(M&xw &rixm. w V(H- -'" ONTAKIH, IIAI.IIKl It CJOUNTY. (UtUt.oN .THl'RMDAY, NOV. ;, mill PAOS K10HT mnwwniniK f pyiaf s Ontario's Greatist Need In Your Opinion? SWIFTS TO CUT BIG RANCH INTO TRACTS SECRETARY BAKER . Aiirf rv iiimi U lrtIL uvm RMIM I w I UL UlUlx HIONK lll THAI I III I KM UN I ltlO Will III III lot HtlllW. UNY IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED -l .lllflclll Mini Hi Ii I - III SI. I'l Mini Mnlll. fiwlllll lllll.ll V lottOM Mnllilil re ( ) M .jtaakaw 0 1 w Ml 1 0ka Mgff r 5Val V IatI '" 'r m Hf in i p. --. i ..ii. i .. in ri;i..si;TATi K or Till-; i i- Ol s till M.li I'.WKKItH VIsllN ONTARIO. SALE DEPENDS ON RAILROAD Win. ii. (ruin ..i Hmm Paaaann III. ll MM I.iiiiiI Wm IIhiikIh In Hell mid Not In II. II fat fe.cr. Iii cvT city then iaalwayi number of cititi tu who express their opinion of the causes thai kcopthi I city from reaching it.- natural opportunities. Outarin lias thcra as well as every town. In s t'i w weeks Ontario trill rtart a near year What can the it secure dttrlna 1917 whirli will nnhance its prosperity to the greatest degree i1 Duruig the past week The Argus has sought the opihiou of several business men. Onlj two have given the same answer to this question. What la your Ideal If you will ,-it down and think on tliiK question and write the results of your thoti and send then to 'riir Argus the) will be printed In this space, which will In- reserved for tlsal imrpom1 m long as Argus readers have ideaa to offer. Do not be bashful. You may havi' the idea that will make Ontario the eitj .t should be, I Should your Idea !' a winner jrou will have thosatiafaetioii ' id' knowina that you have dbtir the community in which I .. Lailna 1. ...... fit ll -' mmiinUillntu .ui iii- u iu-umk .......... .. jiywi ......... , ,,, a ,,, OXj,Me.,on for Mr for this Space should l)0 limited to BOO WOrdft. BhortCr Among ! perslatent rumors oon- craven In the Swift company's np- 'i-nnilna Ml.ni.a..y l t I . -. l.Hal ,.. ... iltlnintel) Dnl.irln wl'l at I,, iiiurtiTK for I hi' Malheur !. i iiililiy, UK well na lht nf ft N Hlonfli'HI it great m . rmiii- lnr I ii " l"'Hif of tuuuy .IM.i-iik . Ill ni UM Itilonl af&MTM w hlcli inl. llli il Bl I'll' Ki .. I hoMIng ln Malln ur. KWM1 ""! Drill' enmities nr.' making Till. 1,11. f M furthered liy the fact thai! ,i,i. ,ii. I- tln MUM "I Him great fed prnilurlliK section Irmn which ' v" irriz rirnr -jriz'. "'"' . ... ..... ,,., t.. twiin,..i,..tt...-f.,..u...,i ,.,... '"""- -- -.. nnireM(nutle , ,h U)n, 8ur ,ul UK nf"i inm im "') ' "" ; - """ w """" pacf ,.. , i la mon acc.-plp.l limn that of IIip r- whnrr he ha chargr of inntrnw h a lixulion oi uir ciiinpiiiiyi. niwi --. ...rr .nr mar 111.111 one 11111 III' USl'll HI ll slllllie ISSIIIV .ii r I ki.i.i. i ... .. .. .1 :uirii-ri aW ' X MM r- .ii T" rnncli purrliH- il mutiM tliii.. Ii UipHwIIi i'oiii- panjr ni Ihliaao will bo cul Into traclH and nold wan tin- xi.tPtni til liiuili' U . i. Arau- MiiihI i l; Win. ii Cf o"ii. rapMaMttttvt of tha roiup.'iny. Mr r.'aen wan rrlterr1 nt tlio farter Hour a follows, "Win. II. I'ravoii, Tpx.ih " TliU lamnlc line la i; K sianflel.l anil II A ii. hi. who are connected with I! N Mlanfleld, I ! prinrlpul owner .,( iln- Mullieur Mvi'lork niini.iii) ,,n. M.nit y OwiSI Ol SotM. who I" iwii iiiinl with him In Hie property mm In Ontario on Monilay of thin frk. r.