THURSDAY, rfOVBMBBn ?o. IP16 TIIF ONTARIO ARQB8 rAorc riVB mu vimwim Practical Economy Baking DOWdni made from alum or phCMphatfl amy bl bought for a trifle less than Royal Bakin,; Powder, which is made n cream of tartar, derived from grapes. Alum powdeir, arr not nly cheap, but they differ greatly in leavening power. If a cheap baking powder is used for a fine cake and the cake turns out a failure there is a waste of costly materials worth more than a whole can of the cheap bak ing powder. Koyal Baking Powder produces the finest food, and its use therefore, results in an actual saving. ROYAL RAKING POWDER CO. New York FULKERCGN RETIRES OF TRAGIC DISASTEn FROM ONTARIO FIELD Mill ll Llll'll III .1 M.-mlnrl WrMi M;il- yiinrt-Mv of I lie Jaaal M ' I i'i li.nit Win, f'nino Men vYetaer in Ittgvari win -M-ll Olll II,-,,.. On M;i I IhI (M i aRlbtra Ol th w i iih i ,i,. eholr tllad fro ,, N"w Tori on tha Laaltaata, teevlna I buttm irorM m Oft " behind tit, nth i ., areei i.-t t r-r ton tree! larprl a4 lata area! t I oa the Traaaytvanla and landed aafe Man thai w I Palhereoa m t) f i three lout mi Ida taaettnnla beei owner or tha b (onaaa """' (; orci f Dartaa, cumin. t..r ly known a the O A. f Co, whirl) ! Iwir loaaa, liarltnn'- art Davtil T Kuweite,! W T l-ainpkln. wan Rolng HoaWa to from tin- local FlaM Of flip ulirvlvlnm f.nir a ra l, ut.. M on lliiirmla) nmiiilne over the l-ar In IhlH rlty Mr Williams -.-,.. ,.,,.,.,... .,, ,,,., ,,,,. ,.-,, . ... Thin KHTRA1 mitii ;. 0 tarlo aid owner may r i. Mi. rod and arl Ita ipol b) paving mm of innln- hrandad V on left hip, under and lei md el irai ol .-nix-rtiaina; alll In tin' riuiit ear, erop oa th( ti provtni Ip Signed Thin niilmsi I oana to my plnre one B K Wwnuin Sat of The Week With Ontario Citizens II C BJOJrOf a1!! a Vale iMtor on Moiolay V Wind .1 .i Villi' ...llol on Momlay KIllUT flrrlllt W.I'' II tr-l t flilln Moadaj i i i iniiK' .. .i .i in lie i caller l Payette Monday. Mn I'aul Cawni iIumii from Vale Mat PrMaj Slirrlff Iti'n llmwii MH In Ontarln on lnilin' I ai la) i n Miiiiiit retained Thursday VeaUal Ironi Helen I'ro.ika ( In Inun aaday vtelttag fricndn. John Ulchy of Villi" wiih a ImihIiidkh I III Mill. III.. S.ll lllll.l h .Hi.i Ml I M Qrlefl arera aada) rtalloi al Welaei l:.i i lif. Inn' .i I. ii- in. i Ip In ..: v 'i i . iphta ana .i i'ii in.i MM i.i reral da ol llil K II i ioiI.Iiii area in il.' . ii ji'tirtinr to Iraoftjveae a Mi .in.i Mr. John W ihkkn ra taraed PrMay in tin-ir borne M Barai N o .1 Sun llor w nil in" famllj M w I ei . i. ..mi ii ii in. brum hi .! ii. ii.-.