The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 30, 1916, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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imW CMOOt shown
Htl 'ITI.IMI'N t.lSOWTll
I i tin Inn. I Holds ii HIk OHMMMH)
Mm Ins In rmhlv Hall o(
Hi.- Ran hirIi Hi-houi.
Krultlnml hn always .u i
wrll to any doings of Interest to 1 1
home or school so Count) Afn ul
turlst aitvnl. U I'. Mrl'all ami Ml-'
Kny . Fnwlrr. .ounty mup'tIii t ii1
enl of schools were not disappoint
ed at the ernwd which gather.'.! last
Friday evening I. It Mm klnsnn.
president of the srhool hoard, prrsld
ed I'rof. T K .Wilson treated tin
audience lo snveral selections on the
school VlrlmlH .luring UM .'lining
Hfl I W MniK.'ti repreenled tha
l!e Hurt. Ii. p.istor Ol UW BaPtl I
church spoke on Why Ittillil School
Mis Kay Z fOWlf i MMt) ' l
lutendent, spoke on Hural School
and of the splendid work don- hy the
hoys and girls, not only In the three
It's hut In domestic science and agrl
rulture and manuel training
I'rof W T McCnll cave tils plMM
for farmers organizing In the -arl
part of the program as he had n aim
liar talk to give In Payette
8 department Is now hacking
scheme for organlnzlnc fnrmi r both
locally and natlonrlly that looks j t Sunda.
mighty good as Mr MaCaU says and) Mr and Mrs i
tilt, r.tiinilnt Saturday Mr John
mi purcli.i-isl i.r wIiIIp there
Mlsa Marie Tiin.v M.t to Mo m
Joe (ierliart of Knitii.'ll visited
I'rof 11. ill at (lie I'nwell home Thur
day and Kri.l.i) Mr (ierliart la on
Mr and Mrs
ding anniversary
Mr Cnlvrt'll went to Welaer to do
r.irjieuler work Sunday evening lie
han been in Mldviil.' for sonn- time
lv Mrom of Beta) V laaft
man. John and Krlr Andi-nam vi.itisl
hla way to California via Salem and Mr and Mrs f Rw limuii of the I'av
Cortland and was a classmate of Mr
Halls at lllnm.'lt.' university I'rof
Mall will spend hla Thank, riving va
cation ai Hi" (lerhart kMM In Km
ett- Oregon slop
yond Ontario.
Mrs James KraH'r
twelve mihia be-
ne Dewey
ShnnT of I'ocetello. Is visiting her
mother at Pa)ette and will vlelt
friends in Ihia community Mr Krt-
The V nr" A " euiey nnu ir.. ana
ft. Jkk. II...I ..ll....k ll 1- .-...aft... !.. .....I kU kMlki.. ...!.. k. .. . ... ..... I
Hire nan. lain unili'U inrii moiiier, m up wiwhi-, . im'. n-nn nuiir
Mr Iliird. lit the It n Hut, I tome In'on hir Incv, to Ti'nnrir
Mr- C K Hansen -pint Salurdav
R Cratt and moth-1 and Sunday with ber brother, J Slgrl
the plan has heen tried out In some er or V elser cited the t ll Sargent at rayette
of the Kastern slates with market nMM I ' Tit. -ilav Orov.r MeOaa relume I in I. Hi.
suciess The plan was thoroughly dls-1 Mrs Sargmls friends will at glad Monday to finish the llatlon residence
Mothers circle work, speaking of
Interest It hn- In our school and
the cussed hy Mr Mit'all and om in 1 1 1 i,, p.r he Is ahle lo be almut the 'Mr k'lu' k will go up uguln Ibis wee
Its named to look after the orgiinlnitlon hOUM again
! to flni-li Ihi plumbing
... . ... . . - i
aiirroi.ntlliigs as wen u in our nome- of tlie farmers bureau here in i run- tn s M ThOBtai .n..i lo ro to Mrs llruce Campbell return.)
