The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    fjtfDAY, niivkmiiki: "fl. im
fl in Torci With the Man Who Has Wants Through the Argus Classified Columns
..!. Sfiif..m( ,.r IkT 1 STEALING ELEPHANTS. ..jriFNT BANQUETS. I tMAhnonam' i LiilT
Condensed Statement of the
Ontario National Bank
us rrportid to th- ComptrolTer Nov. 17. wf,
Loans and Discounts
Bonds and Securities
('. S. Bonds
Stork m Reserve rank
Realty and I mures
Capital Stock
Undivided Profits
Drpeslls Nev IT. MIX. tlM.NM.K7
Deposit Nov. 17, 1914. S220.61li.42
I irposits Nov. 17, 1916, $418,949.27
"We give ormcr that "."
Classified Advertising
A eolUHM that gets results for the buyer as well as
those who have goods for sale.
Five cents per line per insertion
Phone 49 J
I tilt SS.I.K
IK SM.K I'llKAf tuie
i rad
bull K Ii fonklln.
,! M.K fl IKAIir. r
ii prn.irt. well i-lui'll'i I pro
i ii
i; kn i Modern tta roow
hi, ea in ealtor, load
nil Knqnlrs al vri m offtoa '
No 14
Heating stova, Roaad
i I,. . in - M
s. i lln
Naturally CravS.
tune lido,' sahl ilu- 1'iiity with
.1 ban a iio bad Ii
MMsa Into Ihe e.lii.iiiil wiinlnin
a iiu' uftV ,- iio ! iiii t i,kiiig.
. III I lllllleil A I'llllli'l I
II 111" mow led the e lllor. "Solh
riuaik.ille iiIhiiii lb. 1 1 Wliu baa
ii i .lo in In grOTS than a pail-
i l.niili woiililli t rlie.'l
luiulli to si..), .net. would you'r -
ll.iniK I'... i lilMial. II.
Down Town Office
Business Directory
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
OTATaUC physicians
Or. Harriet Sears
Or. Pauline Sears
Pteii American School of Osteo
I'- thy. Kirksville, Mo.
r1 ul. T.-leiihoue 154 Blk
W. Q
Office 117
Ron. 1171
"uc door East of Ontarl Phar- ;
T on Nevada Avenue. Near
at It. Depot.
H. I'AHI .'Y P......I .l,r.t,U
lbalmer. Lady assistant. Phons j
W,000 00
f 60,o00.(l()
llnnt Is two old tire snd ws will
in.ik,- ni.r that will rus from 2009
to 5000 mllsa mors for you. Kross
s!a Harstas Co.
Hi IIiIh city llnturlii ANTKU 1 an K-.-ond hand pianos
4''" iniiiieilmirly at th MtoM Shop 4ti T
MliMl in I '4 N
Purr toad raarttai laraai bull.
"Hlie like all Ibe oilier wouun"
"In wliiil way '.'
"She linsirliie- all a man lias to do
to gat Ms 1 1 rate ' B to ak
tot H
"nJ I en n I ,. ni line lier that Ibr
MMI I SIM' me lie ! lliniici mi
Mm i H Um MatoM N Massing
me bsraasa sra'ia posa IMMaol r"faa
"V.i," ahr said M Ifeg gner, "WS I
gut ..Hue MM "lr '' ,". Sf l'"r' j
Sgl l""l "
"il. .a iinnr''' teiiliired Hie uro-er.
,. I do i. ! kn.." how man.!, but
I would say si. ul s galb and a half
Of em I 'hi ii LI'S.
BOjbJM He MM made suite a MOdj
lagy, i Ml 9tobM I to
II,., e Al sin isle he la going to
mum a girl trill tha M a
phis lli'ord.
A wi.iuiii infii. t.-ii b ItaaraM mi
.til! be baa lad, bal ooa laBletod by
tongas i" i"-"1 '"'al "" 1Vrl"u
I'lule. b
W. 0 Brooke,
W'llaon Uldg
Attorney at Law.
Ontario Ors
Will Practice in AH Courts
Notary Public. Office Over Postoffics
Room 9, First National Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
Mcculloch wood
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
B. W. Swagler Altoraej at Law.
Kooma 13-H-l Wilson Bldg
Ontsrlo 0ron
r. J.
