The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    Tltt'RRnAT, ov
10 1
(Established 1806)
010. K. A1KK.N, MftBf rd Puhliahrr
Publisl Ontario, Oregon and entered at
the Ontario post office for distribution as 2nd elaai matter
li, .1 . . '
lit i than ew, nt'ii lltoti i
.;,! in ' I built i ir
ml) in the en thai 'ii
i ... r - in itetanca in thlt eountrr
, , .
i .mi turn Mil
tint.. .... hllalnnaa n. II ' nii'T
Phil Webster
Pour and Ont-half D iikW
SliorfH ly ho !;1. BhjJ,
S. s.
I'lii' l srelwter i m 1 1 girl
.. '.., , ... ,... IuBIIk'J V '"" '"' w" ',r,,,,
(II I II'- lllllltl VI III! Il MM il III II'- I
I '
One year
Six Mi
11.00 Three Months
.6." " Igle copies
mill Ii.ili .ivi.r- llin i .i r .hurt iii
nil IlIlT Hill. !lll If III' HlLTl-W
-bout, I wlti-li the electric current of '"' ""
good cheer nnd wreathe htmsslf In
All copy for display advertising should he at this office by
Wednesday noon. To irsure position copy should he in
this othce on Tuesday.
Mnll bee in ' ' good
Porgat the . 1 1 t 11 h irtage"
mil rejolea In pro i
Thanklvlnpr In the BVSfSfB aSMf
li-iiii lOSSBBU hut one thine turk.-j
TlUit Ik In t ! a Had commentary mi
I he plillimopliy a lifi' hi-ld liy mir
-ctttaena, yet In It noi true
Tin year, and perl.apa Um past
two yeara, no doubt the mnr. -iio-r
ly InHit.esI haw alao given Ihanki
that thla nation U at peace lln
eer SN IhSTC if tn top to ron
atder Mic lull liiipnri of the da) am)
Ita nieaiiinax. M UBS) BfB r.' B)
Iioimi alio MttMWMi Its ob.rHnri'
and In early lilMory of the nation
aeught UK continuance
The Americana of I f 1 1 tt i tlrlit
-i far from tlni-e ol ISIS The I'll
grim Father marked lh- firm
aglilng H H ilin of ili-wiut ri'licioii
menitiiilon for tliolr il.-lh i-rum irum
the (errors of Ihe mi-iih. unit lm (he
inercIeK of h Divine I'nn i.l. nre in
mukhiK II BSBBlMS In i -t;ililll. Hum
hen mi the hleuk New MiikIh tul
.i.i i I'll ll mil llii' Iios-
nie Indian ' pat iltl lm than
Kreedom to ntslili t.'inl ,i- I heir con
aclein . illrcclcil
I'oillpnred wllli the I'llKrlni (-'.ill.
en their ileecendanu linve .1 I bona
ami 'n nbaeryn 1 inuika-
gtrlag da So lamina lb ran tana uh
No boatlla Indbini Ita in wall for an
one. The piain.-Hi hui or Hie bleak
I Iiimiiiimi .mil hait
more of tin- thlOgl uliK'h vn lo Illlike
tile Worth llvlUK III. ill Hie li.-hl the
In ninny of the BSBSfStg nntlonx
over which he MtgMi the children
WWfl tint piT'iillleit to ri'ri-iii' iiiHtrur-
I:. mi In their mMve Inncuni-.- Onlv
il nuniher were nartnltted lo
linn I farther Hi. ill the 111111 pi nil
nry atMeta: I ha development of m
tionnl resourc- n' old SmiM Be
um .1.0 Kamoovffta vara forbidden
by ixllcl. mid u moal com
plete epinnuce maintained.
