Wm dhttstrtiv &t$m. fc VI H. - mi BIG SECTION TO HAVE DRAINAGE III. i ' N" i r.iini imii i'i, iis , IIIIIIIMIIlIN IMMTHIl I IN nlilil It Til I lKIN Mil nunoN peculiar one Li'.- IUkiikIjii liM Which CIiim-s iiicioiu Hum lies "ii last Hide of !, I.Ives HIM' to Clohlctll. Hn lli'nd rnnchrrs whose land. , I,iiik heen Irrlualeil ari tnklnn ti.,i mlitht appear to lie a Miraiige ,.tli,l of huvlim thiflr property Irnliii.l. for ! d thl they me form- p( a irrigation dimrlet Instead of a kriimiKK dlairi. I This Is hWiiK done on tin. suRges . .. ... !.. !... Pull nl tile ao'riiiiii:in ."mum, . .. ... J- .. Uncials who ar ainina ine prujiii rrerillnK tf I'm l Ham's repreaent- llii. llio irriaauon mos un- . ,,ir.il.le aa a guide for arlloii than h ,r. linage lawa. Tha govi-rnmrnl olllrlah. illn-i-on- re helng folloed hy McCnl- el, . Wood, attorneys for tlu dla- rid (or Mm reason that the govern- km' l advancing the money And ku leads to another strange feature the caae. The government Ii putting up the . ki i... ioney hecauar u t in pari i wi, in a.ii.T from the government os,t in Iiluhn Dial l aaluretlng the Ln.l In II.- HIk llend district TIiIh lrnn project Im located on liorlli L. ,.( UM Hnake river below the m abara Hi Uole rlv.T eiilers Snake mill adjoin the lilalm pro .i. watered from Arro roii. nun r Kbit reservoirs These Idaho which art" liimnicii ny "ir Linl i Sales melanin' ion wni'i' un t n.-v Ml have ' ... ' ;nl wl they BtBal '"' 'I'."!"'-'! Ml manner III Which ill! ' Him lli- III ll'ii'l 0( I IMKOII 'I'll- HlC I- I. 'I 'll ... d i In iriii I , I ' -llled II"' , Irrlgalad band .11.111.. .1 bs an Irrlfatlni ORE BIG SALES OF RANGE LAND MADE Illl'Wfstcril I ',dlllUloU I ..II limit- lisxliiu ol II- Holdings. " In mated Tiucl In Mat. ITiut id prediction coaoaralM "ie liiumi or ruuge land was well luiiii..i i- tvlrlenaad by IIm raaerd niadt b) W I' Davidson . i Oreguu vVeatern CoionUatloii I Mis In. m! iigelil A V mi thalr lanl trlu wimh tbay "d last Saturday I Irill Irion ll.ili.ri.i III I look but) mil ii'iurn tin' land men aold 11,1 j i i.i 14 4 no acres to 11 differ I1 ""." i" ll Inn i. in- ol I he sales Flnr rtBfll laud The oilier sale, l K A Anderson kiiii for 120 "" "f irritfiii.-.l I.....I wi.,i i.i Uir ITllH ...I.. ... ,. i . "' 'M IIU'SI" CVIIUIll I" Ptatlva in Hi,- ia, I that tliere will ' a l'K iiicri use In ii nnmlier ol Kk i.iIm.( n, ii,,, iMiurior. all ,,i F'1'1' ill Ko In htieiiBtlu-n III la lion i" i'ii alfalfa "imi I) un ill in hall the erou at jUaaraq iinr ,. V per Ion until l:""l I- ii.ii.I lor I (ollowUkf is the list if the .11,1 I hi ir iii-u 1 ..I.Iii.l-s K i ... . . .. n i win, j.'o nirea, fat iltll . . i ....A ' ' -. . aui-nii i -" lk ' ... In .,. i, -. John "ii.. ,i p Upton i"" J Btorv ; tit :.. r..s r.irvr r"' 140 aer.