-alHtered at the farter llon-e Mr liwlnn derhireil that al the rnwnl llw. al I.'.ihI. the rompnn t nnl ready to annoum Un pluiiH nor in I'unflrui the report that ll miuI.I Hi.rk from Ontario Win n anked whether or not It wan ru.' Hiai Mr HUnflelil ciinti'inplaleil i n. .in- n -plrll which . Kinmi aiming (he at- Doraey meut of Six-rotary of War llakar LOOKS TOR NORE FEW VOTERS ATTEND NEW APPRAISERS ARE COCKRUM AND ADAMS NAMED TOR DRAINAGE TREAD BURNING SAND H. O'Nell I, Ktlileutlt V.t Out of Ihe Mheep Itu-inr-, I ... I IIM.I TWINTVUVi: IITI.KNH raaaawi snusa maun w s riiFfXitm. Ai H niiiiiilei Ii) A SV 1'row, local l plant from Btaiifield and rpf4jntutlve of the oreon Weaternl TWO MEMBERS RENOMINATED Ivtiill.lnti tn Ontario. Ml OwtU .alii In- could mil anawer that nm' lion 'All I ran aoy U we are hero," lit whl i n .itill.il lli.ll Oliliil In III hi' n liiiinrliini pnlui In v l I. mil lin Im for ll.i' . ..htiurler will lie In HolMe, hul lil.innlliK Kri'ul deal of work hi.lillllKx Ot Mm II "III l.k.- .. ureal il.-.il nl ll In i .kt" tin urk plniiniil ll muy re- ar." Mr liwlnn. wlio ( prominent In folotiliatlun romp II O'Nell. i.v. I who recentl) milil lila InlereatH In the Tnlal lat.k uf I llil for Vai1ou i- Malhi'iir l.lviwtoi-k i IjiiiiI company, raai te ludliule that UOI nude a inn thru Malheur county ll imiOir I Will le lrrluiirl.r . n nd oofow ' rnr Into Crook eooi l) On thi- trip Mr O'V.-il lin.ked at I Ik l.irae ii.u-ia mill In the BOOM - There were mil) II MUMM preH- of lh W'eatern fulunlxatlou com ,.,,, ,tt ,),,. , u, u, lt-ltl at the city hall pal) i inl.i) eveulnx lo nominate coatl Wnlle Mr O'Noll ii. .nil- BO inir.-li.ise jjj,,, ,or ,,e Cty W II 'I'hiri ilirlim Ine trip nor did he al..- am B ( j,, ,,,, liu K( rnmhie lo l N Indlrallini thai he wnulil .In MM, r aM mi that III till prili.il'HH Or fail that hi- made uch a Jnurn ,,,,. rUV .,m Hon In he held lleceiiiliei h imliiate thai the Hale of IiIh Imal 4 wm a purel prefuuetor) ratl- Uklm pnlllliN haH no feaii lor a re- iioini. uoe. uo. nuan ma. n- - . (t.atlon ol ine acuou o. .... .-.-- IKiitl,,,, of the democratic aucreaa T fom me aneep ou-.n. mi )eur heuce w li.-n Si-n.ii.ii IV V. C.iruh iiini.- up Inr ro-oloctloa .niii.i ilei.-.ii Si ii. iii. r Horn "he U loo well llki-il lit l . . i I . " ll 4 ...ill i: Of III HNS Mi I W. iniliT i IM) ffHStl CAS NOT M.ltVK ON lloMlli. FIRST MELTING IS DELAYED w. Newlna I i. nil .un- I" Ii u-rn nl N .-ii mill fliillli". f. lil..l.l nl X ale In III WTftV r i Hum ! N ;iZ IEADY TO PROCEED POST OFFICE FLIT THANKSGIVING EVENT The men nominated for the MM ell are; for tho two yer term Wurd Canflold. I. 0. McCoy and ' KmlMiu, for Ihe one year term: W W 1.44UOH anil Uay Wllaon of thla lUt SMM lanfleld and Mcfoy , are ot preeont serving on the council i Mayor W. f Human and Councilman A I. Cockrum are Ihe only hold-ov- . or. tin, me) . t . Wlli.il of Nellib..riuic ,, h undert.Mid that all of iln ( lit Tell nl stalu ol IUK , meu ooinnilteil IU qualify and have liiiiroveinral. acceplid the nomination. There 1 ' no talk of au opposition iicne. ... ' " there will he no municipal campaign Oalailn Will Nnl lail.rl.illi ..N) Atlnrni) C 0 W il" "' N M u,,, fg. l'liniikKlliiK l) N" " 0UMT1 "ii MmSMM TSM . ony 0,r matter coiiidered l. ..in.