PAT.F TWO TUB ONTARIO AROnt TIMHSIiAT, NOVKMrKlt IS, 1 !M iV, HAvAAi! carleaaY Four nntl One-half I:iv - Pi m California Shores hy the F'lnatirii Palace s. s. GREAT NORTHERN Jk.i V"L i V mil. W" l V It Fx'm i (.. I ! nl HILO and HONOLULU Via l.oa Angelea SAILINGS FROM SAN FRANCISCO. HER 7 wo. 7 77 Dm. II; Jan. 4, 23; Feb. 12; March 6, 23 Tle.nitim unil IIIMUoi nf the RaTO liial I. ...I... I i.i n iifii Irddrr Tfl H1 luf ill" I Inition. at licVtrt oflictn, or upon Mail re QJMtU Kouiul Tripn 1.w nnd! up, frmii l n I rjiuiH'O. Airiltn local railway aftnU or ad drnnn R. M. Cnmler 'Aaat I'l-rtlanM ON H A Juk. Tt.c M.mtrt aVC- Market ft -'' r runim. HONOLULU Bl'RF RIDCK OIL HELD REVIVAL MANIFEST AT VALE UoImi Mr Pun lmr In llhng Hlua ml II I HIJ (iinfemplMle huilli- or Mearrli for oil. The t'npllal Newa of llolne hub Hint ii Weatern I'aciric Oil it Uaa com pall) of Ihul ill) lui- pun huned drill iiik machinery nl Vale .mi I cnntem platea work tn develop the in 1. 1 mere The capital Sewn aajn rim Waatara I'uclflc OH Uaa conip.ini of lloise. lnit- liiiiil office In In the Overland IiiiIIiIIiik. pun ' a complete standard drilling rig he longing to li.ilin MUCH of Hakor, Ori' Thin rig Iikh aufflrlent powrr In drill down In a depth ( "iOOO r ! Three yeara ago KrMtiklln (! Wlllci nf lierry. N M . secured an option on lour ntandard drilling rlga In what I locally known ax Vale'a eolith oil th-ld Two of thene rlga belonged to W. T. Davldnon of Vain, nnr to I loin n Mlh" of Maker, mid MM I" hurh Hcngrove of SpokniH' It wmh onli ri-iintli Hint Mr Wll ! wan compelled lo give up HUr to two of m rlga, Mr Wllley having lefl tin- Vale fii'ld lit- dorniiint them- t In yeara T W. Ilnildson of Vale who for a ii rn t..-r of yearn han (hen inurh of his linn' mid money In nn effort to him- IIiIm ml in-Ill dm eloped, mid Mill Iihh nn iihldlliK fnlth tluil llil- Ih a rcivl oil field, cot n w illey ii)i two it i Mr I m Tills i Ifl in I '- (int.- II Ml ' :im : in! oilier ! to Ids. inn i I- pi- I ' m-rul ' Manager of tfea Wwttra Padfle oil 'a Oaa ootnpanv ol BoIm Mr Hmld-I on had Mr M r lOOl 0r Hi" rlBP' ,Ht tin- soiitn .ii Hi-id aavtral M- Mr Mayan ataa to atatn im-l i it ban t mi f lh lat iridnj iirouKtii oiiiir afftoan 'of hln nimpanw here Tin i- men lire. v. N Maavaa, pnaldaat; L s 8av-! hiK''. HKntarj aa I "J loaaaaa),! iraaaarar Mr iiiii-on aaaonaaa led thaaa four no-n aa lln-ir trip i-ij the sunt Ii Held After showing llMMB the indleatloiirt, they aUM lieranie1 M-ry fivorahl) linprenned illi the ... I.: T! : p...i..,t il.. semdard riK. Im lildiiiB nil the toola and 'l nlp- meiit Hint iieiiniK'-ii io iioiin MUaa, A iiiiiiplido tandnrd drllllnK rlR ronKlatK of a 4fi-hor!f power Polled nnd a 25-horae power oil well engine; two HtrlnRH of tool to drill a hole Irom 14 Im In - down to four Inrhen; hull wheela, i nlf wheel, cnainR Idorks loinpPli with uteri rahlen, aatld l 1 with steel niwul line romplete; fililnK tool Ruch a three aeta of -dip Micketa of varloiin altea, under n .mi rn, raniliR apeari. rope Hpenra, oinldnatloii -orketa. nnd varloua oth er Milling toola too numerous lo men lion The deal Inrlude a alandnrd der rlik l feel hlBh. with walking liemn and the foundation for the derrick and engine I addition Hie deal In elude another i tigllie nnd holler In lompleii- running order, which hue ior doing loiatlou and ta Hi-hnmcnl work In mill It Ion lo the idandard rig are many eitran audi aa drilling ntetna, a main xhafl, eii . dial Imo MVW taMI mill and are Juat an they conn- from the factory Thene also are Included In the deal Story of a Lady Killer IV