TIUUSIiW NOVEMBER .... ISlti THE ONTARIO AKCITH PAOl THREE REXALL REMEDIES NYALS REMEDIES THE ONTARIO PHARMACY LARGE LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES SCHOOL BOOKS, TABLETS, PENS, PENCILS, ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES THE WEEK ON THE FRUITtAND BENCH s Bg MRS. R- ( WtLSON Mies l.aiim Walker wi 111 i ni;i.irl l.u .-. :: . ina M I lark 9t il" piil. v iiii ill Mullein III I" I I li'l" "I l el ' IxTI arfth bar brother, Wm Walker fwn- Mr llv. while lu iilliinl court ul Vale iik I .! Iiii t-iijrl stenograph! r Mr. Olive Wal Wit went inrr Tliur i!;. Mill minim hiiiI Mm M M Hurst Mr, anil Mr iMk H;ill.iT. Mr a nil Mr J I W uii-l Rejt, .111 i Mr Om W..I In,.. I in I'.iiikk i.ilhi .Saturday ri'lurii 1na Siiinl.i. win-;. Hi... rlatted Mr ini int. II K Hurwt home. Mr. I llollenneca at tne Muuntttiu vm ; ranch. Iil evenli.g at eight o'clock In high AChMl n'rmlil room .1 oonamaalt) Mating will be held tor nil County Superintendent Mls Z r.i router win pk upon the "Kn i.ii M '' i Probte ni end rhvir PrdM I'lillllli A tr r i.-u : nrl W T Ulllei. all I umiK On Thur-day nfternii.ni Mr. II It Kirkin a i ,m li lo .i mutt di-llght-ful affair Whkh wan n ahnm-r In honor of ber fri"ini unil neighbor, About flfi friend" . ii Mr Beyer, she Ihlnki: ''ini ill Hi v hI'1 i from In o'clock to 10;30 ami uk In tin' morning to II nil fur tin. w Inter gtoathi I'll" meetings wlilrli hue I n In. mini till In Hi,. Bret hern ehuTi li Ml anil Mr- II K Itohltiftoll en- I'Tt.i il Mr anil Mr. (. t . atom or Pajrojtte ami Mr ami Mm I-'. A. I. iii'i' mill children Sunday. Mr ami Mr Mi'lvln Carpenter en tertelned landa) Mi nmi Mn Bee i ocl Sllllllllj Mm N I' y oi ki') pi'iit Uii wi'i'l. nil with Mn S M TIhiiiiuh Mm W K. Shaw arrived laM Wffk ami will upend the wlntet with her mgggil at Cryatal b Rei Oea Mlehler wire elneed i Banco of CtyeUI Mel Uh L i (ar- S'ui im ereatoi itm ami Mr i. i poatar family i r i. 'ft Monday fur Portlaad win.tr The .i c Stealer (naitly bnd a hi Fill minion, meeting! The ihIk gui-il Sunday Mlaa tEhel (Healer and bnnd "f Hi" llnHiirn I'liurili (iiirdncr I'limon. of Cnldwell. the irerj lat area! lag end halafal fail Tneelni fnillj mill Mi nnd Mir the gw ii tn leave they muHical program siindiu evening Arthur Orelntl .mil baby t Payette, Ml Bayer to the dining Thankagttrtag they win no to Welaerl i on Mul in lu . Hit "inlier 2nd, a re- repllon will he Riven In .liiinl" V MeCall will fpe.iU mi "Co ni aoelal time Mi.. i-"t-i. inn or Itnral retire Snort talk', wit. letueil nfrel il i. li. itlteii h It..) lluru'i "Tin RenHim Why we Ilulld S bool ii) iiie get 'id'Mit nf 1 1 . ' be i board Mt M.n kiiiMoti. by the pre i. lent 01 rmiiii where sin wiii ii.hl Unit thoand Rive it In the church there. Man) parkagee which mured the ta- (Inn Davl ami Mr. Stewart of Mr, Mori Phllllpi. and nnd Mm Zack Walker atnpp d Bl the r-in . nttttlve of th" Mothera cirrh . ble nil belonged to-her. Nee l'l iikmii h rniitideil up must nf g Mm Walker' IMer, Mjm , ,,,. ,, the nigh el I and Be 01 ! i la) afternoon Hi" Wii-line their cattle which have been out mi Hi- grade laankera and h a meabei eighth gt de airin rni to play thejtka hiiin near tfaoew and hrnuRht I i; inlinr M M llnrHl anrehaaid a Kurd lant iii Oi.. motor claa. v l..ini i. . ell Krtiltlund elnlith rade Rlrla a Ram- tliem Into winter pnature near Kalkn week. In- kiw ii to the upeaker In honor ni of hanket hall Tin- smr.