- liili.n Senlie. da Al the present lime ihe peoptl ( caucUH wufc that of the cll l tin- .limit of Nyw urr MM m hurtKe, for axt year Thla wu read i..,,.,teil in the progrew of the drain- lu lhe gat,erlng by Mayor W f Uo The ui.ivIhk of the poat office from g of Ihe land In ISM ''"' "11"1 ,all, !, W mpon.ry chalrinai, fapri ,, lurailm, t U M homo unihiiig , ami an- i.-.Tiung aub- Ar,r WBh mu.rnially dlacuaaod I ol l Un- WIlHon building will be the UIUil, mlC0uragemeni '8 t Taylor wa elected perman.-i.t MS l-alur. -venl of Thankaglvlng ...,.lr ,,,, have been sold for .he chairman and the nomination of il.e IMM Do, in Onl.r.o Ttoro ill J 9" I Iln Iii.it hull game, UO tilth.) lltlOI " .. ,, . An II Al f 1 the other ,,,,, which M Mr WIUou, "and ...a. I, no. all AlAn Tr MHO UA H MM itMOJ .hara.l.iT..-s Il.e day ,.- h.oe received a v. t good hid on Jfy LLLU H 0 IIULy 'lli- MM Thankaglvlng feature wlllhe contract for the ronutruciiou o. million aervice of the churches , aralnage Tin- only Hilng thai la I" he held ,n (he I'nlle.l I'reabylerlun de,avnf ,,e work now In the la. k of '"" ,..,.i... tinm The linlillngit. The packern representative waa not h..in.i. hiii-. when In Ontario and de clined to make a definite announce ment an to when the big "I"' ranch would lie dltldeil up fur sale ' 'Now don't aay I waa waa lo town," he Ha Id wild a smile, "for the boss would know n-. much about me oa I do. lie ha a way of knowing uverythlng that gels Into tho papers I am hero on my way Kal after look ing over the property. It waa my first visit to tho ranch and I do not know much about II. You see I President A I. Cockrum of the ,.,,. from portion of Hi- niuntt. Kirs. Natlouiil Hank and Ixiuls Ad- where the grass grows differently urns were members of the class of than It does out hero "They tell mi, tlio. that It la all right And I guess It Is No we are mil going lo put any more catlle on tho oohl-. of KI Koran Tooaplo lot) ,,, ,.,. cov,red by the ranch ll m: .it ll.. t.i Tin- ..i. ii mm !,,.,,, t ,-ui up and sell. The T. lauiipkln noil W. I Take MciitlMi Hit- I I Hi I., i ... i. Ci. in OOVHhUM who "liel.lonto-the-mpe" while erooolof (he Imrulng sands to l.il v l . itUDdOd Ii) le ll.iie.l Hhrlll mi all nwr Idaho iiml ii ilele ,:.iil.i.i from Ontario Including: K f Vim I'elt.-n, K A I'r.i.er. J D Bll I K ToPBlnaTOOB. I'r Jainh PliMMI M4 Harry .1. . . ' W R I) Cooper ! Bun nro oa tha b.iaril. r Swill i inn pal.) In.-, several big l.uld iiik and I- MlliaS (Ii-ii4 nil as then la a dein.t.il for 1 1. .-in "Nil, 1 ran mil l.-ll ) mi when the IBM "III Marl Vou ask the railroad pooplf w hen the) are going In gel u S.iil.lsh Kile degrees going as far he Ilia or Koae OroU on I) menilier ol tlio boafS "t p- m I N.-w.nu aaS W T Lampkin ruUl iiu umi ci.uuiry. It is too far i I.. r..r ihe Mainour irrigation gpaal Mvaral aaya la Bomb Malag UM trew irunspor.ation to sell now I .ll the Mm , a. If. I... -I'l... - llli-il II.ei'llllK nil ... iiii... I in- iii-.- lug of course was mil held hut liu- im. M.ps u.i.t.,1... tn. i. mil. i. MAI HFIIR PfllllTRY MFN the l.oaril Ii) the appninlini.it ol nHUILUll lUULllll PlLIl llienihers to tuke the plan M.illell and f.mper The matter was taken up la.11 dlately with the cn.n.i. Mali ami I' TO HOLD MEETING HERE APPEALS MS TAKEN BY TW J A' LEGED BOOTLEGGERS Tousen of Nmm an. i i,.u m f aaa .'