-s, Tary Orl aa j m v.... ... . . MiMiii -.mi aires, j i 64(1 aer.'H- I .,vU., iir.w r.in ' rtota 14,4liO arrvt. -. - ; ; - wfc anaaav. N aOVIRNOft HIRAM W JOHNSON. v-LironixtA. Htlor-lect from California alio reoaptliin In Wuslilnao... n.i - - ... -. M'SSlOII IM AV.'ltln lnlaM. - .. BEE KEEPERS HOED I IHsriTK I M Mull Mil, K MUMM Often i'iiodk kiih TlllMxHTH . H. ENGLISH SPAM BEE KILLER Thii IHnacr Drill and IMsrussloas Center mi Cooperative Methods and llihci fmhleios. OnlurlnV Com rrlnl club mums ,,, ,, the hive lo which swartiu .1 the ii i,.! ...iii.i-h UM, ol IM producai U for nun mul at Ion ..i Ilia .. mrttllM 1 M ..I i K I ni.i.i i. .iii.i. ng lo ..riiir ruaada) Hie prim ip.il BUtftOf up lor dl .Inn was the ii-p.'i'i 0 ''rv ..irreii i.i Kan Hj tlh Ml i rri-ll rep., ii. , I Hut he I....1 aald .i i, ,n for in. i BBfM anil one I, .ill e.ithi.iils Ol bOMJ for I In- Mini ol l-'l .Him llesiili Ihese In ear load loU Ii" "' Bd '-ii old i"'ir oilier cars, io in, m ' '..Id well, ami i. in e.u I. Hun. Ciim-ii. ami Nam p, i Ml Carrell also lepnrte.l n ,,ii.i,.i-e ,,l 11 '"in .Mini. ,.i Mai nllai :,.i miMi. iht-. ni i in- aaaoalatloa sea I nlmoialilr w:1 Hie in,,, .mull- epillellie that Hie . unfnvorsbU one w ana WM nl 'he mbara .aim- m um i Uai Uwi were not certain as lo the cause of their irouhleh hill Hiere was little dnulu in their nilinl'. atlei IMf Btdl iraileil expel nines and llMened to ihe nliervatlon of oilier gMShtfll At Tueaday afternoon' meeting talks h) A C laickett, of Jainlesnn Q J Voder of M.ilillaii. C Wfca of l'aette, M II reunintiliiii nl K I'lynioutli Mad others lirouclit forth II,,'. i.ni thM I""1' IM wealh.-r aid enemies Ol hee- lespollMl.le lul Hie shnrl crop Mr. laickell w.-ni inln IM IMI element of late frost and col. I morn Injf al lengtli lo show how thai hurl In I" ways, h killing IM m-ctar in Hie flower um! in hllllliK iff Hi rHU I"''- ii j Uniei us..- ai, totaffaiall "' rouiit of Ins iiliM-Maimn nl Hn aTOfl ,,, ,-,' enemies lllirlliiS IM Ptl '" The lomiiion KiikIimi sparrow IM M and Ihe Velio iMkl all the heen he sai.l He told nl ataUi lug the BjaVrOva MlM im'iiH'"'l;- '" he.- ilurinn IM eool mornniKs wl Die hees MM lltT'" :""1 ''"" "' examiniiiK muiK iMtrfOVI an.i finding lhali i nwi fMW with ! gaaud '.,,- He -aid th.it he ballet ad million- of liees were mm Kll,'1,! eai-h seal Other speaK.-i- lOld "I ! " ,,f ihe ration iMhoU Md Ml ihi'i.' btm wtandad dlaouaaton ... mntbodi lo flfbl Ihonn aoamii An,. mi! the other iii'inii's nl the k.epi'is was classed some Iwo-leggeil (Ciiiiliniie.l mi pane two) ONTARIO, IM.MMIt MIUNTV. OMUOlf, THIItMIMV, li 7. 11)1(1 What Is Ontario's Great est Need In Your Opinion? No uroiip .,i riUaaju or no it tan in.ii..' an- n 1 nrogn .-. with out a definite aim and purpose Thai ma) bo a inu lUtomOflt, imi It bj novi rthelesa true. U hal Hhouhl Ontario aim to accomplish during 11H7, In i.ur opinion? wii, illroad faculties prim n,i irnnlnni bonafltl Will ii or tilers on the landal.mil ,, m,isf VN ill l.eiier roads liuii.ise pm-pi rii moot? n noma thing, otboi than mj ol thi abovi win innroa Oa i.im.i prosperity and happlneae gmsi. It, your opinion, let the puhln kiiiiw whin that thli.. A niimlier ol . Ill,', ii linva appro. nil., I ii,. ndltor ol The Argus with auggcatlona during the pad wwk hut when askeil in put thono in writing aald. "Oh you wrlta It. writing is not my line, and I .In n t like to appear in print." Hlli I. i le.iy is ut time ooBiuenilalde. and Hie Argus will omit the signature in publication If writers so desire, hut IM irii, le should he signed ao that the editor will know who the writer Is llo not let haahfulnoaa kelp )uii I ruin slitting what oii thill would help Ontario Von ma; ha..