- wu 12 to BtOra, 1 it weak Mr Stewart In l.e.ter HiM.ker reiiirM.il froin ne.ir tl(. visitor In the doinllr science ti In favor of Waaho. Prof, lad- nliort nlnmt N head while Mr. Davla II Sunday where he han bOM room I'rof Nell-u.n will have tin niun Bled the Rlrls ! Is nliort uhout Is Kemp. Oregon state nraaMMl of the W (' T V at 2 p in. In Mathodlxt churrh A ri-Riilar Inislm ., meeting will niun he held at which aha will III .lead of tile till Kverytiody wel- iImurIiIit. fnniil MIhs K.tliel Uelaler and I'amons of Caldwell nutoed down Sal- onluy In ine i ary lusnuia noin. lh, Ml , ,,.. W1,rkii ,,i, a nan.il music In hand Remember to atteuil Mr mi. I Mrs Wm llol.lnlierk were' If Jack Krost hml nm l,e..n e. i' Mr and Mra I'iiiihtih of l-tha j gfg, gg)4j gffg Peter I Johniui am: n,i, nie.itlog. hunt and honlee Mto a dinner mrt tle last week the M It 1'owell famltyl ' vlaltml the L H. Rich limne Irlday ,wn,jr uutod to HIr Willow Hun i'rof II A llayniaa of the C. I Siimla) The cue-ts were Mr and Would have feeated on ripe atrawber-1 Skatea hollow ground and aharpen- Mr. Pomeroy waa a Krultland bual- diy , ,hl, w A yr ,one Mm ut Caldwell vlalted Prof. Cotton ggeltMra, II It Russel and Mary of ("aid- rlea, the vlnen were well loadd wttu'ed for good akatlna for 3.1 renta per Rive an address. IowIiir Tueaday. noma . Ayern rlurned with her daiiRhler for th.. nchool M In aitcrnoou well. Mth I I Hunter I Mr and Reed alied brrlen the wee.k. The Couitn unit) Olee club met Muu Mm (lias Rich and children I Mr. Yaaer of llllnoln, who Is ilslt- jy nyroioR for their flrwt practice The II Y. P V. held their bulne Iiir her hrother, I. II. Khey and lam- t u under Prof. Nellaoo'a direction and nodal meetinR at the Hev. I". Ily. la vlaltlDR the Sam MlRh home at Uil numbers II metubem llurti h home Tuenday evening. neaa vlaltor. Mlaa Lucy Kifllamler returned to Unite Monday. Oeo. KwIiir oi Ietlia vlalted the It W Grover home Sunday and Monday Mr. and Mm. It. H iiuHei auioeu Nw iylU(y,lri ,M, Mk. o,, hundred and fifty fntdlna The ueen Kithem met at the llurx from Caldwell Saturday returnlna i A)lu, ghamherRer returned from chalm were received to be u.ed lu home Tueaday evenlna Martha Wll- Sunday Mr. Rumtel beKan hla work Norlh y.Rin,,, Krlday Mlaa Sham- the aaaembly room of the hlh achool on wax leader. lo the aaaeaaora office Monday. R. berier haa beeo away worklna In the one hundred dollar worth of ow Road Commlaalou II J Puchart f, Madden, who waa appointed to fill frul, 0(ut three ruontha In Oregon reference book were reoelved for (InUhed the road between the Wheal the vacancy uauaed by the removal of .Bd Weahlngton. Hi library don and the Weir corner thla week. Mr Chronopher, will remain In of-; MrH ( j Bntllli of Payette U with Mrs II. R h'roat eave a aurnrlae W. II. Veatal. road commlaaloner. fln- her daughter. Mm. 7ane shubert. 