CERA1J) tRET.N Th C.ll.r lien. If the liiillnm .elhir lep he painted while It Kill help In un many a fall In the dm k I'he in-iwr inih:iipi man In I In- world la he who la mil path-lit hi adier-lty . . . Mt. Vernon Players . . . THE MUSICAL TREAT OF THE SEASON Second Number of the Lyceum Course, given under the aus- pices of the Ontario Public Schools Dreamland Theatre Saturday, November 25 Single Admission 75c. Season Tickets $2.00 SKO VGAARD The Great Danish Virtuoso of the New York Metropolitan Opera assisted by a galaxy of Stars A rare opportunity t "far oiu- of tho great master musicians of the rentury. The Press Proclaims Him rneiiialleil. Each member of the talented company is an artist. The program appeals to all. Dreamland Theatre ONTARIO Wednesday, November 29 at1. , IIa ins pni-ed thr iiish n l7e of ly ptirid ftrtf when i I-ii n,e caavaln Till m hair Ik-ciih to i-crue i at I nl on-1 had tier head aliaied unit onhrcl a wig The wlgmnkrr a Kreai hman. rjirnnieil my head and lieTnre deiairt ing nkiil "Blond nnlr or rouge'" I underalnnd nolhlntr of any lan gtrige eicept A men. mii and did not know what he wan talklnu annul. Hut there l a Mil In all peranna lo ae knewlinlgr thai they do not understand ui no ten Iir r -r - ' laaaail at the mm aa though I waa delltnprai lug on what be Mid, then replied. "Oul, rouge ' Thin aeenied lo aatlnfy him. for be boned blmaelf out without another word. "I wonder whit he n.ild In me?" I mnaed after he had gone 'Waa It lha pi lie he waa apealilng of or lha lime H a a. o Imj flulehedV I found i-til what be bad aald when Ibe nig itme lo II waa a heaullful red. I ai-ii'ini him for baling made a wig of u h color, ami be eiiMo laid with tbt uaiMl Krem h abrug and geitirt. "Moualeur. I k y-u If you Un It blond, black or r. Ton any I make him red ' Peeing thai I bad aclliorlred Ih epl or, I nnirl no mir l-ul paid for I he wig like a nan The pi h-e being 97o. I ci. mil nut afford aimthei one ami anli Jeiled leiaelf lo wealing ll till uie own . be 1 1 ni lo- kn auiiuld renpianar II waa nholll ihla linir thai I re en ed aa anmiMneii- tn.le winien In a wo an n hand The nillrr nald Dial ahe bad neen ine on n nikhed In Ibe ho. pltal and hail been luipie-.eil with no aaajaanat a Pbe panned ibe gata Diiiiii-anon oter wnli a lol of alulT alaiiil my Iniellei lunl. iii lmw and othei faaiaiai Wkai bei akjaci i did mil kiiun, hut I did linm ilii there neie euioilonul iimmii kj the world who are BMj enoigh la ! Jum thai noil of Ihlng lli-weter. nlu. e nl.e gae me M Ii to her liiemlly. I paid no aiicullmi I-iM-r Hllei. tnliig It lid- Ihe Hie ami thinking no limn almni ll in ii I had rati it it It a I ladi fi lend of mlii i . I me Ihul gfca di - ii d In lull n i c i i in ii friend of I.. I ihlnk l aahl in me ' ihul to one a nlalik' I'lili-i. loll hnle In. i a nnl-h I Ih.nk i he hull ndiniiin y.-o ' ' 1 1 11 - - ' . . i - I ankl'il. "Of i lli-H - ii I.I he admire yl,i i -"i Inning si-ii i-ii-' "Oh il IiiiIimiImii ilonhdena null ellnln in V Ilii.ltllinlli i ".i i i llieh .. I Itillleleil I'hln m the nc i-iid .i-e of lolmhatioii of win. h K wa- Ihe niihjei I, anil I hefnn lo fn-l Utlltg Ad- id. like ll net uicil III uie. afler thin lal I omiUeat. thai nm gill n lin lame mar me nan alrWl wlib uie. I walled liupallenlly for nil fill-nil lo InliiMline me In lo; lc tun l-lll llolhllig lame "f ll and I Wnn beglniiing lo nellle lIuWM In Ihe opln Ii-ii thai I waa ii"l. afire all. a ladi killer w hen annlliii nmuau friend ol mlue a. iid to uie one da;: "I vi.-uid like In l.ii.-n nbeiher or nl t--ii mii ii lute potion i, l.