Rooidh in W'ilron Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Mssta all trains.
Wejld Ski m D.f'cult. Yrt
Rccwior Trm'e In 3, am.
It W,.ll!, ITM Mint llll elephant I
' P iili n( ' ; i thlni: In idp
"i 1 1 Hal would I i. I" Meai
' KOI I M . i careful
HI' li mi n h , i 't'liatitn n lie may
nn M trmtlir lml their size, u-t
tin t i . - .t,,i, I, rr,,iu ii in
in. . i ... . ... .i. , . .,, . ., i
" ,i. '"I hi,-hunt in .-ism nn
aji ihiii tiiurr ir K'r. prevalent tinn i
, f"r aemc in.,' :iM has la-en a sour
lot inn- h hiixii'M tn the onVlnb Rag
OtMtnM n fir drawn up about nftecn
lyaan ii'i i. ti,r iti tiii mni BlagMM
J latBorHJft with a view to the aunpren
MM of II .; oStOOOO, Ijilrr these prf
"1 Ir iddtttOMl regula
tions itiitmrtTtTiir definite rules for the
pin liii.,. anl ale of clcphsnts and
iiii;icl:c penalties mi nil prisons In
possession of rlr phants lni arc not
, ptatldai with sale piicr" roierly es
'silted before the Imal authorities.
N"lnr,Mandltig all these precau
tlu'i" i lephant stenllng continues In
j Slam aid In nnc rear slone IHiy ele
I ptinntn were stolen from British for
i (iti.. representing a loes of aomr
I ! Karen tribesmen are ItM 'hlff
I nni inlrr tint, though tlni: MM w hat
I MaccasMbtO villages arr wrll known
to thr nrur korii, or llMihi oBVlal.
In no stogM laaMaM hn the assist
an-e rriidrrpd by flia llainrar offlclala
ted to thr dlan.vrr? of the elephant
tnn it of thr llilrf In abort. r
itnerr. when effe' ted. has been due
lo Oit aitlrlt.T and run irv of thr
BrilMi fiircalrra ami Ihr aranlihiK
iartr miiI out bt thr lnt;li i i'llim
nl, lin I'lnpliv Hi- f.naina. I a
Anirrlr T!ttr.
Formar Oaya Lawyara In Ingland
Wi'i Foroad to Shava.
BawtMMJ wsa there mere prejudlis'
Isgslnsi bsarda iinui al n, ..r
ji'oiiil u'lilurlr- ago, Thr "Rlsik
PMataT of Ltocato's inn of the aix
MMIb mtiiiii air full of rrfeii'iirr"
to nffi'iidi i who oram tnnd taaMa
MM itmynur am Ii time aa tliry
hnll lime any lierde "
'I lili preilnu In, ffo Hie, a whole
hat Ii of'ili'il li.H i llci nn In
IBM "I .mi ln-at fioin r Ilm.'." nml
iifii-rwiini a India's ordar was
obtained for lbs i-Owntlbar "liHylir,-
of lbs nn ini'i i i he iimiT
. in n bars wets um quits I
. . fot ii Bus of J i lillliiii- waa lbs '
m.Ii. 'I. tin; ... . r..r "went
rdaa of Mora tMn Ibn s a
L'loW I III'."
i, ii uciiui-i Iii'iikIi.i barrtatera
coiiiiiiiKii al in,' iiiiik in i nun iiiiiii iii
si-ii l.i M, ul hi ! . UW aflat tin-.
.. .. .1. . .. I. ..II I..l II... 11.. '
however, lb" piijudl s aiatnal the mi
tbai i .1 ban Isii i n sialnad i M lata
i. in. ell. .1 llif.-ll i Hilled hla dls
like no fur t li..t he iihiuis rafOMd to
listen lo be.inleil or MaaMW bed eoim
. istsatlag Ibal be cnatM aaf i" it
them, linn SOU sllbougb Ibi'le ale
pleiil.i of bemiled PJ iiinl I.
few lisie StlalUSd i ml " r
I M in"! Ik DIM ll i ai option MM l'r
haa Ihe line .luilnli I'lilllp lieu Ismln
"sllli-i .ii!llei Itelilillulli. " who lie
apltr bl iiiii-iii In- Sltd Allien, ai.