The -torles told hy sins In thlN
country of the ronillilon hnuru l
them In the old inuntry woulu make
Hie 1. 1. mil of lr loin IoWiik Ainirl
CU run r n it Hum they aoald h-'ai
it It iiiuioBi iHinii.i heiiii. mi. 1 trial
met inn. lit). hi r.iuid nttol In a ao
aaltad CbrtaUan uution Maestri Mw
iiiiiicln.iHmi Were there no other
i-tldeiiii iviiini in the link ol love
which II Im people held for 111 tit II
would he enough to rite the furl Hint
neurlv iery nieniher of hlx fiunih
died .it Hie lm iitl oi mi aaaaaaln. In
110 oilier rountry Ik nuiIi a 1 1
Thai Um tnatrtaa itow in Araar
leu -nil hold IiIk meiiior In hitler
luitreii raa nvMaannd iihk week m
I'ruiilli .1. w lii re hell nil.' -ei'llon
in-' 1 permlaalon tor n naradn In
bin honor, niiotin 1 and mora powei
nil lai-Hon fava notleo thai the)
would 1110I1 I l.e 1 0111 .
However Kn 1 ph blmaeli
Mn. hi. 1 nut in- (ailed hi in '
till- Id.illie ol hlx llllliil i llllllli- ri-IKIi
bh ti t ,. 1 art ind 11 1 1 taan 1 1 rraa
nf in r ii mbnj 1 '' 1 ''nil
tin-1- mi'" 11
In m'M' 1. in, ,n-- .in letter n it rotna
I,, ti,,. 1 . , pnnhtered lawful
prey d hii ni'inher 11 ml mened at
v. 1 1. , dm , lettel I Mine '. ' I'hlllK
l.t.ihii .la'k frtin I Inilila .lack Im-Iiil-
iiwny al the time I'll II 1 1- i'wnel
Uh rataaltn 11 from hi- frtand
Bgbefl KaiU'Wnrth who win- running
an nHlp plain ItbM In florkla inn
liit- .In'k t" mke h'm a lell Knni
. ,11. ....l I... was wllhiillf llo
IVrhapa vu think .-- .,. . ..., ,. -..
who kept hmiae fur him and be wMiel
1 Jat k wmiM mm- down and iimke blm
a Uilt.
PalltH M arlred with a deflre to
! Iae the rlurana emrtherii winter fur
; the pnlal riln rn I'mnte If ha
ire fin Iv nun lii'lead of a Blrl be
mild ii-nli've r i-i to hve
Ptoplt Eat Mar on Stormy Oayt Than
Thy Da on Fma Daya.
Wat. h What i..uint H.i net) lime It
raiux or nnnwi
i the nreniber takea awaj yoor apietlta
Il die-ill It nmki-n uii i-nl innrr
! The Aii.i-Hi im Mnitnlnc nplnlM what
J weather due to Hie rSStSSnUN l'Ul
ne The writer a.T.
"A atlnl) o! "in 1 her and hualnraa
hu it k urrle Kor Inatanea, re-
laiiiam im 11 knuH Hint iii'ilie are
I tba anrat oa a darh, ;i , daya I jnek'a ineihutan rrsnafamtf Is IwtsaH
on 11 dii.i Ihul l Iniirlit uml i-heeiful. A. wa. .(,,. wr Mr Karn-wortli
s",";l ' '-1'' '""' lurprlatog fa. I ' ,Ub, iv VH , uT In. me and would
' """ I I'1'' ' """' "" the da) that nol ,,ir 1,, iceenl hl kind Invlta
ia (Ink and StoSaSl i:,,,.