-' '" Naf SkM I ,.. . ..-.... ... v..i.. u.., Held InJaouar. Will Im IMnramad linn .III t-iii in... ... .... " . . ed to aerve with Mr Hunt. The new I, I,, nl will meet M Minn iin pOQglbll mi Unit their work can he ii.mpli-UMl l.eliire the end of Ihe year It Is be lleted that from three weeks to a Katurila). IkN'riuliri- U. .lmlge King iljudges M. I... -ml I I liner Hurt l.olll.. Jim fa.s Iti'itgle l Not, . " i "fs .ln.lt. i, I. King had two Interest- PraaMaBl A U Moore of the Mai ing MMliMJ nl Iii- courl during the hour Poultry association has culled MaS RM day hearing case-, against .......tin., of Hie I. mall. ru. Inn til In- alleged hiinl li-Ksers TWO nl I mouth is all that w.ll he reniHied a) 8tt,urUu) ,.,, I,,.,,.,,,!,. . V ill. -w llgllt lines, tin .. -meut be- tl.i h.iard lo appraise Il.e laml ( , ,i(. , -.,,,,.., r.tu ,.u, ,c III while the Ihlrd win. d.-uiand- The Malheur district ooi.ipr.M- ,)lir.l. , ,,. ,., ,. ,,. .-d a jury trial was declared not gull- f.lOO teres H soulll iimtiiuary is a mile mid hall hehm the Vale l.rat.ih tracks while the east line h, uht west nl the city limits and The purpose nl the lll.-.llllt . In diMUss plans for the t.rst aniiuul pnultr) show lo be held here during the lirs. week in January The nl in . i , i 1 1.. .. MX lain. ii urgently re l The uuaes grew out nl lllO alleged sale ..I hmie In f I', fharles and Ivan Wells last week hern in iiiii.nl. the terrilnry aover.d extends ... three ((( Tl)W ,,.,, AMa cllkrxll wllll ,,,. ami a limits. and a l.al. nines wes. in ine . iw . ... , in.,-i-,i Ina Iln aala n. fharles while lim EASTERN OREGON CO. APPRAISING HOLDINGS either commercially or Just i lets of Ihe feathered Iril.e in In pTaaaal '. the meeting "The prntlls nlllch have been llnide by the poultry men and women, fur liarged .villi making the trmis .-r will. Well lle.icl. ,N,, said to have arranged tn .punch Ihe Ihlrsl or fl... 'I 'he llrsl twu cases were tried by t!iur, , Tills will tuke , .,, ' '" '", .approval of the stale engineer FM 11 " Iln- -sermon will be pieuchi"H . . , h,in . - - - , M ,, K llakor. UM- tom forwarded . ..... 9 H ,- There has been no agreeuu-.,! -nd all , J- M ' ' "-J r MOM .he husln-ss men us In tin..; for big official l,l"'" , bu K,l,ering of On.ar.o menv ,f I "- '- "J JW 'VTm, .."' work start-'hers of the Oddfellows lodge assem- loe for the day while others wil formally sigm d ami 8aur baSM milil noon lo care for bela- ed ulllraces dav evening lo honor Urand I'atri- K ISOSSOM "The Nyssa d.s.,,.1 MUm V wi ,,, M-( of OoaaraUjf apaifcHj OaUrla n rilsSUr sw MM '"" '0( tll'lllt. i.ik.- taa) afaatas.. SaM Tl.anksglv.ng day an o.casi.n pie feel that the ""J"1 ' ;) KrtM, ,.,,,. work by the local or- i.iiinly reunions and Ihe enor- drainage dlsirli. win p Williams delivered an elo- ,1(.al ,or thoent.ro .am, of (M ...- in ..-Hows), ii. the world ami inspired liWIh iMiwn.4.4. u.i,.riiiLi with his remarks Uiiiiiient ot ni. -mis Many large dn Ml are planned for the du. old Idle the men of Ontario re-n .lie "H" ii w.ll work on big turQOl I ... v 1 1... vuil erint' HIMI i'"-- . Ilr ,,,,,, ull(i 111..- TUIhS weie .no.- '.' - -m the women are In many iases more Judge on Saturday withniit a Jury. ful then the men, during the f Miilnnagil appealed fur Ihe de past seasnii ileiin.nstrates heyond a l.iiih.iils while lii.iini Attnnie. W. doubt that il Is one of Ihe best line.. II Urnoke preoMlad taa end.