-.m ton " V Ii do inn aa.t that)" I aaked mi finger endn tingling and my heart Ini rea.lug iia heal "Oh. noililiig. frlii, d of mine' "N'elir "A friend nf mine waa going lulu rapnne. mil tun Oie oilier da.t "W lial did nhe hate to a itnniil me "I dmi I Ihlnk 'hal the flatleiing Ihlnga aald of peinoim ahoiild lie n pealed Ml I In in mii t mm than the din agreeahle 'lilnga." Thai I- fell I til iil of her Hi ihla lime I felt auie there wa aouirlliliiL. al-i-i I nit appeu i inn ttmi allracled llu lair ael I nlond hefnif a uilrioi ii ting lo jliai nti-i nlml ll wn li -celiied lo lue If lilt "ini hln.k In k. deioiHled tut heini I tt.illld he iwaaahly guud looking Inn mt ...i.i-i tlin I -olisldi-led npulled Ihe tl hole Then ll in- lined In lue ih.n ll..-.-'lnsi.s" lien unnle aim e I hud Ii d ll tind Ii truck me Ihul lin-. oVii-i he ihe se- i el of mt lUCfajM One etening Ml n dinner Ihe honlcn. taiuie lo mt- iiml sMid she aTUtlM lull" rime me in Ihe Indt who n o In- un I'llHlpailloll .il tuhle Slit- look on lo iiiii- win- Un- in 'iiiinl ahe ii me Itartetl "i tlWaah una.t fmm me 1 gut pcatll h.ll In I inn tteie lled o mt Ik The liosiesn lo.-ki-.l hi her In un Iniilnhiut'iil. hill l in- .-lln-r, n t erhik" lieiself. look mt iiiiii nnd ttf in. ii. hed lok-elhcr lo Ihe 1II11I111; loom. I'.i-mi.-i uilrioi', I -,iv III. il mt am i- and nil wig wei hoi Ii ten led Mi dllllier --iiii'iiiiioii. n In n -iili-l nil lie. I from me for .in aniin.iied i mi rang loll with a man nilling mi Ihe tiler nlde of hit She s. i- eh gpaltg R aurd m nn- llurttag Ihe dinuei 'I'liis iii-iIii I hloiik'hl me lo nn .elites and I lesolied lo make un in rMtlntlua Rafan i got ii igh i knetf mole i tmii I w inhi'd in know til these w.iuieu who ml ml e. I me wen one un- deiuiiie . oiup.inlon She hud seen me In ihe Im-pltal ami. heln, iggraaire lunlead of leiliing. had wiliien me Ibe anont lumni leltei She had neeu uie with hlack hair falling over while temple. Meeting uie at the dinner party, 'be aaw uiy amiel wig. The effei t wai imr nnlr dUeui'liniiHiik ul Irritating Moinhn later I appenred Pefore hei , mi own natural hair She had hi his lime lecoreie.l from Ihe al-n. k i -i.i.d he ihe wig and I had lin! " i - n. h i i k i i on inin Vale Hot Springs SANITARIUM VALE, OREGON Board, Rooms and Baths. Massage, Diet, Rest RHEUMATISM OUR SPECIALTY DR. TH0S. W. THURSTON, Superintendent STARTLING NEWS In order to clean un on my Fall and Winter Hats will sell at cost and less. Ladies' and Misses Dress Hats, $1.7 and up. Larpe assortment of Giris" mm Boys' Hats. 3oc and up. Large line of Wool Toques, all colors, for ladies and children, at low prices. Would like to close out my line of embroidery thread. Royal Society Embroidery Silk, 3 for 10c. Royal Society Embroidery Mercerized 5 for 10c. Don't fail to see our goods before buying. It will pay you. THE OSRORN MILLINERY The Home of f Jood Goods. Christmas Goods BUY EARLY AND THEREBY GET YOUR PICK OF THE STOCK We now have on display a large variety for the Children in Tovs, Dolls, Doll Bug gies, Wagons, Velocipedes, Rocking Hor ses, Dishes hina and Metal, Games, Books and many other things too num erous Go mi n'ion here. Our stock ; i I variety of Fancy China is large and reioct We also have a ariety of pieces in Cut Class at prices surpris ingly low. We want you to come and look our stock over. Our prices are normal and are not raised for the occasion. The Variety Store Ontario, Oregon m f ihe moiion oici ures-f L vW Jw iH Nk?S TBttm.' A?? it So " a t MEM) MAKES THE GOOD ONES Best Theatres. Sec ihemaf ilief m Try The Argus for Want Ads " jfc