assoii..:ion iiuiIihk Sulla Wilkinson The pri.e awarded Sunday in honov ol Mr. and Mrs F A and it .111. ni the Malheur Oouat) for this was a set ot silver spoons M Frost, of Kuan. South Dakota lea eh ere are ihlaktai ol lolnj to aiainn lew, who iatahed the elghtn "Qaeea Rouble' one of n u I'orllaiid I ,1 llii holid 1, s, tliey sbniild jrude work last eai is in s. hool attain llnoiner s prle llnlsteii. heifers, tell plan In hear IOBM ul the Nation lakint; a review of the work Sinioii in snuie w a nil broke her left front Inn-most ediitators who will ! on J the III si eiithth itrude itraduate from let. mar the shoulder The v.Meri lb. program this (real this distri. 1 amid rw-s much credit nar was called, but it Is not kuowul Wit ,--W at prices that prevailed before the advance A peculiar statement to make when 'V'M-y,hinr 3 nog advanced tinv and Hm a era in mrl rai q era in x:. dqv ' A V t lw 1 M l High Art Suits and Overcoats at the same old prices as before $17.50 - $20.00 - $25.00 for the best High Art hand-tailored Suits, for dozens of styles of pure all worsted Suits, for serges and fancies alike, for reg ulars, young men's, stouts, slims, and extra sizes. Because we have stayed with High Art they have stayed with us, given us every advntage, and early this season when they made enormous purchases of heavy weight goods at extremely advantageous prices in time, they gave us first selection, and again we say U TT- L. A mini iri Suits and Overcoats mt in the best quality make, in the best of all-wool materials at the same prices that prevailed before the enormous advances. If you. Mr. Man, just fully realized what this means you would not miss a moment in selecting that New Suit or Overcoat. Splendid lines of useful and servicable Holiday Goods for Men and Boys. ALEXANDER ONE PRICE CLOTHIER ONTARIO. OREC. K Kl I3s if sho can be saved, htcansi of the location of the break. Virgil Spainliowers ht.il a narrow escape Saturday trom being sonnuih hurt, when lie fell thru a trap door In to the baoODBCat. a distance of seven II ulght feet. Illttiug tho pump As it was he was badly linn-cd and Mil cut mi his hip Ho was out of school tho first of the waok. ll II Kltch and sou Nell came down from Ury Huck Friday, with two loads Jiif I'lii-istmas trcea. Th-y started with 400 trees, but hud ocly 40 left on thelT arrival In Fruitland These they sold in Fruitland, Payette, (int. mo, the others having been sold to mer chants in the tow 11s they passed thru Mr Fiske said it took he and three others three days to get th"se trees It was rather difficult to pick out .well proportioned trees These tree will retail at from 75 cents up to $5 00 Mr Flske netted a nice sum from the wholesale trade of the same. The trip down was a hard trip because of tho great am ount of snow 111 the Ixmg Valley Harry Thniiipson. who is staying with his aunt. Mrs M Haeltine, ia sick with Oriaae I ll Baiwaat returned from North Yakima, Wash , last week J HI 13i