The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 23, 1916, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THl'HSDAY. Nfy,KMI'KK 23. 1916
Get in Touch With the Man Who Has Wants Through the Argus Classified Columns
Condensed Statement of the
Ontario National Bank
a reported to the (cmpt roller Nov.
Loans and Discounts
Bonds and Securities
r. 3. Bondi
Stock in Reserve Bank
Realty and Fixture? -
Cash ....
Capital Stock
Undivided Profits
l)PMilNo. 17. 1912. S16A.flM.H7
Deposits Nov 17. 1914. 5220.616.42
Deponitfl Nov. 17, 1916, $418,949.27
"We five service that ftervca."
Classified Advertising
A column that gets results for the huyer as well as
those who have goods for sale.
Five cents per line per insertion
Phone49 .1
Kir. smi
kfllt IAL.I t IIKAI' Cure bred
Jersey hull I B. Conklln.
rOI HAI.K till TKADK For
ranch property, well ealahllabed pro
ftlshle bUHlness III this city (Intiirl.i
ltenl KmIiii. Idtl
svi.i: Of u'Iuins anil lafMt'i
Clothing Huturdu nlieriioon, N'm
16 at the Mllllnerv e- Art Sinn- k
ladles of I'nlted Hresli terluil i hill. I.
adv 4tp
relU, mint - ..r Klrsi prise ni Mnl
hour County Kulr. large growtli and
well barred, offered at tl Id in M
aih dellM-red In Ontario C ' Dla
hie, phone 293 K 2. 1'ayette adv ii
Would you like to know how to
fcuy a (6000 improved farm for lluuO
U ao write Fanner box 412. Oiiturin.
Oregnii. adv
and Kdlson
goods for
Down Town Office
Cotariii. Oregon
Office in New Wilson Klock.
Dr. Harriet Sears
Dr. Pauline Sears
tlraduatef Americun School of Osteo-
pathy, Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block Telephone 154 Blk
DR. w. o. how 'K . mm
1'hones. Office 117
Wllaon Bldg. Kea. 1171
OR. l. t . HltElT
Oflles lad door East of Ont.arl 1'liar
aiacy on Nevada Avenus, Near
It. R. Depot
runrur i-., s . w . . . sr
IMOKI kim;
J. U. FA1LET Faaeral director
aad smbalsMr. ldy sssiatsnt. Phono
I82-W. Oatsrio, Oregos.
17. Iftlfi
60,000 00
$ 60, 1 '00.00
- 6,438.55
llrlng In two old tires and ws will
Bake one that will run from 2000
to CO0O mllea more for you. Kroei
aln Harness Co.
Ilimn pony. 00 or 900 lbs , white
I. ne. In in e in left hind leg Kewurd
will he puld fur luf'ii nut I Imi aa to
here.iboula by Julin Wood, Ontario.
phone llN,
WANTED Competent girl lor
general housework. Mrs Hairy
Cork ruin, phone J. Ontario.
' WTKD I'- Kind liaud pianos
iiuineiliiitelt III Ihe KiIImiii Shop 47
I Mm OltMJON n.if
No Trust.
"Vhen niu vtuii't sell nie ilia place on
"Ami you call this a trust loiupaay?
Kali:" l.oulsi II lar Courier Journal.
On Reason Why, Perhaps.
"Tbe woil.l keeps muting '
"Yea. but Hie iloen't liavo to
go house luinlliig and admit to a land
lord that It baa hlhlien. "-Detroit
Free I'reaa
Peter florbajdl Mj wire made dm
what I am I'D tli i. iinliiglyi -Have
you forulteu liei et I
Dire ctory
W. H. Itrooko, Attorney at Law.
! Wllaon Bldg . Ontario Ore
Will Practice in All Courts
Notary Public. Office Over Poatoffics
Room 9, First National Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon.
M. ( I I lot H ft WOOD
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nst'l Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon.
K. W. swegier AUoraey al lew.
Rooms 13-14-11 Wllaon Bids
Ontario Oregon.
P. . OALL.44iHKR
Rooms In W I Iron Bldg.
Ontario. Oregon
PRESS Meets all trains
Wood Pulp It the Ban of Moit cf t
Modern Product.
