THI K.-UlAV, J.:, lilt S THB ONTARIO AROt'S PAUE SIX How Billy Was Sent to His Mother Br HANNAH HNH IhLO Can We Help ? FOR SALE One of the best 160 acres of land on Dead Ox Flat. Eighty acres fenced, part plowed and more cleared. Good one-room house with lean-to, small barn and horse lot. One mile from water. Locate:! in good dry land section, This is the best buy on the flat and MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE For.information call at Argus office WITH PULPIT MID PtW HWTInT. The. ravlfal mention" .oolluue unabated interest Muritlmll ll til lag strong gospel mill above the ordinary Tbera I no clap Imp method In hi manner. Thru- have been nine conversion- up Tuesduy Mfti 411.1 women are thinking and a iClili'd thai matter MVW hrfor. Thr mi-etlugi. will continue over Sun ,1,. Mill llllei- M elllns I'll SUU- dav i,.i.i. - ftttm - sun i.i.- yii. unU) ' Zacrheus." riunday, 11 a. m. tobacco 'Jmtk nprn - - V-T enjoyment as you could be is yours ro coiniiumif quirk as you I' . oiiu- Prince Albert and rire-up a pipe or home-made rette! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite evei bankei d for. l'liat's because it s made by a patented process that cuts out never thought i f Jaaaafl. bite and parch! Prince Albert has always In in sold without OOUponi or premiums. We prefer to .ve quality I has a flavor as different as it is delightful Ami that isn't strange, either. Buy I nint Albni . whir fotSui.o i. ... tn lopf' 'td hiit 5c; ttjy rrj tmt lOt . aanafaawa pound, and Ao -pound tin hutnt duit and thut rui Ming in pound . rv.tii l,'.!.. Auili dot i. th oftfitfr lop that kttpt th (jtuiiu HlimlJ.irrlnni aluuft , iie..troyiug ftMM '" P- 01. "Two Jull Hlrd" Announcement will be madr Sun lu evening for the week Tbaa MMM or from our who jhea given Mm In-art unit I Iff to thin I work, mul Mi whom Uod lit using la Hi work, mi J everyone will do well i.i hear i-.. A hearty Imitation a attended io on.' itnd all. I K. HAKKIt. I'attor. imtiii fm nrmttAM. Itrv. M I I'linii ot Spokane. Ili up.rluirniient of ml HlMM lor Ihe I ..f llui f'oltnuhla. mid lire A. IT Hemphill of Welswr will speak at a special meeting Friday at 7 ;I0 p U Member ami udlif rents or the - C' 111 C! &f' ' -THa-'a - On lh fvrm ml I ImXSR I you ul i'J ' Cf.i V JLm f mm Albert the national joy smoke You never Men who think they can't smo!;e a pipe ur roll a eigau can smoke and tWJJ smoke if they use Prince Albi 1 1 And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Pi nice Albert tobacco will tell its own story I R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C oogregntion arn urged to pr.-seut. Everybody Invited W. K, BROWN, FMtor. Ouumm. na a Varb... A an liifrhltle vrb tlWNrlali lM' will uo duu'ii br pilloried gf pur Ian a u undealrabl allu but with Hill rAV I for It ha iMg lie M been eoi aelr.-inl for MVal MM though It tia tint yet gained . holer tic .ot' "H like lb irb lo wire, now in general ue. lliU paitli-ular In niu.ui.e m, doubt . ouie. fiom Auier Ira. wh.-m ii I. ouiuiou I" Hi up" aa appointment with aome our wlto may "fall M tuatei lallne or wait for a mi feyauce (bat uj!lehate lte!f la a alaillar way - Loudon I'breoicle. Job work at The Argun OfflM. tasted the like of it! r. !'