m.SS aye llowers of tlie -e1lor , laud lll... Tliur.ifn In .inil knrril itntn (mm Arrn Idaho llli h..p
voices the student ipreclattOB
of the aaaataw, plaaaaat, wall llfhtad
new si liulldlug
' II Illl.'.-.IIIK; -keli ll Ol the M
A banquet was glwn lo tlie -peak
ers of the evening tlie meiuliers or
the board and their wles. the srhool
fucult). and ministers of the town.
toi of the school ilisirht and Its lv tlie senior domestic class in the
all iiw-'lex froin ll lieitinnltiK when with I domestic science new room,
nvo 'iiiinlred dotlara iha) Imllt a Mr and Mr- N C Yurki'i ntiirn
Mr Yoc
1 key has hien lit Iticlill. Id for some
vi rs
school house, furnished It and hired I ed home Saturday atraalBI
a 'e.i'her for a to'ir months term i
III par nth. aad I ' had to mi!
over a year mr !.s l.i-d months pat
time doing I .up' nier work
V.irkev llslteil her parents at
lo the pr.-en' ll'i i. hen the lit I U tniinid attended th" Siind.v Ml I
ho II I2lll h.i- 'iim ii replaced hv .iunt rOOVOntlOB last vM.'k kl I'ald
our nlie new iiuihlliiK with It- pianos well
leirola. phi lire-, plaj urouiid liv ' The H
lUri I, sellOOl u.lgon- Hid tlie seketi MP e PMCOCs
Myrtle liagaar and
were the dell
OOn li'a.'hir- e'llphlted llll no .ll
l.Ht les- than Vl. par ii'onlh. .i
glven hv Miss Kl-ie Scliinld. one ol
Hie pndl Mho atlellileil the
srhool almost from its organization
I'rof Keiuil-oii. a high -ihool
roWtll of Ihe hll.ll
from the Bapttal tuadaj a bool to tin-
county convention at Caldwell l'iid.i
Ml- Ceo KhlrcilKe who h..
.Isltlns her pan-ill- in ilklahonia the
pa-l month Is ep.rted bona tin
J K Wilson aiiioeil to Ua
Hh her friend, Mrs llobsoo.
Miss Kene Kldredge spent laat week
with her sister. Mrs K II Sargent
Senator i lei t ll I. Incaid returned
' from Spokane Sunday evening He
m. tppK - hi wa' a graai sue-
with a larcer iitlend.i lire than
usual The fraltgrowan eoaforaaco
was most Interesting a- a great inim ,,
aaojl I taken up On Satur
day t lie rule- for gradliiK and pack
PP I'll up and nine
'nude Tor the -tale of Wash
ington It depend- upon the horli
' no elltiL In he h. Id if the
nil- ..pi
MBI rilling-. The -ale of up-hi-
heen ' ikilli:
lie. II III Slllll III III'' tkk.. large) ills-
llttl daiighlrr
Mrs T V Aiers of liurkee. Ore- I
ffOO, flailed Saturday with Mrs C
Mr and Mr- V ftorotb) sent
to Noa CImiiouIIi Sunday to visit th.
Win llarluiig home s.teral days.
Mr and Mrs (i A Mann Mr.. I
I It'" filch home at In. Kink
Inst and s..i irdey.
Mr- Daharah gad two riilldn rafl
Hntiir.l.ik t..t . u CHf lid ul
I In M i
The Silk H te-hing .niil.i
i w I: .
pUcn II .. first of Ihe week Thaj
inn aaoni wuii.