Two thousand .vi i:s ay l'a?r
mm)c I .v hntiil In I i f t : i radios. Tli'
word paper i derlvil from papyrw a
p'liiil (turn llic im i Of B hl It n pulp
whs made Ii.t pounding and inarrrat
inc in water Nowaday, of coon.
taproetd BMcblnen i aaed tn Maa
paper sod in thta one Near, of Bathe.
fact UTS Am' rim bad the world.
ruing paier I nimlr mostly from
rag. Iiut for (imr H nil; all other
grade wisat pulp ta Ihe hustg Tin -
wood BBSd l PBtWa or pnplnr or hem-
lock Poplar la ii-l for fine hook pa
per and spruce pulp s Into news
pa 1 1. wg I pnpaT ami hut- pn'Tr.
The lino wood pulp tniiaf. of course,
ho treated with a preparation contain
ing 'lay. dyes and other Ingredients
ami .nllod "stuff" Issfore It finally hc-
i.mi paper iiur kf a cararal praam
of lining In the Spaa spaces with clay
'mil pressing through heavy Mool nil
lent or manglcre the woiel pulp taken
on the appoaran' unl tcituro of pa
per. Aa the pnwlint cornea from the pa
pT ma' hlne It l wontul off on a reel,
niaklnif a lanre roll. A roll of newa
paper will welvb almoat a ton and li
often bundled tiy a derrick, any the
I'hlladelpbla ldirar
Why Iroeie ootej Titers Can Rear end
Cats Pwr and Mew.
One of the moat Interi-nMna dlaioi
erle made lately la that of Kir lit. to
ard imeii that the lion mar. luatead
f purring simple Imiu the hyold
bone In Ida throat ta looae
In the ei ibis bono la stationary,
ao that the .st purs and cannot roar.
Rut In the lloti and tiger the I.. mid la
i loose and therefore even when 'ail
ing to ibelr mates the larger nem
bera of the i family roar 'I'lie
roars of the Jaguar and leopard are like
"hoarse, barking roughs, an Interval
of about one seoond separating lbs
eiplrat'iry efforts." says this oliecrv
er Ther may lar eaalty reproduied
or Imitated by aiming a pice of f hut
boiinl nllb a 'oarer looibrd snn Tbe
cheetah. BSWOTOr. eall with a ileclded
aw, racy aeaea like that of the. at
It I. I'.Mo.k siiiieiliit'iMliiit of the
Uadon . explain thin lli fell
das "r .at family. Ihsi lime an ehis
ik lurameui kerween t rst..nyai
" ' .ii'i-.. ...- .-..,,, -i-i"ii-
sorliim boil. Hirer, leojeard, I iciiai
rent', hut aarer pat wbUs nil ti tit
er fasj lei of the fill. Is.', with normal
ly . onMl'l. I'll ll.oll. I'lll I. lit inter
fSai gad lasOBg these ale Hie ' lieelab
and puma.- New York Sun.
Workshop Environment.
We cannot Ittlnle tbe Influence of
surrounding upon the mental .onill-
ii mi therefore upon lbs spirit ami
eltli iem t of a working corps Allrsc
live bUlWlDBS ami sun ouml
inga rsry dletlactlj make foe a bbfber
lone ami a HSttSe riBSS of workers
even If Ihei .' m.t show an lunurdl
ale Increased prolu. the efTI. len.-.t.
aiil'b It la maintained they a. lusllt
do And. wliateter else may lie said,
grass plots lusteitd of Inder pies n
casloiial trees liisteatl of scrap heap,
vines or slifiihhel'i Instead of iiualgbt-
ley fences or sheds . eiialnlv lend to
make f. lory life less disagrees hie
and more pleasaul to those oldiccl to
lire it and cannot fall to be. therefore,
w ..I Hi in i n. i. il ii l Mask
er In ICMgliiserbiH Msasslns
A Window Wnhn'i View.
A window wn-hii wu called upmi
lie day tn clean the windows of a
business concern on the nineteeulb
floor uf a skyscraper In Inner Broad
way. The leaner paused lu wonder
uieni as he passed through the Unas
uf lyi-ewillcr operators a they ill. k
ed off Iheli . ui icMUnleii. ami went
to Hie win. Inn and fasiened tbe Inn
atrapa dangling I,. .in bis Iwlt to BBakl
at the side of llu- a Intluw frame, lie
iat another surprised itaaes at tas
men apefallauj Hie i,i i iliers. and us
bs swung ouiwaid erei the div
height, ins a'stihi astalaad by ihe
alemler straps lie nun ti nil
It's mlghi.t ...1.1 boa some people
te make their IIiIiil- In this world
aiiywai!" KSB lofk Tele-iam.
