UR81A V. NOVBMBRn 39, 111 . mft yu .. amMZT' TFIH ONT.WtlO AR,,,-, PAG . 1 "" aaaaaaaiaBaaaUi.aJ Ez S25?" JauBa " -------"-" f - . .. nxoaaaa SaBaaaaaaxaaaaaaaaA EaanaanaaiMRBuS jaaawaMMi I aCS?Tw'"" 1" timt T y 'ranaMB iMBMani ab Specifications MliTOIt (Iriinl il cyllmli r , , iMiga I" hor.- I -.trnke f M en MM ylln.lr ami upp., I nlf 4f crunk .1 .. ,i i i,,i. overhead MlfM Kxlni la rue hvirlnK surface- In-.iiriag mini miiimi i'iir nn nUr operating m- ...uilsin Water GOOM, tl i '.mi :'iti niuh siiwr Drop fbrgvd, ml ulloy Hteei. l-jt-it" iti.intaUt Three lnre heurlna: PfMTnmi Very llaht I'lire,- rhiKH i.i nidi itii in cirmtattaf iiun r pump driven off rani shaft OK li'.i-l Indicator i,ii crunk case IIMINt. OIMM llellcul. cast iron uxaiust steel I ltllt IlKTOIt ItWfcfg, Isilled directly In cylinder h. id H.SiriON It. nijr Spf.-liil Automatic firant Ignition drive by iiplral rivirn off cam shaft Manual ror r.'.il,, euntrul fault lean Ignition .it ill speed sTtllTMl W.iin-r .'-unit Martlot and lixlitlliK mm Hpeclallr de signed for Orant Six motor Wll lard BSttSfJ lit WSMIHHMIV Selective ll.lln. near Three speeds forward and reverse. ill TTII 12" leather fared, preseed steel com- Thro adjustable con t'd clutch cushion spring Clutch i. ' il adjustable Hall thruat ti. of tlirowout, noUeles Clutch hr.ike Insuring easy unr changing I HOST XW.V Drop forged. .Stand ard "I" beam, -pt-ci.il mw. heat treated Steering knuckle pm- liiirdened and ground ansa itrm rm Moating. iD third member mIMi round rod. Iirlie and torque tuken on roar end (if transmission b means of spher nil Htoel stumping, mill llii' axle i nf three point i uspcnslon. whli li, In i onnei Hon with tin- th ret point Mi-pi-nsliiii on tin- motor, absolute I eliminates .,11 ,, Chilli) Of dl lolrttoa mill iiiliilii:.'un'iit of tin I' l;i; IMS- Ini. .., .M,undliig an. I tli.il li, nli. ii II, :l-. I lui Bmkt ill ii hi . I ." diameter, liroad fai KTKKRIMti UKAM tnwwiwht. worm and sector type Adju-u 'I.- iv wi4i 'iVTItlll. .,.ft ,ad drive On UkT runtrol Throttle lexer under "heel Peel accelerator uuwininiinH isum tgi anted on rear Hit-Hurt Va cuum r'eed System M'HINt.s IVont; seml-elllptlc. 4" '"UK. H4" Wd Hear IS" long '!' Tt ue cantilever out ', elliptic npeclul ulloy steel Duh In Mm thn-e puiui MafMSatM ! Hie til, BfaTtaga are entirely reliew I "i ilrnliiK MfmlM, thu Invurluii l" ' i. i i .prlnn actlun M'HKNii MASK til in.li., I III vii :, inch.h HUilt S.e illu.Mratioh HIk. coiu inrlalile the puNhi'iiger. Iloep, wide tilled cUMhioiiH Heal upllolnliT) . ImiK pi my , furled hair I I S'DKHH lleai ..tumped cronn. Jniiieil to .ili, minimi entered ruu miiK hoards H'MUUal :tJ", Klrentone demounta I'h' rlniH. TIMta ::u'x3 i " all around Hirudin "hie tjpe, iiou .ik ids on reur. VMMiSIIIKI.U I'late KlaH Two piece, rain vIhIuii. adjusluble to any poHltion Curved base cou liirmuiK lo h.m I itu THHBIMtT 11" ""' One man mohair with mohair lop slip, in ,i,.- , u,i., in I. lOHTh Double bulb electric head llahu hlecti k tail and daah llsht Also electric horn. 