( iilc ii July .y t!.. 07." wkj ii "'- likrtl MNuP.Pt AND D j CWJUtlTI TOBACCO "Tom." said J.imr.i Oowan t' tln rim: i lii rbargr of an tffMM Ml that waa nbout to I piilliil "in. "lirrrK. n pa'kaft I waul you to carry to Mil foril I'rnlrr " liowan ill n but h'i.'.i llnrr f. long by .'iKhtr.Mi Inrlir broud and drop. The Mil li liln!-l and bold gfaafa ly a hook and atapli' Ttir Ih waa prfomtd und nrirls.Hl IVriab a'llr Thla ahli up with .art'." "I Stat tak II," aaid 1 1 - iMirr. man. "You must put It llWIj iIh MbVM In tln rntular wav" OoWM tixik i Irn dollur bill from SU ki't li.-ok gJ put It In Tim M'lrphy'a hand. 'I m." Mai '...wn. " It " inv Ihit in:iy hi. Matter wmI h Mlltonl ' ililflgj. .ii' I I "f t i"avc kMH it ;: nauat la u: notbvr, n 'a tan vntutfl to tn H 'H" and ll CompUkJ w-oili'l . 'i I -r . i Mil ! aliii in 111 IN) n hi" Ii 'i i"ir, and 1 a. I l.'l I'l.-'ll'IV .mi ll- ui- i iwaj i i in let iii ii alt up . i hr'f" 1 1, ;:' tr it .... ' a .in, Jim, but I want your t" i t ..ii. lip- '. m lai ti rmr, iiitmi tii- i i i" i . -nrii iini M aro i.i i Mg f I'li.T . ii.' k "Billy, i"U m ;t k"-;. irrv .iilir un r . Mr Mur.'tiy pfaWI IEa '". If an DM bMfl yMi in Ibr Ixii yM l w.,.1 I K.'t a " n." .tii i. 111 i n"t.'t '' Will giN.iy Clvr moth.'r kl" tor in. "All rUln. dad ly." "I'll ekMf MM lid fill thtraln I. off and I ar d.xir CMM Itefl Mr Mur- pbv will l.'i you out." IrTtM faib-r iiuwiund hU aon anna Willi ii kit, .'lowd thr lid. allpiiwl thr book ihi'iiuh thr alnp'r anil Irf! tbr ar la a frw monirnta thrr wn a riuittiig and a giindlug of wliw',, and tin. train pullrd out. Tha lid an again , llfir.l. ami 'l".o Muic'ir ii.mxI looking ' down at with an arauad anille. ' U It tlnir tn gt up-'' aakr.1 the Ix.y "I ir.-k.iu I'll let you get out for twenty oiliiutet. Then when we atop at the atatlon you'll hava to gel ba k again " Hilly tat op. and Murphy lifted hint ut onto the floor of the car. Billy ' looked about him wouderlogly at tha noxaa aad p kge pllad hi a. id their HeeluK a Irl.y.'le, ba wa oiu. h Imareated and wlaheit to ui 011111 It and hava a tide. Rut Murphy oblerlril s lieu Ibe wliUlle aounded for the neit alallou Muio'ir aald Now Hfllv you mntt gel harg into rour crib and keep rery iuln until you bear Ilia door ahut and Ilia tialn mora on. ' Wliru ibr train alopiei a apaclal gent of the eipreaa I oupatiy got la the car. Ha lold Murph be i going Io Ibr neil -nation an. I won!. I ride In the 'ar, Murpby auggeated that ha would le ui.ue .'onifoi 'la'i'r In pa. aenger MM a, but be wa. not to ir dlt auadrd fellllug blm.elf on a bos near Rlllv' crlh. be lighle a rtggr Wbrii Ibe I ruin Moved OS Mm pb i mil. b dl.lurbed The ueil tloo would not li.- m. re for half an hour. In.) be fearr-l Hilly wimlil not be able to krrp uub-i ... lung Kill Klilr un apprn laled the alluatloa, for he l prrfr. Ur .llll Thr .pr.-lal agent, who wa. a iiiei'vlor a well i.M.k .Mia. Ion a tv io Murpby ibil Ihi'i" bad Imvii luau.v of .hU i-hiiii'iI b tin- 1 'OUip:iuy' agaata thr rtMMM for win. h bad gone into the aaat p.. ki-l Me bid been .01 Ihr wal. b for lack and bad raugbt nrvrral aacnl In Ihr a. I Tlu-v bad m oii.e bi-i-n ill barged While iiig ilil. la. I In l..oki-d nlH.iit ti 1 111. Mur nil. ihuuuhl. iili a vlrw lu .11. over llig au.'lhrr ra.r. Kluall.i ihe 'iiei vl.ur gut tlird of Mtklai mul -ui"'. .''I lu r. Slid d-iili In- roikiil hi. bi-Mil on one aide and 'Wlened. Wa lhal Home one aPMtMM I I'e not up from til. t.