Won and Worn.
A lieaio elciaior iiinii in a Hi midway
oaVs building w.,s tollua Hide nd-
bw, the , York ihsairical errtter
that his !, i,l had 1 1 him mil
of his (imiih' iit-i -.mi. lit could i 1 meet j
ail III. 'leased I. Mill
"Su In- ii-...-si --cil pout" Said Dud
ley ay inpstbetli allj ,
"Wn-'n boos said the darky;
lkM itl-ltll I I, ll !' tu IIOll II..I
- - -.-...".. ..
A Protest.
"What 1 waul, said the restleas pel
sou. "i an elgbl Ii" ui' day."
"Why. nm dun t do mure than lu at
three Iioiii-m a. tnal w ui k any day."
"That's the trouble If I don't get
i . hi -m 1 1. -ii aaeugk ts essavasas mure
ttaae It'll soon begin to look as if Ihe.i
didn't need me at all." Washington
Big On.
"I besrd the bride and had a
serious falllag out on their honey noun
i;.irinoe. gra.'tou' How did that
happen V "
"I'lielr sutmiinldle turiieil tuitle."
Rslilmure Anieriesn.
Jol. work at The Argus
Icet'aiul O'dnl Adopt Thorn Till the
F "fith Century.
i .'I i Ri i ij net l'"!nnl ran
rlnlm i. hi v Ii.iiiiIihI tlio bagpipe.
Oreeki II n m, Assyria bi sad Car
aaat til played i.m; t ..rtn mng
before Hi- Unit" of t'hilsl. nml the? In-
.,. ,,,,,, , .tl,
rotas of Nero who any hare played M
Tin Breton btgnoa tat Calabrlan
I pornn. the Herman Htiikpfclfe nml (ho
' Fri-mb f nriiotnetiee nrv all bagpipe
nine r .H'...i I
, It was u. tuall.v a fcOtaaW D1 no
Iran n man than tin icr.' :idtnc:ile of
' u. nmr who i.iihll. Iv ! lured fifty
yeara apo that the lntriiio la an Kng-
Hfb lnnrunn nt. Maeattallj Kusllah.
The Ki i-ii-ii were ti.e orlftnal hag-
plpem." lie poiutnl out Hint, while
Hhakeapeare often apeak of li.iirplpea.
be liever tOM N n Miolxth" and
that It la In I.Iih olnbire nml York
ahlre that he localize the pipea. To
Chatfer anfl tH-ner alao they are
Rnellab. Jame- IV and other Scot
tlah ktnc" paid for "InKlc pyparia' at
tlielr lourt. while Kdwnrd I. Edward
III lletin VI ami Henry VIII eeeto
to have bad natie plpcra
The hlirhlsndere never ued the plpea
to war liefore the fifteenth century,
Tbeharp was rVetlando Inatiumesl.-
t.ulidou Chroah le
It Wo a Porgloaing Problem, but He
Pa-sa Lad Celvsd It.
A Maasachuaetts tsiy ha BSlVodl a
pnl. rtn wbbb onght to lie of linriet
Its all farm youngster If you had a
pig and wanted to we-gb Mm Mil w.
-d a pair af W'SlSS recerdlac mily
inflt, pouSda. what would u do
ahem It
Till es'tera farmer hoy had ruler
eda plgliia.oiiteet coadn.ted by the
agrn ii ttii'ai iiepsritiieiit ami nan in
keep moi.tbly iiiords of gain In
weight, but he Miffcied tbe bamlhap
desiiliied stwts III solution was a
credit to hi Ingennll.i
The BBJ i"'' aad a blgli buiiid fence,
put a long pole elenlv n roes II lestltig
In the aott I and fs"tenel a 'rale to
one autl of the pole an I a lioi to tbe
lattear, if put Had in na asa until
,,,,. ,,!,. MS .ns.tir Imlsin eil Then
,, rlllj,eil the pig Into IBS I ile by
. r ,r rasteaed Mm and put
Bma)ii aiuues luto tbe boa m.iii tkapaaj
i ..... lulu., ... These lie
i wi lulicd on his little BCSlrS 1'inl alter
load, ami Ibett lolai i'iip It 1 tn the
', wclaht if lbs Hi
That I .. when he grow up may In
: miii Hie ii. n. b Parked ti la Usi ft wis fee
'immdlne. - lies Melnes Negister and
' leader.