'W I. liOAHU MOl'N'TING Oil pi ensure gauge .speediiuimelii uiumeti r Imitrument lamp of large sl.e Klfctrk horn. Complete tool equip iiieni 'lire carrier, etc. fully i 'lUippeU The first Light Six priced below a thousand dollars-first at the price-still first in value Flic Qranl Si. inproTed nd up ti tli- mimitf, .l.arly indicatts rftloei simjily un-h-ard of in ;.nv car priced below :i tht.usaiitl ddllaix. And th- Gran is a NIX ami an Ovcr hfad Valvt- Six. It pmentfl ;tli Um Qtsi bility, all th. inarvildiis nTWUCM of turquf, all the perfeet balanet of Um birii-gnde Six, aJl Um ouiek Meeleratiou of Um Six, ll th- sniiii.tliius.s of the Six, with utniust i-i'diitiniv. An a hill t'litnlirr Grant Six is unsuruass d. In hand ami mud its perfotlUUMC has boon rated renarkablo. Tt has wt to be ex ooUod. It thmtth s down tn Two Miloo an hour on hiih and smitls iiji to i'il'tv niMO ami IIIWlV Ownon irerage 90 mileo to tbo nllon of ii-.pnif (inanv sav tiny get 88 milts) and BlKl In il'mi mile to the gallon of oil. It, iruiiiiiny iii tht usf uf fin I, lulirii anl and tin i backed up l eoouoniji Lu the need of rcpuira. c iii-iii vr tin Qranl six has the moel beautiful IkmIv linen of an eai'eoatlng load than a thousand dollars. Grant bodieo are painted, trimmed ami t'inisliitl in our own simps. Nut fur t In sakt of economy, but because want to be M 1,'K of j;ihI tMiality. Tin salt va tu stiiiintf valms is to eornpare. To Know that the Grant six of fi'is ymi the groateat six Cylinder value in the world you have only to ootnparo. Beeall thai Grant Six haai oagner Two-Unit utartiug and lij:htiiip m stem, seeiall built to Grant 'S Bpecial Rem1 ignition, s. finely adjust ed anil laiilt to meet the eomlitiniis of the Grant .Motor that it gireo perfeet Ignition at an) siieed. Vour motor operatea an fault lessh at two miles an hour or lis as it does at fifteen or twenty as flawlessly at tweii- tv-tive as ill rilieeli. A.1 .in sjieeti, wtu mt perfcci iKtUtion. means. oniare . i . 'iii know w hat that Grant six offen jron Btewart raeuum paaoline System the beat 12 gallon tank in rear, t kanpare. Btromberg Carburetor. 18-inch Steering Wheel. Pull-floating rear axle with brako equal i.ei-v and 12-inch brake drums. Big, drop forged front axle of standard flefjgn with strong, ttout iteering eonnee- tittiis. Compare. clean, ii- at. simply arranged Instrument board. Compare. Extra wide, comfortable rear seat Ifea mre it. Ample leg mom In both front ami rear compartment, Long grain, bright up holsten. Deep cuahiona, First clans pringM, Double bulb headlights. Real alumi num oovered miming boards. (Exception ally hnndsoine fendew full si-,., ami beau tifullv finished. Guards, fenders and h I. finished in Hirer iiat of Mark enamel. I'nit I'.iwi Plan! with three-point iim I" ' '1 "il plt'NN1 pump. Oviil.i.nl 'ulvt Mnii.r with all the extra power an I . bnt Overhead valvi lie an. 1 ion real ran- tlh rcr, nivoted in ientcr and shackled at both ends. And the more carefully ytu read the specifications, the more you will be surpris ed at tirant Quality for the price. There's nothing comparable with it. Is there any ear that offers IfORK than tin Grant forthemonevl s there ain ear that offers as muehf Just eompare, NY belieee Grant six t.. he tin- greatest Six value of the year regardleas of pries. Our eouelusious are arrived at by compari son, Noll Will eolivillee yourself by the same method. There is m royal road tn better