-al iinl .till..-.) .1I...111 Irving 10 MMIg Ihe ....i.iii un in- liuaii.i .i.ipH-ii baagUag rat Hllli'a crib. He dlatliiclly beard fin- .'.11111I ..f -.nil- urn- lu.'Ul hlng hi alaga Muipln Wg at a rude ilck at 111 i-iiil of th,- .;ir looking 01 i-r si.uit Vgy bill Hi- hark u. Io tbr aiiper rtaor, 11I1.. uiil...iiki-d Ihe lid uf lllllt'. bog, and. luting it. ilirn- all Hilly ...iiiul Msl.'i 1 ;i;iu. ing at Murphy, tin- auewrvlaof mi he wa. imi ob- ai'l'i.-.l II.- I for a 111 uin-nl with hiv MM Ih-uI on ihr boy . I11110. i-ui fa. i- Irraaolula, iinm goltly lowaraU tin lid. A fi'o luiniili's bitrr Ibe limn .stopped at tin' iu'i M.iiioit. 'I'.. in. " ..iiiii the auparrlaor, "ail 1 wuut li'.iiu you la 1 hut you hnu'ift iiiiiih-uiiy iii.n.'i thai propi-i iy baioagi to tin-. ouipauy." 1 b.iu-ii 1," imis T.un'.t reply. "So ini- mi ha ici'i Hie Mr. Aa aaou ga naw atari mis inad. Tom arid io Hilly 1.1 i.n bliu oul of tola hog. 'I'lii- 1 k aaa not in Ilia ttaple id- w.i mi . I,,- ii 1,1 pin it then nt tin :;ivi stop only ihe aanarvlaor could ha. 1- rein ". e.l it. Time lu -.! up. Hilly." sunt T..111 ralalug llta lid "Ale a8 linn-'- .isl.e.l Hilly, wi.l, 1 vv al.c. '.No, bill ill Hie liel sl.1ti.1u I'll turn you 01 el' Io your in.. I her." Inn the it. in, .'.l up at alllfon ii-ulii- Hilly :.s si. lulling ;it the door of tin- car. Hla iimihar, who :is aau lug l"i him. sua nun and ran toward hlui When she .aula near enough be apraug into bei n BM (.'an this bank be of an Assistance t" youl Sure ly wo cannot if you do Hot uive Hi the opportun ity We assure you W are willing to do our pert that's the kind of bank we ere conducting. Our satisfied customer will tell jrou so. If there is any way We an be of SSsistanct to you, do not hesitate but come right in and tell us about it. Evet7 official of tin- bank will be glad tO meet you more than half way . What givei an insti tution a right to liv iii a huinets community i The serviie it renders to the community. We know that. Come m an.s time end put us to thai test First National Bank Ontario. "A 0000 HANK IN Electric for BATH A New Line Just Received Pleased to Show Them Prices Reasonable Idaho Power Co. Range and Alfalfa Land at reasonable prices and on 10 years time at 6 per cent interest. We have 500,000 acres for you to select from. Write or call on A. W. Trow, Agent Oregon Western Colonization Company A. W. TROW, A Tent THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty yeara ago the telephone wan a luxury. Today, through personal initiative uud private enterprise, It has become a DlfiaMltJ within the reach of everybody. Where once a busi ness had but one telephone with a limited talking range, today that business lias service with a range three-quarters of a conti nent broad, 4nd every branch of every business is linked to ev ery other by ail inten .miniunuaiing telephone system The has .'.lined its responsible BUM and there are now S, 000. UUU Hell telephones in this country, over winch go 26,000,000 talks daily. Kvery Itell Telephone is u Lsag Distance Station. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Oregon A GOOD (OlNIKY Heaters the ROOM ONTARIO OREGON ' I a