A Profitable Reduction.
Tbe 1-apMaMst knew that the sen
oiiipaut was spend ma M mm h
ni..ii. . also be knew that In some
urn tin had got to put u slop to It
So anxious was In i icdm e pgietisea
Ihsl he ..r.i.,1 III piltsle se. irlsll
12."' a in h 'ilia If lie .oitld find a
way to . lit do w ii i in lent el pen si a
lln- inline man otribauleil hla Be
coitiii but he failed to lln. I a single
rl. n-e Hull . nlllll be J lid I. lolls I cut
down .III-1 as lir was ahoiil t" gle
up Hie promised Increase In salary It
..., ii 1 1 cl o him ihsl he waa alreadt
celling ! ll im Mil ll. Hi llulllllig ntri
lib el, I hits Ih -in. he sought the capi
I hate (ouml a mi he said loll
an sate ! .. mouth mi me I hale
' taken Hist amount off my alai."
It took Ihe .apllellsl Jtisi ahotit a
ten ill of s si- on 1 1 lo see Mult tile 1 ..II lie
I man was -nil It.'i a luunlh abend, but
' Ihe bargain imI New York Time
Wrong Interpretation.
.Hi SBsrisI lolls of u . clsal I.e.
be and a HUBUiah Uialdeii had ST Ben In
I was a seiu'eani wllh IraapS slslloiied
on I In- i-lnnd ol I'... In 1(1. ii
'The sen. ill. i " -.ild the olliclal. had
he. nine : ll I a I mil . ii ullh a .cllllln sol
dler iismeil Usui, ami she hud learned
; Ills name i Hie in. .ruing she a.pioH. lied
im- and a-Ucii .
" ' Inn- Hal r.i ':'
lie n. i- .. i ep and I luld nil head
"u mi liuml nm u my ei es tn lei.
Ihegitl. She nn-umleis I the slguS
and, with u cry, uolaiod (o Ueaveu. 1
.honk my head ami pointed dowu The
eaorlta ralasd bsr baada in sttsai sup
'""a""" ,H"7 """ "' esa aa
'"'"' ""' ""' -'" l""K''1 ' ""' '-
"r ""''" ,,ll" " l", .Sew.
el i ' ' ii " --.---..---..- -im. -
IliltIM ( l.l..
Notice is hereby given that I hale
funds ,,n hand to pay all g.-ii-nil l.i.ul
..L1. ,...a. .-.,... i ,. .. ....
,.i i nil i n nuu.iii.rn iiih 11,101 101 n.iui
.1 funds
lalOrSSt ceases
November soib.
Dated at Vale. Oregon
Not ember
17th, 1916. '
Trees. Malheur County, fj
Mlllt K OF N.YI.K F PKHhllNH
Nuiii e is hereby given that the
undersigned will sell at public au-
ctlon, at the Eagle l.iv.-rv Hum in
ths City of Ontario, Oregon, a, ihe
hour of 2 o'clock p in on the 8th
day of December, 191H. the full. m-
ing described personal pMBjSrtJ to
I . I. l. NoTH I H
(inr leldlaj as shoal rears,
yeigiit nhout 1 2iio iiih . oolor bar,
with ring-bone on each hind foot
anil alwi fl-.tuluw. taken nml detain
Um prop.rtv of i. w tattb of
jf.-injim County, Idaho, to pay fer:
t'n i .-.- nml care of anlil noldliiit
Im in the lit! ilny of July. 1916. at
the rate of 17 '( per month, leaa n
credit In the l 4(1 paid on the led
day ol Auguat. 1916.
Date of llrat publication. Nowni
her 23. I !' 1 1.
Date of laat puhlicatloo. Decem
ber. 1911.
Notice la hereby riven that the tin
deralgned adminlatratrlx of the ea
tate of Cidman I. Dlnaman, dereaaed
""" ",TO '" lu" u" ",url '""
' of Oregon, for the County of
Malheur, her final account of her
administration upon said estate, and
that Saturday, the 30th day of De -
eomber. 1911, at the hour of one
,,'ciook p m. of said day. at the Court
II.... fil.J ;.. . . .. .......... - ......i.