'party in honor of her huaband'a birth- lahed graveling the road from thai Crank Richard of (dea. Nebr , ;da. Tueadar evening. Mr. Kroat'a Carnlflx home to the entrance of the enroute to California ntopped from 'parent from gg0. South Dakota. Santa Roa ranch The road In and Saturday to Monday with hi friend were preaent. A very pleaaant een- around Krultland are now In good I th B. K. Tif-lag family. Dg waa apent by the gueata Mra shape Mr Roy Sparka apent Monday Kroat erved lovely refreahmenta. R. C Klelder la building an addl- wlth the Kred Hard family at Pay- Arnold Walker, archltet. from tolo on to hla houae giving them four gajg Mr Kurd who I Mm Spark fayatte waa a bualata ftaltor at the morn rooma. pair at Mamden'a ahop. 4S-47c flee until the flrt of January. Mr. EVERY BODY KNOWS IT W fun YtiHtar Tailor Made Suit There la a peculiar dMtlnction In the fit and workman- tip which put It In a cla by It aelf, and the wearer In a cleat by hliuaelf. with other Utlor garhi'd men When we make It your ault la made to fit you, end not a wooden dummy. No two forma are eiectly alike, hence no ault patterned after a dummy will give you an exact fit, auch aa you get when we take your In dividual measurement $20.00 to . $50.00 And gggj where between COPE THK TA,,(,U Oppuaile PnatonVe Phme 105 W Expert Service Reasonable Charges and The kind of uvatiiicntSicaily custoniors deserve Is the principal upon which we do business. . ee carried for kinds of CATS. Gasoline, Lubricating Oils and Supplies, Ontario Auto Co. PETE DUFORD, Prop. Phone JM uncle presented her with a Shetland pony and colt. N. 8. Hunt of Kmmett. spent the weak end at the Grant Klaher home , He als. vlalted the II. H. Kennlon and I.. II Khey home. S V. Yoi-t waa taken to the Ontario hoapltal last Wedneaday. The I. M. ('apron family attended Mra Capron'a father. Kd ilerry'a 7 3 birthday ennlveraary at hla home at Ontario, Sunday. Nineteen member of the family were preaent. Mm Ilerry'a brother. Henry Olfford of l.ovel, Wyoming, cutue a week ago will make hi home near Ontario. Ill nephew. Arthur i;iliur.i, thiiw.i ,..., r. Sunday. The aniioun. ement of the marriage of Mlaa Florence Dale of l.ln.'oln, Nehr . and Nellie Kline of Mampton, Nehr last TueHday, hai. been received hi Mime of her friend Mlaa Dale wiih here with Mr (Jeo Child 4 .il ear ago h i has aller went to Payette .Siin.la She If ft for Pendleton, Or . I in -ila. Mr. .aller has emplo- iiient there. ' Mr and Mm Wm Pratt of Welaer autiieil up Suuiluy evenliiK lo attend 'the serviie at the llrelhern church Mrs ltUHel and daughter. Kilith. of Ontario and Mm Caffon anil .l.niK liter of Kmetl ai (ended the line feast serine at the Hrctheiii church Fri day eening The Clarence Kaufman fainil of New l'l iiiuiilh spent Silliilay at the Milton llower lioine Mr and Mrs A I. tlorliain ainl .Mr ami Mi- I atgggfgg gf I'aveKe Sunilay gueata at the 1). I). Boliagar bogaa M,-,.i anil M. -.hiiiiis Will, anil llerhert lloiuaii auloeil In the Allen Sli-K.il l.i.ine near New I'lyinuutli Sun day Mr New hou ut I" Fruit laii.i bnaiaaaa rialtof Icaii Ttteadaj Mh oi. l ill stle sileure teaehai Pgyagta rlattaf s.iiur gay Mrs N I' fOCal w.ni to I'mni.i m visit her parent. She will attend the noant) Innday Mhaol loiiMinion ai Oaldwall on Tknradaj .mil Fnilay K.