On a rlawl Say,' an old realau ' 'hll I wi le a hnd tint mlitht ea
rant man tell mr people Jiim all and ' p, 1 ,. ,imi-I rn f. 1 a inn' and ulaned
eat linn- l iiollilnic eie (o do Uli I hern If I'l." Weliler ' Hy return
a uh Saj llu-.i rat kM Mini haaten 'mall he re eHed a lep frnni farn
iu nun Hi nam Hm ina lam ibey ; njrrth ritendlaa ikr laettattaa la I'hii
enl Hie umie 1 aim ular Hir.i ai alKiui ; ,, . .1 ii-nlhle 'eiii.alli.u for
laaouaMij rHltlM Ita far na praneletj wnti
N.. M Ions akn a jo""" wmuan ' eeli id r'ari.awniih katSS Hell
ofamad a u - ! Uttta ranlasraal neai h'm 1 li ralfbl rtaM the rdnntsrloM
the depariiiienl of aiti'l' uliiii In I llienuli II ' Id i."l lr aitetl the
fVoablaRIUO M"-l nf her riaHUSJMl tSll U ' n llrl "f a irilrlnf dtafH
tft eii'-oei of 1 1. ill depal iii.i HI hhe Hon In il"
I a big I'" "ir.1. Itarj da hut lb I'lill MmSStad wllh heralf fur aome
ui-h la miHiiM nana the du.t i Hi Haw tarn fava waj
l(iilllli-M "ii a line day the mi 11 fntiii SfktO I i I'.-rl latiiannrih went to
inaii. bulldlnaa walk rtaiauranta fti itbt and a pretM utri leeaatad
K l'm
1 11 m H mt 1 l
w I
I t if ' 1 Not. 7, 27;
"'' VTii llVI
1 v 1 a. sV I
!' VI V . tj If ,M," and
VV l -ll ti ilaarrfbtdls
! VV Vv SS.1 kv Ko.m.l
-X JT, 1 lw.
tgyYLyg , - J
Via l.n Anrrba
Dae. IS; Jan 4,3, M,
Starch t, a
attrarlinn of Ik. n -
a nrw lelilrr, ir, t ,,
ickrl nllii, or aponnu n
Trlai md tp, ittas.1
I r annate.
al 'ilia,.,,
aeawB I r,, Km(jnt
n. A -kiM,
wj. ii . aafSajan
iinNoi.tii.r ei nr mnr.n
faillui Mm. Jum lor Hie ini.i.,.
I ban w h" ilo nol k" 1" "Ihir feMau
rants i in Sawn I lit lr i-alln- in u.lrr o
ai'imi mi in um naaalbta in im "in-n
firai Tbaakaclvlni obaartrarn naaaaai "'' "' ''" "' ll;'' "'1'"' ''' !
d. while ull over HiIk l.road liind rich I'moily ol Mm Mabjaeta. II-
.Hies il,r,,m.-d with muiiKlmiK. great Mirrounded hy msll BSd powerful
plains .lull.-. I Hli H.-iiltli piuilurliii- l"'"1 Ol ataijrafi Md rsatOB who
iiiint- raanwa learn las wttk nnnnaj sand hint aa the tool to parnei
bared cattle and -Imp, wield their -"""I lu. dallsin kIiI. I, was not 111
alore Inr the p.ntpl- Mu.lin lliM.n- hiiinioiii with i-oiiillHoiis Hirudin H,.-
Ilona. Hie lelephon. the lelephone. ',ii today III IM liands Ol kdroll
lelejtraph. Kieani and electric rall
rnada hind the nullon tonether and
hrtiiK ilu piioiiuis nf the earth with
in the leu. Ii of all The plioiioKraph
and Hie motion ptiiure unite lo furn
iah u eniei ( ii in in. ni sin h an Hie I'll-
.iii.I ii uurceful Kvcophuntn he waa
perhaps piiw.-ii.-s- in liiaiiKiirati re
lornis in I in. nun -ehy :u lu-i nn;i-i.i-iiiis
uh that enilnai-eil in his realm
wiiui iM fuiuie ..i ins empire ni
lie III! Olie cull tell hill II 1- l.ul Uli
Krlm fatherK never dreamed ; w hi!. ' probable (hat ihediKlanl Inline will
the ..hi,, um hili- now Hi- property ol know no -in h ..-.ilin a- iitn.i Hun
Hie man of modem means furnlaheK J Kiir BWSS IM war which broke
a vehicle of ple.iHine nioro luxuriant forth on Kiaiui lo- -phs uliiiuuluiii
than Kiiik. I'rince ol I'olenuie of Hi " Hervla In Auauat, 1914. Il.ilin
Sayn of the I'llarlni lalhcis MSMSSSd j SM MSB IB fBBl ISSMSl of the tin
When one slops lo Hunk of H.,- ' lilre. and i-lmuld the luel rm pro
m. ilirial piiini.-s- mail.- h man In i vail that coiuliHon will mil doubt
Hie past Hue.- y.-als and I eOBtlSM "n fkat, II not in uaiin And
What Ha Tarm Mtana aa AaaltaS I
Ait.l'ery and Small Arms,
t'onfi.-l'iii as in ihe lueaillllU "f Hie
I ..III lis l-c
aa an a. in . iv in hull, mi .