.llouao si Vale. Oregon, has been acres In addition to the 12,00 acres
duly fixed hy aald court aa the time 'now cultivated
and place for hearing said final ac- Meet proposal must be nccompnn
aatMM and settling said estate. All led hy a certified check of one per
persona Interested In the xald aetata .SOBst of the bid, and the purchaser
are hereby notified to appear at said shall tnnke his own "tanilnatlon aa
time and file their ohjectlona In'to tnlldity anil shall print the bonds.
writing, If any there are, to said fin
ul account, nml imitest the satin-
Done and listed and first published
this 23 day of November, I 9 1 ti
AilmlnlMratrlx of the estate
;Mlun , hlngmsn, deceased
First piibllintliiu No. 23. 1916
I -list publication Dec. 2fi. 1911
To Hie owners nml all persons In
terested in Ihe leadl iiiruporiile and
other property In and adjacent to Hie
Malheur Drainage Dlstrh I
nil and i-.ii'Ii of .Mill are 1 . t . t
untitled Hint Ihe Hoard of SuperilH
ora of the Malheur Drainage District
has riled la 11 in..- at laa Coaatj
i'l.,rL ..f i,.ii......
nunty, Oregon a
- - " - "
petiiiou arajriai the county Coart
lor i. nilh-ioii to i Iiiiiiko Hie hound
ary lines ol .ml diet rid mi m. to
Include wlihln Ihe hoiindiirles ol the
.Malheur Drainage lllsttlci tin I..I
lowliiK lands
i In section ti, T INS It 47 F. W
M Ihe Kii of SV 14, nml Ihe SW '
of NW ',
In secilou t, T 17 It 47 F.
W. M almul Id acres In Ho . ,u
the Si of said section
In section , T IK. S II. 47 K W
M the NIP, ol i, or the SW i4
III section 19. I IS. S I! 4 7 K
W M 70 acres In Hie K, of .
I o excludiiiK Irom so ill District
4 7 acres In the K'J, of section ;:::.
and ..i. .mi Hi acres in the W , of
SK of section 31.
And unless um shun MBOS In 'In
contrary on or before the January
term of the Malheur i ..iinli lout l
to he held on ihe Huh ,.,i ,. I
" 1917. the prayei ol Hit pelilloii
may he granted.
Count) Cleik of Mullo-ur I'uiinli,
First . ul. Ii. ,,t i.oi Noieinhii .'.;, 1916
Last piiblliatlun Dei ember 14, 1916.
Ct.nCtl.Nll sll OF I UPHOVE.
Not Irs is hereby atvaa Hint ssalsd
proposals for ih. pareaaas al the
HONIIS helelnutlel ills. Ill, e,l mil lie
1. ll lie, I ill llu ulll.i ol tin- Wallll-
sprlags Irrlgailoa Dial r let si Vale.
iiri'iimi nil Prtda) Ii su
19l7,ai J mi urln.k p m . ..I Bed
dill . to-wil
s l IHH.I.AHs
Qold Bonds, ol Series No 1,1 as
No 1, of llu- .1.-11, HUH. ,.! II ol inn
Thousand Dollars '"I. niiiiilieieil
soaaaauilvel) i lo ISO laeluslre, dat
...I January let, 1111 I.iiiiik Sl
Pee t cm inicicsi. payabls ssnil-so
nuall) on no- i -i da al Jaaaary and
lull ol eiiih ve.u. prim ipal ami
,,,.,..,, 1MWll,,;. ,,. ,..,,
(, ,i- .-il- ol UI'1II, 111 .SOW I
. . .... . i. k-
i I
I Hy, N Y The snld Hull. I- lu m.i
tare us provided by statute suthorli
illg tlieil Issue, a- follOWS!
Ilniuls numbered ,, :; iuclti-lie
designated tniim on. n.,i bOBda,
due 1.1 II lat, litik
llond- numbered II lu s 2 inclu
sue, designated Imiililnu ear
bonds, due Jan 1st. 1939
Bonds numbered II in inclu
sive, designated tWOBl) line eai
bunds, due Jan l.-i I 1 1 1
Bonds numbered 131 in 195 Inclu-
dssigaated ttgoBty-four year
bouds, due Jan 1st, IMI
lluiida numbered III tu III im lu
aire, designated tweet) live ..n
bonds, due Jan 1st, 1942
BoBda numbered III to ::t laclu-
riw, dSSlgBSlSd iwenn-slx i7li
i J'------ ' .-iJ-.-i.n."i. ' n. I." i- -'- - - .'--".'- i.' - ." . H
Iboads, din laa let, 1943.
