The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    Hiriirtl.U, M.VKMIIKH ,;o u
ait I II I K l T I'KOTr'.l I
I DIM i i n;ii. mi m;i '" ,u
I port " I ' '
For Your Christmas Shopping
l, ! II 111 ui
:l . ,. l.
in. i, i, ii i i, i pari ..I Iih war i
Iifail ui lha iIi'iurtiiuMit iin' Ml
If tin1
during Mr Tachar'. . n .ii--
Mr Bladaa mm raited latttra foi
ins ii hn bona n in
I'lMI ,.ll ; I' . I I iM'.liHII "I"
.mi! KUtori Patriotism.
;n - i hrnnlm i mi
it pit ll mi it too
latlon pi t etad ui cm' i"' raaaltti
oomini'i ''' BOl ii.iKi- 't'.irr
prut. i Ion
InM . n ' rn ibla ha
,; g il. illld IN II ( i
i (iiniiirri'liil trniihle.
A i vmrth llttl"
Il i loi i roti
. falli - Ol " mi i the t'nltr.l SI;. I.
K. Iilll I 1 :..- in. oeiHil.-nce ill tli. 'Ill
find :i i in hreiik llu' lontim'
Tin' I'll'. Il rn ii'i' ! in". I r ;i 1 pro
taction, Iml llnir f tupt vvill Ml lol
ernte I MMdtag unity
Tlir .. 1 1 1 1 n.iii.- I urn .it .il mili
tary training: .i eltleii noM
rm I.. .i.'ii'in i i upon In
trmii li ' ha
.in r
B. i-. In i;." 1 1. I
man ' . iimiiiiu.-.
i , . l nli-
o Nyatrom, who until .i u-
ikii lived .mi a ranrh near Humpy
i.i kf tn Haraaj nunt. i an .i pr-
vale In 'In- li'.tli riat.Hin ) rmnpain
.' ID llnil.illiin C K f With alt
. 1 1 1 1 1 1 i - Iih N rncamppd at Surev.
England, proparlng to an to tba front
In Franc or i-N.-v here In tin- war
a i.-ttiT to Tim-, i. Darit ol
I Will mis, ikwnMi Mr v
.trmn ii'iN iiii tnr of iii" aallataaMl
In Hit Canadian nverneui fun-fa ami
I 1 1 in Knttlunil Annum other
tiling In' anyn tin- people nf tin- mot Ii -ar
country am trvnlln tlu t'oloiilal-
tlurlng ' I i. xpletidldlv In Ika noldler rlulm the
v Trunin tn tin- ft (rattan, he aaya, am all "high tnm-l
iaata of lha ' I tadlaa irho ynrt althaat Mr an thai
anaat Tin' 'ini" all ' they u,ay --,i ui Kir bit." to ltd tba
lug I ii-iiiiii-nt of nillH .r , au He nlno relate thai lie found
drill, anil Hiiuitor I haiiili aM uf,. a box) London a bit dlff.-nnl
he thought u r S army lntrurtor thu tliat on llu' iui plain rn
woulil he Hvallitili- liy Kehruary.
lanatef fhaaibarlala thtat
pulKnry military training N tOM "
in '' . I nit. il Stat. "AM.
Jnrliv ..i Ho- aaMt roiiiuiltt' M mil
ii rj affair favom It. A iiiiijotii.
of tin- aaiailaa writer favora It. A
niiniln-r of the IfHtMd i-mti-rn
arlionN ari- in t It u I lit k It " Iip Mild
Tin ill-inn. nrv nf unlMTNiil traia
In wan ilteil liy the M-nHnr. vho
polnii il tn tin- make-up of tin- ri-Kii-lar
ii r ii i ..n.l nf II. iiatl.uiul guar. I
regiment Hint went to tie- Mi
bonier 'Why Mlioultl you give up
your M tn tl.'iO a month Job when
1 1 . in .1
to ilo I' '
Tin- i p paMBda
has I'l-nr' patriotic
aplrii ui i i . . -alii "In
a mlltli.i
the wnrlil ii ad i. " '.- ' i
I. m i- mi itandlni
fjeuatnr i
I) "t i
pan "Wl
a ra '
Ifaruey niunty
OFHT. I'll I, OIK HAItl) Tltl I
lbert Tn-Hton Ailama, aeil 'J,
. -ii- uf tba rittMM of the community
at tbe St. Paul orchard tract hIi in i ! -'
t of Ontario. illel Ian! Tlinrmluj
it IN home. Ilhi- was horn In lli-nr
county. Indlanti He wn married to
Ml Hannah ThonuiR Si-pti-nih-r 16,
ISK4 To them wi-re horn four chll
lrin. to of whom unln- him. Wil
bur iml h'luv'l Ailaiim who lle near
their parents home
Mr AdauiH left tM old home In
Iniliiua alMM yearn iikii Roina to Ok
laliniiia. and after a ta nl MM
yaarn rain iii Or. -nun and I .-tiled mi
t!i" !lai-.' wln-re he lU.-d and died
The funeral Mervlt-ea were condiK't
.I hv it.-i i) k Bakar Batartfai il
i. Tli .. n at the Lincoln Hchool Inm
and interim -it wa-. made In t!..- On
i.ll I'J . i-l .lelerj
Hay Stadi For Conff.ti
..i. i i
the i. ill.