when we aaj " ' Inch i' n
i be word i alllwr
uiiiiai.i ilnulttea Ho- diameter "i IM
imie of ii gun uienaured dlaioeirball
.I . .1 iii.' bure, "i
a.iincwhil In I
ii. Il.i Ii. of -i Ii Ii . . II i la li
ure i i'i-i - u i . i i i. .
ici o i
a vun whe c lis ,i. has I ..I, ic
ided ni i. pin ds -.1 lu. iii up. hi Ita priHMMilna to inke I'kll nuywkera wMh
leuBlb aunt, n i- .. .- i. ti..- i.ii.ii of him nnd wheaeeei IM Bend lad Se
diiluliu I he Icn-.lh ol IM BUB la leim- nrjut t-.l a- I i the pn.pi h He. Hi.- thru-
"' IBB -uli arei.t laaalkil
Ihus Hie Iwelte In. h t i.ll.-.l Males , had arte, led a I.Hillike llmldlli
UUMil k-illi. which Is (..It feel In a well aa .,iii.l. I cl, -he Md
tanglk, is ken "I n a 4n . uIIIh-i Mfcn plJBBI IB I TI lllllllllljl leala, ahe
Inl. the leu, Hi In. In. I fur wr, !, ,. ,VHI,,. .p,!,,,!,,. , ,.
I) times ihe lime i'hes.v Ii I. lipid th,lk., frail,,,, I., wrl In r pink ta
hu- IMS l a Hltlc Ulldei twc.,1. Ill e ,. , .,. ,,,, ,,,,,. oinpaiiled
fen in hraalk iad i issfsfsts km.wu h,r , ,,. .,, ,, Mrged RfMrl
a IS lallhei gun. f , ,,,,, K, wf .,,,, I,,,
In Hie Mi.e i.r .mini anus Ihe laillirr a...... ,. i, ,, ..,.. . .... ..,. , ...
'- ......,-.-.
Illni aailiw thai ahe was I'HII tarn.
wiiii' ii . . id inn been kSorked
Alr With R feiHhel I'lill l eleniled
Bel In imlli e Ins miriri.p hill apnlo
fired ' r uml IM "'' .ailng Dial,
hi r fnlbei and l.i..'h.i Lelng hoih
alli mill (lie lull' i-t lollelv. Is-
ai.i. i be n Inter ' rerjr i old and
i in M i -i unit Ilk Mm
' II . I 1 ol the c.'ll'llk'e
' ... her I. '.. I II
l . .1
1 ' . I ... .1. uh al lint
I- lll'll ' me In
" led '.i a
aniii" ii. n ol lii mot . mi nl.
a . ' i da" hi. i I'Mi ,..