i" at th- ii r rVllfona
si hoi. I I. a. her on Hie growlh.Thii' I ompan i. d h M M
of Ihe high Ml I III the fit. tear- ' llur-l. I.eW .1oIiiimi.ii ami M Ha. I
trici-. W( mi VaklaM Tha i i i Thuradar wn- eii ittaad
I ghoul l I ill Ihe prtOM reieiie.l not
S I" I i ned from Ontario pu lotlir gaaal mark lor a 1'rilltlainl
pll il ! . I i' . . k hut I- .IV III at . I" I d
nii the ufter effects of i .;. -r Radaaadaj aankar "f Iha
tha grippe good uu.-.n- of l-'riiiihind and rl
l.lllle elllle Slnilll of Ontario Clllilv t hot III llnpfOte Ihe leets ol
Dec 2 Dec Q atmJa
io a off
on all
Electrical Appliances
pent - i ii d i ek ii h hei Mr and M. M A.
Ma.ide ,. I in K ill, Mi .
C I llollenl.eck and .iil.iidlug the
Washoe -chool
Mamie li.n . i p. ni latardai
and Siimlat in Caldwell at the horn.
of II It Kii-
A teller lion. Mi- iha, Slekcn
our little hurg h) hauling giav. I I ,.
merchants ahOWad 'heir appr.-. latum
hy setting up the Ireuls and furnish
ing II dinners ,.i MP- Boofhlojm res
luaraiii for th. . i.
Ml had Mi LaatOT Hand- enter
I a led to a cn-ion dinner Simd.n Mi
and Mrs C..i Tn,slng and hihli.n
Ml Hid H II J I'lleloTt . liL-i ,
10 E
1U cnt
Buy your Christ mas presents
now, and make it an
Electrical Christmas
talned to dinner Suioiat . Mr MUd
-a.- iha aipaeta '" com., home tfiorjMra, n. it Kuwon ami ClaraaM
Hi"' DOlldai Mr and Mi- r K llarne- ,.,,.
Clalenre. I.iull. I and l.e-ler Strattn Kuilduy guests at the l( W Id. hard
are out of -clo ail with the grippe
Mi I'.illth Mii' and MIs-
luiia vn.eiis ol Kaa PljraMath o-it-ad
lhair Malar, Mn Heap ia-t
Ti lay
son honie tirandma Klihard
still cnntiiiid lo her bad win grippe
A. A. Si. il. i s building , a
The Kraiices Wlllard W r I
t - ' 9 v
y tlVj ; ja X.
Blow -li ' ; Ml 'H I
JMaWr lim dl i
SydM ftJE
MoaloBoiaaUlMiia UaUl
Idaho Power Co.
.im,' Mi Bolb) and fanll)
Mr and Mr- Hairy I'owell p
Sunday in I'ayetU vi iili Mi and Mis
C i Powall
Mi- c.-iiie. Wm and llert Mel. her
aUtOOd lo Ironide la-t Thursday
Ml-.- M. her and her hrolher Celt
returned home Saturday
I'rot Hooker I- leaching tlie I'nrk
Hchooi north of Pajratta while Mrs
Cliamhei lain is hatiaj ii Miga with
Mr- i hainherlain is ttiih her sls
lei Mr- II 'heal. Ion
Mls Bdaa Harris will spend lier.inel mi' h Kulch la-t Thai da)
Thaahaclvlaa rat itloa iih MhwOaal aad hold a mosi hitaroatlni Una
Cn.ii. h at her home in Kuuuell lt- C,,, 1 1 i n.ll , ., . ,,,..
Mr. and Mrs A S King m (in port of the Mala contention a" Co
Boulovard arara Sunday peaata aalaala laaaa plan- ora mad.- aboul
at Ho- V Ce.i.o.k home I taklliK up Iha d.par nt work Ihe
iieiiiah M.itei la aaoadlag twajaod aiaatlaa mii h.. bald at Mra.