I Bonds aanbert la 1211 tniu-
IW- doalfaated tareati H year
bunds, ilu .Inn 1st. 1944
llnnd ti n tn 1..-T rl 421 to ". I 7 Im-lo-.
site daatgnatad twem - -1 e ii r year
bonds. Itt Ml lat. 114
llnniN niinihored BIS to i;".i Im lt.
daatfaatad twaatynlna raM
hiinils due .Inn. lat, 194A
llondH nuinher f'M to 7 If In- liM.
sie, iioHiKiiatoti thirty rear aoaaaa
In' Inn Int, 1947.
Thoae nrv Municipal Minnie, niilhor
Ired hy vote of the Dlatrlet uniler unit
hy virtue of the Htnttitea at the Stato
of Oregon and the orani i'ntlon of
, the Dlatrlet and thla laaii" uf hoitda
'have been adjudicated nml decreed,
! t i, reaular ami the mi lid obllm-
tion of the Dlatrlet.
The purpoae for wlilrh tlieie Honda
are nuthorlr.ed and to wlilrh the pro-
..I. . . . ... . .. .
ceeoa tnerooi win ne appnea is to
unify and Increase the capacity nt
the Irrigation ayalema embraced la
the district hy conntructlng a reser-
jvoir to hold the flood waters of the
Malheur rlrer and Improve Its varl-
' oua canals so as to servo 18.000
botli at hla own exist
The Hoard of Directum .
their statutory right to reject any
land or all hlda.
Full Information mat be ol.l.iln.,1
of hy addressing the Secretary at Vale,
H) llisoliitloii of the Hoard of Di
rectors dated November 6th, 1916.
v 1 1 n i
JOHN ItHinV. (Corporate Heal)
Se. i el., i
NOV Hi Dec 21.
TM'K OF Htl.F.
NOttSS bj hereliv Klen Hint Ho
Stale I. an. 1 Hoard of the State of Ore-
l-uli will recede -e.ileil bids until
I 10 : 00 o'clock a 111. December 19.
1916, for the following described
l.ilul -. In n It
All or sect Inns Slid 116, T. 19 A.
It. .:v K
All of sectloiiK 16 mid H, T. 11 8.
i. M i
All I . ,,nd :i6, T. II M
R. 39 I
All of section 1 ti and 36, T. U H.
R. 40 K.
All of sections 16 aud .16, T. 21 8
It. 43 E.
All of sections 16 and .16, T. 22 8
R. 44 E.
All of sectlou 16 nml 36, T. 23 8.
R. 39 K.
All of sections Hi and 36, T. 23 8.
It 43
All of sect Inns 1 an. I ::ii, T. S
it i:
All of sectlou- and 3k, T I i S
4.! K.
All of seclloiiH Hi and 36. T 26 8.
R 4 1 K
All of seiliuu- lii iiiul IB, I
It 4 s'
Ml 1 1, ,,,,. .'.:, i
U i i i:
Ml uf -ei ' 'mi 1 I in. I ld( T 26
It Ol K
All nl sci linn I .Hid d, I". 21 8.
K 41 K
aii ur bm i II aad Id, i'. II ri.
Ii 4.'
ii al s. tioni 16 ml Id, T 27 I
If 4 1 I-
l: i i i:
All "i i tas II aad Id, T, 2is s
i; H
All . .
i: ij i:
All -It.
41 1
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All bids nm-1 In- ; paii .1 Ii)
a regulurl) executed application tn
purobsae, sod ebst Ii i ilrafl foi si
IssOtonni null ni lbs suioiial bid.
The Board rsssrvss tbe rlgbl lo n
Ject BB) and all bids
kppl si ..ii am i i. .i ihould bs ad
d lu ' ;. i i Brow ii. eh rk Suit.
i.ami Board. Bslsm, Or'tgon, and
"AppllSBtloa . ud bid In puj
saass i ii- in mi -
ti (J. BltOW.V
Clerk State Land Hoard
Dated si riulem. Oi-Kon, Oitehei 11
19 It.
I'll.-t pilhllcaliuli, Oct 1 ' 1 ttlti.
i.ui pabltsalioo, Dm 14, till.