- h. idea that win he of graal est henefli lo the city It will take hut a few minutes time to put It Into words , , . m Ontario Needs Favorable Trade Balance One Man's Answer 'ni" of the things that la wrong with Ontario Is that during m,..i of Ihe year the community his an adverse irade halnnie t'om munltles lime tr.ulc balance Just the same aa nations, and Ihe moat prospermia community la lb one that haa the largest favorable tradelmlaure distributed aaong the greatest number of gaflfjtg Kerythlng purchased from other communities In. hiding wearing apparel, flour, sugar, oannea good, lumber, coal, gasoline, grata, machinery, automobile-., etc , goes in create an unfavorable balance against the community. Of course, Hume thinga are all necessary hut they must be, paid, for The Item of transportation alone freight and passenger, take nearly f."00 per day mil ol the , ,.n. ii, null. To offset the above Item contributing to our unfavorable trade-balance, we aell to otbtr communities our wool, sheep, cattle. louses and hay. Those are practically the onlv roinmoilltles which we produce In iuantlti"s large enough to export to other commiiu tile Those commodities are aold during a few month of the year mid Hie proceeds go tea comparatively few Individuals This rag! a few cur load of grain were ngporlod, but we are now nu porting main and before sp'ing we will have purchased more grain from other I'liiumunltles tin j we have sold A manufacturing coniti'iulty whhh has Its own supply of raw man-rial lUrh us limber. IpM nr ton I la ideallv situate. I i.. , ' balaara, ind ihoaa rommaartloa ara aalfornl) ,. i , n ihera Ii ., martfei for thalr prodncti w mil a in.ii, nl. i luriiiK OOmaUnll) and it Is almost Impossible In ehnaga IMI eoadlUoa i i in uniform proaparlty, , omtnaalt which has , i pal roll i.i" i rough! oui. is divided aiuon. ,i gi . ol in uai Mich a rommun lea I il ol ' luia I he ii.ininiinllv w l;lc! I ..- tilt n .in- who', produce , .til. nl. ll t" other . mini. in. i in ui ii, nmounl nl oul for ' man i ,! ,,n odltle Ontario ii munltj e la Ihnl ting in "ni, pic hi. money lo go mi ran land and laoroa t oui rn-'n iuiiiii.il uroduotluu ihnl an na) Im mora produi II lo nllier loniiiiuuiii, pa , of raw luinl winch produces wulci ind ililelesl i mill Hill'.- Ill nil llllfinorable ll.ole ...in,, nl . . ni lam I which product -lain, hay, Bgta ,i, helps tu create finnrahl. ll.ole halnnie I'l ... I K-ullv all pnuliiii bl btad are mm s"IIiiik lor high price i aa ol fartlla ra a brad and i ditoliaa, irlbutan ; "' aummunltj S'an i pU art aoa eonilni mil. ih Twin i' ni- aaetlaa oitn moan i golag aa Inllar brad ,,..i roporta Hiev an tlau romlai lato IM Nampa rouairj , Ulloa irnn, lis Mill I nd is as I a- II,.. I ul M Two, r.iiis m Nnmpa oountn nd prtoi are .heap II . eaa gal noma "i Hi" ii- ' p npi- lato our own aomuualty aa arlll all ha lieiiulli, ll i ll i la . - l,i Bill be I . Ilialielll uiii ngnallnn In bug paaai nilghl i nnawerad b) askini! another on Hon ran - bring nl IM paopla aoa golag la Twin I'alls ami Niimp.i ni'o our own i oinmuiiiiv ' v INTBHaWTKIl CITIIBN lv