-ii (i.-il mill ltnni" I. in n of I'.iiiiie weie Im uMai visitors at Kllilnett llll III' iii it ii Roblaaoa aatortalaad ul, o ut g ilozeti of her friends and netgbbora lo dlaaar iat Tharaggj The iadiea lied and tinlehed Iwa 'con, ioii. Im Mm. Robinson and en joyed the social afternoon. J W Haya of Glenns Ferry came gej up Satirdav (o ist( Mr ad Mrs O ' Kev. Ford Hunch moved Into the H It lllack house near the M. It Powell home laat week. Mr and Mra Roy Spark moved to F. Taylor house In town thla Roomer home Monday. Mm A. It Klnewalt of Huffalo. New York, visited Mlaa Opal Croud Sunday. Mr. Knberg spent several darn last the 8 week with her daughter. Mabel, In week. Rolse Joel liayer haa the cellar dug and The freshman agggg gave a partv I lie foundation for hi new bungalow In honor of the sophomore claaa at waa laid thl week Mr liayer will the Grant Fisher home Friday nvnu build a neat, modem home Grover Ing. Abont alxty were preaent. The McOee ha the overaeelng of the evening was a most enjoyable one building. with pantomime and game It paased At the Methodlat Sunday school all too quickly Profs. Cotton. Hall. board meeting laat week I. 8. Mack aud Kenlaon. the Mte While andllnaon waa elected a auperlntendent Nlcoley were Invited guests lively ggj the reelgnatlon of II. It Rusael. huieiit of sandwiches, ronon. The hour for servhe has been chsng- HOME VISITORS EXCURSIONS To Points East in (IVIOV MCSftO HVHTKM) Tickets sold Following roundt trip f:ei apply from Ontario To Dearer $.".! 50. Omaha or K. C. IS4.00. St. I.oui ii.:. Memphis 174 HO Chicago, 173.71. Minneapolis or St. Paul $70 tt Oct. II; Nov. 8 Itec. 10 and It. Limit 10 day Ask O. S I.. Agent for further detail M, Ml Proportionately oiliiu pulula. low ratea to many "l.et'a go back east to old aceues aud old frleuda for a good old fashioned holiday rlalt." Madal M- $795 - tim 795 I. o. b. TeUdw iI WlfC5 Mad'' 85-4 aw an gWll SCgfl BaggkaW fa Oe b. ToUdo all These Tremendous Advantage More power 35 horsepower motor. More room 112-inch wheelbase. Greater comfort - long, 48-inch cantilever rear springs and 4 -inch tires. Greater convenience- electrical control but tons on steering column. Bigger, safer brakes g vice, 13 ; sx2 ' ; emer gency, 13x2' . Better cooling you never heard of an Over land motor overheating. C aBBBBBwaa These are tremendous ad... over any thing to be had in otlur . I for anywhere near as low a pi ice. And they make it hard for us t; keep tip with orders. The factory has never yet caught up with the demand. You OUght to own one of these cm nothing so big and fine fin the money. Come in and order yours now. ONTARIO AUTO CO., Dealers ONTARIO, OREGON The WUiya-Overland Company, loledo, Ohio "M.d. la U. 3. A" A