P 'i' Bled n. a .unit i i
I ' ' -I In. i d Hie mini
II . t 1 1- had in. '' i i. i a doing
ai Ihli v mil of the '
I lit n .Hi I., lm' ed ni- . i hi
Ht lie lial I I. Hi'i.l
Ik ekpii'.-i'il in dilis of an lm h.
as ii hen it e ay a JJ iiililn-i Ii miter
we uieiiu one wllh a h"ie ihal baa a
diaineii i of I it i ni i i n ii one tiiinilrcillha
nf an in II Philadelphia Ledger.
considers the niaiteimis change In
Ihe . iimlillnlis an a hiiml.t nl MUaW lm
'PhinikstH inn i an be readied
iiistui tans mil dniei in placlni
Hi. -ii .--i in, at.- mi Ho- Ufa and work
of Frauds Joseph I of Austria nho-e
dealh l.i-l Weag caused but il slight
Ik il III the allies win. then the dreum
of the Sluts ol the Kreul South Slain
republic in Hie lliilkiiu pi'iiuiusiila
Willi a large portion oi lliinn.ii. in
i in. i.-ii win he altogether likely,
Ntadad a Sa Turn.
Captain i im had retired fraat a. ti
ahe wai lierloi mliig t l.e ilii.ial part
llnliieijx'li and lieuged RgMrl to lea. h
Mr how lo it In. keeping him hilat
giving her Instill. ItoM
It ii I I It Ii. kind nf MlbkaB dd not -nil
Phil at all She limgrd in Ink a
hen .Hi off ihe on. k I i-nl t fi uh. .ti
the italei line iiioii.lnv a. I I dat
piltsuil of liis heli .led lading an. I had bleak get ling out nf lied she ln
lliiemhel Sill is the date :. lid the
ounty Man Ik the plan- it here the
ripple amonl IM waning nallmi- of'olllelal budget for the tear 1 II I 7 will
According to -iiln.-i lie wrllBI
was among the heal luted ol ctimni-d
heads ol Kurope To hi- personal
populiiiiiv i- given credit for hold-
he acted upon hy tin- i .mi lit l-.iuit
I'liis -liniihl he fur I nun u routine
nieeiing, if the ggaootntlOM '! MSI1
ol the nieiiihers ol ihe court an- md
in nurse, ihe member nl the aouri
tlinied hi" aiieiiiiiin to town affalia.
llut'lng am i I u lousing the (111
den. lo Ihe need of a ill inking fountain
and alan to Ihe need of two . of
paint un Hie low ii hall. aptiiiu I -ant-felt
him-Hlf a talned and linpniiaut
pei .on
"in- dat he waa asked bj a aijuuru
hi htlhlug dreaj md iieellbll Btole
out lo the dock, wklek ii a- hui a few
hill. die. I tmils flolll Ihe hull.e. All
waa sun and ah.- bettered neat) ue
waa aslenp rnforiuii.itely fm- ggf
Mlsa I iiiiiaiioiHi hud iiwskcmil hi!.
and wa. tn.-ing ahoiii in her ld
Thinking thai In .Hi ut Mr rn.iiii
Ing the plutgol iialiinis togelher in and muiit pi it ale cilieti- an- expi-i t
the dual iiiuii mlii over which he
ruled lunger than any k'lg in an
them Ii a led inslort
There are ulher aul hoi it '.. hotv
ntel itho-c lest llnollt is of a far dif
ferent charin ler ll i nines limn Hie
IhoilsnnJ- who hate emigrated Hum
rarlotiH pmliuus of lib. realm to
America They do not reiern him
They do no) look upon him gg a hen
if the isasrlatlosi si eoadltlom
given by hundreds of Slavic immigrant-
i ut t ect Pranola joat-ph out
lied liis g.neiallmi H1k reign was
that, not nl ihe twentieth tent in. v.
but of the days ,,r h.nhailMii IIIk
reign was a relic of Hie middle ages,
when might alone was right; when
Hie common people were little more
than slates
Nor is i In ii l.-tiniony uiiKtipport- CH.Wl'K To UK. t'HKKKV.