fy- an x aaasaan aTJa TaraaaTr, )r l-. ynaxaaaaaaaaanaal Br vl F It JL naaaaaVW H Inl j iiSBrTaaaTaaaaalaWrawiaarr1 'lirffHaHpTli MtlWaal MM'WefB ' ' ' JarSraBIn' tkTS i v, v" H IxruSga v. gggnaJlaal - "aLTr I 'jjSTA a V vf (X OLI,t-p A005CO ' - ' H'lku ..." i" -co in ' M...I.IHU' I .' ' ' bleuti .. , agaanamv avfrTaa " laf By? ' aaaaCr' xaaaal 0) by Amenrwa Preaa Aaaoelatlea. W. g. BORAH I 'iiliwl Htates senator from Idaho , who I to urge national prohibitum i' 'his aeaalnn of congreee. TYPEWRITERS AGAIN IMHNK nXmiBKM I.ITKMT Kl I'OHT IS T HtNNKtT BOIMK WITH WKHTKKN I'AIIUC. BURNS CONTINUES ITS EFFORTS I'oblli Mil,s,ri,ii for Ibmu Ills cussed al Mass MeeHng 'lliere llnlse Kncouiages I'rmnoler. This Is the open season for the building of rullrouds by the lypewni I in, -ll. ml Hums Oregon, mid Idaho, nr.- the pr in. I..,l nl operallons at present The in boii. ii i. .. Marat .-r npp lartlag Batata and h ui.iv alemoBl Ihaj i i being capital to i biloa lato raalll ,i, in, ni. , oi w in, i, was given in TM vi . e.iilly calls for Ihe hull, In, c ol a i from Cram- lo Hums This , I lo a .un, i w here ll may I," glVag sell, ,11 i uliMiler.llloll Tin pi ,iu ,1111,11 Is lea -Ibli . ami I I mil ev .,'i . poiul ol view desirable Curtheriuore the people ol Hums have ao much faith In then ability ii make good that It Is within thl I,,,!,, I- ui i, a-oii Hiut ihe road will Ii. built next yeal Thai III" 11,111 pie believe this po--lhh Is Inilliale.l in the recent editions of Ihe Huni'M ii'imis paper, which toll nl a muss Wool lag lield 'here al win, I, man) proniim ul ilii.-ns who have ihe lo do so signified Hun iiii.-n linn ol subsi ribliiK Hie llilln- portion if (lie funds nee. I.il HnlM- lo Help Hill Us. Willi their eyes open Im Hie main . liaiiie to secure Ihe business of the ml, in ii ol Oregon llolse beslness men have stepped in on Hie ground Hour ami are offOTlBg asslslanc- In Hums They liuve a cnmiulllie um knit.' mi Hie matter and have sent an engineer hi "' mum ol Kraaklln lu prepare Ihe neie-..iv lep.ills Willi Ihls assistance Juuies W.-iun IM Kuril- plolnulil beln -vu. Ilial he will be allle lo alas ' Hllllis on III, railroad maps of Ihe slate Hols, Itevlxes Old lloail Ihe latest lypewril'l lallload is a revival ol Olle llienl lolled lli.l ll times in Ihe pasi being u 1 1 IM' Iron, Bobkt to Wells. Nevada, lo miiiiiiiI with the Western I'aeiin The new version of this Hue would run ll thru llr iiiiim-.i u, llnini , ,,si in Twill I'all- and -.Mil ll to Wells. Nev ll, p oposii mil is said lo have baOO mail'' in ihe railroad oomutllli Hie Hoise I'ouilllel i lul elllli It Ik said Ihnl the plnpusilloll lollies Iron financier! connacted wiih powerful railroad Intoreila :ni the Holae pap ndll i in- propo -.1 ni halag ol un, ,,, -. Importance W hlla both ol ' he i projected rail i, in tin- t pan i ".I ataga, the law Hull such v.iiliir,'.- are IikIhk ihnut indiiah- thai there il r feeiinK toward railroad. 