- ihiioi- Krl.lay ,i r iim in, in. u-. i ..I tin- Idaho hiih In Ontario Tura ilav Mn, II K Newinail I- III HiIh aeeh llUllie r k Sepoy wiio baa i n eery III himmi cuiui i Mr noil .Mr. a k N-wman are, atenalaMi Mr rtiaaiapa aMear, Mn. Ilnlilnvin. !,,, n paaMOJII of Norih i irnliua Mr Mr I llroran or Vlr . thr rui'l- ovir the nn'k ruil of .Mrn laaaaa'a paeaata, rui and Mf S f TiiiImi Sam Methae ahead, reaMa of thf i s Mad etnaa t Bitm ratajnapf to tin- lniiTlnr Krldu aftir trnnaact- ini iiaaincio. ban if III.' ,lnr. :l lilii'in .,t n Piea ma Hair hour narration of tha wu, ,, ac,)nl(. K,.,)mPn,. . dlaaaler. whirl, lima -.miih hut a f..w ,,, w ,(M c,ORe(, unt , m nn,..M. o rapt .-arl, ninlltor. Bl BO ur,y , ttrra,1KP Io(.k ti'lla In fine .lie linn unit miinlv ra-1 . rn..h h '!,.. '"'lulry as to th full Import tt-tan af hie aipatleam ,"", J" ,,r",,,!l" """ "'f""''"11-' Mr Willi.,,,,-, liarra. Ivn IkpHIv n,,'1'"1 Mr V"" " '" 0,,, najpaal .,, cunt from any ataad !h" "'"',n,l,- "u"n' '" "' "' .. ,. .. in' had nlnsidy rnnnprtad, hlmwlf point liifurlptln' to araphlrnNii, , . . . . , ,, , . , .. llh other liitiri"ili In WpIapt anil ,.o.i-al to .1 r,iult (nolo fir don t ,,, , . . ... ,. ., would riduni to that I ( to IIvp. IpII what ha did with Ihoap othpr thrnp llfp prPHPrvpral. told In a Myl H'" "" ""curid a apprlal alaa- and aaleaHoa ol word art phraat '""anr to pnamra bM tck for a thai would dlanlfy any rnllpala. '1'ilttlna hualnpaa aalp" and hopaa to xympothPtlr without h.lnc maudlin. "" "", o0," rapidly for hla naw no playloa for affect, and the eaoelataa ara waltlna on him. Hala Htralahtforwnrd, phllowiphlcal rrrlt- '" Htnrl Promptly at a m Satur l of Juat ilia onr dominant fprllaa "' n l,p r.-.i f I. l flu raft, ".luxl in ha allvp," rcaardlPHN of ptprtllilac alar, an wpallh. ana aatatp. n. fan, p. wiiii any comfort. 1,-t aloiu- il' alfl of ImIiic allvp and Hip rluinrp In Bl hark to Hip almpla honir Ufa In 1 i.' MTfJah vallpy Iip ralli'd linnir Thla narratbp l in addition In I hi' regular proaram to tip alvin ai HM llrpanilatid Opcpinlipr IB. PARMA iKM-nm AMD PAVMnM MiMirrrv K.woitiTK MARm At I'ayptt, i,.,i.n .11 1 arrrt IM mar- rlaap of Mian '.! Hiinii 11 popular yoiina lady of II, at rlty, in In 1 1, .11. .1,1 S Nunibara of I'nrma Jack VVbeetOI deputy county dark, paaaad thru On tario I lila mnriiliir to attand tha cara ninny In which ha playad UM fwM M haal man Mi- 1 11 miiinr-ii eater tatort Mix C. Ilia W.-.ln. .I.i .lull on Mniiilu, of bOOB IBM wi'i'k. Mlaa liHu. Smith cap- Wall., Im nirlni: lilKh liniiora hnina MeOoaaaill and Baa who - 1 it tin' rilntlvaa In Walla Bavarnl waaha raluiT,.il Mat rrida) J W M.i'iillocl, waa cnnfllii'.l to liN limnr this WOah for eeVOfel daya. Mr Mnullnih l suffcrlmt from a 1 -ii. 1, 1, .iih attack of ki Ippe Ret Powell of Cava, RpMeopaJ laalonarj 'or tn ciiKirici beM iaa .!.. nl the Ma-. .1,1c ball Sunday mini aad al VaM M n,p evealap Mr .in.i Mr Thee Kahoal aa I laaabter, Kaiherlae, who bad i n rhdilai Ml Lavtae lailtb ratal art to linn liniiii- III Innhni alla r'l I !.n Mi nan hi Ma 1 bet I1UM Mi were rtetlaia ol lae arlp during ih,. voeb aa oaaM bm MM iici,t raa .1,1 tor aheervtai the ThaakagtftH IM'.IMIII M ;,ii. ! 