ed by authentic lil-toit The will- Those who complain of the shorl-
len record of the sliuggle of the na- age of railway cars have an excellent
lions of IM Austrian Kniplre is sill chance lo he optimist., All Hint is
flclenl proof Ihul his Kubjects liked mi . --.u Is in adopt the , Inert potni
not in- gut ,i nini-ni At tin' ear o"1 ol .leu a little refleottaa will tii-
sei of bin reign ihogreel Kaaulh lad cloea thai there Ik ho reason to be
a revolt which harelt missed -to . - don ncasi sat- the Salt I.ako 'I'ri-
Ihru the Intervention ol ( al NlellU bUSB
laa of Kuasla. Kter since Hint Una it Is iind.niahli- that iii.i. are
he has niainliiliit il his power chlefli noi I sufficient number of cai
true Hie alii'n i .ti 1 1 If autocratic got nieel all deinamls. Inn ll is aquall)
ing Depult s.-essur (i A HiIIi.iiii to
come lolwaltl n II Ii his a lllill .1. ' I ll Hi I -gel
lo delloilislrale the I ivliigs pussi
hle If Ml Utlhiun cnini-K lo bat
aci urilinglt a- slrong as he did In Ins
letter writing ramMUja ''"' 'i'"1 bona
Hie session should he north attend
Judge Mi Knight at a Beet Ing al ihe
tiixpat T when the lety was under ion, invited Ihe pulun lu
gtleai saying thai it was Hie object
of Ihe court to follow the wishes of
the people ll is therefore -trlcliy
up lu Hm tiixpat ei s to attend Ihe
meeting and mice I heir olijici lun
'1 : ny taxpayer does not attend and
ii-e- no objections he has no moral
cit In in kick alter the budget is passed.
r In the liiwii in giie Ida opinion of inlglil enable Mr I" gu to sleep again
tin- ureueal nlmluUiratluu. after returning t" bed ah gal up ami
' ll . .ieiii fiiii." .aid the .iptaiu walked I h floor. Hlaii-n,.' i.iii Ikrutagh
slintli. -nf , um-e there Hongs Hist S lti.,,n ,,. m, '1U iialhlng
cm id lie dISereni ami w..uhi i..- i,. mi die., im ning reward IM dock Bur
so. hm on the whole 'tis prellt fair. P""e'l she paused ami it.l.lied. I'hll
Hill mm I II i, ir ln ,peiikliirf ",'1'' '" ''" tit end nf Hie (to k, I hen
fnuii e,eilen. e. roil iiinlei siauil plunged ..IT head foieuio.i
lUttga m il al u goiei m. -nl wnu'l M"" l-sin.wnlih Ihli, king that Ihe
be inn as ihev 1.1 he run till the , ,lrl w""' ''Hber a ai.-e.w ..Iker ..i was
people u Hu ii. ni nnki un Iheli """""" '" ' ouiinn suit-in, ga i a
minds lo s.p eouBlllug their lutes In
lamlliihltei .." VoUlh'a l'uluiauloll
TM Ciaat PrivtUg at lllnggg,
illness ia Ihe great irlvlkge of life.
Lot null I. . umi'iual. e In ll. he.t
ate t n in pi ii Uege I ' III ileu) ih
common ml f ibluga: ix.ili .. kvri
Hun uan'i deeiliiy i. bound up wiih
im - powers, of lids Hieh't
is tin- null le-l no. in i in haie. f.- Hi
boil ia et idem e is a denial uegu
tlve iissi-rtioii thai ihe spatkla of . on-
a is a raudou atrlklns " Mb
alan. eon -iltman. f liktf aleel ,,q riln t
iiiu.-si ngrgg ami laga tt im outer
Paris ..f life ami leates u. Willi h
ess,,,- 0f n Henry Iiwight Sedg-wh-k
in Alia;. in-
Largait Cryatal of Bryl.