values. The oiih way to have them in the ear is to put them there. Ami we are proud of the Grant six not heeause it is the original of a type, but heeause it s. , fully justifies those who believe it to be the very beat ear of that type. Delivered v L 5 Delivered After many ream of sxperiueee lu the autoamblls business and i earsful study of the latest and best autoinol'iles we were coiiviiieed that we QOUld not select a better ear than the (iraiit Six to build up a siihstftiitial business; whieh ean only result when those to whom we sell are satisfied with their purehase. This we know will he the feeling of every Grant buver. All we ask is an opportunity to demonstrate its many superiorities over ears of its elass and pric- 'all for a demonstration. IM'KOUD AND JOXKH. Capital $4,000,000 The Grant Motor far corporal inn now ha n capital ol 14,000. 000 and taken Hi, place M one of the Mit proilucer.s Id UM Induntrj The , llM, pany Ihim die ueceKsary Htrengtli tn finance Mfl proiluctlun Tin ... ,n we will bull.! 20,000 CARS Ielierie, K be made on a uniform bAU Dealci- who .-ii the Urant SIX will h in a pu .Hi, in to aupply the demand Grant Sales Organ ization Includes over 1,200 Dealers xltuated In all parts of tha IV 8 and i ar.i.ia and lu all forelcn oounlrle. i:er Orant dealer benaflta from the lir.v.tlt., of I Mi nplendld or(anl.atloti The iukpu of the Urant Sn haa been awaeplns and decisive It la baaed on two principal facta, 1 1 The Grant Ml Is precisely the type of car that most buyers want. (2) Orant Six haa alwaya offered the greatest value per dollar of any automobile Invest ment We l, nil.l the car rixht We put the value into the car The deal era are awlft to see It there, the pub lic Is eijually quick to see li tirunt dMilers do not have to make explan ations or excuses, the) nnpl hate l,i n,iit tu tie- llrjiil Stl .iiul Miy inn Word I'liiup.ire In On- I,,, of IiIkIi fuel c, i ii pu lo r-tii-in ! r lli.il tirunt Six BWMN aii-rii, 20 miles to the gal lon of gasoline some say 28 miles. 900 miles to the gallon of oil. Body Dimensions Width ul lii.nl -imi tn in Depth of front i-cii I7.. bMnVM Tlnckn, . ,,i cuslilnii ul r.-.ir. . inclies 'I'lii, km i .i.-i inn .it i ron I s mil,,- , DttlM iron, irmit of front seut lo da-li, L" incl HcikIiI ol lri.ni -i ,ii I'roiii flour, 14 Inch Wlillli of rear MAI, I I incln li.pil, ul i. .11 seal, 1 S I... Inclit Tllilklles- ill trulll of Cllnlliull !l in, Tlllcklie-s ul n.ii ul i 11-1,1, .11 li III, h. IHstauie Pari, rear seat lo hack of front seal . 4 ! f Inclies lleiKhl or rear cii.-lunn from floor, 14 iinl,. Willi!, ul n .il iluui 1 'i inches Width ol in. ni door, III Inches l.enftli car over all, lop up, I. VI In. l.'iiKiii ui cur over all, top iluu. U7 inches Kxtreme width out all. 66 inches llxlxlil over all. tup up, 80 luclie.s Th way to make a success In the automobile liiisiui-ss la to build the type of iui Hie pulilic naiits and then iim- jii.-ii as mucli us you pos sihly cm tot tli.' money. That is tlie I. rani idea. It works splendidly for Ilia dealer, work- l.ei tur for tlie lin.wr, and il u-.ni.-- per niaiieiny lui ilia inaiiiiluclurer ONTARIO AUTO COMPANY, Distributers PETE DUFORD ONTARIO, OREGON R. W. JONES SI Moc aaW ' " 'gft' " " " "" I