"goalee ' i limed the llm ely In. nine of
fJ.VlnNi a irnr lu.ilon ibioiib le
pidara and tha Stars.
Spldeia as an slii III .1-1100 are
raraguMad t" socb ia aslaul 'hat esa
tain pe le- .ii M1..1..I Ki'lelJ ff
the line tbn nil- Ilu i ii. .He No sub
mil ul- for i in- iii i I bread hua yM
been fullllil f"l I"-' - lbs 0 lew of
Ihr ml. lei u-. d fur deleriiiliilng ,
Ihe UUSltluaa iiinl MUtMOS Of 190 stum. I
t only I SUas of I be ii'inui kalle
BueueM of iba llireaf srs tbaj ihIus-
to, bill lie. .in f Ibstl iiuilllile illl
Hie- i lie ibreads si i-artalu spiders
r.ii-.-.i t..i aatruuotttkal purposss aruiv
Maud cMugas Ui laaiparatiiio, so that
ufleii 111 nie.i-ui luit "in SpOU Ihaj IM
uiiui.iuie.l w lieu lbs Mai l M -'
thill i lie lel.-e- of Ihe in I. I ollielel eye
Maass srs cra kni lhaaa sptatoi linea
are oiih one tlflh t M -owulh Of a
ItoHiaaudtb "f an pjah HI dlumeler,
reajpared Ullh ablcb the ibrMOa of
Ikworut mi' MnpJ umI i laiaby.
Ha Stoppad.
"nidu i you baai IM srifattol" said
i red Htgluaar ns be sloppod to
pk k up 1 1 an hla engine bad Kimi keit
oit the iroak,
Sine. I .Ii I ami I HO UM sign MO
!t -siil. St..' look nml l.lstrn.' and
that's lust What I did. "-New York
On tha Square.
Ho uu rousktor II wrong to oot M
a .le-l.lelltlal .U" n.'llV
Tin not Hiue SbOOl it. Hill It't ii
gnat leiniilalion It Is "lie fol'UI uf
COUleSt in no couteudol I ycr
,u-.e. ted "f ilu. w Ing the naine."
W ii-liington Star.
Enact of Haradity.
"XVIiat a rfustj fellow .links ia!"
-No woii.h-i. bl Hiilici Is a baker."
Yesterday Is gOOai tOMaOTMM S.v
iieMi coma; ladaj Is ihott ret buay:
- Youth's t'ouipauioii.
Tha Mexican War.
If the hlatuiles are to be believed lbs
Mellcaas during 'heir war with this
eountrj la is"; 7 did not arta stogto
battle. ' iiotwiilistaiidliiB the fact thst
in ooarlj avsrj sucuuutar tha A at art'
cans wen- outnumbered froa I to 1
to B l" 1 -New fori An el'lellll
Claapatr.i Didn't Hava to Sprnd Much,
Far Thmgi W-t Cheap.
W'r huir k run! ili'.l Mlmilt flu- Inx-
iir mi! i ii in :i -.-.I it-1 "f Oeepatn,
I ho i urn of llio NHiv Htnl Of tin' (for
(OUW fMatl hi' and Murk ADtoflJ
iiini i. ...ii, j ,-t ibaat lit 1 1- dtnaan
nnd tpfi fur two i-oai ricopiitra
onl alwai t Mllllaaa, tIU wtaa ami
'...,, ,irnii
If fl.-oimtra hail lived la tlNM tlmra 1
klie ' milil i
t paaoibl) pal nupiier at i
't t-llllllllp, H lll'K'l
with waiter and
vt It . I . UOV il.
In Ibaai liiia a larfe Jar if w Ine
COM milt i -.lilllliifra, and thla probably
!ii-li ! n l0O lorn . A plfl on aa dear
ai . j ',i.i". uiiii u iii.iin.i hi Tin i
rtulili-H wli! h',1 Tin iiii'iitlia i nan! i
!., 1 1 unht for about N ahllllnira.
Sim,.. win pimv . 1 1 i i trti to (ret. and
tbrlr drea MM M nanty that livrrlra
(i nliln t liini- been I'lpctialve.
CtoapatM "in e out In for a Trjr
poatl.r drink. She meliwl a prl' rlraa
penrl In a plana of wine and pMaaMM
It lo Mark Antony. But thr qui-oa of
EfTtrt did not o In for MM ritxa-
aranrea every lilrbt.