tiiontliN In Kagle near llol-e ttiCi her. Hale- home in lanuan
Mrs Sarah Hi.fle I- IuiIiik the
. II ou her pla.e dug de. p.-i
Kifven of .ii-s Ki-i- Paaaaaka
1 1 1, nil.- tt.i, invited to help her cele
brata iier i m, blrthda but latui
day Her liiih- friends pi. .-nied
HOT wllb -everul pretty gifts A love
ly lime tt.i- hud by tlio-e present
Mr- Poacook nerved dalkiOH re-
Orovor in., ihiifad i aai al aop
from Haip.'i- Oregou, Kl iday ami
two aara from New Plymoutli ou
The .l..iu, Norrls faiullv of iv.v.
tlie l.eo Sihmidt home
on Idaho and lis
Mr ..mi Mr- w Klagaburi
eaata Tuaadaj froaa BoIm to aaaad alalia ilaltad
week ullh Mr and Ml- I. Kings- Sunday
l,ur-v' Mr- "nil Mrs l.eo S.liinidl aiii,d
Ml '"',l X" V T Mi-hop hi! to Pleasant View Wedn.-d.n evening'
Tue-day for a visit lo Mrs Hi-hop-', 0 Stale !(,, ,.,lite Hubbarda!
grandparents. Mr and Mr- M ilson ltttist rori ,1 leiiuru
of Lincoln. Win. who are S :' and I Boootloa
SI tears of age They will also visit Mixs Nell,,. Weir ie, ,,.",( R .s
Mr iiishup- parent- u lllyt he.-dale, day from Vale where -I ... had spent
Mo Mr- K. I. Mavllel'l of l'a.M-1" Mreral days.
will ear,' for Ihe children Mi an. I n- y. lavlor wish to
l IraM Heal of Itupert ttho i- ,I1;11W ,!.,,. many friend.- and
laarhlai aoar Kaaaaa win sPe,,d bar ban for .i. ba4p illl(1 kind... ,
' va.alion will, Miss ,,., (Unini. FliUlks iiek)Mt u
OlWa Hiiuter who will ho home Ir .,,.. Khl Mini he is will and ahle lo
ber Mhaal ' I,,. aboal aiala
Mr aad Mrs w ColwaJI aad
daughiers. Mfaaaa Vallla and Rathal. Daa'l lam ie(.
vara taata al tha C tiaal i-oi ai la.iie- aid baadkorehlol and aue I
. .. i . , .., , .. -: ., ...I.. . 'im .
,-'"' """.' '" " i.iwei ua.aat at tlie Ontario Kurni
""O "'' ai me Ontario Kurni- 1
tha Mvaath vaddlai aaalvaraarj of lure aladaai enday and amturday. Tiaw. TU A , C T mn Atlfc
Mr and Mr- S,ou, and the ,'n,l ed ,. ,,., - , ,, ,. Kw , ,.. ' 1 ly fQ Al'gUSWV W dTi I &"
Vale Hot Springs
Board, Rooms and Baths.
Massage, Diet, Rest
DR. THOS. W. THURSTON, Superintendent
Witness the Fact
thouKandri of the genuine Round Oik
Stoves are aold yearly
These arc identical in construction with thr
original, although modernized indremi
We invite the opportunity to demonstrate their
tattling worth and real superiority.
Sold only by
rVfcNuhj. & Co.
Out. u o.
Range and Alfalfa
Land at reasonable prices
and on 10 years time at
() per cent interest. We
have 500,000 acres for you
to select from. Write or
call on A. W. Trow, Agent
Oregon Western
Colon ization Company
Thirty yoara ago tha teaphona naa a luiury. I'0'''
through peraooal initiative aid private enterprise, It haa beco
a nec'easily wllhln the reach of everybody. Where once a b '
neaa had but one lelephoue vdlh a limited talking range, today
that busmesi haa service wlllia range three-auartera ol '
nent broad, and every brunch ! every bualneaa la liaked Ha
ery other by mi Intercouiuiunicitiug telephone ayalem
The telephone haa earned la responsible place and there r
aow 8,000,000 Hell telephone! ll thle country, over h"1 ,0
26,000,000 talks daily.
Kvery Bell telephone a LaMf DfateMt Station.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.