I ... i I., i
I i :
. ,, . . a hi'i II- i bin I
., .. mi.'.I. uud i"i ad I In- '
. . . ha .i-iU at Iiit a Iii' b
ttll'll I iii I.' r i 1 1 1 ; the ll'-lli.' "I ll'-i
busbaad tin- brfcla Ma la Huiunii in tba
i i lama of the aatlra tamiiv
I IIIM ril nl llll-lli'll " N. ,, ,,,,. a-MMUll rt-H-ll..Il I' n
20. Altliouah unlioilt -mlit, Leslie ,1.1-1 ill tin- Imsliainl and Mife t-wl iiiif
Hlade.- la cniidiiclini; llm- . I. in I mi- froiu MM "th'-r'a Mttl Of MajTM at tba lulverhiH ..I Oi.'K'in " " '"" " ,'',"N '"" " 'l
Mr m-m t.r,dm.i,.,t l,.si 1 "' ''. f-r every ipieM I. expeted tu
i m i ; 1 1 iii
la-sin- Ua , I.. i : .
Ilsl, l-l., s.,1 !,.. Is III
I I..
June, uud n takinK poat-graduata
I t-outt'lliiite aiMiiellilnv
See. ihm . th
Bes Theatres.
' '"xy
i"i u It' i: t ' -'
H -1 ': ia- HTA
III Itl ll i
in maklai tba 1911 lti-d
.I- hi
tori " ' "' aii!i.iutu-eiiii-ii' Ol
cule II i- Ii 'n il Ii M
' I the
nr-'i'i I- I ocl ii i'"i for i ie !'i.''--ii
tlnti of Ti'l'eri-'tiN tiriiii-- I n ird
nf mi ipltahOMal which taatlflaa
the original ileclar.itlnn thai fry
m-nl MM la i Inilli-t In tin- war again
st the (ircat White l'hiit
Bffl IMI ' ' I'i'Ht. low '
Ntrati.e MM and ptrteul nafrica
fraaiy b(tm b pablli ipltitea
bare i ombtm i to make ai af
dollar contributed toward tba work
of the iiHwii iatlon pn ui.uiv ill. i ii
work of two
"TulH'rcule-i Sunday" fur'
a NMM fur Baflaltatj i.irrltu-. tba
now state-wide ibdnite for ir-- I
effort UKalti-l 'Ii" ili"-a i- am1 ada
ijuati- can- ni t'n- -iriik-'ii nr.i I i
1'n'pit ami bafora atrary March audi
eiii . nf I Ir mi It w 111 be tn i'
tlti'i-. too. fur cratltmle and thank
fulni'is MM t I'"- ureal eriuinmlc
iml liiiinanlt.irlan value ol the r-nults
nl' lined
The Oregon aMMtotlM fur the t
of tuherrulinN haN -oranienr-i-.l
urvey of the mate, county by
county The mirn-). in lane. (lit
sop Jackson. .Iine-phlnc and Washing
ton countU'1 have been cninpli-led It"
suits will he jiiiioiin. ..I iii detail
a lien t In- ork is MM
Tin- survey has alri'adv pruun that
by Its means In i.u l.ui never be
lore gatln-n-d will he tabulated Th-facllltl.-.