.i.. lli I v i u ii iili 1 ,iiiii,iror of Ilia
lliinin,,. famed for hi. .xtravaMnf.
usurious living, who gar twnitytwo
MMM dinner", where the .'uet re-
rhnrd on Ivory and sllvrr louihra and
fdpMMj ilielr dngria Into tngrr bowla
ahi h rnaiatoad Matty srttaa, did uot
S 2Z? 2&S32
Ona Raaaon Why, Parhapa.
"The world keep niHiiur'
"Tea. but the wmlil ilrn-u t liavo la
go knue limit Ing and admit l a laud
lord that It baa , hll.lien ."- tirtrolt
Firr I'reea
mitii i-: or oxiPMI.
No :-4
Ii. imrtiiunl Of UM I rlor
I nlted Slates land OfflM." Vale.
I. MovaabM It, 1911
i I VfOOdj "I uiikiiowu
nillri"" , rout. Stl
Vou nri- barabi aotlftod Ibal Wat
ir ; iiiit.'i aba i It vVatoar, Id i
i .I .i
his post office iiddre did on
Novinilnr 'J9, I9H;, file In this
,,iMi. hl diih . orroli "iiii'il .ippllia
ilim to riniii'M nnd MOOM ihe ran
ri'lhiiliii ul !iuir homi'sli-Mil i-nlry
aerial No OHM made June fi, 1910,
frrt'. SK' S,-i 0 ', SK'i
-..-.. ....
II T Hi H It 4i: V W M nd ad- hnniesleail entry Vo " l
in.,,1. Moral :I0. 1914 lor NW ' se. -
Hon It, township 1 i south, range 4h
east W'tllsinelte meridian, and M
gromuls fur his MOtaM M alleges (
that "s.ii.l l.i - I Wo, ol. Ml made
no luiiioM'inenls on -aid bin. I l..i
,r, I..., 1. in I.-.H- paafaad has
not lived iiu -m, I lm. I for Matt
I ,..i aid toVU POM nnd has lo-
tallyaliauduu M "aid IhiuI "
You ire tlierefore ftirlher noti
fied Ibat the said allegations will
be taken as conlessed. and your nald
entry will be canceled without furih
rr right to M heard, either bOfOTS
this M M ii',il II miii fall
In lib- In this office within iwenly
days aliei ibe rourib pulillciiilnu of
this nollce, us hhiiwn below . mm
answer, iiinl'-i Mil -I" I Ifti lllf "-
spoil. 'me lo thoasj altogattoaa of eoo-
t,.,t. togatbar with das prool I i
Mill nave -erM'il ii ron ... ...
war on the -aid iiintestaul either II
aoroM '" to roctoterad Mill
,oi -hiMil.i stetl i" Mil latawar
the name of IhS pool Bfflas 10 which
you iie-ii.' lutara aaltoas to toi mm)
to you
iinie.,1 iii-i pabUeatlMi Wotaibor
Dale ol aaoood pbMImIsM Dooooi
lier 7, ISIS
11, 1., ol tbir.i publteattea Dooooi
ber 14. lHlii
Ii., 1. ..I fourth pUbltoatlOl Decern
ber 1, ISIS
KptlOS i- hereby KlMIl thai I lia-
fund- .in baud Ml pay a" BMatMl rld
warrants eiidor-ed ool i1'"" hl1 "al"
of tuuds
Intel et OSS IPS
S'uvetubar S0( i.
dated al Xale. Oregon
So vein he i
17th. 1916-
j. it WKAVEIt
Treas. Malheur County
BfyifON OP sai.k df PKitNiiN xi.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned will -ell at public au
,ii..i, At Hie Eagle l.lwry Hani in
the city ol Omtartoi OroBQii to Iha
i um- of :: o'atoah p m m U x''
day He. in, l..r. I ' I . taVI follow.
ing daaarlbad MiooaJ propotei la
KoiiiiuK .ii-'o about 4 mhi
i Hu
.s ai.i' ...
ItM . mil"
with rln-tioni' on Oacll hind foot
and nlro fltulo I I '
rd na the property of I. Sniltl of
chh)-oii I'lmnii Idaho, to pay r"r
Hi,' fi I'd nml ran1 of snlil irolditiK
l , . , ,.-
"m he I8tl1 iU "f Jul'r' ,816' M
tho rate of IT.II pa' inonth.