1..1.111.V aha rt pi n'i ireded ,.k ram h In tl" tortU Valh- ,n,iiiti nun the Timiiiai. MeOtrera Ii naar Ontui'io M 'own on Skalaa hollow uroiind and aharprn nl fnr Reed Kkatlna for 3." rant" par pair nl Maradan'a ahop. adv IMTt .111. 1 1 ,. .nii.ll. . I In riiiialn al Saturday Mra Krail llalla aatertalart ' " Hi,' Miiuri. Hotel ailli tMilnuil fevar I" al ll reported n,p,li,w ,.l UM weak Ualraah- iii ha reaarrai mi. iaeau weea aarart a"1' aa aajaprtla n, a 1; Moore mode a haelaeeel iiaia bad by all inp tn tha Owyhap Sunday rolurnlBi rV ,, MurHIH u-it mi Nu l Marts) .wnii.K. 1lrtl,l,h, sin.da Ml MihPJi, la Mr. and Mra. V. M. IUMal of VaM ,.,,,1 riialikaa.vtita with hi" fiiinlly aera mi iiniuiio MhiiinK iiii rata- n,. aaalaa a nariaK oi reelral aaat" Uvea nn Situniu ' iiikk at IIHMhara Pi Mai BtaaJM .lai k I'lialpa. Ilia iniiii.., 1.. f ,, ,,!,, ,U Millar and II .. tfaaaaathn hwataaaa M Um stti (orBP-B ajurta ap htwthii pwu ib iirat of tha wejak, laadaj ",h '""',,,ul '" ""' 11 iimiiiui uf JaatMeoa was in e,.llt f n; iim- rpaakaaM af 0'r iit.iim TvaadMj aaroale to hM boata MltnMr( rartetj af tha RMfearrt Irlha '""' dateaii trip to Papwtta Mr guiii a .,,,,, , im mi liiiiiily Mark llnolllll.- rMIUd Ii y ' ,mlMny wlll.ll alllal 1 1 "" ' Oularin BVOT Sunday, 1 at iirnlliK M ;i. ',,, of the I.""'" BeaJPBB, 1 nunty aval Siiinl.n .wnliia. H(lll ,,e , nr at Ihe Catholic 4d BlaMae aaaart throaflh thM ell) rhareh laadai ajoratai lrwlllH Mai" Irom Pure Bred Improved Chester White... HOGS Some Sin ninchtll lioarn. .') months old. Som open (Hits. Mho 2 bred CM. At the right price. W. H. TUNNEY, OWNER At the Oregon Packing Co Expert Service Reasonable Charges and Thekiiitlof'ti-catiiiintStiailN rustomors ilcst nrv6 Is the prinoipal upon which W lo IlllsilK'SS. Acft'ssoiifs i-anit'tl for all kinds of cars. (Jasolin, Lubricating Oils and Supplies. Ontario Auto Co. PE'l E IH FORD. Prop. Phone 134 sunii.ii on his way to Vale whore be inis aharge of Ifca AfcBBBrtbw atora 1 k llaialraal af rVaaaay b) Ilia .11 hat rt a. II llaills l''l'lllu Bl lollla to lll'IICUII III IIUIISU.'l llUsilll' Mr. mid mi raaal Mahaa ' Harper were aaaaai the Kupt rai" latored ai the Carter iiouhh Monday. t!, c, Hum of Mpaaa ni '" "" larto Mnmlay on Iiiimii.-s 1 nun.', lad with ih,. Malheur Irrtpatloa iletrMI. Mi. and Mra. V. ' DaaHtIM era i. alelai mar tha arrival at lhatf homo Saturday of u ptae pound bli' BB1 I It llllllllKsl.', 1 this weak 1. .-iir ciiuiiiy afpucry ,,,,. llirI1,an- rtah -I hM aaa aapbl e-ollBdar CrtllM Mr HlUaaaU ,,, bowever, that """"",""""" U...W.