4at .1 in IM W est This ia fur that Ih'lh aled by seveial big real e lali: i . luafl i- and Hn I. ii iiiik ol new M llll:it im STRING EIGHTS DIM 1 WITH PASSING YEAR l MM I'issis ll;Ml,t TION IMOIIMIM. I (. in , OMPAaTI I I sum ins nii i ni KDKU. BUSK HEN FAVOR CHANGE New lanrhtiagj Npaaaai so, i, M W al I 'a telle i.,i.,,.,i ( i Ml. Si.llsf,,, loty hnaf He I,, i ,ii..i When Ihe clock strikes 12 at mid nlghi ins- 'in her ;l it will not only switch orf the old year hut will turn the billion whl.h will dim the atrlnga of festooned light which have Illum inated Oregon street for aeveral j year This bj the result of a reao lution which passed the city council at Ita regular meeting at the council chain her Monday evening. The resolution waa paaaed after mini Mman Ward Canfleld. chair man of the light committee reported to the body Ihe result of the com , mlltee' Investigation of the I'ayelte ayatem and alao the fact that the business men along Oregon street favor audi a change The hualnewa men do not want the lighting reduo "I but they favor the abolition of the fesioou llghta. Mr. Canfleld present ed a algned Hat to the council favor lug the change A relate,) previously in The Argus the Idaho Cower company thru Ita manager. J K. Orr. promised to have ; a plat of the city prepared with a : ayatem of lighting designated Tin plun waa not ready for Ihe coun. ll's action so that body paased the reao lutlon In the hope ihsl Hit inKh hurry the official rente One Meoer HUlldl tirdlnmict-s for ih- sewer dl 'mm were . ng l.lered Mm of thl - ed the other failed TM .It-1 rl, I Whii I- lalled was tha ,,,,, b h. gad It I-, ' i, rota IM i ii I fol ' 'I mi for , . in.m 1.,-es n iirder i .,1 of '"ii". i ni. i propai . ' ' Meiiil, i I;, . .,,,, i, , ll I. 1 1 .i i and I"' H H Whlllie. mi Ihe llln.ii, board havlag uxplred Mapoi Human art naiad thalr mbm - far n naan imiii Tin- appoint meal 'i ha Introdui Hon nl i bl nwi --i M" to a ills, us-loll 1. 1 Ihe ll brat v uui ii arrlaa lo I in- commniiiiv I mill, ill, urn K , p'rM. ind M.ivui Hi. mall hull, iiiu.pli llll'llleil the memliil I . ., ppu 1 1, led un thalr anrlna mr the laaUtatloa, while Hie v. ,iiii,-n iiiemliers of the BOard I .line 111 lol l-pell.ll lll.'lllloll ll was evident thai Hie pride which Ihe woman have in Hn- lihraiy i- also held by IM city's administrative body The usual nun, her nf bill- were pi, , niiil ..ml a number ol street in-- i i .. vera i aa htarad o lag I" iiu l.ul thai Hie complete val uation ol Ihe city bus mil yet been ratarnad bj. tha aoaat) alarl 'ii council mill, got ilellllllely lis I lu ll 1 . Im iieyl yen .,, .iiljnurned 11 II 1 1 1 I mhi'i .'7 win n Hie Iniile, i and lev v w ill III, ally he determined veil: isi km wiilthlNi. lilt IIS t(.t HIK I ltl( I tppralw i Hum I eii-eii and Ash worth "i i ,i Mali,, ui Uralaaga Db ,1 1, ,: win k i xaiuiniiiK all Ihe proper!) m i M dhUrlal hi I Mm. day ,s,, rapid bad been the progroaa uada dill hit- I !u- in I two davs thai ll is expected unleaa unforeaeen delays in i ill thai Hie work will M complet ed b) ll lid ul ll- l wee1 ,i, -iilerpri-i s l Is all tn- prnhable that financier ii way clear In alai i meat pm jei ta iiu ,ve mentioned now null ll, av e.isil' he old Ul , ,, and term lii ll until IM prtoi sllel .,11. 1 Otlll 1 lliatei I.il Hues diiw ,i hi lul , dolUI I li" Willi. Hi , null, ,.1 Itelchei ' departed d r tularin In-! Saturday and will re Ida n H ii er daughter Mi - Oao, iiu.w tins ainiei Orawae) ua