or lark of facilities for tli
care, treutment. and prevention of
tulierciihisl. in each county will be
nhiiwii The nuiiihi r i.l uw. will be
listed and segregated as to whether
IM) are incipient, moderately ad
lanced r far advanced, und alao aa
to llu- number of cases reported he-ion-
the survey and the number re
ported as a direct result ol It. The
.tirvey win provide tor each county
a history of IMJ itaM in that conn
t.v. Indicating Its Increase or decrease
how many of the afflicted .intrud
ed Die trouble within tin- couuty and
tin- number that had the disease when
ihe moved into tM count) Then
it will be shown how tuberculosis Is
distribute.) . I,, rliles. town, und
rural fiiiumuulin-s ('Hies and towns
HiK 'lt hospital-, clinic, uud dis-
paaaarlaa, tahool laapactloa, and op
II air . mi. is will be deslKiiati'd
of tubarculoaM
p. in. in.- in IU Ii in 'liin I Mil
Hid i I ii in a III In ill cu .. d and
' i I.- eoiUt) b.i i nib I l". ird
nmi rantad In ' ui
Tbe surn-y hi di'liuile and tlinm
and :is valu-- to all health ami pub
lb i. in, will be no great that tM
wnrk has lb.- In-i.riv upprovul and
lull co operation ot the OnBM
Stale Hoard of Health
The pr.'. e.d nl I his veal
ol Ked I'niM. seals will hs used to
ciirr) mi M .urii'v and in maintain
Hie privenliie work iirguul.j-d kf Hi.:
f .iBtaML " ib40ov
wythc moiionDkhircsm
, xJr iHBLfffU
' ui'-etings came to a
Oloi Suii.l iy evening It was
in iiiant Tlie
chunli wa. unally reied Some '.'.'i
mail.- daaialM for tM ChrtaltM Ufa
V..... ll 1 .1 .
...i i inn i in- iiicciiuK.s are over we i
will nl hack In our regular sir
vices again Topics for next Sunduy
11 a in Citizenship and Iteligiou
7 'ID p ill , The (Jo.spel ol Deliver
ance This will he the first Benuou
itl a serel.s mi the deliverance of Hie
riiildiin ot fi-nm Kgypt Oe.t
the first and keep the connection U
A Mart) in vital ion is extended to
Y I' I' services at :tn
the public to attend all the .services service follow nig Hie even
I) K HAKKIt, Pastor.
I MOV TlltKS(il'l.(. SKIt UK
The anniiul union Thunksglviag
service is to be held in Hie I'uited
I'resliytei'ian church 'I'hursdiiv at
!: n 111 Hev. 1 1 K. llaker Is
P-.ik Appropriate music
tiiine and spend a p.ut of the day
la public leiognition of the (liver of
all good gilts All welcome.
above ticket ai i oinplUhed.
Il l o ; IM ; slllt'lS
Mr and Mrs Lehin.l Spring and
.hi'i bier of D.-iid ox Klut left Suu-
d tj i" i utoinoblla for Portland 'i'ln-y
took lha 1 1 uio in n i .in . liaker, La
Oranda routa avat tba nine nafua-
lain-. I'liey cauie down to Ontario
Baturda) lutandl
Uld make I. ie trip via llurns and tu
Band thence down the lies Chlllcs
11 .I 1...MA f l... ... 11 .
n. 1...1..S ni.ii. ... 1.1." sin.w in Mill II. 'V
..Hiity. howavar, made iktm change
llieii' plans and take the athar u ll
Be Sure to Look Our Store Over
Never has any furniture store shown a line
of Christmas presents like the one we now
have displayed. And when you buy our line
as gifts you are buying something that is
useful and at the same time it is orna
mental to your home. And when you add
to the home you are adding to the main
thingyou live for. Be sure to see the furni
ture store, even if you do not intend to buy.
We will be glad to have you see the pretty
Ontario Furniture Co.
Shop Early for Christmas Gifts
Rader's has specialised this year in popular priced
Christmas Gifts,
that are giftssellingat 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and up.
Many of them one-of-a-kind, so that early choosers
will surely get the "plums".
Our Christmas Gifts are Ready
Every department has something beautiful, useful
and practical to give.
May We Urge You to Shop Early ?
We cannot lay too much stress upon the advantages,
of selecting your gifts early. By shopping early and
in the forenoon you have more personal comfort and
greater freedom of action than in the afternoon when
every sales-person is rushed to his utmost. By shop
ping early you have the best assortment from which
to choose.