- alll aafflea aa aiartaol uik 1 up liiuuniaiii rlava. l,1,,hl,IM.iHi;lH.II" Ui v aiutbeallae ihMI rMetrt OwUrta PrtdayBbjhl ad,.,adaaraldn.l,a ., Ilea ... Irt rtaM or Mi art M ,; w iwagMr '" Wvarelda. rha po.inu,., aart diMiuuiiiaiio" in bM k art Btieated aall '"' IV ,1. liallaahar lall Monday 'o"' ,,. taklua o nolle ut U"' " Juutura, Hlveratde and tram, aaaaal ma to ha oai th groalaj pan al ''"' week. Mrs. w w v,.n.i was apwataa tipnu at thf hospital 011 Saluida and l laporlpd to he laiowiinn IPtMlat lorlly. Mlaa Oi.uv li.Hiiar of l.awlHlon. Idaho, was tha Saturday Klh "' Misa Jusilna riark of lOchaidoii kllaat. mi w 11 riaiiiaiii aaUrtaiaed tha Tuaaduy hrldpe club this weak. Dish honors ware awarded le 11" ' Kallogg. Mi- Klhtl llicka of W.-i-'f B "'iiilniiilad hv Miss fieoraliililia Wat- t.,.. Md olhar am valrthM pMaa. ou ,he Hi.- Alioroey could ascertain tha.ulprl. Ha W0M ,,, the fall power al Irt aWMa ... vhM vwratMtli alaatad to have ,,. p4ga i ma Um" aaaaaaaat AKKM H " " " '..- .., , I lllir v. 1 Apollo ; Ontario il,,., .unit on 1 knowing thai oukIi aa rtant mi 1uu.11 in p ,.,,, ,..',,,ieally operated ... In a lima, in t'la ai -. la,.-'- -- ,1,;,, ,- pill iak'' a '"F 1,., in-, 1 on. ..rders will folio -o warrant t he sac It plavs by Kami am. i" , lter ol MM '" '" U Mrs ..-. 1 line a Wo harm arhoaaa 'ppnt Buaday with oniarioiin OwUrM ((r uii may as' Wian riano nan-ITU DREAMLAND CKthe Dreamland Habit". Vou will here paid with enU'i-tuinnu'iits that entertain and instruct Features Coming Soen: Saturday, Dec 2, Dustirt Farnum in "The (all of the Cumberlands" A i in illmn tr of a South? rn Mountainerrn' Keud Sunday. Dec. 3, A Five Act Metro Wonder-play "The River of Romance" featurinx Harold Loikwood and May Allison Monday, Dec. 4, Henry Woodruff and the Jap anese Star Tsuru Aoki, in the Triangle production "The Beckoning Flame" also "A Modern Knoch Arden" Wednesday, Dec. b, Theodore Roberts in Mark Twain's great story, "Puddinhead Wilson" Like the Hook thin Plav ia a Cure for llluee Besides these glttt 'hamas there is always a nunibei- of comedy reels at every performance DREAMLAND Thanksgiving Time means THANKSGIVING We are thankful for our prosperous business during the past year and trust that you may all be prosperous and happy during the ensuing year. Our Store will close all day. I J 1 11 Al 1 al T. H H I M I I 1 II II ill r II I J Ontario, Oregon One Week Sale Special Prices will be made on Aluminum Ware Some 6 and 12-piecesets of Good Aluminum Ware at Attractive Prices from Saturday, Dec. 2 to Saturday, Dec. 9 Ontario Hardware Co. Christmas, 1916. Your friends can buy anything you can give them -except your photograph. The liimell Studio "The Cope Pressary" I'hone lOfi-W Do vou wish your eOAt prtond In a workman like manner? " "COl'K I'RKSSARY". Imagine a ladies' mat mashed between two boordl and itfaimed like a pu.lding and call it "up-to-dati-". MORAL Let your cleaning and press'intf t done by a mechanic 'In-"Cope I'ressary" ihe only place, phone l1 .VW. '1 lends BjaJaa Idalm