It remalued foi a Turk, wandering
alillrk thai nit , I Kghell Hal
It palling "ll a di easing g,,wn, he ,,,,,
liilo Ida aunts iihuii Miss I urn.
ti.'iiii- fitn ttetv airulned luward tin
d"i k l-:l.erl fiillowed Iheu nilh hi
and .aw s on -wimtning like I
"Win Ik It '" he s.ked
"I'lill!' cried "'e .'i-i "lii. he I ivoiuiin
wllh a Ion of sii.i, f ,r Ml te-
Iwere opened t" I be fa. t iiun -h Md
. Iiei ii made a dupe
V lieu Chi guUked her aitnn alie le
turned m Hie keUM and stole Up in hei
lO'.iu as waillt as abe had gone mil
sflr bieakfaat Kghei I held a con
ulian.m w.Th his aunt cOOcerulHI
their gueat, Mtsa I'araawarlb aigiici
thai Hui ild be blauu'd bl I'hll
nuiilv f,,r liaihorlng her and adrmat
d Iiei ln,g .,,,1 huiim at e Ka-
hrl pleaded fur delm. sating n- Md
a I'lan that itnuld ubtlat all l,inir
far rraa his UUv land, to Uml Ihe Mi.. I'grea Worth sa pereuaded and
laigesi cryatal ..r la-iti laauaniarlni
etet discotcied. a long disliine Inland
in Kiazll. ll was dug .nil al a shallow
(leplh. nan -"i led hy lanne It. Ih
'i.a-t anil llniilly sold at Hahig In ing
In.' the hmiei. ii Ii aal.l ''.", un. t,
.Hiding lo eeiiaiatea, ibUcraiui wnukl
fiiini.h fully SS.OUfl.UflU carals ol H'l'IB
nun inch of i i ions sin
ihli was iwrmltted l remain awhile
longer Hm Kgheri luf 1 her Ihul
lu-i- ggnig "f L'klldllke Implicit u
pi. I' I'll "III
1,'gl.i -ri 'a plan itn- to take her MSM
aa ins IgBeaa. This he did. and it
seiie.l it ia, ,n- i Mr frmii a Mitre
rie.iitiii They net nil glad In grl
rid of ih respoiisil.liiiv of keaptlig Mr
In order.
Burning or
Bring your lUif ind Mi how it is doM or phone and
I ll get it.
I.astin Creases
Uniform Finish and
IYrfect Shaping
Christmas Goods
aWaa a aa- .-aaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaeaaaaaaawaWWe
'.' now havi on disjilay a larjfe variety
for thdj Childrtal in Toys, Dolls, Doll Bug
Kit's, Wagont, Vt'ltifipcdi'S, Kix'kingHor
8t8, Dishes hina and Metal, (iam.
Bookl and many other things too num
MTOUl to mention here.
Our stock and variety of Fancy China is
largo and select. We also have a variety
Of pieces in Cut Class at price surpris-
lllirlti lm.-
We want you to come and look our stock
over. Our prices are normal and are not
raised for the occasion.
The Variety Store
oniiirir. - Oregon
Can We Help?'
l':in tliiv l.niiL- lm .if mix a-sisistilllt't' t y"11
h we . aiiiii.t If vim d not fire us th' "I'lf"11'!'
.... ., ,1(1 lllll
it y We assure you we arc iriUi l0
liilL ...... ,....,..., ..a.. , ,,.,
lllitl I 111' Kllltl HI l IliWIIv "
Our aatisficd ..MtonerN will tell you ia.
If tlK'r
dt n"'
: I ;.tunei tl) VIlUi
im hu j wl we (.in in- i laaiawaai
Kaitara knf rwanaa i-i-lit in and tell lis 00
Kv.rv ..lticiid of this bank will be Matt,'lll,'
vu wore than half way . What gives
tlltiuU ii I'igbt to liv- in a biiinrss ti0IB
Tin: servi.e it renders to the .'oiiiiu'iiut. (
knur that, t'l.nie in ativ time and pi
First National Bank
Ontario. Oregon
A c. ii. it a vu IN A (iOOn (,)l