-ii.e for Ihn farmers of this sectinn can M the state iiie arrets were made by fiew An.fwlng H4.il lielcriuiiiliig h( ,, Uf Mor,. jinculng a.Mrslml Harry Karmer. win. se. ur.-.l I se In Wliiib Laud Miglil He , situalioii 'lie m 1, ,1111,11 im, iroin fliarles and I'laieil Iteaihes lli-ogiin. 'This is an Ideal chicken country ." Wells i he .1. le.idauls en.l.-avore.l . I le continued "This )ear there has to establish an iillbi Tin-, claimed ..en paid thousands nf dollar-, lo the thai the sales al eight iiYlock while In the near lillnre the EulWl ohlohoa and lurUey raisers of Ihe Ihe BtatM witnesses declared that OtasM i-1""1 mas '" ',u' '" Saaaa rm-r rallo) CoaSsUoaa ie the talM Mai plaM al alaa a'atoafe I,., possess,.,., a complete classiflca- very ...mrahle .or raising SsWMM 4IMI listening m the testimony the -... m . 1. I. .!.-. If t m . - . .1 I , . . I . - - I I 111. ,l..f..llll'llllk and the.e prottls iikvm neen iiiunv in nni i.-n bu.ii i .,..- ...-.........- spite ill the lint llial linisl nl 11,' III and etisls chicki -n raisers have not then a IMal -'un ii.es enllcl. il,,,! ,,t ii.re to tlielr floiks Tn On Monday 1 1 ILagh- was 1 has l.e.-ll llieie slili-llim ll Un I OOfuM I lllf) VfaM M tUM les and has he.-.i working eastwar.l hinper ineihnds .-,.- -.1 Iln pro a Ined h) I lie aelOBM an 1 Ills woii d be imine.isiira.i.y givai.-i ine n--i iiiuui. ... ....- . ....... - lion and analysis of all ol lis hold lugs from The llall-s to Ontario, The 11, -w nl siiri.yors and exam iueis whuli started down al The Dal AUorno) v k i.ees roturnedjViVd- iioin trip i" );. i-ii 1 11 gaho du.iiiK which ha rlaltod Pocjull", laa Kail and otaai attiM lb ! l-ake io Unite Hue Tha i.tm ii... w ,.r .1... - - ... ' Davis a .IIMHI Mlll- . .. , ,,ll ..wes irillll 1'" --.. I- ., - Taking me. Kullieliord. the oldest "" lor some nine i-'.om- Run ... , .-omlilel.-h result- Ikull. A IIIUNI, "" " 111.. II Ih UIM JIIIJIJfii" l UK ','1"1 ..-- art Howinai. uarn - o-ailMf ol taa loaal lodge rollow-1 - lurd, d eovoral of the mo r , .. ,.. ,,, a,,. ih ,.,, , ., v,.r,n, t ui ,,i guilt. iiii" "" , i.iiiiil1 hi ii"iii 1 11 ..-.., iiu.-try Iron a c, mm. -rci.il rloiVpolni ' Ice .,1 appeal la tho two .-.,, that it will become a Mf I ' "'' "' oOBVMtloa aoro filed h) Mloii.e. wim she.-pi.iei, rroni '" ,hi. l.,niKl, naattosi IM ' l ....e ... Oatarto ... ipoad Baada) ........-''"' "" ' ' ;:)r was aarvod -t whi.n Dr Pos- ..,, , (Ur(.l,J bj x I'" M"41"''i; . ,' .and back ...... im- 1 -''"" ' ' - '; Al s a , t, to tU. c ry aad aa .1 H HI . largo aaalaa aawa ?? "" : ' .-. cminly Pta-r. ""'"'''- '1'l'',1,l"l.,''r,:,';eorge l.ardman o. this , it) who ,g greater prof its for .nose .... w ... I M , I MM Intel mr ... ., called on lor reiuara " - ...,i, ,,. ,,.1 Miller ha.e neen --- ,,.,,.,. ttH, , getl.i r ' took a.l.ai.iag.- 01 .... ..pp... .u.... . ... . - i..,r rn 1-11 inn.-. . on v .,. j ... ilir.i-t their altintion lo tlm pniiln I lloaal MtfM "t inter.si was uiaui- l,utin( 1. iti .I l im- n generally - "i uihi iui nun ui iiiv.'-.- week secuini . s,.-nd tin- day with his liimil. .... tario during me " ...eiung for Il.e lodgemeii oiate report r 1 1 ",l ,ra" "" ppipM tor n-'r ami N