(J ()lf. $s n pill() n ,,, ,,,,
crexllt In the MM ,,f 40 pulil on1
fie 3rd day of Amnio. I91.
ilKKT Mll.I.rJK
Data? of flrat piihlii .iiloii. NoM'in -i
ha. ri iaih
Hale of lat publication, Dei ion
ber, 1916
Nntlre la hereby riven that th) un
deralirned admlnlatratrlx of the ea-
tate of OldmaD I ninitman, deceaaed,
naB fMl n the county court of the
Mafe Qf Orfon for thp rountv of
aa-aa .-. N..I .., t (,r
.TlllllirUI, 1,1 ,1,1111 MVl.WMM. W. .1".
admlnlatratloa upoo asld eatste.
a,va , . . a-.. . . .- inn. . i ,. . . .t I MB
nai naiuruay, um ..v.u .., ... .- lolr t(l ,,, ,, ,,,, Wmir, r tn
cernber, 1916. at the hour of one Malheur rnr and Improve Its varl-
o'clock p m, of aald day. at the Court ,,,M canala ao aa to servo 1S,00
OUBtj at Vale. Oregon, has beao!acrea Id addition to the If, 00 scrse
dUy f1d h ni,) court aa Um Ubm L, (Uitiated
"d p,-r-. '".rr,nr,",,.,!r, :,;' "r -
count ami n'liiinn -mi.i n,.. .... .,, hy , certiried check of one per
persons Interested In the said estate ,.rnt of ,,, (l ,,, ,,, pHrphaBr
ii.' baMta notlflnl to appear at sald'hu, ,ml,,. HM (wn ,.xi,mnalloii aa
Um.' mid ma their objections In , validity nnd shall print the bonda,
writing, If any there are, to said fin li,ol, at , owll .
l Hicounl. and ,ontei the same Tl) pjaaaaaj or Director" reserssj
Ilone and dated and first published (heir statutory right lo H j' t soy
this IB day of November. 19l. ta rt rl or all hlda.
IIAZKI. l.AVKHN IllNOMAN. Kull liifuriiiiitlon may be ohlalnsdj
l nlnlHtratrlx of the estate nl hy ddrBI ,hr Ssrretary at Vala,
OMaMI I Dlngman. deceased Oregon.
Klrsi imlilli Htlon o. J3, I911. ir Rrsolutlon of in Hoard of I if -imlillcatlon
Kec 2S, 191. rectors dated November th. 191.
To tl Mi.'i- and nil persons In-
.1 In ilu' lands coroporate and
other property In nnd adjacent to the
M.illii'iir linilnage IXstrlii
Vou ..nil of you are hereby
BOtlftod lliat II"' llonrd of Siipervls
ors of l be Mnlheur liraliiage Dlatrlit
lias filed in II i .lll.i ol II . i oillin
,,,rlt ,,f ,eu i i ,,unl. UraROO. I
lift ii mil prayiofl Uw '' "
lor perniii imi to . b.uige the hound
ary llm ..r aid district
tn. hole wltblll lie ol
Miiiiieur Drataasa nisirict tat to)
lowing MOd
In M'ct I. T IS I H 4 7
M Ibe i:. ol S ', , and thi
ol NW,
in saattoa IS, t IT, I it
su '
W XI a Iiiiiii IS acres In til
Si, of MM sectlmi
In MOttoO It, T IS. I H I. W
M ihe NW ', uf NW ', ol Iba SW 1,
III section 1. T I B H 47 I
w xi 1 11 aoros in the 1
ol w
Also eicludlug Iroin said Ill-diet
47 acrea In the K' of MOtMl ;
and about 1". Hire- In Ibe V ' j llf
N'K1, nf -eel lull -I
And mile-- mil shuw 1 ail-e to Ihe
contrary mi or boSON 19M lununry
term of Hie Xlalbeiir County Toon
to be held on the lutb d.i ol Janu
..i idi7. iiu- proyaf m sate paUtlon
ii..i in- groaiod
I'ouniy iierk oi Ifalbaar Ooooty,
Kll.M aablleoltea Kossubor IS, ISIS
, .,,, ,,,,,, ,, ., Mlli.r h, imr.
V II IM inl.l'l i'l.K
Null, e II hereby (Inn lull SI all 'I
,., ..,.,. ..,1- lor Ibe punha-. of tha
ItllMIS lier, inaflii aV O nbed will ba
roealved ii Iba nil ha W
spnnas lirlgalion 1)1 Hit II Vila
tin KrMa) laaaarj
1917 hi I UU o'clock i m .
dny, lo-wlt
-1 1 lit XUHMI 1 UT1 IH"
snu inn. nits.
tioid 11, mil-, ,-t Series No i. laaut
I. f the .lellollilliullll of (Hie
,,n,l Dollars each, nilinbei-.i
, ,lMv. l I in TBI il.H
ad Liiniiin lat, IBIT, baarlni l
laaa I ' I,.lele-I n.lMible B nil-all
n) u hl. lM ,ilV , julll,.,,., and
,iui ol aaab yaar, principal
, ,,v.,bi.- .,i lbs rtaaal agenej
o the Stats of dn-non. in Baa fori
, it. v. Tba told Boads to mi
,,,,,.. hi, ,i b) latuas itttborli
If laamV ;'"" lollowoi
Bonds uumbared i lo 11 loelOJlve,
daslgaated twaaty-oue yaai aoaaa
due .lull 1-1. I" ;,
Bonds BumhOMd II to II indu-
,,, ,,. igoated lwaty4wo ii
l.on. I- .lie. Ian lat, ISSJi
Bonds numbered SI i" III '" '"
-ue ,1,-ignaled i winly-thn - yMI
i,,,,,,!,. gug Jan lat, l4U.
ii, ,ii, i - uutu bared I IS la i II Inelu
MVO, di-iignaled iwenly-loiir ..u
bonds, due Jan. lit, 1841.
liuuii.i numUared III lo III inciu
tM', ,i. iguati d twenty lira yaar
imn.i-, Sua imi lat, 1941
Bonds numbered II ' to
ll.. Ill
- , alvo, daelgaatad IsfMly-ali
bond n lot, 1943.
Boi i i :i.; to 4:n tot lu-
alva, ,, )r
bonds, ii .i hi tat, i ! 1 1
Bend rad 117 Inela
hIvp da i"init"it i year
Il I. hi lit, I94"i.
Bonda nun i i 510 Inetav
lT, dMlftiated twni nine ymr
liimil iIik Jan. lat, 194i)
itonii atonal 3i i. j to imiu-
'lo'. 'I" litnnieil thirty yaar bunds.
ilu" Jan. lat, 1947.
Tbaas ut MaaaetpaJ Dbndi author
Mad Bf Mite of the DIhIi . I umier and
by virtue of the Statuti Bf stats
of Oresiin anil the cu niUatiun of
the Dlatrlrt ami thla I nf lunula
have been adjudicated and decreed
to be reculnr and the valid obliga
tion Of the Olatrlct.
The purpose for which these bonds
are authorized and to which the pro
ceedn thereof will be applied la to
unify and Increaae the capacity of
the irrigation ayatema embraced in
the district by renatrtn'tlns: a reaer-
I'r. Ident.
(Corporals Seal)
Born l.i.
Nov llec. 21.
BK" ' , , ',artB,a-J-j-i-,jrxJi,r,ri
Ntllll K Ol'
ill -i via.
. ! ii Unit the
i lb.- Bteta ol Ore-
,,,,, , ,,.,.,., ,, M.,,,., ),,,(, un,n
no o'clock s. m., Ih
191. lor the followteg I'". I
1 1 lo
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All bli's III 11 I be .11-, l li.V
.. ragularl sgeeuted sppllcottei la
-, ,ii,. i eiieek or Brail fur ui
fifth of the am. unit hid
1 1 Dual .i raaarrM ' ' e rii bl lo rt
j"ii all mill all bids.
AppllcallOUS and bid- should I " ail
to , H Itrown, i I, i k -liiie
Land Hour, I. Salem, fii-uon, and
marked "Applloattoi nod bid lo im-
. land- "
t; H BttOWN,
cierk stste Load Board.
Hated al Salem, Oregon, Oclobor 11,
i i publics! Ion, i
publtcattoa, Dm
uniano, kjtkvm-